Department of Chemical Engineering Complex Engineering Problems Assignment Date:16th September 2020
Department of Chemical Engineering Complex Engineering Problems Assignment Date:16th September 2020
Department of Chemical Engineering Complex Engineering Problems Assignment Date:16th September 2020
Alcoholic fermentation is a biological process in which sugars such
as glucose, fructose, and sucrose are converted into cellular energy and thereby
produce ethanol and carbon dioxide as metabolic waste products.
Alcoholic fermentation is considered and anaerobic process. Sugarcane is rich in
sucrose and thus it is used as a feedstock to produce the biofuel ethanol. Ethanol
is generally available as a byproduct of fermentation. It can be used as
a biofuel alternative to gasoline.
The fermentation process design is central to the overall plant economic
comparison. The fermentation equipment for a conventional 2,000,000,000 L/yr
facility is described. Fermentation has a large direct effect on overall plant costs.
Two general arrangements of process flows and equipment can be used to
describe all of the designs considered. First simple continuous processes, by
staggering harvest times for batch fermentors to provide a continuous product
flow, Other can also describe a batch production facility. We are selecting batch
fermentation process.
Molasses and added nutrients are taken from storage and mixed with water to
the desired feed concentration and sterilized by direct steam injection in a
continuous sterilizer. Feed from the mixer is then send to the fermenter.
Filtered air is spared into the fomenters to maintain the optimum oxygen
concentration. An absorber is used to recover ethanol from the fermenter vent
For selective ethanol removal processes, the fermenting beer is cycled through a
selective ethanol recovery device such as membrane separator, extractor or flash
vessel. A portion of the dilute beer is then centrifuged and sent to stripper. The
bottom product of fermentor is mixed with the yeast cream feed to the rotary
dryer as a further nutrient supplement. The rotary steam tube dryer is operated
at high temperature using 600 psig steam to reduce the drying area. The ethanol-
water vapors evaporated from the yeast is then condensed. the condensed
stream in introduced in distillation column.
The distillation system consists of an atmospheric pressure stripper followed by a
vacuum distillation column to produce 95 wt 70% azeotropic alcohol. Vapor reuse
methods are used to achieve a high energy efficiency. The fermentation plant is
designed assuming 330 days/ yr and 24 h/day operation.
Batch fermentation
production cost summary
Ethanol has a high octane number which is good for combustion properties (the
anti knocking number is enhanced). Ethanol contains 35% oxygen which reduces
particulate and NOx emissions from combustion when compared to the
combustion of petrol. Combustion of ethanol results in low CO emissions.
Bioethanol can be blended with gasoline at any ratio. Ethanol contains no sulfur,
causing no emissions of sulfur oxides. Small amounts of bioethanol are neither
toxic to humans nor to the environment. In Europe the production of ethanol
mainly depends on a single feedstock source: sugar beets. The feedstock costs for
starchy crops are high. Ethanol processing from cellulose is relatively cost
intensive. The feedstock costs for sugar crops are high. -- Ethanol processing from
cellulose is relatively energy intensive. For feedstock cultivation fertilizers and
pesticides are required. There are no experiences for large-scale production of
ethanol from cellulose. Ethanol is characterized by high vapor pressures.
Weaknesses Blending gasoline with ethanol increases emissions of volatile
organic compounds. Energy input for ethanol processing from sugar is lower than
ethanol processing from starch and cellulose. Energy input for ethanol processing
from starch is lower than ethanol processing from cellulose. Research is carried
out to optimize ethanol processing from cellulose.
Research is carried out to optimize ethanol processing fromstarch.Energy input
for ethanol processing from starch is higher than ethanol processing from sugar.
Energy input for ethanol processing from cellulose is higher than ethanol
processing from sugar or starch. Sugar beets are food crops (competition of
ethanol with food products). Most starchy crops are food crops (competition of
ethanol with food products). Production costs for ethanol from cellulose are
relatively high.
In most European countries the use of bioethanol is not yet established and thus
limited infrastructure for ethanol distribution exists.
Although current industrial fermentation for fuel ethanol production employs two
types of feed stocks such as free fermentable sugars and starch, free sugars
containing juice is more economic than starch feed stocks as the former can
directly be used in fermentation without any prior treatment. However, better
yield also depends somewhat on the selection of microorganisms and
fermentation mode and techniques as well as the influence of several
factors.Selective ethanol removal fermentation processes offer
even greater savings as more concentrated feeds and products can be handled,
further reducing the cost of auxiliary equipment.Very expensive separation
devices can be justified and research should be continued in this area. It should
be noted, however,that much of this savings could also be achieved by employing
s tillage recycle in combination with conventional fermentation processes.
1. Renshaw, S. F. Sapakie, and M. C. Hanson, Chem. Eng.
2. H. H. Topiwala and B. Khosrovi, Biotechrtol. Bioeng., 20, 73
3. E. J. Del Rosario, K. J. Lee, and P. L. Rogers, Biotechnol. Bioeng.,
Prog., 78(5), 33 (1982).
4. B. L. Maiorella, “Vacuum Ethanol Distillation Technology,” in
The Ethanol Separation Handbook, L. Douglas, Ed. (Solar Energy
Research Institute, Golden, CO, 1984).
5. S. P. Prescott and C. G. Dunn, Industrial Microbiologv, 2nd ed.,
(McGraw-Hill, New York, 1949).
6. R. Katzen, “Grain Motor Fuel Alcohol Technical and Economic
Assessment Study,” U.S. National Technical Information Service,