Circular & GO 2010
Circular & GO 2010
Circular & GO 2010
Under the package for revival of the STCCS, the recapitalisation assistance
was assessed applying prudential norms for asset classification, provisioning
requirement, income recognition and capital adequacy.
4. Since, the funds under the package are released to the PACS during the
year 2009-10, the PACS have to maintain a minimum CRAR of 7% by 31.03.2010 and
to increase the same to a minimum of 9% by 31.03.2012. The illustration for working
the CRAR is enclosed in annexure-2
6. The Special Officers of the DCCBs are requested to arrange for training
classes for PACS staff on the calculation and maintenance of CRAR and the prudential
norms on asset classification, provisioning and income recognition of outstanding loans.
/By order/
For Registrar .
i) All Regional Joint Registrars.
ii) The Special Officers of All DCCBs.
Copy to
i. The Chief General Manager, NABARD, Chennai-34.
ii. The Special Officer, TNSACB, Chennai-1.
iii. The Director of Cooperative Audit, Chennai-5.
iv. All Circle Deputy Registrars.
v. All Sections in Credit Wing in this office..
vi. OE and AR, GC sections in this office.
vii. Stock file.
Prudential norms on
Medium Term and Long Term Agricultural Advance means Medium and Long
Term loans (provided directly to farmers for financing production and
development needs) as described under
(i) Purchase of agricultural implements and machinery
1. Purchase of agricultural implements – iron ploughs, harrows, hose,
land-levellers, bundformers, hand tools, sprayers, dusters, hay-
press, sugarcane crushers, thresher machines, etc.
2. Purchase of farm machinery – Tractors, trailers, power tillers,
tractor accessories, viz. Disc ploughs, etc.
3. Purchase of trucks, mini-trucks, jeeps, pick-up vans, bullock carts
and other transport equipment, etc., to assist the transport of
agricultural inputs and farm products.
4. Transport of agricultural inputs and farm products.
5. Purchase of plough animals.
2. The account remains out of order for a period of more than 90 days, in respect of
an overdraft / cash credit.
(4) Investments:
The investments of a PACS is normally in fixed deposits with higher financing
agency and other banks and shares in the Central Cooperative Bank and other
cooperative institutions.
There may be some PACS which are having investments in Government and other
approved securities or fixed deposits with Post Offices and / or other institutions.
Fixed Deposits:
In the case of fixed deposit with DCCB and other banks or with Post Office /
Government Treasury, no provision is required to be made if the society is having
the fixed deposit receipts or other documents to show having such deposits.
In the case of fixed deposits with other institutions, no provision may be made if the
interest is received regularly or the institution is functioning properly. If not, the
realisability of the amount may be assessed and provision may be made for the
unrealisable portion.
Matured Fixed Deposits:
The value of fixed deposits which are not collected / received within 6 months from
the date of maturity can generally be treated as doubtful of recovery and
provision may be made to the full extent.
The Government and other trustee securities, if held, may be valued at book value.
When securities are purchased at a price higher than the face value, the difference
between the purchase value and the face value may be depreciated in equal
proportion every year over the remaining maturity period of security.
Shares held:
In case of shares in cooperatives or other institutions, other than shares of the CCB
to which the PACS is affiliated if the income / dividend is being received
regularly, no provision need to be made.
In case, not received regularly, i.e. during the previous 3 years, provision may be
made against the investment as the difference between the book value and the
breakup value.
The breakup value may be calculated as the net worth of the institution divided by
the total number of shares of the institution multiplied by the number of shares
held by the society in the institution.
If the financial statements of the cooperative institutions in which shares are held,
are not available for the previous 3 years, provision may be made for the full
Investments in Liquidated and under Liquidation Institutions:
The value of fixed deposits with institutions which are under liquidation / winding up
procedure may be treated as loss assets and full provision may be made.
If the institution in which the PACS has invested money is defunct or under
liquidation, the entire investment in such institution may be treated as loss assets
and full provision may be made.
(6) Sundry Debtors and other receivables / security deposits with State
Government Departments:
In the case of amount receivable from Government and Government departments,
if the amount is not received within one year from the date of claiming, it can
naturally be assumed that there are some problems in realisation of the amount.
Therefore, for such amount 10% provision may be made if not received within one
50% provision if not received within two years and 100% provision for more than
three years.
In case of security deposits with utility agencies, no provision may be made.
In respect of frauds and embezzlements, etc., full provision may be made from the
date of detection of frauds.
In the case of all other amounts to be received / recovered, full provision may be
made if not realised within 3 years.
/By order/
For Registrar .
Illustration for working CRAR for PACS
To ensure the good performance of banks, the Reserve Bank of India has
specified the minimum capital for banks. This requirement is called Capital Adequacy.
The same is applicable to PACS with some modifications.
This ratio is used to protect depositors and promote the stability and efficiency
of financial systems around the world. It is calculated as under :
Intangible assets
Current and Accumulated Losses, if any
Risk Weights
Sl. Assets Risk weight (%)
c Others 22.50%
4 Investments
d NSC/KVP 2.50%
7 Fixed Assets
c Vehicles 100.00%
Sl. Assets Risk weight (%)
8 Other Assets
Revival Package
As per the revival package for STCCS, Government of India has released the
amount upto the level of 7% of CRAR to those PACS which have less than 7%.
However, as per the package, all Primary Agricultural Co-operative Credit Societies
have to achieve the CRAR of 9% within a period of two years from the date of release of
recapitalisation assistance.
Risk Risk
Assets Amount weight Weighted
(%) Assets (3*4)
1 2 3 4 5
4 Investments
/superannuation benefits
7 Fixed Assets
Agriculture Machinery
8 Other Assets
Add : Reserve fund / Statutory Reserve
2 74776
/Donation Fund, admission fee, if capitalised
CRAR = ------------------ x 100 = 5.37%
CRAR = 5.37%
/By order/
For Registrar .
bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fS¡fhd brh¤J tif¥ghL, xJ¡ÑLfŸ k‰W« V‰f¡Toa tUkhd« M»ait
F¿¤j m¿th®ªj be¿KiwfŸ.
------------------------------------------ ----
FW»a fhy étrha¡ fl‹ v‹gJ (étrhæfS¡F étrha fhça¤Â‰fhd neuo ãÂÍjé) gæ® brŒa tH§f¥gL«
FW»a fhy fl‹fŸ mjhtJ g殡 fl‹fŸ. nkY« MW khj§fS¡F äfhkš xU Ïy£r« %ghŒ tiu
étrhæfS¡F tH§f¥gL« jhåa <£L¡fl‹. mªj jhåa¤ij gæ® brŒa étrhæ xnu t§»æš fl‹ th§»æU¡f
k¤Âa k‰W« Ú©l fhy étrha¡ fl‹ v‹gJ (éis¢rš k‰W« ts®¢Á njitfS¡fhf étrhæfS¡F tH§f¥gL«
neuo ãÂÍjé) Ñœf©l fhça§fS¡F tH§f¥gL« k¤Âa k‰W« Ú©l fhy¡ fl‹ MF«.
étrha Jiz¡ fUéfŸ k‰W« ÏaªÂu§fŸ th§f.
(m) étrha Jiz¡ fUéfŸ th§f - - ÏU«ò¡ fy¥igfŸ, gu«ò¢ r£l«, FHhŒ, ãy¤ij
rk¥gL¤J« fUé, tu¥ò mik¡F« fUé, if¡ fUéfŸ, bjë¥gh‹fŸ, Jil¥gh‹fŸ,
it¡nfhš mK¡F« fUé, fU«ò ÃêÍ« ÏaªÂu«, jhåa¤ij Ãç¤bjL¡F« ÏaªÂu§fŸ,
Ï‹d Ãw.
(M) g©iz ÏaªÂu§fŸ th§f - - ouh¡l®, obuŒy®, gt® ošy®°, ouh¡l® cg
bghU£fŸ cjhuz«. o°¡ fy¥ig, Ï‹d Ãw.
(Ï étrha ÏLbghU£fŸ k‰w« g©iz éisbghU£fŸ M»at‰iw vL¤J¢ bršy
cjéahf ou¡, Á¿a tif ou¡, <¥òfŸ, M£fis miH¤J¢ bršY« nt‹fŸ, kh£L
t©ofŸ k‰W« Ïju ngh¡Ftu¤J rhjd§fŸ Kjèad th§f.
(<) étrha ÏL bghU£fŸ k‰W« g©iz éis bghU£fŸ M»at‰iw V‰¿¢ bršy.
(c) cHÎ khLfŸ th§f
(<) Ú®¥ghrd¤ £l« f£Ljš.
(c) bjë¥ò Ú®¥ghrd Kiwia mik¤jš.
(C) étrha¤Â‰F ga‹gL¤j¥gL« g«ò br£Lfis ä‹}£l b#dnu£l® th§Fjš
(m) FW»afhy¡ fl‹fŸ: kuò rh®ªj / kuò rhuh kiy¤ njh£l k‰W« njh£l¡fiy gæ®fS¡F
tH§f¥gL« fl‹fŸ.
(M) k¤Âa k‰W« Ú©l fhy¡ fl‹fŸ: kiy¤njh£l«, njh£l¡fiy, fhL ts®¤jš k‰W« jçR ãy«
M»at‰¿‰fhd ts®¢Á fl‹fŸ.
étrha« rh®ªj FW»afhy k‰W« Ú©l fhy fl‹fis¥ bghW¤j k£oš mrš mšyJ t£o jtiz¤ bjhif Ïu©L
mWtil¥gUt¤Â‰F« (FW»a fhy gæ®fŸ) k‰W« xU mWtil¥ gUt¤Â‰F« (Ú©l fhy gæ®fŸ)
bjhl®ªJ jtiz jt¿æU¤jš.
(M) g©izrhuh¡ fl‹fŸ :
étrhak‰w fl‹fŸ k‰W« mit rh®ªj fl‹fis bghW¤j k£oš t£o k‰W« / mšyJ mrš jtiz 90 eh£fS¡F«
nkyhf jtiz jt¿æU¤jš.
xU fz¡»š ãYit ÏU¥ò, mDk¡f¥g£l msÎ / gz« vL¡F« r¡Âia él mÂfkhf bjhl®ªJ ÏUªJ tªjhš, mªj
fz¡F Ïa§fhjjhf fUj¥gL«. Áy ne®Îfëš, Kj‹ik el¥ò¡ fz¡»š ãYitæU¥ò mDk¡f¥g£l msÎ / gz«
vL¡F« r¡Âia él Fiwthf ÏUªjhY«, 90 eh£fS¡F bjhl®ªJ gztuÎ ÏšyhkY« mšyJ gztuÎ nk‰go
fhy¤Â‰fhd t£o¡F nghJkhdjhf ÏšyhkY« ÏU¡F«g£r¤Âš Ï¡fz¡FfŸ Ïa§fhjjhf fUj¥gL«.
xU fl‹jhu® x‹W¡F nk‰g£l fl‹ fz¡FfŸ it¤ÂUªjhš, brašglh brh¤jhf Md mªj xU fl‹ fz¡nfh mšyJ
mj‹ xU gFÂnah mšyhkš, mªj fl‹jhuU¡F bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f« tH§»ÍŸs mid¤J fl‹
fz¡FfS« brašglh brh¤jhf fUj¥gL«.
Ïa‰if Ó‰w§fëdhš FW»afhy g殡fl‹ fhy¡fldhf kh‰¿ mik¡f¥g£lhnyh, mšyJ ÂU«g brY¤J«
fhy« kW m£ltiz¥gL¤j¥gl mDk¡f¥g£oUªjhnyh, kh‰¿ mik¡f¥g£l, kW m£ltizgL¤j¥g£l fl‹
k‰W« mDk¡f¥g£l òÂa fl‹ el¥ò ãYitahf fUÂ, brašglh fldhf tifgL¤j¥gl¡TlhJ.
k‰w kh‰¿ mik¡f¥g£l fl‹fis bghW¤jtiuæš, mrš jtiznah, t£o jtiznah kW Óuik¥ò brŒa¥g£l fl‹
fz¡Ffëš, mrš jtiz / t£o ÂU«g brY¤Jtš Xuh©L ÂU¥Âfukhd brašgh£L¡F¥ ÃwF jukhd
brh¤jhf ca®¤Â tifgL¤j jFÂahdjhF«.
(C) fhy it¥òfŸ, njÁa nrä¥ò g¤Âu«, ϪÂu éfh° g¤Âu«, »rh‹ éfh° g¤Âu« k‰W« MÍŸ fh¥Õ£L¤
£l« M»at‰¿‹ Ûjhd fl‹fŸ:
fhy it¥òfŸ, njÁa nrä¥ò g¤Âu«, ϪÂu éfh° g¤Âu«, »rh‹ éfh° g¤Âu« k‰W« MÍŸ fh¥Õ£L¤
£l« M»at‰¿‹ ÛJ tH§f¥gL« fl‹fŸ / K‹gz« brašglh brh¤J vd fUj nt©oašiy. Mdhš j§f« k
‰W« Ãw Mguz§fŸ ÛJ tH§f¥gL« fl‹fŸ / K‹gz« jtiz jt¿a fhy« k‰W« étrha« mšyJ étrhak
‰w fhça§fS¡F tH§f¥g£ljh v‹gij¥ bghU¤J brašglh brh¤jhf fUj¥gL«.
gâahs® fl‹fis¥ bghU¤jtiu, mrš jtiz mšyJ t£o jtiz, cça jtiz ehëš ÂU«g brY¤j¥gléšiy baåš
brašglh brh¤jhf tif gL¤j¥gL«.
fl‹ k‰W« K‹gz« Ñœf©lthW eh‹F Ïd§fshf tifgL¤j¥g£L, mt‰W¡bfÂnu F¿¥Ã£LŸs thW xJ¡ÑL brŒa
t. xJ¡ÑL
tif F¿¥ò
v© rjÅj¤Âš
1) jukhd fl‹fŸ brašglh brh¤jhf fUj¥glhj étrha« k
‰W« étrhak‰w fl‹fŸ
jtiz jt¿a fl‹fëš, v§F Ô®¥ghiz mšyJ ãiwnt‰W kD fhy« flªJŸsnjh mšyJ Mtz§fŸ fhzhkš nghÍŸsnjh
mšyJ Ïju r£l ó®t rh‹WfŸ Ïšiynah;
v§F cW¥ÃdU« mtuJ ÃizahsU« beho¤J¥ nghdt® v‹W m¿é¡f¥g£LŸsnjh mšyJ cWÂahd brh¤J¡fŸ
Ïšyhkš ÏwªJ é£ldnuh;
v§F cW¥Ãd®fŸ brh¤J¡fŸ VJäšyhkš r§f¤Â‹ brašgh£L všiy¡F btëæš br‹Wé£ldnuh k‰W« mt®fë‹
Ãizahs®fS« gh¡»ia brY¤j têtif Ïšyhj nghJ«;
v§F fl‹ nghèahdnjh mšyJ fl‹ KGtJ« jtwhf ga‹gL¤j¥g£lJ f©l¿a¥g£L, ghJfh¥ò Ïšyhjjhš fl‹ bjhif tNš
brŒa ÏayhkY«; mšyJ v§F Ãiza¤Â‹ kÂ¥ò fl‹ fz¡»š ãYitÍŸs bjhifæš 10 rjÅj¤Â‰F Fiwthf cŸsnjh,
mit mid¤J« e£lkhd fl‹fŸ mšyJ brh¤J¡fshf fUj¥gL«.
ËgF khåa¡ fl‹fŸ:
ËgF khåa¤ £l¤Âš ãYitÍŸs fl‹fS¡F khåa¤ij¤ j鮤J ÛjKŸs bjhif¡F xJ¡ÑL brŒa nt©L«.
fhy¡fl‹fëš, jtiz jt¿a gFÂ k£LkšyhJ mid¤J fl‹fS« brašglh brh¤jhf fUj¥gL«.
r§f mYty® mšyJ jâ¡ifahs® mšyJ xG§FgL¤Jgt® / nk‰gh®itahs® rçgh®¡F«nghJ ifæU¥ò¤ bjhif
Fiwªjhš mj‰F KGikahf xJ¡ÑL brŒa nt©L«.
r§f¤Âš kh®¢ 31« njÂa‹W ieªj mšyJ »êªj %ghŒ neh£LfŸ ÏUªjhš mj‹ k¥ÉF xJ¡ÑL brŒa nt©L«.
bghJ¥ngnuL / Jiz¥ngnuL xU F¿¥Ã£l fhy Ïilbtëæš t§»ahš më¡f¥L« g‰W tuÎ ò¤jf« mšyJ rh‹¿jœ / fz¡F
m¿¡ifÍl‹ x¤ÂirÎ brŒa¥glnt©L«.
x¤ÂirÎ brŒa¥glhkš Xuh©L¡F nkyhf ãYitÍŸs gÂÎfS¡F KGikahf xJ¡ÑL brŒa¥glnt©L«.
(4) KjÄLfŸ:
xU bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f« rhjhuzkhf ca®ã ãWtd« k‰W« Ïju t§»fëš ãuªju it¥ò k‰W« k¤Âa
T£LwÎ t§» k‰W« Ïju T£LwÎ ãWtd§fë‹ g§Ffëš KjÄL brŒÍ«.
Áy bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fŸ, muR k‰W« Ïju m§Ñfç¡f¥g£l flÜ£L Mtz§fëš mšyJ mŠrš
mYtyf k‰W« / mšyJ Ïju ãWtd§fëš ãuªju it¥òfëš KjÄL brŒÂU¡fyh«.
ãuªju it¥òfŸ:
k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§» k‰W« Ïju t§»fëš mšyJ mŠrš mYtyf« / muR fUñy¤Âš cŸs ãuªju it¥òfS¡F, r§f« mªj
ãuªju it¥òfS¡fhd g‰W¢Ó£L mšyJ Ïju Mtz§fŸ it¤ÂU¡F« g£r¤Âš xJ¡ÑL njitæšiy.
Ïju ãWtd§fëš cŸs ãuªju it¥òfS¡F, t£o tH¡fkhf bg‰W tªjhnyh mšyJ mªj ãWtd« rçahf brašg£L tªjhnyh,
xJ¡ÑL njitæšiy. Ïšiyba‹whš, ÂU«g bgW« bjhif fz¡»l¥g£L, ÂU«g bgw Ïayhj bjhif¡F xJ¡ÑL brŒa
K®tilªj ãuªju it¥òfŸ:
flÜ£L Mtz§fŸ:
muR mšyJ Ïju bghW¥gh£Áa® flÜ£L Mtz§fŸ bg‰¿Uªjhš mit ò¤jf k¥Ë go kÂ¥ÕL brŒa¥gl
flÜ£L Mtz§fis mj‹ Kf¥ò éiyia él mÂf éiy¡F th§»æUªjhš, th§»a k¥ÉF« Kf¥ò k¥ÉF« cŸs
é¤Âahr¤ij, mªj flÜ£L Mtz« K®tilÍ« ehŸ tiu cŸs fhy¤Â‰F M©L njhW« rç rk é»j¤Âš
kÂ¥Ãw¡f« brŒa nt©L«.
bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f«, mJ gÂÎ bg‰WŸs k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§»æš cŸs g§F Ú§fyhf T£LwÎfŸ k
‰W« Ïju ãWtd§fëš cŸs g§F¤ bjhif¡F, tUkhd« / g§F <Î tH¡fkhf bgw¥gL« g£r¤Âš, xJ¡ÑL brŒa¤
xU ntis, flªj _‹W M©L fhy¤Âš bjhl®¢Áahf bgw¥gléšiybaåš, KjÄ£o‹ gF ÏW k¥ÉF«, ò¤jf
k¥ÉF« cŸs é¤Âahr¤Â‰F xJ¡ÑL brŒa nt©L«.
xU ãWtd¤Â‹ ãfu kÂ¥Ãid mj‹ bkh¤j g§Ffshš tF¤J, r«kªj¥g£l r§f« mªj ãWtd¤Âš bg‰WŸs g§Ffshš
bgU¡» gF ÏW kÂ¥Ãid fz¡»lnt©L«.
g§Ffis it¤JŸs T£LwÎ ãWtd¤Â‹ ãÂãiy m¿¡iffŸ flªj 3 M©LfS¡F »il¡féšiybaåš KG bjhif¡F« xJ¡ÑL
brŒa nt©L«.
fiy¤jš / KoÎ f£Ljš elto¡ifæš cŸs ãWtd§fëš Ï£L it¡f¥g£LŸs ãuªju it¥òfë‹ kÂ¥ò e£l brh¤jhf fUj¥g£L mt
‰¿‰F KG xJ¡ÑL brŒa¥gl nt©L«.
bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f« KjÄL brŒJŸs xU ãWtd« braèHªJ ÏUªjhnyh, mšyJ fiy¥ò elto¡ifæš
ÏUªjhnyh, mªj ãWtd¤Âš KjÄL brŒJŸs bkh¤j bjhifÍ« e£l brh¤jhf fz¡»l¥g£L KG xJ¡ÑL brŒa
(5) mirah brh¤J¡fŸ:
mirah brh¤J¡fë‹ kÂ¥ò %.1 tU« tiu x›bthU mirah brh¤J¡F« M©L njhW« kÂ¥Ãw¡f« brŒa nt©L«.
jäœ ehL T£LwÎ r§f§fë‹ r£l« / é mšyJ r§f¤Â‹ Jiz éÂfëš F¿¥Ãl¥glhj g£r¤Âš brh¤Â‹ rhjhuz
MÍ£fhy¤ij bghU¤J kÂ¥Ãw¡f« brŒa nt©oa bjhif F¿¤J r§fnk KobtL¡fyh«.
Ô®it éy¡f¥g£l ãy§fS¡F kÂ¥Ãw¡f« njitæšiy. F¤jif ãykhf ÏUªjhš, F¤jif KoÍ« tiu cŸs fhy¤Â‰F é»jh
¢rhu Kiwæš kÂ¥Ãw¡f¤ bjhif xJ¡fnt©L«.
(6) gšntW fl‹ th§»at®fŸ, k‰w tunt©oa Ïd§fŸ k‰W« khãy muR Jiwfëš cŸs Ãiza it¥òfŸ.
muR k‰W« muR JiwfëèUªJ tunt©oa bjhif F¿¤J nf£ò mD¥Ã Xuh©L¡FŸ m¤bjhif bgw¥glhé£lhš,
m¤bjhifia ÂU«g bgWtš Ïa‰ifahf Á¡fš cŸsJ vd fUjyh«.
vdnt, Xuh©L¡FŸ m¤bjhif bgw¥glhéoš mj‰F 10 rjé»j« xJ¡ÑL brŒa nt©L«,
Ïu©L M©LfS¡FŸ bgw¥glhéoš 50 rjé»j« xJ¡ÑL brŒa nt©L«,
_‹W M©L¡F nkY« m¤bjhif bgw¥gléšiybaåš 100 rjé»j« xJ¡ÑL brŒa nt©L«.
bghJey ãWtd§fëš (Utility Agencies) it¤JŸs Ãiza it¥òfS¡F xJ¡ÑL njitæšiy.
nkhro k‰W« ifahlš bjhl®ghf, mJ elªj njÂæèUªJ KG xJ¡ÑL brŒa nt©L«.
k‰w Ïd§fëš _‹W M©LfS¡FŸ bgwnth / tNè¡fnth Ïayéšiybaåš KG xJ¡ÑL brŒa nt©L«.
(7) fl‹rhuh tâf«
bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fŸ cu é‰gid, bghJ éãnahf¤ £l bghU£fŸ é‰gid, JâfŸ é‰gid ngh‹w
tâf elto¡iffisÍ« nk‰bfh©LŸsd.
kh®¢ 31« njÂa‹W x›bthU bghUisÍ« v©â¢ rçgh®¤J, ru¡»U¥ò Fiwªjhnyh, ju« Fiwªj ru¡F ÏUªjhnyh, é
‰f Ïayhj ru¡F ÏUªjhnyh mt‰¿‰F KG xJ¡ÑL brŒa nt©L«. ru¡»U¥ò FiwΡF KG xJ¡ÑL brŒa
F¿¥Ã£l fhy KoÎ nj¡F Ëd® é‰fhkš ÏU¡F« bghU£fŸ, é‰f Ïayhj ru¡F vd fU mj‰F KG xJ¡ÑL
brŒa nt©L«.
fhy KoÎ nj Ϛyhj bghU£fŸ _‹W M©LfŸ é‰fhkš ÏUªjhš, mit é‰f Ïayhj bghU£fŸ vd¡ fU mt‰
¿‰F KG xJ¡ÑL brŒa nt©L«.
JâfŸ ngh‹w bghU£fŸ, eh£fŸ Mf Mf mj‹ kÂ¥ò FiwÍkhjyhš, mt‰¿‹ kÂ¥ig mj‹ taij¡ bfh©L kÂ¥Ãl
JâfŸ Xuh©L¡F Ñœ ÏUªjhš, th§»a éiyæš kÂ¥Ãlyh«, x‹W Kjš Ïu©L M©LfS¡FŸ ÏUªjhš th§»a éiyæš
80 rjé»jK«, Ïu©L Kjš _‹W M©LfS¡FŸ ÏUªjhš th§»a éiyæš 50 rjé»jK«, _‹W M©LfS¡F nkš ÏUªjhš
mj‰F kÂ¥ngJäšiy vd¡ fz¡»£L, FiwahF« k¥ÉF V‰wh‰nghš xJ¡ÑL brŒa nt©L«.
(8) tUkhd¡ fz¡ÑL:
nr®ªj t£o k‰W« jtiz jt¿ tNyhfhj t£o M»at‰iw kh®¢ 31« njÂa Ïyhg e£l¡ fz¡»‰F bfh©L bršyyh«.
jtiz jt¿a t£o¡F xJ¡ÑL brŒa nt©L«.
brašglh brh¤jhf ÏUªjhš, Kªija M©oš c©ikæš tNè¡f¥glhj t£o / t£oæ‹ xU gFÂ , xJ¡ÑL brŒa¥glhkš Ïyhg
e£l¡ fz¡»‰F vL¤J¢ bršy¥g£oUªjhš mj‰F xJ¡ÑL brŒant©L«.
ãuªju it¥òfŸ, muR flÜ£L¥g¤Âu§fŸ ngh‹w Ïd§fŸ Ûjhd t£o, tNyhfhkš nr®ªj t£oahf ÏUªjhY« Ïyhg e£l
fz¡»‰F vL¤J¢ bršyyh«. jtiz jt¿a t£o¡F xJ¡ÑL brŒa nt©L«.
g§FfŸ ngh‹wt‰¿š KjÄL brŒj bjhif¡F bgwnt©oa tUkhd« / g§F <Τ bjhif v›tsÎ v‹gJ bjça thŒ¥Ãšiy.
ÏJ ngh‹w Ïd§fëš tUkhd« / g§F <Î bgw¥gL« nghJ fz¡»£L¡ bfhŸsyh«.
flªj fhy¤Âš t£o / tUkhd« Ïyhg e£l¡ fz¡»‰F vL¤J¢ br‹w ne®Îfëš, mªj KjÄL rªnjf¤Â‰Fçajhfnth /
ÂU«g bgwKoahjjhfnth fUj¥g£lhš V‰fdnt Ïyhg e£l¡ fz¡»‰F vL¤J¢ br‹w bjhif¡F xJ¡ÑL brŒa
(Ï) f£lz«, juF Kjèad :
fl‹fŸ bjhl®ghd f£lz«, juF Kjèa tUkhd§fŸ mªj fz¡F jukhdjhf ÏU¡F« g£r¤Âš tUkhdkhf fUj¥gL«.
nkY« flªj M©Lfëš c©ikæš bgw¥glhkš Ïyhg e£l¡ fz¡»‰F vL¤J¢ bršy¥g£l f£lz«, juF, Kjèad
bgw¥glhkš ÏU¡F«nghnj mªj¡ fl‹ brašglh brh¤jhf MF«g£r¤Âš mªj tUkhd¤Â‰F nghJkhd xJ¡ÑL
brŒa nt©L«.
viii.»uhk mséš cŸsjhš bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fŸ khãy¤Â‹ mid¤J Ïl§fëY« gutyhf mikªJŸsd.
ix. bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fë‹ gâahs®fŸ k‰W« ãUthf¡ FG cW¥Ãd®fŸ Ϫj m¿th®ªj be¿Kiwfë‹
òÂa fU¤J¡fis òçªJ bfhŸs éçthd gæ‰ÁÍ« neuK« njit.
x. vdnt, bjçé¡f¥g£l Ϫj m¿th®ªj be¿KiwfŸ 01.04.2010 Kjš Ëg‰w¥gl nt©L«.
bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fë‹ Ïl® nr®¡f¥g£l brh¤J¡fS¡F« _yjd¤Â‰F« cŸs
é»j« fz¡»Ltj‰fhd khÂç és¡f«
bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fŸ jkJ tâf elto¡iffis nk‰bfhŸtj‰F«, V‰gL« e£l¤ÂèUªJ
fh¤J¡ bfhŸtj‰F«, _yjd« njit¥gL»wJ. fârkhd e£l« V‰gL« nghJ bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f« bjhl®ªJ
Ïa§f nghJkhd _yjd« cjλwJ.
t§»fŸ ešy Kiwæš brašgLtij cW brŒa, ϪÂa çr®› t§», t§»fS¡F Fiwªjg£r _yjd¤ij ã®zæ¤JŸsJ. Ϫj¤
njit jh‹ nghJkhd _yjd« v‹W miH¡f¥gL»wJ. Ϫj¤ njit bfhŸif Áy kh‰w§fSl‹ bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹
r§f§fS¡F« bghUªJ«.
Ϫj é»j« it¥ò¤jhu®fë‹ eyid ghJfh¡fΫ, cy»YŸs ã mik¥òfë‹ ãiy¤j‹ik k‰W« Âwid nk«gL¤jΫ
ga‹gL¤j¥gL»wJ. Ϫj é»j« Ñœf©lthW fz¡»l¥gL«.
( CRAR ) _yjd«
= ----------------------- X 10
Ïl® nr®¡f¥g£l brh¤J¡fS¡F« _yjd¤Â‰F«
Ïl® nr®¡f¥g£l brh¤J¡fŸ 0
cŸs é»j«
cWÂæšyhj brh¤J¡fŸ
el¥ò k‰W« Féªj e£l« (VnjDäUªjhš)
Ïl® nr®¥ò é»j«:
Ïl® nr®¥ò é»j«
t. v© brh¤J¡fŸ
4 KjÄLfŸ
7 ãiyahd brh¤J¡fŸ
c thfd§fŸ 100.00%
Ïl® nr®¥ò é»j«
t. v© brh¤J¡fŸ
8 Ïju brh¤J¡fŸ
ò¤Jæ%£L« £l«:
FW»a fhy T£LwÎ fl‹ mik¥òfis ò¤Jæ%£L« £l¤Â‹ Ñœ k¤Âa muR, vªj bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ
fl‹ r§f¤Â‹ Ïl® nr®¡f¥g£l brh¤J¡fS¡F« _yjd¤Â‰F« cŸs é»j« VG rjé»j¤Â‰F Ñœ cŸsnjh mt‰¿‰F mjid
VG rjé»jkhf ca®¤j bjhifia éLé¤JŸsJ. våD«, Ϥ£l¤Â‹ Ñœ ãÂÍjé bg‰w njÂæèUªJ Ïu©L M©LfS¡FŸ
mid¤J bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fS« Ïl® nr®¡f¥g£l brh¤J¡fS¡F« _yjd¤Â‰F« cŸs é»j¤ij x‹gJ rjé»jkhf
ca®¤j nt©L«.
Ïl® nr®¡f¥g£l brh¤J¡fS¡F« _yjd¤Â‰F« cŸs é»j¤ij x‹gJ rjé»jkhf ca®¤j Ñœ f©l MnyhridfŸ
Féªj e£l« VJäUªjhš K‰¿Ykhf mf‰Wjš.
r§f« Ïyhg¤Âš brašgLjš.
(M) Ïl® nr®ªj brh¤J¡fis¡ Fiw¤jš / bray‰w M°Âfis¡ Fiw¤jš:
viii) njitæ‹¿, Ïl® nr®¥ò é»j« mÂf« cŸs brh¤J¡fis nr®¥gij j鮤jš.
khÂç és¡f«
Ïl® nr®¡f¥g£l brh¤J¡fS¡F _yjd é»j« fz¡»Ljš
go-1. bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f¤Â‹ Ïl® nr®¡f¥g£l brh¤J¡fis fz¡»Ljš
(bjhif %ghæš)
1 2 3 4 5
a el¥ò¡ fz¡»š 0.00 0.00
b nrä¥ò¡ fz¡»š 35130.00 7904.25
a el¥ò¡ fz¡»š 0.00 0.00
b nrä¥ò¡ fz¡»š 0.00 0.00
c Ïju Ïd§fŸ 0.00 0.00
4 KjÄLfŸ
b k‰w T£LwÎ ãWtd§fëš cŸs g§F¤ bjhif 240003.00 246003.08
Ïl® Ïl® nr®¥ò
t. nr®¥ò brh¤J¡fŸ
brh¤J¡fŸ bjhif
(%) (3*4)
f k‰wit – é‰gid r§f¤Âš cŸs it¥òfŸ 0.00 0.00
a cW¥Ãd®fë‹ FW»a / k¤Âa / Ú©l fhy¡ fl‹fŸ 4663201.54 4663201.54
c k‰w fl‹fŸ (F¿¥ÃlΫ) 0.00 0.00
6 ÏWÂ ru¡»U¥ò 33774.00 33774.00
7 ãiyahd brh¤J¡fŸ
a ãy« & f£ol§fŸ, »l§F 31500.00 31500.00
c thfd§fŸ 0.00 0.00
d étrha ÏaªÂu§fŸ 0.00 0.00
8 Ïju brh¤J¡fŸ
a jtiz jt¿aJ Ú§fyhd bjhF¥ò t£o 153807.00 153807.00
b jtiz jt¿a t£o 0.00 0.00
c KjÄLfŸ ÛJ bgw nt©oa t£o 0.00 0.00
d gšntW tifæš fl‹ th§»at®fŸ 18415.00 18415.00
Ïl® Ïl® nr®¥ò
t. nr®¥ò brh¤J¡fŸ
brh¤J¡fŸ bjhif
(%) (3*4)
e tunt©oa Ïju Ïd§fŸ 2405.00 2405.00
f Kiwnf£oš bjhl®òila bjhif 0.00 0.00
g K‹T£ona brY¤j¥g£l bryéd§fŸ 0.00 0.00
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ R‰w¿¡if
ÂU. a¤ÔªÂueh¤ °nt‹, Ï.M.g.,
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®
R‰w¿¡if v©. 1/2010
e.f. 120296/08/bjhntr.1 ehŸ 11.1.2010
bghUŸ: T£LwÎ – bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fŸ gâahs®fë‹ CÂa« k‰W« gâ
ãiyfŸ – CÂa Óuik¥ò¡ FGé‹ gçªJiufŸ muR MizfŸ btëæl¥g£LŸsJ –
m¿ÎiufŸ tH§f¥g£lJ xU Áy bjëÎiufŸ tH§f¥gL»‹wd
gh®it: 1) muR Miz v©.131, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw
ehŸ 4.6.99
2) muR Miz(ãiy) v©.258, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤
Jiw ehŸ 13.8.08
3) muR Miz (ãiy) v©.189, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤
Jiw ehŸ 17.11.09
4) gÂthsç‹ R‰w¿¡if v©.42/2009(e.f.120296/08/ bjhntr.1) ehŸ
gh®it 3š fhQ« murhizæ‹go bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f¥ gâahs®fS¡fhd CÂa ca®Î
bjhl®ghf gh®it eh‹»š fhQ« R‰w¿¡ifæš m¿ÎiufŸ tH§f¥g£ld. våD«, CÂa ca®Î bjhl®ghf bgw¥g£l
nfhç¡iffŸ gçÓè¡f¥g£L ËtU« m¿ÎiufŸ tH§f¥gL»‹wd.
1. CÂa ã®za«:-
gh®it (3)š cŸs murhizia¤ bjhl®ªJ , gh®it (4) š fhQ« R‰w¿¡ifæš bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ
fl‹ r§f¥ gâahs®fS¡fhd r«gs¥ bghU¤J¥ g£oaš bjhl®òW¤j¥g£lJ. mj‰F r‰W khWjyhf òÂa r«gs
bghU¤J¥ g£oašfŸ ϤJl‹ Ïiz¤J bjhl®òW¤j¥gL»‹wd. Ïj‹go òÂa r«gs« bghU¤j« brŒa m¿Îiu
jå CÂa« (Personal Pay –PP)
jå CÂa« v‹gJ mid¤J ãiyfëY«, mo¥gil¢ r«gskhfnt (Basic Pay) vL¤J¡ bfhŸs¥gl nt©L«.
mjhtJ mféiy¥go fz¡»Ljš, éL¥ò¢ r«gs« gâ¡bfhil k‰W« tU§fhy it¥ò¤ bjhif fz¡Ñ£o‰F mo¥gil
r«gs« vL¤J¡ bfhŸs¥gl nt©L«. jå CÂa« mL¤J tU« r«gs ca®é‹ nghJ, mo¥gil¢ r«gs¤Jl‹ Ïiz¡f¥g£L
òÂa CÂa« ã®za« brŒa¥gl nt©L«.
