Spirin Capsula: Storage: Store in A

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Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms, Drug Delivery Systems and Medical Devices

Pharm 201L

Name: Manzanero, Mckian Pius L. Group: 12

Year/Section: BS Pharmacy Q2A Final Rating:

Preparation No. 3

A. Wrap-Up Guide Questions:

• Synonym/s: Aspirin capsula

• Uses of Preparation: Analgesic & Antithrombotic
• Method/s of Preparation used: Spatulation
• Method/s of Administration: Oral administration
• Packaging material/s used in the preparation: Wide mouth bottle,
capsule molder
• Particular Equipment (if any): Spatula, Pill Tile, Mortar and Pestle
• Ideal temperature and storage conditions: Store at temperatures not
exceeding 30°C. Protect from light.
• Description of Finished Product: A white crystalline fine powder,
enclosed in an empty gelatin capsule shell.
B. Facsimile label:

Each 323mg contains: Amount: 323mg Lot No: 2009S0312

93mg……………….Aspirin Mfg Date: 09/08/2020
230mg……………..Starch ASPIRIN Exp Date: 09/08/2022
Mild to moderate pain 93mg CAPSULE
Adult: Initially, 300-900 Manufactured by:
mg, repeated 4 - 6 hourly MedCraft Pharmaceuticals
according to clinical Storage: Store in a
needs. UPH-DJGTMU College of place not exceeding
Max: 4 g daily. Pharmacy 30°C.

Formula based on preparation:

Ingredients Quantity Physical Appearance Uses
Aspirin 93mg x 6 = Colorless to white crystalline Reduce fever and
0.56g solid with a vinegar odor due relieve mild to
its hydrolysis yielding moderate pain 
salicylic and acetic acid
Starch 230mg x 6 = White, tasteless powder that Processing aids and
1.38g is insoluble in cold water or additives
Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms, Drug Delivery Systems and Medical Devices
Pharm 201L

B. Calculation(s):
Ingredients Original Quantities Computed Quantities

Aspirin 0.185g 0.56g

Starch 0.460g 1.38g

To make 2 capsules 6 capsules

93mg + 230mg =323mg

Ratio & Proportion

Aspirin Starch

(0.185 g x 6 capsule) / 2 capsule = 0.56 g (0.460 g x 6 capsules) / 2 capsule = 1.38 g

C. Attachment(s) of actual laboratory activity: (if any) – N/a

D. Self-Reflection:
• What have you learned from the activity?
I learned how to prepare such capsules as aspirin capsule with the use of
the capsule molder

• Based on the discussion, what specific topic will surely be useful on

your future chosen career?
It will be the preparation of capsule itself through the use of ingredients
such as starch, and with the use of the capsule molder.

• How will this benefit you as future pharmacist?

With the use of the learned topics, it will benefit me in the practical
compounding of drugs in the future.
Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms, Drug Delivery Systems and Medical Devices
Pharm 201L


1. What are the common problems encountered during manufacturing of


• Wrong size of capsule used.

• Lumpy, misshapen or broken,
• Surface defect or dented capsules
• Misalignment of capsules
• Surface defect capsules or dented capsules
• Failure to separate
• Incorrect weight of drugs inside the capsule
• Wrong powder/granules used

2. Tablet vs. Capsule: Which has the highest dissolution rate? Explain
Capsules have higher dissolution rate than tablets because it can
be absorbed in the blood stream in a few minutes while tablets would take
longer. In a study performed by pharmacy students of the University of
Benin, dissolution rate constants were 0.31 ± 0.02 min-1 (capsules) and
0.20 ± 0.03 min-1 (tablets). Thus, the capsules displayed a faster
dissolution compared with the tablets.

3. Give the different size of a hard gelatin capsule and their

corresponding capacity (grams).

Size Grams
000 0.972g
00 0.648g
0 0.486g
1 0.324g
2 0.259g
3 0.194g
4 0.130g
5 0.065g

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