Managing Fatigue in The Workplace: A Guide For Oil and Gas Industry Supervisors and Occupational Health Practitioners

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Managing fatigue

in the workplace
A guide for oil and gas industry
supervisors and occupational
health practitioners
OGP Report Number 392

All photographs courtesy of © except pages 2 (brain image), 5, 11, 14, 16 and 18 which are courtesy of ©
Managing fatigue
in the workplace
A guide for oil and gas industry
supervisors and occupational
health practitioners
International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association
5th Floor, 209–215 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NL, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7633 2388 Facsimile: +44 (0)20 7633 2389
E-mail: [email protected] Internet:

International Association of Oil & Gas Producers
London office
5th Floor, 209–215 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NL, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7633 0272 Facsimile: +44 (0)20 7633 2350
E-mail: [email protected] Internet:
Brussels office
Boulevard du Souverain 165, 4th Floor, B-1160 Brussels, Belgium
Telephone: +32 (0)2 566 9150 Facsimile: +32 (0)2 566 9159
E-mail: [email protected] Internet:

This document was compiled on behalf of the OGP-IPIECA Health Committee by a team of
consultants, oil and gas industry medical and human factors advisors, and sleep and fatigue
specialists. The committee gratefully acknowledges the assistance of the following:
Dr Alex Barbey (Schlumberger),
Dr Graham Reeves (BP), Dr David Flower (BP), Dr Frano Mika (Saipen)
Isabelle Arnulf MD PHD (Assistant Professor, Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris, France)
Dr Alexandra Holmes (Clockwork Consultants)

© IPIECA/OGP 2007. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without the prior consent of IPIECA/OGP.
Disclaimer: Information provided herein is offered in good faith as accurate, but without guarantees or
warranties of completeness or accuracy. Readers are hereby put on notice that they must rely on their own
diligence when determining how or whether to respond to the information herein. Further, this guide is not
intended to replace necessary and appropriate medical or other professional advice or attention.

This publication is printed on paper manufactured from fibre obtained from sustainably grown softwood forests and bleached
without any damage to the environment.

1 Purpose of this Guide

1 Why manage fatigue?

1 Accidents
2 Performance
2 Health

3 Sleep and the body clock

3 Why do we sleep?
3 How much sleep do we need?
4 Acute and cumulative sleep loss
4 The consequences of sleep loss
5 The body clock
6 The body clock and sleep

7 Shift work
7 The health and safety consequences of shift work
7 Do we adapt to shift work?
8 Managing the fatigue risk associated with shift work
8 Designing safer shift work arrangements
10 Personal countermeasures
13 Sleep hygiene

14 Health and sleep disorders

14 Obstructive sleep apnœa (OSA)
15 Insomnia
16 Periodic limb movements in sleep
16 Managing the risk of sleep disorders

17 Medication
17 Prescription medication
17 Over-the-counter (OTC) medication

18 Jet lag

19 Resources and further reading

20 Appendix 1: Sleep hygiene

21 Appendix 2: Can you drive a vehicle safely?

22 Appendix 3: Do you suffer from obstructive sleep apnœa?

23 Appendix 4: Are you obese?


Purpose of this Guide

Fatigue can be defined as a progressive decline occupational health practitioners to
in alertness and performance that results in understand, recognize and manage fatigue in
sleep. Fatigue is an everyday occurrence and in the workplace.
an ideal world would not pose a significant The guide sets out to:
health and safety risk. The 24/7 society in ● explain the health and safety risk posed by

which we live, however, insists that many fatigue;

people work outside of ‘standard’ office hours ● provide the necessary background
and thus experience an elevated level of fatigue. information on sleep and the body clock;
Shift work, long work hours and international and
travel can all promote fatigue. Other causes of ● describe the main causes of fatigue and

fatigue include medical disorders, such as sleep provide strategies for managing the causes.
disorders, medication, drugs and alcohol.
Excessive fatigue can have significant It is recognized that the information and
adverse outcomes for performance, health and recommendations given in this guide could
well-being. Fatigue impairs our performance have operational, manpower and financial
and—particularly in safety-critical industries— impact; however, the guidance is based on
can contribute to serious incidents. Excessive sound scientific principles and deviation from
fatigue affects millions of people around the this guidance potentially increases the risk of
world, and costs billions of dollars per year in fatigue-related incidents. In the absence of
medical expenses, accidents, injuries and lost regulation the extent to which this guidance is
productivity. applied should be agreed between the
This guide is intended primarily as a tool stakeholders involved.
to assist oil and gas industry supervisors and

Why manage fatigue?

Accidents end of the scale by causing people to fall

Investigations into some of the worst asleep. The UK Department for Transport has
industrial and environmental accidents of the estimated that at least 20 per cent of fatal
past 30 years have identified fatigue as a road accidents on UK motorways are the
major contributory factor to the incident. In result of a driver having fallen asleep at the
some of these cases, fatigue was not the sole wheel. Fatigue is particularly problematic
cause. Rather, there was an initial difficulty amongst professional drivers; in the USA
such as a technical fault, and because the driver sleepiness is estimated to have
operators were fatigued they did not manage contributed to 57 per cent of fatal accidents
the situation adequately and the situation involving trucks.
escalated to an accident.
Fatigue contributes to accidents by
impairing performance and at the extreme


Why manage fatigue?

Performance Figure 2 Fatigue reduces the electrical activity in some regions of the brain, and
The impact that fatigue can have on hence impairs performance. The highlighted areas indicate the areas of the
brain in which the reduction of activity is especially evident.
performance and safety is not widely
recognized and is generally underestimated. Inferior temporal
One of the key reasons for this lack of cortices (mathematical
awareness is that fatigue cannot be directly
measured. There is no chemical in the blood
or any biological specimen that can give an
accurate indication of how tired someone is.
To improve our appreciation of fatigue and

Adapted from Thomas et al., 2006

its consequences for performance, researchers
have compared the effects of fatigue to those of
alcohol. Research has shown that after approx- Prefrontal cortices
imately 22 hours of wakefulness a person’s Thalamus (general alertness (situational awareness,
and attention levels) problem solving)
performance will be as impaired as if they had
a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of
0.10 per cent, which is double the legal driving awareness and problem-solving; the inferior
limit in most countries in the EU (Figure 1). In temporal cortices (the highlighted region to
other words, one night of sleep deprivation can the left) which are important for mental tasks
produce performance impairment significantly such as mathematical calculation; and the
greater than what would be acceptable if you thalamus (central highlighted region) which
were driving a vehicle. controls general alertness levels and attention.
Our performance is impaired when we are
fatigued quite simply because fatigue reduces
(deactivates) the electrical activity of some
regions of our brain (see Figure 2). Reductions We all know from personal experience that
in activation are especially evident in prefrontal fatigue can make us irritable and short-tempered.
cortices (the highlighted region to the right)— In addition to having a negative impact on
which control functions like situational mood, fatigue has adverse consequences for
health. There is increasing evidence to suggest
that sleep loss is a risk factor for obesity and
Figure 1 Comparison on the effects of sleep loss and alcohol on performance diabetes. In a recent study subjects who slept
(BAC = blood alcohol concentration)
only four hours a night for two nights had an
18 per cent decrease in the hormone that tells
performance the brain there is no need for more food
cognitive performance (per cent)

