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Per fect Oi l

[Food Edition] Guide

Perfect Oil Guide
[ Food Edition ]
To those
those looking
looking for
for a
a safe,
easy and
and guaranteed
guaranteed way
way toto maintain
maintain quality

of the World
Fried Foods
Commonly Eaten

Fried food of the world

15 Fried Foods of the World

Fried Chicken A4 Falafel A 12

USA Middle Eastern countries / Egypt

With a booming diet industry and an increasingly

health conscious population, talking about oil has
Fish and Chips A5 Potato Cakes A 13
UK Australia
become a bit of a taboo in recent years, but it is still
one of the three essential nutritional elements, next
to sugars and proteins. Corn Dog A6 Poutine A 14
USA Canada

There are a myriad of vegetable oils, each with Curry Bread Taquito
A7 A 15
Japan Mexico
their own special uses. For example, linseed oil and
perilla oil can be used raw as dressings, while
Schnitzel A8 Yu Lin Chi A 16
canola oil and sesame oil, with their high heat Germany / Austria China

resistance, can be used as frying oil.

As for animal products, beef tallow and lard are Arancini A9 Tempura A 17
Italy Japan
examples that, due to their rich taste when cooked,
are preferred for use as frying oils.
Coxinha A 10 Doughnuts / Donuts A 18
Brazil USA

Foods cooked with oil are an important part of

every culture, in every region. Especially popular Empañada A 11
Spain, Portugal / North America /
are easy-to-eat, no-fuss fried foods. South America / the Philippines /
the Middle East / etc.

A2 15 Fried Foods of the World 15 Fried Foods of the World A3

Fr i e d C h i c k e n Fi s h a n d C h i p s
American fried chicken has its roots in the Southern soul food culture of Fried white fish, typically cod, served with fries - it sounds so simple but the average
African-Americans. The combination of a Scottish chicken-frying method with the spices English consumer will tell you that it all comes down to the elusive balance of the
and seasonings of West Africa gave birth to this uniquely American food. crunchy, yet fluffy mild - tasting batter for this soul food.


Fried chicken grew from a popular Southern the island of Okinawa, and it is now eaten at To make the batter, flour and baking soda are Recently, vegetable oils like peanut oil have been
African-American meal to be popular among white celebrations and around Christmas time. mixed-not with water-but with beer ! This give the gaining some usage in the process, but cooks
Southern communities. However, it was not until the Traditionally, American fried chicken is made with batter a unique texture and light brown color. The focused on flavor still prefer to use the traditional
mid-20th century, with the growth of fast food drumsticks coated in a flour-based batter and beer used in the batter must be cold. The type of beef tallow or lard.
chains that it became a nationally popular food. mixed with seasonings and spices. Traditionally beer used, whether it be an ale, a stout, a lager, or
As those chains moved overseas, fried chicken’ s frying takes 10 to15 minutes in a deep pot heated to a bitter, differs between locations.
popularity went global. Japan, which already had a 320 to 340°F (160 to 170°C), but nowadays, it can be
popular type of fried chicken called ‘karaage’, took cooked at home in 3cm of salad oil or at restaurants
American fried chicken under its wing, especially on in pressure cookers.

Column Column
At a fried food manufacturing site, because fried chicken production does not use bread crumbs, less oil was being absorbed by Consider the example of a fish and chip shop, with 30 years’ experience operating in a fish market, who were changing their oil
the product, which resulted in the oil being changed less often than on other production lines. This led to a faster deterioration of once every two days, no matter what. A popular store to eat at they required four fryers, meaning they were using large amount
oil quality. Due to their dissatisfaction with AV test strips in determining oil quality, we introduced them to the DOM-24.Being of costly oil. The DOM-24 now helps them better manage their oil quality, with easily viewable, numerical results. Not only has it
designed for use at high temperatures and producing faster results than the test strips, the DOM-24 provided an easy to use, non- lowered their costs, but it has also reduced their environmental impact.
-consumable test method that kept their costs down. Now, they will never miss a drop in oil quality again.

*AV Acid Value TPM Total Polar Materials POV Peroxide Value

A4 15 Fried Foods of the World 15 Fried Foods of the World A5

Corn Dog Curry Bread
Invented during the 1940s in Texas, this street food is made by skewering a hot dog and Curry filled delicatessen bread, or ‘curry bread’ first appeared during the Showa-Era in
frying it in cornmeal batter. Corn dogs are the perfect snack for eating on the go. Tokyo, around the late 1920s.
Available fried-fresh at festival stalls and at gas stations as well as in the frozen section of Several stores, all still in operation, claim to be the original inventor of this delight. Curry
most supermarkets. bread has enjoyed a long popularity.

USA Japan

To make the batter, mix cornmeal, all-purpose flour, In Japan, where cornmeal is fairly uncommon, they It is often believed that the idea for curry bread Curry bread is still only found commercially in
baking powder, salt, and sugar with milk and egg developed the ‘American Dog,’ which is instead originated from the Russian piroshky but true Russian Japan, but it has recently seen a boom in popularity
and then rest it in a refrigerator for about an hour. made with plain flour. Corn dogs are growing in piroshky are typically filled prior to being baked in amongst tourists, with many of them attempting to
A hot dog is skewered, coated in flour, and then popularity all over the world. an oven to expand. Many fried foods resemble fried recreate the experience after they return home.
dipped in the cooled batter before being fried at dumplings, so it is said that the type of piroshky Maybe one day soon you will find some delicious
355°F (180°C) in vegetable oil for 3 to 4 minutes. popular in Japan may have been developed curry bread near you.
based on curry bread.

Column Column
At a factory producing packaged foods, part-time employees were in charge of oil testing using AV test strips, but said they In Japan, the oil used to fry breads must be changed once the AV exceeds 2.5, as set by government regulation. In one
found determining the value from the color to be difficult. When the factory moved locations, which resulted in a restricting of the particular large-scale bakery, policy dictates the AV is to be taken during the production process and if the value exceeds 2.0,
production line and some new staff, the company switched from the test strips to the DOM-24. Easily usable with little training, the the oil is changed before the next batch comes in. Using oil test strips, they found, was too subjective and could not be done as
DOM-24 gives the company the peace of mind that comes with consistent readings, no matter who was in charge, and the often as they would have liked. The DOM-24 allows them to easily check between each batch by providing a simple numerical
transition to the new oil testing system went smoothly. reading, keeping them in control of the process.
*In Japan, manufacturers of boxed lunches (bento boxes) and other prepared foods are required to change oil with an AV greater than 2.5 in accordance with the
government`s sanitation code.
*AV Acid Value TPM Total Polar Materials POV Peroxide Value

A6 15 Fried Foods of the World 15 Fried Foods of the World A7

Schnitzel Arancini
Schnitzel is a popular menu item not only in Germany and Austria, as you may expect, Of course, Italy – a country known for its food – has a home-grown variety of street food.
but also in countries such as Israel. On the island of Sicily, in the town of Palermo, arancini, whose name literally means
This dish is so popular in Austria that it is even available in specialty fast-food ‘little orange’, is the king of street food.

Germany / Austria Italy

Firstly, a thick slice of meat is thinned out with a Next, the schnitzel is placed in a skillet with a Sicilian arancini are known for their conical shape
meat tenderizer. Then it is coated with flour and an generous amount of oil and grilled in a way that and although they are snack-sized, they have a
egg glaze before being dipped in a mixture of resembles frying. Lard or butter are recommended full-bodied texture that’ll leave you full after only a
freshly ground black pepper and bread crumbs. for best results. few bites. Arancini are filled with a risotto that can
This traditional dish is said to have come to Vienna be made with tomato sauce, mince meat, cheese,
from Italy in the 16th Century. green peas and many more ingredients, all fried
together in a bread crumb casing.

