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Course Course name L-T-P- Year Of

code Credits Introduction

Prerequisite: Nil
Course Objectives
 To equip the students with the basic knowledge of pressure, temperature, flow, level,
density and viscosity measurements.
 To understand the construction and working of measuring instruments
Temperature measurement- Pressure measurement- Measurement of viscosity- Flow
measurement- Anemometers- Target flow meters- Level measurement
Expected outcome
 The student will be able to understand the various instruments used for industrial
Text Books
1. Doebelin E.O, “Measurement Systems: Application and Design”, 4th Edition,
McGraw Hill, New York, 2003.
2. Patranabis D, “Principles of Industrial Instrumentation”, 2ndEdition, Tata McGraw
Hill, New Delhi, 1997.
3. Spitzer D. W., Flow measurement, ISA press, New York, 1998

Reference Books
1. Andrew W.G, “Applied Instrumentation in Process Industries – A survey”, Vol I &
Vol II, Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, 2001.
2. Douglas M. Considine, “Process / Industrial Instruments & Controls Handbook”, 5th
Edition, McGraw Hill, Singapore, 1999.
3. Liptak B.G, “Process Measurement and Analysis”, 4th Edition, Chilton Book
Company, Radnor, Pennsylvania, 2003.
4. Noltingk B.E., “Instrumentation Reference Book”, 2ndEdition, Butterworth
Heinemann, 1995.
Course Plan
Module Contents Hours End Sem.
Temperature measurement: Resistance temperature detector
(RTD), principle and types, construction requirements for
industry, measuring circuits. Thermistors, principle and
sensor types, manufacturing techniques, measuring circuits,
linearization methods and applications. Pneumatic and
I 7 15%
suction pyrometers, integrated circuit sensors, diode type
sensors, ultrasonic thermometers, Johnson noise
thermometer, fluidic sensors, spectroscopic temperature
measurements, thermograph, temperature switches and
Pressure measurement basics, mechanical type instruments,
electromechanical type, low pressure measurement, related
accessories, pressure measuring standards, selection and
II 7 15%
application. Transmitter definition, classification, pneumatic
transmitter-force balance type, torque balance type, two wire
and four wire transmitters, I/P and P/I converters.
Measurement of viscosity: definitions, units, Newtonian and
Newtonian behaviour, measurement of viscosity using
laboratory viscometers, industrial viscometers. Viscometer
III 7 15%
selection and application. Measurement of density,
definitions, units, liquid density measurement, gas
densitometers, its application and selection.
Flow measurement: Introduction, definitions and units,
classification of flow meters, pitot tubes, positive
IV displacement liquid meters and provers, positive 6 15%
displacement gas flow meters, variable area flow meters.


Anemometers: Hot wire/hot film anemometer, laser Doppler
anemometer (LDA), electromagnetic flow meter, turbine and
other rotary element flow meters, ultrasonic flow meters,
doppler flow meters, cross correlation flow meters, vortex
flow meters. Measurement of mass flow rate: radiation,
angular momentum, impeller, turbine, constant torque 8
V 20%
hysteresis clutch, twin turbine Coriolis, gyroscopic and heat
transfer type mass flow meters.
Target flow meters: V-cone flow meters purge flow
regulators, flow switches, flow meter calibration concepts,
flow meter selection and application.

Level measurement: introduction, float level devices,

displacer level devices, rotating paddle switches, diaphragm
and deferential pressure detectors, resistance, capacitance
VI 7 20%
and RF probes, radiation, conductivity, field effect, thermal,
ultrasonic, microwave level switches, radar and vibrating
type level sensors. Level sensor selection and application.


Maximum Marks: 100 Exam Duration: 3 Hours

Part A
Answer any two out of three questions from Module 1 and 2 together. Each question carries
15 marks and may have not more than four sub divisions. (15 x 2 = 30 marks)
Part B
Answer any two out of three questions from Module 3 and 4 together. Each question carries
15 marks and may have not more than four sub divisions. (15 x 2 = 30 marks)
Part C
Answer any two out of three questions from Module 5 and 6 together. Each question carries
15 marks and may have not more than four sub divisions. (20 x 2 = 40 marks)

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