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Feature Review

Cellular and molecular longevity

pathways: the old and the new
Vassiliki Nikoletopoulou, Emmanouil Kyriakakis, and Nektarios Tavernarakis
Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas, Heraklion 71110, Crete,

Human lifespan has been increasing steadily during Lifespan extension depends on the presence of the somatic
modern times, mainly due to medical advancements gonad; removal of somatic gonadoblasts abrogates the
that combat infant mortality and various life-threatening longevity phenotype. Consistent with these findings,
diseases. However, this gratifying longevity rise is increased proliferation of germline precursor cells is detri-
accompanied by growing incidences of devastating mental and is inhibited by longevity-promoting mutations
age-related pathologies. Understanding the cellular [4].
and molecular mechanisms that underlie aging and reg- Recent work in Drosophila melanogaster indicates that
ulate longevity is of utmost relevance towards offsetting ablation of the germline by forced differentiation of germ-
the impact of age-associated disorders and increasing line stem cells (GSCs) results in lifespan extension in
the quality of life for the elderly. Several evolutionarily
conserved pathways that modulate lifespan have been Glossary
identified in organisms ranging from yeast to primates.
Caloric restriction: a dietary regimen based on low calorie intake.
Here we survey recent findings highlighting the interplay Cellular senescence: the phenomenon whereby normal dividing cells cease to
of various genetic, epigenetic, and cell-specific factors, divide after reaching a specific number of cell divisions (also known as
and also symbiotic relationships, as longevity determi- replicative senescence). The term also describes the irreversible growth arrest
that occurs when cells encounter stress. With the possible exception of
nants. We further discuss outstanding matters within embryonic stem cells [162], most division-competent cells, including some
the framework of emerging, integrative views of aging. tumors cells, can undergo senescence when appropriately stimulated
Dietary restriction (DR): refers to undernutrition without malnutrition. Does not
Pathways that control longevity across species: known
imply reduced intake of a specific food group.
mechanisms and new findings DNA methylation: an epigenetic signal that cells use to lock gene expression in
Aging is a complex process defined as progressive func- the ‘off’ mode. Occurs at cytosine bases of eukaryotic DNA, which are
converted to 5-methylcytosine by DNA methyltransferase enzymes. Some
tional deterioration associated with frailty, disease, and organisms, such as the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the nematode
death. Over the past decades numerous genes and condi- worm Caenorhabditis elegans, are thought to have no methylated DNA. In
tions have been revealed to influence aging across taxa. mammals, methylation is found sparsely but globally, distributed in defined
CpG sequences throughout the entire genome, notably in CpG islands –
Among the most comprehensively studied pathways are stretches 1 kb in length with high CpG content.
the insulin/insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) signaling Epigenetic regulation: involves chromatin and DNA modifications that are
(IIS) pathway and dietary restriction (DR, see Glossary). In heritable through cell division but that do not affect the DNA sequence itself.
Given that aging also affects post-mitotic tissues and entails senescence, the
this review we focus on recently identified mechanisms term is used here more loosely to also include non-proliferative cells.
influencing longevity, aiming to provide an overview of the Hormesis: a phenomenon whereby favorable outcomes occur in response to
relationships between different pathways that modulate low-dose toxins, drugs, or other stressors.
Immunosenescence: age-related decline of the immune response.
lifespan, as well as the evolving concepts and new chal- Inflammaging: chronic low-level inflammatory status associated with the
lenges pertinent to aging research. elderly.
Microbiota: the microorganismal population colonizing the body of metazo-
ans. Distinct microbiota are defined according to the origin of colonization (i.e.,
Signaling out of the gonad gut microbiota, skin microbiota, and oral microbiota refer to microorganisms
In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, removal of germ- populating the intestine, skin, and mouth, respectively).
Proteostasis: general protein homeostasis. It is controlled by biological
line precursor cells either surgically or genetically (in glp-1
processes that mediate protein synthesis, proper protein folding and traffick-
mutants) significantly extends lifespan [1,2]. This initial ing, protein degradation, and clearing.
observation has now been verified in different species [3]. Stem cell niche: the microenvironment within a tissue where adult stem cells
of that particular tissue reside. The niche interacts with the stem cell population
via cell contact and/or secreted factors that play key roles in regulating stem
cell function [165].
Corresponding author: Tavernarakis, N. ([email protected]).
Telomeres: ribonucleoprotein complexes located at the ends of chromosomes
Keywords: aging; inflammation; microbiota; senescence; stem cells; stress response.
and that are essential for chromosome protection and genome stability. They
1043-2760/$ – see front matter consist of tandem repeats of a G-rich DNA sequence (in vertebrates TTAGGG)
ß 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tem.2013.12.003 which is bound by a six-protein complex known as shelterin. Telomeres also
perform additional functions. In particular, they mediate the transcriptional
silencing of genes located proximally to the telomeric region (a phenomenon
termed subtelomeric silencing), and they ensure the proper segregation of
chromosomes during mitosis (reviewed in [54]).

212 Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, April 2014, Vol. 25, No. 4
Review Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism April 2014, Vol. 25, No. 4

