UG21T3504-Specialized Cargo Handling and Stowage - QP1

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(A Central University Government of India)

B.Sc Nautical Science
Specialised Cargo Handling and Stowage
Date: 15-07-2019 Maximum Marks: 70
Duration: 3 hrs. Pass Marks: 35
Note : Question No. 1 is compulsory.

Answer any 6 questions from remaining 8 questions (each of 10

marks). All Candidates are requested to read and understand the
questions well prior to answering them.

Scientific Calculator is permitted if required.


Q.1 (2 x 5 =10 marks)

(a) What are multi-purpose cargo ships ?

(b) State the types of cargoes that reefer and refrigerated vessels carry.

(c) State the differences between a Ferry and a Cruise ship.

(d) State the types and sizes of Crude Oil and Product tankers.

(e) State how a particular container can be traced on board a container ship.


(a)Describe in brief the various types of ships and the cargoes that they carry.
(5 marks)

(b) Describe in brief the different types of hatch covers and derricks fitted on
multi-purpose ships and the types of cargoes carried. (5 marks)


(a) Mention important points which are to be considered on a container vessel

prior proceeding to sea after loading. (5 marks)

(b) State in brief how container ships are designed to load containers,the
standard size of containers and name the different items used in the
loading and lashing of a container on board a ship. (5 marks)

(a)Explain the preparation of holds and precautions to be taken whilst

loading, carriage and discharging Reefer and Refrigerated cargoes.
(5 marks)
(b) Name the types of Off shore vessels and their utility and usage.
(5 marks)

(a) Explain safety precautions and procedures to be followed for man entry
into a cargo tank or enclosed space on an oil tanker. (5 marks)

(b)Explain procedure for Crude Oil Washing (C O W) – checks and precautions

to be taken, before , during and after the operation. (5 marks)


(a)State in brief purpose and arrangements on a Heavy Lift ship. (5 marks)

(b) State in brief the type of cargoes Multi-purpose ships and Ro-ro vessels
carry on board. (5 marks)


(a)State the different categories of Chemicals and types of Chemical tankers.

(5 marks)

(b)Explain the hazards and precautions to be taken when carrying /

handling Chemical cargoes. (5 marks)


(a) State and explain different types of Gas Tankers. (5 marks)

(b) State and explain different types of tanks on Gas Carriers. (5 marks)

Q9. A tank of length 20m, breadth 10m, and height 10m is to be loaded with
density 0.90 t/m3 at 150 C. How many tonnes can be loaded if the tank is
allowed to load only 97% by volume leaving 3% volume for expansion
considering the highest temperature of oil as 30 0 C. The temperature at
the load port is 200 C. Density correction factor is 0.0005 t/m3 /0 C.
(10 marks)

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