Column Column
In some restaurants, the need for an oil change is determined with visual checks. The decision making process will vary greatly A fried chicken factory would measure their soybean oil’s quality with AV test strips and then run the results through a reader to
depending on the experience of the employee in charge. produce an AV value. Oil changes would happen under this system about once per week, once they got an AV above 2.5. The
With the DOM-24, you can turn your most experienced chef’s decisions into a number value and create a standard. Maintaining fryers are run 3 times per day and tested after the day’s final production run. With four fryers, testing with the strips was getting
a consistently high oil quality will give your dishes the edge. expensive. With the DOM-24, no matter how many fryers you have, you can easily check the AV value without using hundreds of
expensive AV test strips.

*AV Acid Value TPM Total Polar Materials POV Peroxide Value

A8 15 Fried Foods of the World 15 Fried Foods of the World A9

Coxinha Empañada
This is a Brazilian street food made by frying chicken breast that has been wrapped in Coming from the word in Spanish/Portuguese meaning ‘to wrap’ , the empañada is not
dough and then covered in bread crumbs. only a must-have at celebrations, but also popular as an appetizer, for breakfast, or
With its pleasing texture and appealing shape, this is eaten as an easy and light meal. eating on the side of the road. Beloved all over the world, you are never far from a
freshly fried empañada.

Brazil Spain, Portugal, North America, South America, the Philippines, the Middle East, etc.

Sometimes coxinha are referred to as ‘Brazilian-style Chicken breast, flavored with salt and pepper, is Popular with tuna in Spain, beef in Argentina, and filled one by one.
croquettes’ , but they do not actually use any boiled until it is ready to melt-in-your-mouth. Flour is spinach in Arab nations, there are not only many Adding salt, a little dry yeast, and sugar to flour to
potatoes. added to the boiled water to make the batter. regional variations but just many variations in make the dough, which is then kneaded in
While their shape may resemble a large tear or a After being left to cool in a refrigerator for one hour, general, including cheese, cream, and sweet lukewarm water and finished off with a little olive oil.
baby chick, it is actually supposed to resemble a the chicken is wrapped in the batter, which is then potatoes. You can basically wrap whatever you The dough is ready once it feels elastic. Recently it
chicken drumstick. coated in an egg glaze and bread crumbs. Finally, want in the thick dough of an empañada. Even the has become more common for health conscious
it is fried in vegetable oil at 355°F (180°C) until it turns filling method varies by region, from places where families to cook them on cold pie sheets in an oven,
a rich golden brown color. the dough is stretched, filled and then cut into but a golden brown, freshly fried empanada
smaller piece and regions were balls of dough are remains tempting for many people.

Column Column
At a food production location in Japan with a fried food production line they use vegetable oil to fry things such as croquettes, A large-scale bread manufacturer checks the AV and POV of their oil using test strips one time per day. The AV limit is set to 2.5 and their
fried katsu, and fried chicken. With a variety of products and three production runs each day, they were testing the oil after each POV to 25, but operationally, they change the oil once they get an AV reading approaching 1.0. On the other hand, in the same
run with oil quality test strips. With three fryers, it meant they were using nine whole test strips each day, so they were looking for a company’s testing room, they are using the titration method to test AV and POV and a digital meter to test TPM. They test AV and TPM
new, more cost-effective method. With the DOM-24 they can keep the running costs and time spent to a minimum no matter once per week, but because measuring POV takes time and the reagent is hazardous, they only test POV once per month. Since
how many times they test and safely control the quality of their oil. DOM-24 can measure AV and TPM on one machine, it is recommended for companies who want logical and timely QA procedures.

*AV Acid Value TPM Total Polar Materials POV Peroxide Value

A10 15 Fried Foods of the World 15 Fried Foods of the World A11
Fa l a f e l Po t a t o C a k e s
Falafel has its origins in the Middle East. Reconstituted garbanzo beans and fava beans Potato cakes can be found all over Australia. Commonly seen as a side-dish to fish and
are ground up, mixed with herbs and spices and fried into little balls. In the Middle East, chips, a potato cake is a flat, round snack made from a slice of potato that has been
the most common oils used for frying are corn and sunflower oils. battered and deep-fried. Depending on the region they can be quite thick or even be
made with mashed potatoes.

Middle Eastern countries / Egypt Australia

It is common to eat falafel wrapped with truly a global street food. The mixture of ingredients Potato cakes made from whole potato slices are Potato cakes can be cooked at home in a skillet
vegetables in pita bread and covered with tahini, used to make falafel varies a little by region, also called potato scallops. filled with approximately 0.4in of oil. They are so
also known as sesame paste, or with hummus, a depending on popular ingredients in the area. For After the skin is peeled, the potato is cut into 0.2in simple, as long as potatoes are available to you,
thick garbanzo bean paste. example in Egypt falafel are made only with fava slices, dipped in a liquid batter and then fried until potato cakes can be made anywhere.
Falafel is growing in popularity in the Western world beans, while in Israel they are made only with golden brown in canola oil at approximately 345°F
as a health food due to its 100% vegetable garbanzo beans. to 355°F (175°C to 180°C).
make-up, low-calorie count, and high levels of
protein. It has even recently been found in an
increasing number of stores in Japan. Now, falafel is

Column Column
In a factory in the United States that fries garbanzo beans and peanuts a standard value for oil changes was set at the same time At a factory that manufactures potato chips, they were using oil test strips to measure the POV and titration to measure the AV,
they began educating their line managers on the benefits of oil quality management. After adopting the TPM and AV standards but they began investigating ways to better control their oil’s quality by measuring TPM. This method can comprehensively
from Europe and Asia to manage their oil, they are currently using their DOM-24 on two of their production lines. determine the POV, caused by oxidation, and AV, caused by an increase in the free fatty acids from the potato’s moisture
content. With the DOM-24, they can check the TPM with just the push of a button.

*AV Acid Value TPM Total Polar Materials POV Peroxide Value

A12 15 Fried Foods of the World 15 Fried Foods of the World A13
Po u t i n e Ta q u i t o
People who think of fries as a side dish are, one by one, raising the white flag in Taquito literally means ‘little taco’ in Spanish. Taquitos are made by wrapping filling in a
Canada. Poutine is the nobility of the fried potato world. It is so delicious that you might tortilla, a staple in Mexican cooking, and crisp-frying to perfection.
even call it a form of modern art.

Canada Mexico

Poutine is made with fresh French fries covered in You can find taquitos all over Mexico; they are easy As a light meal they can be filled with fried chicken
melted cheese and fresh, hot gravy. Go on, eat to make and even easier to eat. That simplicity, mince, taco filling or even apple, if you want to
your fill of this dish from Quebec. It will be hot – so combined with their adorable appearance, makes make a sweet treat.
don’t forget the fork! them an essential item for any large party. Despite Taquitos are usually fried in corn oil.
If you happen to come across some poutine in their appearance, they can be more filling than you Just like Japanese sushi rolls, they can be made thin
Canada – forget about calories for a bit – and be might expect, so be careful not to eat too many. or thick and have hundreds of variations,
ready to eat until you can’t move. Depending on your preferences, you can cover depending on your chosen on filling.
your taquitos with guacamole, salsa or sour cream.

