2.MasterEmaco N 301 - KSA

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MasterEmaco® N 301

Single component polymer modified fairing coat and filler for pinholes

MasterEmaco N 301 is a single component It is essential that the surfaces to be bonded are
redispersible polymer modified fairing coat for sound, clean and uncontaminated. All loose
repair of blow holes and blemishes on concrete powdering material must be removed.
and masonry surfaces. It can be suitably applied Concrete surfaces should be thoroughly soaked
from 0 – 3 mm. prior to application of MasterEmaco N 301, to
ensure a saturated, but surface dry condition.
It is based on a dry blend which requires on-site
mixing with water in order to achieve a smooth
grey paste which can be easily applied by
trowel. MasterEmaco N 301 should be applied to the
complete area with the minimum of trowelling.
Leave for a short period before final trowelling.
Finishing may be aided by flicking a small amount
 Re-profiling material to cover concrete and of water onto the surface, using a paint brush
masonry surfaces such as blowholes, before final trowelling.
blemishes, sand runs etc.
 To produce a uniform surface over repaired Final finishing can be performed by striking off with
areas. a straight edge and closing with a steel trowel or
 Re-profiling up to 3 mm. plastic float.
 Filling the imperfections in bricks, block works
and precast segments. When used as a "scrape coat"
MasterEmaco N 301 can be applied with a brush
ADVANTAGES or roller and then the excess scraped off with the
 Does not require a primer. edge of a steel float. In this way blow holes and
 Requires only the addition of mixing water. minor blemishes in an otherwise fair faced
 Smooth, easily produced finish. concrete can be hidden.
 Sound adhesion to concrete and masonry.
 Flexible CURING:
 Does not require curing under normal Under normal temperature conditions up to 40C,
conditions curing is not essential. Temperatures in excess of
 Excellent resistance to freeze / thaw cycles 40C may require curing practice. Curing can be
 Filling and sealing hairline cracks performed by covering the application with a
properly secured plastic sheeting. Alternatively,
 Subsequent paint coats can be applied with
MasterKure 181 can also be applied in thin coat
greater economy.
as a curing membrane.
MasterEmaco N 301 is supplied in 20kg bags. DESIGN
MasterEmaco N 301 is designed for vertical and
TYPICAL PROPERTIES overhead applications. The product is suitable for
applications from feather-edge up to 3 mm
Colour Light grey thickness including rendering over large areas.
Plastic density ~1850kg/m³ .
Compressive Strength at 28 days 30N/mm2
Note: Water:Powder Ratiof of 0.3 : 1
MasterEmaco® N 301
MasterEmaco N 301 In case of full pack mixing, it As with all chemical products, care should be
s preferable to mix the material in a Creteangle or taken during use and storage to avoid contact with
similar forced action mixer. Alternatively, a slow eyes, mouth, skin and foodstuffs. Treat splashes
speed, hand held electric mixer with a suitable to eyes and skin immediately. If accidentally
paddle can be used. Over mixing should be ingested, seek medical attention. Reseal
avoided. When mixing full bags, 6 litres water in containers after use. Use in well ventilated areas
the mixing vessel and commence mixing. Add the and avoid inhalation. For further information refer
powder to the water while mixing. In case of part to the material safety data sheet.
mixing the ratio by volume is 1 part of water with 3
parts of powder. NOTE
Field service, where provided, does not constitute
COVERAGE supervisory responsibility. For additional
One 20kg bag of MasterEmaco N 301 will information contact your local BASF
typically yield 14 litres and will cover approximately representative.
16m² at 1mm application thickness.
BASF reserves the right to have the true cause of
EQUIPMENT CARE any difficulty determined by accepted test
Tools should be washed with water immediately methods.
after use.
SURFACE FINISHING: All BASF Products are manufactured under a
All surface imperfections should be repaired by the management system independently certified to
conform to the requirements of the quality,
application of MasterEmaco N 301 as
environmental and occupational health and safety
manufactured by Saudi BASF. Applications should
standards of ISO 9001 and BASF ESHQ
be strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's
* Properties listed are based on laboratory controlled tests.
Store out of direct sunlight, clear of the ground on ® = Registered trademark of the BASF-Group in many countries.
pallets protected from rainfall. Avoid excessive
compaction. Failure to comply with the
recommended storage conditions may result in
premature deterioration of the product or
packaging. For specific storage advice consult
BASF's Technical Services Department.

Saudi BASF May 2010 revised 03_2015 -rev_04-2017

The technical information and application advice given in this BASF publication are based on the present state of
STATEMENT OF our best scientific and practical knowledge. As the information herein is of a general nature, no assumption can be
RESPONSIBILITY made as to a product's suitability for a particular use or application and no warranty as to its accuracy, reliability or
completeness either expressed or implied is given other than those required by law. The user is responsible for
checking the suitability of products for their intended use.

Field service where provided does not constitute supervisory responsibility. Suggestions made by
NOTE BASF either orally or in writing may be followed, modified or rejected by the owner, engineer or contractor since
they, and not BASF, are responsible for carrying out procedures appropriate to a specific application.

Saudi BASF for Building Materials Co. Ltd.

P.O. Box 1884, Al Khobar, KSA
Tel: +966 13 8538600, Fax: +966 13 8328671

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