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Contactless Smart Card Readers

Developer Guide
5321-903, Rev. B.4
January 2015

OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card Readers Developers Guide, 5321-903, Rev. B.4

1 Purpose ................................................................................................................................................ 7
2 Contactless Reader Coverage ....................................................................................................... 7
3 Getting Started .................................................................................................................................. 8
3.1 Driver Installation.............................................................................................................................................................. 8
3.1.1 Reader Name for Contact/Contactless Slot................................................................................................................... 12
3.2 OMNIKEY Workbench ................................................................................................................................................... 12
3.2.1 PC/SC Functionality and Reader Availability ................................................................................................................ 12
3.2.2 Driver Version Detection ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
3.2.3 OMNIKEY Proprietary API Detection ................................................................................................................................ 13
3.2.4 Card and Reader Detection ................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.2.5 Card Type Detection and RFID Settings.......................................................................................................................... 16
3.2.6 Air Interface Baud Rate Configuration ............................................................................................................................. 17
4 PC/SC 2.0 ........................................................................................................................................... 18
4.1 How to Access Contactless Cards through PC/SC ........................................................................................... 18
4.2 ATR Generation .............................................................................................................................................................. 20
4.2.1 CPU Cards ....................................................................................................................................................................................20
4.2.2 Storage Cards .............................................................................................................................................................................20
5 Accessing Asynchronous Cards ................................................................................................... 21
5.1 MIFARE DESFire Card ................................................................................................................................................... 21
5.1.1 Example: Write Card Data through ISO 7816-4 Framed APDU ............................................................................. 21
5.1.2 Example: Read Card Data through ISO 7816-4 Framed APDU ............................................................................. 22
6 Accessing Synchronous Cards (Storage) ................................................................................. 23
6.1 MIFARE Card .................................................................................................................................................................... 23
6.1.1 MIFARE Increment (Card Command) .............................................................................................................................. 24
6.1.2 MIFARE Decrement (Card Command) ............................................................................................................................ 24
6.1.3 MIFARE Emulation Mode ....................................................................................................................................................... 25
6.1.4 MIFARE Application Directory (MAD) ............................................................................................................................. 25
6.2 iCLASS Card...................................................................................................................................................................... 26
6.2.1 Card Access through SCardCLICCTransmit .................................................................................................................. 26
6.3 ST LRI64 Support (PC/SC 2.0 add-on)................................................................................................................. 27
6.3.1 Update Binary ............................................................................................................................................................................. 28
6.3.2 Read Binary ................................................................................................................................................................................. 29
6.4 ISO15693-3 Memory Card Support ......................................................................................................................... 29
7 Communication with MIFARE Plus ............................................................................................. 30
7.1 ISO 14443 A – Part 4 card communication ........................................................................................................ 30
7.2 ISO 14443 A – Part 3 card communication......................................................................................................... 30
7.3 Open Generic Session .................................................................................................................................................... 31
7.4 Generic Card Commands ............................................................................................................................................. 31
7.4.1 MIFARE Plus commands with the GENERIC INTERFACE Command APDU Samples ................................ 32
7.5 Close Generic Session................................................................................................................................................... 32
8 OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card Reader Keys .................................................................... 33
8.1 Key Numbering Scheme .............................................................................................................................................. 33
8.2 Key Container and Slots .............................................................................................................................................. 35
8.3 Key Update Rules ...........................................................................................................................................................36
9 Standard Communication with iCLASS Card .......................................................................... 37
9.1 APDU Structure for Standard Communication.................................................................................................. 37
9.2 Commands Available in Standard Communication Mode ............................................................................ 37

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9.2.1 Select Page (Card Command)............................................................................................................................................. 38

9.2.2 Load Key ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 39
9.2.3 GetKeySlotInfo (Reader Command).................................................................................................................................. 41
9.2.4 Authenticate (Card Command) .......................................................................................................................................... 42
9.2.5 Read (Card Command) ..........................................................................................................................................................43
9.2.6 Update (Card Command)......................................................................................................................................................44
9.3 Communication in Standard Mode .........................................................................................................................45
10 Secured Communication with the iCLASS Card ..................................................................... 46
10.1 Multi-Step Approach to a Secure Card Reader System ............................................................................... 46
10.1.1 Authenticity between Host and Reader ..........................................................................................................................46
10.1.2 Confidentiality of USB Data Exchange ............................................................................................................................46
10.1.3 Integrity of Transmitted Data ..............................................................................................................................................46
10.1.4 Authenticity between Reader and Card .........................................................................................................................46
10.1.5 Integrity of the Radio Frequency (RF) Transmission ................................................................................................46
10.1.6 Confidentiality of the RF Transmission ........................................................................................................................... 47
10.1.7 Authentication of the Host for Read/Write Session .................................................................................................. 47
10.1.8 Protection against Known Attacks.................................................................................................................................... 47
10.2 APDU Structure for Secured Communication................................................................................................... 48
10.2.1 Data Header (DH) .....................................................................................................................................................................49
10.2.2 Signature Generation ..............................................................................................................................................................49
10.2.3 Session Key Generation .........................................................................................................................................................49
10.2.4 Proprietary Host and Reader Datagram Example ......................................................................................................50
10.3 Instructions (INS) for Secured Communication ................................................................................................. 51
10.3.1 Manage Session (Reader Command) ................................................................................................................................ 51
10.3.2 Select Page (Card Command)............................................................................................................................................. 52
10.3.3 Load Key (Reader Command) ............................................................................................................................................ 52
10.3.4 Authenticate (Card Command) .......................................................................................................................................... 52
10.3.5 Read (Card Command) .......................................................................................................................................................... 52
10.3.6 Update (Card Command)...................................................................................................................................................... 52
10.3.7 GetKeySlotInfo (Reader Command)................................................................................................................................. 52
10.3.8 Update Card Key ....................................................................................................................................................................... 53
10.4 Communication at Secured Mode ...........................................................................................................................54
10.5 Session at Secured Mode APDUs Example ......................................................................................................... 55
11 Reading ISO15693 ........................................................................................................................... 58
11.1 Products ............................................................................................................................................................................. 58
11.2 Tags ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 58
11.3 Commands.........................................................................................................................................................................59
11.3.1 Get Data ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 59
11.3.2 Put Data ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 60
11.3.3 Lock ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 61
11.3.4 Get Security Status .................................................................................................................................................................. 62
11.3.5 Read Binary Command...........................................................................................................................................................64
11.3.6 Update Binary Command ...................................................................................................................................................... 65
11.3.7 Update Single Byte Command ............................................................................................................................................66
12 OMNIKEY 5321 PAY Application Interface ............................................................................... 67
12.1 PayPass Card Transactions ........................................................................................................................................ 67
12.2 LED and Buzzer Control .............................................................................................................................................. 67
12.2.1 SIGNAL Command – PayPass Signal ................................................................................................................................ 68
12.2.2 SIGNAL Command – PayPass Signal MAIN LED ......................................................................................................... 68
12.2.3 SIGNAL Command – PayPass Signal Additional LEDs ............................................................................................. 69
12.2.4 SIGNAL Command – PayPass Signal Tone .................................................................................................................... 69
12.3 Switch-over the Operating Mode ........................................................................................................................... 70

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13 Driver Configuration via ProxFormat ......................................................................................... 71

13.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................................................. 71
13.2 ATR Format ........................................................................................................................................................................ 71
13.2.1 ATR Example ............................................................................................................................................................................... 71
13.3 Available ProxFormat Settings ................................................................................................................................. 72
13.3.1 ProxFormat Settings on Systems Running Windows ............................................................................................... 73
13.3.2 ProxFormat Settings on Systems Running Linux and MacOS X .......................................................................... 73
14 ProxFormat Settings ...................................................................................................................... 74
14.1 Wiegand Raw Data Mode ...........................................................................................................................................74
14.2 Standard Format Modes ..............................................................................................................................................74
14.3 Automatic Mode..............................................................................................................................................................74
14.4 Custom Format Mode ................................................................................................................................................... 75
14.4.1 CustomProxFormat Settings ............................................................................................................................................... 75
14.5 Example: H10301 PROX Card .................................................................................................................................... 76
14.5.1 Standard Format ....................................................................................................................................................................... 76
14.5.2 Wiegand Raw Data................................................................................................................................................................... 76
14.5.3 CustomProxFormat Settings ............................................................................................................................................... 76
14.5.4 ATRs of a H10301 Card ........................................................................................................................................................... 76
14.6 Example: H10302 PROX Card ................................................................................................................................... 77
14.6.1 Standard Format ....................................................................................................................................................................... 77
14.6.2 Wiegand Raw Data................................................................................................................................................................... 77
14.6.3 CustomProxFormat Settings ............................................................................................................................................... 77
14.6.4 ATRs of a H10302 Card .......................................................................................................................................................... 77
14.7 Example: H10304 PROX Card ................................................................................................................................... 78
14.7.1 Standard Format ....................................................................................................................................................................... 78
14.7.2 Wiegand Raw Data................................................................................................................................................................... 78
14.7.3 CustomProxFormat Settings ............................................................................................................................................... 78
14.7.4 ATRs of a H10304 Card .......................................................................................................................................................... 78
14.8 Example: Corp 1000 PROX Card ............................................................................................................................. 79
14.8.1 Standard Format ....................................................................................................................................................................... 79
14.8.2 Wiegand Raw Data................................................................................................................................................................... 79
14.8.3 CustomProxFormat Settings ............................................................................................................................................... 79
14.8.4 ATRs of a Corp 1000 Card .................................................................................................................................................... 79

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©2011 - 2015 HID Global Corporation/ASSA ABLOY AB. All rights reserved. This document
may not be reproduced, disseminated or republished in any form without the prior written
permission of HID Global Corporation.

HID GLOBAL, HID, the HID logo, iCLASS, iCLASS Elite, OMNIKEY, and Seos are the
trademarks or registered trademarks of HID Global Corporation, or its licensors, in the U.S.
and other countries.
MIFARE, MIFARE DESFire, MIFARE DESFire EV1, and MIFARE Ultralight are registered
trademarks of NXP B.V. and are used under license.
my-d is a registered trademark of Infineon Technologies
PayPass is a registered trademark of MasterCard

Document History
Version Author(s) Date Description
B.4 CT 2014-01-20 OMNIKEY 5421, reformat.
B.3 J. Maatuq 2012-03-23 - Corrected product name •OMNIKEY 5321 Pay ->
- Some layout changes
- typo corrections
B.2 J. Maatuq 2012-02-09 Added new products 4121 CL, 5021 CL, 5321 CLi, 5321 Pay,
5325 Prox
Added new products and documented Workbench
Added Driver Configuration via ProxFormat and
ProxFormat Settings section
B.1 W Waitz 2010-11-10 Added iCLASS Elite enabled readers. Modified section
10.3.4 Get Security Status
B.0 W Waitz 2010-08-05 MIFARE Plus, PAY API and Review
A.1.19 S Schwab 2009-07-17 Chapter 9, supported tags
A.1.18 S Schwab 2009-07-16 Added footnotes for iCode SL2
A.1.17 W Waitz 2009-05-13 Review to version 1.16 and error correction
A.0 T Muth 2009-02-16 Updated to HID template

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Firmware History
FW Version Special Features Remarks
5.20, 1.75 MIF, MKS, IST, ISE, EMD, iCLASS secured mode, HID application read,
HSK, iCLASS High Security Key supported,
EMD Suppression in firmware supported,
EMVCo Contactless L1
5.10 MIF, MKS, IST, ISE iCLASS secured mode, HID application read
5.00 MIF, MKS, IST, ISE iCLASS secured mode, HID application read
1.03, 1.04 MIF, MKS, IST iCLASS memory access
1.01, 1.02 MIF, MKS
1.00 MIF MIFARE support

Synchronous Card Special Features

MIF = MIFARE Functionalities
MKS = MIFARE Key Storage
MSK = MIFARE Secured Key Loading
IST = iCLASS Standard Mode Communication
ISE = iCLASS Secured Mode Communication
EMD = Electromagnetic Disturbance
HSK = High Security Key

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OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card Readers Developers Guide, 5321-903, Rev. B.4

1 Purpose
This is a guide for developers integrating contactless storage or CPU cards using
OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card readers.

2 Contactless Reader Coverage

The following OMNIKEY contactless readers are covered by this document:
Mobile Smart Card including an Express Card interface with the same functionality as
OMNIKEY 5321, but it has a contactless interface.
Desktop reader in a closed small housing with the same functionality as the OMNIKEY
5321, but a contactless-only reader.
• OMNIKEY 5321
Desktop Smart Card reader with contact and contactless interface, contactless
interface featuring full contactless functionality as described in this developers guide.
Desktop reader in a closed housing, same functionality as OMNIKEY 5321 but
contactless-only reader.
Desktop reader in a waterproof (Clean Room) closed housing, same functionality as
OMNIKEY 5321 but contactless-only reader.
• OMNIKEY 5321 CLi
Desktop Smart Card reader in a closed housing, with contactless-only interface.
Contactless interface supports iCLASS-only.
Desktop reader in a closed housing, same functionality as OMNIKEY 5321. Has EMVCo
Terminal Level 1 approval according to EMV 2.0 specification [EMVCo].
• OMNIKEY 5325 Prox
Desktop Smart Card reader with contact and contactless interface. Contactless
interface features operating on 125 kHz (Prox). Section 3 PC/SC 2.0 is applicable for
this reader.
• OMNIKEY 5421
Desktop Smart Card reader with contact and contactless interface. The functionality
is the same as the OMNIKEY 5321, but it uses a different transceiver chip.
• OMNIKEY 6321
Mobile Smart Card reader with SIM-sized contact and contactless interface.
Contactless interface features full contactless functionality.
• OMNIKEY 6321 CLi
Mobile Smart Card reader with contactless-only interface. Contactless interface
supports iCLASS only.
• Readers with iCLASS Elite Key
All enabled iCLASS Elite Key readers (list previously) are covered by this document.
All readers listed are based on the OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card RFID chipset.
Therefore this document uses the term 5x21 to reference these OMNIKEY readers.

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3 Getting Started
This chapter describes how to install the drivers necessary to operate the OMNIKEY
Contactless Smart Card reader in a Windows based environment.
Note: Other operating systems, such as Linux, are also supported by the OMNIKEY
Contactless Smart Card reader.

3.1 Driver Installation

The OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card driver is mandatory for all systems that require
support for contactless smart cards.
OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card reader is a CCID compliant device. This means that the
contact interface can be operated without an OMNIKEY proprietary driver installed.
However, for contactless cards, the OMNIKEY proprietary OMNIKEY Contactless Smart
Card driver is necessary.
The following steps describe how to install the OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card driver:
1. Go to http://www.hidglobal.com/omnikey. Based on the appropriate reader, click the
driver icon. Download the latest OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card driver installation
package for Windows.
2. Run the installation package and follow the instructions. The installation package
extracts all the necessary driver files to your hard drive. Take note of the location to
which the files were copied.
3. Connect the reader to your computers USB port. At this time you have only
extracted, not installed the driver files.
4. The Found New Hardware Wizard appears. To continue driver installation, click Next.

Note: On Windows XP systems, the Microsoft Windows CCID Class driver may be
activated without showing the Found New Hardware Wizard. If this is the case,
replace the Microsoft PC/SC driver manually with the OMNIKEY proprietary PC/SC
driver using the Device Manager.

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5. Select Search for a suitable driver for my device (recommended) and click Next.

6. Then, select Specify a Location and click Next.

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7. Click Browse and go to the location where you previously installed the driver
package. To continue, click OK.

8. If the driver was found, click Next.

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9. If the driver is a beta driver and not digitally signed, the following dialogue appears.
Click Continue Anyway.

10. The following message appears and the green LED illuminates on the OMNIKEY
Contactless Smart Card reader.

If the installation was successful, the green LED on the reader illuminates and the
reader is listed in the OMNIKEY Workbench as OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card
Your reader is ready for use. Do a quick smart card system check using the OMNIKEY
Workbench described in Section 3.2 OMNIKEY Workbench.

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3.1.1 Reader Name for Contact/Contactless Slot

The OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card reader is a dual slot reader. This means that from
the application and smart card resource manager viewpoint there are two readers
available, each represented by its respective reader name. OMNIKEY CardMan 5x21 n
identifies the contact slot and OMNIKEY CardMan 5x21-CL n stands for the contactless slot.
The n represents a slot number 0, 1… etc. This allows card tracking through the contact and
air interface.

3.2 OMNIKEY Workbench

The OMNIKEY Workbench provides a quick test of the smart card system. It lists all
available OMNIKEY readers, driver files with version, firmware version, and allows the
configuration of the RFID/air interface.
Go to http://www.hidglobal.com/omnikey > select the OMNIKEY Reader > click the driver
icon to download the latest OMNIKEY Workbench for Windows.
Start former versions of the Diagnostic Tool from the Control Panel.

3.2.1 PC/SC Functionality and Reader Availability

The General Information application shows in the PC/SC Functionality tab if the Resource
Manager is running and lists all connected OMNIKEY readers.

