April Home Assignment Assignment # 1
April Home Assignment Assignment # 1
April Home Assignment Assignment # 1
1. Kindly write the following details at the beginning of each answer sheet:
i. Name of Student
ii. School Student ID#
iii. Subject
iv. Name of Subject Teacher
v. Assignment #
vi. In case there is a choice given in the assignment write the Question # you have
3. Assignment received after the submission date given above will not be graded.
5. Students should note that they must submit original work. These assignments will be checked
for plagiarism through software.
q = the length of the image of the cell structure on the micrograph in centimetres
r = the length of the image of the cell structure on the micrograph in millimetres
s = 1000
t = 1/5
3 The diagram shows an eyepiece graticule and part of a stage micrometer scale as seen using
x 100 magnification.
How is the value, in um, of one eye piece graticule unit calculated?
D multiply 0.1 by 1000 and divide by 100 , then divide again by 100
4 A student carried out a benedict test on several different concentrations of alpha glucose.
Which graph represents the results correctly?
5 Fibrous proteins are composed of chains of amino acids held together by bonds.
An example of a part of a fibrous protein is shown.
Which of the following correctly matches the biological molecules in the food samples with the
colour for a positive result?
. The main form of haemoglobin contains two alpha globins and two beta globins
Which row shows the correct number of genes needed to code for each type of proteins?
8 Some extracellular protease enzymes are synthesized in an inactive form called zymogen.
Zymogen is converted to the active protease in the Golgi body .
What is the purpose of producing zymogen before converting it to the extracellular protease?
9 An experiment was carried out to compare the effect of pH on the activity of an enzyme
That was in solution and the same enzyme that had been immobilized on a gel.
10 The Michaelis –Menten constant for an enzyme catalysed reaction is referred to as Km, and
the maximum velocity of such a reaction is known as Vmax.
A an enzyme with a high value of Km can reach its Vmax at a low substrate concentration
B an enzyme with a high value of Km has a high affinity to its substrate
C an enzyme with a low value of Km can reach its Vmax at high substrate concentration
D an enzyme with a low value of Km has a high affinity to its substrate
11 The diagram represents a cell surface membrane of a metabolically active cell and the
direction of movement of some molecules through the membrane.
Which row shows a process by which the molecules may be moving through the membrane
at each of the points 1, 2, 3 and 4?
12 High concentrations of ethanol can disrupt cell membrane structure and make the cell surface
membrane leaky. Yeast cells release ethanol as a waste product of metabolism.
Yeast cells can alter the composition of the cell surface membrane to reduce the effect of
A A greater proportion of phospholipid may increase the entry of ethanol via channel proteins
C An increase in the proportion of fatty acids with double bonds decreases membrane fluidity
13 The diagram shows a simple cell cell signaling pathway in which a signal molecule leads to a
response, such as secretion.
15 What correctly describes the effect of carcinogens on lung tissue that causes a tumour to
A Cells in damaged alveoli walls divide more rapidly to replace damaged areas.
B Cilia are paralysed and mucus accumulates in the lungs causing DNA to damage.
C DNA changes, causing bronchial epithelial cells to divide by mitosis in an uncontrolled way.
D Haemoglobin carries less oxygen causing bronchial cells to divide by mitosis in an
uncontrolled way.
16 The diagram shows part of a DNA sequence of a gene and a mutated sequence of the
same gene.
17 Meselson and Stahl investigatedDNA in bacteria. They grew bacteria in a medium with only
Heavy nitrogen, N 15 until all of the bacterial DNA was heavy.
Those bacteria were moved from a heavy nitrogen medium and cultured in a medium with
only light nitrogen, N 14.
A sample of bacteria was collected from the first generation and their DNA analysed.
Hybrid DNA contains heavy DNA and light DNA.
Which row shows the percentage of light DNA strands and the percentage of hybrid DNA
molecules in this first generation produced in the medium containing light nitrogen?
18 Four plants, A, B, C and D, were grown in the same conditions and their transpiration rates
19 The diagrams show transverse sections of parts of a plant with some transport tissues
labelled 1-6.
Which tissues mainly transport water, and which tissue mainly transport sucrose?
20 When sucrose is loaded into the phloam it has to travel from mesophyll cells to a companion
cell And then into the phloem.
In many plants proton pumps, and co-transporter molecules are involved in this process.
21 The statements list some of the events in the cardiac cycle. They are not in the correct order.
Which statement describes the fifth of these events to occur in the cardiac cycle?
A1 B3 C4 D 7
22 If the left atrioventricular valve in the heart does not close completely it results in blood flowing
Back into the atrium during ventricular systole.
A Blood flowing from the heart carries less oxygen because less blood enters the lungs. B
Diastolic pressure in left ventricle falls because less blood enters the pulmonary artery. C
Lower systolic pressure in the left atrium and less blood enters the pulmonary artery.
D Raised pressure in the left atrium and less blood enters the aorta.
23 The diagram below shows some of the reactions of carbon dioxide when it enters the blood
from Cells in a metabolically active tissue.
24 The surface tension of the layer of liquid lining the alveoli tends to pull the walls inwards so alveoli
Could collapse.
1 bursting of alveoli
2 loss of elastic fibres
3 increase in secrtion of mucous
4 reduction in surface area for gas exchange
5 narrowing of airways
1 The pathogen lives inside human cells so is not accessible to the immune system
2 The bacterial pathogen reproduces slowly.
3 The pathogen is not very sensitive to antibiotics.
Which of the following explains why antibiotic treatment for TB takes a long time?
What describes the immunity of an individual when the values of 1, 2 and 3 are all low
30 Which features of monoclonal antibodies make them useful in the diagnosis and treatment
of disease?
B 1, 2 and 3
C 2 and 3
D 3 and 4