males and females [5]. GSC ablation influences the meta- The target of the IIS pathway, relevant to longevity is
bolic homeostasis of the organism, resulting in hypoglyce- the transcription factor FOXO that is encoded in C. elegans
mia, while at the same time causing changes in the activity by the daf-16 gene and in Drosophila by the foxo gene
of the insulin pathway that are reminiscent of insulin [25,26]. In C. elegans, daf-16 deficiency completely abro-
resistance [5]. Further analysis indicates that signaling gates the lifespan extension observed in mutants for daf-2,
from the gonad controls longevity via multiple families of the worm insulin/IGF receptor ortholog, or age-1, the worm
transcription factors, including in particular the vitamin D phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase ortholog [25]. In the mouse
receptor ortholog daf-12, the FOXO ortholog daf-16 [2], the there are four FOXO genes and, although their roles in
HNF4a-like nuclear hormone receptor nhr-80 [6], and the regulating cell metabolic responses, particularly to insulin,
FOXA ortholog pha-4 [7]. These transcription factors are have been studied in a variety of tissues, including the liver
involved in diverse processes, suggesting that germline and the brain [27], their contribution to longevity at the
removal globally impacts upon the physiology of the nema- organismal level still remains elusive. Genetic variations
tode to promote longevity [3]. One of the suggested in the FOXO3 gene have been associated with longevity in
mechanisms involves induction of autophagy by fatty acids several different human populations, for example, among
[7], which in turn regulates energy homeostasis and pro- German centenarians [28–30]. However, it has yet to be
tein quality control. shown whether the effects of reduced IIS on lifespan are
Additional findings indicate that a component of the directly dependent on FOXO activity in mouse models or
pro-longevity mechanism induced by germline removal is other mammals.
the DAF-12 steroid receptor [8–10], which is involved in Similarly to the IIS pathway, the role of the TOR path-
the transition between larval stages L2 to L3 and upregu- way on aging is remarkably conserved. There is strong
lates members of the let-7 miRNA family. These miRNAs evidence that this pathway mediates the effects of DR on
target the early larval nuclear factor lin-14 as well as the lifespan (reviewed in [31]). In S. cerevisiae, DR due to
akt-1 kinase gene, resulting in the activation of DAF-16/ limitation of glucose has been shown to robustly extend
FOXO, a key transcription factor that promotes lifespan lifespan. Replicative lifespan, measured by the number of
extension under conditions of low IIS activation [11]. Thus, replication events from a single mother yeast cell, is
germline removal extends lifespan by stimulating DAF-12 increased when TOR activity is abolished. Furthermore,
signaling and the expression of let-7 miRNAs, which dimin- lowering glucose levels does not further extend lifespan of a
ish expression of the serine/threonine-protein kinase AKT- tor1 deletion mutant [32]. The TOR kinase modulates a
1 and LIN-14, thereby derepressing DAF-16/FOXO [12]. wide range of targets and biological processes. A compo-
Collectively, these findings demonstrate that lifespan nent of the nutrient-responsive mTOR signaling pathway
extension via the gonad is multifactorial and involves and TOR target is ribosomal protein S6 kinase (S6K),
the regulation of several processes including glucose and reduced activity of which extends lifespan in both worms
lipid homeostasis. and flies [33–36]. In flies, reduced S6K activity is required
for rapamycin, a TOR inhibitor, to extend lifespan [37],
DR: signaling through the IIS and TOR pathways whereas in mice, deletion of S6K1 extends lifespan and
DR, where caloric intake is reduced without reaching the produces a broad-spectrum improvement in aging para-
point of malnutrition, has been shown to extend the life- meters [38], such as the induction of gene expression
span of multiple species across the evolutionary spectrum, patterns similar to those seen in CR, whereas treatment
including non-human primates [13–15]. DR is thought to with rapamycin extends lifespan ([39]. In C. elegans, long-
trigger an evolutionarily ancient adaptive response to evity resulting from loss of RSKS-1 (S6K) depends on
changes in the environment, allowing the shift of energy several factors, including PHA-4 (FOXA) [40], heat-shock
resources from anabolism and reproduction to somatic factor protein 1 (HSF-1) [41], and AAK-2 (AMP kinase)
maintenance [16]. DR is often referred to as caloric restric- [38]. Because S6K controls protein translation, and given
tion (CR) because of indications [17] that reduction of that inhibition of protein translation increases lifespan
calories, not specific macronutrients (fat, carbohydrate, [33,35,36], one possibility is that TOR and S6K influence
or protein) in the diet, is important. However, work in lifespan via controlling protein synthesis. Indeed, the rate
both Drosophila and rodents suggested that essential of protein synthesis is reduced in long-lived worms with
amino acids, and particularly tryptophan, play a key role reduced RSKS-1 activity [33,35,42]. Nevertheless, how
in extending lifespan during reduced food intake [18,19]. reducing protein synthesis increases lifespan remains
Several nutrient-responsive signaling pathways have unclear. Reduced TOR activity also activates autophagy,
been implicated in mediating the pro-longevity effects of which is required for DR and reduced IIS to increase
DR, most prominently the IIS and the target of rapamycin lifespan in C. elegans [43,44] and for rapamycin to extend
(TOR) pathways [20,21]. In mammals, growth hormone lifespan in Drosophila [37]. However, the exact mechan-
(GH) produced by the pituitary gland induces the production isms by which increased autophagy ameliorates aging have
of IGF-1 in a variety of cell types, but primarily in hepato- yet to be elucidated (reviewed in [45]). A recent study
cytes. Similar signaling events are elicited by insulin. demonstrated a causal connection between induction of
Genetic manipulations that result in a reduction in either autophagy and lifespan extension, following frataxin
of the components of this axis (including GH, IGF-1 receptor, downregulation, a mitochondrial protein with putative
insulin receptor, or downstream intracellular effectors such roles in iron homeostasis [46]. Further work is necessary
as AKT, mTOR, and FOXO) have been linked to longevity, to clarify whether specific forms of autophagy, and parti-
both in model organisms and in humans [14,22–24]. cularly mitophagy, are implicated in longevity pathways.
Review Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism April 2014, Vol. 25, No. 4