Column Column
In a French-Italian fusion restaurant, the oil used for their unmissable French fries was being changed once every three days. The A frozen food company, who had been using reagents to test the AV of their oil, learned that they have been labeled a possible
restaurant’s policy dictated that the oil must have a TPM value below 11%. Without a proper way to test the value, though, they cancer cause and quickly discontinued using them. The company tried to use oil test strips instead but found that determining the
were disposing of oil that was technically still usable. result based on the color reduced their confidence.
Now, by measuring with the DOM-24, they can get a more accurate grasp of when oil needs changing, improve food safety and They are currently testing the DOM-24 as it does not use any harmful reagents and gives results as an easily readable numerical
lower their costs while at the same time reducing their environmental impact. value.

*AV Acid Value TPM Total Polar Materials POV Peroxide Value

A14 15 Fried Foods of the World 15 Fried Foods of the World A15
Yu L i n C h i Te m p u r a
In Japan, this is known as a fried chicken dish with a strong onion flavor. The vital Tempura is said to have come to Nagasaki, Japan around the same time as guns via
ingredient in this dish is the sauce – made from a blend of shredded onion, ginger, Western European visitors in the 15th Century. In the early Edo Period (1603 - 1868), fish
garlic, soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil, and sugar. from the Tokyo Bay were fried and eaten as tempura from street stalls. Around this time,
rapeseed oil production was increasing, so even common folk could enjoy tempura.
Along with sushi and soba noodles, tempura became one of the main flavors of the
period and even today is known world-wide as a Japanese food.
China Japan

Chicken thigh or breast is marinated in Shaoxing results occur when a basic mix of lard and sesame Tempura is unique in the world of fried foods as it
rice wine and lightly fried. Next they are lifted out oil is used for frying. boasts a crispy outer skin while the food on the
with a slotted spoon and placed in a ladle where Watching the meat being fried using the slotted inside is steamed. Fresh tempura made by a
hot oil is poured over the meat until the skin is crispy. spoon and ladle is one of the highlights of Chinese veteran cook with high-quality sesame oil is a
This process double fries the meat. Once done, the cooking. delicacy, but tempura soba noodles, served in soba
crispy meat is cut into bite-sized pieces and served restaurants’ signature soup, or mountains of
on a plate covered in the delicious sauce. Best homemade tempura fried in rapeseed oil are
enough to get Japanese people’s taste buds firing.

Column Column
A popular karaage restaurant measures the AV value using oil test strips. In order to use these strips, the oil must be placed on The tempura manager at an udon restaurant chain had been using the tempura’s color and the results of AV test strips to
tongs and cooled. Once cool, the test strips are immersed in the oil for 30 seconds before the color change occurs. Unable to get determine the timing of oil changes, but had been hearing more and more about numerically-based TPM measurement.
accurate readings at temperatures above 212°F (100°C), the strips being used also cannot be put directly into the fryer, even at With the DOM-24 they can see the TPM and AV and are looking into ways they can use the knowledge of their veteran chefs to
low temperatures, due to being coated in a reagent. With the DOM-24, they can check the oil quality in as many fryers as the improve their usage of the instrument.
want, as many times as they want, without having to worry about temperature or reagents.

*Government hygiene regulation in Japan stipulates that manufacturers of pre-prepared lunches and other foods must change oils at AV values of above 2.5.
*AV Acid Value TPM Total Polar Materials POV Peroxide Value

A16 15 Fried Foods of the World 15 Fried Foods of the World A17
Doughnuts / Donuts
The humble donut is popular all over the world. With the original recipe said to have
come to the New World on the Mayflower, this sweet snack has a long history.


Donuts are well known for being nutrient-rich foods

and in 2010 research showed that, when combined
with coffee, they increased concentration and
memory. Donuts are a casual breakfast in the USA,
with donut stands found outside train stations each
morning. In saying that, roughly 1/4 of a donuts
weight comes from oil, so maintaining high quality
oil is essential.

At a donut chain, they had internally set oil-changing guidelines and periodically checked the oil quality using AV test kits. To use
the kits, they had to wait until oil from the fryers cooled off, take and put it into the reagent test pack and wait about another
minute for a reaction before making a color-based determination. Hot oil cannot be put into the test packets and because the
packs are disposable, they are expensive to use. Using the DOM-24 the chain can check the quality of their oil, without waiting for
it to cool down, just by pushing a button. No preparations, no reagents, and no on-going costs.

*AV Acid Value TPM Total Polar Materials POV Peroxide Value

A18 15 Fried Foods of the World Please turn over and flip upside down from the next page.

Regularly consumed cooking oils come in a variety of Cooking Oil and Quality
types, including olive oils, vegetable oils, corn oils,
Oil and Refractive Index B4
perilla oils, cottonseed oils, and safflower oils.
Oil and Deterioration B8

Use quality standards and indicators to deliver delicious Oil and Viscosity B 12

and safe products to consumers.

Consistently stable production, sensible quality assurance,

Product Information

and maintaining the best standards and Product Lineup B 16

procedures are vital. Frying Oil Monitor

DOM-24 B 18

RX-5000i-Plus B 22
DR-A1-Plus B 24

Options B 28
User Testimonials B 30

All ATAGO products are designed and manufactured in Japan.

Headquarters: The Front Tower Shiba Koen, 23rd Floor
2-6-3 Shiba-koen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0011, Japan
http://www.atago.net/ [email protected] TEL : 81-3-3431-1943 FAX : 81-3-3431-1945 ATAGO products comply with HACCP,GMP,
and GLP system standards.
TEL : 1-425-637-2107 [email protected]
TEL : 91-22-28544915, 40713232 [email protected]
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TEL : 86-20-38108256 [email protected]
TEL : 7-812-777-96-96 [email protected]
TEL : 234-707-558-1552 [email protected]

* Specifications and appearance are subject to change without notice. Copyright © 2017 ATAGO CO., LTD. All rights reserved. ENV.01 17071000GR Printed in Japan

B2 Perfect Oil Guide [Food Edition] Perfect Oil Guide [Food Edition] B3
Oil and Refractive Index Cooking Oil and Quality Cooking Oil and Quality Oil and Refractive Index

Oil and
Vegetable oils are, as the name implies, oils that come from various flora.
Typically, these oils are squeezed or otherwise extracted from seeds or fruits.
As the name of each oil varies with the extraction method and location,

Refractive Index
there are easily more oil types than raw materials.

Specifying Cooking Oil Types

Cooking Oil Quality & Refractive Index

As vegetable oils are meant for consumption, they have strict safety and quality guidelines.
ATAGO manufactures instruments that can measure the property and quality of vegetable oil.

Using Refractive Index is one method used to determine the properties

of vegetable oils. Since the properties and compositions vary, it is
possible to determine the type of oil using Refractive index.