2. CÂa x¥gªj«:-
bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f¥ gâahs®fŸ òÂa r«gs é»j§fis bgw bjhê‰ jfuhWfŸ r£l¥ÃçÎ
18(1) ‹ Ñœ òÂa CÂa x¥gªj« V‰gL¤Â¡ bfhŸsyh«. Ï›ñÂa x¥gªj§fis cl‹ nk‰bfh©L xU thu
fhy¤Â‰FŸ ãiwt¿¡ifia k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®f. rk®¥Ã¡f nt©L«.
gh®it _‹¿š fhQ« murhizæš bjhl®ªJ el¥ò e£l¤Âš k‰W« Féªj e£l¤Âš brašgL« r§f§fŸ
(2003-04 « M©oèUªJ ‘o tF¥ò’ vd tif¥gL¤j¥g£LŸsd. Ϥjifa r§f§fëš V‰bfdnt ã mçkhd« V
‰g£LŸsJ. òÂa CÂa ca®ÎfŸ më¡f¥gL« g£r¤Âš mt‰¿‹ ãÂãiy TLjš ã¢Rikia V‰f ÏayhJ. Vdnt
Ϥjifa r§f§fŸ mt‰¿‹ cW¥Ãd®fŸ mséš fl‹ ãYitia Fiwªj g£r« %.50/- Ïy£r¤Â‰F ca®¤Âa Ëd®
murhiz (3) ‹go CÂa x¥gªj§fŸ V‰gL¤Â¡ bfhŸs¥gl nt©L«. òÂa CÂa x¥gªj« V‰gL¤Â¡ bfhŸS«
ehëèUªJ òÂa CÂa§fis bgw nt©L«. Ϥjifa r§f§fëš CÂa ca®Î ãYit¤ bjhif tH§F« ãiy VHhJ.
4. mid¤J bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fëY« Óuhd mféiy¥go é»j§fis Ëg‰Wjš:-
khãy¤Âš xU Áy bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fëš muR Cêa®fŸ bgW« mféiy¥go é»j§fis
nghyšyhkš All India Average Working Class Consumer Price Index (Base 1960-100)
m£ltiz mo¥gilæš mféiy¥go tH§f¥g£L tUtjhf gÂthsç‹ ftd¤Â‰F bfh©L tu¥g£LŸsJ. Ï«Kiw muR
k‰W« gÂths® m¿ÎiufS¡F K‰¿Y« KuzhdjhF«. k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ ÏJ ngh‹w r§f§fis f©l¿ªJ, Ï
¢r§f§fS« òÂa CÂa é»j§fis nkny bjçé¤jthW mo¥gil¢ r«gs¤Jl‹ 84 éG¡fhL mféiy¥¥o Ïiz¡f¥g£L mš
r§f§fë‹ tif¥gh£o‰F V‰w‰nghš 10 éG¡fhL / 5 éG¡fhL ca®Î më¤J òÂa mo¥gil r«gs« ã®za«
brŒJ mj‹ Ë murhiz¥go mféiy¥go bgw nt©L«.
5. muR foj« v©.6788/Áv‹.1/05-2 ehŸ 4.4.05 ‹go Áw¥ò mDk bg‰w r§f¥ gâahs®fS¡F nj¡f
ãiy CÂa bghU¤j«.
muR foj« v©.6788/Áv‹.1/05-2 ehŸ 4.4.05 ‹go Áw¥ò mDk bg‰w r§f¥ gâahs®fis¥
bghW¤j k£oš, Ï¢r§f§fëš cŸs gâahs®fŸ V‰bfdnt murhiz v©.131, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth®
ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw ehŸ 4.6.99 I él TLjyhf r«gs« bg‰W tU« ãiyæš òÂa r«gs V‰w Kiwæš r«gs«
ã®za« brŒÍ« nghJ r«gs V‰w Kiwæš mªjªj tF¥ò k‰W« mªjªj gâãiy¡fhd bghU¤J¥g£oaèš cŸs
CÂa é»j¤Â‹ filÁ ãiyia (Last stage) milªÂU¥Ã‹ 1.4.2008 KJš Iªjh©LfS¡F x›bthU M©o‰F« filÁ
ãiy CÂa ca®éid (Increment) më¡f c¤njÁ¡f¥g£LŸs Iªjh©LfS¡F Ë Ïu©lh©LfS¡F xU Kiw CÂa
ca®Î (Increment) më¡f c¤njÁ¡f¥g£LŸsJ. vdnt V‰fdnt gh®it (3) š cŸs murhizæš brhšy¥g£l
Ïu©lh©LfS¡F xU Kiw CÂa ca®Î (Increment) v‹gj‰F cça ÂU¤j« nk‰bfhŸs elto¡if vL¡f¥gL«.
muR m¿ÎiufŸ bgw¥g£lÎl‹ jåna bjhl®òW¤j¥gL«.
6. ãÂãiy Óuhf Ïšyhj bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fëš gâahs® tU§fhy it¥ò ã fz¡»Ljš:-
j‰nghJ FW»a fhy flid¥ò òduik¥ò¤ £l¤Â‹ Ñœ më¡f¥g£l kW KjÄ£L ãÂæèUªJ (Short
Term Cooperative Credit Structure) CÂa ca®Î ãYit¤ bjhif tH§f¥gl¡ TlhJ. Ϫj ãÂÍjé¤ bjhif _y«
<£l¥gL« tUthæèUªJ k£Lnk ãYit¤ bjhif tH§f¥glnt©L«.
Ï¡foj¤Âid cça Ïiz¥òfSl‹ bg‰W¡ bfh©lj‰fhd x¥òifia cl‹ mD¥ÃLkhW mid¤J k©ly
Ïiz¥gÂths®fS« nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wh®fŸ.
X«/- gÂths®
mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ (br‹id Ú§fyhf)
Ïiz¥ò : ÂU¤Âa r«gs bghU¤J¥ g£oa 1,2,3,4 ( Fitment Table 1,2,3,& 4)
efš: mid¤J kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§»fŸ
efš: mid¤J ruf Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ
T£LwÎ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ R‰w¿¡if
ÂU a¤ÔªÂueh¤ °nt‹, Ï.M.g.,
T£LwÎ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®.
R‰w¿¡if v©: 18/ 2010
e.f. 51942 / 2010 bjh.nt.r.1 ehŸ :16.6.2010.
bghUŸ : bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fŸ – bjhl¡f ntsh©ik¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fëš
ÂU£L / ÂU£L Ka‰Á eilbgWjš – ghJfh¥ò elto¡iffŸ F¿¤J m¿Îiu
tH§Fjš – bjhl®ghf.
1. eif¡flD¡fhf bgw¥gL« eifia ghJfh¡f jukhd eif ghJfh¥ò¥ bg£lf§fis ( Iron safe )
k£Lnk ga‹gL¤j nt©L«.
2. eif¥ bg£lf« mikªJŸs miw rhjhuz miwahf Ïšyhkš Strong Room Mf kh‰w cl‹
eoto¡if vL¡f nt©L«.
3. eif¡fl‹ msÎ mÂfç¤J tU« ãiyæš Strong Room with defender door mik¥Ãyhd
f£lik¥ò trÂfis V‰gL¤Â¡ bfhŸs nt©L«.
4. nk‰f©l elto¡iffëš cça éÂKiwfŸ filÃo¡f¥gl nt©L«.
5. eif¡fl‹ tH§F« mid¤J r§f§fS« Burglary Alarm bghW¤Â mit Kiwahf brašgL»wjh
v‹gij¡ f©fhâ¡f nt©L«. mit Kiwahf brašgl m›t¥ nghJ gçnrh¤J« gGJ Ú¡f« brŒJ«
elto¡if vL¡f nt©L«.
6. eif¡ fl‹ bjhl®ghd Mtz§fŸ ghJfh¥ghf it¡f¥gl nt©L«.
7. eiffë‹ T£L¥ bghW¥Ã‰F jåmYty® / ã®thf¡ FG Ô®khd« Ïa‰¿ r§f¥ gâahs®fS¡F
flikiaÍ« bghW¥iaÍ« ã®zæ¤J mt‰iw mYtyf Mizahf tH§» gâahs®fë‹ x¥òjš bg‰W
nfh¥Ãš guhkç¡f nt©L«.
8. x›bthU Kiw T£L¥bghW¥ò kh‰w« brŒÍ« ne®éY« jåmYty® Ô®khd« Ïa‰¿ òÂa
T£L¥ bghW¥ò gâahs®fS¡F, flikiaÍ« bghW¥igÍ« tH§» x¥òjš bgw nt©L«.
9. ghJfh¥ò miw k‰W« ÏU«ò¥ bg£lf (Safe) rhéfŸ jå mYtyuhš m§Ñfç¡f¥g£l
mYty®fël« k£Lnk ÏU¤jš nt©L«. mj‹ kh‰W¢ rhéfŸ k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§»æ‹ r«kªj¥g£l
»isfëš ngz¥glnt©L«.
10. mYtyf¥ gâKoªjË r§f« / t§»æ‹ btë¡fjit Kiwahf ó£o Óšit¡f nt©L«. Û©L« fhiy
mYtyf¥ gâahs®fŸ K‹åiyæš Óš Ú¡f¥g£L r§f« / t§» Âw¡f¥gl nt©L«.
11. r§f« / t§»ia¡ R‰¿ nghÂa ä‹ és¡F trÂfŸ V‰ghL brŒa¥gl nt©L«.
12. bjhl®kiH fhy§fëš mÂf¥goahd ghJfh¥ò V‰gh£oid r§f« / t§» ã®thf« V‰ghL
brŒJ bfhŸs nt©L«.
1) x›bthU M©L« eif¡ fh¥ÕL cça nj¡FŸ òJ¥Ã¡f¥gl nt©L«. j‰nghJ eif¡fl‹ tH§F«
msÎ ca®ªJ bfh©nl tUtjhš eif¡ fl‹ tH§F« msÎ v›tsÎ caU« v‹gij m¿ªJ bkh¤j eif k¥Ë msΡF
Ïizahf eiffS¡F fh¥ÕL brŒa¥gl nt©L«.
2) eif¡ fh¥ÕL brŒa¥g£LŸs bjhifia eif¡fl‹fS¡F bgw¥gL« eiffë‹ kÂ¥ò milÍ« K‹dnu
K‹ v¢rç¡ifahf eif¡ fh¥Õ£L bjhifia ca®¤Â cça Premium bjhifia fh¥Õ£L ãWtd¤Âš brY¤j
1) k¤Âa¡ T£LwÎ t§» mséš m›t¥nghJ eif¡ fl‹ gçnrhjid / ÂO® MŒÎ nk‰bfhŸs¥gl
1. x›bthU bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f¤ jå mYtyU« eiffë‹ T£L¥ bghW¥Ã‰F cça
flikÍ« bghW¥ò« gâahs®fS¡F ã®izæ¤JŸshuh v‹gij cW brŒa nt©L«.
2. m›t¥nghJ eif¡fl‹ gçnrhjid / ÂO® MŒÎ nk‰bfhŸtJl‹, r§f¤Â‹ ghJfh¥ò tr F¿¤J«
MŒÎ nk‰bfhŸs nt©L«.
nkny brhšy¥g£l têfh£LjYl‹ mªjªj kht£l§fëš, Nœãiy¡nf‰g nghJkhd TLjyhd
f©fhâ¥ò elto¡iffisÍ« nk‰bfhŸs k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths® k‰W« k¤Âa t§» jå mYt®fŸ
nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wh®fŸ.
bgWe® :
mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
mid¤J kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§» jå mYty®fŸ
mid¤J ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ .
muR Miz (2o) v©.77, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw ehŸ 12.7.2010
T£LwÎ – jFÂÍŸs bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f cW¥Ãd®fshf cŸs jFÂÍŸs étrhæfS¡F
FW»a fhy g殡fl‹ tH§Ftj‰F bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fS¡F kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§»fŸ
31.3.2011 tiu bjhl®ªJ fl‹ tH§Ftj‰F mDk¤J Miz btëæl¥gL»wJ.
gh®it x‹¿aš f©LŸs murhizæš, jFÂÍŸs mid¤J étrhæfë‹ fl‹ njitfis ãiwÎ brŒa VJthf,
Áy Áw¥Ãd§fë‹ Ñœ tU« bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fS¡F kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§»fŸ 31.3.2010
tiu bjhl®ªJ fl‹ tH§f muR mDk më¤ÂUªjJ.
1. kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§»æläUªJ bg‰w gšntW fhR fl‹fëš Mjhu¡ FiwÎ k‰W« ã¢rkä‹ik
bfh©LŸs bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fŸ.
2. flªj _‹W ãÂah©LfS¡F bjhl®ªJ jâ¡if Ko¡fhj bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fŸ
4. 31.3.2010 tiu kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§»fS¡F mt‰¿‹ nf£Ãš 10 rjé»j« Tl tNš bjhifia ÂU¥Ã
¢ brY¤jhj bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fŸ.
5. bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fëš fl‹ bg‰w Kj‹ik fl‹jhu® flid ÂU¥Ã¢ brY¤jhj ãiyæš
Ãizjhu® jdJ flid ÂU¥Ã¢ brY¤ÂæUªjhš mtU¡F k£L« fl‹ tH§Fjš.
3. T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂthsç‹ fU¤JUit muR ftdkhf MŒÎ brŒjJ, nkny g¤Â 2š
F¿¥Ãl¥g£LŸs Ïd§fë‹ Ñœ tU« bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fS¡F kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§»fŸ
31.3.2011 tiu bjhl®ªJ fl‹ tH§f mDk¤J muR MizæL»wJ.
X«. °tu‹ Á§
muR Kj‹ik¢ brayhs®
//c©ik efš//
Endt. Rc.37010/2010 CBP3 Office of the Registrar of Cooperative
Societies . Kilpauk, Chennai.10
Dated: 14.7.2010
/By Order/
For Registrar
The Regional Joint Registrars and all Regions
The Special Officers of all District Central Cooperative Banks
All Circle Deputy Registrars
Copy to The Special Officer, Tamil Nadu State Apex Cooperative Bank, Chennai.1
Copy to ACS, PACS, ARDB, Sections
Copy to stock file.
From To
Thiru Jatindra Nath Swain,I.A.S., 1.The Special Officers of all District
Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Central Cooperative Banks.
170, Periyar E.V.R.High Road, (exept chennai),
Kilpauk, Chennai-10, 2. All the Regional Joint Registrars
Post Box No.1091.
Sir / Madam,
– Disbursement of Crop Insurance Claims on account of crop
loss – Receipt of State / Central Government share of claims –
proper disbursement of claims – Instructions issued –
The Special Officers and Regional Joint Registrars are aware that the Agriculture
Insurance Company of India Ltd., is likely to release Crop Insurance Claim amounts due to
crops damaged in certain districts.
You are therefore requested to settle the Crop Insurance Claim amounts if any received
from the Agriculture Insurance Company of India Ltd., immediately to the farmers without giving
any room for complaints by following the instructions given below:
1. You have to ensure that the Loanee and Non-Loanee beneficiary wise list of
Crop Insurance amount payable to them has been displayed in the Notice
Board of the concerned Primary Agricultural Cooperative Society, duly signed
by the Secretary / Special Officer of the society.
2. Immediately on receipt of the Crop Insurance claim amount from Agriculture
Insurance Company of India Ltd., through the District Central Cooperative
Bank, the amount of claim should be credited into the Savings Bank accounts
of both Loanee and Non-Loanee farmers concerned.
You are also requested to constitute Teams to monitor the payment of Crop
Insurance Compensation amount to the farmers and to ensure that the payment of Crop
Insurance Claims to the farmers are being made without giving any room for complaints.
The acknowledgement for the receipt of this letter should be sent by return post.
//By Order//
For Registrar.
Agriculture Insurance Company of India Ltd., is likely to release Crop Insurance Compensation
amount in Thanjavur delta districts and Pudukottai and Ramanathapuram. With a view to ensure that
the Crop Insurance Compensation amounts received from Agriculture Insurance Company of India Ltd.,
is disbursed systematically and without any complaints, the following teams are formed:
1 Deputy Registrar/Special Officer, Thanjavur Kumbakonam
Sivagangai District Consumer
Cooperative Wholesale Stores.
2 Deputy Registrar/Chief Revenue Oficer, Thanjavur Thanjavur
Sivagangai District Central Cooperative
3 Thanjavur Pattukottai
Circle Deputy Registrar, Lalgudi
4 Tiruvarur Tiruvarur
Circle Deputy Registrar, Villupuram.
5 Tiruvarur Mannargudi
Circle Deputy Registrar, Thindivanam
Thiru.G.Alagesan, Ramanathapuram Ramanathapuram
Circle Deputy Registrar, Perambalur.
7 Circle Deputy Registrar, Ramanathapuram Paramakudi
8 Thiru.M,Chinnaiah Pudukottai Pudukottai
Circle Deputy Registrar, Dindigul.
9 Thiru.R.Sivasami Pudukottai Aranthangi
Circle Deputy Registrar, Kulitrhalai.
The Deputy Registrars mentioned above are permitted to select 2 Cooperative Sub
Registrars working under their control to assist them for effective monitoring of disbursement of
Crop Insurance Claim amount to the beneficiaries.
The Team members are instructed to visit the districts allotted to them as mentioned
above and to monitor the proper disbursement of the Crop Insurance Claim amount received
from the Agriculture Insurance Company of India Ltd., to the eligible farmers, by the Primary
Agricultural Cooperative Societies in the districts. The Deputy Registrars in the teams are
requested to closely monitor the disbursement of Crop Insurance Claim amount and to bring to
the notice of Registrar of Cooperative Societies, of the problems in disbursement of Crop
Insurance Claims, if any arises in the districts. The Deputy Registrars are also requested to
submit a status report to Registrar of Cooperative Societies in this regard, in due course.
For Registrar.
Deputy Registrar /
Copy to,
The Regional Joint Registrars,
Sivagangai, Tiruchirappalli, Villupuram, Perambalur, Madurai, Dindigul and Karur
Regions. They are requested to serve the individual copies to the Deputy Registrars
working under their control.
Copy to,
The Regional Joint Registrars,
Thanjavur, Thiruvarur, Nagapattinam, Pudukottai and Ramanathapuram Regions.
Copy to,
The Special Officers,
Thanjavur, Kumbakonam, Pudukottai and,Ramanathapuram District Central
Cooperative Banks. They are requested to provide vehicles to the teams and to render
all assistances in this regard.
Circular No.9/2010
(Rc.No.106954/2009/ CP1) Dated : 22.2.2010
TNCS Act, 1983 to the Society to continue the suspension. Such direction can
be issued in exercise of the powers of the Registrar under section 181 of the
TNCS Act, 1983 conferred on the Additional Registrar and Joint Registrars in
this connection the Additional Registrar, Chennai Region and all the Regional
Joint Registrars are informed that in all cases where employees are kept under
suspension pursuant to a direction already issued by them under Section 76 of
the TNCS Act, 1983, they shall issue such direction to the society under sub
Section (3) of Section 76 of the TNCS Act, 1983 to continue the period of
6) The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region and all the other Regional
Joint Registrars are requested to acknowledge at once the receipt of this
Sd/- Registrar
/By Order/
For Registrar
The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region
All the other Regional Joint Registrars
Copy to all Circle Deputy Registrars
Copy to all the Officers in the Office
Copy to all the administrative sections
Monthly Report on the employees involved in criminal offences in the society
under suspension
Name of the Society…………….. Report for the month of ……………….
Date on Date on Present stage of Present stage Will the
which which Police Trial of of suspen
employee the investig the Disciplinary sion be
was charge ation of case action taken revoked Remarks
released sheet the against the or
on bail has been case employee by continued
by Court filed the society indicate
Order before the
the reason
Court by there for
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
/By order/
For Registrar
T£LwÎ gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f« - k¤Âa fyhš Jiw gâahs® T£LwÎ r§f¤Â‹ bgh‹éHh bfh©lh£l¤Â‰fhf
r§f bghJ ãÂæèUªJ bryÎ brŒa mDk nfhUjš – Miz btëæl¥gL»wJ.
T£LwÎ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® jdJ m¿¡ifæš, gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f« k¤Âa fyhš Jiw¥ gâahs® T£LwÎ
r§f¤Â‹ bgh‹éHh bfh©lhl c¤njÁ¤JŸsjhš, éHh bryéid nk‰bfhŸs mDk nfhç br‹id k©ly TLjš
gÂths® gçªJiu brŒJŸsjhfΫ, k¤Âa fyhš Jiw¥ gâahs® T£LwÎ r§f« 2.12.58 m‹W g brŒa¥g£L,
3.12.1958 Kjš brašgl¤ bjhl§», 50 M©LfŸ ãiwtilªjijbah£o, bgh‹éHh bfh©lhl 30.10.2007 m‹W
eilbg‰w r§f¥ bghJ¥ nguit¡ T£l¤Âš %.6,00,000/- ¡F äfhkš bryél Ô®khd« Ïa‰w¥g£LŸsJ v‹W«
kh®¢ 2008‹ go, Ï¢r§f«, 1245 cW¥Ãd®fSl‹ bjhl®ªJ Ïyhg¤Âš brašg£L, flªj _‹W M©Lfëš
mÂfg£rkhf 14 rjÅj« g§F <Î tH§»ÍŸsJ v‹W«, 2005-2006 Kjš 2007-2008 tiuæyhd _‹W M©Lfëš
r§f« <£oa ãfu yhg« ruhrçahf %.51,41,026/- MF« v‹W«, ãfu Ïyhg ruhrçæš xU éG¡fhL
%.12,85,257/- ¡F£g£L, %.3,67,500/- ¡F k£Lnk r§f bghJ ãÂæèUªJ bgh‹éHhé‰F bryél r§f«
mDk nfhçÍŸsJ v‹W« bjçé¤JŸsh®.
2. nkY«, bgh‹éHh M©oid ãidÎ TW« tifæš, 1370 eg®fS¡F gçR¥ bghU£fŸ k‰W« Ïå¥òfŸ
tH§f %.3,42,500/- éHh ehŸ bryé‰fhf %.25,000/-« Mf bkh¤j« %.3,67,500/- bryél mDkÂ
nfhçÍŸsh®. 1988 M« M©L T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ éÂfë‹ é 85(2) (Á) (1) ‹go, éHh¢ bryÎ %.30,000/-
¡F äf¡ TlhJ vd cŸsjhš, k¤Âa fyhš Jiw gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f« bgh‹éHh bfh©lhl 1988 M« M©L
jäœehL T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ é 85(2) (Á) (1)I Ëg‰WtÂèUªJ éy¡fë¤J, Ñœ¡fhQ« ãgªjidfë‹ mo¥gilæš,
1370 eg®fS¡F gçR¥ bghU£fŸ k‰W« Ïå¥òfŸ tH§f %.2,47,000/- K« k‰W« éHh bryédkhf
%.25000/-K« Mf bkh¤j« %.2,99,000/- k£L« r§f bghJ ãÂæèUªJ bryél muÁ‹ mDkÂæid¥ bg‰W
tH§FkhW nf£L¡ bfh©LŸsh®.
// Miz¥go mD¥g¥gL»wJ //
ÃçÎ mYty®
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mYtyf«,
br‹id.600 010
nk.FFv©.39158 / 09 tM.1 ehŸ 12.8.2010
murhiz (ÏUgjh©L) v©.81, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ (Á¥Ã2)¤ Jiw ehŸ
15.7.2010‹ efš j¡f elto¡if¡fhf bjhl®òW¤j¥gL»wJ.
/ Miz¥go /
TLjš gÂths®, br‹id k©ly«, br‹id.18
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂthsç‹ brašKiw Miz, br‹id.10
ÂU. a¤ÔªÂueh¤ °nt‹, Ï.M.g.,
gh®it 1š cŸs murhizæ‹ goahd gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f¥ gâahs®fS¡fhd CÂa x¥gªj«
fhy« Kotilªjij¤ bjhl®ªJ, gh®it 5š fhQ« brašKiw Mizæ‹go, gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f¥ gâahs®fS¡fhd
CÂa é»j« k‰W« gâtiuaiwfis ÓuhŒÎ brŒJ gçªJiu¤Âl br‹id k©ly TLjš gÂths® mt®fë‹ jiyikæ‹
Ñœ 5 eg®fis bfh©L FG x‹W mik¡f¥g£lJ. m¡FG më¤j gçªJiufis¥ gçÓè¤J, murhiz v©.251 T£LwÎ,
czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw (Á.n#.1) ehŸ 7.8.2007 ‹ go 1988 M« M©L jäœehL T£Lw΢
r§f§fë‹ éÂfë‹ é 149(1) bjhl®ghd mÂfhu« gÂthsU¡F g»®ªjë¡f¥g£lj‹ go, gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ
k‰W« efu¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fë‹ CÂa é»j« k‰W« gâtiuaiwfŸ Ñœf©lthW kh‰¿aik¤J Miz
1. gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ k‰W« efu¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fŸ mt‰¿‹ 31.3.2010 M«
njÂæš jtiz jt¿a fl‹ ãYit Ú§fyhf (tuh¡ fl‹ nr®¤J) cŸs cW¥Ãd®fë‹ fl‹ ãYitæ‹ mo¥gilæš Ñœ¡f©l 8
ÃçÎfshf tif¥gL¤j¥gL»wJ.
nkš ãiy ju¤Â‰fhd bjhl®¢Áahd _‹W M©LfŸ jFÂ, Kjèš 01.04.2010 Kjš bjhl§»
fz¡ÑL brŒa¥gl nt©L«. mjhtJ nkšãiy ju¤Â‰fhd jFÂæU¥Ã‹, Kªija 3 M©LfS¡fhd tiuaiwfis bjhl®
¢Áahd _‹W M©Lfshf 01.04.2010 Kjš bjhl§» 31.03.2013 Koa fz¡ÑL brŒJ, nkšãiy ju¤Â‰F
gçÓyid brŒa cça elto¡if nk‰bfhŸs¥gl nt©L«.
3. ÂU¤Âa CÂa é»j« ã®za« brŒa 31.3.2010 š cŸs jtiz jt¿a fl‹ ãYit Ú§fyhf (tuh¡fl‹
nr®¤J) cŸs cW¥Ãd®fë‹ fl‹ ãYitæid fz¡»š vL¤J¡ bfhŸs¥gl nt©L«.
II.gâaik¥ò, gâ tiuaiwfŸ k‰W« r«gs¡ f‰iwfŸ M»at‰iw eilKiw¥gL¤Jtj‰fhd tiuaiwfŸ :
1.murhiz v©.89, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò Jiw ehŸ 16.5.2000 ‹ Ñœ
x¥òjš brŒa¥g£l k‰W« x¥gë¡f¥g£l gâ ãiy¤ Âw‹go r«gs« bg‰W tU« gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ k
‰W« efu¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fëš Ï¤ ÂU¤Âa gâaik¥ò, gâ tiuaiwfŸ k‰W« r«gs¡ f‰iwfŸ M»ait
Ñœf©l ãgªjidfis ó®¤Â brŒÍ« r§f§fŸ k‰W« r§f§fëš gâòçÍ« mid¤J¥ gâahs®fS¡F« (Kiwahd k
‰W« 12.3.2001 ¡F K‹ghf ãakd« brŒa¥g£l Kiwa‰w gâahs®fŸ ) eilKiw¥gL¤j mDkÂ
i) r§f« bjhl®ªJ _‹W.M©LfŸ Ïyhg« <£oæU¡f nt©L«. ãYitÍŸs bryÎfŸ, tuh¡ fl‹fŸ k‰W« brh¤J¡fhd
njŒkhd§fŸ M»at‰¿‰F Jiwæ‹ têfh£Ljšfë‹ go KG xJ¡ÑL brŒj ÃwF r§f§fŸ Ïyhg«
<£oæU¡f nt©L«.
3. ϤÂUªÂa r«gs¡ f‰iw x¥gªjkhd fU¤Âayhf r«gs¡ f‰iw ã®za« brŒa¥gL« ehshd
01.01.2007 Kjš 10 M©LfS¡F Fiwahj fhy¤Â‰F bršy¤j¡fjhf bjhêš jfuhWfŸ r£l« 1947 ‹ ÃçÎ 12 (3)
‹ Ñœ òÂa x¥gªj« V‰gL¤Â¡ bfh©l ÃwF, ÂUªÂa r«gs¡ f‰iw k‰W« Ïju rYiffŸ m¢ r§f¥
gâahs®fS¡F eilKiw¥gL¤j¥gl nt©L«.
4.gâahs®fŸ T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ k‰W« efu¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fshš jahç.¡¥g£l r«gs
ã®za¥ got§fŸ k‰W« bjhêš jfuhW r£l« 1947 ‹ ÃçÎ 12 (3) ÑHhd tiuÎ x¥gªj« M»ait òÂa x¥gªj« nk
‰bfhŸs¥gLtj‰F K‹ r«gªj¥g£l ruf Jiz¥gÂths®fshš rçgh®¡f¥g£L nkbyh¥g« Ïl¥gl nt©L«. br‹id
k©ly¤ij¤ jéu Ïju k©ly§fëš cŸs r§f§fshš jah® brŒa¥g£l r«gs ã®za¥ got§fis 15 Âd§fS¡FŸS«,
br‹id k©ly¤Âš cŸs r§f§fshš jah® brŒa¥g£l r«gs ã®za¥ got§fis 30 Âd§fS¡FŸS« rçgh®¤J,
r«gªj¥g£l r§f§fS¡F tH§f¥gl nt©L«.
6. Ϥ ÂU¤Âa r«gs¡ f‰iw k‰W« ju CÂa« ã®za« brŒj ÃwF, x¥gªj fhy¤Âš VnjD«
xU r§f« g¤Â II.1š F¿¥Ã£LŸs tiuaiwfis ó®¤Â brŒJ, g¤Â I.2 š fhQ« tiuaiwfis bjhl®ªJ
_‹wh©LfS¡F ó®¤Â brŒÂUªjhš, ca®ªj ju CÂa« mDk¤J tH§f¥gl nt©L«. r«gªj¥g£l k©ly TLjš
gÂths® / Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ nk‰Tw¥g£l tiuaiwfŸ ãiwÎ bgW« M©o‹ V¥uš 1 M« nj Kjš ju CÂa kh
‰¿¤Âid mDk¤J Miz tH§f nt©L«.
1.gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ; k‰W« efu¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fë‹ gâãiy¤Âw‹ F¿¤J ËtU« m£ltiz '
m ' k‰W« m£ltiz ' M ' M»at‰¿id¥ Ëg‰¿ Kiwna 31.03.2010 m‹WŸs cW¥Ãd® v©â¡if k‰W« jtiz
jt¿a fl‹ Ú§fyhf cŸs cW¥Ãd®fë‹ fl‹ ãYitæ‹ mo¥gilæš, gâãiy¤Âw‹ fz¡»l¥g£L Fiwthd v©â¡ifæš bkh¤j
gâæl§fŸ vªj Kiwæš tU»‹wnjh mªj gâæl§fŸ gâãiy¤Âwdhf¡ bfhŸs¥glnt©L«.
2. v©â¡ifæ‹ mo¥gilæš gâãiy¤ Âw‹ fz¡Ñ^ brŒÍ« nghJ, brašäF cW¥Ãd®fŸ k‰W« brašäF
Ïiz cW¥Ãd®fŸ (cW¥Ãd® fl‹ bgWgtuhfnth, it¥òjhuuhfnth ÏU¡f nt©L«) v©â¡ifia fz¡»š bfhŸs¥gl nt©L«.
(it¥òjhu® v‹gt® jkJ ãÂia r§f¤Âš nrä¥ò it¥ò mšyJ ãuªju it¥ò mšyJ buh¡f¢rh‹¿jœ £l«
mšyJ bjhl® it¥Ãš Ï£L it¥òjhuhf ÏU¡fnt©L«.)
m£ltiz- m
20.12.2005 ¡F
ÃwF nr®¡f¥g£l
t. Ïiz cW¥Ãd®fis mYtyf
brayhs® cjé brayhs® fz¡f® cjéahs® bkh¤j«
v© cŸsl¡»a brašäF cjé- ahs®
1 300 ¡F Ñœ 1 - - - - 1
2 301-600 1 - - 1 - 2
3 601-1000 1 - - 2 1 4
4 1001-2000 1 - 1 3 1 6
5 2001-3000 1 1 1 4 1 8
6 3001-4000 1 1 2 5 1 10
7 4001-5000 1 1 2 6 2 12
8 5001-6000 1 1 2 8 2 14
9 6001-7000 1 2 2 9 2 16
10 7001-8000 1 2 2 11 2 18
11 8001-9000 1 2 3 12 2 20
12 9001-10000 1 2 3 14 2 22
i). 10000 ¡F nkš cW¥Ãd® v©â¡if bfh©l r§f§fëš x›bthU TLjyhd 1000 cW¥Ãd®
v©â¡if¡F« TLjyhf xU cjéahs® gâæl« V‰gL¤Â¡ bfhŸsyhs«.
ii). 10000 ¡F nkš cW¥Ãd® v©â¡if bfh©l r§f§fëš x›bthU TLjyhd 2500 cW¥Ãd®
v©â¡if¡F« TLjyhf xU fz¡f® gâæl« V‰gL¤Â¡ bfhŸsyh«.
iii). 10000 ¡F nkš cW¥Ãd® v©â¡if bfh©l r§f§fëš x›bthU TLjyhd 5000 cW¥Ãd®
m£ltiz M
1 %.3 nfho¡F Ñœ 1 - - - - 1
i). %.50 nfho¡F nkš cW¥Ãd® fl‹ ãYit bfh©l r§f§fëš x›bthU TLjyhd %.5 nfho¡F« TLjyhf
xU cjéahs® gâæl« V‰gL¤Â¡ bfhŸsyh«.
ii). %.50 nfho¡F nkš cW¥Ãd® fl‹ ãYit bfh©l r§f§fëš x›bthU TLjyhd %.20 nfho¡F«
TLjyhf xU fz¡f® gâæl« V‰gL¤Â¡ bfhŸsyh«.
iii). %.50 nfho¡F nkš cW¥Ãd® fl‹ ãYit bfh©l r§f§fëš x›bthU TLjyhd %.50 nfho¡F«
TLjyhf xU cjé brayhs® gâæl« V‰gL¤Â¡ bfhŸsyh«.
3. nkny m£ltiz 'm' k‰W« 'M' é‹ mo¥giloaš Fiwthd v©â¡ifæyhd gâãiy¤ Âw‹ mDk¡F«
K‹d®, ÂUªÂa gâæl§fŸ mDk¤J tH§Ftjhš V‰gL« bryédK« nr®¤J, V‰gl¡Toa TLjš rhjšth® bryéd« ãfu
t£o k‰W« Ïju gštif tUthæ‹ 50 éG¡fh£o‰F c£g£oUªjhš k£Lnk, nk‰Tw¥g£l ÂUªÂa gâæl§fŸ mDk¤J
tH§f¥gl nt©L«.
i) x‰iw¥ gâahsiu¡ bfh©L brašgL« r§f§fëš gâòçÍ« gâahsuJ gjéÍa®éid¥ bghW¤j k£oš,
cjéahs® gjéæš 10 tUl gâ¡fhy« Ko¤ÂUªjhš fz¡fhs® ãiyæš gjéÍa®Î«, fz¡fhs® gjéæš 10 tUl gâ¡fhy«
Ko¤ÂUªjhš bray® ãiyæš gjéÍa®Î« tH§f mDk¡f¥gL»wJ.
IV. r«gs« k‰W« ju CÂa« k‰W« Câa ã®za« : (Pay Band and Grade Pay and
Methodology of pay fixation)
1. äif¥ gâahs®fŸ mšyJ v®kiwahd ã ãiyik M»at‰¿‹ fhuzkhf xU gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f«
Ï¡FGé‹ gçªJiufë‹ goahd r«gs¡ f‰iw k‰W« Ïju rYiffis eilKiw¥gL¤j Ïayhéoš, m¢r§f¤Â‹ ã®thf«,
bjhêyhs® ey¤ Jiwahš m›t¥nghJ tH§f¥gL« mªjªj gjé¡Fça Fiwªj g£r CÂa¢ r£l« 1948 ‰F c£g£l r«gs¤Â
‰F¡ Fiwahj r«gs¡ f‰iwÍl‹, Fiwªj ju CÂa¤ij ã®za« brŒJ Jiw mDkÂÍl‹ mjid jdJ gF neu¥ gâahs® Ú§fyhf
Vida gâahs®fS¡F tH§f mDk§ff¥gL»wJ. Ïjid r§f ã®thf« cWÂbrŒJ bfhŸs nt©L«.
