Current News
Current News
Current News
Current news
It is the tool by which many people know what is happening in their countries and in the
world, since they always bring relevant news. An important characteristic is that they are up
to date and each page has useful information for its readers.
Local focus
In smaller cities or towns, you often see local newspapers that report on relevant local events
and things that really interest their people. In this case, newspapers are the best media
because television or radio use general perspective and newspaper is more specific.
Reading habits
People who read the newspaper constantly, have very good reading habits. Addition, it is a
good way to learn new vocabulary.
The disadvantages of the newspaper are increasingly noticeed as the days go by. While in the past
it was a fairly useful means of information,
which communicated to entire countries and managed to inform much of the population about w
hat was happening in the world.
However, with the advent of technology, the use of the newspaper decreases, the accessibility and
the number of people reading more and more news on social networks makes the newspapers
disappear little by little.
On the other form, society has generated a distrust by this means by the political influence that
many have, or by the little practice of many to read them, although not all are.
Associations for the protection of the environment have also questioned it, the amount of paper
that in the vast majority of times is wasted for its printing is thoughtless. As a medium of physical
information, it does not always reach every corner of the world, being of little use to the small
peoples of many countries.
The newspaper's history dates to ancient Rome where stone tablets with government
announcements were hung in the streets. However, the first printed newspapers are from 1605
and began to be produced around the world.
For example, in the American colonies the diffusion of this means of communication was a little
slower than in other places, due to the continuous prohibitions of the European empires. That is
why in our continent the first companies of this means of communication were established until
the beginning of the 18th century.
Since then, different categories of newspapers have been created, for example, newspapers can be
divided by frequency or by content.
In frequencies we have the weekly and daily newspapers, such as the new york times or the
In categories we have for example sports newspapers, such as brand from Spain.