The Formulas of All The Ratios: A. Financial Stability, Solvency, Liquidity, Balance Sheet Ratios
The Formulas of All The Ratios: A. Financial Stability, Solvency, Liquidity, Balance Sheet Ratios
The Formulas of All The Ratios: A. Financial Stability, Solvency, Liquidity, Balance Sheet Ratios
(2) Liquid Ratio Pure Ratio Quick Assets 1:1 - Immediate solvency
(Quick Ratio) Quick Liabilities
- Long term stability
(3) Proprietory Ratio Percentage Proprietors Funds . 60% to - Capitalisation
(Asset Backing Ratio) Fixed Assets + Current Assets 75% - Over/Under trading
- Overall efficiency
(5) Stock Working Pure Ratio Closing Stock 1:1 - Investments in stocks
Capital Ratio Or Working Capital
Debt Equity Ratio Pure Ratio Long Term Debts Depends - Long term stability
Shareholders Funds on
Long Term Debts .
Shareholder Funds + Long Term Debts
(8) Operating Ratio Cost of Goods Sold + Operating Exp. X 100 - Operating Efficiency
“ Net Sales None
(9) Operating
Expenses Ratios “ Operating Expenses X 100 “
Net Sales
(10) Group of
Expenses Ratio “ Relevant Group of Expenses X 100 “
Net Sales
(11) Net Operating
Expenses Ratio “ Operating Profit X 100 “
Net Sales
(12) Net Profit Ratio “ Operating Net Profit X 100 Depends - Profitability vis-à-vis
Net Sales on industry sales
Net Profit (before tax) X 100
Net Sales
(13) Stock Turnover No. of times Cost of goods sold Higher the - Over/Under Trading
Ratio or days Average Stock better
(15) Return on Net Profit (after int & tax) X 100 Depends on - Profitability vis-à-vis
Proprietors funds “ Proprietors funds industry Investments
- Over/Under Trading
Net Profit after tax & Pref Div X 100 None - Profitability vis-à-vis
(16) Return on “ Paid Up Equity share capital Investments
Equity Capital - Capitalisation
- Overall Efficiency
(18) Dividend pay out Percentage Div. per Equity share Depends on - Funds ploughed back
Ratio Earning per Equity Share industry into business
(19) Price Earning No. of times Market price of share - Market perception of
Ratio Earning per share equity shares
At least 1
(20) Debt Service No. of times Net Profit (before tax) & int on Loan - Capacity of business
Ratio Interest on loans + Preference Dividend + to service loans
Annual debt installment due
No. of days
(21) Debtors turnover Sundry Debtors + A/c. Receivable Credit - Over/Under
Ratio Average net credit sales X No. of days in period Investments in debtors
the year granted to
Credit - Promptness of
(22) Creditors No. of days Sundry Creditors + Bills Payable period payment to creditors
turnover Ratio Average net credit purchases X granted to
No. of days in the year suppliers