Charity Platform Trust Deed Legal Final
Charity Platform Trust Deed Legal Final
Charity Platform Trust Deed Legal Final
This deed of trust is being executed by the following eminent personalities of the society:
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1.3 Name : Fazle Rabbi Sadeque Ahmed
Father Name : Late Amiruddin Ahmad
Mother Name : Fazilatun Nessa
Date of Birth : 01.02.1964
Religion : Islam
Profession : Retired Deputy Secretary of GoB
Nationality : Bangladeshi by Born
NID : 2696653255646
TIN : 211124907391
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Permanent Address Present Address
House # R-14/D-12, Sobhanbag Officers House # 13, Comilla Para, Ashrafabad,
Quarter, Mohammadpur, Dhaka 1207. Kamrangirchar, Dhaka 1211.
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NID : 2916267821976
TIN : 839043405494
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2.3 Name : Fazle Rabbi Sadeque Ahmed
Father Name : Late Amiruddin Ahmad
Mother Name : Fazilatun Nessa
Date of Birth : 01.02.1964
Religion : Islam
Profession : Retired Deputy Secretary of GoB
Nationality : Bangladeshi by Born
NID : 2696653255646
TIN : 211124907391
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Permanent Address Present Address
House # R-14/D-12, Sobhanbag Officers House # 13, Comilla Para, Ashrafabad,
Quarter, Mohammadpur, Dhaka 1207. Kamrangirchar, Dhaka 1211.
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TIN : 839043405494
(Hereinafter all collectively called "the Trustees" which expression shall be unless excluded by
or repugnant to the subject and context be deemed to include the trustee or trustees for the time
being, of those present and/or their successors-in-office)
a. The Settlers are the persons of high eminence in the society having wide experience in the
field of social entrepreneurship including educational, humanitarian and development work
with national & international reputation.
b. The Settlers being desirous of human dignity to be uplifted and kept as a priority as an
everlasting inspiration.
c. The Settlers have decided to entrust convey, transfer, and grant criteria properties including
sums of money as set out below in favor of the Trust with the intention that these properties
shall be dedicated in preparing for the purpose and objects mentioned herein below.
d. The Trustees named herein have at the request of the Settlers agreed to act as Trustees of
these presents to administer the Trust upon the terms and conditions hereinafter continued
and that all the trustees together shall form the „Board of Trustees‟, hereinafter referred to as
the „Board‟.
e. The Board of Trustees wishes to have the Deed of Trust, registered under the Registration
Act 1908 and/or the Trusts Act 1882.
f. Creator of the Trust is: Charity Platform; Dhaka Office: House # 886 (Level # 03), Road #
11, Avenue # 02, Mirpur DOHS, Dhaka 1216
In order to give effect to the said object of creating and establishing the Trust, the settlers hereby
declare that they must entrust, convey, transfer and grant in favor of the Trust immediately the
sum of BDT 100,000 (One Lac) collectively upon the CHARITY PLATFORM, subject to the
power and provisions hereinafter contained.
5.1 This organization shall be known as the CHARITY PLATFORM (the Trust). The registered
agent and registered office will be determined by a resolution of the Board of Trustees. The
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main web site of the trust shall be The registered office shall be
situated in Bangladesh.
5.2 The Trust shall be a non-political and not-for-profit organisation and work for the benefit of the
6.1 The Vision: We want to see that everyone is out of poverty and able to enjoy a meaningful
life, and realize full potential of life. We also want that our communities become more caring
and passionate for the wellbeing of less privileged people.
6.2 The Mission: We want to help create lasting solutions to poverty and destitutions. And we
want to be a part of a transformation process that promotes social justice and empathy in the
Due to lack or financial resources and basic work skills, in most cases poor and ultra-poor,
marginalized (e.g. transgender, beggar, beddey community), widow fail to create income
opportunities. And lack of sustained income means extreme hardship and deprivation, women-
headed families become hardest hit in such critical situation. Our zakat and sadaqah based
livelihood interventions provide both financial assistance and employment skills through
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undertaking different trainings to our participants, particularly the widows. Participants are
actively engaged in the design of the interventions to ensure ownership and strengthen
enterprising skills and abilities.