Genetic and genomic determinants of longevity Analysis of mice deficient in the enzyme telomerase
Genome integrity and stability reverse transcriptase (TERT), exhibiting telomere dys-
Accumulating evidence indicates that aging is accompanied function, revealed a marked compromise in mitochondrial
by an increase in genome damage and instability [47]. In biogenesis and function in diverse tissues, suggesting
support of this notion, numerous progeroid diseases, rare that a fundamental problem in energy maintenance
genetic disorders that mimic physiological aging, such as the might contribute to the premature aging phenotypes in
Werner and Bloom syndromes among others, have been these mice [61]. These marked mitochondrial changes
associated with accumulated genomic damage [48]. Damage seem to be caused by the combined suppression of the
occurs during the course of a lifetime due to extrinsic or transcriptional co-activators peroxisome proliferator-acti-
intrinsic causes: the former include environmental insults of vated receptor g (PPAR-g) coactivator 1a (PGC1a), PGC1b,
physical, chemical or biological nature, whereas the latter and their downstream targets, and provide for the first
include mutations, breakage, duplication, or relocation of time a link between telomeric attrition and the metabolic
pieces of chromosomes, inability to detect and correct errors state of the cell. Indeed, telomere dysfunction activates
that arise from DNA replication, as well as progressive loss p53, which in turn binds to the promoters of the genes
of telomeric length. Several studies have demonstrated that encoding PGC1a and PGC1b and suppresses their expres-
experimental induction of DNA damage results in acceler- sion; accordingly, telomere-dysfunctional mice lacking p53
ated aging and compromised longevity. Conversely, a recent have normal expression of PCGs, normal mitochondrial
study demonstrated that increased expression of the serine/ DNA content, and improved biomarkers of aging [61].
threonine-protein kinase BUB1 beta (BubR1), a regulator Although cellular senescence is unequivocally a key
that acts as a mitotic checkpoint and safeguards the faithful component of aging [62], its contribution to the process
segregation of chromosomes, improves healthspan and of aging remains controversial. Senescence involves the
extends longevity in mammals [49], whereas, by contrast, irreversible proliferative arrest of damaged or dysfunc-
BubR1 mutant mice have a markedly shortened lifespan, tional cells, contributing to restrict tumorigenesis, but also
accumulate senescent cells, and exhibit a variety of age- leading to the accumulation of senescent cells that impair
related phenotypes [50]. the proper function of that tissue [62]. There is evidence
In a similar vein, a recent study showed that deficiency that senescent cells accumulate during the course of aging
of components of the nucleotide excision repair system in primates [63]; however, it has been difficult to establish
(NER) in C. elegans further increases the lifespan of whether cellular senescence contributes to organismal
long-lived mutants (such as daf-2 animals) [51], possibly aging. In a recent study, life-long removal of senescent
through an adaptive activation of stress signaling, but it cells from the BubR1 mutant progeroid mouse, using an
had no effect in a wild type background, in line with approach engineered to eliminate senescent cells positive
previous reports [52,53]. Moreover, NER deficiency leads for the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p16Ink4a by
to a striking transgenerational decline in replicative capa- administration of a drug, is sufficient to delay the onset
city and viability of proliferating cells. of age-related pathologies; however, its effect on longevity
Cellular senescence entails complex changes in cellular has not been assessed [64].
morphology, structure, and function. Among other features, In humans, premature aging syndromes also often occur
a gradual decrease in telomeric length at the ends of chro- due to mutations in nuclear proteins involved in maintain-
mosomes (known as telomere attrition) is a key contributor ing genome integrity. For example, truncation of lamin A, a
to the irreversible growth arrest of senescent cells. This major component of the nuclear lamina and nuclear ske-
occurs because DNA replicating polymerases are unable to leton, or lack of Zmpste24, a metalloproteinase responsible
operate at chromosomal ends [54]. These regions can only be for the maturation of prolamin A, cause Hutchinson–Gil-
replicated by the enzyme telomerase, which in somatic cells ford progerial syndrome (HGPS), a severe form of early-
is not normally expressed or expressed at very low levels. onset premature aging [65,66]. Expression of an aberrant
Thus, unlike in stem cells that express telomerase, chromo- isoform of prolamin A, named progerin, is also associated
somes of somatic cells are trimmed off their protective with aging in humans [67], and was recently shown to
telomeric sequences during each cell cycle, contributing to impair the differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells by
telomeric exhaustion and senescence. The link between inducing oxidative stress [68]. Consequently, defects in
telomeric attrition and organismal aging has become clearer nuclear lamina that have been repeatedly associated with
in the past few years with the analysis of mice engineered to human aging or cellular senescence, such as changes in
carry either longer or shorter telomeric sequences. Confirm- lamin-A, or decreased levels of lamin-B [69], are considered
ing the hypothesis, mice with longer telomeres exhibit as biomarkers of aging [70,71]. Taken together, these
increased lifespans whereas, conversely, mice with shorter findings demonstrate that loss of genetic and genomic
telomeres have shorter lifespans [55–58]. Moreover, recent stability is associated with aging and progeroid diseases.
work indicates that reactivation of telomerase in telomer- Moreover, mutations in key elements of the machinery
ase-deficient mice at an adult stage is sufficient to prevent that safeguards genetic and genomic stability result in
the decreased lifespan of these mutants [59]. In addition, accelerated aging and compromised lifespan.
systemic viral transduction of telomerase in wild type mice
resulted in extension of their lifespan without increasing the miRNAs
incidence of tumorigenesis [60]. At the post-transcriptional level, gene expression is regu-
A recent study provides additional mechanistic clues as lated by micro RNAs (miRNAs) – small, non-coding RNAs
to how telomerase deficiency can induce aging phenotypes. that function either by blocking translation or mediating
Review Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism April 2014, Vol. 25, No. 4