The instruments used to measure refractive index are known as

Digital Hand-Held
‘refractometers’. Refractometer Refractometer
For high-precision readings, ATAGO has the RX Digital Bench-Top
Refractometer series and analog Abbe Refractometers. For faster readings,
we have the PAL pocket hand-held refractometer series and other
hand-held units. ATAGO has a wide product range designed to meet all of
our customers’ needs.
Refractometer PAL

Specific Refractive
Oil Name Gravity Index Saponifica- Iodine Unsaponifiable
tion value value Material %
25/25°C 25/25°C

Consumable safflower oil 0.919 to 0.924 1.473 to 1.476 186 to 194 136 to 148 At or below 1.0

Consumable grape oil 0.918 to 0.923 1.472 to 1.476 188 to 194 128 to 150 At or below 1.5

Consumable soybean oil 0.916 to 0.922 1.472 to 1.475 189 to 195 124 to 139 At or below 1.0

Consumable sunflower oil 0.915 to 0.921 1.471 to 1.474 188 to 194 120 to 141 At or below 1.5

Consumable corn oil 0.915 to 0.921 1.471 to 1.474 187 to 195 103 to 135 At or below 2.0

Consumable cottonseed oil 0.916 to 0.922 1.469 to 1.472 190 to 197 102 to 120 At or below 1.5

At or below 2.5
Consumable sesame oil 0.914 to 0.922 1.470 to 1.474 184 to 193 104 to 116 Purified
sesame oil is 2.0

Consumable rapeseed oil 0.907 to 0.919 1.469 to 1.474 169 to 193 94 to 126 At or below 1.5

Consumable rice oil At or below 4.5

0.915 to 0.921 1.469 to 1.472 180 to 195 92 to 115
Salad oil is 3.5

Consumable peanut oil 0.910 to 0.916 1.468 to 1.471 188 to 196 86 to 103 At or below 1.0

Consumable olive oil 0.907 to 0.913 1.466 to 1.469 184 to 196 75 to 94 At or below 1.5

0.897 to 0.905 1.457 to 1.460

Consumable palm oil Measurement Measurement 190 to 209 50 to 55 At or below 1.0
Temperature 104°F (40°C) Temperature 104°F (40°C)
Consumable coconut oil
Rising Melting Point 68 to 82°F (20°C to 28°C) 0.909 to 0.917 1.448 to 1.450 248 to 264 7 to 11 At or below 1.0
Measurement Temperature 104°F (40°C)
Chart : A look at the constant physical properties including the refractive index of different oils (Source : Japan Agricultural Standards)

B4 Perfect Oil Guide [Food Edition] Perfect Oil Guide [Food Edition] B5
Oil and Refractive Index Cooking Oil and Quality Cooking Oil and Quality Oil and Refractive Index

Sesame Oil Soybean Oil

Oil from sesame seeds Oil from soybeans

Index 1.470~1.474 Refractive
Index 1.472~1.475

Rapeseed Oil Palm Oil

Oil from rapeseeds O i l f ro m p a l m k e r n e l s

Index 1.469~1.474 Refractive
Index 1.457~1.460

Sunflower Oil Cottonseed Oil

Oil from sunflower seeds O i l f ro m c o t t o n s e e d

Index 1.471~1.474 Refractive
Index 1.469~1.472

Olive Oil Peanut Oil

Oil from olive pulp O i l f ro m p e a n u t s

Index 1.466~1.469 Refractive
Index 1.468~1.471

Grape Seed Oil Corn Oil

Oil from grape seeds O i l f ro m c o r n g e r m

Index 1.472~1.476 Refractive
Index 1.471~1.474

B6 Perfect Oil Guide [Food Edition] Perfect Oil Guide [Food Edition] B7
Oil and Refractive Index Cooking Oil and Quality Cooking Oil and Quality Oil and Refractive Index

Oil and
Frying oil deteriorates with exposure to air, light, heat, and water.
If an oil’s quality deteriorates, it can bubble excessively, change color, emit an odor,
or cause food to become greasy.

Deterioration Depending on how it has deteriorated in quality, it may not just affect the taste but also
be bad for consumer’s health. It is vital the oil quality is maintained.

Identifying Deteriorated Cooking Oil

Types of deterioration
Determining oil deterioration at home can be done by color or smell, but in professional kitchens and
production sites, the methods below are used.


Food Oxidation

Disassembly Polymerization

Low molecule Polymerization

Free fatty acid decomposition product product

Total Polar Acid Value Carbonyl Value Peroxide Value

Materials (AV ) (CV ) (POV )
(TPM )
A method used to Acid Value or AV is an It is a measurement Peroxide is generated
determine the degradation index that denotes the denoting the amount of when oil is exposed to air,
of frying oil. Total Polar amount of free fatty acids aldehyde and ketone causing the unsaturated
Materials (TPM) refers to all caused by hydrolysis. Acid produced in frying oils to fatty acids to absorb
products present in frying value is a suitable method determine degradation. oxygen. Peroxide value
oil due to deterioration for evaluating the degree Carbonyl compounds can can also be used to
processes, including free of deterioration for frying be a good indicator of measure hydroperoxide
fatty acids, products of low oils. Many AV test strips, thermal oxidation. In but for frying oil the
molecular weight which can be easily addition, as the threshold indicator is by
decomposition, and measure the value, are is small, it will impact the decomposition or
polymerized substances. used at food production smell of fats and oils polymerization.
The EU has adopted a sites. greatly.
value of 25 to 27% as their
acceptable upper limit for
fats and oils.

B8 Perfect Oil Guide [Food Edition] Perfect Oil Guide [Food Edition] B9
Oil and Deterioration Cooking Oil and Quality Cooking Oil and Quality Oil and Deterioration

Determining Deterioration
Dom-24 vs Test Strip vs Titration
TPM = Total Polar Materials, AV = Acid Value

DOM-24 Test Strip Titration

Measurement time is Individual difference, Set-up and preparation
approximately 30 seconds subjective judgements take time
Simple operation Expense of using an
Waste disposal is required
No reagent, no waste external testing facility
Measurements at high
Anyone can read the digital display temperature
In addition to titration using a starch
Wide temperature range of Reagents have a shelf-life indicator (the acetic acid-isooctane
32 to 491°F (0 to 225°C) method), standard oil/fat testing
Minimum Scale 0.5 methods include the iodine titration
Total Polar Materials (TPM) : technique, which uses the principle
Resolution 0.5% of iodine being released from
Acid Value (AV) : Resolution 0.1 Determines AV value using the color
potassium iodide, and the
Potentiometric titration method.
change of test strips, coated in a
reagent, immersed in sample.
The DOM-24 detects the electrical capacity Commonly sold and used as AV oil
and temperature with a sensor and computes detection test strips that can be easily
the TPM as a correlation of both. It can also used at production facilities. These
calculate the AV of both using the correlation strips are a common method of testing
between them and the TPM. oxidization of frying oils in Japan.

B10 Perfect Oil Guide [Food Edition] Perfect Oil Guide [Food Edition] B11
Oil and Viscosity Cooking Oil and Quality Cooking Oil and Quality Oil and Viscosity

Oil and
Viscosity is a number value that denotes a flowing body’s internal friction.
Consumable vegetable oils have a higher viscosity compared to water.
Salad oil has a viscosity 50 to 100 times greater than water.

When we combine the knowledge of an oil's viscosity with its refractive index and
degradation ( AV, TPM) we can assess its properties.

“Dressing” – A Processed Food Made With Familiar Vegetable Oil

Dressings are classified based on viscosity and oil content

The mayonnaise and dressings that consumers use every day are processed foods made using
vegetable oils.
Dressings are made with vegetable oils, vinegar, and/or juices mixed with table salt, sugar and other
seasonings. The Japanese Agricultural Standards body has set standards for dressings and the oil
content and viscosity is a part of that.The main qualities of dressing are as follows.

Standard Name Water Content Oil Content Viscosity

At or above
Mayonnaise At or below 30% At or above 65%
Between 10% At or above
Creamy Salad Dressing At or below 85%
and 50% 30Pa·s
Semi-solid Dressings Other Than Mayonnaise At or above
At or below 85% At or above 10%
and Creamy Salad Dressing 30Pa·s

At or below 85% Below

Emulsified Dressing or Separated Dressing At or above 10%
Chart : Taken from the Food and Agricultural Materials Inspection Center’s Survey on the Japanese Agricultural Standards of Dressings

Determining Viscosity
Viscometers are the machines used to measure viscosity.
There are several different kinds of viscometer, including u-tube
viscometers, falling ball type viscometers, and rotational viscometers.
The most common type of viscometer in use is the rotational viscometer.
At ATAGO we have a simple to use, portable rotational-type digital viscosity
meter called the VISCO™.