Figure 1: PC/SC Functionality

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3.2.2 Driver Version Detection

In addition, the File Versions tab shows smart card system services version, manufacturer
data and driver files.

Figure 2: File Version

3.2.3 OMNIKEY Proprietary API Detection

The API tab shows the APIs installed on your system, including the OMNIKEY Synchronous

Figure 3: API

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3.2.4 Card and Reader Detection

The OMNIKEY Workbench creates a separate entry for each available OMNIKEY reader
interface in the application table. The entries indicate their respective reader names - the
same names you use within the PC/SC framework. Click an entry to open the reader’s
information and settings.
For a quick connectivity test of your contactless card,
1. Select the OMNIKEY CardMan 5x21-CL 0 tab
2. Place a contactless card on the reader.
3. When the card is detected, the Status field switches from No smart card inserted to
Smart card inserted and the ATR field displays the card’s ATR.
See Section 4.2 ATR Generation, for further information on how the Answer to Reset (ATR)
is generated for contactless smart cards.
The OMNIKEY Workbench has an internal flat database that allows a quick lookup of the
ATR. If it is a known card, a description displays in the Smart Card Name field. For
contactless cards the card’s unique ID (UID) displays in the Smart Card Name field and in
the Protocol field the card standard for example, T=CL and the selected baud rate displays.

Figure 4: Reader View - No Smart Card

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Figure 5: Reader View - Smart Card Inserted

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3.2.5 Card Type Detection and RFID Settings

OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card reader supports multiple 13.56 MHz contactless
standards and protocols including ISO14443A, ISO14443B, ISO15694, iCLASS, I-CODE.
Acquire information about a card within the RFID field in a predefined search order. With
built-in anti-collision, once a card is detected it is the only card in which the reader is
The OMNIKEY Workbench has a RFID Settings tab within the reader view that allows
configuration of the reader card and their respective search order. See Section 3.2.4 Card
and Reader Detection.

Figure 6: RFID Settings

The left pane contains a list of active card types. The right pane contains a list of available
card types that are supported by the reader but are not included in the card search. Move
card types from the left to the right pane using the and buttons. Change the search
order with the and buttons.
Activate this setting using the Apply button. The Reset button discards any unsaved
Note: The search order is forward-looking to improve system performance. The last
successfully detected card type automatically moves to the top of the search order,
regardless of its position within the order set on the RFID Settings tab.

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3.2.6 Air Interface Baud Rate Configuration

For ISO 14443 cards, the air interface transmission speed can be 106 kbps, 212 kbps, 424
kbps, or 848 kbps. By default, the contactless interface is set to 424 kbps. Change the
interface transmission speed to a different value through the OMNIKEY Workbench
Baudrate settings tab.

Figure 7: RFID Settings

To view or change the baud rate, select the card type (ISO14443A or ISO14443B) and
change the maximum Baud Rate field. Finalize your setting, click Apply.

Figure 8: Baud Rate Settings

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4 PC/SC 2.0
With the OMNIKEY 5x21 PC/SC driver, access ISO14443A/B or ISO15693 contactless cards
through the same framework as ISO7816 contact cards. This makes card integration a snap
for any developer who is already familiar with PC/SC. Even valuable PC/SC resource
manager functions, such as card tracking, are available for contactless card integration.
® ®
The Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN ) Library contains valuable information and a
complete documentation of the SCard API within the MSDN Platform SDK.
See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms953432.aspx.
You can directly access contactless CPU cards through the PC/SC driver. For storage cards
other than MIFARE , an additional library – the OMNIKEY synchronous API – is necessary.
Whether using direct PC/SC access or the OMNIKEY synchronous API, only a small set of
functions are required to write your first hello card program.
Integrate your card through:
PC/SC 2.0 compliant APDU’s OMNIKEY Synchronous API

4.1 How to Access Contactless Cards through PC/SC

The following steps provide a guideline to create your first contactless smart card
application using industry standard, PC/SC compliant API function calls. The function
definitions provided are taken verbatim from the MSDN Library [MSDNLIB]. For additional
descriptions of these and other PC/SC functions provided by the Microsoft Windows
PC/SC smart card components, refer directly to the MSDN Library. See
1. Establish Context
This step initializes the PC/SC API and allocates all resources necessary for a smart
card session. The SCardEstablishContext function establishes the resource manager
context (scope) within which database operations is performed.
LONG SCardEstablishContext( IN DWORD dwScope,
IN LPCVOID pvReserved1,
IN LPCVOID pvReserved2,
2. Get Status Change
Check the status of the reader for card insertion, removal, or availability of the reader.
This SCardGetStatusChange function blocks execution until the current availability of
the cards in a specific set of readers change. The caller supplies a list of monitored
readers and the maximum wait time (in milliseconds) for an action to occur on one of
the listed readers.
LONG SCardGetStatusChange( IN SCARDCONTEXT hContext,
IN DWORD dwTimeout,
IN DWORD cReaders);

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3. List Readers
Gets a list of all PC/SC readers using the SCardListReaders function. Look for
OMNIKEY CardMan 5x21-CL 0 in the returned list. If multiple OMNIKEY Contactless
Smart Card readers are connected to your system, they will be enumerated.
Example: OMNIKEY CardMan 5x21-CL 1, and OMNIKEY CardMan 5x21-CL 2.
Analyze the complete string. OMNIKEY CardMan 5x21 also has a contact interface.
Look for -CL in the reader name to ensure you are referring to the contactless
interface in the following calls.
LONG SCardListReaders( IN SCARDCONTEXT hContext,
IN LPCTSTR mszGroups,
OUT LPTSTR mszReaders,
IN OUT LPDWORD pcchReaders);
4. Connect
Connect to the card. The SCardConnect function establishes a connection (using a
specific resource manager context) between the calling application and a smart card
contained by a specific reader. If no card exists in the specified reader, an error is
LONG SCardConnect( IN SCARDCONTEXT hContext,
IN LPCTSTR szReader,
IN DWORD dwShareMode,
IN DWORD dwPreferredProtocols,
OUT LPDWORD pdwActiveProtocol);
5. Exchange Data and Commands with the Card
Exchange command and data through APDUs. The SCardTransmit function sends a
service request to the smart card, expecting to receive data back from the card.
IN LPCBYTE pbSendBuffer,
IN DWORD cbSendLength,
OUT LPBYTE pbRecvBuffer,
IN OUT LPDWORD pcbRecvLength);
Note: For unsupported PC/SC 2.0 storage cards, call an OMNIKEY proprietary API
function such as SCardCLICCTransmit instead. This function exposes additional
functionality of the OMNIKEY 5x21-CL reader that is not yet defined in PC/SC
standards. Otherwise, you are still using the standard PC/SC framework to track
cards, list readers, etc. Even the smart card handle is the same.
6. Disconnect
It is not necessary to disconnect the card after the completion of transactions, but it
is recommended. The SCardDisconnect function terminates a connection previously
opened between the calling application and a smart card in the target reader.
LONG SCardDisconnect( IN SCARDHANDLE hCard,
IN DWORD dwDisposition);
7. Release
This step ensures all system resources are released. The SCardReleaseContext
function closes an established resource manager context, freeing any resources
allocated under that context.
LONG SCardReleaseContext( IN SCARDCONTEXT hContext);

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4.2 ATR Generation

Unlike contact cards, contactless cards do not generate an ATR. Instead, they generate an
Answer to Select (ATS). To make contactless cards available within the PC/SC framework,
OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card reader generates a PC/SC compliant ATR according to
PC/SC v2.01.
Download the documents from the PC/SC Workgroup at the following web address:

4.2.1 CPU Cards

Contactless smart cards (cards with a CPU) expose their ATS or information bytes through
ATR mapping according to PC/SC 2.01 - Part 3: Requirements for PC-Connected Interface
Devices, section Contactless Smart Cards, Table 3.5.

4.2.2 Storage Cards

The ATR of storage cards (for example, cards without a CPU) is composed as described in
PC/SC 2.01 - Part 3: Requirements for PC-Connected Interface Devices, section
Contactless Storage Cards, Table 3.6. For the host application to identify a storage and
card type properly, its standard and card name is mapped according to PC/SC 2.01 - Part 3:
Requirements for PC-Connected Interface Devices - Supplemental Document.
Note: The Registered Application Provider Identifier (RID) returned by the OMNIKEY
Contactless Smart Card reader for storage cards (cards without a CPU) is A0 00 03 06 0A,
indicating a PC/SC compliant ATR generation.

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5 Accessing Asynchronous Cards

Asynchronous cards contain a CPU or are memory cards accessible through standard
PC/SC using Microsoft’s library winscard.dll. This type of card supports at least one of the
asynchronous protocols T=0 or T=1. The Microsoft Platform SDK contains PC/SC sample
code for Visual C/C++ and Visual Basic.
No additional libraries or third-party software components are necessary to integrate
contactless CPU cards.

5.1 MIFARE DESFire Card

MIFARE DESFire cards are accessed through ISO7816-4 compliant framed APDU
commands (ISO7816-4 framing).
New versions of MIFARE DESFire EV1 cards support extended APDU commands. For this
the driver must switch to MIFARE DESFire native mode. This native mode is not default for
the OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card reader. For proper protocol settings use the
following registry key:
Note: Restart the OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card driver after changing the registry key
(disconnect and reconnect the reader).

5.1.1 Example: Write Card Data through ISO 7816-4 Framed APDU
Command Syntax
CLA INS P1 P2 Lc File No. Offset Length Data Le
‘90’ ‘3D’ ‘00’ ‘00’ ‘xx’ ‘xx’ ‘xxxxxx’ ‘xxxxxx’ ‘xx’ … ‘xx’ ‘00’

Lc = 7+ DataLength; Le=0 (no other values accepted)

Response Syntax
Response Data SW1 SW2
empty ‘xx’ ‘xx’

Status Codes
SW1 SW2 Description
'90' '00' success
'91’ 'xx error (see the MIFARE DESFire data sheet)

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5.1.2 Example: Read Card Data through ISO 7816-4 Framed APDU
Command Syntax
CLA INS P1 P2 Lc File No. Offset Length Data Le
‘90’ ‘BD’ ‘00’ ‘00’ ‘07’ ‘xx’ ‘xxxxxx’ ‘LLLLLL’ empty ‘00’

Le=0 (no other values accepted)

Response Syntax
Response Data SW1 SW2
‘xx’ ... ‘xx’ (‘LLLLLL’ bytes) ‘xx’ ‘xx’

Status Codes
SW1 SW2 Description
'90' '00' success
'91’ 'xx error (see to the MIFARE DESFire data sheet)

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6 Accessing Synchronous Cards (Storage)

OMNIKEY provides two ways to integrate contactless storage cards. One option is
OMNIKEY’s proprietary synchronous API library, or for MIFARE cards, directly through
PC/SC 2.0 compliant function calls. Access storage cards not supported through PC/SC 2.0
compliant APDU exchanges through OMNIKEY proprietary synchronous API.
The synchronous API for Windows systems resides in a DLL named scardsyn.dll. Download
the Synchronous API for OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card readers from
www.hidglobal.com/omnikey and execute the setup
CardMan_Synchronous_API_V2_0_0_0.exe. The setup includes this DLL. The download
also contains sample code for MIFARE and iCLASS cards. For information about this API,
reference the help file cmsync.hlp available in the c:\Program Files\HID Global\Sync-
API\Help folder after installation of the synchronous API with default settings.
The OMNIKEY Synchronous API is used whenever a card has not yet found its way into the
PC/SC 2.0 standard. Currently, only MIFARE cards can be integrated through PC/SC 2.0
compliant APDU.
Integrate Card through
PC/SC 2.0 compliant APDUs OMNIKEY Synchronous API

No special drivers are required for PC/SC 2.0 compliant card integration with Windows or
Linux. OMNIKEY’s latest drivers provide seamless cross-platform support allowing industry
standard-compliant contactless card integration.

6.1 MIFARE Card

OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card readers support MIFARE Mini, MIFARE 1K, MIFARE 4K
and MIFARE Ultralight cards.
The following functions are supported through PC/SC:
Implemented according to [PCSC 2.01]
Update Binary
Read Binary
Increment OMNIKEY proprietary extension of PC/SC
Decrement OMNIKEY proprietary extension of PC/SC
OMNIKEY proprietary extension of PC/SC
MIFARE Emulation Mode

Reference the [PCSC 2.01] and [MIFARE] for documentation of PC/SC 2.0 compliant
MIFARE card access. The following section only describes usage of functions that are not
already documented in [PCSC 2.01]. They are part of an OMNIKEY proprietary extension of

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6.1.1 MIFARE Increment (Card Command)

This command increments the value of a block, if the card and block supports this
Command Syntax
INS ‘D4’
P1 MSB of block address
P2 LSB of block address
LC 4
Data Field Four bytes value indicating block increment (LSB first)
Le empty

Response Syntax
Data Field Empty
SW1 SW2 status word as described below
‘90’ ‘00’ Success
'65' ‘81’ memory failure (unsuccessful increment)
‘69’ ‘81’ incompatible command
‘69’ ‘82’ security status not satisfied
‘69’ ‘86’ command not allowed
‘6A’ ‘81’ function not supported
‘6A’ ‘82’ invalid block address

6.1.2 MIFARE Decrement (Card Command)

This command decrements the value of a block, if the card and block support this
Command Syntax
INS ‘D8’
P1 MSB of block address
P2 LSB of block address
LC 4
Data Field Four byte value indicating block decrement (LSB first)
Le Empty

Response Syntax
Data Field Empty
SW1 SW2 status word as described below
‘90’ ‘00’ Success
'65' ‘81’ memory failure (unsuccessful decrement)
‘69’ ‘81’ incompatible command
‘69’ ‘82’ security status not satisfied
‘69’ ‘86’ command not allowed
‘6A’ ‘81’ function not supported
‘6A’ ‘82’ invalid block address

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6.1.3 MIFARE Emulation Mode

By default, the OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card driver exposes standard MIFARE storage
cards through a PC/SC 2.01 compliant interface. This driver-level MIFARE emulation mode
makes standard MIFARE cards available through standard APDUs even though the card
itself does not support any asynchronous protocols supported directly by native PC/SC
Dual-interface cards work differently. Their CPU supports communication through
ISO14443A part 4 (T=CL) allowing on-card MIFARE emulation rather than host-side
MIFARE emulation. This means that OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card reader’s default
mode (for example, host-side MIFARE emulation) must be disabled to support the on-card
MIFARE emulation of a dial-interface card.
There are two ways to switch between host-side and card-side MIFARE emulation:
1. Registry keys
2. IO controls using the PC/SC function ScardControl() as described in Appendix A2.8
MIFARE Emulation Mode (OMNIKEY Proprietary API).
The following registry keys let you switch between OMNIKEY MIFARE emulation mode
(default) and on-card MIFARE emulation.
ControlFlags=0x00000004 OMNIKEY’s host-side MIFARE emulation ON
ControlFlags=0x00000000 OMNIKEY’s host-side MIFARE emulation OFF
T=CL, for on-card MIFARE emulation

Note: Restart the OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card driver after changing the registry keys
(disconnect and then reconnect the reader).

6.1.4 MIFARE Application Directory (MAD)

To access the MIFARE Application Directory (MAD), two commands are necessary –
Authenticate and Read. The following steps describe how to retrieve a MAD from a
MIFARE card:
1. Authenticate block 3 with the Public key A0A1A2A3A4A5 and authentication mode
2. Read Block 3.
3. Read Block 2.
4. Read Block 1.

For information about the block content see:


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6.2 iCLASS Card

Only access iCLASS cards through OMNIKEY’s proprietary scardsyn API. This synchronous
API contains a function that is dedicated to accessing contactless cards using the standard
PC/SC card handle.
OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card readers expose all iCLASS functions necessary to access
any of the application areas on an iCLASS card. The two modes of communication
supported are:
1. Standard mode communication
2. Secured mode communication (OMNIKEY proprietary mode)
Note: OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card readers do not allow WRITE access to the HID
application (1st application on page 0). For READ access to the HID application, secured
communication (available for firmware version 5.00 and greater) is mandatory.
Note: Standard readers provide secured mode communication only between standard HID
iCLASS. However, there is also a possibility for secured mode communication between HID
iCLASS Elite cards (available for firmware version 5.20 and greater). For details, contact
your local Sales Representative.