(leptin), and a 28 per cent increase in the
hormone that triggers hunger (ghrelin).
Shift workers encounter a particularly high
degree of sleep loss and it seems likely that
80 0.05% BAC
fatigue plays a role in the health complaints
encountered by this group. Researchers have
60 0.10% BAC
concluded that shift work is ‘probably bad for
the heart, almost certainly bad for the head
08:00 12:00 16:00 20:00 midnight 04:00 08:00 12:00 and definitely bad for the gut’ (Monk and
time of day Folkard, 1992).


Sleep and the body clock

There are a multitude of causes of fatigue process throughout which the brain is active,
ranging from long work hours, high workload and some parts of the brain are as active
and jet lag to intense domestic demands, during sleep as when we are awake. It seems
health and drug/alcohol use. These factors can likely that sleep serves a variety of purposes,
cause fatigue in a number of ways, for including tissue repair and the consolidation of
example by presenting demanding mental or memory and learning.
environmental conditions, by promoting
dehydration or increasing stress. Nonetheless,
the prime underlying mechanisms via which
How much sleep do we need?
fatigue is generated are insufficient sleep, Just as we all vary in how quickly alcohol
prolonged wakefulness, being awake when affects us and how easily we lose or gain
one would normally be sleeping or trying to weight, we also differ in the amount of sleep
sleep during the day. This section provides that we need to perform optimally. Most
background information on sleep and the adults need 7 to 8 hours of sleep in every 24
body clock required to understand and hours to be at their best, and a small
manage fatigue. proportion need as little as 6 hours or as
much as 10 hours sleep. By necessity or
choice sometimes we only obtain four or five
Why do we sleep? hours sleep. While we can certainly function
One answer to the question ‘why do we on this amount of sleep the important point
sleep?’ is because without sleep we are to remember is that we will not be capable of
debilitated by fatigue and cannot survive. our optimal performance.
However, the actual purpose of sleep is still The amount of sleep that you ideally need
not completely understood. It is not simply is not something you can change. For
the case that during sleep we ‘switch off ’. example, if your daily sleep requirement is
Sleep is a highly complex physiological nine hours and you regularly obtain six hours

How to determine your personal sleep need

If you want to determine how much sleep you need

to perform optimally, you can do so next time you
are on holiday by following these steps:
● Put your alarm clock away and arrange your daily
schedule so that you can wake up naturally every
● Allow at least two days to overcome any existing
cumulative sleep loss.
● For the next three or four days, write down the
time you go to bed at night and what time you
naturally wake up in the morning.
● Calculate the average amount of sleep you obtain
for these three or four days. This is the amount of
sleep you require for optimal alertness,
performance and well-being.


Sleep and the body clock

from acute sleep loss, i.e. you don’t need to

make up the lost sleep on an hour-for-hour
basis. However, when you have lost sleep over
repeated days you accumulate a ‘sleep debt’.
The amount of sleep required to recover fully
from this sort of cumulative sleep loss is not
yet known, but it is likely to be longer than
two nights of sleep.

The consequences of sleep loss

Research has shown that for most people even
one night of six hours sleep will lead to
impaired performance the next day. Obviously
the more sleep deprived we are the more
impaired we become.
your body will not learn or adapt to getting Figure 3 illustrates the physical and cognitive
less sleep. You may become accustomed to signs of fatigue, in increasing severity, that can
feeling tired, to the point that you don’t even be observed as fatigue progresses until the
recognize it any more, but you will always point that we are falling asleep uncontrollably.
require nine hours to be at your best.

Acute and cumulative sleep loss Figure 3 The physical signs and cognitive symptoms of increasing fatigue
Sleep loss can be either acute (losing a large
proportion of one night’s sleep), for example as
a result of having to stay awake with a sick physical
child, or more commonly, cumulative (regularly fidgeting, moving signs
losing sleep over many nights), for example as around in seat
the result of working a sequence of consecutive rubbing eyes
early shifts. Scientists have compared the effects
repeated yawning
of acute and cumulative sleep loss and found negative mood
that both forms of sleep loss result in reduced reduced staring blankly, eyes
going in and out of focus
levels of alertness or performance. A study in communication
which sleep was restricted to between four and frequent/long blinks
slips and lapses
six hours per night for a fortnight found that
difficulty keeping
cognitive performance, including attention and poor memory eyes open
working memory, gradually deteriorated from head nodding
reduced attention
one day to the next. By the end of the two-
week period, performance had declined to a impaired problem solving
similar level to when the same people were
increased risk taking
kept awake continuously for between 24 and cognitive
48 hours. signs
Two nights of good quality sleep should
usually be sufficient to enable you to recover


The cognitive signs of fatigue include: one particular task. This ‘narrowing of focus’
or ‘cognitive tunnelling’ can cause us to pay
i) Negative mood too much or insufficient attention to
Fatigue has a negative impact on our peripheral events and auxiliary tasks.
emotions and reduces our tolerance for what
is going on around us. When we are fatigued vi) Impaired problem solving
we become irritable and are more easily Fatigue disrupts many of the processes involved
frustrated. Fatigue makes us feel lethargic and in effective problem solving, including: the
lacking in initiative and motivation. We have a identification and evaluation of alternative
reduced willingness to interact with others. courses of action; construction of mental
images; and the integration of incoming
ii) Reduced communication information with existing knowledge. When
Fatigued people have both a reduced fatigued we tend to persevere with ineffective
willingness and a reduced ability to solutions, to keep trying the same old solution
communicate. When we are fatigued we tend even if it doesn’t work.
to use less descriptive language and may
neglect to pass on important information to vii) Increased risk taking
colleagues; this can be particularly problematic Fatigue affects our ability to assess risks and
during the changeover of shift teams. increases our willingness to accept risks. The
more tired we become, the more likely we are
iii) Slips and/or lapses to cut corners and to accept lower standards
An increase in slips and/or lapses is one of the in accuracy and performance.
easiest cognitive signs of fatigue to detect. A
slip is defined as accidentally doing the wrong
thing, for example picking up the wrong tool,
The body clock
while a lapse is defined as accidentally not All living beings, including plants, animals and
doing the right thing, for example forgetting humans, are regulated by 24-hour biological
to tighten a nut. rhythms, known as circadian rhythms, which
prime us for activity during the day and sleep
iv) Poor memory during the night. In humans the source of
Fatigue impairs our short-term memory so that circadian rhythms is the body clock, which is
we do not always remember what we have primarily located in a cluster of cells in the
done and what has not been done. When we brain. The body clock is comparable to the
are tired we may not be able to recall recent conductor of a symphony orchestra. It
conversations or information we have read. instructs almost all of the body systems,
including the sleep/wake cycle, cardiovascular
v) Reduced attention activity and hormone secretion, to vary in a
Fatigue decreases our ability to maintain circadian rhythm.
attention. When fatigued we find it more Figure 4 (overleaf) shows the circadian
difficult to divide our attention appropriately rhythm in sleepiness. Sleepiness is relatively
between multiple tasks and to plan for future low in the evening and increases late at night
actions. We are more likely to suffer lapses in to reach a peak in the early hours of the
concentration and are more easily distracted morning (approximately 02:00 to 04:00). It
from the task at hand. then declines and remains low during the day,
Fatigue can lead us to become fixated on except for a second small increase that occurs