B12 Perfect Oil Guide [Food Edition] Perfect Oil Guide [Food Edition] B13
Oil and Viscosity Cooking Oil and Quality

The Relationship Between Viscosity and Taste About Oils

Essential Salad Dressing
Without a certain level of viscosity when pouring a About vegetable oils and animal oils
dressing on salad it will not remain on top of the There are many types of vegetable oil and each has its own specialty.
vegetables and be difficult to coat the whole salad with. The heat-resistant canola and sesame oils are prized as cooking oils due to their light finish.
It is essential that the dressing has a viscosity that is Recently popular are oils like perilla oil and linseed oil, which have been found to have high
suitable for the salad it is being used on. Omega-3 content to improve brain function, and are used in raw meals as dressings. Olive oil, while
weak to light exposure, has a high resistance to oxidation; the pure form is used in stir-fries, while
extra virgin types are used in salads and marinades to make full use of the flavor.
Animal oils and fats include things like tallow, lard, butter, and fish oils. Tallow and lard are well
known for their uses in frying foods. You can get a richer flavor mixing in a little animal oil when
using vegetable oils to fry.
Olive Oil, Loved the World Over
Olive oil has a higher viscosity compared to salad oil.
For fried cooking, high viscosity generally makes it more
likely the food produced will be greasy, so it is considered
What is the difference
ill-suited to deep frying.
between oil and fat? Differences between oil and fat
However, high viscosity makes it difficult to heat the oil
which means it well when used in salads or pastas. What really is the difference between these
Incidentally, castor oil is said to be the vegetable oil with two? Well, while oils are typically liquid at
the highest viscosity. room temperature ( for example, vegetable oils Oil Fat
like olive and fish oil ) , fats are usually solid at
room temperature, like butter or lard. Liquid at ambient Solid at ambient
temperature temperature
Batter, The Lifeline of Fried Foods Generally, fat has a higher concentration and (Animal and fish oils) (Animal oils)
a greasier image than oils do, don’t you Olive oil, etc. Butter, Fatty Meats and More
Batter is, putting it simply, the substance that forms the
coating on fried food, made from water, milk, egg and so The Differences…
The fundamental difference is that their Melting Point = Temperature at which solids melt
on mixed with flour. When making batter at home, have
melting point is different.
you ever checked the thickness as you mix it by lifting it
up into the air? That is a great way to check the viscosity.
Pros look at the viscosity of the batter on two fronts; one,
how it sticks to the food being fried and two, how it will
fry. No matter how crispy or crunchy you want the texture
of the final product to be, it all comes down to the What are oils and fats?
viscosity of the batter. What are fats and oils?
Broadly, they are divided into two groups;
saturated fatty acids common in animal oils
and fats and unsaturated fatty acids common Fats
in vegetable and fish oils. Saturated fatty and
acids melt only at high temperatures and are oils
usually solid at room temperature. On the
Viscosity List other hand, unsaturated fatty acids melt at
relatively lower temperatures and are liquid at
Sample Name (Measurement temp.) Viscosity Sample Name (Measurement temp.) Viscosity
room temperature. For example, unsaturated Saturated Unsaturated
Salad oil (74.3°F/23.5°C) 65mpa·s Water (68°F/20°C) 1mpa·s fatty acid fatty acid
fatty acids can harden within the body,
Castor oil (68°F/20°C) 1000mpa·s Tonkatsu Sauce (75.2°F/24°C) 640mpa·s causing an increase in blood concentration
and, if left unchecked, can cause hardening of High melting point Low melting point
Mayonnaise (73.4°F/23°C) 8000mpa·s Honey (69.8°F/21°C) 1300mpa·s
the arteries. Further, fish oils are said to (Solid at ambient (Liquid at room
The viscosity readings are examples. Jam (73.4°F/23°C) 6000mpa·s temperature) temperature)
contain high levels of unsaturated fatty acids.
Common in animal fats Common in vegetable and fish oils
Non-vegetable oil samples have been included as a reference. Fatty tuna contains a lot of these which melt
at a low temperature so even eaten raw in
sushi, it will melt in your mouth.
Recently, vegetable oils have started to be used as a type of biofuel.
Viscosity is used to determine biofuel suitability.

B14 Perfect Oil Guide [Food Edition] Perfect Oil Guide [Food Edition] B15
Product Lineup

Frying Oil Monitor Refractometer Refractometer Viscometer


VISCO -895

Cat.No. 9341 3850 2612 3275 1311 1211 6800


Measurement items Total Polar Materials Refractive index Refractive index Refractive index (nD) Refractive index (nD) Refractive index (nD) Viscosity (mPa·s/cP)
Acid Value Temperature (°C) Brix Brix Brix Torque (%)
Temperature (°F / °C) 100 user scales Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C) Temperature (°F / °C)
Temperature (°C)

A viscosity meter that is

Product details You can measure the total Model with Refractive index Refractive index Hand-held A high-precision digital Abbe refractometer with a Standard-type Abbe
portable and compact.
polar materials (TPM) and scale. The Refractive index Refractometers. refractometer. Displays digital display so there’s no refractometer (for liquids)
(resolution 0.0001) of the The body, legs, and stage
acid value (AV). Brix to three places and need to read a scale.
measurement will be of the VISCOTM-895 are
Refractive index to five
displayed continuously like made from light-weight
an electric news board. aluminum.

B16 Perfect Oil Guide [Food Edition] Perfect Oil Guide [Food Edition] B17
Frying Oil Monitor DOM-24 DOM-24 Frying Oil Monitor

Frying Oil Monitor

World-first digital display for acid value (AV)

Can display acid value (AV) in addition to total
polar materials (TPM).

Acid Value (AV)


Can display deterioration as a numerical value so anybody can take a reading

Stable and reliable measurement values Easy confirmation with LED

The DOM-24 is equipped
with automatic temperature
compensation (ATC),
making it capable of complete
measurements at a wide
temperature range of 0 to
225˚C. The DOM-24 can
provide stable and reliable
oil A oil B
measurement values, even
TPM at high-temperatures.
Measurement values
of the DOM-24
Measurement values
of the DOM-24 Error
Measurement values of Measurement values of
competitor products competitor products

Functional Use Beyond Simple Design

Avoiding burn injuries Can be used to stir the oil

Identifies the Best Time to Replace Oil To improve the safety of employees and contribute to the
reduction in the risk of burns.
Due to oil having
temperature and
degradation levels
may not be
Allows you to safely cook delicious fried foods uniform
Lower costs by using oil right up until it needs to be replaced Stirring the oil with
the product can
Lowers oil usage and reduces waste produce more
Maintain a safe distance consistent results.
between your hand
and the oil Sturdy construction with

Measurement Total Polar Materials ( TPM ) Measurement TPM : 0.5 to 40.0% Temperature °C : 0 to 225 °C a protective cover
Items Acid Value ( AV ) Range A V : 0.00 to 9.99 Range °F : 32 to 437°F

No preparation or set up required. Ready to read the moment it is immersed in frying oil.
Press and hold the START Press the SW1 button to Press the START Measurement results
1 button for approximately 1 2 choose between measuring 3 button. The instrument 4 (temperature and TPM ) will
second. in AV or TPM scales. will begin taking be displayed once stability
measurements. Insert is reached (within approx.
AV TPM the sensor into the 30 sec). *May vary depending Sensor
oil, and stir the oil. on how the unit is held