6.2.1 Card Access through SCardCLICCTransmit

SCardCLICCTransmit is the OMNIKEY proprietary function to access HID iCLASS cards
through the OMNIKEY synchronous API. It supports both, standard and secure
communication modes and is defined as follows:
IN PUCHAR pucSendData,
IN ULONG ulSendDataBufLen,
IN OUT PUCHAR pucReceivedData,
IN OUT PULONG pulReceivedDataBufLen );

Parameter Description
handle to the card, provided from the PC/SC smart card resource
manager after connecting to the card with SCardConnect
pucSendData buffer for data sent to the reader/card, typically a command APDU
ulSendDataBufLen length of the data to be sent
pucReceivedData buffer for data received from reader/card, typically data and status
before the call: length (in bytes) of the receive buffer
after the call: number of bytes actually received

Command Syntax
CLA INS P1 P2 Lc Input Data or Datagram Le
‘8x’ ‘xx’ ‘xx’ ‘xx’ ‘xx’ ‘xx’ ... ‘xx’ (Lc bytes) ‘xx’

Response Syntax
Response Data or Datagram SW1 SW2
‘xx’ .. ‘xx’ (Le or max bytes) ‘xx’ ‘xx’

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Status Codes
SW1 SW2 Description
'90' '00' success
'64' '00' card execution error
'67' '00' wrong length
'68' '00' invalid class (CLA) byte
security status not satisfied. This can include wrong data structure, wrong
'69' '82'
keys, incorrect padding.
'6A' '81' invalid instruction (INS) byte
'6B' '00' wrong parameter P1 or P2

The error codes defined in the previous Status Codes table are valid for all the commands.
Command specific error codes are documented with their respective command
Note: The error code 6982 security status not satisfied, received during secured
communication, blocks any further commands. Remove and reinsert the card to reactivate
communication with the card.

6.3 ST LRI64 Support (PC/SC 2.0 add-on)

ST Microelectronics’ LRI64 is a memory tag IC with 64-bit Unique ID (UID) and WORM user
area. The following table lists PC/SC 2.01 compliant functions that are available for LRI64
based storage cards.
Update Binary implemented according to [PCSC 2.01]
Read Binary

This ISO15693 compliant IC is not accessible with standard driver settings. It requires the
following registry key setting:
See the [PCSC 2.01] and [LRI64] for documentation of PC/SC 2.0 compliant LRI64 card
access. The following section describes usage of functions that are not already
documented in [PCSC 2.01].

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6.3.1 Update Binary

UpdateBinary requires block numbers within the WORM memory area (Write-Once Read-
Write ‘121314’ to block ‘0D’ (decimal 12):
Command APDU: ‘FFD6000D03121314’
Response APDU: ‘9000’
Attempt to write ‘101112 to block ‘0A’ (10 decimal):
Command APDU: ‘FFD6000A03101112’
Response APDU: ‘6282’
For blocks 10 and 11 this works out fine, however, because we previously wrote to
block 12, the card responds with ‘6282’ End of file reached before writing Lc bytes.
After the first write access to block 12 only read operations are supported.
The following APDU attempts to write to block 7:
Command APDU: ‘FFD6000701FF’
Response APDU: ‘6581’
The card responds with ‘6581’ Memory failure (unsuccessful writing) because this is a
UID byte - write access to the UID area is always locked.

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6.3.2 Read Binary

The ReadBinary command is available for all blocks of the LRI64 chip.
Reading all 15 blocks from 0 to 14
Command APDU: ‘FFB0000000’
Response APDE: ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx9000’

Attempt to read 16 blocks

Command APDU: ‘FFB0000010’
Response APDE: ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx6282’

The response is ‘6282’ or End of file reached before reading expected number of
bytes. Even though the warning ‘6282’ is returned, all bytes from block 0 up to block
14 are read correctly.

Read blocks 10 and 11 (2 bytes)

Command APDU: ‘FFB0000A02’
Response APDE: ‘xxxx9000’

Attempt to read an invalid block number:

Command APDU: ‘FFB0000F01’
Response APDE: ‘6A82’

The response is the error code ‘6A82’ because block number 15 does not exist.

6.4 ISO15693-3 Memory Card Support

For detailed information about supported ISO15693 Tags, reference Section 10 Reading
ISO15693, page 58.
READ BINARY and UPDATE BINARY is compliant to PS/SC2.01. See Section 4 PC/SC 2.0.

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7 Communication with MIFARE Plus

Depending on the card security level, the reader activates the MIFARE Plus card in the ISO
14443A Layer 3 or in the ISO 14443A Layer 4 (T=CL).
Security Level Protocol Type
MIFARE Plus SL 0 ISO 14443 A – 4
MIFARE Plus SL 1 ISO 14443 A – 3
MIFARE Plus SL 2 ISO 14443 A – 3
MIFARE Plus SL 3 ISO 14443 A – 4

Note: The OMNIKEY synchronous API does not support the new MIFARE Plus cards (for
example SL1 cards). Use the command set from PC/SC 2.01 part 3. The MIFARE functions
from the sample application, contactlessdemoVC and contactlessdemoVB require the
synchronous API. These applications do not work with MIFARE Plus cards.

7.1 ISO 14443 A – Part 4 card communication

If the card is activated in protocol layer 4, the application communicates with the MIFARE
Plus card by calling SCardTransmit. The card command is transferred directly to the
MIFARE Plus card by using the T=CL protocol layer. The T=CL protocol layer is completed
by the driver. The application uses this type of communication for all card commands in
SL0 and SL3. For MIFARE Plus details, reference the MIFARE Plus data sheet from NXP
The application executes the card provisioning in security level 0 or the AES authentication
in security level 3 by direct transferring the MIFARE Plus commands.

7.2 ISO 14443 A – Part 3 card communication

If activating the card in protocol layer 3, the application does not use the direct card
communication. For this type of communication, a transparent transmission channel to the
card is necessary. There is an amendment proposal for the PC/SC specification part 3 (HID
and NXP) in discussion with the PC/SC work group.
Because the standardization is not concluded, the OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card
reader provides an HID proprietary transparent channel. In this channel the application
communicates with generic card commands. See Sections 7.3 Open Generic Session, 7.4
Generic Card Commands and 7.5 Close Generic Session.

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7.3 Open Generic Session

Stop the driver activity for card tracking and initialize the generic command session. Take
the card control to the application.
Command Class INS P1 P2 Lc Data In Le
Init Session 0xFF 0xA0 0x00 0x07 0x03 0x01 0x00 0x01 -


Data Out
SW1 SW2 = 0x9000

At first the application must send the following APDU with SCardTransmit.
Send FFA0000703010001
Receive 9000

7.4 Generic Card Commands

Write the MIFARE Plus command in a transparent channel to the card. The Application
sends the Generic Card Command APDU with SCardTransmit.
Command Class INS P1 P2 Lc Data In Le
Card 0x0 0x0 01 00 F3 00 00 64 + MIFARE Plus
0xFF 0xA0 6+n 00
Command 0 5 command

Preamble MIFARE Plus card command Explanation

01 00 F3 00 00 64 E1 81 ISO14443-3 RATS
01 00 F3 00 00 64 0A 01 70 02 90 00 ISO14443-4 First Authentication

Never change the red labelled preamble.

The green labeled data field is the PCB and CID. The application is responsible for the
correct usage of the Protocol Control Byte (PCB) 0000 1010. The green labeled bit 0 is the
block number. See ISO 14443-4 clause 7.5.3 Block numbering rules.
Data Out
RF Controller Status MIFARE Plus card answer SW1 SW2
Byte1 Byte 2 Byte 3 … n-2 Byte n-1 Byte n
[PCB+CID] SC Data 0x9000 successful
00 00
[0A 01] 90 [ XX XX … XX ] 0x6400 no card answer (TimeOut)
0x9000 successful ACK answer from
08 04 0A
one-byte value 0x9000 successful NAK answer from
08 04 from range: MIFARE card
00-09, 0B-0F

The green labeled PCB, CID filed is only available if the card is switched to ISO14443-4. If
desired, leave the data field empty. The status code in this sample is successful code.

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7.4.1 MIFARE Plus commands with the GENERIC INTERFACE Command APDU
Switching to ISO14443 part 4 (RATS) Sample
Send FFA00005080100F3000064E08100
Receive 00000C757784024D46505F454E479000
First Authentication Sample
Send FFA000050C0100F30000640A017002900000
SL1 authentication Sample
Send FFA00005090100F300006476049000

7.5 Close Generic Session

Continue the driver activity for card tracking and close the generic command session. Take
the card control from the application to the driver.
Command Class INS P1 P2 Lc Data In Le
0xFF 0xA0 0x00 0x07 0x03 0x01 0x00 0x02 -


Data Out
SW1 SW2 = 0x9000

After the generic interface session, close the session. Do not skip this step.
The application must send the following APDU with SCardTransmit.
Send FFA0000703010002
Receive 9000

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8 OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card Reader Keys

The OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card reader has a set of built-in cryptographic keys, some
of which are implemented in volatile memory and others in non-volatile memory.

8.1 Key Numbering Scheme

Cryptographic keys are referenced by a unique key number between 0x00 and 0xFE. Each
key number refers to a key of pre-defined length for a specific card type. For cards such as
MIFARE and iCLASS, multiple key numbers are reserved.
The OMNIKEY key number is used to determine key usage, key length, and to map the
reader key to the third party card key.
Reader Key number ‘0A’ refers to the 6 byte MIFARE key 10, KMIF10
Reader Key number ‘24’ refers to the 8 byte iCLASS Default key for application 1 on
page 1
See MIFARE and iCLASS for detailed documentation. Contact your card manufacturer for
information about any key values.
Keys Numbers and Key Names
Key Key
Key # Key Name Memory Type
Length Type
6-byte (MIFARE) keys
‘00’ to KMIF0 (MIFARE Key 0) to KMIF31 (MIFARE 6 bytes Card Non- volatile memory
‘1F’ Key 31) Key
8-byte (iCLASS) keys
KIAMC (KMC0, Kc for application 2 of page 8 bytes Card Non- volatile memory
0 on Book 0 of iCLASS card) Key
KMDC HID Master Key (KMD0, Kd for 8 bytes Card Non- volatile memory
‘21’ application 1 of page 0 on Book 0 of Key
iCLASS card)
RFU (previously used for HID Master 8 bytes Card Non-volatile memory
Key KMDO) Key
KMC0 (Default Master Key for application 8 bytes Card Non- volatile memory
2 of page 0 of iCLASS card) Key
KMD1 (Default Master Key for application 8 bytes Card Non- volatile memory
1 of page 1 of iCLASS card) Key
KMC1 (Default Master Key for application 8 bytes Card Non- volatile memory
2 of page 1 of iCLASS card) Key
KMD2 (Default Master Key for application 8 bytes Card Non- volatile memory
1 of page 2 of iCLASS card) Key
KMC2 (Default Master Key for application 8 bytes Card Non- volatile memory
2 of page 2 of iCLASS card) Key
KMD3 (Default Master Key for application 8 bytes Card Non- volatile memory
1 of page 3 of iCLASS card) Key
KMC3 (Default Master Key for application 8 bytes Card Non- volatile memory
2 of page 3 of iCLASS card) Key
KMD4 (Default Master Key for application 8 bytes Card Non-volatile memory
1 of page 4 of iCLASS card) Key

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Key Key
Key # Key Name Memory Type
Length Type
KMC4 (Default Master Key for application 8 bytes Card Non- volatile memory
2) of page 4 of iCLASS card Key
KMD5 (Default Master Key for application 8 bytes Card Non- volatile memory
1 of page 5 of iCLASS card) Key
KMC5 (Default Master Key for application 8 bytes Card Non- volatile memory
2 of page 5 of iCLASS card) Key
KMD6 (Default Master Key for application 8 bytes Card Non- volatile memory
1 of page 6 of iCLASS card) Key
KMC6 (Default Master Key for application 8 bytes Card Non- volatile memory
2 of page 6 of iCLASS card) Key
KMD7 (Default Master Key for application 8 bytes Card Non-volatile memory
1 of page 7 of iCLASS card) Key
KMC7 (Default Master Key for application 8 bytes Card Non- volatile memory
2 of page 7 of iCLASS card) Key
KMTD (Master Transport Key for 8 bytes Card Non volatile memory
application 1 of Picopass cards) Key
KMTC (Master Transport Key for 8 bytes Card Non- volatile memory
application 2 of Picopass cards) Key
KMD0B1 (Default Master Key for 8 bytes Card Non-volatile memory
‘34’ application 1 of page 0 on Book 1 of Key
iCLASS card)
‘35’..’7F’ RFU
16-byte keys
KCUR (Custom read key) 16 Reader Non-volatile memory
bytes Key
KCUW (Custom write Key) 16 Reader Non- volatile memory
bytes Key
KENC (Card data encryption key) 16 Card Non- volatile memory
bytes Key
24- byte keys
‘B0’..’CF’ RFU
32-byte keys
‘D0’..’DF’ RFU
0xF0 to 0xFF are volatile keys
0xF0 KVAK (volatile application key) 8 bytes Card Volatile memory
‘F1’...‘FF’ RFU

Note: OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card reader firmware version 5.00 is the first to support
all keys listed above. Readers with firmware version 1.03 and 1.04 only support key
numbers 0x20 and 0xF0.
Key number 0x21 to Key number 0x31 (except 0x22) are the default keys for iCLASS cards.
Key number 0x32 and 0x33 are the default transport keys for Inside cards.
Keys 0x21 and 0x22 are stored in the reader. The remaining non-volatile keys 0x23 to 0x33
are stored in the registry.
Key 0x21 cannot be updated. Updates of key 0x22 are RFU and currently not supported.

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8.2 Key Container and Slots

The OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card reader key container is organized in fixed-length
key slots. These key slots allow easy usage of cryptographic keys. It is not necessary that
the host application knows anything about the physical storage location. Load keys into a
key container by referring to a key slot and a key number. Key access and usage are
managed by the reader firmware. For security purposes, keys can only be used and
updated, but they can never be read. As an additional security measure, keys are diversified
with two 16-byte secret keys before being committed to a key container.
Key slot properties are available for advanced users. This feature is designed to ensure
proper use of a single key in case there are more keys than key slots.
Key Container of OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card Reader
Default Default
Key Slot KS
Stored Key Stored Key Remarks
(KS) Number Length
Name Number
‘00’ 12 KMIF0 ’00’ No key slot information is available for
…. 12 ------- ---- these key slots. Retrieving information
will return SW1SW2 6300.
‘1F’ 12 KMIF31 ’1F’
‘20’ 16 KCUR ’80’
’21’ 16 KCUW ’81’
’22’ 16 KENC ’82’
Key slot information is available.
’23’ 08 KIAMC ’20’
'24’ 08 KMDO ’22’
’25’ 08 KMDC ’21’
No key slot information is available for
’26’ 08 KVAK ’F0’ these key slots. Retrieving information
will return SW1SW2 6300.
’27’ 08 KMC0 ’23’
’28’ 08 KMD1 ’24’
’29’ 08 KMC1 ’25’
’2A’ 08 KMD2 ’26’
’2B’ 08 KMC2 ’27’
’2C’ 08 KMD3 ’28’
’2D’ 08 KMC3 ’29’
’2E’ 08 KMD4 ’2A’
’2F’ 08 KMC4 ’2B’
Key slot information is available.
’30’ 08 KMD5 ’2C’
’31’ 08 KMC5 ’2D’
’32’ 08 KMD6 ’2E’
’33’ 08 KMC6 ’2F’
’34’ 08 KMD7 ’30’
’35’ 08 KMC7 ’31’
’36’ 08 KMTD ’32
’37’ 08 KMTC ’33’
’38’ 08 KMD0B1 ’34’

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8.3 Key Update Rules

The following table lists update rules for keys being used by the reader system. Key
updates relate to keys residing in the OMNIKEY reader. Those keys are used for
authentication of the reader to the card or to encrypt data written to the card.
Key Key
Key Name Description
Number Update Rule
Always 6-byte MIFARE keys can be loaded/updated by using
the SCardCLWriteMIFAREKeyToReader function of
KMIF0 synchronous API. A key sent to reader may be plain or
’00’ to
to 3-DES encrypted with the KCUR or KCUW .
KMIF31 For more details (for example, padding for 3-DES
encryption) see the synchronous API help file
Standard Mode: 8-byte iCLASS key. This key is the transport key Kc0
- Always (authenticates to application 2 on page 0).
KIAMC ‘20’
Secured Mode:
- Read session
- Write session
Never Authenticates the reader to the HID application of an
iCLASS card for read access. This authentication
KMDC ’21’
requires secure mode operation. Write access to the
HID application is not allowed.
KMDO ’22’ Never RFU
Secured mode: Authenticates the reader to establish a secured
- read session session. Grants the application read access. This key
KCUR ’80’
can also be used to encrypt the MIFARE key in
SCardCLWriteMIFAREKeyToReader function.
Secured mode: Authenticates the reader to establish a secured
- read session session. Grants the application read-only access. This
KCUW ’81’
- write session key can also be used to encrypt the MIFARE key in
SCardCLWriteMIFAREKeyToReader function.
Secured mode: Encrypts data written to the card or decrypts data
- read session read from the card. Requires read/update INS bits to
KENC ’82’ - write session be set accordingly. If INS bits are set for DES, the first
8 bytes of KENC are used. For 3-DES operations, all 16
bytes are used.
Standard Mode: Authenticates any application on the iCLASS card. The
- Always sequence is as follows:
Load KVAK with the 8-byte value, Authenticate with
KVAK ’F0’ Secured Mode: KVAK
- Read session Load KVAK with new 8-byte value, Authenticate with
- Write session KVAK.
KMC0 Never iCLASS default keys for free memory zones. May be
to used to authenticate to any non-HID application on an
KMC7 ’23‘ to iCLASS card. This allows quick evaluation of iCLASS
KMD1 ’31’ and cards without knowledge of the default keys.
to ‘34’
KMD7, and
’32’ Never Picopass transport keys set by the card manufacturer.

