Allowable Adjustments": Coc2 Answers To Oral Questions

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2. SOURCE: PAGE 25 OF 71 “Allowable Adjustments”

What is Allowable Adjustment?

Remember that the assessment should not demand higher literacy, language or communication
skills than those required for the job itself. As suggested by the concept of allowable
adjustment, this means translating written instructions into local dialect for candidates from
non-English speaking backgrounds or providing instructions orally rather than in writing for
candidates with limited language skills.

3. SOURCE: PAGE 25-26 OF 71 “Confidentiality”

What is Confidentiality?
Confidentiality of the assessment process means that all information about the assessment
should be kept confidential. The assessor must ensure that the following must be kept
 Assessment Package must kept in secured place, the assessor should ensure that all the
copies of the activity. This will guarantee the integrity of the assessment package.
 Candidate’s assessment result must also be kept confidential to ensure candidates
personal integrity. The assessment result can only be made available to authorized
personnel, like to his supervisor or human resource personnel where he works and to
the institution where he is actually have his training.

4. SOURCE: PAGE 2 OF 71 “Assessment Centers”

If the venue for assessment have malfunctioning equipment or damaged tools, would you still
continue to conduct the assessment?
It is the assessor's responsibility to ensure that the resources required for assessment are
assembled and tested prior the assessment to be conducted. It is also the assessor’s
responsibility to ensure that a safe assessment environment is provided to the candidate. If
these conditions are not met, the assessment should not be conducted.

5. SOURCE: PAGE 25 OF 71”Legal and Ethical Responsibilities”

What is the importance of orienting the candidates on PPE?

It is important to inform the candidate the nature of work and the potential hazard it may
cause to him. Candidate should be reminded of the precautionary measures; like not be
allowing them to undergo assessment if they are not wearing appropriate personal
protective equipment, or they are exhibiting un safety actions. In the event of accidents, the
assessment should be stopped and will only resume if the candidate can already perform the
task for qualification.

6. SOURCE: PAGE 45 OF 71 “Questioning”

How do you assess the underpinning knowledge of candidates?

Ans. Questioning and written exam

Written exam

Questioning is appropriate for .,.

 Times when observation cannot be used
 Verifying observations
 Underpinning knowledge
 Dimensions of competency

7. SOURCE: PAGE 36 OF 71 “Rules of Evidence”

What are the rules of evidence?

Rules of Evidence. They are the rules by which an assessor justifies his/her assessment
decision. Each piece of evidence must be valid, authentic and current to be considered
acceptable evidence. There must also be sufficient evidence overall, to allow an assessor to
make a judgment of competence. (Linked to the sufficiency rule is a requirement, that the
assessor must be confident that the candidate can perform the competency consistently.)

8. SOURCE: PAGE 47 of 71 “Evidence Gathering Methods”

What are evidence gathering methods?

 Written test
 Oral Questioning
 Demonstration
 Portfolio

10. SOURCE: PAGE 70 of 71 “Constructive Feedback on Assessment Proceedings

How to give constructive feedback on assessment proceedings;

 Ask the candidate to judge how well he or she performed
 Reinforce positive aspects of the assessment
 Ask the candidate to suggest areas for improvement
 Give feedback as soon as possible

Tips for feedback on negative assessment

 Be as positive without raising any false expectations.
 Be as precise about the gaps in the candidate’s competence
 Identify whether any part(s) of the assessment need be repeated
 and, if so, which parts.

 Emphasize and explain the results
 Suggest further learning or practice to fix the gaps.
 Arrange further opportunity for candidate to complete
 assessment requirements


Dimensions of competency

 Task skills
 Contingency skills
 Management skills
 Environment skills


 Reliability
 Flexibility
 Fairness
 Validity


 Set in order
 Sort
 Sweep
 Standardize / Shine
 Self discipline


 Written
 Oral/interview
 Demo
 Portfolio

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