*TPM is active on startup Shock-resistant & splash proof

Rated IP67 (Water resistant) Impact-resistant body

Specifications Designed to be used safely Confirmed to continue working even if
Cat.No. 9341 Measurement TPM : ±2.0% (20 to 200˚C / 68 to 392°F) around water. Wash away dropped accidentally from waist height
Model name DOM-24
accuracy AV : ±0.2 Temperature : ±1˚C / ±2°F stubborn oil stains with regular so you can relax and let all of your
Temperature 0 to 225˚C / 32 to 437°F (accuracy guaranteed dish soap under running water. employees use it without worry.
Measurement TPM : 0.5 to 40.0% compensation range from 20 to 200˚C / 68 to 392°F ) Instrument will survive
range AV : 0.00 to 9.99 accidentally being dropped in
Power supply Size AAA alkaline battery × 2
Temperature (˚C) : 0 to 225˚C water.
Temperature (˚F) : 32 to 437˚F International
protection class
Resolution TPM : 0.5%
AV : 0.01 22 (ø ) ×490 (w ) mm, 400g (Main unit only )
and weight
Temperature : 1˚C ⁄ 1˚F

B18 Perfect Oil Guide [Food Edition] Perfect Oil Guide [Food Edition] B19
Refractometer PAL-RI MASTER-RI Refractometer

Digital Hand-held "Pocket"

Dual Scale Refractometer PAL-RI Hand-held Refractometer

Maintain Quality with
Ultimate Functionality. Unsurpassed
the Refractive Index Quality. Seamless Usability.
Refractive index model of the PAL-Series Hand-held Refractometers
Liquid measurement with Refractive index model of the MASTER-Series
Refractive index management
Easily read the Refractive index

The Refractive Index ( resolution 0.0001) of the measurement

will be displayed continuously like an electric news board.


Refractive index :
Measurement Measurement Refractive index Measurement Measurement Measurement Refractive index Minimum
Items Refractive index Range Accuracy ±0.0003 (water at 20°C) Items Refractive index Range Scale Refractive index : 0.001
: 1.3306 to 1.5284 : 1.435 to 1.520
Temperature ±1°C

Simply load the sample and push the button Readings only require 2 to 3 drops of sample
Apply 2 to 3 drops Press the START key. Displays Refractive Index and Apply 1 to 2 drops on the prism. Close the daylight plate. Read the measurement value where the
1 on the prism surface.
2 3 temperature.
1 2 3
Look through the eyepiece. boundary line intersects with the scale.

Specifications Specifications
Cat.No. 3850 Measurement Refractive index : ±0.0003 (water at 20°C) Cat.No. 2612
Model name PAL-RI accuracy Temperature : ±1°C Model MASTER-RI
Measurement Measurement temperature 5 to 45°C Measurement
Refractive index : 1.3306 to 1.5284 Refractive index : 1.435 to 1.520
range Temperature : 5.0 to 45.0°C Ambient temperature 10 to 40˚C range

Power supply Size AAA alkaline battery × 2 Minimum scale Refractive index : 0.001
Resolution Refractive index : 0.0001
Temperature : 0.1°C Battery life Approx. 11,000 measurements 32(W) × 34(D) × 168(H)mm, 130g (Main unit only)
and weight
IP65 Water resistant
protection class
Dimension 55(W) × 31(D) × 109(H)mm,
and weight 100g (Main unit only)
B20 Perfect Oil Guide [Food Edition] Perfect Oil Guide [Food Edition] B21
Refractometer RX-5000i-Plus RX-5000i-Plus Refractometer

5 measurement modes so you can pick the best way to measure your sample
Digital Refractometer

The measurement method, time taken, repetitions, and target temperature will vary with each mode


Displays the measurement value once the Measures Refractive Index and MODE W WAIT TIME

sample reaches the target temperature. temperature at fixed intervals and 1 000
000 sec.
displays the estimated measurement 1
value at the target temperature.

01 OFF
ON 20.00

The Most Accurate Digital Refractometers

Provides an option to turn the thermo-module off.
Without temperature control, the measurement
value is displayed 4 seconds after the START key Displays the measurement value
in the World. is pressed. once a certain level of sample
stability is achieved.

ATAGO's flagship, most accurate and full range Equipped only on the RX-5000i-Plus, MODE-T is
recommended for users who place importance on
Experience the ease of touch-screen technology obtaining highly repeatable results (Brix 0.001%).

Programmable user scale

Measurement history User scales

Recall the last 500 measurements Input original scales

Exporting data to a USB drive or printer is only one touch away. In addition to the refractive index (nD) and
The RX-i series is also equipped with a RS-232C port for direct computer Brix scales, concentration scales for specific
connection. samples can be configured easily. Simply
program corresponding refractive index
values and concentration data points.
OCT. 1, 2016 10:15
FDA 21 CFR Part 11 Software
HISTORY FDA 21 CFR Part 11 Software
009 OCT. 1, 2013 10:14 nD OUT OF RANGE 20.00
Included in Standard Delivery.
008 OCT. 1, 2013 10:12 nD OUT OF SCALE 20.00 SALT
007 OCT. 1, 2013 10:10 nD OUT OF WATER 20.00 Cat.No.3167 nD DATA
006 OCT. 1, 2013 10:10 ZERO ZERO SET END 25.00 1 1.33299 0.000
005 OCT. 1, 2013 10:09 Brix 10.005 25.00
004 OCT. 1, 2013 10:09 Brix 10.030 25.00
2 1.34177 5.000
003 OCT. 1, 2013 10:09 Brix 10.020 25.00 3 1.35053 10.000
002 OCT. 1, 2013 10:07 Brix 10.020 25.00 4 1.35937 15.000
001 OCT. 1, 2013 10:07 Brix 10.040 25.00 1.36841
5 20.000
000 OCT. 1, 2013 10:05 Brix 10.005 25.00


PRINT %vol
Intake fan Printer port Power port Power switch %mas




Exhaust fan (bottom) USB port for computer

USB flash drive port

Measurement Refractive index(nD) Measurement

Refractive index(nD):
Printer (for ATAGO When using multiple units…
Items Brix Range 1.32422 to 1.58000 terminals digital printers) Security features help protect your device
Brix : 0.000 to 100.000% Computer -USB
Manual calibration
4 security levels and With the manual calibration feature,
ability to set up to
OCT. 1, 2016

measurement values can be adjusted to be

5 password-protected consistent with multiple units.
Specifications profiles
Cat.No. 3275 Temperature 5.00 to 75.00°C (No lower than 10°C below or
control range higher than 55°C above the ambient temperature.) System-level function to limit usage
Model name RX-5000i-Plus
combined with password protection
Measurement Optical-refraction critical-angle detection system Environmental Temperature 5 to 40°C; Humidity 90%RH and gives you control over the device’s
system operating below, Altitude 2,000m above sea level security.
Measurement conditions
Refractive index (nD) : 1.32422 to 1.58000
range Brix : 0.000 to 100.000% Display method 7.5-inch color LCD + touch screen
(Automatic Temperature Compensation)
Output Computer - USB, Printer and PC (via RS-232C)
User scale : 100
Light source LED (Approximating to D-Line wavelength)
Resolution Refractive index (nD) : 0.00001
Brix : 0.001% Materials Prism : Synthetic sapphire
Temperature : 0.01°C Sample stage : SUS316
Power supply AC100 to 240V 50/60Hz
Measurement Refractive index (nD) : ±0.00002 Calibration certificate
accuracy Brix : ±0.010% Power consumption 90VA
(*repeatability) A calibration certificate can be ordered with each instrument for
Temperature : ±0.5°C
Dimension 370(W) ×260(D) × 140(H)mm, an additional charge. Please contact your ATAGO representative
and weight 6.6kg (Main unit only)
Mode MODE-S,1, 2, 3, T for further details.
*When measuring a standard sucrose solution of up to 50% Brix or standard refractive index solution in MODE-1 at 20°C