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9 Standard Communication with iCLASS Card

Standard communication means there is no authentication of the host application (for
example Microsoft Windows) to the OMNIKEY 5x21-CL. Unless the card itself has built-in
mechanisms for confidential communication, the channel between host and reader is
unprotected, exposing the connecting USB cable to eavesdropping.

9.1 APDU Structure for Standard Communication

iCLASS cards are supported through ISO7816 compliant APDU exchange. Command and
response APDUs are exchanged through the OMNIKEY proprietary API function
SCardCLICCTransmit residing in the OMNIKEY synchronous API.
Command APDU (through pucSendData)
CLA INS P1 P2 Lc Data in Le
‘80’ ‘xx’ ‘xx’ ‘xx’ ‘xx’ ‘xx’ … ‘xx’ ‘xx’

Response APDU (through pucReceivedData)

Data out SW2 SW1
‘xx’ … ‘xx’ ‘xx’ ‘xx’

9.2 Commands Available in Standard Communication Mode

Card commands are referred to by their respective instruction (INS) byte as part of a
command APDU sent by SCardCLICCTransmit. The following table lists all INS values
supported by the OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card reader in standard communication
List of Supported INS bytes (APDU Commend Set)
Instruction (INS) Description Command Type
‘82’ Load Key reader command
‘C4’ GetKeySlotInfo reader command
‘A6’ Select Page card command
‘88’ Authenticate card command
‘B0’ Read card command
‘D6’ Update card command

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9.2.1 Select Page (Card Command)

iCLASS comes with various card configurations. Every iCLASS card has at least one page
(page 0). Cards such as the iCLASS 2x8KS, provide additional pages 1 to 7. In addition to
pages, iCLASS cards also have books. To select a certain memory block on an iCLASS card,
you need to know its book number, page number, and block number.
Select the appropriate page and book before authentication to an iCLASS card application
for performing read/write access. In the context of iCLASS cards, an application area and
memory area are synonymous.
Currently, only cards with more than 16 kbit of total memory capacity have an additional
book. The following section describes parameters of the Select Page command.
Command Syntax
CLA ‘80’
INS ‘A6’
‘00’: Select the only page of iCLASS 2KS or single page of 16KS
’01’: Select page of multi-page iCLASS 16KS (8x2KS) or 32KS
Specifies whether data is requested from the card
’00’: no data requested
P2 ’04’: request for 8-byte card serial number
’08’: request for 8-byte configuration block data
’0C’: request for 8-byte application issuer data
for P1=’00’: standard mode: empty; secured mode: ‘00’
for P1=’01’: ‘01’
for P1=’00’: empty
Data Field
for P1=’01’: book number and page number according to format below
for P2=’00’: empty
for P2>’00’: ’00’ or ‘08’

Data Field Format for Page Number & Book Selection

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
Book number
0 0 0 0: for 1 book 0 Page number 0-7
1: for 2 book on iCLASS 32KS

Page Selection Examples

Data Field Description
‘03’ select page 3 of an iCLASS 8x2KS card
‘03’ select page 3 of book 0 of an iCLASS 32KS (book 0: 8x2KS) card
‘13’ select page 3 of book 1 of an iCLASS 32KS (book 1: 8x2KS) card
‘10’ select book 1 (16KS) of an iCLASS 32KS
‘00’ select book 0 (16KS) of an iCLASS 32KS

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Response Syntax
empty or
Data Field
8 byte card response, in case of a previous request for such data
SW1 SW2 status word as described below
‘90’ ‘00’ Success
‘62’ ‘83’ requested page number does not exist
‘6C’ ‘xx’ wrong length Le. xx returns the number of data available

Reference section 5.2.1-Card Access through SCardCLICCTransmit for additional status

words common to all iCLASS access functions.
Note: If the application resides on page 0 of an 8x2KS iCLASS card or on the single page of
an iCLASS 16KS or iCLASS 2KS card, the Select Page command is not necessary. It is
helpful to call Select Page anyway, in case you need to retrieve the card serial number,
configuration block, or application issuer data.

9.2.2 Load Key

Load Key command loads an iCLASS card key and stores it in reader memory, thus
preparing the reader for subsequent card authentication commands. OMNIKEY Contactless
Smart Card reader can only store one such key at a time.
Command Syntax
CLA ‘80’: standard mode operation
’84’: secured mode operation
INS ‘82’
P1 ‘xx’ specifies key location according to byte format below
P2 ‘xx’ key number (see Key Numbering Scheme)
LC ‘08’
Data Field 8 byte key
Le Empty

P1 - Format for Key Location

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 Description
0: card key
1: reader key
0: plain transmission
1: secured transmission (not available)
0: key loaded in volatile memory
1: key loaded in non-volatile memory.
x 0: RFU (non-zero value returns error)
0 0 0 0 b0..b3 must be set to 0

Note: Only load a key in volatile memory once during any given card session. Unless you
need to authenticate to any additional application with a different key, you can use the
stored key throughout the session for more than one authentication.

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Response Syntax
Data Field Empty
SW1 SW2 status word as described below
‘90’ ‘00’ success
‘63’ ‘00’ no further information given (warning)
‘63’ ‘81’ loading/updating is not allowed
‘63’ ‘82’ card key not supported
‘63’ ‘83’ reader key not supported
‘63’ ‘84’ plaintext transmission not supported
‘63’ ‘85’ secured transmission not supported
‘63’ ‘86’ volatile memory is not available
‘63’ ‘87’ non-volatile memory is not available
‘63’ ‘88’ key number not valid
‘63’ ‘89’ key length is not correct

Reference section 5.2.1-Card Access through SCardCLICCTransmit for additional status

words common to all iCLASS access functions.

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9.2.3 GetKeySlotInfo (Reader Command)

The GetKeySlotInfo reader command provides access to key slot status information.
OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card reader provides a set of predefined key slots in the key
container. Easily load key slots with keys by referring to the key number (for example, key
reference) rather than loading the actual 8 byte key by value. The slot for key storage is
automatically determined by the reader system.
Command Syntax
CLA ‘80’: standard mode operation
’84’: secured mode operation
INS ‘C4’
P1 ‘00’
P2 ‘xx’ key slot number. See Section 8.2 Key Container and Slots.
LC standard mode: empty; secured mode: ‘00’
Data Field 8 byte key
Le ‘00’ or ‘02’

Response Syntax
2 byte key information
Data Field
see Key Information and Key Access Option below
SW1 SW2 status word as described below
‘90’ ‘00’ success
‘63’ ‘00’ no further information given (warning)
‘63’ ‘01’ key slot does not contain valid key or empty key slot
‘62’ ‘83’ requested key slot does not exist
‘6C’ ‘xx’ more data available than requested; xx returns available data size

Reference section 5.2.1-Card Access through SCardCLICCTransmit for additional status

words common to all iCLASS access functions.
Key Information (contained in Data Field)
b15 b14 B13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
Key key number according to
RFU Access 7.1-Key Numbering Scheme
Option ’FF’ means empty key slot

Key Access Option (contained in b9, b8 of Data Field)

b9 B8 Key Access Option
0 0 key can be loaded for any plaintext and secured transmission.
0 1 key can only be loaded in OMNIKEY proprietary secured mode
1 0 key can never be loaded
1 1 RFU

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9.2.4 Authenticate (Card Command)

The Authenticate command authenticates the reader system to the card application of the
selected page. For iCLASS authentication, this command requires previous page selection.
Command Syntax
CLA ‘80’: standard mode operation
’84’: secured mode operation
INS ‘88’
P1 ‘xx’ key type:
’00’: Inside Contactless or iCLASS debit key Kd (i.e. application 1)
’01’: Inside Contactless or iCLASS credit key Kc (i.e. application 2)
’60’: MIFARE Key A
’61’: MIFARE Key B
’FF’: key type unknown or not necessary
all other values: RFU
P2 ‘xx’ key number. See Section 8.1 Key Numbering Scheme.
LC length of address
iCLASS: standard mode: empty; secured mode: ‘00’
other cards: ‘01’ or ‘02’ (max 2 address bytes supported)
Data Field iCLASS: empty
other cards: one or two byte address
Le empty

Response Syntax
Data Field empty
SW1 SW2 status word as described below
‘90’ ‘00’ success
‘63’ ‘00’ no further information given (warning)
‘69’ ‘83’ authentication cannot be done
‘69’ ‘84’ reference key not useable
‘69’ ‘88’ key number not valid

Reference section 5.2.1-Card Access through SCardCLICCTransmit for additional status

words common to all iCLASS access functions.

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9.2.5 Read (Card Command)

The Read command reads a data block from the given block address. For the iCLASS card,
only eight bytes can be read at a time. For information about available blocks reference
[HID_ICLASS]. This command requires previous page selection and, depending on the
iCLASS card configuration, authentication to the iCLASS application.
Command Syntax
CLA ‘80’: standard mode operation
’84’: secured mode operation
INS ‘B0’
P1 MSB of block number
P2 LSB of block number
LC standard mode: empty; secured mode: ‘00’
Data Field empty
Le ‘00’ or ‘08’
’20’: if supported by card, up to 32 bytes can be returned

Response Syntax
8 byte block returned from the card (iCLASS)
Data Field
32 bytes returned if card supports it
SW1 SW2 status word as described below
‘90’ ‘00’ success
‘62’ ‘81’ part of returned data may be corrupted
‘62’ ‘82’ end of file reached before reading all requested bytes
‘69’ ‘81’ command incompatible
‘69’ ‘86’ command not allowed
‘6A’ ‘81’ function not supported
‘6A’ ‘82’ file not found or addressed block or byte does not exist
‘6C’ ‘xx’ more data available than requested; xx returns available data size, typically ‘08’

Reference section 5.2.1-Card Access through SCardCLICCTransmit for additional status

words common to all iCLASS access functions.

Note: Reading blocks without valid authentication or trying to read data without read
permission, will set all returned data to ‘FF’.

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9.2.6 Update (Card Command)

The Update command writes a data block to a given block address. For the iCLASS card,
only eight bytes can be written at a time. For further information about available blocks
reference [HID_ICLASS]. This command requires previous page selection and, depending
on the iCLASS card configuration, authentication to the iCLASS application.
Command Syntax
CLA ‘80’: standard mode operation
’84’: secured mode operation
INS ‘D6’
P1 MSB of block number
P2 LSB of block number
LC ‘08’ (iCLASS only allows 8 bytes per call)
Data Field 8 bytes to be written to card
Le empty

Response Syntax
Data Field empty
SW1 SW2 status word as described below
‘90’ ‘00’ success
‘62’ ‘82’ end of file reached before writing all Lc bytes
‘65’ ‘81’ memory failure (unsuccessful writing)
‘69’ ‘81’ command incompatible
‘69’ ‘86’ command not allowed
‘6A’ ‘81’ function not supported
‘6A’ ‘82’ file not found or addressed block or byte does not exist

Reference section 5.2.1-Card Access through SCardCLICCTransmit for additional status

words common to all iCLASS access functions.

Note: Updating without authenticating to the corresponding application returns ‘6400‘

Card Execution Error.

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9.3 Communication in Standard Mode

1 Establish Context

3 Connect Card

4 Select Page

5 Load Key Same Page

6 Authenticate Application

7 Read/Update

Yes Same No
Read/Update Application


8 Disconnect Card

9 Release Context

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10 Secured Communication with the iCLASS Card

For a desktop smart card reader, such as the OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card reader,
security mainly evolves from the following scenarios:
• Authenticity between the host application and the reader
• Confidentiality of data transmitted through USB cable
• Integrity of transmitted data
• Authenticity between the reader and the card
• Confidentiality and integrity of the RF transmission
• Confidentiality of data stored in cards
OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card reader provides an end-to-end security scheme to fulfill
the security requirements listed above.
Note: Secured mode communication requires reader firmware version 5.00 or greater.

10.1 Multi-Step Approach to a Secure Card Reader System

10.1.1 Authenticity between Host and Reader

Authenticity between host and reader is enforced with a mutual authentication scheme
that requires a 16-byte transport key (Kcur or Kcuw) and a proprietary algorithm. Only
initiate sessions upon successful completion of this one-step mutual authentication
Note: This feature prevents unauthorized reader usage. Additional information about this
process is available under NDA.

10.1.2 Confidentiality of USB Data Exchange

The Contactless Smart Card reader has a built-in mechanism that protects against
eavesdropping and replay attacks on USB traffic. The data transmitted through a USB
cable is triple DES encrypted with the Session Key (Ks). This key is generated during the
mutual authentication process. It is unique for every session. Therefore, traffic recorded in
one session cannot be replayed in another session.

10.1.3 Integrity of Transmitted Data

Data transmitted between host and reader is digitally signed with an eight-byte Message
Authentication Code (MAC) which is appended to the data. This is done to detect any
inconsistencies that may occur due to erroneous or modified data.

10.1.4 Authenticity between Reader and Card

iCLASS cards allow authentication of the reader system to the card. This is done by proving
knowledge of a shared secret, the iCLASS card application key KIAMC or KMDC . Applications
that are protected with such a key require successful reader authentication before
read/write access to card data is granted.

10.1.5 Integrity of the Radio Frequency (RF) Transmission

Data integrity of an RF transmission with an iCLASS card is enforced with a two-byte
checksum (based on CRC algorithm).

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10.1.6 Confidentiality of the RF Transmission

The Contactless Smart Card reader supports an important feature to guarantee
confidentiality: it encrypts data before writing data to the card and decrypts data read
from the card. Confidentiality in this context means that data is securely transmitted
between the card and the reader without an eavesdropper reading the data in plaintext.

10.1.7 Authentication of the Host for Read/Write Session

The Contactless Smart Card reader contains two keys KCUR and KCUW that are used to
control access to read and write functions respectively. Initiating a reader session with KCUR
makes it a read-only session thus blocking functions that write to the card. Starting a
session with KCUW enables the reader for both read and write access.
Note: This is part of a host-to-reader authentication mechanism, not to be confused with
reader-to-card authentication enforced by the card itself.

10.1.8 Protection against Known Attacks

Replay Attacks:
The data header contains a datagram that is different with every APDU exchange.
The reader ensures that no frame is repeated.
Plain Text Attack:
For some critical commands, there is a built-in delay to prevent a plain text attack. If
there is any error in the data header or signature, the session is immediately
terminated. One can commence communication only after starting a new session.

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10.2 APDU Structure for Secured Communication

The Contactless Smart Card reader provides a unique mechanism to secure the
communication channel using OMNIKEY’s proprietary cryptographic envelope which
protects the transmitted data from eavesdroppers.
Secured communication requires additional steps to prepare data before sending it to the
reader system and after receiving data from the reader. The underlying triple DES
algorithm requires a block size that is a multiple of 8. Therefore, the datagram has a built-in
padding scheme. Authenticity of the plaintext is enforced with an 8 byte signature.
Command Syntax
CLA INS P1 P2 Lc Input Datagram (sent to the reader) Le
‘84’ ‘xx’ ‘xx’ ‘xx’ ‘xx’ ‘xx ... xx’ ‘xx’

Input Datagram (sent to the reader)

Data Header Size of INS INS related Padding
(DH) related data data Bytes Signature
LcINS (INSData) (PB)
3-DES{KS, ( ‘xxxxxxxx’ ‘xx’ ‘xx ... xx’ ’80 ... 00’ ‘xx ... xx’ )}
4 bytes 1 byte LcINS bytes P bytes 8 bytes

P = number of padding bytes to satisfy (4+1+ LcINS+P) is multiple of 8.

Response Syntax
Output Datagram (received from the reader) SW2 SW1
‘xx ... xx’ ‘xx’ ‘xx’

Output Datagram (received from the reader)

Size of Card Padding

Data Header (DH) Response Bytes Signature
LcR (PB)
3-DES{KS, ( ‘xxxxxxxx’ ‘xx’ ‘xx ... xx’ ’80 ... 00’ ‘xx ... xx’ )}
4 bytes 1 byte n bytes P bytes 8 bytes

P = number of padding bytes to satisfy (4+1+ LcINS+P) is multiple of 8.

Note: If no valid session key Ks is available due to a previous error during the Start Session
command, all datagram bytes are set to ‘00’. Therefore the host would receive ’00 ... 00’ ||
SW1 || SW2 as response from the reader.