Sleep and the body clock

Figure 4 The circadian rhythm in sleepiness The body clock and sleep
02:00–04:00 02:00–04:00
The circadian rhythm in sleepiness has an
important influence on sleep and ensures that
we get most sleep when we go to bed
70 between about 22:00 and 02:00. It is also the
level of sleepiness

60 reason why we have most difficulty sleeping

50 between approximately 08:00 and 12:00 noon,
and again between 17:00 and 21:00. These
times are known as ‘forbidden zones’ for sleep.
13:00–15:00 13:00–15:00 The forbidden zone in the evening is an
20 important reason why sleep loss is problematic
10 when working early shifts. Employees may try
0 to go to sleep early knowing they have to be
midnight 06:00 12:00 18:00 midnight 06:00 12:00 18:00 midnight awake at 04:00 but the forbidden zone prevents
time of day 1 time of day 2 them from falling asleep until around 22:00.

in the afternoon (approximately 13:00–15:00). Figure 5 Road traffic accident risk over the 24-hour day
The pattern repeats itself every 24 hours. (mean trend, and standard errors)
The early morning circadian peak in 2.5

After Folkard, 1997

sleepiness coincides with an increase in fatigue- 2.0
related accidents that occurs at this time of day
(see Figure 5). Research conducted in the UK 1.5
has found that 32 per cent of fatigue-related
accident risk (mean trend)

road accidents on motorways occur in the
early hours of the morning. Shift workers 0.5
returning home from a night shift are
particularly likely to be involved in road 0

accidents at this time of day.The small increase

in sleepiness that occurs in the afternoon is the
reason why some cultures take a nap or a siesta -1.0
after lunch. From Figure 5 you can see there is
also a small increase in fatigue-related accidents midnight 04:00 08:00 12:00 16:00 20:00 24:00
at this time of day. time of day


Shift work
The health and safety consequences of shifts that start early in the morning.
shift work Unpredictable work hours, for example call-out
arrangements, are also particularly problematic.
Most people understand intuitively what is An additional disadvantage to shift work is
meant by the term ‘shift work’ although the that it can lead to feelings of isolation and to
actual definitions vary from region to region relationship difficulties. Shift work can place
and country to country. In the UK, for added strain on social and personal
example, it is referred to as ‘night work’ as part relationships. Working shifts can also make it
of the European working time directive. difficult to lead a healthy lifestyle, for example
Night work is defined as work between the due to eating irregularly and at times that are
hours of 23:00 and 06:00. Employees should out of synch with the body’s natural rhythms
be considered as ‘night workers’ if their daily and by making it more difficult to keep to an
working time includes at least three hours of exercise schedule.
work at night: Research has shown that, in the long term,
● on most days they work; there is an association (but not necessarily a
● on a proportion of the days they work causation) between shift work and increased
which is specified in a collective or incidences of:
workforce agreement; or ● domestic disharmony;

● often enough for it to be said that they ● gastrointestinal problems, including peptic

work such hours ‘as a normal course’. ulcers;

● cardiovascular disease, including hypertension

The words ‘as a normal course’, means on a and coronary heart disease;
regular basis. There has been a Court ruling ● spontaneous abortions, miscarriages and

that a worker who worked at night for one- premature births in pregnant women; and
third of his working time was a night worker. ● possibly breast and colon cancer.

Occasional or ad hoc work at night does not

make an employee a night worker. The causation of all these conditions is
For people working ‘typical office hours’ multi factorial.
work and sleep occur at times that are aligned
with the timing of the body clock. Work is
scheduled for daytime hours when alertness is
Do we adapt to shift work?
high and sleep is initiated when the body Daily cues (known as ‘zeitgebers’) ensure that
clock has prepared the body for sleep. For the the timing of our body clock matches the
15–20 per cent of the working population in 24-hour period of day and night. The most
industrialized countries that are involved in important zeitgeber is light and this influences
shift work, however, work and sleep occur at the body clock via receptors in the eye. Other
times of the day which conflict with the zeitgebers include temperature, activity and
underlying body clock. food. When we work shifts or travel to a
Shift workers encounter fatigue because they different time zone, the timing of zeitgebers
need to sleep when the body is programmed changes. In response, the timing of our body
for wakefulness and are at work when the clock gradually changes so that eventually it
circadian rhythm in sleepiness is high. The matches the new timing of the zeitgebers.
degree of fatigue that shift workers encounter After travelling across a time zone the
depends on the schedule that is being worked, timing of all zeitgebers is similarly changed. As
but is generally most severe on night shifts and a result, the body clock can usually shift by


Shift work

approximately 30 to 60 minutes per day and c) Tracking incidents: metrics

successful adaptation eventually occurs. A programme for the tracking and
In contrast, when working shifts the timing understanding of all incidents, accidents and
of zeitgebers that are associated with work are near misses. These events should be plotted for
changed, while those associated with the time of day, day of roster, hours of prior
environment remain the same. For example, wakefulness and sleep length in order to
the times that you are active and are asleep determine the role that the roster and sleep
change, but you may still eat at normal times loss may have played in the event.
and are exposed to sunlight during the day.
These mixed messages mean that the timing d) Support
of the body clock changes very slowly and Medical and well-being support that includes
successful adaptation to shift work almost diagnosis of sleep disorders and other health
never occurs. In addition, any adaptation that problems causing sleep disturbance, treatment
occurs over a block of shifts is usually undone of sleep problems and, where necessary,
on days off when shift workers revert to the referrals to general practitioners, psychologists,
routine of their family and friends. counsellors and sleep clinics.