B22 Perfect Oil Guide [Food Edition] Perfect Oil Guide [Food Edition] B23
Refractometer DR-A1-Plus NAR-1T LIQUID Refractometer

Abbe Refractometer Abbe Refractometer

Abbe Refractometer
NAR-1T LIQUID Original. Irreplaceable.
Digital display
A True Classic.
Suitable with dark colored samples Analog scale
Reads the Refractive index and
Brix of liquid samples

Refractive index(nD) : Refractive index : Refractive index(nD) : Refractive index :

Measurement Refractive index(nD) Measurement Measurement Measurement Refractive index(nD) Measurement Measurement
Items Range 1.3000 to 1.7100 accuracy ±0.0002 (water at 20°C) Items Range 1.3000 to 1.7100 accuracy ±0.0002 (water at 20°C)
Brix Brix
Brix : 0.0 to 100.0% Brix : ±0.1% Brix : 0.0 to 95.0% Brix : ±0.1%

Specifications Specifications
Cat.No. 1311 Cat.No. 1211
Model name DR-A1-Plus Model name NAR-1T LIQUID
Refractive index (nD) 1.3000 to 1.7100 Measurement Refractive index (nD) : 1.3000 to 1.7100
Brix : 0.0 to 95.0% range Brix : 0.0 to 95.0%
(ATC is executed at 5 within 50°C) Minimum scale Refractive index (nD) : 0.001 Brix : 0.5%
Resolution Refractive index (nD) : 0.0001 Brix : 0.1% Measurement accuracy Refractive index (nD) : ±0.0002 Brix : ±0.1%
Measurement accuracy Refractive index (nD) : ±0.0002 Brix : ±0.1% Measurement 5 to 50°C (Temperature range regulated by
Measurement temperature circulating constant temperature water bath.)
5 to 50°C
temperature Thermometer accuracy ±0.2°C
Thermometer accuracy ±0.2°C Ambient temperature 5 to 40°C
Output Printer DP-22C (Optional) PC (via RS-232C) Power supply AC100 to 240V, 50/60Hz
Ambient temperature 5 to 40°C Power consumption 5VA
Power supply AC adapter (100 to 240V (50/60Hz) AC input) Dimensions 130(W) ×180(D) ×230(H)mm, 2.5kg (Main unit)
Power consumption 16VA and weight 100(W) ×110(D) ×70(H)mm, 0.5kg (Thermometer)
Dimensions 130(W) ×290(D) ×31(H)mm, 6.0kg (Main unit)
and weight 105(W) ×175(D) ×40(H)mm, 0.7kg (AC adapter)

B24 Perfect Oil Guide [Food Edition] Perfect Oil Guide [Food Edition] B25
Viscometer VISCOTM VISCOTM Viscometer

No need
need to
to worry
worry even
even with
with unstable
unstable oil
oil samples

Using disposable
disposable containers
containers eliminates
eliminates the
the hassle
hassle of
of cleaning
cleaning up
up after
after measurement.
TM Package


Package AA Cat.No.6810

-895 VISCO
VISCO Package
Package AA Cat.No.6830

VISCO™ (Main(Main unit)
Introducing aa New
New Type
Type Cup
Cup Adapter
Adapter (with
(with 100
100 cups*)
cups*) RE-78141
of Instrument.
Instrument. Taking
Taking You
adapter Paper
Cup Plastic
Cup Cup

Beyond the
the Limits.
Ultra-Low Adapter ((ULA
Ultra-Low Adapter ULA))-- Sample
Sample Adapter
Adapter for
for Low
Low Viscosity
Viscosity Sample
Various selections
selections of
of measurement
measurement AApackage
UltraLow Adapter( (ULA
LowAdapter ULA) )for
sampleand VISCO( (Main
andVISCO unit) )
Compact and
and easily
easily carried
carried and
-895( (Main
-895 unit) )isisavailable.
Mainunit available.
with one
one hand
Package BB Cat.No.6811
Quick measurements
measurements anywhere
anywhere VISCO
VISCO -895
-895 VISCO
VISCO Package
Package BB Cat.No.6831

VISCO™ (Main
(Main unit)
Ultra Low Adapter ((RE-77120
Low Adapter RE-77120))

adapter Ultra

One Hand.
Hand. One
One Touch.
Touch. One
One Button.
Button. VISCO

Set-up Preparation
Preparation Measurement
anyone TM
20.0°C 20.0°C
20.0°C VISCO
VISCO isis very
very easy
easy to
to set-up.
set-up. Measurement
Measurement preparation
preparation Operation
Operation requires
requires only
only one
A1L 200.0rpm
The spindle
spindle can
can be
be attached
attached can
can easily
easily be
be done
done with
with just
just dial
dial button.
button. AllAll operations
with just
just one
one touch
touch —— simply
simply one
one hand.
hand. Place
Place the
the beaker
beaker can
can bebe performed
performed withwith the
Quit insert
insert the
the spindle
spindle inin the
the underneath
underneath the the pre-set
pre-set area
area simple
simple actact of
of "sliding"
"sliding" or
screen Level
screen instrument.
instrument. Absolutely
Absolutely no no and
and place
place the
the instrument
instrument on on "pushing"
"pushing" thethe dial
dial button.
button. NoNo
complicated set-up
set-up required.
required. the
the stand.
stand. No
No troublesome
troublesome more
more accidental
accidental operations
height adjustment
adjustment due
due toto pushing
pushing the the wrong
A1 50
200,000mPa·s, 50
200,000cP necessary.
necessary. button.
A2 100
600,000mPa·s, 100100to
Measurement Viscosity
Measurement Viscosity(mPa·s/cP)
(mPa·s/cP) Measurement
Measurement A3
A3 500
2,000,000mPa·s, 500
Items Range
(%) (1mPa·s=1cP)
No. Part
Name Part
No. Part
RE-79100 Beaker
Beaker SS(0.5oz/15mL)
(0.5oz/15mL) Standard
RE-79101 LL(3.4oz/100mL)
Specifications RE-78141
RE-78141 Cup
RE-89010 Standard
(ULA) )
CO.,LTD. JS2.5
Cat.No. 6800
6800 6820
6820 Measurement
Measurement Viscosity ±1%(Full
Viscosity ±1% (Fullscale
scale) ) **50pcs
included. RE-89011
RE-89011 JS5
name VISCO
body, Accuracy
Accuracy Temperature
Temperature ±0.2˚C
±0.2˚C RE-79102
RE-79102 Paper
(3oz/90mL,100pcs) ) RE-89012
RE-89012 JS10
RE-79103 Plastic Cup(3oz/90mL,100pcs
PlasticCup (3oz/90mL,100pcs) ) RE-89013
RE-89013 JS20
Measurement Viscosity
Viscosity A1
A15050 to to200,000mPa·s,
200,000mPa·s, 50 50toto200,000cP
200,000cP Speed
Speed 0.5
speeds: :20
Range A2
600,000mPa·s,100to to600,000cP
600,000cP Sample
Sample Ultra-Low Adapter(ULA
Ultra-LowAdapter (ULA) )--Sample
Sample RE-89014
RE-89014 JS50
500 toto2,000,000mPa·s,
2,000,000mPa·s, 500
2,000,000cP Temperature
range RE-89016
RE-89016 Standard
(1mPa·s=1cP) ) RE-77120
RE-77120 Ultra-Low Adapter(ULA
Ultra-LowAdapter (ULA)-)-Sample
Sample (NIPPON
CO.,LTD. JS200
Torque 0.0
100.0% 10
40°C Cylinder,
Baseplate, RE-89017
RE-89017 JS500
(recommendedtorque torque: :10.0
100.0%) Hook,
Hook-holder,UL ULSpindle
Spindle RE-89018
RE-89018 JS1000
Temperature 10.0
104.0°F Computer
Output Output
Output: :USB
RE-77107 UL
Hook-holder) ) RE-89019
RE-89019 JS2000
Resolution Viscosity
Viscosity less
than 10,000mPa·s
10,000mPa·s: :0.1mPa·s
0.1mPa·s DC6V
supply RE-77121
RE-77121 Cylinder
O-Ring) ) RE-89020
RE-89020 JS14000
10,000mPa·s: :1mPa·s
1mPa·s AC
adapter: :AC100
RE-89021 JS52000
Torque 0.1%
0.1% 120(W)
120 (W)×120
unit) Spindle
Dimensions RE-89022
RE-89022 JS160000
Temperature 0.1˚C
0.1˚C 1.2kg
Weight RE-77104
RE-77104 Spindle
Spindle A1
0.5kg (Stand+screw)
RE-77105 A2
RE-77106 A3
A3 RE-75540
RE-75540 Temperature