the degradation of mRNA targets (reviewed in [72]). The miRNAs in specific tissues or specific diseases. For exam-
primary miRNA transcript, transcribed by RNA polymer- ple, a recent study in mouse models of senescence suggests
ase II, is processed by the endonucleases Drosha and Dicer that miRNA-29, which is increased with aging, targets type
to generate a short RNA duplex. One strand of the duplex is IV collagen genes [81]. Type IV collagen is important for
loaded into the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) to the maintenance of the structure of the extracellular
bind to the target mRNA, whereas the other strand is matrix. Increased miRNA-29 levels in aged murine tissues
degraded. C. elegans has been instrumental not only in decrease type IV collagen expression and weaken base-
facilitating the discovery of miRNAs [73] but also in unra- ment membranes. Interestingly, in mice, let-7 targets var-
veling their role in longevity. For example, loss of function ious components of the IIS and mTOR pathways through
of the miRNA lin-4 significantly shortens lifespan, whereas the RNA-binding protein Lin28 [82], with important con-
lin-4 overexpression extends the survival of nematodes. As sequences for glucose metabolism. However, the effect of
demonstrated by epistasis analysis, lifespan modulation let-7 miRNA in longevity has not yet been determined.
requires the lin-4 target gene lin-14 [74]. Although the Thus, although it is becoming increasingly appreciated
mechanism downstream the lin-4/lin-14 axis remains that distinct miRNAs can either promote or decrease long-
elusive, it is known to involve some components of evity, more work is necessary to unravel their targets and
the IIS pathway. Indeed, lin-14 loss-of-function does not the pathways they regulate.
alter survival of long-lived insulin/IGF-1-deficient daf-2
mutants, but it does require the downstream target Stem cells and their niche during aging
DAF-16/FOXO to lengthen C. elegans lifespan. Adult or tissue stem cells represent small and quiescent
Additional miRNAs that can affect the longevity of C. populations that are present in multiple tissues, and thus
elegans through DAF-16/FOXO mediated gene transcrip- can specifically regenerate the cells of the tissue they
tion have recently been identified [75]. One such example is belong to. In this way, they largely determine the ability
miRNA-71. Loss of miRNA-71 function significantly of tissues to regenerate not only during the normal wear
decreases resistance to heat shock and oxidative stress, and tear but also in response to injury. Stem cell self-
and abolishes the lifespan extension of animals that lack a renewal, maintenance, and differentiation are ultimately
germline. Thus, together with secreted signals from the regulated by the integration of local and systemic signals
reproductive system, miRNA-71 likely targets a variety of with intrinsic factors that determine stem cell behavior.
factors across different tissues – culminating in the nuclear Not surprisingly, aberrant stem cell function not only is a
redistribution of DAF-16/FOXO in the intestine to extend hallmark of aging but it is also thought to contribute to
lifespan [76]. Moreover, miRNA-71 belongs to one of the tissue senescence and failed function [83] (Figure 1).
three miRNAs whose patterns in early adulthood were Adult stem cells in Drosophila include both the GSCs in
recently found to predict lifespan differences significantly. the ovary and the testis, and the intestinal stem cells
Although the levels of all three miRNAs increase with (ISCs) in the midgut. They all reside in well-defined niches
aging, miRNA-71 and miRNA-246 levels correlate with and have active roles in maintaining local tissue home-
lifespan, whereas miRNA-239 levels show reverse correla- ostasis, similarly to their mammalian counterparts [84].
tion [75,77]. Confirming earlier findings, miRNA-71 and Furthermore, it appears that additional stem-cell-like
miRNA-239 act upstream of the IIS pathway. Thus, fluc- compartments exist in Drosophila and are beginning to
tuations in the insulin pathway during early life, due to be identified [85,86]. By contrast, C. elegans consists only of
variation in these miRNAs or due to other causes, may post-mitotic cells, with the exception of germline precursor
determine individual lifespan. cells, the removal of which, as already discussed, earlier
The levels of miRNA-34 were also shown to increase confers lifespan extension. In mammals, stem cells are
with aging. In one study, miRNA-34 was found not to affect found in multiple tissues, including the hematopoietic
C. elegans lifespan [75], whereas another study indicates system, the nervous system, the skin, and muscle.
that its inhibition enhances lifespan by regulating autop- A straightforward notion posits that aging is accompa-
hagy [78]. In flies, loss of miR-34 triggers a decline in nied by an overall decline in the number of stem cells – and
survival [79]. Therefore, there is still some controversy that tissues fail simply because they run out of stem cells.
on the role of miRNA-34 in regulating longevity. Another However, this is not universally true. For most tissues
recent study demonstrates that a single miRNA, named there is more than enough stem cell potential, as best
miRNA-80, is responsible for shutting off DR pathways in demonstrated by serial transplantation of hematopoietic
C. elegans when food is available [80]. Deletion of miRNA- stem cells (HSCs), which can sustain mice across multiple
80 leads to activation of the DR pathways, causing an lifespans [87]. In mice, the number of muscle stem cells
extension of both the healthspan and lifespan of the nema- seems to be relatively constant with age, but may either
tode. Therefore, miRNA-80 acts as a core regulator of the increase or decrease depending on the specific muscle
nutrient response system, orchestrating diverse and inter- examined [88]. In the Drosophila midgut, aging is char-
secting metabolic pathways. It is not known, however, acterized by an increase in the percentage of proliferative
whether the levels of this miRNA fluctuate among indivi- stem cells [89]. However, there are also clear examples of
duals or whether they are temporally regulated. tissues in which stem cells do decline with age. In mam-
Several miRNA expression profiles have been generated mals, this is the case for neural stem cells, melanocyte stem
to determine changes during aging in mammalian cells and cells, and spermatogonial stem cells [90–93], which are
tissues. However, because lifespan assays are not as trivial typically exhausted because they fail to self-renew. In
with mammals, most studies have focused on the effect of neural stem cells, self-renewal is regulated by the FoxO
Review Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism April 2014, Vol. 25, No. 4

