Tsunamis in The Indian Ocean Lanka September 20, 2009 (33 Months)
Tsunamis in The Indian Ocean Lanka September 20, 2009 (33 Months)
Tsunamis in The Indian Ocean Lanka September 20, 2009 (33 Months)
Logical Framework
Project Proposal: Building Resilience to Project Proposal: Building Resilience to Tsunamis in the Indian Ocean
Tsunamis in the Indian Ocean
Countries: India, Indonesia, Maldives, Sri
Time frame: December 21, 2006 to
September 20, 2009
(33 Months)
Intervention Logic Objectively Verifiable Indicators (OVIs) Sources and Means of Assumptions and risks
Verification (S/MoV)
Programm To assess the hazard, vulnerability and Improvement of resilience and capacity to manage and Governments Level of
e Objective coping capacity of the vulnerable groups. , reduce disaster risk reports national
National leadership and ownership for paradigm shift from PRSP reports commitment and
disaster response to disaster risk reduction CCA and leadership.
Disaster risk reduction implemented in national and local UNDAF documents Conducive
policies and planning processes Mid-term national
report arrangements and
Final governance
evaluation report structures.
Level of
understanding and
engagement of the
UN country team.
2. Increased public awareness and knowledge on tsunami risk and disaster risk reduction towards an Campaigns Public
enhanced culture of safety and media products interest and
Expected Results Old Indicators Proposed New Indicators Information engagement of the
2.1 Public awareness on tsunami 2.1.1 Awareness- 2.1.1 No. of awareness raising campaigns material media
and disaster risk increased. raising media organized among local people on disaster School Level of
1.2.4k, 1.3.1f campaigns through the risk reduction curricula commitment and
media and public 2.1.2 No. of materials developed for awareness Documents engagement of the
events raising on disaster risk reduction on positive local education sector
2.1.2 Public 2.1.3 No. of locally translated and adapted knowledge and and policy makers
information material information materials on disaster risk behaviour
tailored to local reduction developed and disseminated Mid-term
cultures and report
languages Final evaluation
2.2 The role of education in early 2.2.1 Integration of 2.2.1 No. of countries where disaster risk report
warning and disaster reduction natural hazards reduction is integrated into school curricula
advocated and strengthened. components and at the national level
disaster risk reduction 2.2.2 No. of courses developed for field
2.2.2d, into school curricula in practitioners and university students on
at least three countries disaster risk reduction
2.2.3 No. of universities where course(s) on
disaster risk reduction have been
2.2.2 Number of 2.2.4 No. of primary school teachers and
school teachers at education managers trained on disaster
primary schools risk reduction
trained on disaster risk 2.2.5 No. of teaching modules developed /
reduction revised on disaster risk reduction at primary
school level
3. Strengthened disaster risk reduction (preparedness, mitigation and response) capacities of local Documentatio Level of
communities n of assessments understanding and
Expected Results Old Indicators Proposed New Indicators Study collaboration of
3.1.1 Assessments of 3.1.1 No. of disaster preparedness assessment Reports targeted
3.1 Capacities and mechanisms community tool(s) developed and used Documentatio communities and
for disaster risk reduction at preparedness n of community local authorities
the community level measures in coastal drills
strengthened. zones undertaken Mid-term
1.3.1e, 3.1.2 Number and 3.1.2 No. of community tools and methods report
quality of community developed and shared for effective disaster Final evaluation
tools and methods for risk reduction report
effective disaster risk 3.1.3 No. of local action plans developed for
reduction further disaster risk reduction at the community
developed and
strengthened level
3.1.3 Number of local 3.1.4 No. of community members, local
volunteers (existing leaders, ward members and CBOs trained
community capacity) in disaster risk reduction
mobilized and trained 3.1.5 No. of construction workers mobilized
in disaster risk and trained on safe construction practices
reduction to support
community actions
3.2 Community resilience Effective chain of 3.2.1 No. of functional local committees /
strengthened through communication groups for disaster risk reduction
integrated disaster risk between the 3.2.2 No. of village knowledge centres
reduction. community and local established and strengthened for effective
authorities established coordination and exchange of information
1.3.1e and strengthened on disaster risk reduction
Disaster risk reduction 3.2.3 No. of NGO personnel trained on disaster
integrated into a risk reduction
number of post-
tsunami recovery 3.2.4 No. of non government and local
projects at the organizations that have integrated disaster
community level risk reduction in their projects / activities
4. Research and analysis on the risk and impact of tsunamis and other related natural hazards advanced Analysis reports Collaboration
Expected Results Old Indicators Proposed New Indicators Reports and research among research and
studies disaster
4.1 Field research and 4.1.1 Number of field 4.1.1 No. of field research studies on tsunami
Comparative studies
comparative studies on the research studies on risk assessment conducted and shared management
Mid-term report
risks and socio-economic tsunami risk (Same as old one) communities
Final evaluation report
impacts of disasters carried out assessment Availability
in high risk areas. 4.1.2 Number of 4.1.2 No. of documents / reports published on and accessibility to
analysis of tsunami tsunami historical records, based on the national and local
3.2.1d historical records as surveys conducted in different tsunami data
well as identification of prone areas
future tsunami prone 4.1.3 No. of documents / reports developed
areas and shared on success models under
indigenous knowledge on disaster
4.1.3 Number of cost- 4.1.4 No. of cost-benefit analysis of disaster
benefit analysis of risk reduction
disaster risk reduction (Same as old one)
Means Costs
1. Institutional capacity
Assessment studies
1.1 Assessment of institutional capacity, consultation Workshops
workshops and training programmes on prioritisation Training programmes
2. Public awareness
Media campaigns
2.1 Development of media disaster risk reduction Workshops and trainings
programmes and campaigns, organisation of training of Case studies
teachers and workshops on the role of education in
disaster risk reduction
2.2 Integration and disaster risk development into school
textbooks of primary schools
2.3 Documentation of positive local knowledge and
behaviour promoting disaster resilient communities
4. Research