Providing basic education and creating employment skills for school dropouts and street
Dropout is still a reality. In most cases, the dropouts are jobless or workless due to lack of both
education and skills. Special training schemes are organized for them to help them attain certain
skills with higher employment potentials. Street children are usually deprived of the basic
education as they cannot be drawn to the schools for varied reasons. The principal reason is that
they don‟t find any economic incentive for going to schools as they need to manage their meals
and lodging (if any) on their own. They prefer to manage whatever odd work they can find for
their livelihood to going to schools. However, research evidence proves that if they are provided
with financial assistance, they can be retained to education. We partner with organizations
specialized in imparting education and skills to poor, orphan, street children (particularly girls) to
ensure their education and skills for livelihood. Moreover, the education program is accompanied
with ethical advocacy to make them feel dignified and stay morally high as their social settings
are highly challenging and sometimes devoid of social norms and etiquettes.
The basic health requirement for the poor, ultra-poor, disable (physically challenged, poor eye
sight), pregnant poor women are dis-proportionally suffering to get basic health services. Though
there has been a significant progress in addressing the challenges of communicable diseases; non-
communicable diseases (NCD) are becoming major challenges to the public health. The toll of
this situation on the lives of the poor people is disproportionately high. Moreover, due to
governance constraints and lack of availability of services, poor people neither can access
government systems and services, nor can afford private facilities. We support financially
particularly the patients of the poor families but also additionally provide assistance to all poor
people who fail to manage the cost of treatment while s/he is sick regardless of the nature of the
disease, communicable or non-communicable. Thus, our support covers poor people suffering
from both communicable, non-communicable diseases and disability.
Facilitating education
Most often, we see newspaper headlines that due to lack of adequate financial strength certain
portion of student either cannot ensure their admission to the universities or cannot continue their
higher education. It is also strongly evidenced that high education can ensure higher economic
returns and as such helping meritorious students with poor economic background is one of our
key interventions. Such students at different streams of the tertiary education are eligible to
receive financial support under this scheme. Supporting students pursuing higher education is the
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special focus of the Trust. Additionally, it supports the drop-outs to continue their education; it
creates enabling environment for the street children who don‟t go to the schools to learn certain
level of basic education and livelihood skills.
Across the world, the millennials are exposed to a number of challenges, ranging from job
scarcity to emotional breakdown to obsession with the social media and internet. Globally, there
is a call that we must listen to them; we should make them interested to socialize physically rather
than online. They also need career guidance and proper guidance for a meaningful life. We
partner with youth networks, universities, research communities to create and an enabling
environment and opportunities for the youth. We organize advocacy events, career design
workshops, and mind managing sessions engaging the professionals for the youths of poor, ultra-
poor and marginalized.
Emergency support
Due to many reasons, there may be an emergency situation in the society and in such emergency
situation the poor become the easy victims. Particularly, due to natural reasons, such as flood,
cyclone, severe cold etc. every year, many poor people experience extreme difficulties in their
lives. We respond to every emergency situation to support the vulnerable people to help them
build back their living facilities and livelihood opportunities. Women, children, disable and the
elderly poor people get priority in such responses.
Poor people suffer because they cannot inform the policy community with adequate and proper
evidence. Thus, strong policy advocacy can trigger effective engagement of the poor people with
the policy makers and influencers. We undertake several research agendas to generate evidences
for influencing the policy regime to be pro-poor. Professional researchers and public intellectuals
are engaged in the research and advocacy activities.
The Board of the Trustees, based on the majority opinion, can expand the work streams overtime
to benefit the society in general and the poor people in particular.
In order to achieve the works mentioned above, the Trust makes efforts to collect different forms
of Islamic charities, particularly zakat, voluntary basis from such individuals and organizations
who want to support the activities of the Trust. It also partners with different individuals and
organizations to get financial assistance to undertake necessary steps for the economic benefits of
the poor people.