[97,98]. A recent study demonstrated that the aged muscle

Intrinsic age-related Extrinsic age-related stem cell niche expresses fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2),
changes changes compromising the quiescence and self-renewing capacity of
Reduced signaling a subset of satellite cells [99]. Sprouty1 (Spry1), an inhi-
Mutaons from the niche
bitor of FGF signaling, was found to be expressed in
dormant aged satellite cells. Increased FGF signaling in
Telomere arion Environmental stress/
aged satellite cells, by removing Spry1, causes loss of
quiescence, satellite cell depletion, and diminished regen-
Epigenec changes
Altered systemic cues erative capacity. Conversely, reducing niche-derived FGF
activity through inhibition of fibroblast growth factor
receptor 1 (FGFR1) signaling or overexpression of Spry1
in satellite cells prevents the age-related phenotypes.
Stem cell These findings indicate that an age-dependent change in
the stem cell niche can directly influence stem cell char-
acteristics and function [99]. Similarly, age-related deple-
Dampened tion in the Drosophila testis is also largely induced by the
Altered self-renewal responsiveness
to cues
aging of the niche. In young individuals, IGF-II mRNA-
binding protein (Imp) counteracts endogenous small inter-
fering RNAs to stabilize the cell adhesion molecule DE
(Drosophila epithelial)-cadherin and a key self-renewal
Aberrant differenaon signal unpaired (upd) RNA. However, similarly to upd,
Imp expression decreases in the niche cells of older males,
and this is due to the targeting of Imp by the heterochronic
miRNA let-7. In the absence of Imp, upd mRNA becomes
unprotected and susceptible to degradation, leading to
Tissue aging reduced self-renewal and stem cell depletion [100].
Additional mechanisms of age-related stem cell dys-
TRENDS in Endocrinology & Metabolism
function have also been postulated. Recent work examined
Figure 1. Overview of stem cell aging. Several factors can influence the aging of how both infectious and indigenous bacteria modulate
adult stem cells. These include intrinsic factors, such as the accumulation of
stem cell activity in the Drosophila midgut. These studies
mutations, telomeric attrition, and epigenetic changes, as well as extrinsic factors
such as reduced signaling from the niche, exposure to stress or infections, as well revealed that some bacterial infections induce stem cell
as altered availability of systemic cues. Integrating these age-related changes, proliferation via the JAK-STAT (Janus kinase/signal
stem cells may exhibit a decreased potential for self-renewal, leading to stem cell
exhaustion. Alternatively, they may fail to undergo differentiation or exhibit a
transducer and activator of transcription) and JNK (c-
biased differentiation potential, leading to the accumulation of stem cells or the Jun N-terminal kinase) signaling pathways. Similar
accumulation of one somatic cell type. Another possibility is that the effects, but of a smaller magnitude, could also be induced
responsiveness of stem cells to specific cues in their environment is dampened,
resulting in failure to function that is not accompanied by changes in stem cell
by indigenous gut microbiota. Indeed, altered control of gut
number. Compromised stem cell function associated with aging leads to microbiota in aged flies correlated with increased epithe-
decreased tissue homeostasis and maintenance. lium renewal [101]. The intrinsic and extrinsic changes
that could contribute to aged stem cell phenotypes, includ-
ing genetic and epigenetic changes that lead to altered
transcription factors [90,91], which are key effectors of the gene expression profiles, are reviewed in detail elsewhere
IIS pathway. In melanocyte stem cells, it appears that self- [102]. Future research in model organisms could test
renewal is impaired as a result of precocious differentiation whether delaying age-related changes in stem cells or their
and sensitivity to DNA damage [94]. In Drosophila, there is niches is sufficient to delay organismal aging, presumably
an age-related decline in the number of GSCs, which in a non-cell autonomous manner, and identify the sys-
results in reduced gametogenesis in aging males and temic cues involved.
females [95,96]. Both in mammals and in Drosophila,
although the loss of stem cells clearly has functional impli- Immunity, inflammation, and microbiota in aging: the
cations for their associated tissue, there is no evidence that good, the bad, and the ugly
it results in a reduction in lifespan. During aging, innate and adaptive immune responses gra-
Accumulating evidence suggests that with aging stem dually deteriorate, leading to immunosenescence. Upon
cells lose their ability to respond to cues from their envir- invasion of pathogenic organisms, innate immunity is trig-
onment, or alternatively that the cues themselves are gered as the first line of defense, through pattern recognition
dampened. As already mentioned, stem cells reside in receptors (PRRs), including Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and
well-defined niches and depend on this environment for cytoplasmic receptors, which recognize pathogen-associated
their proper function. For muscle stem cells (also known as molecular patterns (PAMPs). Innate immune responses are
satellite cells), it has been shown that with aging they fail followed and complemented by the activation of the adaptive
to respond well to extrinsic signals from their niche or immune system, particularly when innate immunity is over-
activate the necessary pathways, including Notch and Wnt whelmed [103]. These defensive mechanisms decline pro-
signaling pathways. As a result they exhibit an age-related gressively in the elderly, increasing susceptibility to
decline in proliferation and differentiation potential infections and causing low-grade inflammation (Figure 2).
Review Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism April 2014, Vol. 25, No. 4

Birth Puberty Middle-age Old-age Centenarians

colonizaon/ Microbiota stability Severe changes

Anbiocs Nutrion Probioc/prebiocs Environmental/genec factors

Factors affecng gut microbiota

Stress response Inflammaon
Immune development/response
TRENDS in Endocrinology & Metabolism

Figure 2. Human life cycle, microbiota, and stress responses. Recent studies shed light in the composition of the gut microbiota throughout life and elucidate their role in
aging. It is now known that microbiota colonization is initiated already from birth, and that the development of gut microbiota has reached the highest level by the age of 2
years. After maturation, microbiota remain mostly stable during human life, and significant changes have only been observed in centenarians. Factors implicated in
microbiota maturation and development are indicated. Stress and immune responses deteriorate during aging, causing low-grade inflammation and increased
susceptibility to infections, which collectively lead to severe maladies.