Managing the fatigue risk associated Designing safer shift work

with shift work arrangements
Fatigue Management Plans (FMPs) are Within the framework of an FMP it is
becoming increasingly common in safety necessary to assess the risks associated with the
critical industries including the oil and gas schedules being worked. There are many
industry. An FMP is a framework designed to different shift work schedules, each with
enable operational and employee concerns different features. The sheer diversity of work
regarding fatigue to be addressed in a preven- and workplaces means that there is no single
tative manner. The aim of an FMP is to optimal shift system that suits everyone.
maintain, and when possible, enhance safety, However, there are a number of key risk
performance and productivity and manage the factors in shift schedule design, which should
risk of fatigue in the workplace. be considered when assessing and managing
FMPs typically include the following the risks of shift work.These are the workload,
fundamental components (Baker and the work activity, shift timing and duration,
Ferguson, 2004):

a) Policy
A document formally outlining the approach,
commitment and accountability, including a
requirement for internal and external auditing

b) Training
A training and education programme to
enable employees and managers to identify the
signs and symptoms of fatigue, and to adopt
coping strategies in and outside the workplace.


direction of rotation and the number and ● Ensure temperature and lighting is
length of breaks during and between shifts. appropriate and preferably adjustable.
Other features of the workplace such as the ● Provide training and information on the
physical environment, management issues and risks of shift work and ensure supervisors
employee welfare can also contribute to the and management can recognize problems.
risks associated with shift work. ● Consider increasing supervision during
periods of low alertness.
Good practice guidelines for shift design ● Control overtime, shift swapping and
● Plan an appropriate and varied workload. on-call duties and discourage workers from
● Where employees are working rotating taking second jobs.
shifts these should be forward rotating (e.g. ● Allow time for communication at shift
earlies, days, lates). handovers.
● Ideally, where rotating shifts are operated, ● Provide opportunities for interaction
rotation should be rapid (e.g. every two to between shift workers and support for lone
three days). workers.
● Avoid early morning starts. Shift change- ● Encourage workers to tell their family
over time should take into account the doctor and occupational health physician
length of commute and the availability of that they are shift workers.
public transport. ● Provide free health assessments for night
● Limit shifts to 12 hours including overtime. workers, the content of which should focus
● Encourage workers to take regular breaks on relevant health issues.
and allow some choice as to when they are ● Ensure the workplace and surroundings are
taken. well lit, safe and secure.
● Consider the needs of vulnerable workers,
such as young workers, and new and Additional considerations: offshore units
expectant mothers. and drilling rigs
● The aging workforce brings with it Offshore shift systems tend to be different
additional challenges in managing shift from those onshore in that they are 12 hours
operations. in duration for periods of 14 to 21 days. ‘Split
● Limit consecutive work days to a maximum shifts’ where operators work 7 nights followed
of five to seven days and restrict long shifts, by 7 days are also common. This shift is very
nights and earlies to two to three con- difficult to adapt to as operators are ‘out of
secutive shifts. phase’ for 5 of the 7 nights and then go out
● Allow two nights of full sleep when of phase again for the following 4 to 5 days.
switching from days to night shifts and vice However, this shift is favoured because
versa. operators are adjusted to a normal day/night
● Build regular free weekends into the shift cycle at the end of their tour.
schedule. Evidence suggests that a 7-day/7-night shift
would be better but this means operators
Good practice guidelines for the work would have to spend the first few days back
environment onshore recovering from nights. On arrival
● Provide night workers with similar facilities back onshore many operators will also be tired
(e.g. canteen, food storage and preparation) following their last night shift and consequently
and access to training opportunities to may not be fit enough to continue their
those available during daytime. journey home by car. Alternative methods of


Shift work

travel, including car sharing (pooling) and or

Suggested requirements
the provision of suitable facilities in which
operators could rest (take an extended nap) Extended tours of duty
would need to be explored. Maximum working hours 12 hours total
At present the most favoured offshore shift within a 24 hour period
schedule would appear to be 14 days and 14 Maximum number of 28 days including
nights operating between 06:00–18:00–06:00. working days per tour travel to and from site
Operational units working a 14-day Work breaks (including Minimum of 30 mins.
on/21-day off shift pattern should consider meals) during a working shift break after every 5 hrs.
moving to this schedule.
Researchers have also predicted that a Offshore platforms
14-day/14-night schedule operating between Maximum working hours 12 hours total
00:00–12:00–00:00 would be better and have within a 24 hour period
speculated that a schedule operating between Maximum number of 28 days including
03:00–15:00–03:00 would be better still. working days per tour travel to and from site
Research also indicates that it might be Work breaks (including Minimum of 30 mins.
possible to improve adaptation with carefully meals) during a working shift break after every 5 hrs.
timed light treatment; careful timing of main
Direction of shift rotation Morning then evening
sleep periods; and the use of napping during
Speed of rotation Shift should rotate
night shifts, particularly during the first night
over a long period of
of a tour. time and as a
Rapid shift rotation is not advocated minimum every 7 days
offshore. Safety critical tasks should not be
scheduled during circadian low points
(03:00–05:00). Review manning and workload
levels and consider appointing additional mendations include monitoring for adverse
multi-skilled staff who are able to cover staff effects, scheduling safety critical tasks for the
shortages arising because of fatigue or who safest period of the shift and verifying that
can assist/help with safety critical tasks that these have been completed correctly.
cannot be rescheduled.

Extended tours of duty

Personal countermeasures
Each operating unit should have a work time How well an individual copes with shift work
control process in place which describes is dependent on a range of factors including
normal shift pattern rotation schedules, routine their age, the ease with which childcare
work periods, control process and contingency arrangements can be organized, commute time
arrangements to deal with the occasional and their health. Young adults seem to cope
circumstances when the standard cannot be better with shift work than older workers, one
complied with. reason being because from middle age
Sleep debt will build when working for onwards the structure of our sleep changes.
extended periods without a break. Night shift With increased age we spend less time in deep
workers’ performance, in particular, will sleep and our sleep becomes more disrupted.
decrease as the tour progresses. Workload/task The degree of training and support that
assignment/staffing levels may need to be employees require to fulfil their responsibilities
amended/modified to reflect this. Recom- within an FMP will vary between organizations