2. murhiz v©.89, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò Jiw ehŸ 16.5.2000 ‹ Ñœ
x¥òjš brŒa¥g£l k‰W« x¥gë¡f¥g£l r«gs é»j¥go r«gs« bg‰W tU« gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ k
‰W« efu¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fëš (nkny g¤Â II š t.v©. 1 š F¿¥Ã£LŸs ãgªjidfis ó®¤Â brŒj r§f§fŸ)
gâòçÍ« gâahs®fS¡F Ñœf©l égu¥go r«gs« ã®za« brŒJ tH§f mDk¡f¥gL»wJ. r§f§fë‹ jh§fŸ,
x›bthU ju¤Â‰F« jFÂahd gjéfŸ, x›bthU gjé¡F« cça r«gs¡ f‰iwfŸ k‰W« ju CÂa« M»ait Ñœ
f©l m£ltizæš ju¥g£LŸsJ.
i) murhiz v©.89, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò Jiw ehŸ 16.5.2000 ‹ go ,
V‰fdnt CÂa« ã®za« brŒa¥g£L, murhiz v©.311, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò Jiw
ehŸ 19.12.2006 Ÿ fo 01.01.2007 Kjš mféiy¥goæš 50 éG¡fh£oid mo¥gil CÂa¤Jl‹ Ïiz¤J CÂa«
ã®za« brŒa¥g£l gâahs®fS¡F 01.01.2007 š gâahs®fŸ bg‰W tªj CÂa«, mféiy CÂa« k‰W«
mféiy¥go 24 éG¡fhL M»at‰iw Ïiz¤J tU« TLjš bjhifæid, mL¤JŸs g¤J %ghŒ¡F fê¤J (mL¤JŸs 10
%ghŒ¡F fê¡F« nghJ, xU %ghÍ« mj‰F nkY« fz¡»š bfhŸs¥gl nt©L«, xU %ghŒ¡F Ñœ cŸs99
fhRfŸ mj‰F ÑG« fz¡»š vL¤J¡ bfhŸs¡ TlhJ) r§f¤Â‹ ju¤Âš r«gªj¥g£l gjé¡Fça m£ltizæš
F¿¥Ã£LŸs ÂU¤Âa r«gs¡ f‰iwæš mo¥gil CÂakhf ã®za« brŒa¥gl nt©L«.
ii) murhiz v©.89, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò Jiw ehŸ 16.5.2000 ‹ go
V‰fdnt CÂa« ã®za« brŒa¥g£L, murhiz v©.311, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò Jiw
ehŸ 19.12.2006 ‹ go , 01.01.2007 Kjš mféiy¥goæš 50 éG¡fh£oid mo¥gil CÂa¤Jl‹ Ïiz¤J¥ bgw
jFÂæšyhj ãiyæš bjhl®ªJ giHa é»j¤Âš mféiy¥go bg‰W tU« r§f¥ gâahs®fS¡F 01.01.2007 š
gâahs®fŸ bg‰W tªj CÂa« k‰W« mféiy¥go 74 éG¡fhL M»at‰iw Ïiz¤J tU« TLjš bjhifæid,
mL¤JŸs g¤J %ghŒ¡F fê¤J (mL¤JŸs 10 %ghŒ¡F fê¡F« nghJ, xU %ghÍ« mj‰F nkY« fz¡»š
bfhŸs¥gl nt©L« - xU %ghŒ¡F Ñœ cŸs 99 fhRfŸ mj‰F ÑG« fz¡»š vL¤J¡ bfhŸs¡ TlhJ) r§f¤Â‹
ju¤Âš r«gªj¥g£l gjé¡Fça m£ltizæš F¿¥Ã£LŸs ÂU¤Âa r«gs¡ f‰iwæš mo¥gil CÂakhf ã®za«
brŒa¥gl nt©L«.
iii) 01.01.2007 m‹W xU gâahs® gâæš nr®ªj ehŸ Kjš xnu gâ ãiyæš gjé ca®Î VJä‹¿
10 M©LfŸ mšyJ 20 M©LfŸ gâòçªJ tªjhš, g¤Â II 1 š brhšy¥g£l ãgªjidfŸ ó®¤Âah» ÏU¡F«
ãiyæš, mtU¡F nkny g¤Â i mšyJ ii ‹ go vJ jFÂahdnjh mj‹go mo¥gil¢ r«gs« k‰W« g¤Â v š
brhšy¥g£l ãgªjidfS¡F£g£L, ju CÂa« ã®za« brŒa¥g£L, m›thW ã®za« brŒa¥g£l mo¥gil CÂa« k
‰W« ju CÂa¤Â‹ T£L¤ bjhif¡F 2.5 éG¡fhL fz¡ÑL brŒJ mij nk‰f©l mo¥gil CÂa¤Jl‹
nr®¤J¡ bfhŸs¥g£L òÂa mo¥gil CÂa« mtU¡F©lhd r«gs¡ f‰iwæš ã®za« brŒa¥gl nt©L«.
3. Ñœ F¿¥Ã£l m£ltizæš VnjD« gjé Ïl«bgwhJ ÏUªJ, m¥gjé¡fhd Ñœãiy¥gjé (Feeder Post)
Ïl«bg‰¿U¥Ã‹, m¥gjéæYŸs gâahsç‹ r«gskhdJ, nk‰F¿¥Ã£l Ñœãiy¥ gjé¡fhd (Feeder Post) r«gs¡ f
‰iw¡F nkš F¿¥Ãl¥g£l r«gs¡ f‰iwæš ã®zæ¡f¥glnt©L«.
100… 80… 60…
cW¥Ãd® r§f¤Â‹ òÂa
gjéæ‹ bga®
fl‹ ãYit ju« r«gs¡ f ju CÂa« ju CÂa« ju CÂa«
cjéahs® 4200-20200 2800 2240 1680
100… 80… 60…
cW¥Ãd® r§f¤Â‹ òÂa
gjéæ‹ bga®
fl‹ ãYit ju« r«gs¡ f ju CÂa« ju CÂa« ju CÂa«
100… 80… 60…
cW¥Ãd® r§f¤Â‹ òÂa
gjéæ‹ bga®
fl‹ ãYit ju« r«gs¡ f ju CÂa« ju CÂa« ju CÂa«
1. gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ k‰W« efu¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fë‹ gâahs®fS¡F, nkny g¤Â
IV cŸs m£ltizæš F¿¥Ãl¥g£l gjéfS¡F vÂnuÍŸs ÂUªÂa r«gs¡ f‰iw¡Fça fy« 5š F¿¥Ãl¥g£LŸs ju
CÂa« Ñœ f©l tiuaiwfis fz¡»š vL¤J¡ bfh©L, tH§f mDk¡f¥gL»wJ.
i) bjhl®ªJ Kªija _‹W M©LfS¡F 12… ‰F nkš g§F <Τ bjhif tH§»æU¡f nt©L«.
ii) bjhl®ªJ Kªija _‹W M©LfS¡F nkyh©ik bryéd§fis bkh¤j tUkhd¤Â‹ (ãfu t£o tUthŒ + Ïju
gštif tuÎfŸ) 50… ‰F¡ ÑHhf¥ ngâ tU« r§f§fŸ.
M. 80 éG¡fhL ju CÂa«:
Ï. 60 éG¡fhL ju CÂa«: :
3. nkyh©ik bryéd§fŸ v‹gJ jå mYty® r«gs« j鮤j gâahs® r«gs«, thlif k‰W«
tçfŸ, fh¥ÕL, gaz« k‰W« bjhiyngÁ bryéd§fŸ, mŠrš, m¢R k‰W« vGJbghUŸ bryéd§fŸ, Á
‰W©o k‰W« cgrç¥ò bryéd§fŸ M»at‰iw cŸsl¡»aJ.
4. ãfu t£o tUkhd« = t£o tªjJ k‰W« tunt©oaJ (-) t£o bfhL¤jJ k‰W« bfhL¡fnt©oaJ.
5. Ïju gštif tUkhd« = g§F <Τ bjhif tuÎ k‰W« KjÄLfë‹ ÛJ bg‰w k‰W« tu nt©oa
1. giHa CÂa é»j§fëš xUt® bjhl®ªJ ÏUªÂUªjhš vªbjªj eh£fëš mtU¡F M©L CÂa ca®Î
tH§f¥g£oU¡Fnkh mnj ehëš m¥gâahs®fS¡F òÂa r«gs¡ f‰iwæY« M©L CÂa ca®Î tH§f¥glnt©L«.
2. M©L CÂa ca®thdJ òÂa r«gs¡ f‰iwæš j‰nghija CÂa¤Jl‹ ju CÂa¤ij nr®¤J tU«
bjhifæ‹ 2.5 … fz¡»£L mjid mL¤JŸs %.10/-¡F Rê¤J (mL¤JŸs 10 %ghŒ¡F fê¡F« nghJ, xU %ghÍ« mj‰F
nkY« fz¡»š bfhŸs¥gl nt©L« - xU %ghŒ¡F Ñœ cŸs 99 fhRfŸ mj‰F ÑG« fz¡»š vL¤J¡ bfhŸs¡ TlhJ )
(mL¤JŸs 10 %ghŒ¡F fê¡F« nghJ, xU %ghÍ« mj‰F nkY« fz¡»š bfhŸs¥gl nt©L« - xU %ghŒ¡F Ñœ cŸs
99 fhRfŸ mj‰F ÑG« fz¡»š vL¤J¡ bfhŸs¡ TlhJ) nj¡f ãiy CÂa ca®Î mDk¡f¥glnt©L«.
01.01.2007¡F¥ ÃwF Ñœ ãiy¥ gjéæèUªJ nkš ãiy¥ gjé¡F gjé ca®Î milªj gâahs®fsJ CÂa«
gjé ca®Î ehëš, nkny g¤Â V š cŸs m£ltiz æš F¿¥Ãl¥g£LŸs ca® gjé¡Fça r«gs¡ f‰iw k‰W« ju
CÂa« M»at‰¿‹ mo¥gilæš k£Lnk ã®za« brŒa¥glnt©L«. òÂa r«gs¡ f‰iwæš xU ju CÂa¤ÂèUªJ
ntbwhU ju CÂa« cŸs gjé¡F gjé ca®Î më¡f¥g£lhš CÂa ã®za« ËtU« Kiwæš nk‰bfhŸs¥glnt©L«.
j‰nghija r«gs¡ f‰iwæš j‰nghija CÂa¤Jl‹ ju CÂa¤ij¢ nr®¤J tU« bjhifæ‹ 2.5 … fz¡»£L
mjid mL¤JŸs %.10¡F Rê¤J (mL¤JŸs 10 %ghŒ¡F fê¡F« nghJ, xU %ghÍ« mj‰F nkY« fz¡»š bfhŸs¥gl
nt©L« - xU %ghŒ¡F Ñœ cŸs 99 fhRfŸ mj‰F ÑG« fz¡»š vL¤J¡ bfhŸs¡ TlhJ) CÂa ca®Î fz¡»l¥glnt©L«.
Ϥbjhif j‰nghija r«gs¡ f‰iwæš cŸs mo¥gil r«gs¤Jl‹ nr®¡f¥glnt©L«. gjé ca®Î më¡f¥g£l gjé¡fhd ju
CÂa¤Â‰F« Ñœ ãiy gjé¡fhd ju CÂa¤Â‰F« cŸs é¤Âahr« òÂjhf ã®zæ¡f¥g£l r«gs¤Jl‹ nr®¡f¥glnt©L«.
gjé ca®Î më¡f¥g£l gjé¡Fça r«gs¡ f‰iwæš kh‰w« VJ« ÏU¡Fnkahdhš nk‰F¿¥Ã£l Kiwna Ëg‰w¥g£L
m¥gâahs®fS¡F òÂa r«gs¡ f‰iw mDk¡f¥gL«. xU CÂa ca®éid nr®¤j ÃwF òÂa ju CÂa« j‰nghJ cŸs
ju CÂa¤Âid él Fiwthf ÏU¡F« ãiy V‰g£lhš j‰nghija ju CÂank mDk¡f¥glnt©L«.
ãÂ¥ga‹ ehŸ:
ϤÂU¤Âa r«gs¡ f‰iw 01.01.2007 š ã®za« brŒa¥g£L 01.01.2007 Kjš 31.03.2010
Koa fU¤Âayhf tu‹Kiw¥gL¤j¥gl nt©L«. ãÂ¥ga‹fŸ (Å£L thlif¥go k‰W« efu <£L¥go j鮤J)
01.04.2010 Kjš mDk¤J tH§f mDk¡f¥gL»wJ.
ϤÂU¤Âa r«gs¡ f‰iwfŸ eilKiw¥gL¤J« ehŸ Kjš (01.01.2007 Kjš ) ãÂ¥ga‹ më¡F« ehŸ
tiuæyhd fhy¤Âš XŒÎ bg‰w Kiwahd r§f¥ gâahs®fS¡F, ϤÂU¤Âa r«gs¡ f‰iw k‰W« CÂa ca®ÎfŸ
më¡f¥g£L ãÂ¥ga‹ VJä‹¿, XŒÎ fhy gy‹fS¡F k£L« ãÂ¥ga‹ ntWghL tH§f mDk¡f¥gL»wJ.
1. mféiy¥go :
khãy muR jdJ gâahs®fS¡F më¡F« mnj é»j¤Âš mféiy¥gofis gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ k
‰W« efu¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fë‹ gâahs®fS¡F« òÂa r«gs¡ f‰iwæš òÂa mféiy¥gofis muR m›t¥nghJ m¿é¡F«
ehŸ Kjš muR m¿é¡F« é»j¤Âš tH§f mDk¡f¥gL»wJ. gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ k‰W« efu¡ T£LwΡ fl‹
r§f§fë‹ gâahs®fS¡fhd CÂa kh‰w« 01.01.2007 Kjš eilKiw¥gL¤j¥gl gçªJiu¡f¥g£L, 01.01.2007 m‹W
tH§f¥g£l bkh¤j mféiy¥goahd 35… š 24… k£L« vL¤J¡bfhŸs¥g£L, òÂa CÂa ã®za« brŒa¡ fz¡»l¥g£lJ.
vdnt, òÂa r«gs¡ f‰iwæš ã®zæ¡f¥g£l òÂa mo¥gil r«gs¤Â‰F V‰w ÂUªÂa mféiy¥go é»j§fŸ ËtUkhW.
1. gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ k‰W« efu¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fë‹ gâahs®fS¡F ÂUªÂa r«gs¡ f
‰iw¡Fça jFÂahd ÂUªÂa Å£L thlif¥go ËtU« m£ltiz¥go bjhêš jfuhW x¥gªj« V‰gL¤Â¡ bfhŸS« ehŸ Kjš tH§f
r«gs« k‰W« ju Fiwªjg£r bjhif mÂfg£r bjhif
CÂa« nr®¤J éG¡fhL (%ghæš) (%ghæš)
2. òÂa r«gs¡ f‰iwæš ã®zæ¡f¥gL« Å£L thlif¥go j‰nghJ bg‰W tU« Å£L thlif¥goia
él¡ Fiwthf ÏUªjhš j‰nghJ bg‰W tU« Å£L thlif¥gona mDk¡f¥glnt©L«.
1. gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ k‰W« efu¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fë‹ gâahs®fS¡F ÂUªÂa
r«gs¡ f‰iw¡Fça jFÂahd ÂUªÂa Å£L thlif¥go ËtU« m£ltiz¥go bjhêš jfuhW x¥gªj« V
‰gL¤Â¡ bfhŸS« ehŸ Kjš tH§f mDk¡f¥gL»wJ.
r«gs« k‰W« ju
Fiwªjg£r bjhif mÂfg£r bjhif
Ïl« CÂa« nr®¤J
(%ghæš) (%ghæš)
2.òÂa r«gs¡ f‰iwæš ã®zæ¡f¥gL« efu <£L¥go j‰nghJ bg‰W tU« efu <£L¥goia
él¡ Fiwthf ÏUªjhš j‰nghJ bg‰W tU« efu <£L¥gona mDk¡f¥glnt©L«.
gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ k‰W« efu¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fëš gâòçÍ« gâahs®fëš kU¤Jt
bryéd« Û£Á bgW« trÂia ga‹gL¤jhj gâahs®fS¡F §fŸ x‹¿‰F %.100/- Åj« kU¤Jt goahf tH§f
gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ k‰W« efu¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fëš gâòçÍ« gâahs®fS¡F, khãy
murhš m¿é¡f¥g£LŸs Ïl§fS¡fhd kiy thœ go §fŸ x‹¿‰F %.300/-« k‰W« Fë® fhy¥ go gaz¥go
§fŸ x‹¿‰F %.150/-« tH§f mDk¡f¥gL»wJ.
gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ k‰W« efu¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fëš gâòçÍ« gâahs®fS¡F ,
gaz¥go Ñœ f©l égu¥go tH§f mDk¡f¥gL»wJ.
cjé brayhs® uæš Kjš tF¥ò 100 300 100
cjéahs®, mYtyf cjéahs® k uæš Ïu©lh«
80 200 75
‰W« Ïju® tF¥ò
gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ k‰W« efu¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fëš gâòçÍ« j£l¢r® k‰W«
X£Le®fS¡F §fŸ x‹¿¡F %.150/- Åj« Áw¥ò¥goahf tH§f mDk¡f¥gL»wJ.
gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ k‰W« efu¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fëš gâòçÍ« fhrhs®fS¡F« eif
kÂ¥Õ£lhs®fS¡F« Ïl®go §fŸ x‹¿¡F %.100/- Åj« tH§f mDk¡f¥gL»wJ..
gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ k‰W« efu¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fëš gâòçÍ« gâahs®fS¡F
ÂU¤Âa r«gs¡ f‰iwæš nj®Î ãiy Áw¥ò ãiy tH§F« eilKiw bjhlu mDk¡f¥gL»wJ. Ï¥gâahs®fŸ
rhjhuz ãiy gjéæš 10 M©LfŸ Ko¤jhš nj®Î ãiyÍ« 20 M©LfŸ Ko¤jhš Áw¥ò ãiyÍ« tH§f¥glΫ, nj®Î
ãiy / Áw¥ò ãiy ãakd¤Âš jäœehL muR¥ gâahs®fS¡F Ëg‰w¥gL« tiuaiwfŸ gâahs® T£Lw΢
r§f§fë‹ gâahs®fS¡F« Ëg‰w¥gl Ntz;Lk;. nj®Î ãiy / Áw¥ò ãiy¡F ãaä¡f¥gL« gâahs®fsJ CÂa«
mnj r«gs¢ f‰iw k‰W« ju CÂa¤Âš nj®Î ãiy / Áw¥ò ãiy¡F ãaä¡f¥g£l ehëš bg‰W tU« ju
CÂa¤ij cŸsl¡»a mo¥gil r«gs¤Â‹ 2.5… -‰F Ïizahd xU CÂa ca®Î tH§f¥g£L mL¤JŸs %.10¡F
Rê¤J (mL¤JŸs 10 %ghŒ¡F fê¡F« nghJ, xU %ghÍ« mj‰F nkY« fz¡»š bfhŸs¥gl nt©L« - xU %ghŒ¡F
Ñœ cŸs 99 fhRfŸ mj‰F ÑG« fz¡»š vL¤J¡ bfhŸs¡ TlhJ) ã®zæ¡f¥glnt©L«.
gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ k‰W« efu¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fëš gâòçÍ« gâahs®fS¡F,
Ñœf©l égu¥go, éL¥ò gaz¢ rYif tH§f mDk¡f¥gL»wJ.
nk‰f©l éL¥ò gaz¢ rYif¡F, m»y ϪÂah R‰Wyh fHf« k‰W« jäœehL R
‰Wyh¡ fHf« M»at‰whš el¤j¥gL« R‰Wyh £l§fë‹ Ñœ gaz« nk‰bfhŸgt®fS¡F, nk‰go
£l§fëš MF« mrš bryéd§fŸ, mªjªj bjhFÂædU¡F V‰fdnt mDk¡f¥g£LŸs gaz kh®¡f (nkny t.v©.
IV 6 š F¿¥Ã£LŸsgo) bjhif msΡF äfhkš Û£Á brŒJ bg‰W¡ bfhŸsyh«.
gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ k‰W« efu¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fëš gâòçÍ« gâahs®fS¡F, ÂUkz
K‹gz« x›bthU gâahsU¡F« mÂf g£rkhf Ïu©L K‹gz« Ñœf©l égu¥go tH§f mDk¡f¥gL»wJ.
gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ k‰W« efu¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fëš gâòçÍ« gâahs®fS¡F, Ïu©L r¡fu
thfd K‹gz« tH§f mDk¡f¥gL»wJ.
Ïu©L r¡fu thfd¤Â‹ bkh¤j k¥ÉF 80 éG¡fhL mšyJ mÂfg£r« %.50000.00 tH§f¥gl
gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ k‰W« efu¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fëš gâòçÍ« gâahs®fS¡F, jFÂahd
Ef®nth® fl‹fŸ ÏJ bjhl®ghf gÂthsuhš tH§f¥gL« têfh£Ljiy¥ Ëg‰¿ tH§f mDk¡f¥gL»wJ..
gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ k‰W« efu¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fë‹ gâahs®fS¡F eh£fh£o M©L¡F xU
Kiw g©oif K‹ gz« tH§f mDk¡f¥gL»wJ. Ï« K‹gz« m›t¥nghJ murhš ã®zæ¡f¥gL« mÂfg£r bjhif¡F
äif¥gl¡TlhJ. ÏJ bjhl®ghf r§f JizéÂæš njitahd têtiffŸ nk‰bfhŸs¥gl nt©L«.
gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ mšyJ efu¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fë‹ gâahs®fŸ gâæèU¡ifæš kuz« mila
neç£lhš m¥gâahs®fsJ JaUW« FL«g¤Â‰F ÏW¢rl§Ffis el¤j VJthf r§f¤Â‹ bghJ ãÂæèUªJ ã cjéahf
%.3,000/- tH§f mDk¡f¥gL»wJ. Ϥ bjhif XŒÎfhy ãÂ¥ga‹fëèUªJ Ão¤j« brŒa¥gl nt©L«.
gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ k‰W« efu¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fëš buh¡f« k‰W« eiffis¡ ifahS«
gâahs®fS¡F cWÂ¥ g¤Âu« (Fidelity Guarantee) vL¡F« nghJ mj‰Fça Kidk¤ij (Premium) r«gªj¥g£l
gâahsU« r§f ã®thfK« jyh 50… brY¤Â cWÂ¥ g¤Âu« bgW« eilKiw bjhlu mDk¡f¥gL»wJ.
thu¤Âš 5 eh£fŸ gâòçÍ« gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ k‰W« efu¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fŸ jkJ
gâahs®fS¡F eh£fh£o M©L x‹¿‰F 12 eh£fŸ j‰braš éL¥ò« thu¤Âš 6 eh£fŸ gâòçÍ« gâahs® T£Lw΢
r§f§fŸ k‰W« efu¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fŸ jkJ gâahs®fS¡F eh£fh£o M©L x‹¿‰F 20 eh£fŸ j‰braš éL¥ò«
tH§f mDk¡f¥gL»wJ.
11. <£oa éL¥ò /kU¤Jt éL¥ò/ kf¥ngW éL¥ò / <£oa éL¥ò fhrh¡Fjš
gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ k‰W« efu¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fë‹ gâahs®fS¡F> <£oa
éL¥ò /kU¤Jt éL¥ò/ kf¥ngW éL¥ò / <£oa éL¥ò fhrh¡Fjš bjhl®ghf r§f JizéÂfëš F¿¥Ãl¥g£LŸs
eilKiwfë‹go bjhl®ªJ tH§f mDk¡f¥gL»wJ.
gâahs® T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ k‰W« efu¡ T£LwΡ fl‹ r§f§fë‹ gâahs®fS¡F tH§f¥gL«
fl‹fŸ k‰W« K‹gz§fS¡fhd t£o é»j«, r§f¤Âš (_¤j Fok¡fŸ jéu) cW¥Ãd®fëläUªJ bgw¥g£l rhjhuz
ãuªju it¥òfS¡F tH§f¥gL« mÂfg£r é»j¤Âš t£o tNš brŒa¥gl nt©L«.
Ï›ñÂa kh‰w¤Âdhš V‰gL« r«gs« k‰W« mféiy¥go ca®Î 01.04.2010 KjY« , Ïju
ãÂ¥ga‹fŸ mid¤J« bjhêš jfuhW x¥gªj« V‰gL¤Â¡ bfhŸS« ehŸ KjY« tH§f mDk¡f¥gL»wJ.
From To
A copy of the letter cited is enclosed. The above letter has already been
request you to ensure that all Urban Cooperative Banks in your Region follow the
Reserve Bank of India’s in your Region follow the Reserve Bank of India’s instruction
without fail.
/By Order/
For Registrar
Copy to the Director, Tamil Nadu State Cooperative Bank Federation, Chennai.10
Copy to Stock file.
Copy of the letter Reserve Bank of India /2009-10 UBD CO BPD (PCB)/
Cir.No.22.05.001/2009-10 November 16,2009.
Chief Executive Officer,
All Primary (Urban) Coop. Bank.
Please refer to paragraph No.5 of our circular BPD No.47/12.5.001/2006-07 dated June
21, 2007 on the captioned subject wherein banks were advised to ensure that
identification Code of the bank/branch is embossed on all the locker keys with a view to
facilitate Authorities in identifying the ownership of the locker keys. Considering the
practical difficulties in complying with the instruction in respect of the keys of already
hired out lockers. It is suggested that locker keys could be embossed with identification
Code whenever a party comes to the bank to operate the locker. The parties could also
be contacted telephonically or through post for this purpose. However, identification
Code should be embossed on keys of new lockers to be installed in future.
Yours faithfully,
(A.K. Khound)
Chief General Manager-in-charge
/True copy/
For Registrar
From To
Thiru Jatindra Nath Swain, I.A.S., The Additional Registrar
Registrar of Cooperative Societies , Chennai Region,
170, Periyar E.V.R. High Road, Chennai.18
Kilpauk, Chennai.600 010 Alll Regional Joint Registrars
Rc.136863/09/ UB1 dated 2.3.2010
A copy of the letter is enclosed. The above letter has already been
communicated to all Urban Cooperative Banks by Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai. I
request you to ensure that all Urban Cooperative Banks in your region follow the
Reserve Bank of India’s instructions without fail.
For Registrar
Encl: As above
Unclaimed Deposits and Inoperative /Dormant Accounts in UCBs.
2. There may be instances where the customer has given a mandate for crediting the
interest on Fixed Deposit account to the Savings Bank account and there are no other
operations in the Savings Bank Account. Some doubts have arisen whether such an
accounts to be treated as inoperative account after two years.
3. In this connection, we clarify, that since the interest on Fixed Deposit account is
credited to the Savings Bank accounts as per the mandate of the customer, the same
should be treated as a customer induced transaction. As such, the account should be
treated as operative account as long as the interest on Fixed Deposit account is
credited to the Savings Bank account. The Savings Bank account can be treated as
inoperative account only after two years from the date of the last credit entry of the
interest on Fixed Deposit account.
/True copy /
For Registrar
It was pointed out in Reserve Bank of India meetings that the share
capital of Urban Cooperative Banks consists of shares with the face value of Rs.10/- per
share. The Reserve Bank of India has further insisted for enhancement of face value of
each share from Rs.10/- to Rs.100/- for increasing the own funds of the Urban
Cooperative Banks. Further, there is no uniformity among the Urban Cooperative
Banks in fixing the face value of shares. Therefore, I request you to instruct the Urban
Cooperative Banks concerned in your region to enhance the per share value to Rs.100/-
by making necessary amendments in their bylaws within 3 months and ensure that all
Urban Cooperative Banks in your region have fixed the face value of shares uniformly
as above with the stipulated time.
// By Order//
For Registrar
The Additional Registrar of Cooperative Societies
Chennai Region, Chennai
The Joint Registrars of all Regions
Copy to
1) All Circle Deputy Registrars
2) The Additional Registrar/Director, TANCUBFED, Chennai
3) The Additional Registrar/Special Officer, TNSC Banl
4) The Director of Coop. Audit.
From To
Thiru Jatindra Nath Swain, I.A.S., The Special Officer,
Registrar of Cooperative Societies Tamil Nadu State Apex Cooperative Bank
170, E.V.R. High Road Chennai.600 001The Special Officer.
Kilpauk, Chennai.600 010
Tamil Nadu Cooperative State Agriculture
and Rural Development Bank, Chennai.4
A copy of the G.O. second cited is enclosed. With a view to improve the
collection under Non-Farm Sector Loans under Special Loan Settlement Scheme,
Government have extended the scheme upto 31.3.2010. I request you to issue
necessary instructions to the Central Cooperative Banks and branches, Urban
Cooperative Banks, PCARDBs, Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies,
Urban Credit Cooperative Societies in the extension of the scheme upto 31.3.2010 and
take steps to achieve 100% collection. Further since agreement period (i.e. grace
period for not taking coercive action) is already over, you make take coercive steps for
collection against those who do not come forward to be enrolled in the scheme.
I request you to send periodical reports regularly without fail. Your final report
should reach this office before 5.4.2010.
/By Order/
For Registrar
Copy to:
All Circle Deputy Registrars
T£LwÎ – T£LwÎ t§»fshš tH§f¥g£L ãYitæYŸs g©izrhuh¡ flD¡fS¡fhd Áw¥ò fl‹¤ ԮΠ£l« -
eilKiw¥gL¤Jjš – MizfŸ btëæl¥gL»‹wd.
1 murhiz (2o) v©.77, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw ehŸ 22.7.2009
2 T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®, br‹id,10 mt®fë‹ foj v©. 115434/2009/CBP3 ehŸ 11.11.2009,
. 19.11.2009 k‰W« 22.12.2009.
nkny x‹¿š go¡f¥g£l murhizæš, T£LwÎ r§f§fshš tH§f¥g£L ãYitæYŸs g©izrhuh¡ fl‹¡fS¡fhd Áw¥ò
fl‹ ԮΤ £l¤ij eilKiw¥gL¤Jtj‰fhd MizfŸ btëæl¥g£ld. m›thisæ‹go, nk‰T¿a £l¤Â‹ Ñœ ga‹bgw,
fl‹jhu® nk‰T¿a £l¤Â‹ go fz¡»l¥g£l ãYit¤ bjhifæš 25 rjÅj¤ bjhifia brY¤Â t§»Íl‹ 31.10.2009 ‰FŸ
x¥gªj« nk‰bfhŸs nt©L«. ÛjKŸs 75 rjÅj¤ bjhifia x¥gªj« nk‰bfhŸs¥g£l ehëèUªJ 3 khj fhy¤Â‰FŸ
mÂfg£rkhf 3 jtizfS¡FŸ brY¤j nt©L«.
2. nk‰T¿a £l¤Â‹ Ñœ fl‹ ãYit tNèš nkY« K‹nd‰w« fh©gj‰F VJthf, nk‰T¿a £l¤Â‹ Ñœ ga‹
bgw jFÂÍŸs fl‹jhu®fŸ, 31.10.2009¡FŸ 25 rjÅj¤ bjhifia brY¤Â t§»Íl‹ x¥gªj« nk‰bfh©oUªjhY«, t§»Íl‹
ÏJtiu x¥gªj« VJ« nk‰bfhŸshé£lhY«, 31.3.2010¡FŸ bkh¤j fl‹ bjhifiaÍ« brY¤Â nk‰T¿a £l¤Â‹ Ñœ flid
ԮΠbrŒJ¡ bfhŸs mDkÂaë¡fyh« vd muR KobtL¤J, m›thnw MizæL»wJ.
3. Ï›this ã¤Jiwæ‹ mYtš rh®g‰w¡ F¿¥ò v©.131/FS/P/10 ehŸ 19.1.2010 x¥òjYl‹ btëæl¥gL»wJ.
(MSeç‹ Miz¥go)
f. r©Kf«
muÁ‹ Kj‹ik brayhs®
From To
Thiru Jatindra Nath Swain, I.A.S., The Special Officer,
Registrar of Cooperative Societies TNSACB
170, E.V.R. High Road Chennai.600 001
Kilpauk, Chennai.600 010 All District Central Cooperative Banks
Rc. 114550/2009 CBP1 dated 17.2.2010
Sub: Cooperation – Fixation of rate of interest and interest margin
among the three tiers for the issue of ST-SAO (Crop Loan) for
the year 2009-2010 from the funds refinance by the NABARD –
Instructions issued - Regarding
A copy of the G.O. is enclosed. The Government in the G.O. cited has
fixed the rate of interest and interest margin among the three tiers for the issue of
ST SAO (Crop Loan) for the year 2009-2010 for the funds refinanced by the
In this connection, I wish to inform that the above interest rates and
interest margins will also be applicable to the refinance provided from owned funds
of the Tamil Nadu State Apex Cooperative Bank / District Central Cooperative
Sd/ Registrar
For Registrar
Copy to
The Joint Registrars of all regions
Copy to the Deputy Registrars of all Circles
Copy to PACS / ACS/ CBS sections in this office
Copy to Joint Registrar (F & B) table
Copy to Deputy Registrar (C & B)
Copy to Stock file.
Cooperation – Fixation of rate of interest and interest margin among the three tiers
for the issue of ST-SAO (crop loan) for the year 2009-2010 from the funds
refinanced by the NABARD – Orders issued.
G.O.(D) No.68 Dated: 10.2.2010
1. From the Special Officer, Tamil Nadu State Apex Cooperative Bank,
Chennai.1, Letter C,No.33/ACS/2008-09 dated 17.4.09
2. From the Registrar of Cooperative Societies,Chennai.10 Letter
Rc.37652/2008 CBP1 dated 11.6.2009
3. Government Letter No.9176/CC1 / 2009-2 CF & CP Dept. dated
4. From the Registrar of Cooperative Societies,Chennai.10 Letter
Rc.114550/2009 CBP1 dated 29.10.2009
2. The Government after careful examination fix the rate of interest and interest margin
among the three tiers for the issue of ST SAO (crop loan) for the year 2009-2010 from the funds
refinanced by the NABARD as follows:
From To
Sub: District Central Cooperative Banks – Engaging retired Central
Bank Employees – Instructions issued.
Ref: 1. Letter No.270/07-08 Ï1 dt.19.2.2010 from the Special
Officer, Thanjavur Central Cooperative Bank
2. Lr.No.1133/2007-08 Ï1 dt.19.2.2010 from the Special
Officer, Kumbakonam Central Cooperative Bank
3. Lr.No. Ï1 / 1562/2009 dt.19.2.2010 of the Special Officer,
Virudhunagar District Central Cooperative Bank
During the review meeting of Sec. 11(1) Non-complaint Central Cooperative Banks, held
at Tamil Nadu State Apex Cooperative Bank on 18.2.2010, it was represented that, due to
dearth of hands, it is very difficult to manage the day to day works of the Central Cooperative
Banks. Further, the number of vacancies has increased due to the retirement of staff every
month. Since the close of the financial year is fast approaching, the accounts have to be
updated and reconciliation and other activities have to be done in time in the banks. The
request of the Special Officers has been examined in detail. After careful examination,
permission is accorded to engage the retired employees of the Central Cooperative Banks
subject to the following conditions.
1. Persons retired from the District Central Cooperative Bank alone should be
engaged and he should have worked in the cadre of Assistant and above. But
he must be utilized as Assistant only.
2. He must be an experienced person in the banking activities
3. He must possess good health.
4. He must not have been punished for any major irregularity by the Central
Cooperative Bank. No criminal/surcharge action is pending against him.
5. He must be utilized only as Assistant irrespective of his cadre while he was in
service. He may be used for writing accounts/drafting and other urgent
works only and should not be entrusted with handling of cash.
6. He may be engaged for a maximum period of six months.
7. The payment may be a rate not exceeding Rs.250/- day and if it is
consolidated, the limit will be Rs.6250/- month
8. He must be clearly informed that it is not a reemployment and the individual
will be relieved as soon as the purpose is over or at any time without prior
The action taken in this regard may be reported. Please acknowledge the receipt of the
For Registrar
In the Registrar’s Circular cited, instructions were issued for revising the pay
scales of the employees of the District Central Cooperative Banks with effect from
1.1.2006. Further, the pay scales for various posts in the District Central
Cooperative Banks and the fitment tables for each category of the District Central
Cooperative Banks were also communicated along with the Circular. However,
representations have been received that the fitment formula issued in the Circular
cited with personal pay to all category of employees is assuring only 13.5%
increase instead of 14% increase in certain instances. Hence to ensure assured
14% increase of pay to the eligible District Central Cooperative Bank Employees,
revised pay structure as detailed below and fitment tables are communicated along
with this Circular for adoption of wage revision to the Employees of District Central
Cooperative Banks.