This age-associated, chronic low-grade proinflammatory SKN-1, DAF-16/FOXO, and DAF-19, that are involved in
phenotype, referred to as inflammaging, is caused by an stress responses and sensory neuron cilia formation, have
imbalance between inflammatory and anti-inflammatory also been shown to play a role in immunosenescence and in
mechanisms [104]. One such mechanism involves senescent pathogen resistance [111–113]. Similarly to human immu-
cells which may initiate and induce chronic inflammation nosenescence, C. elegans immune responses decline during
through a senescence-associated secretory phenotype aging, exacerbating mortality due to infection associated
(SASP) whereby senescent cells secrete a plethora of cyto- with a decline of the p38/MAPK pathway [114]. Recent
kines, chemokines, and proteases. SASP mechanisms as findings in mammals have shown that hypothalamic
well as therapeutic interventions designed against cellular immunity mediated by IkB kinase-b (IKK-b), nuclear fac-
senescence and SASP are reviewed elsewhere [105]. The tor kB (NF-kB), and related microglia–neuron immune
onset of immunosenescence transpires as early as at the age crosstalk determines whole-body aging, highlighting the
of 29 years in men and at the age of 43 years in women. It systemic impact of immunity on aging [115].
remains unclear how genetic, environmental and life style The molecular underpinnings of age-associated dete-
factors are associated with this difference [106]. This evolu- rioration of the adaptive immune system remain elusive.
tionary conserved and multifaceted phenomenon becomes An important emerging determinant that potentially influ-
apparent in advanced age, where vaccine efficacy is immen- ences the development and proper function of immune cells
sely reduced [107]. Thus, healthy aging may be promoted is commensal and symbiotic microbiota (Figure 3). Studies
through more efficient pharmacological and vaccination performed in germ-free animals demonstrate that, in the
strategies, based on deeper understanding of the mechan- absence of gut microbiota, the immune system is compro-
isms and factors involved in immunosenescence. mised, exhibiting a smaller immune cell population and
Innate immunity pathways are evolutionary conserved reduced expression of immune response molecules such as
from nematodes to mammals. In C. elegans, mechanisms TLRs and class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC
regulating immunity include the longevity-regulating p38/ II) molecules [116–118]. Microbiota colonization is already
MAPK, transforming growth factor b (TGF-b) and insulin- established during birth, through exposure to the skin of
like receptor pathways [108]. Activating innate immunity the mother in case of caesarean section or through expo-
with small molecules such as RPW-24, or the alkaloid sure to a more complex microbial population derived from
compound harmane (2-methyl-b-carboline), leads to an the birth canal during natural birth, determining micro-
increase in the lifespan of C. elegans under conditions of biota biodiversity [119]. After the first year, during which
infection with pathogenic bacteria, via mechanisms that microbiota composition fluctuates, the microbiota matures
modulate the p38/MAPK pathway and upregulate immune to resemble that of an adult (Figure 2) [120]. The human
effector genes [109,110]. Transcription factors such as body is dominated mainly by bacteria (Bacteroidetes,
Review Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism April 2014, Vol. 25, No. 4

infants exhibit a more favorable microbiota than for-

Anbioc mula-fed children, and changes also ensue with weaning.
Lifestyle Nutrion
Evidence from model organisms support this notion and
Probioc Prebioc
further outline the interaction between gut microbiota,
nutrition, and healthy aging [137–139]. As discussed ear-
lier, caloric restriction expands lifespan, but the under-
Healthspan Gut microbiota Lifespan
lying molecular mechanisms are still under debate. A
recent study discusses how caloric restriction gut positively
affects microbiota in C57BL/6J mice to exert a health
benefit to the host [137]. Furthermore, it was demon-
strated in non-human primates that the metabolic actions
Immunity Inflammaging of gut microbiota were altered under conditions of caloric
restriction, modulating the immune response of the host –
TRENDS in Endocrinology & Metabolism
and potentially influencing age-associated diseases and
Figure 3. Gut microbiota, immune responses, and inflammation: implications in aging of the primates [138]. Thus, there is growing appre-
health and lifespan. Emerging evidence has revealed extensive crosstalk between ciation of the importance of symbiosis, and that interac-
microbiota, the immune system, and inflammation pathways that influences aging
in humans. This interplay is mediated by various genetic and environmental
tions between host and microbiota may explain several
factors in addition to lifestyle. phenomena that have so far eluded understanding.

Proteostasis-related stress response pathways: Dr

Firmicutes, and to a lesser degree Actinobacteria, Proteo- Jekyll or Mr Hyde?
bacteria, Fusobacteria, and Verrucomicrobia), and a lim- One of the major hallmarks of aging is the loss of proteos-
ited fraction of archaea, viruses, and eukaryota, forming a tasis, allowing damaged proteins and organelles to accu-
complex ecosystem that is becoming appreciated as mulate, leading to diverse pathologies. The sophisticated
an important modulator of host health and disease, by machineries that restore protein homeostasis and normal
influencing host metabolism, immune responses, and phy- cellular and organismal function become compromised
siology [119–121]. Indeed, microbial diversity and home- during aging, leading to adverse outcomes including cell
ostasis has been linked to development, aging and diverse death. Some of these housekeeping mechanisms include
pathological conditions, including metabolic syndrome, the stress response pathways, the autophagy–lysosomal
cancer, cardiovascular diseases, stress, and obesity [122]. machinery. and the ubiquitin–proteasome system (UPS)
Compelling evidence derived from studies performed in C. degradation pathways.
elegans have shown clearly that bacterial metabolic activ- Aging is accompanied by a progressive decline in autop-
ity is required for normal growth and metabolism, with hagy [45,140]. It is now clear that normal autophagy is
alterations directly impacting upon animal development required for healthy old age and longevity. Accumulating
and aging [123–126]. Similarly, microbiota may exert evidence from animal models implicates autophagy in
direct or indirect effects upon host physiology by influen- senescence-regulating cellular pathways [45]. These find-
cing drug bioavailability and efficacy, or by metabolizing ings are fuelling novel strategies and approaches to pre-
drugs to beneficial or harmful metabolites. Several phar- vent or treat human diseases and impede aging through
macological substances have been found to exert adverse or induction of autophagy [141–144]. For example, peptides
secondary effect by altering the properties of microbiota derived from the autophagy protein beclin 1, developed for
[127–129]. For instance, metformin (a widely used anti- direct and specific induction of autophagy, have been
diabetic drug) was found to increase lifespan in rodents shown to reduce infection-related mortality [143]. Protea-
and worms, and this effect was attributed to altered micro- somal degradation pathways also decline during aging,
bial metabolism [127,130]. Thus, gut microbiota diversity and similar interventions could be designed to treat patho-
and activity has attracted much attention recently as a logical conditions [145]. Indeed, studies in yeast and C.
candidate determinant of longevity and healthspan. Sev- elegans have shown that augmenting the UPS improves
eral large-scale projects have been initiated to characterize protein homeostasis and extends lifespan [146,147], sug-
customary microbiota and their irregularities that are gesting that failure of proteostasis contributes to aging.
linked to disease [131,132]. Alternative proteostasis and quality control mechan-
During aging, profound microbiota modifications occur, isms also exist in different cellular compartments. Com-
indicating that sustaining microbiota function and biodi- ponents of the heat-shock response (HSR) neutralize
versity during aging is important for healthy aging aberrant protein folding, mainly in the cytoplasm, whereas
(Figure 2). Increasing efforts are focusing on how to pre- distinct unfolded protein responses (UPRs) serve similar
serve colonization of normal metabolically functional functions in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochon-
microbiota. To this end, pro/prebiotic consumption has dria. The IIS pathway regulates lifespan in part by con-
been suggested towards maintaining human microbiota trolling stress responses via the transcription factor PQM-
phylogenetic composition and suppressing frailty. Indeed, 1 (paraquat/methylviologen- responsive) [148]. Protein
diet has been demonstrated to have a broad impact on homeostasis in the cytoplasm is regulated predominantly
microbiota by promoting their biodiversity [133–135]. Par- by the heat-shock factor family of transcription factors
ticularly during early childhood, extensive changes take (HSFs) which coordinate the action of heat-shock proteins
place depending on diet composition [136]. Breast-fed (HSPs) [149]. Mitochondrion-specific UPR mechanisms
Review Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism April 2014, Vol. 25, No. 4