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10.2.1 Data Header (DH)

Data Header
Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3
Host data header (HDH) Reader data header (RDH)

When the host system sends a Host Data Header (HDH) to the reader, the reader must
acknowledge the HDH in its response by returning the 1’s complement of the original HDH.
This allows the host to check whether it receives data originating from the correct data
When the reader sends a Reader Data Header (RDH) to the host, the host must
acknowledge the RDH in its next request by sending the 1’s complement of the preceding
RDH. This allows the reader to check whether the data sent by the host follows a previous
reader response.

10.2.2 Signature Generation

The OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card reader signature generation is based on an 8-byte
Message Authentication Code (MAC). The MAC value is calculated by taking the last 8
bytes of a DES CBC encrypted data block consisting of DH, LcINSData, INSData, and
padding bytes. Kcur or Kcuw are used as signing keys.
The following steps describe how padding is applied to create a data block that can be
signed using a DES CBC operation:
• Append '80' to the right of the data block.
• If the resulting data block length is a multiple of eight, no further padding is required.
• Do zero (‘00’) padding until the data block size reaches a multiple of eight.

10.2.3 Session Key Generation

The session key Ks is derived from an 8-byte random number and the MAC transmitted to
the reader during Start Session. For the Start Session command, LcINSData equals 8
(length of the random number) and INSData contains the 8-byte random number.
All secured communication calls following a successful session key negotiation are 3DES
encrypted with Ks.

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10.2.4 Proprietary Host and Reader Datagram Example

Host Reader
Step 1: Start session
Data Header LcINSData INSData Padding MAC


3DES (KCUR. HDH0 08 xxxxxxxxx 800000 xxxxxxxx )

Rnd Rnd Rnd8

Session Key (Ks) = Rnd8 + MAC

Data Header LcR Padding MAC


3DES (KS, ~HDH0 RDH0 00 800000 xxxxxxxx )


Step n: Any other command

Data Header LcINSData INSData Padding MAC


3DES (KS, HDHn ~RDHn-1 xx xxxxxxxxx 80xxxxx xxxxxxxx )


Data Header LcR Padding MAC


3DES (KS, ~HDHn RDHn xx 80xxxxx xxxxxxxx )


Note: This is a read-only session because KCUR was used in the start session command. If
KCUW were used to start the session, both read and write operations would be allowed. The
HID application is always read-only.

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10.3 Instructions (INS) for Secured Communication

Card commands are referred to by their respective instruction (INS) byte as part of a
command APDU sent by SCardCLICCTransmit. OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card reader
with firmware version 5.00 or greater supports the following secured mode instructions:
List of INS bytes for Secured Communication
Instruction (INS) Description Command Type
‘C4’ GetKeySlotInfo reader command
‘72’ Manage Session reader command
‘82’ Load Key reader command
‘A6’ Select Page card command
‘88’ Authenticate card command
‘B0’ Read card command
‘D6’ Update card command
‘24’ Update Card Key card command

In the following sections the command structure is described. LcINS and INSData are part
of the OMNIKEY proprietary structure.
Secured mode and Standard Mode use different formatting of P1, bit 7 and bit 6 of the
Read/Update commands (INS 0xB0 and 0xD6 respectively). Use the two LSBits of P1 to
control the encryption of data read or updated.
Lc must always be transmitted in secured mode.

10.3.1 Manage Session (Reader Command)

The Manage Session command is used to start or end a session.
Command Syntax
CLA ‘84’
INS ‘72’
P1 ‘00’: start session
’01’: end session
other values: RFU
P2 P1 = ‘00’ (start session) P1 = ’01’ (end session)
‘00’: start read only session ‘00’
’01’: start read/write session
Lc ‘08’: challenge size ‘00’
Data Field 8-byte random number (challenge) empty
Le empty

Response Syntax
Data Field empty
SW1 SW2 status word as described below
‘90’ ‘00’ success

Reference section 5.2.1-Card Access through SCardCLICCTransmit for additional status

words common to all iCLASS access functions.
Note: A session is automatically ended if the card is removed.

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10.3.2 Select Page (Card Command)

Except for the CLA byte ‘84’, the syntax for Select Page in secured mode is identical to the
command described in 8.2.1-Select Page (Card Command).

10.3.3 Load Key (Reader Command)

Except for the CLA byte ‘84’, the syntax for Load Key in secured mode is identical to the
Load Command described in 8.2.2-Load Key.

10.3.4 Authenticate (Card Command)

Except for the CLA byte ‘84’, the syntax for Authenticate in secured mode is identical to
the command described in 8.2.4-Authenticate (Card Command).

10.3.5 Read (Card Command)

Except for the CLA byte ‘84’, and the additional formatting rules for P1 described below,
the syntax for the Read command in secured mode is identical to the command described
in 8.2.5-Read (Card Command).
P1 Formatting for Secured Mode
b7 b6 b5 – b0 Description
0 0 Plain
0 1 DES Encryption
Block Nr. MSB
1 0 Triple DES Encryption
1 1 RFU

Data needs to be decrypted with the KENC to get the plaintext data.

10.3.6 Update (Card Command)

Except for the CLA byte ‘84’, and additional formatting of P1 described below, the syntax
for the Update command in secured mode is identical with the command described
in 8.2.6-Update (Card Command).
P1 Formatting for Secured Mode
b7 b6 b5 – b0 Description
0 0 Plain
0 1 DES Encryption
Block Nr. MSB
1 0 Triple DES Encryption
1 1 RFU

Data is encrypted with KENC before storing it on the card.

10.3.7 GetKeySlotInfo (Reader Command)

Except for the CLA byte ‘84’, the syntax for 7.3.7 GetKeySlotInfo in secured mode is
identical to the command described in 8.2.3-GetKeySlotInfo (Reader Command).

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10.3.8 Update Card Key

The Update Card Key command is used to change KC or KD.
Command Syntax
CLA ‘84’
INS ‘24’
P1 ‘00’: New key for KD (application 1)
’01’: New key for KC (application 2)
other values: RFU
P2 Key number where new key is stored.

Lc ‘00’: empty
Data Field empty
Le empty

Response Syntax
Data Field empty
SW1 SW2 status word as described below
‘90’ ‘00’ Success
'65' '81' Memory failure (unsuccessful writing)
Command incompatible
'69' '81' ‘86’
Command not allowed
'6A' '81' Function not supported

Reference section 5.2.1-Card Access through SCardCLICCTransmit for additional status

words common to all iCLASS access functions.
The sequences for using UpdateCardKey command are as follows:
3. 1. If the desired change of the key is not in page 0, the page has to be selected
by a Select Page command.
4. 2. Load transport/old key by Load Key command.
5. 3. Authenticate the card with the old key (key number as used for Load Key in
step 2).
6. 4. Load new key by Load Key command.
7. 5. Now send the UpdateCardKey command with specific P2 (New Key number
as loaded in step 4).
Note: Only update KD (application 1) after authentication with KD, and only update KC
(application 2) after authentication with KC.
CAUTION: Do not write directly to address 3, 4 where KC and KD are stored, this will
destroy the keys.

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10.4 Communication at Secured Mode

1 Establish Context

3 Connect Card

4 Start Session

5 Select Page

6 Yes Same
Load Key

7 Authenticate Application

8 Read/Update Yes

Further Yes Same No

Read/Update Application


9 End Session

Disconnect Card

11 Release Context

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OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card Readers Developers Guide, 5321-903, Rev. B.4

10.5 Session at Secured Mode APDUs Example

KCUR = ‘A0A1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8A9AAABACADAEAF’, Read-only session
Host Reader
1. Start Session

CLA INS P1 P2 Lc OMNIKEY Proprietary Input Datagram (sent to reader) CLEAR

‘4A895F20C ‘9E5052819C5A8D3C
‘84’ ‘72’ ‘00’ ‘00’ ‘18’ ‘1422’ ‘9D2B’ ‘08’ ‘800000’
2D30B5E’ ’
LcINS Padding Signature
(Rnd) (Rnd) (INSData)
OMNIKEY Proprietary Input datagram (sent to reader) ENCIPHERED

Signature = DESEn {(A0A1A2A3A4A5A6A7),(14229D2B084A895F20C2D30B5E800000)}

= 8A8D430D608714FE9E5052819C5A8D3C
9E5052819C5A8D3C (last eight bytes of DES encryption)
Enciphered datagram = 3-DESEn{
(14229D2B084A895F20C2D30B5E8000009E5052819C5A8D3C) }
= FD274CE840FA9AD139E4FC2923653A88743CB5986DB4F7A0 (24 byte input
SessionKey (KS) = Rnd8 + MAC = 4A895F20C2D30B5E9E5052819C5A8D3C

OMNIKEY Proprietary Output Datagram (received from reader) SW1SW2

A04B84A4DE515FD8A9D40DFFE703FBF1 9000

‘EBDD’ E00C 00 800000 E367401E2DA8FACB

~HDH RDH(Rnd) LcR Padding Signature

03FBF1) }
= EBDDE00C00800000E367401E2DA8FACB
Signature = DESEn{(4A895F20C2D30B5E),( EBDDE00C00800000) }
= E367401E2DA8FACB

Note: A public source library to accomplish all security protocols introduced in the secured
communication mode is available from OMNIKEY upon request.

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2. Authenticate HID Application

CLA INS P1 P2 Lc OMNIKEY Proprietary Send Datagram

84 88 00 21 10 B3F1 1FF3 00 800000 B50318C9E871191A
~RDH LcINS Padding Signature
Proprietary Data

Signature = DESEn{(4A895F20C2D30B5E),(B3F11FF300800000)}
= B50318C9E871191A

Proprietary Data = 3-DESEn{(4A895F20C2D30B5E9E5052819C5A8D3C),(

B3F11FF300800000B50318C9E871191A) }
= B5FD83E756CA03DE54FBEA5546E8867D

OMNIKEY Proprietary Response Datagram SW1SW2

78A10C4FCC7EBC2C516354A56C4C7818 9000

4C0E 7D55 00 800000 D2D0B0B4E34EBDBE

~HDH RDH(Rnd) LcR Padding Signature

(78A10C4FCC7EBC2C516354A56C4C7818) }
= 4C0E7D5500800000D2D0B0B4E34EBDBE

Signature = DESEn{(4A895F20C2D30B5E),( 4C0E7D5500800000) }


Note: A public source library to accomplish all security protocols introduced in the
secured communication mode is available from OMNIKEY upon request.

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3. Read Block 6

CLA INS P1 P2 Lc OMNIKEY Proprietary Send Datagram Le

84 B0 00 06 10 6762 82AA 00 800000 F63AB82BED09B039 08
HDH LcINS Padding Signature
Proprietary Data

Signature = DESEn{(4A895F20C2D30B5E),( 676282AA00800000)}

= F63AB82BED09B039

Proprietary Data = 3-DESEn{(4A895F20C2D30B5E9E5052819C5A8D3C),

( 676282AA00800000F63AB82BED09B039) }
= 2FABB8F0533E742383F4FE9045142859

OMNIKEY Proprietary Response Datagram
AA401E3D849B881044FF4D847977D9070C589338C097F163 9000

989D 2A94 08 000000000000E414 800000 3101DDB971C922FF

~HDH RDH(Rnd) LcR Response Data Padding Signature

3-DESDec { (4A895F20C2D30B5E9E5052819C5A8D3C),
= 989D2A9408000000000000E4148000003101DDB971C922FF

Signature = DESEn{(4A895F20C2D30B5E),(
989D2A9408000000000000E414800000) }
= 1CDF21DCA31BABDB3101DDB971C922FF
= 3101DDB971C922FF (last 8-byte block)

Note: A public source library to accomplish all security protocols introduced in the secured
communication mode is available from OMNIKEY upon request.

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11 Reading ISO15693

11.1 Products
This document describes the commands for ISO 15693 support of OMNIKEY Contactless
Smart Card reader.
Applicable readers are:
Applicable drivers and operating system:
MS Windows Drivers Version from1.2.0.6.

11.2 Tags
The following tags and functions are covered by this document
• iCODE (see the following table)
• LRI 64
• SLC Montalbano Technology
• Texas Instruments Tag-it
• Infineon (MY-D, MY-D light)
• All ISO 15693-3 compliant Tags with support for functions marked as optional.
(Include tag functions Inventory, Stay Quiet …etc.)

Support for ICODE tags

Card Type Chip Type Support
ICODE 1 SL2 ICS30 01 UID, (Not ISO15693 Part3 compliant)
ICODE EPC SL2 ICS10 Not supported
ICODE UID SL2 ICS11 Not supported
ICODE UID-TOP SL2 ICS12 Not supported
ICODE SLI-S / SLI-S HC SL2 ICS53 / ICS54 Full support. Exception is GetSecurityStatus,
which is not supported by the card. For further
information see the datasheet [iCODE SL2].

Tag-it Standard and Pro do only support READ BINARY, UPDATE BINARY, GET DATA PICC memory and
LOCK, Applicable at MS Windows Drivers Version
Applicable at MS Windows Drivers Version

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11.3 Commands

11.3.1 Get Data

This Get Data command will retrieve information about the inserted command depending
on the inserted card. It can be used for kind of contactless cards.
Command Class INS P1 P2 Lc Data In Le
Get Data 0xFF 0x30 XX 0x00 - - XX

P1/P2 denotation
P1 P2 Description
0x00 0x00 RFU
0x01 0x00 RFU
0x02 0x00 AFI of a ISO 15693 card is returned if supported
0x03 0x00 DSFID of a ISO 15693 card is returned if supported
0x04 0x00 PICC memory size is returned if supported
0x05 0x00 IC reference is returned if supported
0x06 0x00 EAS sequence (only for I-CODE SLI cards) is returned ,
Note: EAS sequence is a bit stream which is sent LSB first !!!

GET DATA Command Output

Data Out
Data + SW1 SW2

Le = 0x00, this means: Return full length of the data

SW1SW2 Examples
SW1 SW2 Meaning
Warning ‘62’ ‘82’ End of data reached before Le bytes (Le is greater than data
Error ‘6A’ ‘81’ Function not supported
‘6C’ ‘xx’ Wrong length (wrong number Le; ‘XX’ encodes the exact
number) if Le is less than the available UID length)

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11.3.2 Put Data

Use this command to write system information to a contactless card.
Put Data Command APDU
Command Class INS P1 P2 Lc Data In Le
Put Data 0xFF 0x30 0x00 0x01 3+N See table -

Put Data bytes

Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4..n
Version Flag1 Flag2 Data

Put Data Flag denotation for version 0x01

Flag1 Flag2
0x00 0x00 RFU
0x01 0x00 RFU
0x02 0x00 AFI of a ISO 15693 card is written if supported
0x03 0x00 DSFID of a ISO 15693 card is written if supported
0x04 0x00 RFU
0x05 0x00 RFU
0x06 0x00 EAS bit is written (for I-Code SLI) cards. Data field consists of one byte (bit 0
is the new value of the EAS bit)
0x00 0x01 Stay quiet (the PICC does not answer any more any response), currently not

The following table introduces examples of SW1SW2 and their meaning.

Put data Command Error Codes

SW1 SW2 Meaning
'62' '82' Block or field is locked
'63' '00' No information is given
‘64’ ‘00’ Execution error
‘6A’ ‘81’ Function not supported
Error '69' '82' Security status not satisfied
‘86’ Command not allowed, no ISO15693-3 chip

EAS is supported by MY-D; EAS must be enabled in AFI byte (bit 2)!
The chip does not support the optional ISO15693-3 command type.

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11.3.3 Lock
Use this command to lock the memory area of a contactless card.
Command Class INS P1 P2 Lc Data In Le
Lock 0xFF 0x30 0x00 0x02 3+N See table -

Lock data bytes

Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4..n
Version 0x01 Flag1 Flag2 Data

Lock Flag denotation for version 0x01

Flags1 Flags2 Data1 Data2
0x00 0x00 Data field contains in 2 bytes the block number Address Address
0x01 0x00 RFU - -
0x02 0x00 AFI of a ISO 15693 card is locked if supported - -
0x03 0x00 DSFID of a ISO 15693 card is locked if supported - -
0x04 0x00 RFU - -
0x05 0x00 RFU - -
0x06 0x00 EAS bit (only for I-CODE SLI cards) is locked - -

The following table introduces SWISW2 examples.

Lock Command Error Codes

SW1 SW2 Meaning
'62' '82' Block or field already locked
'63' '00' No information is given
‘6A’ ‘81’ Function not supported
Error '69' '82' Security status not satisfied
'86' Command not allowed, no ISO15693-3 chip

Command is not supported by MY-D light; to set and get security you can use the generic command.
Reference the Infineon MY-D light specification and OK5x21_ISO15693_GenericCardCommands.doc

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11.3.4 Get Security Status

Use this command to retrieve the security status of some memory area of a contactless
Get Security Status Command APDU
Command Class INS P1 P2 Lc Data In Le
Get Security Status 0xFF 0x30 0x00 0x03 3+N See table XX

Get Security Status data bytes

Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4..n
Version Flag1 Flag2 Data

Get Security Status Flag denotation for version 0x01

Flag1 Flag2 Data1 Data2
0x00 0x00 Block Address (MSB) Address (LSB)
0x01 0x00 RFU - -
0x02 0x00 AFI (only supported for MY-D, not MY-D - -
0x03 0x00 DSFID (currently not supported) - -
0x04 0x00 RFU - -
0x05 0x00 RFU - -
0x06 0x00 EAS (not supported by ICODE-SLI) - -

Le codes the number of bytes for which the security status should be retrieved.