and populations. However, education about from a deep sleep which results in poor
personal countermeasures to assist individuals to coordination and cognitive impairment.
cope with shift work is essential. A ‘power nap’ of 15 to 20 minutes is not
The following sections provide suggestions as beneficial as a longer nap but it does avoid
for shift workers that may help them cope the problem of sleep inertia.You can enhance
better with their work hours: the value of a nap by consuming some
caffeine just before the nap. Caffeine takes
At work about 20 minutes to take effect so when you
● Schedule tedious and boring tasks for times wake up from the nap you will be
of the day when alertness is high, and leave experiencing the alerting properties of both
the stimulating and motivating tasks for the nap and the caffeine.
times of the day when alertness is lower.
● Use a ‘buddy system’ so that colleagues help At home
to keep each other alert and encourage To improve the degree to which employees
breaks if signs of drowsiness appear. cope with shift work they will need the help
● Exercise, walk around or do some physical of their families and friends. Below are some
activity during breaks. of the things that they can do at home to
● Use caffeinated drinks (coffee, tea, colas) improve their quality of life:
strategically—avoid them at times when
you are alert and use them as a Try to schedule your social/domestic
countermeasure when alertness is low. responsibilities around sleep
● Advise your supervisor if you have had ● Explain to your family/friends why it is

insufficient sleep, feel tired or are exhibiting important that you obtain sufficient sleep
any of the signs and symptoms of fatigue and the consequences that tiredness can
outlined in Figure 3. have for you, them and safety.
● For many shift workers the most high-risk ● At the same time, schedule special times for

task that they perform is driving home in family and friends so they know when to
the morning or at the end of a tour of expect to spend time with you.
duty. If possible, avoid driving home by ● Put your roster on the fridge (or

using an alternative form of transport or somewhere prominent) so others know

arranging a lift. If you have to drive ensure when you will be at home and at work.
you are properly rested before setting off. ● Use a ‘Do not disturb’ sign on the bedroom

Naps can be used to prepare for, or recover Diet and exercise
from, work (e.g. before a night shift or after an A healthy diet provides longer-lasting energy—
early start), before driving home and, where concentrate on complex carbohydrates (e.g.
appropriate, at work. During the night shift oats) rather than simple carbohydrates (sugar)
the best time to nap is between approximately and avoid fatty foods and junk food. Contrary
04:00 and 06:00. Obviously, the longer a nap to some speculations, there is no scientific
the greater the benefit it will have for evidence that some foods (e.g. turkey) promote
alertness. If you nap for longer than 30 sleep. Nonetheless, sitting down to have a glass
minutes, however, you need to give yourself of warm milk before bed can be relaxing,
time to recover from sleep inertia—the groggy particularly if part of a bedtime routine.
feeling that we experience when we wake


Shift work

implemented to promote sleep.These strategies

concentrate on helping you to gently unwind
and prepare both your body and mind for sleep.
● Unwind by avoiding anxiety

In the hours before bedtime avoid activities

that will make you mentally active or
anxious. Using the internet or playing
computer games prior to bedtime can make
it more difficult to unwind for sleep.
● Have a warm shower or bath

Another particularly useful strategy for

promoting sleep and relaxation is to take a
warm bath or shower. Research has shown
that we fall asleep faster when we have
warm feet.
Most of us are aware of the benefits of ● Being too full or hungry

exercise, but did you know that physical Obviously going to bed hungry can
exercise can improve your sleep? Regular disturb your sleep. A light snack before
exercise taken earlier in the day can be an bed, such as a bowl of cereal with milk,
effective aid for sleeping, partly because it is a can stave off hunger pangs during the
means of relieving stress. It is important that night. To avoid being kept awake by
you don’t exercise just before sleep though as indigestion steer clear of acidic, spicy or
the adrenalin released during exercise can high fat foods. Another reason for avoiding
make it difficult to get to sleep. fat and sugar in the evening is that our
metabolism falls to its lowest point at
Avoid alcohol and nicotine night, meaning we are less likely to burn
Many people believe that drinking alcohol can off the extra calories.
help them get a good night’s sleep. However, ● Write a ‘to-do’ list

while it is true that alcohol has a relaxing and Make a list of things to do before you go
sedative effect, it actually disrupts sleep. into the bedroom. Rather than lying awake
Alcohol increases the likelihood of snoring, and worrying about forgetting things that
causes early awakening, disrupts sleep quality you have to do, keep a pen and paper by
and increases fatigue the next day. When used your bed.
by individuals suffering from insomnia or ● Establish a bedtime routine

obstructive sleep apnœa (see ‘Health and sleep To train your mind and body to prepare for
disorders’ on page 14), alcohol increases the sleep you should establish a consistent
severity of the sleep disorder. bedtime routine. By following the same
If you smoke, avoid smoking cigarettes pattern of daily behaviour, over time your
immediately before going to bed: nicotine is a body will come to associate this with sleep.
mild stimulant and may increase the amount An example routine could be: to switch
of time that it takes you to fall asleep. everything off downstairs, lock the front
door, have a light snack, a relaxing bath,
Evening preparation brush teeth, prepare clothes for tomorrow,
During the evening as bedtime approaches there get into bed, set alarm clock, read for 15
are a number of strategies that can be minutes, and put the light out.


Prepare an ideal bedroom environment ● Keep your bedroom cool

● Keep the bedroom for sleep Our ability to regulate our body
It goes without saying that the bedroom temperature is diminished when we are
should be comfortable and relaxing, but all asleep. Therefore, if during the night it is
too often we treat our bedrooms as an too cold or too hot we spend more time in
extension of our living rooms or offices.The the lighter stages of sleep, or awake (so that
bedroom should be reserved for sleep and we can control temperature better). We
intimate relations, and not for surfing the sleep best when the bedroom temperature
internet or other activities that will make is slightly cool (approximately 18˚C).
you mentally active or anxious. Remove ● Ensure your bed is comfortable
desks, computers and even televisions as As a rule your bed should be neither too
these can all prevent you from relaxing. hard nor too soft. If your mattress is lumpy
Taking away these items will eventually lead or worn it is worth investing in a new
you to naturally associate the room with one: after all, you spend a third of your life
sleep and to feel calm when you enter. in bed.
● Block out light Your pillow can also affect your sleep.
Street lights, daylight and the light from a Depending on what position you sleep in
television can all upset circadian rhythms you may need a different type of pillow. If
and send a signal to the brain that it is time you sleep mainly on your stomach a soft
to wake up. Try to keep your bedroom as pillow may be best for you. If most of the
dark as possible by fitting heavy curtains. time you sleep on your back you may
Alternatively, wear an eye mask. benefit from a medium pillow, whereas if
● Keep your bedroom quiet you sleep on your side you may prefer a
Below are some of the basic things you can firm pillow. If you have back or neck pain
do to help minimize the chances that you during sleep or when you awake, you will
will be disturbed by noise when trying to probably benefit from a contour pillow,
sleep: which can minimize the strain on your
• Turn off the phone and switch your neck during the night.
mobile phone off or to silent mode;
• Put a ‘Do not disturb’ sign on the front
Sleep hygiene
• Use ear plugs or fit double glazing; Appendix 1 provides a list of undesirable sleep
• Use a source of white noise (e.g. a fan). hygiene practices. This can be used to raise
employee awareness of sleep hygiene and to
stimulate discussion about the types of
strategies that could be implemented to
increase the chances of obtaining effective
sleep and promoting daytime alertness.