and the stress sensors are currently under investigation the mechanisms that control longevity. These include
(reviewed in [150,151]). In the ER, proteostasis is regu- experimental models from different phyla, including in
lated by intricate pathways, mediated mainly by the three particular S. cerevisiae, C. elegans, D. melanogaster,
ER stress sensors: the protein kinase R (PKR)-like ER rodents, and primates. Based on these models, several
kinase (PERK), activating transcription factor 6 (ATF6), signaling pathways have been identified that control aging
and the inositol-requiring protein 1 (IRE1) [149]. in a well-conserved fashion across the evolutionary spec-
Emerging evidence implicates miRNAs in the regula- trum, such as the insulin and TOR signaling pathways,
tion of stress pathways, probably by acting as rheostats of serving broad nutrient-sensing functions. Although indi-
the UPR machinery, coupling different arms of the UPR cations are accumulating that these pathways may operate
and regulating ER stress-induced apoptosis [152–155]. ER to influence similar traits in humans, more work is neces-
stress has been implicated in the hormetic regulation of sary to consolidate this hypothesis and develop molecules
longevity and aging, whereby that mild and acute exposure that can safely improve human healthspan and quality of
to stressors may be beneficial for the long-term survival of life in the elderly. In aid of such efforts, ongoing whole-
organisms (the concept of hormesis). The main function of genome sequencing of centenarians may reveal novel genes
UPR is to restore ER proteostasis through the attenuation that control human longevity or that can be alternatively
of de novo protein synthesis and augmentation of protein used for the development of useful biomarkers of aging.
folding by inducing the transcription of chaperones. How- At the same time, it becomes increasingly appreciated
ever, under extreme stress conditions, induction of cell that the process of aging can be modulated by several
death clears irreversibly damaged cells, limiting further factors representing genetic, epigenetic, and environmen-
systemic damage [156]. Recent findings in C. elegans indi- tal or tissue-specific components of an intricate control
cate that cell non-autonomous control of proteostasis network. For example, age-associated changes in stem cell
enhances adaptation to stress and promotes longevity pools have recently been analyzed; however, whether these
[157–159]. Thus, mechanisms controlling proteostasis changes are actually responsible for tissue failure during
emerge as attractive targets for interventions against aging is only beginning to be addressed (Figure 1). More-
morbidities caused by aberrant proteostasis. To this end, over, although the importance of specific tissue-stem cells
several small molecules that augment the maintenance of in organismal longevity is clear in some invertebrate mod-
proteostasis are being investigated for their effects on els (for example in Drosophila [89]), the relationship
pathologies and aging in multiple model organisms between stem cell function and organismal longevity has
[160,161]. yet to be demonstrated rigorously in mammals. Novel roles
are also emerging for chromatin modifiers in the regulation
Concluding remarks and future perspectives of cellular and organismal senescence. With respect to the
Driven by changing demographics in the recent decades, aforementioned putative role of stem cells in aging, it will
the field of aging has built up solid resources to investigate be interesting to determine whether modulation of specific

