Spirin Capsula: Storage: Store in A
Spirin Capsula: Storage: Store in A
Spirin Capsula: Storage: Store in A
Pharm 201L
Preparation No. 3
B. Calculation(s):
Ingredients Original Quantities Computed Quantities
D. Self-Reflection:
• What have you learned from the activity?
I learned how to prepare such capsules as aspirin capsule with the use of
the capsule molder
2. Tablet vs. Capsule: Which has the highest dissolution rate? Explain
Capsules have higher dissolution rate than tablets because it can
be absorbed in the blood stream in a few minutes while tablets would take
longer. In a study performed by pharmacy students of the University of
Benin, dissolution rate constants were 0.31 ± 0.02 min-1 (capsules) and
0.20 ± 0.03 min-1 (tablets). Thus, the capsules displayed a faster
dissolution compared with the tablets.
Size Grams
000 0.972g
00 0.648g
0 0.486g
1 0.324g
2 0.259g
3 0.194g
4 0.130g
5 0.065g