1. Pay Scales
In modification of the pay scales communicated in the Circular cited, the revised
pay scales for various posts in the District Central Cooperative Banks are given
Rs. 11600-(625+125*)/9-18350-625/10-24600
2 Assistant General (1+19 Stages)
Rs.8900-(625+125*) /12-17900-625/7-22275
3 Manager (1+19 Stages)
Rs.7000-500/2-8000-525/3-9575-(625+50*)/ 3-
4 Assistant Manager (1+19 Stages)
Rs. 5000-300/5-6500-350/9-9650-450/2-10550-
5 Assistant 525/6-13700-550/6-17000 (1+28 Stages)
6 Driver 400/5-11800 (1+23 Stages)
7 Sub-Staff (1+23 Stages)
*Adjustable Pay
The Revised fitment tables with reference to the above revised pay scales for 5
categories of the Banks viz. A1, A2. B1, B2 and C2 indicated in the Circular cited, are given in
2. Period of Settlement:
The selection grade can be extended to the stenographers and typists on completion of
12 years of service and also the pay scales (only scale of pay and no other perks / facilities)
applicable to the Assistant Managers, on completion of 15 years, can also be extended, who
continue to remain in the same cadre and do not opt for conversion.
The other instructions issued in the Circular cited, will remain unaltered.
Sd/ Registrar
For Registrar
The Special Officers of all District Central Cooperative Banks
Thiru Jatindra Nath Swain , I.A.S.,
The State Level Committee under the Chairmanship of the Special Officer,
Tamil Nadu State Apex Coop. Bank with Additional Registrar (Finance & Banking), the
Special Officer, TNSARDB and Special Officers of select District Central Cooperative
Banks and select Regional Joint Registrars and representatives drawn from the
Cooperative Urban Bank, PCARDB, Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit Society, to
guide the cooperative banks on fixing interest rates on deposits and advances held its
meeting on 27-4-2010.
is left to the discretion of the individual Banks within the maximum
rate of interest recommended by the committee.
ii. No additional rate of interest to the Bulk Deposits.
iii. However, the additional rate of interest provided at 0.50% to the
Fluid Deposits of PACS and surplus funds of PACS/UCBs held with
DCCBs is allowed to continue.
iv. The additional rate of interest provided at 0.50% to the Deposits
held by Senior Citizens may be continue.
v. All other categories of rates of interest which are in force
may be allowed.
12.50% 13.50%
Loan 10.75
2 10.00% (DCCB to -- (DCCB to --
(Branche %
Members) Members)
10.00 12.00 10.50
3 es’ 10.50% 11.00% 13.00%
% % %
3.50% 4.50%
Jewel (Chargeab (Chargeab
Loan 8.75 le) & 12.50 9.50 le) &
4 13.50%
(Special % 6.00% % % 6.00%
CC) (from (from
NABARD vide its letter No. NB. ICD.2034/PPS-165/2009-10 (Circular No. 54/ ICD-13/2010) dated
2/3.03.2010 has revised the interest from 8.00% to 7.50%. The revised the rates of interest w.e.f.
12.03.2010 are indicated below.
The Existing Recommended for revision
Investmen NABARD Ultimate NABARD Ultimate
to to to to
to SCB Borrower to SCB Borrower
SHG 7.50% 8.25% 9.00% 11.00% 7.50% 8.25% 9.25% 11.50%
All other
7.50% 8.25% 9.00% 11.00% 7.50% 8.25% 9.25% 12.00%
/By Order/
For Registrar
The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region.
The Joint Registrars of all Regions
The Special Officers of all DCCBs.
Copy to
The Special Officer, TNSAC Bank/ TNCSARD Bank/ TNCU Chennai.
All Zonal Officers.
The Deputy Registrars of all Circles.
All Administrative Sections in office.
AR Section in office (2 Copies) and ‘OE’ section.
PC to Registrar of Cooperative Societies.
From To
Thiru Jatindra Nath Swain, I.A.S., The Additional Registrar,
Registrar of Coop. Societies, Chennai Region
170, EVR Periyar High Road, The Special Officer,
Kilpauk, TNSACB, Chennai.
Chennai-10. The Special Officer,
The Joint Registrars of all Regions
The Special Officers of all DCCBs
Rc.No.1020/2010 CBP1 Dated: 28-05-2010.
Sir ,
Sub: Cooperation- Interest Rates on Deposits ad advances –
Recommendations of State Level Committee –
Revised interest rates for non-agricultural advances –
certain modification – Instructions issued- Regarding
Ref: Registrar’s Circular No 11/2010 (RC No 1020/2010 CBP1)
dated 30-4-2010
I invite reference to the Registrar’s circular cited and wish to inform that the Circular
instructions under Para 3 (i) shall be modified as given under
As Existing To be read as
3. Rate of interest on lendings 3. Rate of interest on lendings
(i) Non-Agricultural Advances (i) Non-Agricultural Advances
The Committee recommended to The Committee recommended to
enhance the rates of interest on enhance the rates of interest on
various Non-agricultural various Non-agricultural advances
advances including the existing as detailed below
outstanding as detailed below
For Registrar.
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ R‰w¿¡if
ÂU a¤Ôªju eh¤ °nt‹, Ï.M.g.
T£Lw΢r§f§fë‹ gÂths®
R‰w¿¡if v© 13 / 2010 ehŸ 11 -5-2010
(ef 45890/2010 ktbfh1)
gh®it(1) Ïš fhQ« R‰w¿¡ifæš ÁWtâf®fŸ éahghu« brŒa VJthf %.5000 tiu ÁWtâf¡fl‹
tH§fΫ, t§»¡fl‹ bgw Ïayhj ÁWtâf®fŸ T£lhf¢ nr®ªJ T£L¥bghW¥ò¡FG¡fŸ V‰gL¤Â fl‹ bgWtj
‰F« be¿KiwfŸ bjçé¡f¥g£oUªjd.
j‰nghJ 2010-11M« M©L kh‹a¡nfhç¡if éthj¤Â‹ nghJ kh©òäF T£LwΤJiw mik¢r® mt®fŸ Ë tU«
m¿é¥ig btëæ£lh®fŸ.
nkY« ÁW tâf¡fldsÎ %.5000èUªJ %.10000 Mf ca®¤j¥ g£lij kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§»fë‹ »is
nkyhs®fS¡F bjçé¡f kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§»fë‹ jå mYty®fS«, k©ly¤Âš efu T£LwÎ t§»fS¡F bjçé¡f
k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fS« nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥ gL»wh®fŸ.
Ï¢R‰w¿¡ifæid bg‰W¡bfh©lj‰fhd x¥òjiy cl‹ mD¥Ã it¡fΫ kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§»fë‹ jå
mYty®fS«, k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fS« nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wh®fŸ. /Miz¥go/
TLjš gÂths®, br‹id
mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
jå mYty® mid¤J kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§»fŸ.
jå mYty® jäœehL khãy¤jiyik T£LwÎ t§» br‹id 600 001
efš mid¤J ruf¤Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ
mYtyf et ÃçÎ / ÏU¥ò¡nfh¥ò
From To
Thiru Jatindra Nath Swain, I.A.S., The Special Officer,
Registrar of Coop. Societies, Tamil Nadu State Apex Cooperative
170, EVR Periyar High Road, Bank, Chennai.600 001
Kilpauk, Chennai-10. The Special Officers of all District
Central Cooperative Banks
Rc. No.127472 / 2009/CBP1 dated 22.7.2010
In the reference 2nd cited, District Central Cooperative Banks have been
permitted to increase the quantum of Loan amount issued to the pensioners from
Rs.10,000/- to Rs.50,000 or 10 times of the pension amount which every is less
subject to the repaying capacity of the borrowers and with adequate security.
//By Order//
For Registrar
Copy to:
1. All the Regional Joint Registrars
2. ACS, CBS, PACS, ASR, ARDB, UB and BI Section in this office
3. Stock File.
3 Reserve Bank of India Letter RPCD CO.RCBD.BC.
No.15/03.03.01/2009-10, dated 13.8.2009
Government in their G.O. first cited have issued orders for the enhancement
of quantum of Housing Loan from Rs.6.00 lakhs to Rs.10.00 lakhs to the District
Central Cooperative Banks and also relaxed the provision of Rule 75 of T N C S
Rules, 1988 in favour of D C C Bs to enable them to sanction the above Housing
Loans repayable over a period of 15 years.
In the reference third cited, RBI has enhanced a quantum of housing loan to
Rs 30/- lakhs. Now, the Regional JRs and the SOs of D C C Bs have represented to
enhance the quantum of Housing Loan to the extent of Rs.30.00 lakhs and also for
the renovations / alterations / repairs to the existing house.
/By Order/
For Registrar
The Special Officer,
Tamil Nadu State Apex Cooperative Bank,
Copy to:
All Circle Deputy Registrars
ACS, UB, BI, ARDB, AR, CBP2 Sections in this Office
Stock File.
(b) “Bank” means the Tamil Nadu State Apex Coop. Bank
Cooperative Bank.
(d) “Borrower” means the applicant to whom the housing loan is given by
the Bank.
(f) All words and expressions used in the regulations and not defined
herein but defined in the bylaws of the Bank shall have the meaning
respectively assigned to them in the said bylaws of the Bank unless
the context otherwise requires.
3. Eligibility
(2) The applicant shall not already own a house/flat in his name or in the
names of his spouse or minor children within the area of operation of the
Bank in case the loan applied for is for the construction/purchase of
(3) Housing loan may be granted on joint application in the joint names of
husband & wife, father & son, mother & son, father & daughter, mother &
daughter. The co-applicants must be blood brother and sister, provided
that they are co-owners of the house/flat to be constructed or purchased
or enlarged and that they agree to join in the loan bond.
(4) The applicant shall be an individual, above 18 years of age and shall
reside in the area of operation of the Bank and enroll himself as a Member
/ Associate Member of the Bank.
(5) The applicant should not have completed 70 years at the date on which
the entire loan be fully discharged and the interest thereon shall be from
the regular and continuous source of income of the applicant/applicants
before he/they complete the age of 70 years.
4. Purpose
(1) Loans under the scheme can be granted for the following purposes:
5. Amount of Advances
(2) The maximum amount of advance for enlargement of the living
accommodation and for repairs/renovations/alterations shall be Rs.3.00 lakhs
respectively subject to the limit fixed by the RBI or NABARD or the Registrar
from time to time. Approved Estimate for the repair /renovations /
alterations should be obtained from the Competent Authority.
(3) The applicant shall contribute from his own fund 15% of the total estimated
cost where the loan applied for does not exceed Rs.10.00 lakhs and 20% of
the estimated cost where the loan applied for exceeds Rs.10.00 lakhs, as
margin for the loan. For the purpose of arriving at the margin, the guideline
value of the vacant site may also be reckoned. Similarly in respect of
repairs/ renovations / alterations etc. applicant shall contribute 15% of the
Estimated Expenditure.
For the purpose of this clause, the estimated cost of the House/Flat shall
include the cost of construction, registration and documentation charges,
stamp duty, etc.
(a) Actual loan amount eligible to an applicant shall be determined by the Bank
taking into consideration of the factors such as applicant’s income and
repaying capacity, age, assets and liabilities, cost of the proposed house /flat
and such other factors as the Bank deem necessary to enhance the loan
amount eligibility, the applicant has the option to add one or more of the
(i) Income of the spouse / son /daughter living with the applicant,
provided they have a regular income.
7. Conditions to be fulfilled
(2) Property offered as a security for the loan shall be in the applicant’s name
and unencumbered. If the property is in joint names all the parties who
are co-owners concerned shall give their consent and join themselves in
the execution of Registered Mortgage (equitable mortgage by deposit of
title deeds) executed in favour of the Bank as co-executants. They shall
also become Member / Associate Members of the Bank.
8. Security
(vii) Salary Certificate for the last 3 Months from the Employer in the
prescribed form (Form No.16). For other income, proof in the
prescribed form.
(viii) Financial statements including Income tax returns for the past 3
financial years in the case of professionals, businessmen and
(ix) In the case of agriculturists and others, if the income per month
is Rs.10,000/- and below, Income certificate issued by
competent authority such as Tahsildar, Chartered Accountants
(x) Bank statement for the last 6 months where the salary is
(4) The filled in application may be presented to Head Office or the Branch from
which the application is obtained.
10. Sanction of Loan:
(1) The Bank shall scrutinise the application and satisfy itself of the
correctness of the facts, etc. stated therein. It shall also examine the title
deeds, etc. furnished in compliance with para 9(2) in consultation with its
Legal Advisor to make sure that the applicant possesses a clear and valid
title to the property.
(2) A Chartered Engineer approved by the Bank shall make the
assessment of the cost of House/Flat and determine the loan eligibility. The
estimated cost of the proposed House/Flat should be reasonable and realistic
at the current cost of construction. The estimated cost of House/Flat shall
include cost of registration.
(4) The maximum loan eligibility of the applicant shall be decided by the
Bank according to the eligibility, based on the value, repaying capacity of the
applicant. The carry home income for the purpose of the applicant after
deduction of EMI for the proposed loan apart from other deductions shall not
be less than 30% of the his gross income.
(5) The sanction or otherwise of the loan applied for shall be informed to
the applicant concerned within the time limit prescribed by RBI/NABARD. On
receipt of intimation of sanction of the loan, the applicant concerned shall
arrange to complete the prescribed formalities such as execution of
agreement, registration of mortgage deed, furnishing of undertaking, etc. in
the form prescribed by the Bank in consultation with the Legal Advisor.
(6) No loan should be given in respect of those properties which fall in the
category of unauthorized colonies unless and until they have been
regularised and development and other charges paid.
(7) No loan should also be given in respect of properties meant for
residential use but which the applicant intends to use for commercial
purposes and declares so while applying for loan.
11. Disbursement
(1) The Bank will authorise disbursement of the loan amount sanctioned
to the applicant in one lump sum or in instalments as it deems fit
according to the requirement of the Development Authority /
Cooperative society/ TNHB/ private builders.
(2) For outright purchase of House /Flat, the loan amount will be paid in
lump sum to the vendor at the time of Registration after satisfying that the
borrower has paid / provided for the balance amount. For the Houses/flats
under construction, the loan amount will be disbursed in stages based on the
progress of construction. The borrower has to invest his proportionate share
of the cost, prior to disbursement of loan. Disbursement will be made after
the property has been technically appraised and all legal documentation has
been completed.
(3) The borrower shall arrange for involvement of margin amount at 15%
or 20%, as the case may be.
Cooperative Society on sale-cum-mortgage basis, the applicant
shall agree to mortgage the House Site to the Bank together with
the House that may be constructed thereon within one month from
the date of drawal of the first instalment notwithstanding the fact
that the site has already been mortgaged to Tamil Nadu Housing
Board or the Coop. Housing or House Site Distribution Cooperative
Society as the case may be, provided the applicant has paid the
entire tentative cost as fixed by the Tamil Nadu Housing Board or
Housing or House Site Distribution Cooperative Society and
produce a “No Objection Certificate” obtained from the Tamil Nadu
Housing Board or the Housing or House Site Distribution
Cooperative Society, as the case may be.
(ii) A further amount not exceeding 40% of the sanctioned loan will be
disbursed when the house has reached plinth level and on
utilisation of first instalment of loan disbursed.
(iii) The remaining 40% of the sanctioned loan will be disbursed when
the House has reached roof level.
(iv) No second or subsequent instalment of the loan originally
sanctioned for the construction of House shall be disbursed unless
the construction of House is inspected by an Officer of the Bank or
by any other person authorised by the Bank in this behalf and
certified by him that the instalment or instalments disbursed before
has/have been fully utilised towards the construction of the House
and that the House has reached basement/plinth /roof level, as the
case may be.
(v) The loan sanctioned to purchase a House/Flat from the Tamil Nadu
Housing Board under Board’s Housing Scheme will be disbursed in
one lump sum. The loan drawn in such cases shall be paid directly
to the Tamil Nadu Housing Board by the Bank in one lump sum. In
case of purchase of House/Flat from private vendors, pay order for
the disbursement of the entire loan amount sanctioned will be
handed over to the Vendor by the Bank at the time of registration
of sale deed at Sub-Registrar’s Office only.
(vi) The loan sanctioned for enlarging living accommodation in the
existing House will be disbursed in 2 or 3 instalments, for which the
Bank shall satisfy itself in consultation with and by obtaining a
certificate from an approved and qualified Engineer duly supported
by detailed estimates for the work connected with the enlargement.
(vii) The loan shall not be utilised by the borrower for any purpose other
than the purpose for which it is sanctioned. Misutilisation of loan or
breach of any of the other conditions of the grant of loan shall
render the foreclosure of the loan and the borrower shall be called
upon to refund forthwith the entire advance drawn by him together
with the interest thereon to the Bank.
(1) The loan granted under these regulations together with interest due
thereon shall be repaid, monthly within a period of not exceeding 20
(2) The repayment shall be made by the borrower on monthly basis at
equated monthly instalments on or before 10th of every month.
(3) The repayment of the first instalment of every loan given for
construction of House/Flat shall commence from the month following
the month of completion / occupation of the House or on completion of
12 months from the date on which the first instalment of the loan is
paid to the borrower, whichever is earlier.
(4) In the case of loans granted for purchase of a fully built House/Flat,
the repayment shall commence from the month succeeding the month
of purchase of the House/Flat.
(9) For part pre-payments, the minimum amount is one Equated Monthly
Installment (EMI) and the maximum amount which can be pre-paid
would be the outstanding amount after an amount equivalent to 12
EMIs is retained with the Bank. There are no restrictions on the
number of part pre-payments that can be made in a year. In the
event of part prepayment the borrower shall opt any one of the
following and give instructions to the Bank according to his option.
(1) The rate of interest on the loan sanctioned by the Bank from its owned
funds shall be either fixed or floating as per the option of the borrower
subject to the directives of the Reserve Bank of India/NABARD. The rate of
interest under fixed rate option shall be the maximum rate of interest on
fixed deposit offered by the Bank for general public plus three percent.
The rate of interest under floating rate option shall be the maximum rate of
interest on Fixed Deposit offered by the Bank for the general public from
time to time plus two percent. The interest shall be charged from the date of
disbursement of the loan.
(2) The rate of interest on the loans sanctioned by the bank under
National Housing Bank (NHB) Refinance shall be determined on the basis of
rates of interest charged by NHB from time to time.
(1) Construction of the House/ Flat or enlargement in the living
accommodation in the existing House, as the case may be, shall be carried
out in accordance with the approved plan, specifications, estimates on the
basis of which the amount of loan has been computed and sanctioned.
(3) The borrower shall certify the stage of construction i.e., Lintel
Level/Roof level for release of the loan instalments and that the amount
already drawn has actually been used in the construction of the House. The
Bank shall arrange to have an inspection carried out to verify the correctness
of the certificates.
(4) The construction shall be completed within 12 months from the date
on which the first instalment of the loan is disbursed to the borrower
concerned. Failure to do so will render the borrower liable to refund the
entire loan amount paid to him together with the interest due thereon in one
lump sum. Extension of time may be permitted by the Bank provided that
such extension shall not exceed six months in the aggregate. The date of
completion shall be reported to the Bank without delay.
(5) A separate occupation report also indicating the month of occupation
of the House though in an incomplete stage shall be sent to the Bank by the
borrower besides the completion report mentioned in clause (4) above.
(6) A Chartered Engineer appointed by the Bank shall also certify at
various stages of construction of building that the construction of the
building is strictly as per approved plan and shall also certify at a particular
point of time that the completion certificate of the building issued by the
competent authority has been obtained.
receipt indicating the receipt of the loan amount in full discharge of the
mortgage at the expenses of the borrower.
The Bank shall have the power to recall a loan without reference to the
terms for which the loan has been granted under following circumstances:
i. if the value of the property mortgaged to the Bank becomes
depreciated and if the borrower fails to give additional security to
the satisfaction of the Bank or fails to repay a suitable portion of
the loan as determined by the Bank; or
iii. if for any valid reason the Bank considers that in the interest of
the Bank, the loan shall be recalled.
/By Order/
For Registrar
A. Common Requirements for all Applicants:
d) A photocopy of LIC policies with the latest premium payment receipts
(e) Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss account and statement of income with
Income Tax returns for the last 3 years certified by a Chartered Accountant.
(i) Bank statements of Current and Saving accounts for the last 6 months
I. Resale:
a) Copy of all previous vendors’ registered documents along with copy of
borrowers purchase agreement duly stamped and registered and the
registration receipt wherever applicable.
b) NOC from Cooperative Society / Builder
c) Original Share Certificate wherever applicable
/By Order/
For Registrar
/By Order/
For Registrar
CHENNAI.600 010
Registrar of Cooperative Societies
You are requested to monitor the scheme closely and ensure that report
are to be sent to this office in the prescribed format enclosed.
You are requested to acknowledge the receipt of this circular by return of
The Special Officer,
Tamil Nadu State Apex Cooperative Bank,
Copy to:
All Circle Deputy Registrars
CBP1, ACS, PACS, CBS, TFMC, UB, ARDB, RN Sections (2 copies) in this office.
Stock File
2. Coverage: All loans issued under the broad classifications of ‘NFS’ i.e.
1 Non-farm Sector loans
2 Small Road Transport Operators’ Loans
3 Housing Loans
4 House Mortgage Loans(Business and other purpose)
5 Consumer loans
6 Salary Loans
7 Professional Loans
8 Petty Traders’ Loans
9 Industries, Service & Business
( ISB- Loans under any of these)
a) The loan should be fully overdue by 31.3.2007 (that is as per loan agreement
date, time for paying last installment is over by 31.3.2007).
Borrowers, who have opted under previous One time settlement (OTS)/Interest
Reduction Scheme(IRS)/Special Loan Settlement Scheme(SLSS) and have paid
a part thereof, will also be eligible for availing benefit under this scheme.
3.1 Under the scheme, interest will be charged on the principal outstanding
at 10% simple interest from the date of issue of loan upto the date of
total settlement of loan. Overdue interest, penal interest and other
charges already charged into the loan account will be waived. In case of
PCARDBs, further interest, overdue interest and other charges will be
waived. If any repayments have already been made, such will be
appropriated into interest amount (calculated @ 10%) and principal
outstanding on the respective day of repayment. Based on such
principal, the final amount to be paid by the borrower is to be arrived
3.2 If the amount so calculated is less than the amount already repaid then
the loan shall be treated as fully settled. At any cost, no amount should
be repaid to a borrower.
3.3 Any loss due to implementati9on of the Scheme will have to be borne by the
respective Cooperative Credit Structure/Institution. In case, the loan has been
refinanced by any higher financing agency, then interest loss will be shared
by the higher financing agency and by the concerned institution in the ratio of
75: 25.
4.2 The respective banks / societies should prepare borrower wise list in Form-1
in duplicate for unitary institutions, in triplicate if institutions are having
branches. The particulars in Form 1 should be consolidated by the concerned
Head Office in Form 2 and should send a copy to the concerned Regional
Joint Registrar. The Regional Joint Registrar should consolidate the
particulars of the Region in Form 3 and should submit the same to the
Registrar of Cooperative Societies before 31.8.2010
4.3 The moment Form-1 is ready, the notice may be sent to the borrower
highlighting the benefits of the scheme and requesting him to pay the dues.
(The model of Notice is given in Annexure.II). For the purpose of Form-1
and notice, 31.07.2010 may be taken as the cut off date for calculating the
dues. However the actual dues will have to be recalculated up to the full
settlement of the due. (It may be remembered that 10% simple interest on
principal outstanding, after accounting for repayment if any, will form the
basis for calculating the dues to be paid by a borrower.)
4.4 The respective institutions should prepare the notice in quadruplicate. First
copy should be served in person to the individual borrower and in the second
copy acknowledgement should be obtained from the borrower. The third copy
of notice should be sent to all eligible borrowers by way of certificate of
posting. The fourth copy has to be kept as Office Copy. The Records
connected with despatch of notices, Office copy and the acknowledgement
copy should be maintained in the Institution for verification by the Zonal
Officers/Joint Registrars/Special Officers of the DCCBs/Circle Deputy
Registrars. . The notices should be sent to all eligible borrowers without any
omission and any lapse will be viewed seriously. In respect of PACS, UCCS,
UCBs, PCARDBs the Special Officer and the GM/Secretary shall be
responsible for issue of notice in respect of all eligible borrowers.
4.5 The borrowers shall be given the option of paying the dues in one lump sum
or, in instalments before 15.11.2010.
4.6 Each settlement / a batch of settlements shall be supported by a proper
resolution specifying mode of repayment (Lump sum / in instalments).
4.7 In case of overdue where arbitration / execution petitions have been filed
and / or decrees obtained and recovery certificates issued settlement as per
these guidelines may be effected after separating principal and interest
portion as may be required.
4.8 Benefits of this NFS Interest Reduction Scheme – 2010 shall be extended to
borrowers only after the final payment of settlement amount in full.
4.9 Cooperative Credit Institutions and banks will give wide publicity to the
scheme and create awareness among the borrowers so as to realize the
object of providing relief to the borrowers.
5.1 The Scheme shall come into operation immediately and shall be in
force till 15.11.2010. The repayment may be made in one lump sum or
in instalments before 15.11.2010.
5.2 The Regional Joint Registrars and Special Officers of the District Central
Cooperative Banks are requested to devote full attention to this work
and complete the task of preparation of individual borrower wise
statement and sending of individual communication to the individual
borrowers in a week’s time positively. The Regional Joint Registrars
should give instructions to the Special Officers of the
UCBs/PCARDBs/PACS/UCCS and monitor the scheme implementation
The Regional Joint Registrars should collect reports from institutions within
their regions and should send institution wise report to RCS office in the Reporting
format I and consolidated statement for the district as a whole in Reporting Format
II. Weekly Progress up to every Friday should reach this office by e-mail without
fail in above Reporting Formats. The first report for 27.8.2010 should reach
this office by 31.8.2010.
For Registrar
Circular No 23/2010 Dated 28–8-2010
RC 52240/2010 CBP1
b. Eligibility:
(i) All crop loans issued in the period 1.4.2010 – 31.3.2011 and repaid on
or before the due date of repayment.
(ii) All crop loans issued in the period 1.4.09 – 31.3.10 and due in the
period 1.4.2010 – 31.3.2010 and repaid on or before the due date.
(iii) All crop loans issued in the period 1.4.09 – 31.3.2010, due for
repayment in the above mentioned period, repaid on or before the due
date and for which no claim has been made by PACS so far.
c. Mode of implementation:
(ii) If the borrower repays the crop loan on or before the due date, then
no interest will be charged to him. In other words, his loan account will be
cleared on payment of principal only.
(iii) The interest accrued on the said loan till the date of repayment will be
claimed from the Government.
(ii) The District Central Cooperative Banks shall scrutinize the claims
received from the Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies
and settle the eligible amount of claim to the respective Primary
Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies before 25 th of the same
(iii) After settling such claims, DCCBs shall consolidate the claims for
the particular month received from PACS and send a consolidated
claim to Tamil Nadu State Apex Cooperative Bank giving all PACS
before the 27th of the same month. The DCCBs should submit
the claims for SC/ST borrowers and non-SC/ST borrowers
separately so as to avail the funds from the Government,
(iv) The Apex Bank shall after due scrutiny, settle the claims of DCCBs
submitted in accordance with the instructions in 4(i) and (ii) before
30th of the same month.
(v) The Apex Bank will prepare proposal for reimbursement of such
claims from Government along with a statement of disbursement
of claims arising out of interest loss due to operation of this
scheme District Central Cooperative Banks-wise on a monthly
basis, to Registrar of Cooperative Societies. Registrar of
Cooperative Societies in turn will obtain orders of Government and
get the funds released to Tamil Nadu State Apex Cooperative
5. The Joint Registrars of all Regions and the Special Officers of all District
Central Cooperative Banks (except Chennai) are requested to issue necessary
instructions to the Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies in the Region to
ensure that interest on Crop loan is fully waived in case such loans are repaid on or
before the due date. As the scheme is intended to encourage the farmers to repay
in time, the scheme should be given wide publicity. The Circle Deputy Registrars
and Regional Joint Registrars shall monitor the implementation of the Scheme at
their level and review the progress during the review meetings. They should take
action to draw up a schedule of claims month-wise/PACS-wise based on the due
dates for each and every crop loan, assuming 100% recovery is made and review
the performance of PACS critically against this schedule. Shortfalls in this regard
may be dealt with severely. At the same time, there should be periodic check on
genuineness of the claims. Therefore Circle Deputy Registrars/ Regional Joint
Registrars, the Special Officers / General Managers /CROs of the District Central
Cooperative Banks shall verify atleast 10% of claims each by conducting test
verification of the claims on the field.
6. The Regional Joint Registrars and the Special Officers of the District
Central Cooperative Banks are requested to acknowledge the receipt of the circular
by next post and ensure that its contents are to made known to their subordinates
connected with the scheme implementation. The Special Officers of the District
Central Cooperative Banks are requested to issue necessary instructions to the
Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies and to mark a copy of the
instructions to this Office for reference and record.
/By Order/
For Registrar
murhiz(ãiy ) v© 101, T£LwÎ czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò ( ÁÁ1) Jiw, 10.8.2010
njÂæ£l murhizæ‹ efš.
T£LwÎ - 2010- 2011 M« M©oš tH§f¥g£l T£LwÎ gæ®fl‹fis cça fhy¤Âš ÂU¥Ã¢brY¤J«
étrhæfS¡F t£o brY¤JtÂèUªJ éy¡fë¤jš - Miz btëæl¥gL»wJ.
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®, br‹id-10 mt®fë‹
foj v© 52240/2010 /ktbfh1 ehŸ 4.6.2010 k‰W« 5.7.2010.
In the circulars 2nd and 3rd cited, instructions were issued for revision of
pay scales to the employees of District Central Cooperative Banks.
Now, on the analogy of the fixation of Pay Scales to the employees of the District Central
Cooperative Banks, the following two separate scales are fixed to the Sweepers and Scavengers (Col.(4)
who are drawing the time scales given in Col.(3).
The fitment tables for fixing the pay of sweepers and scavengers are
enclosed. The revised pay of sweepers and scavengers shall be fixed at the
appropriate stage with notional effect from 1.1.2006 and the monetary benefit
shall be extended from 1.1.2007 on par with other employees. The revised D.A.
shall be allowed to the sweepers and scavengers with notional effect from
1.1.06 and with monetary benefit from 1.1.2007.
The above scale of pay is applicable only for the sweepers and scavengers
who were originally drawing the time scales.
For Registrar
The Special Officer
All the District Central Cooperative Banks
2) Now, the Special Officer of the TNSACB in his letter 2 nd cited, has
indicated that representations have been receiced for enhancement per gram
rate to the maximum of Rs 1400/- and suggested that per gram rate may be
fixed at Rs.1300/-to enable the Cooperative Banks to extend jewel loan to
their customers competitively with the Commercial Banks. The suggestion
has been examined and it has been decided to accept the suggestion and
accordingly per gram rate for the jewel loans issued by the Cooperatives is
fixed at Rs 1300/-
4) The Special Officers of all the District Central Cooperative Banks are
requested to advise the Primary Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies
about the revision of gold gram rate.
For Registrar
The Special Officer,
Tamil Nadu State Apex Cooperative
Copy to:
The Special Officer, Tamil Nadu Cooperative Union,
3 Representations received from the DCCBs
In the reference first cited, the DCCBs were permitted to issue salary loans
upto Rs 1.00 lakh to the employees of the Central/State Government and public
Sector undertakings repayable in 60 monthly instalments.
Now representations have been received from the DCCBs that Commercial
Banks are providing personal loans upto Rs 5/- lakhs and with a view to meet the
competition and to serve the customers in a better way, the limit followed by the
DCCBs may also be enhanced. The representations, have been examined in detail.
As there is increase in the emoluments over the years, and to enable the the
TNSCB/ DCCBs/ UCBs to meet the competition, they are permitted to issue salary
loans to the employees of Central/State Government/Public sector Undertakings
upto Rs 3.00 lakhs repayable in 60 monthly instalments.
While sanctioning the salary loans, the following conditions should be strictly
(i) The applicant seeking salary loan is not a member in more than one
credit society registered under the Tamil Nadu Cooperative Societies
Act 1983.
(ii) Necessary no due certificate is obtained from the concerned
Organization/Departmental Employees Cooperative Thrift and Credit
Societies before sanction of such loans.
/By Order/
The Special Officers of all DCCBs.
The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region.
The Special Officer, TNSACB, Chennai 600 001.
The Joint Registrars of all Regions.
Copy to the Deputy Registrars of all Circles.
Copy to the Special Officer, TNCU, Chennai 600 010.
Copy to all Administrative Sections in Office, AR(2opies), OE section.
Copy to Stock File.
mD¥òe® bgWe®
ÂU a¤ÔªÂueh¤ °nt‹, Ï.M.g. 1. jå mYty®,
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® jäœehL khãy jiyik T£LwÎ t§»,
170, <.bt.uh. beLŠrhiy, Ñœ¥gh¡f«, br‹id1.
br‹id -600 010 2. jå mYty®,
jäœehL khãy T£LwÎ ntsh©ik k‰W« Cuf ts®
¢Á t§».
3. TLjš gÂths®,
br‹id k©ly«, br‹id.
4. mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
5. mid¤J kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§»fë‹ jå
bghUŸ: T£LwÎ –T£LwÎ t§»fshš tH§f¥g£L ãYitæYŸs g©izrhuh¡ fl‹fS¡fhd Áw¥ò fl‹
ԮΤ £l« - 31.12.2011 nj tiu fhy Ú£o¥ò brŒJ - murhiz btëpLjš –
gh®it 1. murhiz (2o) v©.77, T£LwÎ czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw ehŸ 22.7.2009.
2. gÂthsç‹ foj« ef. 78230/2009/ktbfh3 ehŸ 24.7.2009
3. gÂthsç‹ foj« ef. 82591/2009/ktbfh3 ehŸ 21.8.2009 k‰W« 22.09.2009
4. murhiz (2o) v©.9, T£LwÎ czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw ehŸ
5.murhiz (2o) v©.133, T£LwÎ czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw ehŸ
gh®it 1š fhQ« murhizæš T£LwÎ t§»fshš tH§f¥g£L 31.7.2007š filÁ jtizÍ« V‰g£L
jtiz jt¿ tNyhfhkš ãYitæYŸs g©izrhuh¡ fl‹fS¡fhd Áw¥ò fl‹ ԮΤ £l¤ij eilKiw¥gL¤j muR
Mizæ£lJ. gh®it 2š fhQ« murhizæš g©izrhuh¡ fl‹fS¡fhd Áw¥ò¡ fl‹ ԮΠ£l« 31.3.2010
tiu Ú£o¡f¥g£lJ.
M) g©izrhuh¡ fl‹fS¡fhd Áw¥ò¡ fl‹ ԮΤ £l¤Âš nru¤ jFÂæUªJ« ÏJtiu nruhjt®fŸ,
Ϥ£l¤Â‹ go mt®fŸ brY¤j nt©oa bjhifæš 25 rjÅj¤ij 28.2.2011¡FŸ brY¤Â t§» / r§f¤Jl‹
x¥gªj« V‰gL¤Â¡ bfhŸs nt©L«. Ûj« brY¤j nt©oa bjhifia xnu jtizæš mšyJ mÂfg£rkhf
eh‹F fhyh©L jtizfëš 31.12.2011¡FŸ brY¤j nt©L«.
Ï) g©izrhuh¡ fl‹fS¡fhd Áw¥ò¡ fl‹ ԮΤ £l¤Â‹ Ïju têfh£LjšfŸ, mjhtJ Ϥ£l¤Â‹
Ñœ ga‹bgWtj‰fhd fl‹ jFÂ, cW¥Ãd®fëläUªJ tNè¡f nt©oa 6 rjÅj t£o, mguhj t£o k‰W«
Ïju bryéd§fŸ jŸSgo k‰W« T£LwÎ fl‹ ãWtd§fS¡F 4 rjÅj muR kh‹a« ngh‹wit bjhl®ªJ
eilKiwæš ÏU¡F«.
3) gh®it 4š fhQ« murhizæš bjçé¤JŸs rhuh«r§fis, x›bthU r§f¤Â‰F« bjhl®òW¤Â
Áw¥ò fl‹ ԮΠ£l¤Âš ÏJtiu nruhj, jFÂÍŸs g©izrhuh fl‹jhu®fis nr®¤J gadila cça elto¡if
vL¡FkhW nf£L¡ bfhŸ»nw‹.