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7.1 General Powers of the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees hereinafter also referred to,
as the “Board” shall manage the property, business and affairs of the Trust. The Board shall
make by-laws, rules and regulations for the furtherance of the mission of the Trust and for the
regulation of and for any purposes connected with the management and administration of the
affairs of the Trust. The Board shall act in all matters consistent with, in furtherance of, and
give effect to the vision and mission of the Trust:
7.2 Number and Tenure of Trustees. The Board of Trustees shall consist of not less than seven
(7) and not more than eleven (11) Trustees. The Board may co-opt persons as Trustees. The
persons herein below mentioned, will be the first Board of Trustees. The tenure of the Board
is for three years.
shall constitute the first Board of Trustees and be known as Founder Trustees.
7.3 In the event any Trustee dies, resigns or retires or for any other reason is unable to continue
as a Trustee, the remaining Trustees nominate such person who in their opinion, wisdom and
judgement is deemed competent to act as a Trustee, under those presents.
7.4 Any vacancy occurring in the Board due to any reason whatsoever shall be filled withinninety
(90 days) in the manner as provided herein above.
7.5 Upon every such process of becoming the Trustee or Trustees as aforesaid, the Trust Fund
shall be so transferred as to become vested in the new Trustee or Trustees jointly with the
continuing Trustees and every newly selected Trustee as well as before as after the said Trust
funds shall become vested in him/her shall have all the powers and authorities of the Trustees
under these presents.
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b. If any Trustee's activity or any of his/her actions, as judged in a decision by two third of
Trustees, are considered prejudicial or detrimental to the interests and objects of the
c. If any trustee fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the Board without valid
reason as accepted by Board of Trust;
d. If any trustee is convicted on charges involving moral turpitude or becomes insolvent to the
7.8 Designation of Trustees. The Board of Trustees shall have a Chairperson, Vice-chairperson
of the Board, Treasurer and other trustees. The same person may hold two or more offices.
The chairperson, Vice-chairperson, the Treasurer, and other Trustees shall be selected
based on consensus by the Board of Trustees.
7.8.1 The Chairperson shall hold that position until such time as the Board determines.
The Chairperson shall preside over the meetings of the Board of Trustees. The
Chairperson shall act as the Chief of the Board of the Trustees.
7.8.2 The Vice-Chairperson shall support the Chairperson to run the activities of the
Trust and in the absence of the Chairperson shall preside over the meetings of the
Board of Trustees.
7.8.3 The Treasurer shall have charge and custody of, and be responsible for, all funds
and securities of the Trust, shall receive and give receipts for money due and
payable to the Trust from any source whatsoever, and deposit all such money in the
name of the Trust in such banks or other financial institutions as shall be
determined by the Board, and in general shall perform all duties inherent to the
office of Treasurer and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board of
7.8.4 The Member-Secretary as the Executive Director shall keep the minutes of the
meetings of the Board of Trustees; s/he shall cause to be given all notices in
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accordance with the provisions of this Trust, shall be custodian of the records and
in general shall perform all duties as may be assigned by the Board of Trustees.
7.9 Election/selection of Board of Trustees will be held every three years in the general
meeting of the Board of Trustees in such manner as determined by the Board of Trustees.
7.10 Eligibility of Trustees. Any eminent personality of the society shall be qualified to serve as
a Trustee.
7.11 Patrons or Advisers to the Trustees. The Board of Trustees may nominate persons of high
eminence in the society from Bangladesh and abroad as patrons or advisers to the Trust.
The Advisers may sit in a meeting once in a year, and give advice to the Board in view of
the vision and mission of the Trust and its furtherance. The Board shall give consideration
to such advice.
7.12 Removal of Trustees. Any Trustee may be removed from office by a vote of two thirds
(2/3) of the individuals then serving as members of the Board of Trustees.
7.13 Vacancies in the Board. Any vacancy occurring on the Board of Trustees may be filled for
the unexpired term by the affirmative vote of a majority of the then Trustees present at a
regular or emergency meeting of the Board of Trustees.
