Profihub B5plus B5plusrd Manual en v301
Profihub B5plus B5plusrd Manual en v301
Profihub B5plus B5plusrd Manual en v301
User manual
Safety Guidelines
This manual contains notices which you should observe to ensure your own personal safety, as well as to
protect the product and connected equipment. These notices are highlighted in the manual by a warning sign
and are marked as follows according to the level of danger:
Draws your attention to important information on handling the product, a particular part of the
documentation or the correct functioning of the product.
This device and its components may only be used for the applications described in this manual and only in
connection with devices or components that comply with PROFIBUS and an RS 485 interface.
This product can only function correctly and safely if it is transported, stored, set up, installed, operated and
maintained as recommended.
Qualified Technicians
Only qualified technicians should be allowed to install and work with this equipment. Qualified technicians are
defined as persons who are authorized to commission, to ground, to tag circuits and systems in accordance
with established safety practices and standards. It is recommended that the technicians carry a Certified
PROFIBUS Installer or Certified PROFIBUS Engineer certificate.
Disclaimer of Liability
We have checked the contents of this manual as much as possible. Since deviations cannot be precluded
entirely, we cannot guarantee full agreement. However, the content in this manual is reviewed regularly and
any necessary corrections included in subsequent editions. Suggestions for improvement are welcomed.
Klopperman 16
The Netherlands
Tel.: +31-(0)174-671800
Fax: +31-(0)174-671801
Email: [email protected]
Document Updates
You can obtain constantly updated information on PROCENTEC products on the Internet at
When the product is in use at an ambient temperature of 63 degrees Celsius or 145 degrees Fahrenheit, the
housing of the ProfiHub B5+ will be hot. Do not touch the housing!
At normal operating temperatures of 25 degrees Celsius, the temperature of the housing will not exceed 35
degrees Celsius.
When the product is in use at an ambient temperature of 63 degrees Celsius or 145 degrees Fahrenheit, the
housing of the ProfiHub B5+ will be hot. Do not touch wires which are in contact with the housing!
When the product is in use at an ambient temperature of 63 degrees Celsius or 145 degrees Fahrenheit, the
housing of the ProfiHub B5+ will be hot. Use wires suitable for these temperatures!
HOT HOUSING warning located on the side of the housing. Make sure this warning is visible after wall
installation. UL certification demands the warning to be visible during operation.
To comply with UL certification regulations (UL60950-1) the power supply must be a Limited Power Source
(LPS) or NEC Class 2 or CEC Class 2 that cannot exceed 100VA.
According to UL60950-1, if a copper PROFIBUS cable is used outside, it is required to install surge protection
that is suitable for PROFIBUS.
To comply with UL certification regulations the ProfiHub B5+ is to be used on altitudes under 2000 m.
PROFIBUS DP is a high speed communication bus that must comply with strict rules concerning spur lines,
because of possible reflections that could lead to communication disturbances. If spur lines or star segments
are required, costly investments in repeaters have to be done.
The innovative ProfiHub B5+R is the perfect component for such applications. It is an economic solution to
realise reliable spur lines in high speed DP networks. They have the functionality of 5 galvanic isolated
transparent repeaters. This allows network structures with extended spur lines that individually can handle a
maximum of 31 devices and a length equal to the main bus. The ProfiHub B5+R refreshes a received message
on one Channel and transfers it to all the other Channels (chicken foot topology).
Because the ProfiHub B5+R creates isolated segments, the devices can now be removed and added during
operation. Also most electrical bus problems and EMC disturbances in a spur do not spread to the other
segments. The intelligent logic and isolation circuits of the ProfiHubs do not change the bit width. This means
the ProfiHubs do not have limitations in serial placement. The logic also detects the transmission speed
To assist the installation work, termination is integrated and can be switched on/off. The grounding concept is
also selectable: direct or capacitive grounding. The ProfiHubs are powered by a 10 to 24 DC Voltage. For
troubleshooting, maintenance and commissioning the ProfiHubs are equipped with LEDs on the outside, which
indicate the status of each Channel (Data and Error).
If bus redundancy is enabled, 2 segments will form a redundant pair which is completely compatible with the
ABB RLM01. An alarm contact is linked to events based on the status of the power supply and the bus
redundancy status.