Health and sleep disorders

There are a multitude of medical causes of As OSA causes repeated awakening it is
sleep loss including pain, chronic cough, inevitably associated with poor sleep quality,
mental ill-health and sleep disorders. While the excessive fatigue and performance impairment.
proportion of accidents related to health Research has shown that drivers suffering from
complaints is not known, sleep disorders can OSA are typically between 2 and 3 times more
lead to a significant increase in accident risk: likely to have road accidents than those
one study found that the accident rate of without the condition. As well as increasing
people with a sleep disorder was more than 13 the risk of accident, OSA is a serious medical
times higher than that of a control group. disorder which, if left untreated, increases the
There are more than 80 medically-defined risk of heart disease, diabetes and stroke.
sleeping disorders: some of these disorders,
e.g. insomnia, affect us all at one time or Who is at risk from OSA?
another, while others are extremely rare. This As many as 4 per cent of men and 2 per cent of
section provides information on some of the women are thought to suffer from OSA. The
more common sleep disorders. disorder can affect anyone but is particularly
common in middle-aged men; it is associated
with obesity and large neck size.The majority
Obstructive sleep apnœa (OSA) of people who suffer from OSA do not know
Obstructive sleep apnœa (OSA) is a sleep that they have the disorder. People can suffer
disorder associated with obstruction of the from the condition—undiagnosed—for many
airway in the throat. Complete obstruction years, and be unaware of their debilitation.
can last from a few seconds to up to 30 If someone has OSA their sleeping partner
seconds and may occur many times an hour. is more likely than them to be aware of the
Each closure of the airway results in hypoxia loud snoring and respiratory pauses. A partner
(oxygen deficiency) which causes the sufferer may also note frequent awakenings, body
to awaken momentarily to re-open the airway. jerking and gasping.
OSA is always accompanied by loud snoring
and sometimes by gasping or choking sounds. What treatments are available for OSA?
The most effective treatment for OSA is to
use a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway
Pressure) device when sleeping. A CPAP
device consists of a mask that fits over the
nose, and in rare cases over the mouth,
connected via a plastic tube to a mini-air
compressor. The stream of air that flows
through the nose forces the airways to remain
open, thereby facilitating unobstructed
breathing and stopping snoring. The device
does not cure sleep apnœa, but when used
correctly and every night, this treatment can
substantially reduce symptoms and reduce the
risk for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.
Unfortunately many people that try CPAP
do not use the device on an ongoing basis.
The device can be inconvenient, cause nasal


congestion, claustrophobic sensations, and factors including stress, grief, job worries, acute
other side-effects. It is therefore important that illness (fever, coughing, nasal obstruction, etc.),
people using CPAP receive extensive educa- pre-existing medical, physical or psychological
tion, attend regular follow-up appointments conditions as well as poor daytime and bedtime
and receive the support that they need to habits. Prescribed medication as well as illicit
maintain treatment. drug and alcohol use can provoke insomnia.
If an individual cannot use CPAP there are The solution to insomnia usually involves
surgical treatment options available, although focusing on practicing good sleep hygiene (see
these are not as effective as CPAP. The the countermeasures for fatigue described in the
surgical options include clearing nasal passages section on ‘Shift work’) and addressing the
and removal of the uvula along with removal source of the problem. In cases of acute
of excess tissue in the palate and pharynx. insomnia this may involve simply waiting for
Some people may benefit from wearing a the cause of the insomnia to pass. For long-
mandibular advancement device (a type of term insomnia medication may be necessary
gum shield) at night. The device holds the or attempts made to change attitudes to
lower jaw and tongue forward and elevates the sleep—a psychologist or sleep specialist can
soft palate to keep the airway open. assist with this process.
The severity of sleep apnœa can be reduced A short course (two weeks) of prescribed
with weight loss, avoidance of alcohol, sedatives sleep medication, supervised by a doctor, can
and muscle relaxants, and by sleeping on the be useful. As sleeping medication can have
side (OSA is most severe when sleeping on the hangover effects (reduced alertness and
back). In mild cases of OSA these lifestyle impaired performance the next day) it is
adjustments may provide sufficient relief. important that a doctor advises on whether
the individual can drive and what sort of
work tasks are appropriate. Long-term use of
Insomnia sleep medication is rarely helpful because
Insomnia is a disorder of too little or poor- people become accustomed to the medication
quality sleep and usually takes one or more of and it loses its effectiveness. Paradoxically,
the following forms: stopping sleep medication can cause insomnia
● Difficulty falling asleep—more common as a withdrawal symptom.
among young people.
● Sleeping lightly and restlessly, waking often,

lying awake in the middle of the night—

more common in people over 40. In
younger people it may be associated with
● Waking early and being unable to get back

to sleep—this is more common in older

people and anyone worrying about
something in particular.

Insomnia can be an acute problem, lasting

for a few nights or weeks, or may persist in the
long-term, lasting for several weeks, months or
even years. It can be caused by a range of


Health and sleep disorders

Periodic limb movements in sleep

Periodic limb movements in sleep (PLMS) is a
condition characterized by twitching, jerking
or bending of the limbs (usually only the feet
or toes) during sleep. The movements briefly
wake the individual, although they will not
remember this, and lead to poor quality sleep.
PLMS movements are usually very small, for
example toe twitches, but can include kicking
and flailing of the arms and legs.
Most people with PLMS are not aware that
they have the disorder although some will
complain that no matter how long they sleep
they still feel tired. Treatments for PLMS
include iron supplements, behavioural or
lifestyle changes (e.g. walking, stretching, yoga,
massage) and, for severe cases, medication to
control symptoms.

symptoms they may require an overnight sleep

Managing the risk of sleep disorders study. This is a non-invasive monitoring pro-
To manage the risk of sleep disorders it is cedure that can be performed in hospital or at
essential that employees and their partners are home, and simply involves recording a range
educated to identify the signs of these of physiological variables, for example heart
disorders. Appendix 2 provides a copy of a rate and brain activity, throughout the night.
simple scale called the Epworth Sleepiness If local certified sleep disorder centres are
Scale which can be used to determine an available, it is recommended that a list of these
individual’s level of daytime sleepiness. The be provided to the employee. It is also
scale can be incorporated into employee important to develop ways of encouraging
screening procedures and annual check-ups, employees, particularly those in safety-sensitive
and used to raise awareness of sleep disorders. positions, to voluntarily report and seek
Appendix 3 includes a questionnaire that diagnosis of any sleep disorder.
can provide an indication of whether someone
may be suffering from OSA. As well as
making the questionnaire available at work it
is a good idea to mail the questionnaire, plus
additional educational material on OSA, to
employees’ partners as they are the people
who are most likely to detect the symptoms
of the disorder.
Anyone with a suspected sleep disorder
should seek diagnosis and treatment from a
doctor and, ideally, from a qualified sleep
specialist. Depending on their reported