7.14 Quorum and Resolutions. The quorum for all Board meetings shall be the physical
presence of half of the Trustees or at least three (3) Trustees. Each and every motion will be
decided by a majority of the votes of the Trustees present at the meeting. In case of equality
of votes the Chairperson shall have a deciding or casting vote. Minutes of the proceedings
and resolutions of the Board meeting shall be signed by the Chairperson of the meeting.
Minutes so signed and confirmed in the succeeding meeting shall be conclusive evidence of
such proceedings and resolutions. A resolution in writing signed by all the members of the
Board for the time being in Bangladesh, such resolution to be known as resolution by
circulation, shall be as valid and effective for all purposes as if it had been passed at a duly
convened meeting of the Board.
According to the decision of the Board of Trustee on availability of resources the Trustees
will receive actual cost of food and lodging and either first class train or launch or airfare to
attend the Board meeting whenever and wherever the place it is called. They will also receive
the actual cost of food, lodging and travelling to visit projects of the Trust or any other costs
incurred for the furtherance of the mission of the Trust.
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A Trustee may resign at any time by giving written notice of his/her resignation to the
Chairperson of the Board. A resignation shall take effect from the time the same is received
by the Chairperson unless another time is specified therein. The acceptance of a resignation
shall not be necessary to make it effective.
The Board shall have the power and or direct the Executive Director to set up committees of
Trustees and/or others to attend to or supervise or conduct specified tasks, functions or
administering Trust matters in such manner and subject to such rules and regulations as the
Trustees may prescribe with delegation of any or all powers of the Board as may be specified
in the resolution appointing the committee.
a. Subject to the directions of the Board, the day to day management of the Trust shall be
vested in the Executive Director who shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees on such
terms and conditions as may be specified in the resolution appointing the Executive
Director/Director of CHARITY PLATFORM. The Executive Director shall be accountable
to the Board.
b. It shall be lawful for the Trustees, subject to the provisions hereof, to frame rules and
regulations for the administration of this Trust and for regulation and conduct of meetings
and proceedings of the Trust and from time to time alter, vary, modify, or repeal such
rules and regulations and to substitute other rules and regulations in lieu thereof.
12.1 The Trust shall derive its income and further resources from the following:
a. Donations, Zakat, Sadaqah, Waqf and contributions received from various sources
including agencies, trusts or foundations in Bangladesh or from abroad, national and
International bodies, organizations and other sources;
b. Funds received from domestic and/or external sources;
c. Research grants from domestic and/or external sources;
d. Fees, profit and charges imposed by the Trust for services rendered by it;
e. Income from investments;
f. Income and receipts from other sources.
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b. Open bank accounts, borrow and raise resources for the Trust with or without any
c. Draw, accept, make, endorse, discount and deposit Government and other promissory
notes, bills of exchange, cheques or other negotiable instruments.
12.3 All properties of the Trust, movable and immovable, shall be vested in the Trustees and
shall be administered by the Board of Trustees.
12.4 The Trust may purchase, hire, lease, exchange or otherwise acquire property, movable
and immovable, tangible or intangible (including copyrights, patents and intellectual
properties) which may be necessary and or convenient for the purpose of the Trust and
construct, alter and/or maintain such buildings and works as may be necessary for
carrying out the mission of the Trust.
12.5 The Trust may sell, hire, lease, exchange or otherwise transfer or dispose of all or any
property, movable or immovable of the Trust, provided that for the transfer of immovable
property approval of two thirds (2/3rd) of the members of the Board of Trustees shall be
required to be obtained.
12.6 The income and property of the Trust, however derived, shall be applied towards the
promotion and furtherance of the objects of the Trust as set forth in this
memorandum/articles of association. Save as otherwise provided herein, no portion of the
income and property of the Trust shall be paid or transferred, directly or indirectly, to any
Trustee or other persons in return of service rendered to the Trust and or other similar
12.7 All funds shall be paid into the Trust‟s principal account with the banker of the Trust and
shall not be withdrawn except by cheque signed by the Chairperson or Treasurer of
CHARITY PLATFORM, or by such other person(s) as may be duly empowered on its
behalf by the Board. All other projects or area accounts shall be opened in any place and
any banks with written instructions of the Chairperson of CHARITY PLATFORM and its
Treasurer jointly or otherwise as determined by the Board of Trustees.