5) g©izrhuh fl‹fS¡fhd Áw¥ò fl‹ ԮΠ£l¤Â‹ K‹nd‰w« m¿¡ifæid V‰fdnt gh®it
2š cŸs gÂths® foj¤Âš bjhl®òW¤j¥g£LŸs got§fëš 15 eh£fS¡F xUKiw k©ly
Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ (Reporting Format 1 and Reporting Format 2) jtwhkš gÂths®
mYtyf¤Â‰F mD¥Ã it¡FkhW nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wh®fŸ. nkY« k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§» K‹nd‰w m¿¡ifæidÍ« bg‰W X£Lbkh¤j K‹nd‰w m¿¡ifæid,
(Consolidated Report) Ï›tYtyf¤Â‰F mD¥Ã it¡FkhW nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wh®fŸ – E-
mail ID [email protected]. / [email protected].
7) Áw¥ò fl‹ ԮΤ £l¤Â‹ Kjš K‹nd‰w m¿¡if mjhtJ 15.12.2010 tiuæyhd m¿¡if
Ï›tYtyf¤Â‰F 17.12.2010¡FŸ jtwhkš mD¥Ãit¡f¥gl nt©L«. Kjš miu¤Â§fS¡fhd m¿¡if 17
M« nj¡FŸS« Ïu©lhtJ miu¤ §fŸ mjhtJ khj ÏW¡fhd m¿¡if mL¤j khj« 3 M« nj¡FŸS«
mD¥Ã it¡f¥gl nt©L«
8) k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ k‰W« kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§»æ‹ jå mYty®fŸ
Ϥ£l¤Âid Kid¥òl‹ f©fhâ¤J t§»fŸ / r§f§fë‹ bray‰w M°Âfë‹ mséid Fiw¡f elto¡if
vL¥gJl‹ K‹nd‰w m¿¡ifæid jtwhkš Ï›tYtyf¤Â‰F mD¥Ãit¡FkhW
nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wh®fŸ.
mid¤J ruf Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ,
bjhntr, et, ntCt, mgm k‰W« ãm (2 efèš)
ÏU¥ò¡ nfh¥ò ÃçÎfŸ.
T£LwÎ – T£LwÎ t§»fshš tH§f¥g£L ãYitæYŸs g©izrhuh¡ flD¡fS¡fhd Áw¥ò fl‹¤ ԮΠ£l« - fhy
Ú£o¥ò brŒjš – MizfŸ btëæl¥gL»‹wd.
1. murhiz (2o) v©.77, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤Jiw, ehŸ 22.7.2009
2. murhiz (2o) v©.9, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤Jiw, ehŸ 10.2.2010
3. T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®, br‹id.10 mt®fë‹ foj v©. e.f. 109979/2010 ktbfh.3 ehŸ
nkny x‹¿š go¡f¥g£l murhizæš, T£LwÎ t§»shš tH§f¥g£L ãYitæYŸs g©izrhuh¡ fl‹fS¡fhd
Áw¥ò¡ fl‹ ԮΤ £l¤ij eilKiw¥gL¤j MizfŸ btëæl¥g£ld. nkny Ïu©oš go¡f¥g£l murhizæš
g©izrhuh¡ fl‹fS¡fhd Áw¥ò fl‹ ԮΤ £l« 31.3.2010 tiu Ú£o¡f¥g£lJ.
2. nkny _‹¿š go¡f¥g£l foj¤Âš, nk‰T¿a Áw¥ò fl‹ ԮΤ £l¤Â‰fhd fhy mtfhr¤Âid nkY«
Ú£o¥gj‰fhd fU¤JUéid T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® muR¡F mD¥ÃÍŸsh®.
3. T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂthsç‹ fU¤JUéid muR ftdKl‹ MŒÎ brŒjJ. mj‹go T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹
gÂthsç‹ fU¤JUéid V‰W, T£LwÎ t§»fshš tH§f¥g£L ãYitæYŸs g©izrhuh¡ fl‹fS¡fhd Áw¥ò fl‹
ԮΤ £l¤Âid 31.12.2011 tiu fhy Ú£o¥ò brŒJ ËtU« tifæš brašgL¤jyh« vd muR brŒJ, m›thnw
m) g©izrhuh¡ fl‹fS¡fhd Áw¥ò¡ fl‹ ԮΤ £l¤Âš V‰fdnt ÏizªJ 25 rjÅj« brY¤Âat®fŸ Ûj«
brY¤j nt©oa bjhifia xnu jtizæš mšyJ mÂfg£rkhf eh‹F fhyh©L jtizfëš 31.12.2011 ¡FŸ brY¤j
M) g©izrhuh¡ fl‹fS¡fhd Áw¥ò¡ fl‹ ԮΤ £l¤Âš ÏJtiu nruhjt®fŸ mt®fŸ brY¤j nt©©a
bjhifæš 25 rjÅj« 28.2.2011¡FŸ brY¤j nt©L«. Ûj« brY¤j nt©oa bjhifia xnu jtizæš mšyJ
mÂfg£rkhf eh‹F fhyh©L jtizfëš 31.12.2011¡FŸ brY¤j nt©L«.
Ï) g©izrhuh¡ fl‹fS¡fhd Áw¥ò¡ fl‹ ԮΤ £l¤Â‹ Ïju têfh£LjšfŸ, mjhtJ Ϥ£l¤Â‹ Ñœ
ga‹bgWtj‰fhd fl‹ jFÂ, cW¥Ãd®fëläUªJ tNè¡fnt©oa 6 rjÅj t£o, mguhj t£o k‰W« Ïju bryéd§fŸ
jŸSgo k‰W« T£LwÎ fl‹ ãWtd§fS¡F 4 rjÅj muR kh‹a« ngh‹wit bjhl®ªJ eilKiwæš ÏU¡F«.
4. Ï›this 㤠Jiwæ‹ mYtš rh®g‰w¡ F¿¥ò v©.2916/FS/P/2010 ehŸ 29.11.2010 x¥òjYl‹
(MSeç‹ Miz¥go)
°tu‹ Á§
muR Kj‹ik¢ brayhs®
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®, br‹id.10
jå mYty®, jäœehL khãy jiyik¡ T£LwÎ t§», br‹id.1
jå mYty®, jäœehL T£LwÎ khãy ntsh©ik k‰W« Cuf ts®¢Á t§»,
T£LwÎ – T£LwÎ t§»fshš tH§f¥g£L ãYitæYŸs g©izrhuh¡ flD¡fS¡fhd Áw¥ò fl‹¤ ԮΠ£l« -
eilKiw¥gL¤Jjš – MizfŸ btëæl¥gL»‹wd.
nkny x‹¿š go¡f¥g£l murhizæš, T£LwÎ t§»fshš tH§f¥g£l g©izrhuh¡ fl‹ t£o
Fiw¥ò¤ £l« eilKiw¥gL¤Â Mizæl¥g£lJ. Ϫj¢ rYif¤ £l« 30.6.2009 tiu eilKiwæš
2) Ϥ£l«, jäœehL jiyik T£LwÎ t§», kht£l k¤Âa T£LwÎ t§»fŸ, efu T£LwÎ t§»fŸ,
bjhl¡f ntsh©ik T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§f§s, efu T£LwÎ fl‹ r§f§fŸ, bjhl¡f ntsh©ik k‰W«
Cuf ts®¢Á t§.fshš tH§f¥g£l g©izrhuh fl‹fS¡F k£L« bghUªJ«, mjhtJ ÁW tâf
ngh¡Ftu¤J fl‹ / if¤j¿ gt® Yh« fl‹ / bjhê‰ fl‹ / thâg¡ fl‹fŸ/ g¤Âu <£L¡ fl‹fŸ
ngh‹W m›t¥nghJ g©izrhuh fl‹fshf tif¥gL¤j¥g£l fl‹fS¡F k£L« Ϥ£l« bghUªJ«.
3) 31.3.2007 m‹W KGikahf jtiz jt¿, murhiz btëæl¥gL« ehëš ãYitæš cŸs g©iz
rhuh¡ fl‹fŸ k£L« Ϥ£l¤Âš jFÂbgW« mjhtJ fl‹ x¥gªj¤Â‹go tH§f¥g£l flå‹ filÁ
jtizæid f£lhkš jt¿æU¡f nt©L«.
2) fl‹ tH§f¥g£l njÂæèUªrJ x¥gªj« nk‰bfhŸS« ehŸ Koa muR¡¡ 6 rjÅj« rhjhuz
t£o tNè¡f¥gL«. TLjš t£o, mguhj t£o Ïju bryéd§fŸ KGikahf jŸSgo
3) Ï›thW fz¡»l¥gL« ãYit¤ bjhifiaél fl‹jhu® nk‰go fhy¡ f£l¤Âš r§f¤Âš ÂU«g
brY¤Âa bjhif mÂfg£rkhf ÏU¥Ã‹, fl‹ ԮΠbrŒa¥g£ljhf fUj¥gL«. v¡fhuz«-
bfh©L« bjhif VJ« ÂU«g tH§f¥glkh£lhJ. nk‰go fhy¡ f£l¤Âš fl‹jhu® bjhif
VJ« ÂU«g brY¤ÂæU¡F«g£r¤Âš mªjªj njÂfëš ãYitæèUªj mrš k‰W« t£o¡F
<L brŒJ ÏW¤ bjhif fz¡»l¥gL«.
(MSeç‹ Miz¥go)
f. r©Kf«
muR brayhs®
Registrar of Cooperative Societies
In the G.O. first cited, Government have issued orders for the payment of
ex-gratia pension to the retired employees of the DCCBs. In the Government orders
second cited, Government have issued orders for the payment of ex-gratia pension,
to those employees who did not opt for the pension under EPS 1995.
Now, with a view to adopt uniform procedure for the payment of ex-gratia
pension and also ex-gratia family pension by all the DCCBs, draft regulations are
enclosed. The Special Officers of the District Central Cooperative Banks are
requested to adopt the model regulations with the approval of the respective Circle
Deputy Registrars. They are also requested to report the action taken to get the
approval by the Circle Deputy Registrars before 27.12.2010.
The Special Officers of the District Central Cooperative Banks are requested
to communicate the contents of the regulations along with the application form to
the eligible retired staff of the District Central Cooperative Banks and the legal heirs
of the retired employees who are in receipt of the family pension under the EPS
The Special Officers of District Central Cooperative Banks are requested to
acknowledge the receipt of the Circular by next post.
/By Order/
.......................................BANK (EMPLOYEES) EXGRATIA PENSION
(a) “Act” means the Tamil Nadu Cooperative Societies Act, 1983
(b) “Rules” means the Tamil Nadu Cooperative Societies Rules, 1988.
(c) EPF Act means Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions
Act, 1952
(e) “Actuary” shall have the meaning assigned to it in clause (1) of Section 2
of the Insurance Act, 1938 (4 of 1938)
(i) “Child” means a child of the employee, who, if a son, is under twenty-five
years of age and if a daughter, is unmarried and is under twenty-five years
of age and the expression ‘children’ shall be construed accordingly.
(k) “Corpus Fund” means any sum created by the Bank for the purpose of
sanction of ex-gratia pension and ex-gratia family pension under this
regulations and shall include any sum credited as interest;
(l) “date of retirement” means the last date of the month in which an
employee retired from the services of the Bank or the date on which the
employee is deemed to have retired.
(m) “employee” means any person employed in the services of the Bank on
full time work on regular basis;
(b) Son who has not attained the age of twenty five years and unmarried
daughter who has not attained the age of twenty five years including such
son or daughter adopted legally;
a) Retired from 1987-88 to 1995-96 from the services of the DCCBs
(upto 15.11.1995) i.e. date on which EPS 195 was introduced.
b) Retired from 16.11.1995 to 20.9.2010 from the services of the
DCCBs and covered under EPS 1995, but receiving pension less
than Rs.2500 p.m.
c) Retired from 16.11.1995 to 20.9.2010 from the services of the
DCCBs but not opted for EPS 1995.
d) All legal heirs of the employees who were covered under EPS 1995
and were receiving family pension under EPS 1995 less than
Rs.1250 p.m.
4. Funds
The expenses towards payment of Ex-gratia pension and ex-gratia family
Pension should be met from a separate corpus fund created for this purpose.
Until the creation of the Corpus the expenses towards payment of Ex-gratia
Pension Ex-gratia / Family Pension shall be met from the funds of the Bank.
(ii) The Fund shall have its sole purpose of the provision of the payment
of Ex-gratia Pension or Ex-gratia Family Pension in accordance with
these regulations to the eligible retired employee or to their family of
the retired and deceased employees.
(iii) The Bank shall be the contributor to the Corpus Fund and shall ensure
that sufficient funds are parked in it, to make due payments under
these regulations. The respective banks shall submit specific proposals
for contributing to the Corpus Fund based on the Funds/Working
Results of the Bank. On approval such funds will be parked in the
Corpus Fund.
(i) The Corpus Fund created from out of the profit of the Bank
(ii) The investment in annuities or securities purchased from the
Corpus and interest thereon.
(iii) Amount of any capital gains arising from the capital assets of the
(iv) The additional contribution made by the Bank to the Corpus Fund.
(v) Any other income from investments made from the Corpus
7. Books of accounts of the Fund:-
(i) The accounts of the Corpus Fund, shall contain the particulars of
all financial transactions relating to the Corpus Fund in such form
as may be specified by the Bank.
(ii) Within ninety days from the closing of each financial year, the
Bank shall prepare a financial statement of the Corpus Fund
indicating therein the general account of assets and liabilities of the
Corpus Fund and Receipts and Charges and forward a copy of the
same to the Registrar of Cooperative Societies and to the Regional
Joint Registrar.
(iii) The accounts of the Corpus Fund shall be audited by the regular
Auditor who is conducting the statutory Audit of the Bank.
8. Actuarial valuation of the Fund:-
The Bank shall cause a valuation to be made into the financial
condition of the
Corpus Fund every financial year as on the 31 st day of March or whenever
necessary and make such additional contributions to the Corpus Fund as
may be required to ensure payment of the benefits under these regulations.
applicant opened for this purpose.
services of the Bank and have should be calculated as if
opted to come out of the EPS they have not received the
1985 and received the amount lump sum and if the amount
along with the PF so calculated is less than Rs
accumulations. 2500, the difference between
Rs 2500 and such calculated
amount shall be the ex-gratia
4 Ex-gratia family pension to the The difference between Rs
legal heirs of the employees 1250 and the actual family
who were covered under EPS pension received by them
1995 and the amount of under EPF family pension.
family pension under EPS 1995
is less than Rs 1250
(b) in the case of a son, until he attains the age of twenty-five years; and
(c) in the case of an unmarried daughter, until she attains the age of
twenty-five years or until she gets married, whichever is earlier:
The Registrar of Cooperative Societies may from time to time issue
instructions as may be considered necessary or expedient for the
implementation of these regulations. In case of doubt, in the matter of
application of these regulations, such issues shall be referred to Registrar of
Cooperative Societies and decision of the Registrar of Cooperative Societies
shall be final.
For Registrar
Passport size
Photograph of
the retired
5 Date of retirement
6 Number of years of service in the
7 Office/ Branch from where retired :
8 Whether opted to be covered
under EPS 1995 under the EPF
c. If so details therefor :
e. Amount of reduced pension, after :
g. Date from which reduced :
pension received
12. If not opted to receive pension :
under EPS 1995 under EPF
Account, date of receipt of
Contribution made under EPS
Witness ;-
Rc 127683/2010 CBP1 dated: 30-12-2010
In the reference first cited, the interest rates on deposits and loans
and advances have been communicated. In the reference second cited, per
gram rate for the jewel loans has been communicated.
2. Now in the reference third cited, the TNSACB has indicated that the
Asset Liability Committee of the Bank has suggested the following for
implementation by the Cooperatives
i To increase per gram rate from Rs. 1300 to Rs. 1400 for issue
of jewel for all tiers
iii To refix the upper limit of deposit rates at 10% p.a. and jewel
loan rate at 14% p.a. to the Cooperative Banks
(i) Per Gram rate for the jewel loans issued by the Cooperatives
is fixed at Rs 1400/-.
(ii) Interest rates in respect of Cash credit for Non-
Agricultural Advances shall be increased by 0.50 by the
TNSACB to DCCBs with similar increase in all tiers.
(iii) Upper limit of the deposit rates shall be 10% p.a. and the
jewel loan rates shall be 14% p.a.,
4. It shall come into force from the date of this order.
For Registrar
The Special Officer, TNSACB, Chennai 600 001.
The Special Officers of all DCCBs.
The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region.
The Joint Registrars of all Regions.
Copy to the Deputy Registrars of all Circles.
Copy to the Special Officer, TNCU, Chennai 600 010.
Copy to all Administrative Sections in Office, AR(2Copies),OE section.
Copy to Stock File.
Ï¥bghUŸ kh©òäF mik¢r® mt®fë‹ m¿é¥òfëš x‹whf tUtjhY«, mš vŒj¥gL« K‹nd‰w«
muR mséš f©fhâ¡f¥gLtjhY«, mid¤J bjhl¡f¡ T£LwÎ ntsh©ik k‰W« Cuf ts®¢Á t§»fS«
KjÄ£L¡ fl‹fis mÂf mséš tH§» kh©òäF mik¢r® mt®fë‹ m¿é¥òfë‹go 2010-11 M« M©oš
KjÄ£L¡ fl‹fŸ %.50/- nfho msé‰F tH§f¤ j¡f elto¡if nk‰bfhŸSkhW mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fS«
nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wh®fŸ. nkY«, ã®zæ¡f¥g£l F¿p£oid bjhŒé‹¿ ãiwnt‰w j¡f tifæš khjhªÂu
MŒÎ¡ T£l« _y« f©fhâ¤J K‹nd‰w étu¤Âid gÂthsU¡F khjªnjhW« mD¥Ã it¡FkhW
nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wh®fŸ.
X«/- gÂths®
/ Miz¥go /
1) jå mYty®
jäœehL T£LwÎ khãy ntsh©ik k‰W« Cuf ts®¢Á t§» br‹id.600 004
2) mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ br‹id k©ly Ú§fyhf
efš: 1.mid¤J ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ, Jiz¥gÂths® (fl‹) k‰W« (fld‰wit)
2.Ï›tYtyf ktbfh / ntCt3 ÃçÎfŸ
3.Ï›tYtyf mgm k‰W« ãm ÃçÎfŸ
Circular No.4/2010
(Rc.87154/2009/CM1) Dated : 20.01.2010
perform these business activities sourced by own funds or by availing cash
credit from District Central Cooperative Bank. During field visits of inspection
Officials to the districts it was noticed that there is wide variation in the rates
of interest charged by DCCBs to APCMS / PACCS on the finance extended for
such operations as well as in the interest charged to PACCS / CMS on the
ultimate members, from Region to Region.
1) In those cases, where DCCB avail refinance from TNSCB who in turn
utilize NABARD funds, the following interest rates shall be charged at various
2) In those cases, where DCCB utilizes its own funds for lending to
PACCS & APCMS for agricultural marketing and produce pledge loan
operations the interest rates shall be
All the Regional Joint Registrar and Special Officers of DCCBs are
requested to communicate the contents of this to all subordinate Officers.
/By Order/
For Registrar
The Special Officers, All DCCB
All Regional Joint Registrars
Copy to S.O., TNSACB, TANFED, Chennai
Copy to Addl. Regr., Chennai Region, Chennai.18
Copy to S.O., TNCU, Chennai.10
Copy to all Circle Deputy Registrars
Copy to all administrative Section
Copy to AR, OE Sections
Copy to PC to RCS
Copy to Stock file.
R‰w¿¡if v©.6/10
e.f.62888/2009 ér1 ehŸ : 11.2.2010
cW¥Ãd®fë‹ flikfŸ:
1. cW¥Ãd®fŸ jhkhfnth, r§f¤Â‹ cjéÍlndh ntsh© éis bghU£fis r§f¤¤Â‰F¡ bfh©L tu nt©L«.
2. é‰gid¡F V‰w tifæš éis bghU£fis jhkhfnth r§f¤Â‹ cjéÍlndh njit¡nf‰g gj¥gL¤Jjš,
tif¥gL¤Jjš, é‰gid¡nf‰wthW ju« Ãç¤jš, Vy« nfhUgtç‹ njit¡nf‰gΫ, bghUë‹ j‹ik¡nf‰gΫ
_£ilfshfnth, f£Lfshfnth, Á¥g§fshfnth Ãç¤J më¤jš M»ait cW¥Ãd®fë‹ bghW¥ghF«.
4. Vy« nfhu¥gL« éiy¡F bghUis é‰gid brŒtnjh é‰gid brŒa kW¥gnjh cW¥Ãdç‹ cçikahF«.
5. é‰gid brŒa Ïayhj ne®Îfëš éisbghU£fis jkJ brhªj¥ bghW¥Ãnyna cW¥Ãd®fŸ vL¤J¢ bršy
6. é‰gid¤ bjhifia cldoahfnth r§f¤Â‹ ã ãiyoa bghW¤J jhkjkhfnth bgw Ïirtë¥gJ cW¥Ãdç‹
éU¥g¤ij¥ bghW¤jjhF«.
1. r§f¤Âš Vy« nfhu tU»‹w mid¤J eg®fŸ F¿¤J« mt®fsJ bga®, Kftç, brh¤J égu§fŸ, Vy«
eilbg‰w Ïl«, mJ F¿¤j jftšfŸ, mªegç‹ flªj fhy éahghu« F¿¤j tuyhW, r§f¤Â‰F mt®fshš
bjhif tH§f¥g£l égu§fŸ, Ãw r§f§fëš Ïnj bghUis Vy« vL¤ÂU¥Ã‹ (mšyJ) Ãw bghU£fis Vy«
vL¤ÂU¥Ã‹ mJ F¿¤j égu§fŸ, nk‰go bghU£fis Vy« vL¤ÂU¥Ã‹ mJ F¿¤j égu§fŸ , nk
‰go égu§fis MŒÎ brŒa mYty® F¿¤j égu« M»ait ml§»a éahghç thçahd tuyh‰W
F¿¥ò¤jhŸ (HISTORY SHEET) guhkç¡f¥gl nt©L«. nk‰go étu§fis gçÓè¤J r§f¤Â‰F
Vy« vL¡f tUgtç‹ jF V, à k‰W« Á vd ju ã®za« brŒa¥gl nt©L«.
m) é‰gid r§f¤Â‰F KG e«gf¤j‹ik cilat® ‘V’ ju¤Âd® vdΫ
M) é‰gid r§f¤Â‰F xusÎ e«gf¤j‹ik cilat® ‘Ã’ ju¤Âd® vdΫ
Ï) é‰gid r§f¤Â‰F e«gf¤j‹ika‰wt®fŸ ‘Á’ ju¤Âd® vdΫ tif¥gL¤j nt©L«.
nk‰f©l égu§fis Ãw é‰gid¢ r§f§fS‹ g»®ªJ¡ bfhŸsyh«.
2. r§f« el¤J« Vy é‰gidæš fyªJ bfhŸS« éahghçfŸ Ïiz cW¥Ãd®fshf nr®¡f¥g£L Vy¤Âš fyªJ
bfhŸs mDk¡f¥gl nt©L«.
3. Vy« nfhUgt® éahghçahf ÏUªjhš é‰gid tç, gÂÎ v©. k‰W« bkh¤j éahghu mšyJ Ášyiu
éahghu mDk bg‰¿U¡f nt©L«.
4. Vy« vL¤j bghUis vL¤J¢ bršyhkš r§f¤Â‰F e£l« V‰gL¤Âatuhf ÏU¡f¡ TlhJ. Vy« vL¤j
bghUis r§f¤Âš ÏU¥ò it¤J¢ br‹whš mj‹ ghJfh¥Ã‰F¤ jhnk bghW¥ng‰f nt©L«. nkY« 10
eh£fS¡F nkš r§f¤Âš bghU£fis ÏU¥ò it¤jhš mj‰Fça thlif¤ f£lz« brY¤j nt©L«.
5. jhkjkhf bjhif brY¤Jtj‰Fça t£o, bghU£fis fh¥ÕL brŒtj‰fhd bryÎ k‰W« Vy« bjhl®ghf
r§f« brŒÍ« bryÎfis Vy« nfhUgt® V‰f nt©L«.
6. Ïj‰F K‹ r§f¤Âš Vy« vL¤j bghUis r§f¤Âš it¤J Ëd® bjhif brY¤Âa ne®ÎÎëš cça fhy¤Âš
bjhifia brY¤j¤ jt¿ Vy« vL¤j¥ bghUis vL¤J¢ bršyhkš r§f¤Â‰F e£l« V‰gL¤Âa ‘Á’ tF¥ò
ÃçédU«, òÂa ééhghçfS« Vy« vL¤j bghUis r§f¤Âš it¤J Ëd® bjhif brY¤Â bršy éU«Ãdhš
cça brš ãiy¢rh‹¿jœ (Sovlency Certificate) r§f¤Â‰fhd x¥gªj g¤Âu« M»at‰iw më¡f
nt©L«. Ïjdhš r§f¤Â‰F VnjD« ãÂÏH¥ò V‰go‹ mj‰F r§f ã®thf« KG¥bghW¥ng‰W <L
brŒa nt©L«.
2. cW¥Ãd®fŸ ntsh© éis bghU£fis r§f¤Â‰F¡ bfh©L tUtj‰F«, mt‰iw¥ gj¥gL¤Jjš, ju«
Ãç¤jš ngh‹w gâfS¡F« cça f£lz¤ij¥ bg‰W¡ bfh©L cW¥Ãd®fS¡F r§f« cjé brŒa nt©L«.
4. Vy« nfhUgt® / jh« Vy¤Âš bg‰w éis bghUis r§f¤Âš it¤J jhkjkhf vL¤J¢ bršy éU«Ãdhš
mj‰Fça thlif fh¥Õ£L¤ bjhif Kjèat‰iw tNš brŒa nt©L«.
5. Vy« nfhUgtç‹ bršãiy¢ rh‹¿jœ (Solvency Certificate), k‰W« mtuJ flªj fhy brašghLfë‹
mo¥gilæš é‰gid¡F tU« bghU£fë‹ tu¤J k‰W« cŸq® rªij ãytu« M»at‰iw fU¤Âš bfh©L
r§fnk mtU¡F Vy« vL¡f¡ Toa ca®ªj g£r mséid ã®zæ¡f nt©L«. Ϫj ca®ªj g£r msé‰F nkš
v¡fhuz« bfh©L« Vy« nf£f mDk¡f¡ TlhJ.
6. Vy¤Âš fyªJ bfhŸS« éahghçfŸ midtU« Vy« nfhç ÏU¡F« bghUë‹ k¥Ú %.10,000 fh¥ò¤
bjhif brY¤Â Vy¤Âš g§F bgw gÂÎ brŒJ bfhŸs nt©L«. Vy« Koªj Ëd® Vy« vL¤j bjhif
KGikahf brY¤j¥g£l Ëdnu Vy« vL¤jtU¡F Ϥbjhif t£oæ‹¿ ÂU¥Ã¡ bfhL¡f¥gL« Vy« vL¤j
bjhifæš ÏJ rçf£l¥gl¡TlhJ. Vy¤Âš g§F bg‰w k‰wt®¡F Vy« Koªj Ëd® Ϥbjhif t£oæ‹¿¤
ÂU¥Ã¡ bfhL¡f¥gL«.
7. Vy« vL¤jt® mt® Vy« vL¤j bghUë‹ k¥Ú 10% bjhifia Vy« eilbgW« ehs‹nw brY¤Â ÛÂ
cŸs 90% bjhifia mÂf g£rkhf Vy ehëèUªJ 15 eh£fS¡FŸ buh¡fkhfnth fhnrhiyahfnth nf£ò
tiunthiyahfnth brY¤j nt©L«. Vy« vL¤j ehs‹W 10% bjhifia brY¤Âdhš jh‹ mtU¡F Vy«
cW brŒa¥gl nt©L«. m›thW brY¤jhé£lhš Vy« vL¤jJ bršyhJ vd m¿é¤J kW ehŸ kW Vy«
el¤j¥gl nt©L«.
8. éahghçfëläUªJ Fiwªj g£rkhf 1 rjÅj« étrhæfëläUªJ Fiwªjg£rkhf 2 rjÅjK« juF¤ bjhif tNš
brŒa¥gl nt©L«. mªjªj gFÂæš ãyΫ rªij ãytu¥go r§f§fŸ juF¤ bjhifia ã®za« brŒJ
10. Vy« vL¤jt® 15 eh£fS¡FŸ bghUis vL¤J¢ bršy nt©L«. mÂf g£r« xU khj¤Â‰F k£Lnk Ϫj
tr mDkÂ.¡¥gl nt©L«. xU khj¤Â‰FŸ Vy« vL¤jt® bghU£fis vL¤J¢ bršy¤ jt¿dhš r§f«
m¥nbghU£fis é‰W bjhifia <LbrŒtJl‹ bjhifæš FiwÎ V‰g£lhš Vy« vL¤jtçl« tNš brŒa
nt©L«. Ïj‰fhf Vy« vL¤J Ko¤jÎl‹ cça r£l¥ó®t x¥gªj¥ g¤Âu¤ij mtçl« bgw nt©L«. Vy é
‰gid be¿KiwfŸ mid¤J« ϧF Ï›bth¥gªÂ¤Âš Ïl« bgw nt©L«.
11. Vy« vL¤jt® bghU£fis r§f¤Âš it¤J¢ br‹whY« mit Vy« vL¤jtç‹ brhªj¥ bghW¥Ãnyna ÏU¡f
nt©L«. våD«, Ô, ÂU£L Kjèa nrj§fS¡F vÂuhf m¥bghU£fis Vy« vL¤jtç‹ bryéš fh¥ÕL
brŒa¥gl nt©L«.
12. Vy« nfhUgt® gyKiw Vy¤Âš g§F bfh©L bghU£fis r§f¤Âš it¤J Ëd® bjhif brY¤Â
bghU£fis vL¡F« nghJ tçir¥go mjhtJ Kjèš it¤j bghUisna Kjèš vL¤J¢ bršy mDk¡f nt©L«.
våD« Vy¤Âš vL¡f¥g£l bghUë‹ rªij ãytu« k‰W« éahghçæ‹ flªj fhy éahghu nythnjéæ‹
e«gf¤j‹ik (Creditbility of Traders) k‰W« bghU£fë‹ ju« M»at‰¿‹ mo¥gilæš njit
mÂfç¡F« ãiyæš be¿Kiwia¤ js®¤Â bghU£fis vL¤J¢ bršy mDk¡f nt©L«. Ïj‰Fça fhuz¤ij
gÂÎ brŒa nt©L«.
13. Vy« nfhUgt® ntW r§f¤Âš cW¥Ãduhf Ïšyhjtuh v‹gij r§f« cW brŒJ bfh©l Ëdnu mtiu
Vy¤Âš g§F bgw mDk¡f nt©L«. Ïj‰fhf mtçl« xU cW bkhêia vG¤J _y« bgw nt©L«.
14. Vy¤Âš é‰gid brŒa¥g£l bghUë‹ éiyia cW¥Ãd®fS¡F cldoahfnth r§f¤Â‹ ã ãiyia¥
bghW¤J cW¥Ãdç‹ ÏirÎL‹ Ëdnuh r§f« cW¥Ãd®fS¡F tH§f nt©L«.
15. v¡fhuz« bfh©L« Vy« vL¥gt® fl‹Kiwæš ru¡Ffis vL¤J bršy mDk¡f¡ TlhJ.
16. X£L bkh¤j Vy eilKiwfis bray® / nkyh©ik Ïa¡Fe® m‹whl« f©fhâ¤J tu nt©L«.
17. Vy eilKiwfis khj« xU Kiw jtwhJ ã®thf¡ FGé‹ x¥òjY¡F it¡f nt©L«.
18. Vy elto¡iffis¥ gÂÎ brŒa jåahf xU gÂntL guhkç¤J mš cça gÂÎfŸ brŒJ mjid bray® /
nkyh©ik Ïa¡Fe® x¥g« brŒa nt©L«.
19. Ï¢R‰w¿¡ifæš nk‰F¿¥Ã£l têKiwfis¤ jéu r§f¤Â‰F« mj‹ ã¡F« ghJfh¥ghf mika¡ Toa
têKiwfŸ j‰nghJ Ëg‰w¥g£L tªjhš mt‰iwÍ« r§f§fŸ bjhl®ªJ Ëg‰wyh«.
21. xU T£LwÎ é‰gid¢ r§f¤Âš Vy eilKiwia Ëg‰w¤ jt¿a éahghçia ntW vªj T£LwÎ é‰gid¢
r§f¤ÂY« bfhŸKjš brŒa mDk¡fnt TlhJ. Ïij mid¤J T£LwÎ r§f§fS« jtwhkš filÃo¡f nt©L«.
22. Vy« bjhl®ghd eilKiwfŸ tGthJ Ëg‰w¥gLtij m›t¥nghJ ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ f©fhâ¥gij
k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ cWÂ brŒJ bfhŸs nt©L«.
23. Ϫj eilKiwfŸ cldoahf brayh¡f« brŒa¥gl nt©L«. mt‰¿‰nf‰g Jiz éÂfis K‹djhf gÂÎ brŒJ
bfhŸs nt©L«.
24. Ï¢R‰w¿¡ifæ‹ efèid mid¤J T£LwÎ é‰gid¢ r§f§fS¡F« ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ tH§» r§f¤Â‹
x¥òjiy¥ bgw nt©L«. Ïij¥ bg‰W¡ bfh©lj‰fhd x¥òjiy ruf Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ k©ly
Ïiz¥gÂths®fS¡F«, k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths® gÂths® mYtyf¤Â‰F« cl‹ mD¥Ã it¡f nt©L«.
efš mid¤J ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ
“ jäœehL T£LwÎ é‰gid Ïiza«, br‹id.18
“ mid¤J ntsh©ik c‰g¤Âahs®fŸ T£LwÎ é‰gid¢ r§f§fŸ
k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ _ykhf.
Thiru Jatindra Nath Swain, I.A.S.,
Circular No.6/2010
(Rc.62888/2010/CM1) Dated : 12.04.2010
Responsibilities of Members:-
After examining the above mentioned details, the grade of the traders
coming for participation in the auction shall be determined as grade, A, B and
i) “A” Grade -Fully Reliable
ii) “B” Grade - Partly Reliable
iii) “C” Grade - Not Reliable.
4) He should not be the one who created loss to the society by not taking
the produces taken in auction in time from the society in the past.
The trader is responsible for the safety of the produces taken in
auction in time from the society in the past. The trader is responsible
for the safety of the produces taken in auction if he keeps them in the
Society. If the produces are kept in the society for more than 10 days,
he shall pay to the society the rent fixed for the period exceeding 10
5) Traders shall bear the interest for the belated payment of sale
proceeds, expenses for insuring the produces, expenses incurred by
the society in connection with the auction.
6) ‘C’ grade traders who created loss to the society by not taking the
produces taken in auction in time from the society in the past and
new traders, if they wish to keep the produces in the premises of the
society and to take them later after paying the sale amount, shall
produce solvency certificate and execute agreement with the society.
Management of the society shall be fully responsible for the loss, if
any, sustained by the society due to this and shall compensate the
loss to the society.
1) It is the prior duty of the society to keep the place of auction (auction
yard) clean and safe.
2) Society shall help the members for bringing their produces, processing
and grading them by getting necessary charges from them.
4) Society shall collect rent, insurance amount etc. from the traders for
Keeping the produces taken in auction in the society.
5) Each society shall fix the maximum francial limit for taking auction to
every individual traders taking into account the solvency certificate
furnished, his past performance with the society, the quantum of
agricultural produces that has come for marketing to the society, the
variety of produce that is auctioned, local market position etc. Trader
should not be allowed to bid for higher amount over the maximum
limit fixed for auction.
10) Traders shall take the produces within 15 days. The facility shall be
extended for a maximum period of one month only. If the trader fails
to take the produces within one month from the society, the society
shall sell the produces and make good the sale proceeds and the
deficit amount, if any shall be recovered from the trader concerned.
For this, necessary legal agreement shall be obtained from him as
soon as the auction is confirmed to him. This agreement shall contain
all the procedures/guidelines/regulations framed for conduct of
auction sales.
for insurance of the produces against first, theft etc. at the expense of
the trader concerned.
12) Traders who have participated in several auctions and kept his
produces in the society shall be allowed to take the produces on a
“first in first out” basis only. However, considering the market
position of the agricultural produces taken in auction, past business
performance and creditability of the traders concerned, quality and
demand of the produces, the nature of Agricultural Produce, the
condition may be relaxed and the trader may be allowed to take out
the produces required from the society. Reasons for the same shall be
recorded and registered in the stock delivery Register, duly
authenticated by the Society.
13) Society shall ensure that the traders is not a member in other
societies before allowing him to participate in the auction. An
undertaking in this regard shall be obtained in writing from him.
14) Society shall make immediate settlement of the sale amount of the
produces the same day or at a later date depending upon the funds
position of the society after getting consent from the members.
17) Auction sales transactions shall be kept before the board once in a
19) Apart from the procedures laid down in this Circular, any other
procedures in vogue (Practised at present) to safeguard the interest
and funds of the society shall be continuously followed.