Box 1. Epigenetic regulation of longevity

Chromatin is broadly divided into two types: transcriptionally inactive It is long known that, during aging, mammalian cells undergo a
heterochromatin and transcriptionally active euchromatin. Whether global decrease in DNA methylation, whereas some promoters
chromatin forms euchromatin or heterochromatin depends on mod- become aberrantly hypermethylated [175–177]. These include pro-
ifications of the histones and DNA. For example, acetylation of the N- moters of several tumor-suppressor genes [178], suggesting that age-
terminal tails of histones promotes the formation of euchromatin, related methylation changes increase cancer susceptibility. To
whereas DNA methylation promotes heterochromatin formation. determine whether histone methylation regulates lifespan, Brunet
Histone acetylation is controlled by histone acetyltransferases and colleagues performed a targeted RNA interference (RNAi) screen
(HATs), enzymes that add acetyl groups to histones, and histone in C. elegans and identified the ASH-2 COMPASS complex which
deacetylases (HDACs) which remove acetyl groups [166]. In S. trimethylates histone H3 at lysine 4 (H3K4). Deficiency in members of
cerevisiae, inactivation of the histone deacetylase, Sir2, shortens the ASH-2 complex, including the H3K4 methyltransferase SET-2,
replicative lifespan [167–169]. Conversely, activation of Sir2 extends extended the lifespan of the nematode. However, the H3K4 demethy-
lifespan. Orthologs of Sir2 have anti-aging functions in many other lase RBR-2 is also required for normal lifespan, consistent with the
species, including nematodes and flies [167,169,170]. In mammals, idea that excess H3K4 trimethylation – a mark associated with active
decreased expression of the closest mammalian ortholog of Sir2, Sirt1, chromatin – is detrimental for longevity [179]. Thus, histone
correlates with apparent premature aging of mice and increased methylation plays an important role in organismal aging. Additional
activity of p53 family members [171]. Sirt1 protein levels decrease with evidence has also revealed that there is an interaction between the
age in mitotic tissues [172]. Thus, the ability of Sir2-like proteins to germline and the soma for the regulation of lifespan by chromatin
regulate aging appears to be conserved through evolution. However, regulators [180].
Sirt1 has many non-chromatin substrates [169], and whether any effect A fundamental question is whether epigenetic changes are
on mammalian aging is epigenetically determined remains to be transgenerational. Although some evidence of transgenerational
established. Moreover, new findings that overexpression of Sir2 does epigenetic inheritance for simple traits exists, very little is known
not extend lifespan in Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila have about the transgenerational inheritance of acquired complex traits.
challenged this view [173]. A recent study demonstrated that male, but Surprisingly, recent work in C. elegans demonstrated that mutations
not female, transgenic mice overexpressing Sirt6 have a significantly in specific regulators of trimethylated lysine 4 on histone H3
longer lifespan than wild type mice. Gene expression analysis revealed (H3K4me3) in parents lead to lifespan extension in descendants for
significant changes in male Sirt6 transgenic mice, such as lower serum up to three generations, even after the initial mutation is no longer
levels of IGF1, higher levels of IGF-binding protein 1, and altered present [181]. These results can potentially revolutionize our under-
phosphorylation levels of major components of IGF1 signaling, a key standing of the inheritance of integrative phenotypes, including aging
pathway in the regulation of lifespan [174]. and longevity.

Review Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism April 2014, Vol. 25, No. 4

Box 2. Outstanding questions

The gonad and nutrient-responsive pathways pathophysiological conditions have an impact on microbiota com-
 How does GSC ablation change the metabolic homeostasis of position/activity?
somatic cells?  Are sanitation, easy access to antibiotics, and nutritional changes
 Are the relevant mechanisms evolutionarily conserved? affecting health, disease, and aging via microbiota, and to what
 By which mechanisms do increased autophagy and reduced protein extent?
synthesis promote longevity?  To what extent does the microbiota affect the metabolism of
pharmaceutical agents, altering their efficacy and toxicity?
Genome integrity and stability  Do endangered microbiota species exist than need to be pre-
 Does removal of senescent cells promote longevity in diverse served?
species?  Because gut microbiota composition is mostly stable for most of
 Through which signaling mechanisms does telomerase deficiency the life of the host, is their activity responsible for the effects to the
influence the metabolic state of cells? host and is there an age threshold above which their functionality is
miRNAs changed?
 Which miRNAs influence longevity in mammals?  What is the impact of diet, use of pro/prebiotics, and environmental
 Do centenarians exhibit distinct miRNA expression profiles? factors on microbiota and immune development?
 To what extent can personalized medicine be achieved by
Stem cells interventions to preserve the phylogenetic composition of human
 Are age-associated changes in stem cell pools responsible for microbiota?
tissue failure?  How do sex differences and modern lifestyle, including high calorie
 Can modulation of specific chromatin regulators restore the consumption and reduced exercise, influence immunosenescence?
properties of stem cells that become compromised with aging,
thereby ameliorating age-dependent tissue dysfunction? Stress response pathways
 How are distinct stress pathways coordinated in response to
Immunity, inflammation, and microbiota in aging different types and levels of stress in different tissues?
 Do retrograde interactions (from the host towards microbiota)  How do stress response pathways and hormesis influence age-
occur and what are their consequences? associated diseases?
 How crucial is host status (endocrine status, metabolic status, stress,  What is the role of miRNAs in the regulation of canonical and non-
etc.)? Do physiological (puberty, pregnancy, menopause, aging) or canonical stress pathways?

chromatin regulators can restore the proliferative and underlying the interplay between different stress responses
multipotential properties of stem cells that become com- and their systemic effects in coordinating aging across
promised with aging, thereby ameliorating age-dependent different tissues in the context of the whole organism.
tissue dysfunction. More generally, many questions Undoubtedly, considerable progress in unraveling the
regarding epigenetics and its role in aging remain open multifactorial regulation of aging and longevity has been
(Box 1). For example, it will be important to investigate accomplished in recent years. Nevertheless, several ques-
whether ‘epimutations’ – errors in the elaborate apparatus tions have emerged from new findings, the most pertinent
of epigenetic silencing – accumulate stochastically with of which are summarized in Box 2. Answering these ques-
aging in different tissue types and what the consequences tions will be essential towards furthering our overall
are of this accumulation. Moreover, identifying genes that understanding of how aging is regulated at the organismal
are responsible for enhanced disease susceptibility when level. This in turn will facilitate the design of novel inter-
epigenetically deregulated is an attainable goal. Finally, vention strategies to ameliorate some of the aging-asso-
understanding the interactions of the environment with ciated phenotypes and thereby improve human healthspan
the epigenome and their role in aging will facilitate the in the future.
development of novel therapeutic approaches.
Over the past years our understanding of microbiota
composition and function has advanced considerably, not- We apologize to those colleagues whose work could not be referenced
withstanding the novel challenges and many outstanding directly owing to space constraints. V.N. is supported by a European
questions (Box 2). Their involvement in immunosenescence, Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) long-term fellowship. E.K. is
immune mechanisms, and metabolism establishes the supported by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology of the
Greek Ministry of Education. Work in the authors’ laboratory is also
microbiota as an appealing target for therapeutic interven-
funded by grants from the European Research Council (ERC) and the
tion of various diseases and aging. Thus, microbiota manip- European Commission 7th Framework Program.
ulation via simple interventions such as change of diet and
lifestyle has the potential to augment healthy aging and References
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