Illicit drugs such as marijuana, heroin, antihistamines is so pronounced that an OTC
amphetamines and cocaine have obvious taken at night can have hangover effects that
adverse consequences for health and safety. last into the next day.
This section, however, focuses on prescribed The most common antihistamines liable to
medications and those that are available over cause drowsiness are:
the counter at the chemist, which can affect ● chlorpheniramine;

alertness—these are used much more widely ● diphenhydramine;

than illicit drugs. ● promethazine; and

● triprolidine.

Prescription medication If you need to remain alert, you should

Medication can elevate fatigue in two ways— check the active ingredients of any OTC
directly, by reducing alertness (e.g. sedatives) medication to make sure these antihistamines
and indirectly, by disrupting sleep. Aside from are not included. There will usually be an
sleeping medications, prescription medicines alternative medication available that contains
that can have sedative effects include newer antihistamines, developed specifically to
painkillers, muscle relaxants and treatments for have less of a sedating effect.
high blood pressure, anxiety and depression. Other OTC medications that can promote
Medications that can promote fatigue by drowsiness include sleeping aids, painkillers
disturbing sleep include stimulants such as and travel sickness pills. Herbal remedies for
theophylline (a respiratory stimulant used to sleep problems include camomile, valerian
treat asthma) and treatments for epilepsy and root, hops, lavender and passion-flower
psychiatric disorders. (Passiflora). Herbal sleep aids are unlikely to
In addition to having an effect individually, cause as much of a sedating effect as the
many drugs and medicines can interact to aforementioned antihistamines, but they are
create additional problems. Employees should not so rigorously tested and can have
be advised to always tell their doctor and significant side-effects and drug interactions.
pharmacist what they do for a living, to make Before using any medication always read
sure that the medication they are taking does the warning label and the information leaflet.
not interfere with their responsibility to be fit If in any doubt consult your doctor or the
for work. pharmacist.

Over-the-counter (OTC) medication

Many of the treatments for colds, flu and
hay-fever that you can buy at the chemist
contain one or more of a group of substances
called ‘antihistamines’. As well as reducing a
runny nose, sneezing, allergies, etc., some
antihistamines have such a strong sedating
effect that they are also sold, under different
names, as night-time sleep aids. Taking
antihistamines during the day can impair your
performance at work and your ability to drive
safely. In fact, the drowsiness caused by these


Jet lag
‘Jet lag’ is the term applied to the effect on To limit jet lag avoid alcohol, caffeine and
the body of crossing time zones. It is caused excess food on flights. Ensure you are not
by the disruption of the body’s circadian dehydrated—drink plenty of water prior to
rhythms. The effects of jet lag depend on the and during a flight. The rule of thumb is
number of time zones crossed and are subject that recovery from jet lag takes 24 hours per
to each individual’s susceptibility. Symptoms time zone crossed. You should avoid critical
can include insomnia, disorientation, tiredness, meetings on the first day after arrival and
irritability, as well as changes in eating, avoid driving, certainly long distances, for at
sleeping and bowel habits. least a few days.
On business trips that only last a few days
you are unlikely to adapt to your new time
zone. When possible, it is therefore best to try
and maintain your home sleep/wake pattern.
If you are staying in a new time zone for an
extended period you can speed up the rate at
which you adjust by trying to synchronize
sleeping patterns and meal times to your new
environment as soon as possible.


Resources and further reading

Canadian Lung Association: Sleep Apnœa webpage

Energy Institute, UK: Human Factors webpage


International Classification of Sleep Disorders (Philipps-Universität, Marburg, Germany)


National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA: sleep disorders


National Sleep Foundation,Washington DC, USA


Health and Safety Executive, United Kingdom. (2006). Managing Shift Work: Health and Safety Guidance.

HSE Research Report No. 002, Psychosocial aspects of work and health in the North Sea oil and gas industry. 2002.
ISBN 0 7176 2156 1.

HSE Research Report No. 318, Effect of shift schedule on offshore shift workers’ circadian rhythms and health. 2005.
ISBN 0 7176 2973 2.

Baker, A. and Ferguson, S. (2004). Work Design, Fatigue and Sleep. A Resource Document for the Minerals Industry.
Minerals Council of Australia. 2004.

Folkard, S. (1997). Black times: temporal determinants of transport safety. Accident Analyses and Prevention, 29, 417–430.

Johns, M. W. (1991). A new method for measuring daytime sleepiness: the Epworth sleepiness scale. Sleep, 14:540-5. 1991.

Kryger, M., Roth, T. and Dement, W. (2005). Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine. Elsevier Saunders.

Mastin, D. F., Bryson, J. & Corwyn, R. (2006). Assessing sleep hygiene using the sleep hygiene index. Journal of
Behavioral Medicine.

Monk, T. H. and Folkard, S. (1992). Making shift work tolerable. Taylor and Francis, London.

Rosekind, M.R., Gregory, K.B., Mallis, M.M. (2006). Alertness management in aviation operations: enhancing performance
and sleep. Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine, 77:1256–65.

Thomas, M., Sing, H., Belenky, G., Holcomb, H., Mayberg, H., Dannals, R.,Wagner, H. Jr.,Thorne, D., Popp, K., Rowland, L.,
Welsh, A., Balwinski, S. and Redmond, D. (2006). Neural basis of alertness and cognitive performance impairments during
sleepiness. I. Effects of 24 h of sleep deprivation on waking human regional brain activity. Journal of Sleep Research, 9 (4),
335–352. 2006.


Appendix 1
Sleep hygiene
Review the statements below to see which undesirable sleep-related behaviours may apply to you.