20) Suitable action shall be taken against those who fall to follow the
guidelines framed for the conduction of auction sales. Regulations for
the conduct of auction sales shall be framed, got registered by the
Circle Deputy Registrars and adhered scrupulously.
21) Traders who does not follow the procedures laid down for conduct of
auction sales in the Cooperative Marketing Societies shall not be
allowed to transact in any other Cooperative Marketing Societies. All
the Agricultural Producers Cooperative Marketing Societies shall
follow it without fail.
22) The Regional Joint Registrars shall ensure that the circle Deputy
Registrars monitor and supervise these procedures laid down for
conduct of auction sales are followed scrupulously by the societies.
23) Procedures / guidelines framed shall come into force with immediate
effect. Bylaws shall be got registered for this immediately.
24) All the Circle Deputy Registrars shall send the copy of this Circular to
all the Agricultural Producers Cooperative Marketing Societies and get
the acknowledgement from them. They shall send their
acknowledgement to Regional Joint Registrars and Regional Joint
Registrars shall send their acknowledgement to Registrar of
Cooperative Societies immediately.
Sd/- (Jatindra Nath Swain)
/By Order/
For Registrar
All Regional Joint Registrars
Copy to S.O., TANFED, Chennai
Copy to Addl. Regr., Chennai Region, Chennai.18
Copy to all Agricultural Producers Cooperative Marketing Societies through
Regional Joint Registrars
Copy to all Circle Deputy Registrars
Copy to Special Officer, Thanjavur Coop. Marketing Federation, Tiruvarur
Copy to all administrative Section
Copy to AR, OE Sections, CM2 and CM3 Sections
Copy to PC to © Registrar of Cooperative Societies
Copy to Stock file.
From To
Thiru Jatindra Nath Swain, I.A.S., The Special Officer,
Registrar of Cooperative Societies TANFED
No.170, E.V.R. Periyar High Road, Chennai.18
Kilpauk, Chennai.600 010
All the Regional Joint Registrars
Rc. 31200/2010 CM1 dated 19.4.2010
/By Order/
For Registrar
Enclosure : As in draft
Copy of G.O.Ms.No.41, Cooperation, Food and Consumer Protection
(CM1) Department, dated 12.4.2010 addressed to the Registrar of
Cooperative Societies Chennai.10.
Cooperation – Procurement of Ball Copra and Milling Copra under
Price Support Scheme during 2010 by Tamil Nadu Cooperative
Marketing Federation Limited – Permission granted – Orders – issued.
per kg. respectively under the Price Support Scheme for the year 2009
by following the guidelines / amendments issued in the above said
Government orders.
/True Copy /
For Registrar.
Circular No.5/10
Rc.975/2010/CC3 Dated: 8.2.2010
In the reference 4th cited, Arumuga Consumer Care, has requested for inclusion of
‘Avitta’ products in the above list of commodities. Considering criteria such as popularity and
turnover of the company and market share of the products ‘Avitta masala’ and Avitta “R” gold
corn oil are included in the list of non controlled commodities that could be sold through Fair
Price Shops. As already instructed stock of these items should not be held for more than a
The Regional Joint Registrars are requested to acknowledge the receipt of this Circular
by return of post and they are requested to communicate this Circular to all those concerned.
/By order/
For Registrar
1. The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region
2. All the Regional Joint Registrar’s
3. The Joint Registrar (Public Distribution System ) I & II Chennai
4. The Special Officers of all Cooperative Wholesale Stores
5. The Special Officer, Tamil Nadu Consumers Cooperative Federation Ltd., Chennai.
6. The Special Officer, Tamil Nadu Cooperative Marketing Federation Ltd., Chennai
7. The Special Officer, Tiruchengode and Erode Agricultural Producers Cooperative Marketing
Copy to the PDS, CCS, CM, PACB, AR
2. This policy under implementation from 2001 has led to steady downturn in the
business of PACS because of inability of Consumer Cooperative Wholesale Stores, to
supply in Time. This inability is due to the following:
a) Most Consumer Cooperative Wholesale Stores are themselves cash-starved
and short of working capital. So they are not able to maintain adequate stock
to cater to the demand of primaries.
b) Consumer Cooperative Wholesale Stores lack the technology and efficient
manpower to correctly assess the requirement and to meet the demand on
short notice.
c) Consumer Cooperative Wholesale Stores, because of lack of computerization
are not able to deal in more than 200-300 items, whereas modern retailing
even in rural areas to the tune of Rs.2.5 lakhs / month will require stocking of
atleast 1000 products.
d) All Consumer Cooperative Wholesale Stores run large number of ration shops
and hence their entire energy is devoted to PDS management. As a result
they are unable to concentrate on wholesaling and also lack skilled
manpower to carry it out.
3. It is clear that only with adequate funds and use of I.T. Technology in
Inventory and indent management (ERP) Consumer Cooperative Wholesale Store can
efficiently cater to the requirement of primaries. But ERP implementation process has
just started, similarly financial health / improvement of Consumer Cooperative
Wholesale Stores through sale of assets, rescheduling of loans, infusion of funds from
PCDF / CRDF has also just begun. It will take atleast 6-12 months before Consumer
Cooperative Wholesale Store will attain capability to handle large volume of wholesaling
and stock. Till that time primaries have to be given an alternatives to develop
4) Based on such consideration, the existing system of purchase by the primaries
is hereby modified and the Primaries (PCS / PACS) are hereby permitted to purchase
the required commodities from open market subject to the following conditions and
a) Primaries are permitted to purchase the required commodities from open
market initially for 6 months starting from date of issue of this order.
b) PCS/PACS are also free to purchase at JPC rates/open market rates
whichever is cheaper.
c) Only good quality products may be purchased. The 5 basic principles of
purchase (ie)
Right Quality
Right Quantity
Right Price
Right time and
Right source
Should be strictly adhered to
d) A committee comprising of Special Officer, Secretary/Manager and a staff of
the society may deal with purchase operations. The purchases should be
made adopting due procedures.
e) Inventor holding at any point of time should not ordinarily exceed 1 months
average sale and 2 months in the case of any specific item.
f) Care should be taken to select the right suppliers who are reputed (Reputed
here means wholesalers / stockists / dealers and not “LETTER PAD”
g) Purchase should be based on local demand. There may be some variations in
the first month. However, a clear assessment of the demand before indent is
finalized should be done from the second month onwards.
h) Purchase and stocking should be undertaken during the last week of every
month, so that products are made available in the first and second week for
sale. During festival season special stocking can be done as per the
i) There is no restriction on the types of commodities to be purchased and sold
by retail outlets run by PCS and in the head office shop / retail outlets opened
/ to be opened by PACS (PDS shops are not to be counted as retail outlets
under this definition)
j) However the restrictions imposed in Registrar’s circular No.22,
Rc.51283/2008/CC3 dated 15.7.2008 and 21.8.2008 on the list of
commodities to be sold in PDS will continue.
k) There should be no forced sales in the PDS shops run by primaries. Any
instance reported will attract severe disciplinary action against the Special
Officer, Secretary/Manager and concerned salesman.
The field Officer, Circle Deputy Registrar and Regional Joint Registrar may
supervise and ensure that there are no forced sales.
l) An abstract of day wise/unit wise sales should be maintained.
m) The margin to be fixed by the primaries may vary from 4% to 10% for different
items as follows:
Rice - 6%
Groceries - 6 – 10%
Oil - 4%
Eatables - 10%
FMCG - 4 – 6%
Remaining items - 6 -10%
Care should be taken to fix the margin, so as to maintain prices slightly below
nearly private shops so as to give good name to cooperatives. Further in 10
-15 fast moving items margin may be kept thin in first 3 months to attract
For this, a register of prices of important commodities in the shop and nearby
shops may be kept and updated every Monday.
However a discounted system may also be adopted for non-moving items.
n) The composition of product availability in retail outlets based on sales may be
as follows:
Rice - 25%
Groceries - 35%
Cosmetics/toiletries - 25%
Eatables - 5%
Others - 10%
o) The Regional Joint Registrar’s are instructed to strictly monitor the
performance of the primaries after implementing the revised system of
Receipt of this Circular should be acknowledged.
/By Order/ For Registrar
All the Regional Joint Registrars
Copy to: 1. The Special Officer, TNCCF/TANFED
2. Special Officers of all Consumer Cooperative Wholesale Stores
3. All the Circle Deputy Registrars
4. All administrative sections, O/o the Registrar of Cooperative Societies
The need based cadre strength for all posts except drivers and Night Watchmen were
fixed in all Cooperative Wholesale Stores and communicated vide reference 1 st cited. However
instructions were issued to appoint them when needed through man-power agencies.
In the reference 2nd cited, the Special Officer / Joint Registrar Kancheepuram District
Cooperative Wholesale Stores had requested for enhancement of cadre strength for drivers
and also sought permission to recruit the drivers directly through employment because of the
high cost of recruitment through man power agency.
As per the references 3rd cited permission was accorded to Kancheepuram District
Cooperative Wholesale Stores to engage drivers through outsourcing. In these circumstances it
has been decided to grant general permission to all Special Officers of Cooperative Wholesale
Stores to engage drivers from outsourcing from approved travels, private fleet operators etc.
subject to the following conditions.
Circular No.17/10
Rc.18132/2010/CC3 Dated: 3.6.2010
In the reference 5th cited, Nestle India Ltd., Chennai has requested for the inclusion of
their products in the above list of commodities that could be sold through Fair Price Shops.
Considering the criteria like popularity of the products turn over of the company and market
KAT MUNCH, AND BAR ONE) are included in the list of non-controlled commodities that
could be sold through Fair Price Shops. As already instructed stock of these items should not
be held for more than a month.
The Regional Joint Registrar are requested to acknowledge the receipt of this Circular
by return of post and they are requested to communicate this circular to all those concerned.
/ By order /
For Registrar
1. The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region
2. All the Regional Joint Registrar’s
3. The Joint Registrar (Public Distribution System ) I & II Chennai
4. The Special Officers of all Cooperative Wholesale Stores
5. The Special Officer, Tamil Nadu Consumers Cooperative Federation Ltd., Chennai.
6. The Special Officer, Tamil Nadu Cooperative Marketing Federation Ltd., Chennai
7. The Special Officer, Tiruchengode and Erode Agricultural Producers Cooperative
Marketing Society
In G.O. 1st cited, Government have ordered that the groceries (other than
controlled commodities and vegetables) required by Prison Dept. hitherto purchased
thro’ “Open Tender System” be directly purchased from Coop. Societies.
In Registrar’s lr. 2nd cited the Special Officers of the Consumer Cooperative
Wholesale Stores and other lead societies were requested to supply groceries and
vegetables to the Prison within their jurisdiction on demand on credit basis. The
following instructions are issued with regard to supply of groceries and vegetables to
the Prison Department.
a) Jail authorities competent to issue indents and to receive the goods indented
should be ascertained from the jail concerned in writing
f) According to the quantity and value of the vegetable requirements, the
Special Officers should do prudent purchase at reasonable price and margin.
i) Feed back should be obtained from the Prison warden now and then by the
Special Officer
j) It should be ensured that the credit bill is settled within 15 days. It may be
informed to the Jail Authorities that interest will be charged for belated
k) A separate register should be maintained with all relevant details of each and
every transaction.
m) Only for the commodities which are not dealt by the concerned Joint
Purchase Committee, the purchases from the Open market should be made
by following due procedure.
n) The rates for supply to Prison Dept should not exceed the retail rates fixed by
the Coop. stores for the same commodities.
o) The selling rates for the commodities purchased from open market, should be
on part with the prevailing market rate for that particular commodity.
p) These instructions should be complied without fail and any deviations will be
viewed seriously and Special Officers will be held responsible.
The Special Officers of all the Consumer Cooperative Wholesale Stores and
the Regional Joint Registrars are requested to ack. the receipt of this circular by return
of post.
/By order/
For Registrar
The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region
All the Regional JRs and Joint Registrar (PDS) 1 &2
All the Special Officers of the Consumer Coop. Wholesale Stores
The Director General of Prison, Chennai.8
AR and OE section in Registrar’s Office, and
Copy to Stock file 2010
R‰w¿¡if v©.30
e.f.103859/2010ETg2 ehŸ : 21.10.2010
Ïjid¤ bjhl®ªJ òÂajhf V‰gL¤j¥g£LŸs k‰W« Jt§f¥gl cŸs kUªjf§fëš gâah‰¿l nt©oÍ«
kUªjhSe®fë‹ gâãiy¤ Âwid (Cadre Strength) ã®za« brŒa nt©o nfhç¡iffis gy T£LwÎ bkh¤j é
‰gid g©lfrhiyfŸ K‹ it¤JŸsd.
Ïj‹ bjhl®ghf gçÓyid brŒJ ÑœtUkhW kUªjf§fë‹ mo¥gilæš gâãiy¤Âwid (Cadre Strength)
ã®za« brŒJ bfhŸs mDk tH§f¥gL»wJ.
kUªjf§fŸ Jt¡Fjš òÂa Ka‰Á v‹gjhY« mj‹ K‹nd‰w étu« cl‹ bjçatthjjhY« nkny
F¿¥Ã£LŸs cjé é‰gidahs®fis jåah® / btëbfhz® ãWtd« _y« (Outsourcing Agency) j‰fhèf
mo¥gilæš k£Lnk ãaä¤J¡ bfhŸs nt©L«.
/ Miz¥go /
jå mYty®
mid¤J Ef®nth® T£LwÎ bkh¤j é‰gid g©lfrhiyfŸ
ii) Advertisement should be made in 2 leading Newspapers that has wide
circulation of which one should be in Tamil.
iii) Candidates from both the sources can be subjected to a common selection
procedure i.e. intereview.
iv) Candidates sponsored by employment exchange may be given preference.
If none of them show willingness, candidates from open competition can be
v) Rule of reservation should be strictly followed.
i) Educational Qualifications:
/By order/
For Registrar
The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region
All the Regional JRs and Joint Registrar (PDS) 1 &2
All the Special Officers of the Consumer Coop. Wholesale Stores
bghJ éãnahf¤ £l« - 2009-2010 M« M©il Ef®nth® nrit M©lhf t£l tH§fš mYtyf§fŸ, cjé
Mizahs® mYtyf§fŸ k‰W« ãaha éiy¡ filfëš mDrç¥gJ – MizfŸ btëæl¥gL»‹wd.
kh©òäF mik¢r® (czÎ) mt®fŸ 22.06.2009 M« ehs‹W r£l k‹w¥ nguitæš eilbg‰w T£LwÎ,
czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤Jiw khåa¡ nfhç¡if éthj¤Â‹nghJ gšntW m¿é¥òfSl‹ Ñœ¡f©l
m¿é¥igÍ« btëæ£lh®fŸ.
Ï›t¿é¥Ãid brašgL¤j VJthf bghJ éãnahf¤ £l brayh¡f¤Âš xU§»»zªJ brašgl¡Toa T£LwÎ, czÎ¥
bghUŸ tH§fš k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw k‰W« jäœehL Ef®bghUŸ thâg¡ fHf« M»a
JiwfŸ nk‰bfhŸs¥gl nt©oa E£gkhd braš £l¤Âid czÎ¥ bghUŸ tH§fš k‰W« Ef®nth®
ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw Mizahs® cUth¡», Ï¢brayh¡f¤ £l¤Â‹ Ñœ bghJ éãnahf¤ £l ãaha éiy m§fhoæ‹ nrit
ju¤ij ca®¤JtJ r«gªjkhd brayh¡f¤ £l¤ÂidÍ«, t£l tH§fš / cjé Mizahs® mYtyf§fëš tH§f¥gL« nritfë‹
ju¤ij nk«gL¤Jjš r«gªjkhd brayh¡f¤ £l¤ÂidÍ« muR¡F mD¥ÃÍŸsh®. Ϥ£l§fis¢ brašgL¤j VJthf
x¥òjš tH§FkhW«, Ïjid 2010 M« M©L ÏW¡FŸ brašgL¤j mid¤J¤ Jiwfis m¿ÎW¤Â MizfŸ
tH§FkhW« czÎ¥ bghUŸ tH§fš k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw Mizahs® nf£L¡ bfh©LŸsh®.
2. czÎ¥ bghUŸ tH§fš k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw Mizahsç‹ fU¤JU e‹F gçÓyid
brŒa¥g£L mjid V‰W¡ bfhŸsyh« vd muR KoÎ brŒJŸsJ. bghJ éãnahf¤ £l ãaha éiy m§fhoæ‹
nrit ju¤ij ca®¤JtJ r«gªjkhd brayh¡f¤ £l¤Â‰F«, t£l tH§fš / cjé Mizahs® mYtyf§fëš tH§f¥gL«
nritfë‹ ju¤ij nk«gL¤Jjš r«gªjkhd brayh¡f¤ £l¤Â‰F« muR x¥òjš më¡»wJ. x¥òjyë¡f¥g£l £l§fë‹
étu§fŸ murhizæ‹ Ã‰nr®¡ifæš Ïiz¥g£LŸsd.
3. Ϥ£l§fis 2010 M« M©L ÏW¡FŸ brašgL¤j elto¡if vL¡FkhW T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®,
czÎ¥ bghUŸ tH§fš k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw Mizahs® k‰W« jäœehL Ef®bghUŸ
thâg¡ fHf nkyh©ik Ïa¡Fe® M»nah® nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»‹wd®.
(MSeç‹ Miz¥go)
f. r©Kf«
muR Kj‹ik¢ brayhs®
Miza®, czÎ¥ bghUŸ tH§fš k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw, br‹id.5
nkyh©ik Ïa¡Fe®, jäœehL Ef®bghUŸ thâg¡ fHf«, br‹id.10
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®, br‹id.10
/Miz¥go mD¥g¥gL»wJ/
ÃçÎ mYty®
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ R‰w¿¡if , br‹id.600 010
ÂU. a¤ÔªÂu eh¤ °nt‹, Ï.M.g.,
R‰w¿¡if v©.8/2010 ehŸ 17.2.2010
(e.f.13363/2010 bghéÂf 3)
bghUŸ: bghJ éãnahf¤Â£l« - ef®Î¥ gâ nk‰bfhŸS« Kj‹ik¢ r§f«
k‰W« Ra vL¥ò¢ r§f§fë‹ ef®Î¥ gâahs®fŸ nk‰bfhŸs
nt©oa gâfŸ F¿¤J
gh®it: 1. gÂthsuJ R‰w¿¡if v©.96552/06 bghéÂf 3 ehŸ 22.7.06
2. gÂthsuJ R‰w¿¡if v©. 25529.07 bghéÂf 3 ehŸ 2.3.07
bghJ éãnahf¤ £l¤Â‹ Ñœ m¤ÂahtrÂa¥ bghU£fŸ k‰W« Áw¥ò¥ bghJ éãnahf¤ £l¥
bghUŸfŸ, Ef®bghUŸ thâg¡ fHf ££§fëèUªJ yhçfŸ _y« Kj‹ik¢ r§f§fŸ k‰W« Ra vL¥ò¢
r§f§fS¡F bfh©L bršy¥gL« nghJ, mªj yhçfëš r«kªj¥g£l r§f§fë‹ ef®Î¥ gâahs®fŸ cl‹ bršy nt©L« vd
gh®itæš fhQ« R‰w¿¡ifæš m¿ÎiufŸ tH§f¥g£LŸsd. Ϫj ef®Î¥ gâæš <LgL« ef®Î¥ gâahs®fŸ,
ef®Î¥ gâ¡fhf cgnahf¥gL¤j¥gL« yhçfë‹ gÂÎ v©fŸ, yhç cçk§fë‹ étu§fŸ t£lhu¥ ngh¡Ftu¤J¡ fHf¤jhš
tH§f¥g£l M®.Á. ò¡ff étu§fŸ M»at‰iw jåahd xU gÂnt£oš ehŸ thçahf¡ F¿¤J¥ gÂÎ brŒa nt©L«
vdΫ Ï›thtz§fë‹ efš x‹iw bg‰W ef®Î gâahs® it¤ÂU¡f nt©L« vdΫ m¿Îiu tH§f¥gL»wJ. x›bthU
ÂdK« ef®Î¥ gâæš <LgL« r«kªj¥g£l yhçæ‹ étu§fis Ï¥gÂnt£oš gªJ, Ϫ ef®Î¥ gâahs®fŸ
Ï¥gÂnt£il¥ guhkç¡f nt©L«. Ï¥gÂntL, MŒÎ brŒÍ« Jiw mYty®fshš m›t¥nghJ MŒÎ brŒa¥gL«.
m›thW MŒÎ brŒÍ«s nghJ, Ï¥gÂnt£oš Kiwahd gÂÎfŸ nk‰bfhŸshjJ f©LÃo¡f.gL« g£r¤Âš
r«kªj¥g£l ef®Î¥ gâahs®fŸ ÛJ fLikahd xG§F elto¡if vL¡f¥gL« vd bjçé¡f¥gL»wJ. Ϫ eilKiw
cldoahf mKY¡F tU»wJ.
1) mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
2) Ïiz¥gÂths® (bghJ éãnahf £l« I k‰W« II)
4) jå mYty® mid¤J kht£l Ef®nth® T£LwÎ bkh¤j é‰gid g©lfrhiy
efš : 1) mYtyf mid¤J bghé k‰W« ET, E ÃçÎfŸ
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ R‰w¿¡if , br‹id.600 010
ÂU. a¤ÔªÂu eh¤ °nt‹, Ï.M.g.,
bghUŸ: bghJ éãnahf¤Â£l« - 2009-2010 M« M©il Ef®nth®
nrit M©lhf ãahaéiy¡ filfëš mDrç¥gJ – muR
MizfŸ btëæl¥g£lJ – eilKiw¥gL¤Âl m¿ÎiufŸ
tH§Fjš – bjhl®ghf
gh®it: 1. muR Miz (o) v©.47, T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth®
ghJfh¥ò¤Jiw ehŸ 2.2.2010
2. Mizaç‹ ne®Kf foj« Ï2/31138-09 ehŸ 22.2.2010.
kh©òäF czΤJiw mik¢r® mt®fŸ 22.8.2009 M« ehs‹W eilbg‰w T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W«
Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤Jiw khåa¡ nfhç¡if éthj¤Â‹ ÛJ gšntW m¿é¥òfSl‹ Ñœf©l m¿é¥igÍ«
nk‰f©l m¿é¥Ãid¤ bjhl®ªJ ãahaéiy¡ fil m§fhoæ‹ nrit ju¤ij ca®¤JtJ r«gªjkhd brayh¡f
£l¤ij gh®itæš fhQ« murhiz _ykhf btëæl¥g£LŸsJ. bghJéãnahf¤ £l ãahaéiy m§fhofë‹ nrit ju¤ij
ca®¤Jjš bjhl®ghf murhš btëæl¥g£l brayh¡f¤ £l¤ij mKšgL¤Jjš bjhl®ghf V‰fdnt éçthd m¿ÎiufŸ
tH§f¥g£LŸsd. mit Ñœf©lthW kWgoÍ« cW brŒa¥gL»‹wd.
khj¤Â‹ 2 M« ehëš bgw¥gLtijÍ«, 60% K‹ ef®éid 25 M« nj Kjš 5« nj¡FŸ Ko¥gijÍ« Û 40%
ef®éid 20 « nj¡FŸ Ko¥gijÍ« cW brŒJ bfhŸs nt©L«. ngh¡Ftu¤J thfd§fë‹ x¥gªj§fis éiuéš KoÎ
brŒtijÍ« k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fshš cW brŒa nt©L«.
M) ãahaéiy¡ filfëš fhè¥ gâæl§fŸ cUthd 30 eh£fS¡FŸ m¥gâæl§fis ó®¤Â brŒa elto¡if
vL¤jš nt©L«.
Ï) ãahaéiy¡ fil Cêa®fŸ FL«g m£ilfS¡F éiuthd Áw¥ghd nrit òçÍ« tifæš gæ‰Á më¤jš
nt©L«. F¿¥ghf _‹W khj§fS¡F xU Kiw t£l mséyhd ò¤jh¡f¥ gæ‰Á më¡f nt©L«. m¥bghGJ é
‰gidahs®fS¡F neçL« Ãu¢ridfis vL¤Jiu¡f thŒ¥gë¤J mj‰fhd ԮΠfhz¥gl nt©L«.
<) brhªj¡ f£ol« Ïšyhj ãahaéiy¡ filfS¡F Cuf ts®¢Á, r£lk‹w cW¥Ãd® / ghuhSk‹w cW¥Ãd®
k‰W« Ïju £l§fŸ cŸs ãÂæid ga‹gL¤Â f£ol« f£Ltj‰F cça nfhç¡if mD¥Ãlš nt©L«. FL«g
m£iljhu®fS¡F k‹bz©bzŒ rçahd msÎ tH§f¥gLtij cW brŒÂl njitahd Ïl§fëš TLjš k©bz©bzŒ
tH§F« ãiya§fis mik¡f elto¡if vL¡f nt©L«.
c) mid¤J »l§Ffë‹ m‹whl ef®Î¥ gâfis M‹iy‹ _y« k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ f©fhâ¥gnjhL x›bthU
ehS« »l§fëèUªJ ef®Î brŒa nt©oa m¤ÂahtÁa¥ bghU£fë‹ nyhLfis òçªJz®Î x¥gªj« (MoU) _y«
Kªija khj« 25ª njÂa‹W KJãiy nkyhs® k‰W« k©bz©bzŒ tH§fš mYtyUl‹ nr®ªJ ÏW brŒÂlš
C) FWªjftš £l¤ij (SMS) ga‹gL¤Â ãahaéiy¡ filfëš Âdrç ÏU¥ò ef®Î¥ gâfis k©bz©bzŒ
c£gl f©fhâ¤jš nt©L«. Ïj‹ _y« ãahaéiy¡ filfëš ÏU¥Ã‹ikia mwnt j鮤Âlš nt©L«.
v) m£iljhu®fS¡F KGikahd jftš tH§»l VJthf ãahaéiy¡ filfëš jftš gyiffŸ guhkç¥gJ g‰
¿ ãahaéiy¡ filæ‹ mid¤J étu§fŸ ml§»a ifnaL é‰gidahsçl« ÏU¤jš nt©L«.
V) FL«g m£iljhu®fë‹ òfh®fis éiuéš Ô®Î brŒÂl VJthf xnu Óuhd òfh® ÃçÎ Kiwia V
‰gL¤Âl VJthf Ïizajs¤Â‹ _y« gÂÎ brŒJ òfh®fŸ ԮΠbrŒÍ« tiu f©fhâ¥ò
Kiwia filÃo¤Âlš nt©L«.
x) rhiy éÂfŸ Ïšyh td¥gF k‰W« rhiy tr Ϛyhj bjhiyJhu¥ gFÂfëš mikªJŸs ãahaéiy¡ fil
m§fhofëš mid¤J m¤ÂahtÁa¥ bghU£fisÍ« x›bthU khjK« xnu ehëš m£iljhu®fS¡F tH§F« £l¤ij
brayh¡Fjš nt©L«. Ϥjifa ngh¡Ftu¤J TLjš bryéd¤Â‰fhd kh‹a« nfhç K‹bkhêÎ jåna mD¥Ãlš nt©L«.
Ïju filfëš mid¤J bghU£fS« mid¤J eh£fëY« tH§f¥glš nt©L«.
Xs) 1000 FL«g m£ilfS¡F nkš cŸs ãahaéiy¡ filfS¡F f£Le®fŸ ãaä¡f nt©L«.
Ï) ãaha éiy m§fho¥ gâahs®, FL«g m£iljhu®fis x›bthU m¤ÂahtÁa¥ bghUisÍ« bgw bt›ntW
eh£fëš tu¢ brhšY« Kiwia K‰¿Ykhf Ú¡Fjš nt©L«. ãahaéiy¡ filfëš mid¤J eh£fëY«, fhiy k‰W«
khiyæš Ef®nth® éU«ò« t©z« mid¤J¥ bghU£fisÍ« bgW« ãiyia f©o¥ghf cW brŒa¥gl nt©L«.
<) FL«g m£iljhu®fS¡F k©bz©bzŒ rçahd msÎ tH§f¥gLtij cW brŒjš nt©L«.
k©bz©bzŒ Vb#‹Ó° cça neu¤Âš rçahd mséš ef®Î brŒtijÍ« msÎ Fiwthf tH§F« Vb#‹Ó° ÛJ fL§F
‰wéaš elto¡if vL¡f nt©L«.
c) ju« Fiwªj m¤ÂahtÁa¥ bghU£fis ãahaéiy¡ filfëš éãnahf« brŒahkš m›thwhd bghU£fis
bg‰wÎl‹ Jiz¥gÂths® bghJéãnahf £l« ju« Fiwªj bghUŸ bg‰w 24 kâ neu¤Â‰FŸ é
‰gidahs®fëläUªJ jftš bgWtij cW brŒa¥gl nt©L«. m›thW bg‰wÎl‹ ju« Fiwªj bghU£fis ÂU¥Ã
mD¥òtj‰fhd elto¡iffisÍ« nk‰bfhŸs nt©L«.
C) gštif bjhêš Kiwfë‹ thæyhf òfh®fis gÂÎ brŒJmt‰¿‹ ngçš vL¡f¥g£l elto¡if ÂU¥Âahdjh
v‹gij cWÂ¥gL¤JtnjhL Ef®nth®fS¡F rçahd gš më¡f¥g£LŸsjh v‹gijÍ« C®íj« brŒjš nt©L«.
òfh®jhu®fS¡F jhåa§» Kiwæš FWªjftš k‰W« ä‹ mŠrš _ykhfΫ gÂÎ bjçé¡fyh«.
v) ä‹dQ g£oaš ÏaªÂu« tH§f¥g£LŸs kht£l§fëš Âdrç fhiy 9.00 kâaséš Ïiza js« _y« fil
Âw¥gijÍ« khiy 7.00 kâ¡F¥ ÃwF filia _LtijÍ« cW brŒa¥gl nt©L«.
V) bjhl®ªJ Kiwahf filia ÂwªJ cça neu¤Âš _L« é‰gidahs®fS¡F éUJfŸ tH§fyh«. mo¡fo
MŒÎ nk‰bfh©L filfëš brašgL« mDkÂa‰w btëeg®fis ifJ brŒÂlΫ r«gªj¥g£l m§fho gâahs® ÛJ
xG§F elto¡if nk‰bfh©olΫ cça elto¡iffŸ vL¡f¥gl nt©L«.
I) ãahaéiy¡ fil é‰gidahs®fŸ Kiwahf brašgLtij cW brŒÂL« t©z« fLikahd F‰w§fëš
<LgL« ãahaéiy¡ fil gâahsçl« ãÂæH¥ò tNè¤jš F‰wéaš elto¡if k‰W« xG§F elto¡if c£gl fLikahd
elto¡iffis vL¡f¥gLtnjhL ãuªju¥ gâ Ú¡f j©lid tH§Ftij cW brŒÂlš nt©L«.
1. ãahaéiy¡ filfë‹ mid¤J¥ gâfisÍ« MŒÎ brŒtnjhL F‰w« òçÍ« m§fho¥ gâahs®fŸ ÛJ
elto¡if nk‰bfhŸs Jiz¥gÂths® (bghJ éãnahf¤ £l«) ¡F bjçé¥gJl‹ ãÂæH¥òfŸ KGtJkhf tNè¥gij
cW brŒÂlš nt©L«.
2. ju« Fiwªj m¤ÂahtÁa¥ bghU£fis ãahaéiy¡ filfëš éãnahf« brŒahkš ÂU¥Ã mD¥Ãl cldo
elto¡if nk‰bfhŸs nt©L«. ju« Fiwªj bghU£fŸ m§fhoæš f©Q‰wÎl‹ Jiz¥gÂths® bghJ éãnahf
£l¤Â‰F étu« bjçé¤jš nt©L«.
3. V‰fdnt brŒyg£L tU« ãaha éiy m§fhofë‹ f£ol¤ij x›bthU tUlK« MŒÎ brŒJ gGJfŸ
ÏU¥Ã‹ mjid rç brŒÂl r§f jå mYty® / Jiz¥gÂths® bghJ éãnahf £l« k‰W« k©ly
Ïiz¥gÂths®fS¡F m¿¡if më¤Âlš nt©L«. f£ol« gGJgh®¤ÂL« gâ¡F cŸsh£Á mik¥òfë‹ cjéia
KGikahf ga‹gL¤Jjš nt©L«.
VJthf T£LwÎ rh® gÂths® / bghJ éãnahf £l« bršèil bjhiyngÁ v©iz ãahaéiy¡ fil gFÂæš brašgL«
Ïu©L rKjha mik¥òfël« më¤jš nt©L«. Ïjid Jiz¥gÂths® bghJ éãnahf £l« cW brŒÂlš nt©L«.
5. ãahaéiy¡ filfëš éÂKiwfë‹go ãuªjukhd k‰W« Âdrç jftš gyiffŸ guhkç¡f¥gLtij MŒÎ
brŒJ x›bthU M©L« Jiz¥gÂths® bghJéãnahf £l¤Â‰F rh‹W tH§F nt©L«. v¥bghGbjšyh«
jftšfŸ kh‰w« V‰gL»wnjh mjid clD¡Fl‹ jftš gyifæš më¤jš nt©L«. Ïjid T£LwÎ rh® gÂths®
bghJéãnahf £l« f©fhâ¤J cW brŒjš nt©L«.
7. btëeg®fŸ ãahaéiy¡ filæ‹ gâæš ÏU¥Ã‹ cldoahf btëna‰w mid¤J elto¡iffisÍ« nk‰bfhŸs
nt©L« milahs m£il, bga® égu« M»at‰iw é‰gidahs®fŸ f£lha« mâjš nt©L«. Ïjid T£LwÎ rh®
gÂths® bghJ éãnahf £l« f©fhâ¡f nt©L«.
1. FWŠbrŒÂ nrit _ykhf ãahaéiy¡ filfëš ÏU¥Ã‹ikia j鮡f Áw¥ò elto¡iffŸ nk‰bfhŸs
nt©L«. ef®Î £l¥go ef®Î brŒa¥gLtij cW brŒjš nt©L«.
2. nrjK‰w k©bz©bzŒ ngušfis kh‰¿ njitahd msÎ k©bz©bzŒ ngušfis ãahaéiy¡ filfëš it¡f
ãWtd§fŸ elto¡if nk‰bfhŸsjš nt©L«.
4. br‹id k©ly¤ij¥ bghW¤jtiu mid¤J ãahaéiy¡ filfëY« gÂntLfS¡F gÂyhf ä‹dQ¥ g£oaš
ÏaªÂu« ga‹gL¤Jjš nt©L«.
5. ä‹dQ vil fUéæid x›bthU M©L« rçgh®¤jš k‰W« rh‹W òJ¥Ã¤jš brŒa nt©L«.
6. ãahaéiy¡ fil é‰gidahs®fŸ _£ilfS¡F tçir v©. më¤J mjid _£ilfëš vG it¤J mj‹go
bghU£fis éãnahf« brŒjš nt©L«.
7. Ïa‰if Ïl®ghL ngh‹w £l§fS¡fhf bgw¥g£L ga‹gL¤jhj ÏW ÏU¥Ã‹ bghJ éãnahf £l¤Jl‹
nr®¤J m¥bghU£fŸ bfL K‹ éãnah»¡f¥gl nt©L«. Ïjid é‰gidahs® k‰W« jå mYty® cWÂ
brŒJ¡ bfhŸs nt©L«.
8. bghUŸ ÏU¥ò it¤J¡ bfh©L m£iljhu®fS¡F bghUŸ tH§f kW¡F« é‰gidahs®fŸ ÛJ fL«
elto¡if vL¡f¥gl nt©L«.
9. IVRS FWªjftš Kiw, ä‹ mŠrš k‰W« Ïiza js« _ykhf ãahaéiy¡ filfë‹ ÏU¥ò / xJ¡ÑL g‰¿a
jftšfis bghJk¡fS¡F bjçé¤Âl VJthf jah® ãiyæš ÏU¤jš nt©L«. é‰gidahs®fŸ jhnk K‹tªJ bghJ k¡fS¡F
njitahd é‰gid, ÏU¥ò xJ¡ÑL étu§fis më¡F« tifæš mt®fS¡F gæ‰Á më¤Âlš nt©L«.
10. thlif f£ol¤Âš Ïa§F« filfŸ k‰W« òÂa ãahaéiy¡ filfS¡F FoæU¥ngh® ey r§f§fŸ k¡fŸ
ÃuÂãÂfŸ M»nahç‹ cjéia eho Kiwahd f£ol§fis nj®Î brŒÂlš nt©L«.