Command is not supported by MY-D light; to set and get security, use the generic command. Reference the
Infineon MY-D light specification and OK5x21_ISO15693_GenericCardCommands.doc

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For each address/block number/page number, retrieved is one byte with the security
ICODE SLI Data 1, Data 2 contains the block number (0 – 27). Each block has 4 bytes.
LRI 64 Data 1, Data 2 contains the block number (0 – 14). Each block has 1 byte.
Montalbano Data 1, Data 2 contains the block number (0 – 63). Each block has 8 bytes.
Data1, Data2 contains the block number (0 - ((16 * 4) –1) )
Note: MIFARE 1k has 16 sectors. Each sector has 4 blocks.
Each block has 16 bytes.
(Get Security Status currently not supported)
Data1, Data2 contains the block number (0 - ((32 * 4 + 16*4) –1) )
Note: MIFARE 4k has 32 sectors which have 4 blocks and 16 sectors which
MIFARE 4k have 16 blocks.
Each block has 16 bytes.
(Get Security Status currently not supported)
Data1, Data 2 contains the page number (0 – 15). Each page has 4 bytes.
MIFARE Ultralight
(Get Security Status currently not supported)
Data1, Data2 contains the block number (0 - ((5 * 4) –1) )
Note: MIFARE Mini has 5 sectors. Each sector has 4 blocks.
Each block has 16 bytes.
(Get Security Status currently not supported)
Data 1, Data 2 contains the block number.
(SRF55V10P: 0 – 247, SRF55V02P: 0 – 55) Each block has 4 bytes.

The following describes the security status byte.

Type of card B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0
ISO15693-3 compliant chip x x x x x x x Write access bit
MIFARE 1K x x x x x C1 C2 C3
MIFARE 4K x x x x x C1 C2 C3
MIFARE Ultralight x x x x x x x Lock bit
MIFARE Mini x x x x x C1 C2 C3

X ….. no meaning
The following table describes examples of SW1SW2 and their description:
Get Security Status Error Codes
SW1 SW2 Description
Warning '63' '00' No information is given
‘64’ ‘00’ Execution error
‘6A’ ‘81’ Function not supported
'69' '82' Security status not satisfied
‘86’ Command not allowed, no ISO15693-3 chip

The chip does not support the optional ISO15693-3 command type.

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11.3.5 Read Binary Command

If the Le field contains only bytes set to '00', then all the bytes until the end of the file shall
be read within the limit of 256 for a short Le field or 65 536 for an extended Le field .
Read Binary Command APDU
Command Class INS P1 P2 Lc Data in Le
Read Binary 0xFF 0xB0 Address Address - - XX

Read Binary Command Output

Data Out
Data + SW1 SW2

Read Binary Command Error Codes

SW1 SW2 Meaning
'62' '81' Part of returned data may be corrupted.
'82' End of file reached before reading expected number of bytes.

'69' '81' Command incompatible.

'82' Security status not satisfied.
Error ‘86’ Command not allowed.
'6A' '81' Function not supported.
'82' File not found / Addressed block or byte does not exist.
'6C' 'XX' Wrong length (wrong number Le; 'XX' is the exact number).

Le must be a multiple of the block size !

Currently are extended APDU’s only supported for Texas Instruments Tag-it and Infineon MY-D.

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11.3.6 Update Binary Command

The Lc field contains the length of the field Data in field. For a short Lc field the data length
1 <= Lc < 256 and for an extended Lc field the data length is 1 <= NC < 65 536.
Update Binary Command APDU
Command Class INS P1 P2 Lc Data in Le
Update Binary 0xFF 0xD6 Address MSB Address LSB XX Data -

Update Binary Command Output

Data Out

Update Binary Command Error Codes

SW1 SW2 Meaning
'62' '81' A part of the returned data may be corrupted.
'82' End of file reached before writing Lc bytes.
'65' '81' Memory failure (unsuccessful writing).
'69' '81' Command incompatible.
'82' Security status not satisfied.
‘86’ Command not allowed.
'6A' '81' Function not supported.
'82' File not found / Addressed block or byte does not exist.

Lc must be a multiple of the block size!

Currently are extended APDU’s only supported for Texas Instruments Tag-it and Infineon MY-D.

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11.3.7 Update Single Byte Command

Use this command to write a single byte within a block. Currently, this command is only
supported for Infineon MY-D.
Update Single Byte Command APDU
Command Class INS P1 P2 Lc Data In Le
Update Single Byte 0xFF 0xD7 0x00 0x00 6 See table -

Update Single Byte Data bytes

Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6
Version Block Address Block Address Offset within Offset within Data to be
0x01 MSB LSB Block MSB Block LSB written

The offset must be less than block size.

Update Single Byte Command Output

Data Out

Update Single Byte Command Error Codes

SW1 SW2 Meaning
'65' '81' Memory failure (unsuccessful writing).
'69' '82' Security status not satisfied.
Error '6A' '81' Function not supported.
'82' File not found / Addressed block or byte does not

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OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card Readers Developers Guide, 5321-903, Rev. B.4

12 OMNIKEY 5321 PAY Application Interface

The OMNIKEY 5321 PAY has an EMVCo Contactless Level 1 Type Approval. The application
interface (API) is compliant with PC/SC 2.01.

12.1 PayPass Card Transactions

For card detection, the application uses the SCCardStatusChange() function. If a PAY card
is present check the SCARD_STATE_MUTE status flag. If the SCARD_STATE_MUTE status
flag is 1, the PCD has found more than one card in the operation volume (collision
detected). If this status flag is zero, then the application continues with the card
transactions, for example, Select PPSE (Proximity Payment System Environment).
For transactions with a PAY Card, the application uses the SCardTransmit() function.
See Appendix A.7.10 EMVCo Contactless Level 2 Transactions.
If all transactions are complete the application must disconnect the card with the
dwDisposition value SCARD_UNPOWER_CARD. This is necessary for the correct card
removal procedure of the PCD.

12.2 LED and Buzzer Control

For LED and buzzer control the device provides a PC/SC IO-C0ntrol. Use this IO-Control
for the activation of OMNIKEY 5321 PAY read indication. The OMNIKEY 5321 PAY can use

the PayPass light/LED method for read indication and the additional tree indicators must
light the sequence. An audio indication (buzzer) can be used to indicate the success tone.
For more information about the light/LED read indication method, see the relevant
ongoing specification from EMVCo and MasterCard PayPass.
Table 1: Parameter for IO-Control SIGNAL
SCardControl Parameter Description
UCHAR ucCommand
UCHAR ucParam1
UCHAR ucParam2
nInBufferSize >= 3
lpOutBuffer Empty
nOutBufferSize >= 0
lpBytesReturned 0

Table 2: Summary of SIGNAL Commands

Command Value Description
PAYPASS_SIGNAL 0x20 Complete PayPass Audio and Visual Sequence
PAYPASS_SIGNAL_ADDLED 0x22 Control of additional PayPass LED 2-4
ACOUSTIC_SIGNAL_BEEPER_ON 0x10 Control of PayPass Audio Tone ON
ACOUSTIC_SIGNAL_BEEPER_OFF 0x11 Control of PayPass Audio Tone OFF

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12.2.1 SIGNAL Command – PayPass Signal

This command clones the PayPass Audio and Visual Sequence for the event Card read
complete successful, according to MasterCard PayPass Terminal Implementation Guide.
Table 3: Parameter for SIGNAL Command – PayPass Signal
Parameter Description
Command Param1 Param2 RFU
20 loudness -- --
nInBufferSize >= 2
lpOutBuffer Empty
nOutBufferSize >= 0
lpBytesReturned 0

12.2.2 SIGNAL Command – PayPass Signal MAIN LED

The reader main LED (red/green bicolor) is by default under control of the firmware and
driver. In cases of MasterCard PayPass terminal implementation, an application control of
this LED is required. With this command the application assumes the LED control.
Table 4: Parameter for SIGNAL Command – PayPass Signal MAIN LED
Parameter Description
Command Param1 Param2 Param3 RFU
lpInBuffer command LED 00 – by default
21 --
01 – USB Pipe status 03 – application controlled
nInBufferSize >= 4
lpOutBuffer Empty
nOutBufferSize >= 0
lpBytesReturned 0

For LED control, before receiving the PICC answer, the application must use Param1 = 01 as,
USB Pipe Control Command.
Param2 is coded as 0000 00xx ( bit 2…7 is RFU ).
Table 5 - Summary of Param2
LED status Value Description
1 bicolor green LED on
Bit 0
0 bicolor green LED off
1 bicolor red LED on
Bit 1
0 bicolor red LED off

For details, see the code example in Appendix A.7.12 PayPass Signal MAIN LED.

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12.2.3 SIGNAL Command – PayPass Signal Additional LEDs

For the status of the contactless payment application the MasterCard PayPass terminal
implementation requires three additional LEDs for visual indication. For example the
contactless application process was completed successfully. These three LEDs are
exclusive for the application. Driver and firmware do not use these three additional LEDs.
Table 6 - Parameter for SIGNAL Command – PayPass Signal Additional LEDs
Parameter Description
Command Param1 Param2 Param3 RFU
lpInBuffer 00 – CCID ESC command
22 LED status -- --
01 – USB Pipe Control
nInBufferSize >= 3
lpOutBuffer Empty
nOutBufferSize >= 0
lpBytesReturned 0

Param2 is coded as 0000 0xxx ( bit 3…7 is RFU )

Summary of Param2
LED status Value Description
1 green LED2 on
Bit 0
0 green LED2 off
1 green LED3 on
Bit 1
0 green LED3 off
1 green LED4 on
Bit 2
0 green LED4 off

For details see the code example in Appendix A.7.13 PayPass Signal Additional LEDs.

12.2.4 SIGNAL Command – PayPass Signal Tone

No command parameters are required. The command code 0x10
(ACOUSTIC_SIGNAL_BEEPER_ON) turn on the buzzer and the command code 0x11
(ACOUSTIC_SIGNAL_BEEPER_OFF) turn off the buzzer. See the Table 8 - Summary of
SIGNAL Commands.
For details, see Appendix A.7.14 PayPass Signal Tone.

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12.3 Switch-over the Operating Mode

The OMNIKEY 5321 PAY requires the EMVCo Level 1 PCD processing. After the driver is
installed, the PCD (Proximity Coupling Device) starts in PAY mode by default. Also use the
reader in standard ISO mode. For dynamically changing between RFID-ISO and EMVCo L1
mode, the driver supports an IO-Control, described in this chapter. See also the code
example in Appendix A.7.11 Set RFID operating mode.
Note: The operating volume is optimized for EMVCo L1. This is not compliant with the
requirements of ISO / ICAO.
Parameter for IO-Control Set RFID Operation Mode
SCardControl Parameter Description
lpInBuffer +0 bOperationMode
nInBufferSize >= 1
lpOutBuffer Empty
nOutBufferSize >= 0
lpBytesReturned 0

If the reader is switched to ISO mode, use the complete functionality of a standard
OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card reader.
Note: Currently the EMVCo type approval is confined to the firmware version 1.75. This
firmware version does not support the read and write operations of iCLASS cards.
For a static usage in ISO mode switch the reader behavior with the following registry entry:

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13 Driver Configuration via ProxFormat

13.1 Overview
The OMNIKEY reader driver can be configured for a wide range of HID PROX card formats
both standard and custom, allowing the card reader system to process any Wiegand raw
bit stream. Driver settings control how raw data is being translated to data fields such as
facility code (FAC) and card number (CN) that are meaningful within the scope of physical
access control systems (PACS).
This chapter describes the ProxFormat setting available to control the OMNIKEY reader
driver. This document also describes how the system can be configured to return either
PACS facility code and card number or just raw Wiegand data.

13.2 ATR Format

The OMNIKEY 5x25 PROX reader returns PROX card data in an answer to reset (ATR)
commonly used in PC/SC-based smart card systems.
For HID PROX cards, the first byte of the ATR is always 3B hex. It is followed by a byte that
indicates in its LSB nibble how many PROX data bytes will follow. The third byte holds the
card’s ProxFormat.

13.2.1 ATR Example

The following ATR was generated by a card that returned the Wiegand raw data 00 02 25
64 hex = 100010010101100100 bin.
ATR = 3B 05 00 00 02 25 64
^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
| historical bytes
5 historical bytes following (LSb nibble)
Historical bytes 00 00 02 25 64
^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
|| *card data*
PROX format (here 0, meaning Wiegand raw)

The same card, with ProxFormat set to H10301 would return ATR=3B06010001004786 hex
– a card with FAC=1 and CN=4786.
Described later in this guide is how to parse and translate raw data to data fields according
to the applicable PROX Format.

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13.3 Available ProxFormat Settings

In addition to HID PROX standard card formats such as H10301, H10302, H10304, H10320
and Corp 1000 there are hundreds of proprietary formats. This means, that the same bit
stream can be interpreted in many different ways using ProxFormat settings shown below.
Table 7: ProxFormat Settings
ProxFormat Value Hex Card format Data content Windows Linux/MacOS
No key Wiegand Raw - Yes (default) No
00 Wiegand Raw - Yes Yes
01 H10301 26 bit (FAC+CN) Yes No
02 H10302 37 bit (CN) Yes No
04 H10304 37 bit (FAC+CN) Yes No
14 H10320 32 bit clock/data card Yes No
64 Corp 1000 35 bit (CIC+CN) Yes No
FE AUTO Automatic mode Yes Yes (default)
FF CUSTOM Customer defined Yes Yes
During driver installation on Windows-based systems, no ProxFormat key is set. The driver interprets this as if
ProxFormat were set to zero i.e. the ATR returns Wiegand raw data.
ProxFormat settings are not part of the driver installation on systems running Linux/MacOS. The driver interprets
this as if ProxFormat were set to zero FE hex (automatic mode)
Setting ProxFormat to CUSTOM requires additional registry keys CostomProxFormat.

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13.3.1 ProxFormat Settings on Systems Running Windows

By default, the OMNIKEY reader system returns raw Wiegand data. This default behavior
can be changed using the ProxFormat Windows registry entry. Note that it requires
administrator rights to install and configure the OMNIKEY PROX reader driver and PROX
card registry settings.
The ProxFormat registry entry resides in the following registry path:

Figure 9: ProxFormat Registry Entry

13.3.2 ProxFormat Settings on Systems Running Linux and MacOS X

By default, Linux and MacOSX-based systems are configured to automatic PROX card
detection mode. Driver configuration settings are read from a file named cmrfid.ini residing
in /etc/ directory. The INI file contains sections and entries similar to the Windows registry
Contents of file cmrfid.ini to set ProxFormat to AUTO
ProxFormat = 254

Contents of file cmrfid.ini to set ProxFormat to CUSTOM

ProxFormat = 255
StartBit = 14
BitLength = 10
StartBit = 1
BitLength = 13

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14 ProxFormat Settings

14.1 Wiegand Raw Data Mode

ProxFormat = 0

This mode gives you the greatest flexibility. This is important in systems without a well-
known card population i.e. where the card format can vary or even is unknown. Having this
flexibility comes at a price though, any parsing that otherwise is done by the driver would
have to be done by the hoist application.

14.2 Standard Format Modes

H10301, H10302, H10304, H10320 and Corporate 1000 are standard card formats supported
via dedicated ProxFormat setting according to the following table.
CARD ProxFormat Setting
FORMAT FAC / CIC CN (hex format)
H10301 AAAA BBBBBB 01 3B 06 01 AA AA BB BB BB
H10304 AAAAA BBBBBB 04 3B 07 04 0A AA AA BB BB BB
H10320 - BBBBBBBB 14 3B 05 14 BB BB BB BB

Setting ProxFormat to ‘01’ instructs the driver to interpret the series of bits received from a
PROX card as HID H10301 formatted PROX data. The rightmost six BCD formatted digits of
the historical byte block represent the card number CN. The card number can also be
found engraved on the card.
With ProxFormat set to ‘01’, a card with FAC=0001 and CN=000061 would return an ATR
of ‘3B 06 01 00 01 00 00 61’.
TIP: If you do not know whether you have a standard or custom formatted card, set
ProxFormat to hex FE (AUTO). Then present the card. If the reader can detect a standard
card format, it will return its respective ProxFormat value in the third ATR byte. This is a
quick way to find out the format of the most popular cards.

14.3 Automatic Mode

ProxFormat = FE hex = 254 dec
In AUTO mode, the driver tries to parse the bit stream and match it with a known format.
This mode is only recommended for the following card formats
H10301, H10302, H10320 and Corporate 1000
Note: that automatic mode is restricted to the card formats listed above. H10304 is not
part of this list because the reader system can’t distinguish H10302 cards from H10304
cards. They are both 37 bit formats. The only difference between the two formats is that
H10304 formatted cards contain a facility code whereas H10302 cards do not.