B26 Perfect Oil Guide [Food Edition] Perfect Oil Guide [Food Edition] B27
DOM Sucrose Solutions (for Brix confirmation)

<Analog Hand-held, PAL, NAR, RX series (excluding RX-007α)>

RX-007 )> <High Accuracy (RX series)>
Part No. Part name Contents Part No. Part name Contents
RE-110010 10% Sucrose Solution (±0.03%) Approx.5mL RE-111001 10% Sucrose Solution (±0.01%) Approx.5mL
RE-110020 20% Sucrose Solution (±0.03%) Approx.5mL RE-112001 20% Sucrose Solution (±0.01%) Approx.5mL
Strap (short) RE-110030 30% Sucrose Solution (±0.03%) Approx.5mL RE-113001 30% Sucrose Solution (±0.01%) Approx.5mL
Part No. RE-79430 RE-110040 40% Sucrose Solution (±0.04%) Approx.5mL RE-114002 40% Sucrose Solution (±0.02%) Approx.5mL
RE-110050 50% Sucrose Solution (±0.05%) Approx.5mL RE-115002 50% Sucrose Solution (±0.02%) Approx.5mL
RE-110060 60% Sucrose Solution (±0.05%) Approx.5mL
PAL <Low concentration (RX series)>
Part No. Part name Contents
RE-110250 0.25% Sucrose Solution (±0.005%) Approx.5mL
5mL 7mL
RE-110500 0.50% Sucrose Solution (±0.005%) Approx.5mL
* warranty period RE-111000 1.00% Sucrose Solution (±0.005%) Approx.5mL
for these solutions
is 6 weeks.

<Request Accuracy>
PAL-case PAL Silicone Cover Strap MAGICTM Small Volume Custom concentrations are available upon request. Accuracy and prices will vary by
concentration. Contact ATAGO for more details.
Part No. RE-39409 Part No. RE-39413 Part No. RE-39410 Part No. RE-39446 Sample Adapter
Part No. RE-39412

MASTER Test Pieces Standard Liquid

Part No. Part name Contents <DOM>

MASTER Daylight plate Small Volume RE-1195 Test Piece A (nD 1.516) with m-naphthalene 4mL Part No. Part name
For metal Daylight plate
RE-1197 Test Piece C (nD 1.620) with m-naphthalene 4mL RE-99300 DOM-24 Standard Liquid
body model
Part No. RE-2315-60M For metal
body model
For plastic Part No. RE-2311-67M Package
For metal For plastic body model
body model body model Part No. RE-2315-61M For plastic
body model
Part No. RE-2391-67M VISCOTM Package A Cat.No.6810
•VISCO (Main unit)

Please use when taking readings of volatile samples •Cup Adapter (with 100 cups) RE-78141

VISCOTM-895 Package A Cat.No.6830 Cup adapter

Cup Adapter Paper Cup Plastic Cup setup example
•VISCOTM-895 VISCO Package A (Main unit)
•Cup Adapter (with 100 cups) RE-78141 *50 paper cups and 50 plastic cups are included.
Part No. RE-56180 MAGIC TM (Metal) Part No. RE-56185 MAGIC TM (Plastic)

Digital Printers VISCOTM Package B Cat.No.6811

•VISCO (Main unit) + standard accessories

Power •Ultra Low Adapter (RE-77120)

Intended models Power supply consumption Dimension and weight

Thermal printers (thermal paper compatible) VISCOTM-895 Package B Cat.No.6831

DP-63 Cat.No.3118 RX-i series •VISCO -895(Main unit) + standard accessories
AC adapter 17×16×7cm, 580g
(Input voltage : AC100 to 240V) 13VA •Ultra Low Adapter (RE-77120) Ultra Low adapter
(Main unit only) Ultra Low adapter
DP-63(C) Cat.No.3136 DR-A1-Plus setup example

Dot matrix printers (plain paper compatible)

AC adapter 11×18×9cm, 470g
DP-AD Cat.No.3123 RX-i series (Input voltage : AC100 to 240V) 7VA (Main unit only)

B28 Perfect Oil Guide [Food Edition] Perfect Oil Guide [Food Edition] B29
User Testimonials Testimonials from customers using our products

From Our Frying George Chiala Farms, Inc.

Oil Monitor Users
At our company we roast diced garlic and thin-sliced onion in
DOM-24 canola oil and sunflower oil.
We did a few trials where we sent out samples of our used oils to
external labs for testing where they would test for the acid value
and peroxide value. Including the time taken to send and test the
sample, however, no trial came back with results in a timeframe
we were satisfied with. Not to mention that the results that we got
did not feel, to me, relevant to usage period or usage frequency of
the oil. I was under the impression that the more you used the oil,
the more it degraded which the results did not show.
When we tested the DOM-24, we got instant results and we
could see the TPM and AV values going up as we continued to
use the oil. We just set the upper limit on AV and TPM values to
make sure we are not using bad oil. The DOM-24 is easy to use,
gives results quickly, and gives us a good grasp on our oil quality.
It meets all of our requirements.
Now we have the power to maintain a high oil quality in our

Testimonial from
Vegetable oil production company
a refractometer
When checking our vegetable oils (quality control), one unit we
RX-5000α measure is Refractive Index (RI). In Japan, the standards for
consumable vegetable oils are decided by Japan Agricultural
Standards (JAS). For example, the RI at 77ºF (25ºC) for
consumable rapeseed oil is set to 1.469 to 1474. At the testing
room in our factory we measure the RI once manufacturing is
complete and before it is poured into cans or PET bottles.
Previously, we had been using an Abbe Refractometer connected
to a constant temperature water bath set to 77ºF (25ºC) in order
to take measurements, but we have switched over to using the
automatic and digital RX-5000α. With that, once we put the oil on
the prism and push a button, the measurements only take a feel
seconds to appear on the screen. Ours is connected to a printer
too, so we can keep a record of the RI measurements.
The RX-5000 α also has a Peltier sensor on the prism so we can
set a target temperature of 77ºF (25ºC) and the instrument does
the rest for us, no more need for a water bath. We have to use a
refractometer in our business and with how convenient the
RX-5000α is, we love using it.
We’ve also recently heard about ATAGO’s VISCO unit. JAS does
not have viscosity standards, but it would be useful information for
QA purposes. We are planning on borrowing a demo unit soon.

B30 Perfect Oil Guide [Food Edition] Please turn over and flip upside down from the next page.

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