11. cŸq® j‹dh®t bjh©l®fŸ cjéÍl‹ thuªnjhW« ãahaéiy¡ fil é‰giddhs® filæ‹ R‰W¥òw¤ij
JhŒik¥gL¤Â ãahaéiy¡ filæ‹ R‰W¥òw« v¥bghGJ« JhŒikahf ÏU¤jš nt©L«. Ïjid mªjªj jå mYty®
f©fhâ¤Âlš nt©L«.
13. ãahaéiy¡ filæš bghU£fŸ bgWtJ g‰¿ m¥gF k¡fë‹ fU¤J¡fis 6 khj§fS¡F xUKiw bg
‰W £l¤ij nk«gL¤Jjš F¿¤J ca® mYty®fS¡F bjçé¤jš nt©L«.
1. ãahaéiy¡ filfëš ä‹dQ juhR ga‹gL¤Jtš ftdkhf ÏU¥gJ g‰¿ Rtbuh£o ga‹gL¤Jtj‹ _y« FL«g
m£iljhu®fS¡F ä‹dQ vil rhjd« k‰W« vil fUéfis cgnahf¥gL¤J« Kiw g‰¿a éê¥òz®éid V‰gL¤j
2. Clf§fŸ _y« ä‹dQ juhR ga‹gh£oš m£iljhu®fŸ f©fhâ¡f nt©oaJ g‰¿ és«gu« brŒjš.
3. ãahaéiy¡ filfë‹ jftšffs bghJk¡fS¡F më¥gJ ãahaéiy¡ fil Cêa®fë‹ Áªjid brašghL k‰W«
ngh¡»id kh‰Wjš k‰W« jftš m¿Í« cçik¢ r£l« g‰¿Í« ãahaéiy¡ fil é‰gidahs®fS¡F Kiwahd fhy
Ïilbtëæš gæ‰Á më¤jš / òÂjhf¥ gæ‰Áæid V‰ghL brŒjš nt©L«.
nk‰F¿¥Ã£LŸs m¿Îiufis KGtJ« filÃo¤Âl VJthf j§fŸ f£Lgh£oš cŸs mid¤J bghJ éãnahf
£l gâahs®fS¡F bjhl®òW¤Â nk‰go r£lk‹w¥ nguit m¿é¥ghd “2009-2010 « M©il Ef®nth® nrit
M©lhf mDrç¡f¥gL«” v‹gj‰fhd brašÂ£l¤ij KGikahf mKšgL¤ÂLkhW mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths® k
‰W« Ïiz¥gÂths® bghJ éãnahf £l« I k‰W« II M»nah®fŸ nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wh®fŸ.
Ïiz¥ò : nk‰f©lthW
Sub: PDS – Old Stock of rice under SGRY, OAP and AAY – Certain
instructions issued – Reg.
It has been noticed during inspections that very old stock of rice which
has become unfit for consumption are being maintained in fair price shops
without distribution. On inquiry the salesmen have reported that it is SGRY
rice. Further the salesmen have reported of maintaining rice bags meant for
OAP & AAY separately. This practice is against good inventory practice and
against Registrar’s instructions issued from time to time. Hence,
i) The old stocks under SGRY must be identified in all fair price
shops and the details have to be furnished within a week’s time
positively. Further, the Deputy Registrar (PDS), Cooperative Sub
Registrar (PDS) and all the salesmen should be instructed to
maintain the accounts alone for rice received in the different
scheme such as OAP, AAY and Annapoorna separately and not to
keep physical stocks separately under any account. It should also
be ensured that the issue of rice stocks on “first in first out” basis
without fail. There shall not be any old stock kept idle in the shops
at any point of time.
ii) It has been reported that the rice with poor quality is being
distributed. It exposes poor monitoring system adopted by Field
level Officers. The Regional Joint Registrars and Joint Registrar,
PDS I & II are therefore requested to monitor closely the quality of
all stocks supplied to and of the stock available at fair price shops
on a continuous basis and also to replace the substandard
products immediately if any noticed.
iii) Certain complaints have been received that the quality of masala
packets supplied at fair price shops is also poor. It is seen that still
considerable stock of fifty rupees masala packets are kept at the
fair price shops. Therefore, Regional Joint Registrars and Joint
Registrar, PDS I & II are requested to liquidate the same
immediately and if any time barred packed is noticed necessary
action will be taken against all concerned. In respect of packed
commodities are concerned, there should not be any expired /
outdated commodities in the fair price shops. The Inspection
Officer will be held responsible in date barred packed goods are
freeze or sold in fair price shops.
iv) Please ensure that the commodities are checked thoroughly and
only satisfying about the quality they should be sent to fair price
/By Order/
For Registrar
Circular No.25/10
(Rc.135625/2009/PDSM.1 Dated: 30.09.2010
Ref: This Office Letter of even number dated 12.2.10 and 26.4.10
1) The frontage of all Fair Price Shops should be painted with Asian
Paints sun rise Orange Colour (emulsion paint) with Red Brick
colour along Door/ Shutter frame.
2) The shutters/doors of the Fair Price Shops should be painted with
red oxide.
3) The interior/exterior walls of the shops should be white washed
(shell lime).
4) All information boards (including name board) should be painted in
white paint in the blue black ground and white border in front wall
in the manner given the sample. The information boards shall be
the following.
i) Board showing the timing /Working Hours of the Shops.
ii) Board giving Phone Nos. for grievance redressal
iii) Board showing Stock position
iv) Board giving information on staggering system of SKO
v) Board giving information on scale of supply and price
vi) General Notice Board.
Wherever Space is insufficient the boards in the order of priority as
given above may be painted subject to availability of space and remaining
boards may be maintained inside the shop as was being done before.
6) The work of uniform painting of all FPS with the above colour
specifications should be completed before 5.10.2010.
The Joint Registrar (PDS) I & II shall monitor the work progress and
Special Officers of the Consumer Cooperative Wholesale Stores in
city are requested to complete this work on a war footing before
/By order/
For Registrar
The Joint Registrar (PDS) I & II, Chennai
The Special Officers, TUCS, PTCWS, KDWCS, & NOMCO, Chennai
Copy to:
1) Additional Registrar, Chennai Region
2) Deputy Registrar (Non Credit) Chennai.
Circular No.29/10
(Rc.10519/2010/PDSM.1 Dated: 21.10.2010
d) It must be ensured that the Advance movement be commenced on
20th during the monsoon period.
e) Liftment and movement of Public Distribution System and Special
Public Distribution System commodities should be watched daily
through SMS network and no Fair Price shop shall go without
f) A nodal officer should be appointed to monitor the situation on a
daily basis and report situation for immediate remedial action. The
coastal regions should have very close monitoring system as they
may be the first victims for cyclone and flood situations.
g) A control room should be set up for exchanging information
regarding the daily situations and for reporting and information
availability of essential commodities.
h) To ensure all the commodities that are being issued by Fair Price
Shop are stocked in sufficient quantities in all Fair Price Shop during
the monsoon period to meet out any emergency situation.
i) To keep sufficient empty barrels to stock additional requirements to
kerosene to meet out emergency arising out of natural calamities.
j) Insufficient stock / stock out in any godowns of TNCSC, it should be
taken to the notice of concerned RM /DSO / District Collector / MD
TNCSC for replensing sufficient stock.
All the Regional Joint Registrars and Joint Registrar Public
/By Order/
For Registrar
The Joint Registrar (PDS) I & II, Chennai
All the Regional Joint Registrars
gÂths® mYtyf TLjš gÂths® (Ef®nth® gâfŸ) br‹id mt®fë‹ R‰w¿¡if
ÂUkÂ. nt. mKjtšè, Ï.M.g.,
TLjš gÂths® (Ef®nth® gâfŸ)
bghUŸ: bghJ éãnahf¤ £l« - _‹W kh¤Â‰F nkš bjhl®ªJ bghU£fŸ bgwhj FL«g
m£ilfS¡F bghU£fŸ tH§f¡ nf£lš – m¿ÎiufŸ tH§Fjš
gh®it: czÎ¥ bghUŸ tH§fš k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw Mizahs® neKf v©.
Ï4/ 7813 / 19 ehŸ 5.4.2010 k‰W« 14.10.2010
bgwéšiy v‹w fhuz¤Â‰fhf FL«g m£iljhu®fS¡F bghU£fŸ tH§f¡ kW¡f¡ TlhJ v‹W« jF ÏU¥Ã‹
m¡FL«g m£ilfS¡F bghU£fŸ tH§f¥gl nt©Lbk‹W« flªj fhy§fëš gy Kiw m¿ÎiufŸ tH§f¥g£LŸsd.
filÁahf Ïjid tèÍW¤Â gh®itæš fhQ« 5.4.2010 ehë£l Mizaç‹ ne®Kf¡ foj¤Âš m¿ÎiufŸ tH§f¥g£lnjhL
ÏJ bjhl®ghf g¤Âç¡if¢ brŒÂÍ« btëæl¥gl nt©L« v‹W« nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥g£L«, bjhl®ªJ _‹W khj§fS¡F
bghUŸfŸ th§féšiy v‹w fhuz¤Â‰fhf mt®fS¡F bghUŸfŸ tH§f kW¤jhf muÁ‹ ftd¤Â‰F bfh©L
tu¥g£LŸsJ. ÏJ muÁ‹ m¿Îiufis Û¿a brayhF«.
3) vdnt , Ï›thW bjhl®ªJ bghUŸfŸ th§fhj vªj FL«g m£ilfS¡F«, ÅLfëš br‹W érhuiz
brŒahkš ãW¤j« brŒa¡ TlhJ vd mid¤J ãahaéiy¡ fil Cêa®fS¡F« k‰W« Jiz¥gÂths® (bghJéãnahf¤
£l«) , T£LwÎ rh® gÂths® (bghJ éãnahf¤ £l«) k‰W« fs¥ gâahs®fS¡F« cça m¿ÎiufŸ
tH§FkhW mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fS« k‰W« Ïiz¥gÂths® (bghJ éãnahf¤ £l«) br‹id
nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wh®fŸ. ÏåtU« fhy§fëš ÏJ ngh‹w òfh®fŸ bgw¥glhkš ÏU¥gij¤ j§fŸ mséš
f©fhâ¤J cW brŒÍkhW nf£L¡ bfhŸtJl‹ Ï¢R‰w¿¡ifæid¥ bg‰W¡ bfh©lj‰fhd x¥òjiy cl‹
mD¥ÃLkhW mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fS« nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wh®fŸ.
TLjš gÂthsU¡fhf
1) Mizahs®
czÎ¥ bghUŸ tH§fš k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw,
nr¥gh¡f«, br‹id.5
2) ÏU¥ò nfh¥Ã‰F
3) gÂths® mYtyf mgm ÃçÎ k‰W ãt ÃçÎfŸ
bghJ éãnahf¤ £l« - T£LwÎ ãaha éiy¡ fil é‰gidahs®fŸ k‰W« vilahs®fS¡F CÂa ca®Î – MizfŸ
1. muR Miz (ãiy) v©. 289 T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw ehŸ
2. muR Miz (ãiy) v©. 75 T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw ehŸ
3. muR Miz (o) v©. 216 T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth®
ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw ehŸ 18.5.2007
4. czÎ¥ bghUŸ tH§fš k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw
Mizahsç‹ foj« e.f. v©. Ï1/13767/2010 ehŸ 29.9.2010
k‰W« 13.10.2010
nkny Kjyhtjhf go¡f¥g£l murhizæš T£LwÎ ãaha éiy¡ fil é‰gidahs®fŸ k‰W« vilahs®fë‹
CÂa ÂU¤Â mik¡f¥g£lJ. Ëò Ïu©lhtjhf go¡f¥g£l murhizæš Ït®fS¡F ÂU¤Âa CÂa« kWã®za«
brŒJ Mizæl¥g£lJ.
2. kh©òäF czΤ Jiw mik¢r® mt®fŸ 15.4.2010 m‹W eilbg‰w czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth®
ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw khåa¡ nfhç¡if éthj¤Â‹ nghJ T£LwÎ ãaha éiy¡ filfëš gâah‰W« é‰gidahs®fŸ k
‰W« vilahs®fS¡F CÂa ca®Î tH§FtJ F¿¤J gçÓyid brŒa FG mik¡f¥gL« vdΫ, Ï¡FGé‹ gçªJiuia bg
‰W CÂa¤ij ca®¤JtJ F¿¤J murhš cça elto¡if vL¡f¥gL« v‹W m¿é¥ò btëæ£lh®fŸ. _‹whtjhf go¡f
murhizæš czÎ¥ bghUŸ tH§fš k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò¤ Jiw Mizahsiu¤k jiytuhfΫ, T£Lw΢
r§f§fë‹ gÂths®, jäœehL Ef®bghUŸ thâg¡ fHf nkyh©ik Ïa¡Fe®, ã¤Jiw Jiz¢ brayhs® (tuÎ k
‰W« bryÎ) M»nah®fis cW¥Ãd®fshfΫ bfh©l xU FG mik¤J Miz btëæl¥g£lJ.
3. T£LwÎ ãaha éiy¡ filfëš gâòçÍ« é‰gidahs®fŸ k‰W« vilahs®fŸ M»nah®fS¡F CÂa
ca®Î tH§FtJ F¿¤J gçÓè¤j FG ËtU« gçªJiufis më¤JŸsJ.
Xuh©o‰F ÃwF fhyKiw CÂakhd %.3300-8000 v‹D« (Pay Band) CÂa f£oš é
‰gidahs®fS¡F ã®za« brŒayh«.
15 M©L gâ Ko¤j gâahs®fS¡F Kiwna nj®Î ãiyæš xU CÂa ca®Î më¤J CÂa« ã®za«
mo¥gil CÂa¤Âš 2.5% M©L CÂa ca®Î gâahsç‹ j‰nghija CÂa ca®Î ehënyna
CÂa é»j¤Âš ca®ªjg£r ãiy milªj gâahs®fS¡F filÁahf tH§f¥g£l CÂa ca®Î¤ bjhifia “ÏU
tUl§fS¡F X® CÂa Ca®Î” v‹w nj¡f ãiy CÂa ca®thf (Stagnation Increment)
br‹id k‰W« òwef® gFÂfëš mo¥gil CÂa¤Âš 5% , Ïju khefuh£Áfëš mo¥gil CÂa¤Âš
4% efu <£L¥goahf tH§fyh«.
ãaha éiy¡il¥ gâahs®fS¡F nk‰F¿¥Ã£l gofSl‹ TLjyhf Ñœ¡fhQ« tifæš ãaha éiy¡ fil¥go
é‰gidahs® vilahs®
m) br‹id k‰W« òwef® gFÂ %.1000/- %.500/-
M) Ïju khefuh£ÁfŸ %. 500/- %.250/-
Ï) Ïju Ïl§fŸ %. 250/- %.200/-
kU¤Jt¥go kiy¥go, kh‰W¤ ÂwdhëfS¡fhd go ngh‹w Ïju¥ gofŸ j‰nghJ tH§f¥g£L tU«
ãiyænyna tH§fyh«.
T£LwÎ ãaha éiy¡ filæš gâòçÍ« é‰gidahs®fŸ / vilahs®fë‹ mt® j« FL«g cW¥Ãd®fë‹
clš ey¤Âid fU¤Âš bfh©L cça kU¤Jt Á»¢ir bgW« tifæš muR Miz v©.430, ã (r«gs«)
Jiw ehŸ 10.9.2007, muR Miz v©.174 ã (r«gs«) Jiw, ehŸ 28.4.2008 k‰W« mj‹
Ëd® btëæl¥g£l murhizfëš bjçé¡f¥g£LŸs òÂa kU¤Jt fh¥Õ£L¤ £l¤Âid T£LwÎ ãaha
éiy fil é‰gidahs®fŸ / vilahs®fS¡F« mKšgL¤jyh«.
gy têtiffis MuhŒªJ 㢠Rikæid rkhë¡f njitahd elto¡ifæid vL¡f cça m¿ÎiufŸ tH§FkhW« T£Lw΢
r§f§fŸ gçªJiu¡f¥g£LŸs CÂa é»j¤Â‹go ÂU¤Â mik¡f¥gL« CÂa¤Âš Ku©ghL VJ« V‰gO‹ mjid
mªjªj Jiw¤ jiytnu rç brŒJ bfhŸs mDk¡fyh« v‹W« gçªJiu¡f¥g££ŸsJ. jéuΫ Ûdt® T£LwÎ r§f«,
fh »uhknahja¢ r§f«, gid btšy« jahç¥ngh® r§f« / Úy»ç kht£l njæiy v°nl£ gâahs®fŸ r§f« ngh‹w
Ïju Jiwæduhš / mik¥òfshš el¤j¥gL« ãahaéiy m§fhofëš gâah‰W« é‰gidahs® / vilahs®fS¡F«
CÂa é»j§fis r«gªj¥g£l mik¥òfë‹ ã ãiyyk¡nf‰g ÂU¤Â mik¡f nt©L« vdΫ Tw¥g£LŸsJ.
5. nkny g¤Â 3š bjçé¤JŸs FGé‹ gçªJiufŸ ftdKl‹ gçÓè¡f¥g£L, mt‰iw V‰fyh« vd muR
KoÎ brŒJ ËtUkhW MizæL»wJ.
T£LwÎ ãaha éiy¡ filfëš òÂjhf ãakd« brŒa¥g£l / ãakd« brŒa¥gL« é‰gidahs®fS¡F j
‰bghGJ tH§f¥gL« bjhF¥óÂa« %.3000/- v‹gÂèUªJ %.4000/- Mf ca®¤j¥gL»wJ.
bjhF¥óÂa« bgW« gâ¡fhy« 5 M©LfŸ v‹gjid Xuh©lhf ÂU¤Â mik¡f¥gL»wJ. Xuh©o‰F
ÃwF fhyKiw CÂakhd %.3300-8000 v‹D« (Pay Band) CÂa é»j¤Âš é‰gidahs®fS¡F
CÂa« ã®za« brŒa¥g£L tH§f¥gL«.
Ï) CÂa ã®za«:
15 M©LfŸ gâ Ko¤j gâahs®fS¡F Kiwna nj®Î ãiyæš xU CÂa ca®Î më¤J CÂa« ã®za«
c) mféiy¥go:
ÂU¤j¥g£l mo¥gil CÂa¤Â‹ ÛJ 35% mféiy¥go tH§f¥gL«. muR Cêa®fS¡F m›t¥nghJ
ca®¤Â tH§f¥gL« mféiy¥go é»j¤ÂidÍ« bgw mDk¡f¥gL»wJ.
mo¥gil CÂa¤Âš 2.5% M©L CÂa ca®Î gâahs®fë‹ j‰nghija CÂa ca®Î ehënyna tH§f
CÂa é»j¤Âš ca®ªjg£r ãiy milªj gâahs®fS¡F filÁahf tH§f¥g£l CÂa ca®Î¤ bjhifia “ÏU
tUl§fS¡F X® CÂa ca®Î” v‹w nj¡f ãiy CÂa ca®thf (Stagnation Increment) tH§f
ãaha éiy¡ fil¥ gâahs®fS¡F nk‰F¿¥Ã£l gofSl‹ TLjyhf Ñœ¡fhQ« tifæš ãaha éiy¡ fil¥go
tH§f mDk¡f¥gL»wJ.
é‰gidahs® vilahs®
m) br‹id k‰W« òwef® gFÂ %.1000/- %.500/-
M) Ïju Ïl§fŸ %. 750/- %.250/-
x) Ïju¥ gofŸ:
kU¤Jt¥go, kiy¥go, kh‰W¤ ÂwdhëfS¡fhd go ngh‹w Ïju¥ gofŸ j‰nghJ tH§f¥g£L tU«
ãiyænyna tH§f mDk¡f¥gL»wJ.
X) it¥ò ã Ão¤j«:
mj‹ Ëd® btëæl¥g£l murhizfëš bjçé¡f¥g£LŸs òÂa kU¤Jt fh¥Õ£L¤ £l¤Âid T£LwÎ ãaha
éiy fil é‰gidahs®fŸ / vilahs®fS¡F« mKšgL¤j¥gL«.
6. nkY« Ûdt® T£Lw΢ r§f«, fh »uhknahja¢ r§f«, gid btšy« jahç¥ngh® r§f«,
Úy»ç kht£l njæiy v°nl£ gâahs®fŸ r§f« ngh‹w Ïju Jiwæduhš / mik¥òfshš el¤j¥gL« ãaha
éiy m§fhofëš gâah‰W« é‰gidahs® / vilahs®fS¡F CÂa é»j¤Âid r«gªj¥g£l mik¥òfë‹
ãÂãiyik¡nf‰g ÂU¤Â mik¤J bfhŸSkhW r«gªj¥g£l bra‰gÂths®fS¡F (Functional
Registrar) mDk më¡f¥gL»wJ.
7. T£Lw΢ r§f§fshš el¤j¥gL« ãahaéiy¡ fil¥ gâahs®fë‹ thœ¡if¤ ju« nk«gl nt©L«
v‹w muÁ‹ neh¡f¤Â‰nf‰g Ϫj ÂU¤Âa CÂa é»j§fis brašgL¤jtjhš V‰gL« 㢠Rikia, é
‰gidia mÂfç¥gJl‹, Ïyhg¤Âš Ïa§Ftj‰fhd têtiffis MuhŒªJ brašgL¤jΫ, muÁläUªJ khåa«
bgWjš, mªjªj gFÂfë‹ njit¡nf‰g bghUŸfŸ é‰gidæid C¡f¥gL¤Jjš ngh‹w gy têtiffis
MuhŒªJ 㢠Riiæid rkhë¡fΫ, T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ njitahd elto¡ifæid vL¡f cça m¿ÎiufŸ
tH§FkhW T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wh®.
8. Ï›thiz ã¤Jiwæ‹ Ïiréid mj‹ m.rh.F. v©. 3442/ã (T.c.(k) 2010, ehŸ
29.12.2010š bg‰w ÏirÎl‹ btëæl¥gL»wJ.
(MSeç‹ Miz¥go)
°tu‹ Á§
muR Kj‹ik¢ brayhs®
Kjyik¢r® mYtyf«, br‹id.9
Jiz Kjyik¢r® mYtyf«, br‹id.9
kh©òäF mik¢r® (ãÂ) mt®fë‹ ne®Kf cjéahs®, br‹id.9
kh©òäF mik¢r® (czÎ) mt®fë‹ ne®Kf cjéahs®, br‹id.9
kh©òäF mik¢r® (T£LwÎ) mt®fë‹ ne®Kf cjéahs®, br‹id.9
Kj‹ik¢ brayhs®, ã¤Jiw, br‹id.9
ã ( br‹id.9
/ Miz¥go mD¥g¥gL»wJ /
ÃçÎ mYty®
murhiz (o) v©.10 T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò (ÁÁ1) Jiw ehŸ 8.1.2010‹ c©ik efš
T£LwÎ – T£LwÎ ãWtd§fëš %.5300-150-8,300/- ¡F nk‰g£l r«gs é»j¤Âš gâòçÍ« gâahs®fS¡F 2010 M«
M©L bgh§fš g©oifia K‹å£L fUiz¤ bjhif tH§Fjš – Miz btëæl¥gL»wJ.
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂthsç‹ foj v©. e.f. 132550/2009 rg3 ehŸ 31.12.2009
nkny go¡f¥g£l T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂthsç‹ foj¤Âš cŸs fU¤JU murhš gçÓè¡f¥g£lJ. 2009 M« M©L
Ôghtë¥ g©oifæ‹ nghJ nghd°/ fUiz¤ bjhif bgw¤ jF bgwhj T£Lw΢ r§f§fëš gâòçÍ« %.5300-150-8,300/-¡F
nk‰g£l r«gs é»j¤Âš gâòçÍ« mYty®fS¡F 2010 M« M©L bgh§fš g©oifia K‹å£L fUiz¤ bjhifahf %.1000/-
(%ghŒ Mæu« k£L« ) tH§f KoÎ brŒJ muR m›thnw MizæL»wJ.
3. Ï›thiz, ã¤Jiwæ‹ mYtš rh®g‰w F¿¥ò v©.36/ FS/ P / 10 ehŸ 6.1.2010 ÏirÎl‹ btëæl¥gL»wJ.
(MSeç‹ Miz¥go)
f. r©Kf«
muR Kj‹ik¢ brayhs®
/c©ik efš /
murhiz (o) v©.10 T£LwÎ, czÎ k‰W« Ef®nth® ghJfh¥ò (ÁÁ1) Jiw ehŸ 8.1.2010 efš j¡f
elto¡if¡fhf ϤJl‹ bjhl®òW¤j¥gL»wJ.
2) Ï›thizæid j§fŸ f£L¥gh£o‹ Ñœ cŸs T£LwÎ r§f§fS¡F bjhl®òW¤JkhW TLjš gÂths® br‹id k©ly«
k‰W« mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ nf£L¡ bfhŸs¥gL»wh®fŸ.
/ Miz¥go/
TLjš gÂths®, br‹id k©ly«, br‹id
mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
jå mYty®, mid¤J jiyik T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ
jå mYty®, mid¤J k¤Âa T£Lw΢ r§f§fŸ
Copy of G.O.No.43, Cooperation, Food and Consumer Protection (CJ1) Department,
Dated 22nd April 2010.
From the Registrar of Cooperative Societies Rc.74743/2008 SF.2 dated
In the letter read above, the Registrar of Cooperative Societies has stated
that the Tamil Nadu Apex Cooperative Bank is maintaining of Fund called “Primary
Co-operative Development Fund” to which the Tamil Nadu State Apex Co-operative
Bank and District Central Cooperative Banks are contributing by appropriating 5%
of their net profit annually. This fund is administered in accordance with the
Primary Co-operative Development Fund Regulations framed by a Committee
headed by the Registrar of Cooperative Societies. This fund is primarily utilized for
strengthening and developing the Primary Co-operatives by providing infra-
structural facilities such as construction of strong room and counters, purchase of
own buildings, purchase of jewel safes, safe vaults, purchase of computer
peripherals etc. and such other purposes as specified in the Regulations, presently
this fund is being utilized to revive nearly 1000 dormant Primary Agricultural
Cooperative Bank sub-rule (1) of rule 100 of the Tamil Nadu Co-operative Societies
Rules, 1988 specifies that the funds of a liquidated society shall be applied by the
liquidator in the following order, namely:-
Sub rule (2) of the said rule provides that any surplus funds remaining after
the payment mentioned in sub rule (1) may, with the prior approvals of the
Registrar be applied by the general meeting for making contribution to the National
Defence Fund or any other fund approved by the Government.
This fund comes under the sub section (2) of the section 72 of Tamil Nadu
Cooperative Societies Act, 1983 which reads as “Seventhly towards contribution to
such other funds and at such rates as may be specified in the bye laws, “The
Primary Co-operative Development Fund” is a fund created by the Tamil Nadu
State Apex Co-operative Bank with the contribution of 5% out of the annual net
profit from the State Co-operative Bank and from District Central Cooperative Bank
for being utilized for strengthening and developing the Primary Co-operative
affiliated with the District Central Cooperative Bank.
Sub Rule (2) of Rule 100 of Tamil Nadu Cooperative Societies Rules, 1988
provides on winding up of a registered society that any surplus funds remaining
after fulfilling the payment obligation as in sub rule (1) of Rule 100, the official
Liquidator may, with the prior approval of Registrar and with the concurrence of the
General Meeting may make contribution to National Development Fund or any other
Fund approved by the Government. The existing terms and conditions applicable to
it will under go any change / erosion in view of this rule provision.
Rule 100 (2) of Tamil Nadu Cooperative Societies Rules, 1988 stipulates for
crediting surplus funds of wound up societies National Development Fund or any
other fund approved by Government, Primary Co-operative Development Fund is
sought to be included as one of the “any other fund approved by the Government”
in to which the surplus funds of liquidated societies may be credited for which legal
statutory provision already exists. Hence no separate Rule amendment is
necessary. The Government is empowered to issue order notifying Primary
Co-operative Development Fund as the “other fund” by invoking its power under
Rule 100 (2) of Tamil Nadu Cooperative Societies Rules. The motive behind the said
proposals is to strengthen the corpus of Primary Co-operative Development Fund in
order to utilize it productively for developing the Primary Co-operatives. Hence the
surplus funds of the liquidated societies may be allowed for credit to Primary Co-
operative Development Fund.
// True copy //
For Registrar
Dated : 12.5.2010
/ By Order /
For Registrar
1. The Additional Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Chennai Region
2. Regional Joint Registrars of all Regions and
Joint Registrar (Public Distribution System) I & II Chennai
3. All the Circle Deputy Registrars and
Deputy Registrar (Public Distribution System)
4. The Special Officer, Tamil Nadu State Apex Co-operative Bank, Chennai
5. All Apex Instituions
6. All Central Cooperative Banks
Registrar of Cooperative Societies
Sub rule (2) of rule 100 of Tamil Nadu Cooperative Societies Rules,
1988 provides that any surplus funds remaining after the payments mentioned in
sub-rule (1) of the said rule, may with the prior approval of the Registrar be applied
by the General Meeting for making contribution to the National Development Fund
or any other fund approved by the Government.
4) The Regional Officers specified in para 3 above are requested to
send a quarterly report in the proforma enclosed as regards to the quantum of
surplus amount transferred by liquidators to Primary Cooperative Development
Fund in their region. The first such quarterly report for the period ending 30 th June
2010 should reach this office before 10 th day of the succeeding month (i.e. 10 th July
For Registrar
The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region
All Regional Joint Registrars
All Circle Deputy Registrars
The Special Officer, Tamil Nadu State Apex Cooperative Bank
Copy to
The Special Officers of all District Central Cooperative Banks
All sections in this office
Stock file.
(Rs. In lakhs)
Name of the Surplus amount of Of the column Remarks (Specify
S.No. Deputy liquidated societies (3), amount reasons if not fully
Registrar available with the transferred to transferred)
Circle liquidator for the PCDF account
quarter ended during the quarter
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
For Registrar
Copy of G.O. (2D) No.60, Cooperation, Food and Consumer Protection (CJ2)
Department dated 3.6.2010
Act and Rules – Tamil Nadu Cooperative Societies Act, 1983 Powers of the
Registrar of Cooperative Societies under the Act – Conferment on other officers –
Orders – Issued.
/ By Order /
For Registrar
1. The Additional Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Chennai Region
2. Regional Joint Registrars of all Regions and
Joint Registrar (Public Distribution System) I & II Chennai
3. All the Circle Deputy Registrars and
Deputy Registrar (Public Distribution System)
4. The Special Officer, Tamil Nadu State Apex Co-operative Bank, Chennai
5. All Central Cooperative Banks
Copy to all officers in this office
Copy to TFMC, CBP, CBS, PACS, OE, CCA, CE and OM Sections in the office
Copy to Stock file. (Act and Rules)
Public Services – Tamil Nadu State and Subordinate Services Rules – Payment of
Examination fee by the Destitute Widows – Exempted – Amendment to Rule 5 – issued
1) G.O.Ms.No.56, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (M) Department
Dated 19.5.2009
2) From the Secretary, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, Letter No.
3590/RND-D2/2009 dated 1.2.2010.
In the Government Order first read above, orders have been issued exempting
the Destitute Widows from paying the examination fees for appearing in the
examinations to be conducted by the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission for
recruitment to various posts in the State.
2. The amendment hereby made shall be deemed to have come into force on the
10th May, 2000.
In the said Rules, in Part II – General Rules, to rule 5, after the last proviso, the
following proviso shall be added, namely:-
“Provided also that this Rule shall not apply to destitute widows defined in
Explanation I under General Rule 12”.
/True Copy/
/By order/
For Registrar
1) Additional Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Chennai Region
2) All Regional Joint Registrars
3) Joint Registrar (Public Distribution System) I & II, Chennai
Copy to : All Circle Deputy Registrars
Copy to : All Deputy Registrar (Public Distribution System)
Copy to : All Officers in Office
Copy to : All sections in Office
Copy to : OE, PA , EM Section Susperintendent
Copy to : Stock file 2010
muR foj (ãiy) v©.88/¡ô.1/2010 bjhêyhs® k‰W« ntiythŒ¥ò¤ (¡ô1) Jiw ehŸ 4.5.2010
3. murhiz (ãiy) v©.112 gâahs® k‰W« ã®thf¢ Ó®ÂU¤j¤ Jiw
ehŸ 23.08.2005
4. murhiz (ãiy) v©.42, bjhêyhs® k‰W« ntiythŒ¥ò¤ Jiw ehŸ
fUiz mo¥gilæyhd gâ ãakd§fŸ bjhl®ghd ÏjuéÂKiwfS¡ »ilna, gh®it x‹¿š fhQ« muR
foj¤Âš gâæil kuzkilªj muR Cêaç‹ 18 ta‰F£g£l thçjhuU¡F« fUizmo¥gilæš gâãakd« tH§fyh« vd
bjëÎiu tH§f¥g£lJ.
2. gh®it Ïu©oš ghQ« murhizæš, fUiz mo¥gilæš gâ nt©o é©z¥Ã¡f muR Cêa® Ïwªj
ehëèUªJ 3 M©LfŸ vd fhy msÎ ã®zæ¤J Miz Ãw¥Ã¡f¥g£lJ.
3. gh®it _‹¿š fhQ« murhizæš, muR¥gâ¡fhd FWk taJ 18 vdΫ, fhè¥gâæl m¿é¡if
btëæl¥gL« M©o‹ #&iy¤ §fŸ Kjš ehëš 18 taÂid ãiwÎ brŒÂU¡f nt©L« vdΫ, Ϫj Miz 23.08.2005
Kjš eilKiw¡F tUtjhfΫ, Ï›this, fUiz mo¥gilæyhd gâãakd§fS¡F« bghUªJ« vdΫ MizfŸ
5. Ϫãiyæš gâæil kuzkilªj muR Cêaç‹ thçRjhuU¡F¡ fUiz mo¥gilæš gâ ãakd« tH§»l
FWk taJ ã®zæ¥gJ bjhl®ghf Ñœ¡fhQ« bjëÎiufŸ tH§f¥gL»‹wd.
i) 23.08.2005-¡F K‹d®, fUiz mo¥gilæš gâãakd« nfhç 3 M©L fhy¡bfLΡFŸ bgw¥g£l
é©z¥g§fŸ 18 taÂid ãiwÎ bgwhkš ÏUªjhY«, fUiz mo¥gilæyhd gâ ãakd¤Â‰fhd
Vida Ãw jFÂfis ãiwÎ brŒÍ« g£r¤Âš jFÂahdjhf¡ fUj¥gl nt©L«.
iv) nkny g¤Â 5(iii) š cŸs bjëÎiu Ï›this btëæl¥gL« ehŸ Kjš eilKiw¡F tU«.
(x«) muR Kj‹ik brayhsU¡fhf
/c©ik efš/
nk.F.e.f.v©.48940/2010 gbjh4 ehŸ : 22.5.2010
muR foj (ãiy) v©. 86/¡ô 1/10 bjhêyhs® k‰W« ntiy thŒ¥.¤ (¡ô1) Jiw ehŸ 4.5.2010‹ efš
jftY¡fhfΫ j¡f elto¡if¡fhfΫ bjhl®òW¤j¥gL»wJ.
1. T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ TLjš gÂths®, br‹id k©ly«
2. mid¤J k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
3. Ïiz¥gÂths® (bghéÂ) 1 k‰W« 2 br‹id
efš: Ï›tYtyf mid¤J ã®thf ÃçÎfŸ
Ï›tYtyf mgm , nec ÃçÎfŸ
From To
Thiru Jatindra Nath Swain, I.A.S., 1. Additional Registrar of Cooperative
Registrar of Cooperative Societies Societies, Chennai Region,
#170, EVR Periyar High Road, Chennai.
Kilpauk, Chennai 10.
2. All Regional Joint Registrar of
Cooperative Societies.
3. Joint Registrar (PDS) I and II, Chennai
2) The receipt of letter along with G.O. should be acknowledged
atonce. You are also requested to communicate the G.O. and get
acknowledgement from the Circle Deputy Registrars concerened and file in
your office.
For Registrar
Encl: As above
Copy to all Administrative Sections in R.C.S. Office
Copy to Stock file.
Copy of G.O. (D) No.98, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (N) Department
dated 4.6.2010.
Directorate of Vigialance and Anti-Corruption – Committee constituted to
discuss the feasibility of combining the Preliminary Enquiry and Detailed
Enquiry conducted by the Director of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption –
Delegation of Powers to Director of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption – Orders
G.O. (3D) No.4, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (N) Department,
dated 17.7.2009.
In the Government Order cited, the Government constituted a Committee
to discuss and arrive at a decision on the feasibility of combining the
Preliminary Enquiry with Detailed Enquiry conducted by the Director of
Vigilance and Anti-Corruption and Delegation of powers to Director of Vigilance
and Anti-Corruption to conduct Detailed Enquiry upto Group “B” Officers.
(2.1) Preliminary Enquiry and Detailed Enquiry need not be combined and the
Status quo may be continued.