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14.4 Custom Format Mode

ProxFormat set to FFhex = 255dec. This mode requires additional CustomProxFormat
settings. This mode allows you to configure the card system for any standard or
customized card format.

14.4.1 CustomProxFormat Settings

In addition to setting ProxFormat to 255dec, CustomProxFormat settings must be set. This
tells the OMNIKEY PROX reader driver where to find meaningful data fields within the raw
Wiegand bit sequence.
The raw bit-data-stream can be split into up to 15 several data-fields. Each data field is
labeled with a letter (A, B …etc.). Each data field is defined by its StartBit and BitLength.
Data fields may reflect a card number CN or a facility code FAC.
The StartBit entry specifies the position in the bit-data-stream, starting with the least
significant bit (LSb) – that’s all the way to the right.
00000100 bin … bit0=0, bit1=0, bit 2=1,….
Whenever custom ProxFormat is used, there have to be additional settings to define start
bits and the number of bits for the required custom format. For an HID PROX H10301
formatted card, you would need the following additional entries to get its FAC and CN with
ProxFormat set to 255. These entries tell the driver where to start and how many bits to
interpret as data field for any given section.
Windows Registry:

Linux/MaxOSX ini file:

StartBit = 17
BitLength = 8
StartBit = 1
BitLength = 16

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The following sections show CustomProxFormat entries for some standard PROX card
formats including the raw data and resulting parsed and interpreted data fields for facility
code and card number.

14.5 Example: H10301 PROX Card

The following example demonstrates how to extract the facility code FAC=1 and card
number CN=12345 from a H10301 formatted 26 bit PROX card. With its two parity bits this
card can hold 24 information bits.

14.5.1 Standard Format

The standard format H10301 is supported via ProxFormat = 1 and 254(AUTO)

14.5.2 Wiegand Raw Data

ProxFormat = 0
ATR: 3B 05 00 02 02 60 73 hex
Historical Bytes: 02 02 60 73 hex = 00000010000000100110000001110011
P Parity Bit
a Facility Code (FAC) bits
b Card Number (CN) bits
FAC = 00000001 bin = 0001 dec (4 digits, defined by H10301 format)
CN = 0011000000111001 bin = 012345 dec (6 digits, defined by H10301 format)

14.5.3 CustomProxFormat Settings

ProxFormat = 255
Windows CustomProxFormat Settings:
Linux, MacOSX CustomProxFormat Settings:
StartBit = 17
BitLength = 8
StartBit = 1
BitLength = 16

14.5.4 ATRs of a H10301 Card

H10301 PROX card FAC=1, CN=12345
ProxFormat = 0 (RAW) 3B 05 00 02 02 60 73
ProxFormat = 1 (H10301) 3B 06 01 00 01 01 23 45
ProxFormat = 254 (AUTO) 3B 06 01 00 01 01 23 45
ProxFormat = 255 (CUSTOM)
CustomProxFormat\A: StartBit/Length = 17/8 3B 06 FF 00 01 01 23 45
CustomProxFormat\B: StartBit/Length = 1/16

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OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card Readers Developers Guide, 5321-903, Rev. B.4

14.6 Example: H10302 PROX Card

The following example demonstrates how to extract the card number CN=1 from a H10302
formatted 37 bit PROX card. This type of card has no facility code available. With its two
parity bits this card can hold 35 information bits.

14.6.1 Standard Format

The standard format H10302 is supported via ProxFormat = 2 and 254(AUTO)

14.6.2 Wiegand Raw Data

ProxFormat = 0
ATR: 3B 06 00 00 00 00 00 02 hex
Historical Bytes: 00 00 00 00 02 hex =
0000000000000000000000000000000000010 bin
P Parity Bit
a Card Number (CN) bits
CN = 00000000000000000000000000000000001 bin = 00000000001 dec (11 digits,
defined by H10302 format)


14.6.3 CustomProxFormat Settings

ProxFormat = 255
Windows CustomProxFormat Settings:
Linux, MacOSX CustomProxFormat Settings:
StartBit = 1
BitLength = 35

14.6.4 ATRs of a H10302 Card

H10302 PROX card
ProxFormat = 0 (RAW) 3B 06 00 00 00 00 00 02
ProxFormat = 2 (H10302) 3B 07 02 00 00 00 00 00 01
ProxFormat = 254 (AUTO) 3B 07 02 00 00 00 00 00 01
ProxFormat = 255 (CUSTOM) 3B 07 FF 00 00 00 00 00 01
CustomProxFormat\A: StartBit/Length = 1/35

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OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card Readers Developers Guide, 5321-903, Rev. B.4

14.7 Example: H10304 PROX Card

This example demonstrates how to extract the facility code FAC=65535 and card number
CN=524287 from a H10304 formatted 37 bit PROX card. With its two parity bits this card
can hold 35 information bits.

14.7.1 Standard Format

The standard format H10304 is supported via ProxFormat = 4. Do not use AUTO due to
ambiguous results when used with other 37 bit formats.

14.7.2 Wiegand Raw Data

ProxFormat = 0
ATR: 3B 06 00 0F FF FF FF FF hex
Historical Bytes: 0F FF FF FF FF hex =
0111111111111111111111111111111111111 bin
P Parity Bit
a Facility Code bits (FAC)
b Card Number bits (CN)
FAC = 1111111111111111 bin = 65535 dec (4 digits, defined by H10304 format)
CN = 1111111111111111111 bin = 524287 dec (6 digits, defined by H10304 format)

14.7.3 CustomProxFormat Settings

ProxFormat = 255
Windows CustomProxFormat Settings:
Linux, MacOSX CustomProxFormat Settings:
StartBit = 20
BitLength = 16
StartBit = 1
BitLength = 19

14.7.4 ATRs of a H10304 Card

H10301 PROX card FAC=1, CN=12345
ProxFormat = 0 (RAW) 3B 06 00 0F FF FF FF FF
ProxFormat = 4 (H10304) 3B 07 04 06 55 35 52 42 87
ProxFormat = 255 (CUSTOM) 3B 07 FF 06 55 35 52 42 87
CustomProxFormat\A: StartBit/Length = 20/16
CustomProxFormat\B: StartBit/Length = 1/19

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OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card Readers Developers Guide, 5321-903, Rev. B.4

14.8 Example: Corp 1000 PROX Card

The following example demonstrates how to extract the customer ID code CIC=4096 and
card number CN=2 from a Corp 1000 formatted 35 bit PROX card. Due to three parity bits
this card format holds 32 information bits.

14.8.1 Standard Format

The standard format Corp 1000 is supported via ProxFormat = 100 or 254(AUTO)

14.8.2 Wiegand Raw Data

ProxFormat = 0
ATR: 3B 06 00 03 FF E0 00 05 hex
Historical Bytes: 03 FF E0 00 05 hex =
01111111111111000000000000000000101 bin
P Parity Bit
a Facility Code (FAC) bits
b Card Number (CN) bits
CIC = 111111111111 bin = 4095 dec (4 digits, defined by Corp 1000
CN = 00000000000000000010 bin = 00000002 dec (8 digits, defined by Corp 1000

14.8.3 CustomProxFormat Settings

ProxFormat = 255
Windows CustomProxFormat Settings:
Linux, MacOSX CustomProxFormat Settings:
StartBit = 21
BitLength = 12
StartBit = 1
BitLength = 20

14.8.4 ATRs of a Corp 1000 Card

Corp 1000 PROX card
CIC=4095, CN=2
ProxFormat = 0 (RAW) 3B 06 00 03 FF E0 00 05
ProxFormat = 100 (Corp 1000) 3B 07 64 40 95 00 00 00 02
ProxFormat = 254 (AUTO) 3B 07 64 40 95 00 00 00 02
ProxFormat = 255 (CUSTOM) 3B 07 FF 40 95 00 00 00 02
CustomProxFormat\A: StartBit/Length = 21/12
CustomProxFormat\B: StartBit/Length = 1/20

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OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card Readers Developers Guide, 5321-903, Rev. B.4

Appendix: A Application Programming

The following C++ sample project is part of the synchronous API which can be downloaded
from our website at www.hidglobal.com/omnikey.
If you choose the default installation settings, sample code is found in:
c:\Program Files\HID Global\Sync-API\Samples\contactlessdemovc.

Sample code for Visual Basic is also available and found in:
c:\Program Files\Samples\contactlessdemovb.

The sample uses the OMNIKEY synchronous API and demonstrates how to select a reader,
connect a card, and access either a MIFARE or iCLASS card.

A.1 Overview
From the Connected Reader list (top-left corner), select the reader. The list contains all
readers available to the smart card resource manager. When a card is inserted, displayed
are the ATR, UID and Card Name fields. From the Reader Related Function frame, select
the functions with or without a card in the RF field.
Only use the MIFARE Functions using Sync API frame when a MIFARE card is in the field.
Use the ISO 7816/iCLASS/PCSC 2.01 frame for APDU exchange with a CPU card
(asynchronous card) in the field.
Each processed command produces output in the output log. Clear the log with the
Refresh Output Screen button. The return status of the last executed function is shown in
the Last Operation Status frame.
Close the application with the Exit button.

Figure 10: Sample Program Screen

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A.2 Reader Related Functions

Reader related functions do not require a card in the field.
To store a MIFARE key, complete the following:
• Define a key number to determine where to store the key.
• Select plain or secured as the mode of the key transmission. For secured
transmissions, use transmission key number 0x80 or 0x81.
• Enter the key in hex string format to the text field MIFARE Key. For plain
transmissions enter a 6 byte, 12 hex digit value (no spaces). For secured transmission
enter an 8 byte value.
• Click on the Write MIFARE Key to Reader button to load the key to reader memory.

A.3 MIFARE Functions Using Synchronous API

Before using the MIFARE Functions using Sync API, authenticate the card. (MIFARE
UltraLight does not need authentication).
To authenticate to a block of the card complete the following:
• In the field Block Nr, enter the authentication block number.
• In the field Access Option choose to supply a key number or plain key.
• In the field Authentication Mode choose Mode A or B.
• Press the Authenticate button.
Upon successful authentication, you can read and write data blocks and use the increment
and decrement functions.

A.4 PC/SC 2.01

Enter an APDU according to PC/SC 2.01 to access storage cards such as MIFARE cards
directly without using the OMNIKEY proprietary synchronous API.

A.5 ISO 7816 - APDU

Enter an APDU for your CPU (asynchronous) card and send the APDU the same way as an
ISO7816 contact card.

A.6 iCLASS Standard Mode

Present an iCLASS card to the reader RF field, and send APDUs directly to the card, see
Section 9 Standard Communication with iCLASS Card. This is an easy way of experimenting
with the available functions.

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A.7 Code Examples

This section lists coding examples for a PC/SC 2.01 compliant implementation.

A.7.1 Getting the Card UID (PC/SC 2.01)

The following function retrieves the unique card ID (UID) currently connected to the card
through the air interface. Use the UID as the card serial number. The UID is available for
every ISO 14443 A/B or ISO 15693 compliant cards. It does not matter whether the card is
a CPU or storage card. This makes GetUID the ideal candidate for Hello Card type
applications. If you do not have access to application keys, the UID serves as a valuable
identifier allowing card lookup on a backend database.
ucByteSend[0] = 0xFF;//CLA
ucByteSend[1] = 0xCA;//INS
ucByteSend[2] = 0x00;//P1
ucByteSend[3] = 0x00;//P2
ucByteSend[4] = 0x00;//Le
ulnByteSend = 5;
printf(\nRetrieving the UID..........);
SCard_Status = SCardTransmit(hCard,SCARD_PCI_T1,ucByteSend,ulnByteSend,NULL,
ucByteReceive, &dwRecvLength);
if (SCard_Status != SCARD_S_SUCCESS)
printf(\nProblem in SCardTransmit, Erro rcode = 0x%04X,SCard_Status);
return FALSE;
if(ucByteReceive[dwRecvLength-2] != 0x90 || ucByteReceive[dwRecvLength-1] !=
printf(\nWrong return code: %02X%02X,
return FALSE;
sizeofUID = dwRecvLength-2;
return TRUE;

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A.7.2 Loading a MIFARE Key (PC/SC 2.01)

The following code loads a MIFARE key to the reader. The key is stored in non-volatile
memory. Once loaded, it remains available throughout the reader session.
BOOLEAN LoadKey(UCHAR ucKeyNr, UCHAR *ucKey, UCHAR ucKeyLength)
ucByteSend[0] = 0xFF; //CLA
ucByteSend[1] = 0x82; //INS
ucByteSend[2] = 0x20; //P1 card key, plain transmission, non-volatile
ucByteSend[3] = ucKeyNr; //P2 key number for MIFARE could be 0x00 to 0x31)
ucByteSend[4] = ucKeyLength;//Lc
memcpy(ucByteSend+5,ucKey, ucKeyLength );
ulnByteSend = 5+ucKeyLength;
printf(\nLoading Key to the reader..........);
SCard_Status = SCardTransmit(hCard,SCARD_PCI_T1,ucByteSend,ulnByteSend,NULL,
ucByteReceive, &dwRecvLength);
if (SCard_Status != SCARD_S_SUCCESS)
printf(\nProblem in SCardTransmit, Erro rcode = 0x%04X,SCard_Status);
return FALSE;
if(ucByteReceive[dwRecvLength-2] != 0x90 || ucByteReceive[dwRecvLength-1] !=
printf(\nWrong return code: %02X%02X,
ucByteReceive[dwRecvLength -2],ucByteReceive[dwRecvLength-1]);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;

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A.7.3 MIFARE 1K/4K Authenticate (PC/SC 2.01)

The following code demonstrates how to authenticate a MIFARE card.
BOOLEAN Authenticate(UCHAR BlockNr, UCHAR ucKeyNr, UCHAR ucKeyType)
ucByteSend[0] = 0xFF; // CLA
ucByteSend[1] = 0x88; // INS
ucByteSend[2] = 0x00; // P1, MIFARE Block Number MSB, for MIFARE it is
always 0x00
ucByteSend[3] = BlockNr; // MIFARE Block Number LSB
ucByteSend[4] = ucKeyType; // P3
ucByteSend[5] = ucKeyNr;
ulnByteSend = 6;
printf(\nAuthenticating ..........);
SCard_Status = SCardTransmit(hCard,SCARD_PCI_T1,ucByteSend,ulnByteSend,NULL,
ucByteReceive, &dwRecvLength);
if (SCard_Status != SCARD_S_SUCCESS)
printf(\nProblem in SCardTransmit, Erro rcode = 0x%04X,SCard_Status);
return FALSE;
if(ucByteReceive[dwRecvLength-2] != 0x90 || ucByteReceive[dwRecvLength-1] !=
printf(\nWrong return code: %02X%02X,
return FALSE;
return TRUE;

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A.7.4 MIFARE 1K/4K Write (PC/SC 2.01)

BOOLEAN UpdateBinary(UCHAR BlockNr, UCHAR *ucDataToWrite, UCHAR ucDataLenght)
ucByteSend[0] = 0xFF;//CLA
ucByteSend[1] = 0xD6;//INS
ucByteSend[2] = 0x00;//P1, MIFARE Block Number MSB, for MIFARE it is always
ucByteSend[3] = BlockNr;//MIFARE Block Number LSB
ucByteSend[4] = ucDataLenght;
memcpy(ucByteSend+5,ucDataToWrite, ucDataLenght);
ulnByteSend = 5+ucDataLenght;
printf(\nUpdating Block ..........);
SCard_Status = SCardTransmit(hCard,SCARD_PCI_T1,ucByteSend,ulnByteSend,NULL,
ucByteReceive, &dwRecvLength);
if (SCard_Status != SCARD_S_SUCCESS)
printf(\nProblem in SCardTransmit, Erro rcode = 0x%04X,SCard_Status);
return FALSE;
if(ucByteReceive[dwRecvLength-2] != 0x90 || ucByteReceive[dwRecvLength-1] !=
printf(\nWrong return code: %02X%02X,
return FALSE;
return TRUE;

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A.7.5 MIFARE 1K/4K Read (PC/SC 2.01)

BOOLEAN ReadBinary(UCHAR BlockNr, UCHAR *ucDataRead, UCHAR &ucDataLenght)
ucByteSend[0] = 0xFF;//CLA
ucByteSend[1] = 0xB0;//INS
ucByteSend[2] = 0x00;//P1, MIFARE Block Number MSB, for MIFARE it is always
ucByteSend[3] = BlockNr;//MIFARE Block Number LSB
ucByteSend[4] = 0x10;//Le
ulnByteSend = 5;
dwRecvLength = 255;
printf(\nReading Block ..........);
SCard_Status = SCardTransmit(hCard,SCARD_PCI_T1,ucByteSend,ulnByteSend,NULL,
ucByteReceive, &dwRecvLength);
if (SCard_Status != SCARD_S_SUCCESS)
printf(\nProblem in SCardTransmit, Erro rcode = 0x%04X,SCard_Status);
return FALSE;
if(ucByteReceive[dwRecvLength-2] != 0x90 || ucByteReceive[dwRecvLength-1] !=
printf(\nWrong return code: %02X%02X,
return FALSE;
ucDataLenght = (unsigned char)dwRecvLength -2;
return TRUE;