13.1 The Board shall cause to be kept proper books of accounts with respect to:
a. transactions shall be made by rules set by the governing board;
b. all monies received and expended by the Trust and the matters in respect of which the
receipts and expenditures take place;
c. the assets and liabilities of the Trust.
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13.2 The books of accounts shall be kept at the office of the Trust or at such other place as the
Board shall think fit and shall be open to the inspection by the members of the Board
during business hours.
13.3 The funds of the Trust shall be kept at one or more scheduled banks in Dhaka or in any
places of the country, as approved by resolution of the Board.
13.4 All instructions to the bank where the principal account is kept shall be subject to
approval of the Board.
Each Trustee shall be indemnified and held harmless by the Trust from any and all financial
liabilities, charges, fines and penalties imposed or assessed upon him or her in by reason of being,
or having been a Trustee acting within the scope of his or her duties if such person (i) shall be
determined to have acted in good faith and in a manner he or she reasonably believed to be in the
best interests of the Trust, and (ii) shall not be determined to have acted with gross negligence or
willful misconduct in the performance of such duties, Such indemnity shall include payment of
all reasonable expenses and legal counsel fees incurred in connection with any such action suit or
A notice may be given to any Trustee either personally, or by sending it by post /electronic mail
to him or her registered address.
Any duality of interest, conflict of interest, or possible conflict of interest on the part of any
Trustee in relation to the affairs of the Trust shall be disclosed to the other trustees and made a
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matter of record and also when the subject matter of any such interest becomes a matter of the
Board‟s consideration. Any Trustee having such a duality of interest, conflict of interest, or
possible conflict of interest on any matter shall exclude himself or her from that particular part of
the meeting and this exclusion shall be reflected in the minutes of the meeting.
The Operational Fund will be the fund used to run the day to day activities of CHARITY
PLATFORM. Contributions, loans, and donations will generate this fund.
a. This Deed of Trust may be amended by the affirmative vote of two thirds (2/3rd) of the
Board of Trustees, provided that such amendment is not inconsistent with the vision and
mission of the Trust.
b. The Trustees shall have the power to convert the Trust into a society registered under the
Societies Registration Act, 1860 or into a limited company being an association not for
profit under the provisions of the Companies Act. 1994, or into a NGO Affairs Bureau or
registered under the Department of Social Services (Registration and Control) Ordinance
1961 or make other suitable arrangements for altering the organizational structure of the
Trust as may be deemed convenient.
a. The trust can only be dissolved after a unanimous vote of all members of the Board.
b. If upon dissolution of the Trust, there remains after the full payment of its debts and
liabilities any property whatsoever, the same shall not be distributed among the Trustees
but shall be given to such other society, institution or organization, which shall be a non-
political organization and a not for profit organization for developmental and
humanitarian or literary or educational purposes, to be determined by the votes of not less
than 2/3rd of the members of the Board of Trustees present personally or by proxy at the
time of the dissolution or in default there of by a court of competent jurisdiction.
a. In case of ambiguity in the interpretation of any of these Articles, the decision of the
Board shall be final and binding on all concerned.
b. All powers and functions that are not covered by these Articles shall be exercised by the
Board either directly or through its representative (s).
c. In case of special circumstances, periods stipulated in this Trust Deed may be extended
by the Board of Trustees.
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a. Fiscal Year: The financial year of the Trust shall begin on the first day of January and
end on the last day of December of each year.
b. Waiver of Notice: Whenever any notice is required to be given under the provisions of
this Trust Deed, a waiver thereof in writing signed by the person or persons entitled to
such notice shall be deemed equivalent to the giving of such notice.
c. Consent: In lieu of action taken at any meeting of any committee established by the
Board, all members of any such committee may execute a consent and approval of any
action, which could have properly been taken at any such meeting. Such a written consent
and approval shall be the equivalent of committee action for all purposes.
This Deed is executed by the Settlers named herein on the date first above mentioned.
5. Marium Begum
6. Obydullah Al Marjuk
7. Tahera Khatun
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