(2.4) For Group A & B Offices the remittal orders may be issued by
Government and other existing procedures will be continued.
/ True Copy /
For Registrar
From To
Thiru Jatindra Nath Swain, I.A.S., 1. Additional Registrar of Cooperative
Registrar of Cooperative Societies Societies, Chennai Region,
#170, EVR Periyar High Road, Chennai.
Kilpauk, Chennai 10.
2. All Regional Joint Registrar of
Cooperative Societies.
3. Joint Registrar (PDS) I and II, Chennai
/By Order/
For Registrar
Copy to All Administrative Sections in this office.
For Chief Secretary to Government
/True Copy/
I am directed to invite your attention to the references cited.
For Registrar
1) Additional Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Chennai Region
2) All Joint Registrars
3) Joint Registrar (Public Distribution System) I & II, Chennai
Copy to : 1) All Circle Deputy Registrar of Cooperative Societies
2) All Deputy Registrars (Public Distribution System)
3) All Sections in Office
4) OE, EM and PA Sections Superintendent
Copy of G.O.(Ms) No.102, Personnel and Administrative Reforms
(S)Department dated 16.7.2010
Public Services – Tamil Nadu State Subordinate Services Rules – Reservation
for destitute widows – Amendment to General Rule 21 – issued.
1. G.O.Ms.No.234, Finance (PC)Department dated 1.6.2009
2. From the Secretary, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission,
Letter No. 378/RND-D2/2010 dated 28.6.2010.
The following Notification will be published inTamil Nadu Government
In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the
Constitution of India, the Governor of Tamil Nadu hereby makes the
following amendment to the General Rules in Part II of the Tamil Nadu State
and Subordinate Services Rules (Volume I of the Tamil Nadu Services
Manual, 1987).
2. The amendment hereby made shall be deemed to have come into
force on the 1st January 2006.
In the said Rules, in rule 21, in the proviso to sub-rule (b) for the expression
“to the posts in the scale of pay, the minimum of which does not exceeed
Rs.4000/- to the expression “to the posts with Grade Pay which does not
exceed Rs.2400/- shall be substituted.
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ brašKiw Miz br‹id.10.
ÂU. a¤ÔªÂu eh¤ °nt‹, Ï.M.g.,
e.f.7731/2008/ mgm 4 ehŸ 30.01.2010
4. mçaYh® kht£l¤ÂYŸs T£LwÎ rh® gÂths® / fs¥gâ gâæl£‡fis bgu«gYh® bghJ éãnahf
£l Jiz¥gÂths®mYtyf¤ÂèUªJ gâkh‰w« _y« ãu¥Ã¡ bfhŸs cça elto¡ifæid bgu«gYh® k©ly
Ïiz¥gÂths® vL¡f nt©L«.
5. bgu«gYh® k©ly Ïiz¥gÂthsç‹ fo« e.f. 408/08 mgm ehŸ 14.8.2009š bjçé¤JŸsgo
mçaYh® bghJ éãnahf £l« mYtyf¤ij mçaYh® T£LwÎ bjhl¡f ntsh©ik k‰W« Cuf ts®¢Á
t§»¡ f£ol¤Âš brašgl mDkÂaë¡f¥gL»wJ.
6. òÂa mYtyf¤Â‰Fça nfh¥òfŸ, gÂÎU¡fŸ k‰W« Ïju Mtz§fŸ mid¤J« m›tYyf¤Â‰F cl‹
kh‰w« brŒa bgu«gYh® k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths® k‰W« bgu«gYh® Jiz¥gÂths® (bghJ éãnahf £l«)
elto¡if vL¡f nt©L«.
7. go¡f¥g£llt (1)š fhQ« murhizæš mDkÂaë¤JŸsgo %.20 Mæu« k¥ÉF njitahd jsthl¢
rhkh‹fisÍ« (Furniture) %.50 Mæu« k¥ÉF fåâ k‰W« m¢ÁL« bgh¿iaÍ« (Computer with
Printer) cça eilKiwfis Ëg‰¿ bfhŸKjš brŒa mçaYh® bghJ éãnahf £l Jiz¥gÂthsuhš elto¡if nk
‰bfhŸs¥gl nt©L«.
X«/- a¤ÔªÂueh¤ °nt‹
The following Act of the Tamil Nadu legislative Assembly received the assent of the
Governor on the 1st February 2010 and is hereby published for general information.
Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the Sixtieth
Year of the Republic of India as follows.
1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu Cooperative Societies (Amendment) Act,
2. In Section 89 of the Tamil Nadu Co-operative Societies Act, 1983 (herein after
referred to as the principal Act) in the proviso to sub-section (1), for the expression
“eight years and six month” the expression “nine years” shall be substituted.
3. (1) the Tamil Nadu Co-operative Societies (Second Amendment) Ordinance, 2009 is
hereby repealed.
(2) Notwithstanding such repeal, anything done or any action taken under the
principal Act, as amended by the said Ordinance, shall be deemed to have been done
or taken under the principal Act as amended by this Act.
Law Department
(By Order of the Governor)
//True Copy//
A Copy of the Tamil Nadu Cooperative Societies (Amendment) Act 2010 (Tamil
Nadu Act. No.6 of 2010) Published in the Tamil nadu Government Gazette
Extraordinary dated February 2, 2010 amending section 89(1) of the Tamil Nadu
Cooperative Societies Act 1983 is communicated to the officers noted in the address
entry for favour of information and necessary action.
/By Order/
For Registrar
1. Additional Registrar, Chennai Region.
2. All Regional Joint Registrars.
3. All Circles Deputy Registrar.
Copy to: All Officers in this office.
2. All Apex/Central level institutions.
2. go¡f¥g£lit (3) š fhQ« murhizæš ÂU¥ó® bghJ éãnahf¤ £l« Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf¤Â‰F
xU Jiz¥gÂthsiu gâak®¤j« brŒJ Miz tH§f¥g£lJ. mt® ÂU¥ó® bghJ éãnahf £l« Jiz¥gÂthsuhf
gâæš nrU« ehŸ Kjš m›tYtyf« brašgl¤ Jt§F«. Ï›tYtyf« ÂU¥ó® k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths® mYtyf« brašgL«
tshf¤Ânyna brašgL« (ÂU¥ó® ntsh©ik c‰g¤Âahs®fŸ T£LwÎ é‰gid¢ r§f¡ f£ol«).
3. nfha«ò¤Jh® k‰W« <nuhL k©ly¤Âš cŸs Jiz¥gÂths® (bghJ éãnahf £l«)
mYtyf§fëèUªJ ÂU¥ó® k©ly¤Â‰F£g£l gâæl§fëš Ñœ¡f©l gjéfëš gâòçÍ« gâahs®fis ÂU¥ó®
k©ly¤Âš gâæš nru VJthf nfha«ò¤Jh® k‰W« <nuhL k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ éLé¡f nt©L«.
6. òÂa mYtyf¤Â‰Fça nfh¥òfŸ, gÂÎU¡fŸ k‰W« Ïju Mtz§fŸ mid¤J« m›tYyf¤Â‰F cl‹
kh‰w« brŒa nfha«ò¤Jh® k‰W« <nuhL k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fS« nfha«ò¤Jh® k‰W« <nuhL
bghJ éãnahf £l« Jiz¥gÂths®fS« elto¡if vL¡f nt©L«.
7. go¡f¥g£llt (1)š fhQ« murhizæš mDkÂaë¤JŸsgo %.20 Mæu« k¥ÉF njitahd jsthl¢
rhkh‹fisÍ« (Furniture) %.50 Mæu« k¥ÉF fåâ k‰W« m¢ÁL« bgh¿iaÍ« (Computer with
Printer) %. 2000/- k¥ÉF ‘Ô’ jL¥ò cgfuz¤ijÍ« cça eilKiwfis Ëg‰¿ bfhŸKjš brŒa ÂU¥ó®
bghJ éãnahf £l Jiz¥gÂthsuhš elto¡if nk‰bfhŸs¥gl nt©L«.
X«/- a¤ÔªÂueh¤ °nt‹
Formation of Tiruppur District by bifurcation of existing C oimbatore and Erode
Districts – Formation of Office of the Deputy Registrar (Public Distribution System) –
cooperative Department in Tiruppur District – Sanction of staff and other expenditure
– orders issued.
In the Government Order first read above, the Government have ordered the
formation of a new District with headquarters at Tiruppur by bifurcating the existing
Coimbatore and Erode District into Coimbatore, Erode and Tiruppur Districts.
2) The Registrar of Cooperative Societies in his letter third read above has sent
a proposal to Government for the formation of new office viz Deputy Registrar (Public
Distribution system), Tiruppur along with two temporary posts and redeployment of
19 posts under various categories and to sanction Rs.4.08 lakhs for staff expenditure
Rs,5,77,000 for vehicle and other expenditure, Rs.1,05,120 for office rent, Electricity
charge etc., The Registrar ( Public Distribution System), tiruppur is necessary to watch
the movement and distribution of essential commodities.
III. They are eligible to draw their pay and allowances admissible to them asper the
existing orders in force from time to time.
IV. Sanction is also accorded for incurring an expenditure of 1.02 lakhs (Rupees one
lakh and two thousand only) towards Telephone Charges, Stationary, Furniture,
Computer with Printer and Fire extinguisher for the above office of the Deputy
Registrar (Public Distribution System) as detailed below:-
Recurring Expenditure
(Rs. In lakhs )
1) Furniture - 0.20
2) Computer with Printer - 0.50
3) Fire Extinguisher - 0.02
Total - 0.72
V. In respect of purchase of new vehicle, if the vehicle is quite essential the Registrar of
Cooperative Societies is requested to obtain the same from the common poof
maintained by MVMO.
VI. Driver post shall be filled up by personnel from Texco as per the existing orders in
VII. Regarding payment of rent to the office of Deputy Registrar (public Distribution
System), the Registrar of Cooperative Societies is requested to send necessary
proposals to government separately.
VIII. Typewriters (English and Tamil) if necessary, shall be obtained from Director of
Stationery and Printing, Chennai-2.
IX. The Director of Stationery and Printing shall supply necessary stationery articles to
the newly formed office.
4) The amount sanctioned in para 3(iv) above shall be debited to the following
Head of Account:-
6) This order issues with the concurrence of Finance Department vide its U.O.
67381/CMPC/09 dated 13.11.2009 and ASL No.1072 (One thousand and seventy
The Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Chennai-10(10 Copies)
The Principal Commissioner and Commissioner of Revenue Adiminstration,
Chepauk, Chennai-5
The District Collectors, Coimbatore, Erode and Tiruppur.
The Director of Stationery and Printing, Chennai-2
The Treasury Officers, Coimbatore, Erode and Tiruppur.
The Account General (A&E), Chennai-18.
The Account General (Audit), Chennai-35.
The Account General (Audit-ll), Chennai-6.
Cooperation, Food and Consumer Protection Department, (CD/CH) Department,
Copy to:-
//Forwarded by Order//
Kilpauk, Chennai-10
/By Order/
For Registrar
The Additional Registrar of Cooperative Societies,
Chennai Region,
Copy to:-
1. All Officers in office.
2. All sections in office.
3. Stock file.
I am directed to enclose herewith the copy of the letter received from the
Government of India Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture &
Cooperation, New Delhi in which it has been advised to avoid availing “Package tour”
to China through India Alliance Centre, which is a private agency for information and
necessary action.
2. The receipt of the letter may kindly be acknowledged.
Yours faithfully,
for Secretary to Government.
Yours faithfully,
Sd/-Mukesh Khullar
Joint Secretary (IC)
/True copy/
From To
Thiru Jatindra Nath Swain, I.A.S., 1. Additional Registrar of Cooperative
Registrar of Cooperative Societies Societies, Chennai Region,
#170, EVR Periyar High Road, Chennai.
Kilpauk, Chennai 10.
2. All Regional Joint Registrar of
Cooperative Societies.
I invite your kind reference to my letter cited, wherein the special Officers of the
District Cooperative Printing Presses were permitted temporarily to execute Multi-
colour printing work orders through other private presses subject to the conditions
stipulated in Rule 74 of Tamil Nadu Cooperative Societies Rules 1988 till such time a
Four colour Offset Machine is installed at Chennai Central Cooperative Printing Press
Ltd., Chennai under the process of modernization.
4) The Additional Registrar, Chennai Region and all Regional Joint Registrars
are therefore directed to ensure that all the multi-colour work orders pertaining to
Apex Cooperative Institutions. District level Cooperative Institutions and all other
cooperative Institutions should be entrusted only to the Chennai Central Cooperative
Printing Ltd., through the concerned District Cooperative printing Presses.
5) The Additional registrar, Chennai Region and all Regional Joint Registrar
should see that none of the Cooperative Printing Press execute any of the multicolour
work orders through private presses or industrial Cooperative Printing Presses. If any
violation is noticed the Regional Officers should initiate appropriate Disciplinary
Action against the concerned Special Officers of the Cooperative Printing Presses.
/By Order/
For Registrar
Copy to
Special Officers of
All Apex Cooperative Institutions.
Copy to Special Officers of all District Central Cooperative Banks.
Copy to Special Officers of all District Cooperative Printing Presses.
Copy to ‘AR’ section (3 copies)
Copy to all administrative sections in the office
Copy to stock file (GC1)
Copy of letter No. 8454/A/2010, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (A) Department, Secretarial,
Chennai-600 009 Dated 15.03.2010.
Sub: Petitions – Petitions presented to Government
Offices/Officers – Acknowledgement within
stipulated period – Instructions – Reiterated.
In the Government Order cited, the Government have issued orders on the
recommendation of the Administrative Reforms Committee constituted under the
Chairmanship of Dr.Justice A.K.Rajan, Retired Judge of Madras High Court. On the
recommendation that every letter or petition received from the public the Government
Office should be acknowledged within the stipulated period, the government have
ordered that the Personnel and Administrative Reforms (A) Department will issue
instructions reiterating its earlier instructions relating to this recommendation to all
departments of Secretariat and all Head of the Departments.
(iii) The citizens approaching the Government Departments with their grievance
petitions should be informed of the progress of his/her grievance.
(iv) If a particular grievance is expected to take longer than two months for its
finalization an interim reply should invariably be sent.
(v) In case, it is not found feasible to accede to his/her request, a reasoned reply
may be issued to the aggrieved citizen within the stipulated time limit of two months.
4) The Personnel and Administrative Reforms (Inspection) Department are also
instructed to watch the implementation of G.O.Ms No.114, Personnel and
Administrative Reforms (A) Department, dated 02.08.06 at the time of inspection.
/By Order/
For Registrar
1) Additional Registrar of Cooperative Societies
Chennai region.
2) All other Regional Joint Registrars
3) Joint Registrar (Public Distribution System l&ll, Chennai
4) Copy to all Circe Deputy Registrar and Deputy Registrar (PDS)
5) All Special Officers of Apex Cooperative Institutions
6) All Special Officers of District Central Cooperative Banks.
Copy to:-
1) All Officers and Sections in Registrar of Cooperative Societies
2) Stock file.
Tamil Nadu Government Office Manual – Blind and Physically handicapped staff
permitted to leave Office early 15 minutes – Amendment to Tamil Nadu Government
Office Manual – Orders issued.
Read also:
From the Prinicipal Secretary / Commissioner of Revenue Administration
D.O.Letter dated 06.01.2010.
In the Government Order read above, orders have been issued to the effect that
Government Staff who are Blind and Physically handicapped are permitted to leave
Office early by 15 minutes and also ordered that necessary amendment to Tamil Nadu
Government Office Manual will be issued in this regard. Accordingly, the following
amendment is issued to the Tamil Nadu Government Office Manual.
In the said Manual, in Part I, in paragraph 2 of Chapter II, the following sub-
para shall be added at the end namely:-
/True Copy/
Dated: 30.4.2010
/By order/
For Registrar
1) Additional Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Chennai Region
2) All Regional Joint Registrars
3) Joint Registrar (Public Distribution System) I & II, Chennai
Copy to : All Circle Deputy Registrars
Copy to : All Deputy Registrar (Public Distribution System)
Copy to : All Officers in Office
Copy to : All sections in Office
Copy to : OE, PA , EM Section Susperintendent
Copy to : Stock file 2010
Copy or G.O.(Ms) No.63, Social Welfare and Nutritious Meal Programme (SW4)
Department, Dated 18.3.2010.
Social Welfare – Welfare of Differently Abled Person – Announcement of Hon’le Chief
Minister – Launching of Special recruitment drive to enable the disabled to get
employment opportunity by filling up of all th reserved vacancies of persons with
Disabilities – Orders – Issued.
In the Government Order first read above the Government issued orders
reserving 3% of vacancies in all state Public Service / Educational Institutions under
all kinds of Managements (like Government local bodies and aided Managements
including Universities) for physically handicapped persons in the posts where the rule
of reservation is applicable for the Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes and Backward
Classes and other communities.
2) In the Government Order second read above, it has been ordered that 3% of
the quota reserved for physically handicapped persons should be made as indicated
S.No. Category of the Handicapped Percentage of reservation
1. Blind 1%
2. Deaf 1%
3. Orthopaedically 1%
In the same order, certain categories of posts in Group C&D have also been identified
as suitable for the physically handicapped persons.
3. In the Government Order third read above 117 posts have been identified
under group A&B categories under the purview of Teachers Recruitment Board and
the Tamil Nadu Pubic Service Commission as suitable for the persons with disabilities.
The Government also directed that 3% of the vacancies in direct recruitment for the
identified posts of A and B groups, where the rule of reservation is applicable for the
SCs/STs, B.Cs and other communities shall be reserved for the disabled persons.
6. In the government Order sixth read above “High Level Committee” under the
Chairmanship of Hon’ble Minister (Social Welfare) and other official members was
constituted to monitor and ensure 3% reservation for the Persons with Disabilities in
Government Jobs.
8. The Government have examine the above issue with the advisory department
and hereby instruct all the recruiting agencies to launch a Special Recruitment Driver
to clear all the backlog of vacancies of persons with Disability as ordered in the
Government Order fourth read above and ensure that the Special Recruitment Drive
announced by Hon’ble Chief Minister us completed expeditiously.
3. To report the vacancies (including backlog) to the Recruiting Agencies such
as Department of Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission/Teachers Recruitment
Board/Department of Employment and Training etc.,
4. The recruiting agency to notify the vacancies and process the applications
received from the Differently Abled Persons.
10. The State Commissioner for the Disabled, the implementing authority for
the schemes of the disabled is directed is directed to follow up the issue with the
concerned authorities and send periodical report to the Government in this regard. He
is also requested to ensure that the action plan suggested by the Government is
followed scrupulously and the entire process of Special Recruitment Drive is
completed expeditiously in a war Footing Manner.
11. This order issues with the concurrence of the personnel and Administrative
Reforms and Finance Departments vide their U.O. No.12179/Secy./2010, dated
12.3.2010 and U.O.No.708/FS/P/2010, dated 13.3.2010 respectively.
/True Copy/
murhiz (ãiy) v©.78, r_fey« k‰W« r¤JzΤ £l« (r.e. 4) Jiw, ehŸ 29.3.2010
nk‰go m¿é¥Ã‰F Ïz§f, muÁaš ã®za r£l¤Â‹ c£ÃçÎ (3) ÃçÎ 166‹go j‰nghJ kh©òäF
r_fey¤ Jiw mik¢r® ÂUkÂ. gh. ÑjhÉt‹ mt®fë‹ Ñœ brašg£Ltªj CdK‰nwh® ey¤Jiw, kh
‰W¤ÂwdhëfŸ ey¤Jiw v‹W bga® kh‰w« brŒa¥g£L m¥bghUŸ kh©òäF Kjyik¢r® mt®fS¡F j
‰nghJŸs bghU£fSl‹ nr®¤J TLjyhf xJ¡ÑL brŒJ, nkny x‹¿š go¡f¥g£l murhizæš Miz
btëæl¥g£LŸsJ, vdnt, j‰nghJ brašg£LtU« CdK‰nwhU¡fhd khãy Miza® mYtyf«, CdK
‰nwhU¡fhd khãy Miza®, kht£l CdK‰nwhU¡fhd kWthœÎ mYty®fŸ k‰W« jäœehL CdK
‰nwh® ey thça« M»a bga®fisÍ« bga® kh‰w« brŒJ Miz btëæL«go CdK‰nwhU¡fhd khãy
Miza® muir¡ nf£L¡ bfh©LŸsh®.
The Copies of G.O. (Ms) No.63, Social Welfare and Nutritious Meal Programme
(SW.4) Department dated 18.3.2010 and G.O.(Ms) No.78, Social Welfare and Nutritious Meal
Programme (S.W.4) Department dated 29.3.2010 are communicated for information and
necessary action.
/By Order/
For Registrar
The Additional Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Chennai Region
2) All the Regional Joint Registrars
3) Joint Registrar (Public Distribution System I & II, Chennai.
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mYtyf¤Âš tUif¥ gÂnt£o‰F gÂyhf tUif¡fhd éuš nuif¥ gÂÎ rhj‹
(gnah bk£ç¡ m£bl©l‹° ßl®) mYtyf¤Â‹ 2« js¤Âš ãWt¥g£LŸsJ. ÏJ bjhl®ghf mid¤J¥ gâahs®fS¡F«
ËtU« m¿ÎiufŸ tH§f¥gL»‹wd.
1) mid¤J¥ gâahs®fS« mYtyf¤Â‰F F¿¤j neu¤Â‰F tUif òça nt©L«. tUifòçÍ« nghJ
mYtyf¤Â‹ Ïu©lh« js¤Âš it¡f¥g£LŸs eh‹F rhjd§fëš (instruments) VjhtbjhU rhjd¤Âš
jh§fŸ mYtyf¤Â‰F tUif òçªj neu¤ij j§fsJ iféuš nuifæ‹ _y« (V‰fdnt ÏaªÂu¤Âš gÂÎ
brŒa¥g£l iféušfëš VjhtbjhU éuš nuif) gÂÎ brŒÂlš nt©L«. iféuš nuif gÂa¥g£lÎl‹ mt®fŸ
tUif òçÍ« neu« mš gÂÎ brŒa¥g£LéL«.
2) nk‰F¿¥Ã£l fhy¤Â‰FŸ tu¤jtW« gâahs®fS« mjhtJ K‹ mDk bg‰W« / jhkjkhfΫ tU«
gâahs®fS« jh§fŸ mYtyf¤Â‰F tUif òçªj neu¤ij iféuš nuifæ‹ _y« mªj ÏaªÂu¤Âš f£lha«
gªÂlš nt©L«.
3) fhiyæš xU Kiw rhjd¤Âš, iféuš nuif g¤jË Û©L« jtWjyhf iféuš nuifia¥ g¤jhš mt®fŸ
mYtyf¥ gâæèUªJ btënaW« neu« (Out time) rhjd¤Âš gÂa¥g£L éL«.
4) mnj nghš khiyæš gâKo¤J ÂU«ò«nghJ mYtyf« R¤j« brŒgt®fŸ khiy 4 kâ¡F¥ Ëò«, Ïju
rh®ãiy¥ gâahs®fŸ 5.45 kâ¡F¥ Ëò« mYtyf¤ij é£L¢ bršY« nghJ nk‰go rhjd¤Âš j§fsJ
iféuš nuifæid f£lha« gªJ é£L¢ bršy nt©L«. ÏuΡ fhty®fŸ fhiyæš 9 kâ¡F gâKo¤J¤
ÂU«ò«nghJ j§fŸ iféuš nuifæid f£lha« gªJ é£L¢ bršy nt©L«. m›thW jtW« g£r¤Âš
mt®fŸ mYtyf¤ij é£L K‹djhfnt br‹Wé£ljhf fUj¥gLth®fŸ.
5) mtru ntiy k‰W« clšãiy rçæšyhj fhuz¤jhš j‰braš éL¥Ãš bršy ne®ªjhš bjhiyngÁ _y«
r«gªj¥g£l f£L¥gh£L mYtyU¡F« mYtyf “mgm” ÃçΡF« cça neu¤Â‰FŸ jftš bjçé¡f nt©L«.
gâæš nr®ªjÎl‹ éL¥ò é©z¥g¤ij f©o¥ghf rk®¥Ã¡f nt©L«.
7) éLKiw eh£fëš éLKiw¥go / Áw¥ò Kiw¥gâ gçgt®fS« mYtyf Ïu©lh« js¤Âš cŸs Kiw¥gâ
gÂnt£oY« ifbah¥g« Ïl nt©L«. tUif¥gÂntL rhjd¤ÂY« j§fsJ tUif F¿¤J«, gâKo¤J ÂU«Ã¢
bršY« nghJ« f£lha« iféuš nuifæid¥ gªÂl nt©L«.
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths® mt®fë‹ brašKiw Miz br‹id.10.
ÂU. a¤ÔªÂu eh¤ °nt‹, Ï.M.g.,
e.f.1670592003/ mgm 4 ehŸ 28.06.2010
2. go¡f¥g£lit (5) š fhQ« jUkòç k©ly Ïiz¥gÂthsç‹ foj¤Âš mD¥g¥g£l kWgutyk®¤j« brŒtJ
bjhl®ghd fU¤Jiu gçÓè¡f¥g£lJ. Ï¥gçªJiuæ‹go, Ñœ¡fhQ« gâahs®fŸ jUkòç k©ly¤ÂèUªJ »UZz»ç
k©ly¤Â‰F kWgutyk®¤j« (redeployment) _y« kh‰¿ xJ¡ÑL brŒa¥gL»wh®fŸ.
1 ÂU.J. KUnfr‹ T£LwÎ rh® gÂths®/ cjé Ïa¡Fe® ghš T£LwÎ jâ¡if¤
T£LwÎ rh® gÂths® Jiw
2 ÂU. nf. ntyhÍj« KJãiy MŒths®/ ÃçÎ cjéahs®
KJãiy MŒths® Ïiz¥gÂths® mYtyf«, jUkòç
3 Â kÂaHf‹ KJãiy MŒths® / bghJ éãnahf¤ £l«
KJãiy MŒths® Jiz¥gÂths® (bghJ éãnahf¤ £l«) jUkòç
4 ÂU.M®.nf. kndhfu‹, KJãiy MŒths® / bghJ éãnahf¤ £l«
KJãiy MŒths® Jiz¥gÂths® (bghJ éãnahf¤ £l«) jUkòç
5 ÂU.n#. n#hašuhÃrh« KJãiy MŒths®/ ÃçÎ cjéahs®
KJãiy MŒths® Jiz¥gÂths® mYtyf«, jUkòç
3. »UZz»ç k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths® mYtyf¤Â‰Fça gÂÎU¡fŸ k‰W« Ïju Mtz§fŸ jUkòç k©ly
Ïiz¥gÂths® mYtyf¤ÂèUªJ clnd kh‰w¥gl nt©L«.
/Miz¥go /
k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
jUkòç k‰W« »UZz»ç k©ly§fŸ
ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ, jUkòç k‰W« »UZz»ç
Jiz¥gÂths® (bghJ éãnahf¤ £l«) jUkòç k‰W« »UZz»ç
1. TLjš gÂths®, br‹id k©ly«
2. Ïju k©ly Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ
3. Ïju ruf¤ Jiz¥gÂths®fŸ
4. kht£l M£Á¤ jiyt®, »UZz»ç
5. kht£l fUñy mYty®, »UZz»ç
6. khãy fz¡fha®, br‹id.18
7. jå mYty®, jäœehL T£LwÎ x‹¿a«, br‹id.10
8. gÂths® mYtyf mid¤J¥ ÃçÎfŸ
9. ÏU¥ò¡ nfh¥ò
Copy of G.O.(Ms) No.97, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (FR.IV)
Department, dated 05.07.2010
Fundamental Rules – Government Servants – Grant of Advance Increment –
Acquisition of certain higher qualification at Government cost – Amendment to
G.O.(Ms) No.1159, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (FR. II) Department,
dated 21.11.1984 – Orders – Issued.
1. G.O.Ms.No.531 Finance Department dated 25.04.1963
2. G.O.Ms.No.1195, Public Works Department dated 11.7.1972
3. G.O.Ms.No.825, Personnel and Administrative (FR.I) Reforms
Department dated 06.07.1977
4. G.O.Ms.No.1195, Personnel and Administrative (FR.I)
Reforms Department dated 27.10.1978
5. G.O.Ms.No.843, Personnel and Administrative (FR.II)
Reforms Department dated 05.09.1983.
6. G.O.Ms.No.1159, Personnel and Administrative (FR.II)
Reforms Department dated 21.11.1984
7. Government Letter No.23270/Personnel and Administrative
Reforms (FR.II) Department / 85-1 dated 06.05.1985.
8. Order of High Court of Madras dated 07.01.2009 in
In the Government Order first to fourth read above, the Government have
ordered among other things, that the Government Servant, who acquired Post
Graduate qualification in certain specialities such as Business Administration,
Engineering, Agriculture, Medicine etc. after entering into service be accorded
two advance increments with effect from the date of acquiring of such
qualification. Subsequently, in the Government Order fifth read above, the
Government have replaced the scheme of sanction of two advance increments
by a scheme of sanction of lump-sum grant subject to among others the
following conditions:-
/By Order/
For Registrar
The Additional Registrar of Cooperative Societies,Chennai Region, Chennai.18
All the Regional Joint Registrar of Cooperative Societies
Joint Registrar (Public Distribution System) I & II Chennai
All the Circle Deputy Registrar of Cooperative Societies
All the Deputy Registrar (PDS)
All Apex Institutions
All Officers and Sections in Registrar’s Office
Copy of G.O. (Ms) No.116, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (M)
Department dated 18.8.2010.
1. Judgment of the High Court in W.A.Nos.1221 of 2005, 82 of
2006 and W.P. No.36307 of 2004, dated 4.2.2008
2. Judgment of the Supreme Court of India, in Civil Appeal
Nos.4173, 4189 -4191 of 2008 dated 25.2.2009
3. D.O.Letter No.848 /05-17 Personnel and Administrative Reforms
(M) Department, dated 25.8.2009 addressed to the Secretary,
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission.
4. From the Secretary, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission,
letter No.6371/RND.F1/00 dated 18.11.2000.
The High Court of Madras in its common judgment in the Writ petitions
first read above had observed that “it can never be countenanced that the
Government consciously intended to recognize a degree of M.A. through
Open University System without the benefit of the foundation degree or the
basic degree as equivalent to a recognized degree even though the
University Grants Commission Regulations never contemplated such a
course. Therefore, recognition of a degree from the Open University System
could be only on the anvit that such degree must be in accordance with the
Regulations of the University Grants Commission and not in direct conflict
with such Regulations. The expression in the Rules that for the purpose of
eligibility of a person to be appointed as a Principal, be must be in
possession of a degree of recognized University cannot be stretched to
include “Masters degree” obtained from the Annamalai University by
appearing at one time examination without the benefit of a previous ‘first
2. The Supreme Court of India in its judgment second read above has
opined that the High Court is correct in rendering the opinion in the manner
it did in its judgment (i.e) the Supreme Court of India has upheld the
judgment of the High Court of Madras dated 4.2.208 in W.A.Nos.1221 of
2005, 82 of 2006 and W.P/No.36307 of 2004.
without obtaining a basic degree cannot be considered as possessing a Post
Graduate Degree for appointment in Public Services.
/True Copy/
/By Order/
For Registrar.
Additional Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Chennai Region
All Regional Joint Registrars
Joint Registrar (Public Distribution System )I & II Chennai.
Rc. No. 97620/2010/OE.1 Office of the Registrar of Cooperative
Kilpauk, Chennai-10.
Dated: 4.10.2010.
2) Hence the “CC” and “CCS” sections hither to functioning under the control of
Additional Registrar (Marketing Planning and Development) are transferred to be
under the control of Additional Registrar (Consumer Activities).
3) Consequent on the transfer of the “CC” and “CCS” sections to the control of
Additional Registrar (Consumer Activities) the files relating to that section shall be
submitted to Additional Registrar (Consumer Activities) through Deputy Registrar
(Consumer Co-operations) and joint Registrar (Consumer Co-operation)
4) The section Assistants should submit the personal Registrars for check to
the Additional Registrar (Consumer Activities) instead of Additional Registrar
(Marketing, Planning and Development) on the due dates already prescribed in the
office order second cited.
All Sections.
Copy to: All Superintendents.
Copy to: All Officers in Registrar of Co-operative Societies Office.
T£LwΤ Jiw
mD¥òe® bgWe®
ÂU. a¤ÔªÂu eh¤ °nt‹, Ï.M.g., TLjš gÂths®,
T£Lw΢ r§f§fë‹ gÂths®, br‹id k©ly«
170, bgçah® <.bt.uh. beLŠrhiy, k‰W« mid¤J k©ly
Ñœ¥gh¡f«, br‹id.600 010 Ïiz¥gÂths®fŸ©.1091 Ïiz¥gÂths® (bghJ éãnahf £l«) 1 k‰W«
mŒah / m«ikp®,
bghUŸ: bghJ;¥gâfŸ – mYtyf eilKiw – g¢ir ãwik (Green Ink) ga‹ghL F¿¤j
bjëÎiu tH§» Miz btëæl¥gL»wJ.
gh®it: muR Miz (ãiy) v©.151, gâahs® k‰W« ã®thf¢ Ó®¤ÂU¤j¤ (v) Jiw
ehŸ 21.10.2010
/ Miz¥go /
Ïiz¥ò : nk‰T¿athW.
bghJ¥gâfŸ – mYtyf eilKiw – g¢ir ãw ik (Green Ink) ga‹ghL F¿¤j bjëÎiu tH§» Miz
gâahs® k‰W« ãUthf¢ Ó®ÂU¤j¤ (v) Jiw
murhiz (ãiy) v©.151 ehŸ 21.10.2010
I¥gÁ 04 ÂUtŸSt® M©L 2041
g¢ir ãw ik (Green Ink) ga‹ghL F¿¤J muÁl« bjëÎiufŸ nfhu¥g£LŸsd. Ïjid muR ftdkhf
gçÓè¤J Ñœf©lthW MizæL»wJ.
muR mYtyf§fëš ãiy¤j Úy« (Permanent Blue) , fUÚy« (Blue Black) mšyJ fU¥ò
t©z (Black) ikæid k£Lnk muR Mtz§fëš vGJtj‰F ga‹gL¤jyh« vdΫ, Ïitfis¤ jéu Ãw
t©z ikæ‹ ga‹gh£oid¤ jil brŒJ«, tiuÎ MizfŸ / m¿é¡iffŸ / éÂfŸ ngh‹wt‰¿š ÂU¤j«
brŒÍ« gâahs® k‰W« ãUthf¢ Ó®ÂU¤j¤ Jiw g¢ir ãw (Green) ikæidÍ«, r£l¤Jiw
Át¥ò ãw (Red) ikæidÍ« ga‹gL¤jyh« vdΫ, muR mYtyf§fëš ik C‰W vGJ nfhYl‹
(Fountain Pen), gªJKid (Ball Point) / TH« ik (Gel) vGJ¡ nfhiyÍ«, ga‹gL¤j
mDk¡fyh« vdΫ, muR Miz (ãiy) v©.189, gâahs® k‰W« ãUthf¢ Ó®ÂU¤j¤ (v°)
Jiw ehŸ 18.7.2007‹ go, rh‹bwh¥g« ÏLtj‰F mDk¡f¥g£l mYty®fŸ g¢ir ãw ikæid
(Green ink) rh‹bwh¥g« ÏLtj‰F ga‹gL¤jyh« vdΫ, bjhF ‘m’ mYty®fŸ k£L«
muR nfh¥òfëš ÁW F¿¥òfŸ vGj g¢ir ãw ikæid (Green Ink) ga‹gL¤jyh« vdΫ muR
2. nk‰fhQ« Miz¡»z§f jiyik¢ brayf eilKiw Ehè‹ g¤Â 557 k‰W« muR mYtyf eilKiw Ehè‹
g¤Â 14-A M»at‰¿‰F cça ÂU¤j§fŸ jåna btëæl¥gL«.
/Miz¥go /
nf, v‹. bt§f£ukz‹
muR brayhs®
ADVANCE INCREMENT – Sanction of Advance increment to Government
Officials for acquiring MBA degree of recognized institutions – Orders issued –
Cancellation of the Government Orders – issued.
1. G.O.(Ms) No.825, Personnel and Administrative Reforms (FR I)
Department dated 6.7.1977
2. G.O. (Ms) No.1195 Personnel and Administrative Reforms (FR I)
Department dated 27.10.1978.
In the Government Order first read above, Government have
ordered that the Government servants working in the Departments where
management qualification could be utilized and who hold the post graduate
degree of Master of Business Administration of recognized institutions be given
two advance increments. While introducing the above said scheme, acquiring
M.B.A. qualification wasa rare and no possibilities existed through Distance
Education. Further, it was felt that in the primitive periods, management
knowledge may be helpful in administration to a limited extrent. However,
nowadays due to advancement of technologies, management know-how is
widespread in administration.