Verbs Test: With Bugs..
Verbs Test: With Bugs..
Verbs Test: With Bugs..
Verbs Test
With Bugs...
Reading Level 2
Part One | Verb Phrases
Directions: Read each sentence and identify the complete verb phrase
(main verb and any helping verbs). Circle your answer.
2. Cricket will be playing his violin by your window all night long.
a) playing b) be playing
c) will be playing d) will be playing his
4. Bee's mother had warned him about Hornet and Wasp's bad influence on his life.
a) had b) had warned
c) warned d) had warned him
5. Ladybug put on her favorite spotted dress and went to the spring dance.
a) put b) went to dance
c) put and dance d) put and went
7. Hornet and Wasp are not allowed at the picnic with Ant and Ladybug.
a) are b) allowed
c) are allowed d) are allowed at
8. Mantis brushed her teeth and washed her hands after the meal with her boyfriend.
a) brushed b) brushed her
c) brushed and washed d) brushed her and washed her
13. Hornet and Wasp were flying around and looking for trouble.
a) were flying b) were flying and looking
c) flying and looking d) were flying around and looking
15. Ant ________ his crumbs with his friend Lady Bug until that hungry Spider showed up.
a) were going to share b) we're going to share
c) was going to share d) will be sharing
16. Wasp and Hornet ________ around the yard and looking for some luckless fool to sting.
a) flew b) was flying
c) had flown d) were flying
17. "If I ________ Bee, I'd mind my own beeswax," said Hornet to his troublesome friend
a) were b) we're
c) was d) where
18. If Ant ________ that it was going to rain so much, he wouldn't have even came to the picnic.
a) knew b) had knew
c) had known d) knows
19. Mantis ________ at her bigheaded boyfriend and licking her lips.
a) looks b) looked
c) had looked d) was looking
20. Tick ________ very thirsty by the time the campers begin to set up their tents.
a) is b) will be
c) had been d) has been
21. After Grasshopper smashed up Spider's bedroom, Spider ________ that it was time to build
a new home.
a) decide b) decided
c) decides d) will decide
22. Flea ________ of his ten-thousand brothers taking his things without asking.
a) sick b) was sick
c) were sick d) we're sick
23. Fly ________ the cookie crumbs, but he flew off to find a stinkier treat.
a) could a ate b) could of eaten
c) could a eaten d) could have eaten
24. Spider ________ a new room to his home below the gutter.
a) be busy adding b) we're busy adding
c) was busy adding d) were busy adding
25. Wasp ________ Bee with the flowers, but Wasp was much too busy scaring children.
a) would a helped b) would of helped
c) would of help d) would have helped
26. "________ too busy eating this dog," said Flea to his parasitic friend Tick.
a) Were b) We's
c) We're d) We was
29. Ant ________ more food for the winter, but he was busy playing with Grasshopper.
a) should a stored b) should of store
c) should of stored d) should have stored
31. Flea, Moth, and Tick ________ a really cool insect party in your sweater.
a) throwing b) is throwing
c) be throwing d) are throwing