Sleep-related behaviours which may affect your ability either to get to sleep or remain asleep, or which can disturb
the quality of sleep

I take daytime naps lasting two or more hours

I go to bed at different times from day to day
I get out of bed at different times from day to day
I exercise to the point of sweating within one hour of going to bed.
I stay in bed longer than I should two or three times a week
I use alcohol, tobacco, or caffeine within four hours of going to bed or after going to bed
I do something that may wake me up before bedtime (for example: play video games, use the internet, or clean)
I go to bed feeling stressed, angry, upset or nervous
I use my bed for things other than sleeping or intimate relations (for example: watching television, reading, eating or studying)

Adapted from: Mastin et al., 2006

I sleep on an uncomfortable bed (for example: poor mattress or pillow, too many or too few blankets)
I sleep in an uncomfortable bedroom (for example: too bright, too stuffy, too hot, too cold or too noisy)
I do important work before bedtime (for example: pay bills or study)
I think, plan, or worry when I am in bed


Appendix 2
The Epworth Sleepiness Scale: can you drive a vehicle safely?
How likely are you to doze off or fall asleep in the situations listed below, in contrast to feeling just fatigued? The
Epworth Sleepiness Scale is used in many countries and organizations to measure daytime sleepiness and predict the
degree of sleep deprivation and/or disturbance and one’s ability to drive a company vehicle or perform other tasks
without falling asleep. It is closely correlated to the polysomnography or sleep tests.

A self-test to determine whether you are getting enough sleep

The questions below refer to your usual way of life in recent times. Even if you have not done some of these things recently try to
imagine how they would have affected you.

Use the following scale to choose the most appropriate number for each situation:
0 = no chance of dozing 1 = slight chance of dozing 2 = moderate chance of dozing 3 = high chance of dozing

What is your chance of dozing in the following situations: Enter 0, 1, 2 or 3 (see scale above)

Sitting and reading

Watching TV
Sitting inactive in a public place (e.g. a theatre or a meeting)
As a passenger in a car for an hour without a break
Lying down to rest in the afternoon when circumstances permit
Sitting and talking to someone
Sitting quietly after a lunch without alcohol
In a car, while stopped for a few minutes in traffic



Score How important is your sleep debt and sleep problem?

0–5 Slight or none—you are getting enough sleep.
6–10 You are experiencing a moderate degree of sleepiness.
11–20 You are experiencing a high degree of sleepiness.
21–24 You are experiencing a very high degree of sleep loss.

If you score 10 or more on this test, you should consider whether you are obtaining adequate sleep, need to improve
your sleep hygiene and/or need to see a sleep specialist. These issues should be discussed with your personal physician.
Johns, M.W., 1991

Any score above 15 should lead to a medical consultation before being authorized to drive a company vehicle or
operate heavy machinery in the workplace.


Appendix 3
Do you suffer from obstructive sleep apnœa (OSA)?
The test below provides an indicator as to the likelihood that you might have OSA. The test is by no means
definitive and only a trained physician can make a formal diagnosis of OSA.

To take the test all you need to do is answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to each question and then refer to the box at the bottom
of the page. Ideally you should do the test with your bed partner as they can probably help you out with many of
the answers.

A self-test to determine whether you suffer from obstructive sleep apnœa

Answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, then refer to the box at the foot of the page: ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ ?

1. Are you overweight? (Calculate your BMI using the tool provided in Appendix 4—
if your BMI is higher than 30 answer ‘yes’ to this question.)
2. Do you snore loudly when sleeping?
3. Do you choke or gasp at night?
4. Have you been told that you hold your breath or stop breathing when you sleep?
5. Do you feel excessively tired and sleepy during the daytime?
6. Do you have restless sleep and frequently toss and turn at night?
7. When you wake up in the morning do your mouth and throat feel dry?
8. Do you suffer from high blood pressure?
9. Do you wake up at night, feeling your heart thumping, sometimes with an irregular beat?
10. Do you wake up perspiring heavily?


If you answered ‘Yes’ to three or more questions it is recommended that you speak to your doctor as soon you can
about the possibility that you might be suffering from OSA.


Appendix 4
Are you obese?
Use the guide below to measure and interpret your body mass index.

Calculation and interpretation of body mass index (BMI)

The BMI is your weight in kilogrammes divided by the square of your height in metres:

weight in kgs.
height in metres x height in metres

Example 1:
If your weight is 70 kg and your height is 1.75 metres, your BMI is calculated as follows:
BMI = = 22.85
1.75 x 1.75

Example 2:
If your weight is 100 kg and your height is 1.75 metres, your BMI is calculated as follows:
BMI = = 32.65
1.75 x 1.75

To determine your BMI using pounds and inches, multiply your weight in pounds by 704.5, then divide the result by your
height in inches, and then divide that result by your height in inches a second time.


BMI Interpretation

< 18 You are underweight.

20–25 You are in the normal weight range for your height.
25–30 You are overweight.
> 30 You are obese.
> 40 You have what is called ‘morbid’ obesity.
> 50 You are in the category of ‘super’ or ‘malignant’ obesity.

The OGP/IPIECA Membership

Company members
Amerada Hess
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation
BG Group
BHP Billiton
Cairn Energy
Dolphin Energy
Gaz de France
Hellenic Petroleum
Hunt Oil Company
Japan Oil, Gas & Metals National
Kuwait Oil Company
Kuwait Petroleum Corporation
Mærsk Olie og Gas International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (OGP)
Marathon Oil
Nexen OGP represents the upstream oil and gas industry before international organizations
NOC Libya
OXY including the International Maritime Organization, the United Nations Environment
OMV Programme (UNEP) Regional Seas Conventions and other groups under the UN
Papuan Oil Search Ltd
Perenco Holdings Ltd umbrella. At the regional level, OGP is the industry representative to the European
Persian LNG Commission and Parliament and the OSPAR Commission for the North East Atlantic.
Petrobras Equally important is OGP’s role in promulgating best practices, particularly in the areas
Petropars Ltd of health, safety, the environment and social responsibility.
Petronas International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association (IPIECA)
Premier Oil The International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association was
Qatar Petroleum founded in 1974 following the establishment of the United Nations Environment
RasGas Programme (UNEP). IPIECA provides one of the industry’s principal channels of
Repsol YPF
Saudi Aramco communication with the United Nations.
Shell International Exploration & Production IPIECA is the single global association representing both the upstream and
SNH Cameroon
Sonatrach downstream oil and gas industry on key global environmental and social issues. IPIECA’s
programme takes full account of international developments in these issues, serving as a
TNK-BP Management
TOTAL forum for discussion and cooperation involving industry and international organizations.
Tullow Oil
IPIECA’s aims are to develop and promote scientifically-sound, cost-effective,
Woodside Energy practical, socially and economically acceptable solutions to global environmental and social
Yemen LNG
issues pertaining to the oil and gas industry. IPIECA is not a lobbying organization, but
Association and Associate members provides a forum for encouraging continuous improvement of industry performance.
Australian Institute of Petroleum
American Petroleum Institute
Baker Hughes
Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers
Canadian Petroleum Products Institute
Energy Institute
European Petroleum Industry Association
Institut Français du Pétrole
South African Petroleum Industry Association
World Petroleum Council

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