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A.7.6 MIFARE 1K/4K Increment (OMNIKEY Proprietary API)

BOOLEAN Increment(UCHAR BlockNr, UCHAR *ucDataTobeIncremented, UCHAR
ucByteSend[0] = 0xFF;//CLA
ucByteSend[1] = 0xD4;//INS
ucByteSend[2] = 0x00;//P1, MIFARE Block Number MSB, for MIFARE it is always
ucByteSend[3] = BlockNr;//MIFARE Block Number LSB
ucByteSend[4] = ucDataLenght;
memcpy(ucByteSend+5,ucDataTobeIncremented, ucDataLenght);
ulnByteSend = 5+ucDataLenght;
printf(\nIncrementing Block ..........);
SCard_Status = SCardTransmit(hCard,SCARD_PCI_T1,ucByteSend,ulnByteSend,NULL,
ucByteReceive, &dwRecvLength);
if (SCard_Status != SCARD_S_SUCCESS)
printf(\nProblem in SCardTransmit, Erro rcode = 0x%04X,SCard_Status);
return FALSE;
if(ucByteReceive[dwRecvLength-2] != 0x90 || ucByteReceive[dwRecvLength-1] !=
printf(\nWrong return code: %02X%02X,
return FALSE;
return TRUE;

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A.7.7 MIFARE 1K/4K Decrement (OMNIKEY Proprietary API)

BOOLEAN Decrement(UCHAR BlockNr, UCHAR *ucDataTobeDecremented, UCHAR
ucByteSend[0] = 0xFF;//CLA
ucByteSend[1] = 0xD8;//INS
ucByteSend[2] = 0x00;//P1, MIFARE Block Number MSB, for MIFARE it is always
ucByteSend[3] = BlockNr;//MIFARE Block Number LSB
ucByteSend[4] = ucDataLenght;
memcpy(ucByteSend+5,ucDataTobeDecremented, ucDataLenght);
ulnByteSend = 5+ucDataLenght;
printf(\nDecrementing Block ..........);
SCard_Status = SCardTransmit(hCard,SCARD_PCI_T1,ucByteSend,ulnByteSend,NULL,
ucByteReceive, &dwRecvLength);
if (SCard_Status != SCARD_S_SUCCESS)
printf(\nProblem in SCardTransmit, Erro rcode = 0x%04X,SCard_Status);
return FALSE;
if(ucByteReceive[dwRecvLength-2] != 0x90 || ucByteReceive[dwRecvLength-1] !=
printf(\nWrong return code: %02X%02X,
ucByteReceive[dwRecvLength- 2],ucByteReceive[dwRecvLength-1]);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;

A.7.8 MIFARE Emulation Mode (OMNIKEY Proprietary API)

With the following code switch the MIFARE Emulation Mode on and off.
DWORD dwActiveProtocol;
//DWORD dwControlFlag = 0xFFFFFFFF // On
DWORD dwControlFlag = 0x00000004 // On
//DWORD dwControlFlag = 0x00000000 // Off

BYTE InBuffer[16];
BYTE OutBuffer[16];
DWORD dwInBufferSize ;
DWORD dwOutBufferSize;
DWORD dwBytesReturned;
DWORD *Mask = (DWORD *)InBuffer;
DWORD *Value = (DWORD *)InBuffer+1;

memset(InBuffer, 0x00, sizeof(InBuffer));

memset(OutBuffer, 0x00, sizeof(OutBuffer));

*Mask = 0x00000004;
*Value = dwControlFlag & *Mask;
dwInBufferSize = 8;
dwOutBufferSize = 0;
dwBytesReturned = 0;

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SCard_Status = SCardControl(hCard,

if (SCard_Status == SCARD_S_SUCCESS)
sprintf(szText,IO Cntrol error\r);

// The card is disconnected after changing the MIFARE emulation mode

sReaderState.szReader = szReaderName;
sReaderState.dwCurrentState = SCARD_STATE_EMPTY;
sReaderState.dwEventState = SCARD_STATE_EMPTY;
while((sReaderState.dwEventState & SCARD_STATE_PRESENT) == 0);

A.7.9 iCLASS Select Page (OMNIKEY Proprietary API)

The following code selects page 0x01 of an 8x2KS iCLASS card and returns the card serial
//Select page 0x02 of a 8x2KS iCLASS card
UCHAR ucDataSend[7] = {0};
ULONG ulNoOfDataSend = 7;
UCHAR ucReceivedData[64] = {0};
ULONG ulNoOfDataReceived = 64;

ucDataSend [0] = 0x80 //CLA, standard mode

ucDataSend [1] = 0xA6 //INS
ucDataSend [2] = 0x01 //P1
ucDataSend [3] = 0x04 //P2, return card serial number
ucDataSend [4] = 0x01 //Lc
ucDataSend [5] = 0x01 //Page number
ucDataSend [6] = 0x08 //Le

SCard_Status = SCardCLICCTransmit(hCard,ucDataSend,ulNoOfDataSend,
if(SCard_Status!= SCARD_S_SUCCESS)
printf(Error in SCardCLICCTransmit, with error code %8X, SCard_Status);

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A.7.10 EMVCo Contactless Level 2 Transactions

The following code example shows a typical OMNIKEY 5321 PAY transaction loop.
CHAR* szReaderName;
DWORD dwShareMode;
DWORD dwPreferredProtocols;
DWORD dwActiveProtocols;
UCHAR ucByteSend[256];
DWORD dwNByteSend;
UCHAR abByteReceive[256];
DWORD dwRecvLength;
DWORD SCard_Status;

UCHAR abSelectPPSE[20] = {0x00,0xA4,0x04,0x00, //

0x0E, // Lc
0x32,0x50,0x41,0x59,0x2E,0x53,0x59, //
Data field
0x00}; //

// TODO: Code for PAY application

// wait for card
sReaderState.szReader = szReaderName;
sReaderState.dwCurrentState = SCARD_STATE_EMPTY;
sReaderState.dwEventState = SCARD_STATE_EMPTY;
while((sReaderState.dwEventState & SCARD_STATE_PRESENT) == 0);

if ((sReaderState.dwEventState & SCARD_STATE_MUTE) != 0)

// Card present, Collision detected

// TODO: Code for PAY application

// wait for remove card

sReaderState.szReader = szReaderName;
sReaderState.dwCurrentState = SCARD_STATE_PRESENT;
sReaderState.dwEventState = SCARD_STATE_PRESENT;
while((sReaderState.dwEventState & SCARD_STATE_EMPTY) == 0);

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// TODO: Code for PAY application

// Connect card

dwPreferredProtocols = SCARD_PROTOCOL_T1;

SCard_Status = SCardConnect( hContext,

&dwActiveProtocols );

// TODO: Code for PAY application

memcpy( abByteSend, abSelectPPSE, 20);

dwNByteSend = 20;
dwRecvLength = 256;
SCard_Status = SCardTransmit ( hCard,
&dwRecvLength );

// TODO: Code for PAY application

while( /*TODO: Code for PAY application*/ );

// now disconnect the card

SCard_Status = SCardDisconnect( hCard, SCARD_UNPOWER_CARD );
// TODO: Code for PAY application

// wait for remove card

sReaderState.szReader = szReaderName;
sReaderState.dwCurrentState = SCARD_STATE_PRESENT;
sReaderState.dwEventState = SCARD_STATE_PRESENT;
while( (sReaderState.dwEventState & SCARD_STATE_EMPTY) == 0 );
// TODO: Code for PAY application
while( /*TODO: Code for PAY application*/ );
// TODO: Code for PAY application

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A.7.11 Set RFID operating mode

The following code example shows setting the operating mode:

BYTE InBuffer[4];
BYTE OutBuffer[4];
DWORD dwInBufferSize;
DWORD dwOutBufferSize;
DWORD dwBytesReturned;

memset(InBuffer, 0x00, sizeof(InBuffer));

memset(OutBuffer, 0x00, sizeof(OutBuffer));
dwInBufferSize = 1;
dwOutBufferSize = 0;
dwBytesReturned = 0;

SCard_Status = SCardControl (hCard,


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A.7.12 PayPass Signal MAIN LED

The following code example shows an application using the reader main LED.

BYTE InBuffer[4];
BYTE OutBuffer[4];
DWORD dwInBufferSize ;
DWORD dwOutBufferSize;
DWORD dwBytesReturned;
DWORD dwControlCode;
BYTE bUSBMode = 0x01; // USB Pipe Control
BYTE bReaderLEDs = 0x02; // red LED on
BYTE bLEDMode = 0x03; // application controlled

// TODO: Code for PAY application

memset(InBuffer, 0x00, sizeof(InBuffer));

memset(OutBuffer, 0x00, sizeof(OutBuffer));

dwControlCode = CM_IOCTL_SIGNAL;
InBuffer[1] = bUSBMode;
InBuffer[2] = (bReaderLEDs) & 0x03;
InBuffer[3] = bLEDMode;
dwInBufferSize = 4;
dwOutBufferSize = 0;
dwBytesReturned = 0;

SCard_Status = SCardControl( hCard,

&dwBytesReturned );

if (SCard_Status != SCARD_S_SUCCESS)

// TODO: Code for PAY application

// TODO: Code for PAY application

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A.7.13 PayPass Signal Additional LEDs

The following code example shows an application using the three additional LEDs.

BYTE InBuffer[4];
BYTE OutBuffer[4];
DWORD dwInBufferSize ;
DWORD dwOutBufferSize;
DWORD dwBytesReturned;
DWORD dwControlCode;

BYTE bUSBMode = 0x01; // USB Pipe Control

BYTE bReaderLEDs = 0x1C; // all additional green LEDs on

memset(InBuffer, 0x00, sizeof(InBuffer));

memset(OutBuffer, 0x00, sizeof(OutBuffer));

dwControlCode = CM_IOCTL_SIGNAL;
InBuffer[1] = bUSBMode;
InBuffer[2] = (bReaderLEDs >> 2) & 0x07;
dwInBufferSize = 3;
dwOutBufferSize = 0;
dwBytesReturned = 0;

SCard_Status = SCardControl( hCard,

&dwBytesReturned );

if (SCard_Status != SCARD_S_SUCCESS)
// TODO: Code for PAY application

// TODO: Code for PAY application

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A.7.14 PayPass Signal Tone

The following code example shows an application using the buzzer.

BYTE InBuffer[4];
BYTE OutBuffer[4];
DWORD dwInBufferSize ;
DWORD dwOutBufferSize;
DWORD dwBytesReturned;
DWORD dwControlCode;

memset(InBuffer, 0x00, sizeof(InBuffer));

memset(OutBuffer, 0x00, sizeof(OutBuffer));

dwControlCode = CM_IOCTL_SIGNAL;
dwInBufferSize = 1;
dwOutBufferSize = 0;
dwBytesReturned = 0;

SCard_Status = SCardControl( hCard,

&dwBytesReturned );

// TODO: Code for PAY application

memset(InBuffer, 0x00, sizeof(InBuffer));

memset(OutBuffer, 0x00, sizeof(OutBuffer));

dwControlCode = CM_IOCTL_SIGNAL;
dwInBufferSize = 1;
dwOutBufferSize = 0;
dwBytesReturned = 0;

SCard_Status = SCardControl( hCard,

&dwBytesReturned );

// TODO: Code for PAY application

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OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card Readers Developers Guide, 5321-903, Rev. B.4

Appendix: B Accessing iCLASS Memory

The following describes the free zones of two typical iCLASS memory layouts.

Memory Layout
Shown is the memory layout of an iCLASS 2KS, iCLASS 16KS or page 0 of an iCLASS 8x2KS

Block Number Block Description (block size eight bytes)

‘00’ card serial number
‘01’ configuration block
’02’ e-Purse
‘03’ Kd (so-called debit key, key for application 1)
’04’ Kc (so-called credit key, key for Application 2)
’05’ application issuer area
…. HID application
Free zones in iCLASS 2KS, iCLASS 16KS or page 0 of iCLASS 8x2KS
‘1F’ (2KS)
‘FF’ (16KS)

Shown is the memory layout of an iCLASS 8x2KS on pages 1 to 7.

Block Size: 8 bytes

’00’ card serial number
’01’ configuration block
’02’ e-Purse
’03’ Kd (so-called debit key, key for application 1)
’04’ Kc (so-called credit key, key for Application 2)
’05’ application issuer area
…. application 1 (free zones in iCLASS 8x2KS other than page 0)
…. application 2 (free zones in iCLASS 8x2KS other than page 0)

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OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card Readers Developers Guide, 5321-903, Rev. B.4

Appendix: C Application 2 - Assigning Space

By default, iCLASS cards have the application limit set to the last byte of its respective
memory area. This means the complete memory area is reserved for application 1 and the
size of application 2 is set to zero. The application limit can be set to a different block
number to support an additional application. To do this, the page’s configuration block
must be overwritten.
1. Select the page you want to configure.
2. Authenticate with the selected page Kd.
3. Read 8 bytes from block 0x01 – the configuration block.
4. Replace the first byte with the block number ‘xx’ of the new application limit.
5. Leave the remaining bytes of the configuration block unchanged and write all 8 bytes
back to the configuration block 0x01.
6. Remove the card.

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OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card Readers Developers Guide, 5321-903, Rev. B.4

Appendix: D iCLASS Read/Write Memory - 2KS, 16KS or 8x2KS

page 0
1. Insert card.
2. Connect to card.
3. For secured mode: Start Session.
4. Authenticate with KMC0 , (P1 = 0x01, P2 = 0x23).
If the key is not an iCLASS default key, the new key has to be loaded as KIAMC or KVAK ,
and in the authenticate command the key number of KIAMC or KVAK must be used.
5. Read/write any block (block number 0x13 to 0x1F for 2KS and 0xFF for 16KS).
6. For secured mode: End Session.
7. Disconnect from card.
8. Remove card.

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OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card Readers Developers Guide, 5321-903, Rev. B.4

Appendix: E iCLASS 8x2KS Card - Pages 1 to 7 Read/Write

1. Insert card.
2. Connect to card.
3. For secured mode: Start Session.
4. Select page N (N = 1 to 7).
5. Authenticate with KMDN / KMCN (P1 = 0x00 for KMDN ,or 0x01 for KMCN , P2 = KMDN ,/
KMCN (See Section 8.1 Key Numbering Scheme).
6. If the key is other than iCLASS default key, the new key has to be loaded as KIAMC or
KVAK , and in the authenticate command the key number of KIAMC or KVAK must be
7. Read/write any block (block number 0x13 to 0x1F for 2KS and 0xFF for 16KS).
8. For secured mode: End Session.
9. Disconnect card.
10. Remove card.

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OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card Readers Developers Guide, 5321-903, Rev. B.4

Appendix: F Terms and Abbreviations

The following lists abbreviations used throughout this document.

CSNR Card Serial Number

HDH Host Data Header

INSData Instruction Specific Data

KCUR Customer Read Key

KCUW Customer Write Key

KDOKM OMNIKEY Diversified Master Key

KENC Card Data Encryption Key

KIAMC Key for Application 2 at page 0

KMCN Page N Application 2’s Master Key of iCLASS card

KMDC HID Master Key Current

KMDN Page N Application 1’s Master Key of iCLASS card

KMDNB1 Page N Application 1’s on Book 1 Master Key of iCLASS card

KMDO HID Master Key Old

KMTD PicoPass Master Transport key for application 1

KMTC PicoPass Master Transport key for application 2


KS Session Key

KVAK Any Volatile Application Master Key

LcINS Instruction specific data (INSData) length.

LcR Card Response data length

PCD Proximity Coupling Device

PICC Proximity IC Card

PPSE Proximity Payment System Environment

RDH Reader Data Header

RSNR Reader Serial Number

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OMNIKEY Contactless Smart Card Readers Developers Guide, 5321-903, Rev. B.4

Appendix: G References


[EMVCo] Europay Mastercard Visa Corporation
[ICLASSD] iCLASS card specifications from HID.
[iCODE SL2] ICODE SL2 Data Sheet
[ISO7816-4] Information Technology Identification Cards Integrated Circuit(s) Cards with Contacts, Part 4:
Inter-industry Commands for Interchange
[LRI64] ST Microelectronics datasheet for LRI64
[MSDNLIB] Microsoft Developer Network Library; http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/
[PCSC_2.01] PC/SC Workgroup Specifications 2.01
[PICO2KS] PICOTAG and PICOCRYPT secured 2KS data sheet from the Inside Contactless
[PICO16KS] PICOTAG and PICOCRYPT secured 16KS data sheet from the Inside Contactless

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