• IP 20 classification
• UL approvals
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
Power supply 1
Power supply 2
Wiring problems do
Each spur not spread to the
line can be other spur lines
200m at 1,5
Fig. 3 - Long spur lines to instruments and the possibility to remove/insert them during operation. Short circuit protection on each spur
line is automatically provided.
ERROR Termination Term.
Isolated Area
To direct grounding of
other Channels
Fig. 5 - Channel structure
The power supply must be grounded directly on the Ground Rail. The shielding of the PROFIBUS cables can be
directly or indirectly grounded. If you do not want to ground all or some cables to the common ground, i.e.
compensating current, the cable shielding must be connected to pin ‘I’ which stands for Indirect grounding. A
capacitor with a parallel high value resistor will separate the 2 potentials ( Fig. 5), ensuring protection of the
signal against non-DC disturbances.
If by accident on 1 channel the Direct Grounding is connected with the Indirect Grounding, the connection to
the Direct Grounding bypasses the capacitor in the Indirect Ground connection. The current on the shield will
flow to Direct Ground.
Baudrate (kbit/s) 9.6 19.2 45.45 93.75 187.5 500 1500 3000 6000 12000
Segment length 1200 1200 1200 1200 1000 400 200 100 100 100
Segment length 3940 3940 3940 3940 3280 1310 656 328 328 328
Maximum 31 devices
Other channels
With the same Device Device Device Device Device Device
Cable length
Fig. 6 - Cable lengths for PROFIBUS DP
Parameter Value
Wires 2 (twisted)
The ProfiHub B5+R can handle cables based on multiple protection sheaths with an overall cable diameter
between 6 to 12 mm (Fig. 8).
OFF Blinking ON
POWER 1 / 2 Power is not switched Power supply not ☺ Power supply OK.
on or an internal failure stable, redundant power
supply interrupted or an
internal failure
Main ERROR ☺ No problem has been Problem in the cabling Problem in the cabling
detected has been detected (Main has been detected (Main
Channel) Channel)
Channel ERROR ☺ No problem has been Problem in the cabling Problem in the cabling
detected has been detected (on this has been detected (on this
Channel) Channel)
INT. TERM Termination for this Internal failure Termination for this
channel is OFF channel is ON
Another reason for the red error LED for channel 4 or 5 is a problem in the redundant cabling (if the ProfiHub is
set to redundant). If the redundant line is fixed, press the ‘Alarm Reset’ button.
It can also be that the baudrate is not locked (no PROFIBUS master on the bus) or the baudrate was set
manually and incorrectly with the rotary switch.
Area IP 65 IP 20 IP 20
Temperature range -20 to +60˚ Celcius -20 to +60˚ Celcius -25 to +70˚ Celcius
PROFIBUS connectors Screw terminals (inside) Screw terminals and DB9 Screw terminals and DB9
Glands (outside) connectors connectors
2.1 Location
The ProfiHub B5+R can be installed everywhere in a non-hazardous area that complies with IP 20 (DIN 40 050)
and the specified temperature range of -25 to +70o Celsius.
2.2 Position
The ProfiHub B5+R can be installed in every position, but it is recommended to install it with the cables
pointing down. In this position it is also easier to read the status LEDs.
2.3 Mounting
The ProfiHub B5+R can be mounted on 35 mm DIN-rail with a minimum width of 167 mm. Mounting brackets
are available for mounting the B5+R directly on a wall. The ProfiHub B5+R has only been UL and DNV approved
with 35 mm DIN-rail mounting!
The supplied rubber studs need to be placed on the back of the housing of the ProfiHub B5+R for extra fixation.
This is to prevent the product to potentially slide off the DIN-rail. See Fig. 9 for an example.
When used in DNV environments these rubber studs need to be installed!
The two 2-pin screw type power connectors are located on the left of the ProfiHub B5+R (Fig. 10).
1 = + (left)
2 = - (right)
Power LEDs
Alarm contact
Grounding points
Fig. 10power
- Powerconnectors are
connectors and linked 1-on-1 to the internal power supply of the
B5+R. If one power supply fails, the other takes over without delay time. When redundancy is not required, it is
sufficient to use one power connector. Please note that when using only one power supply, a voltage of max.
0.25 V will exist on the other unconnected power connector, as shown in Fig. 11.
If only one power supply is used, the alarm contact is closed. If two power sources are connected, the contact
is open. As soon as one of the power supplies fails, the contact will close and the Power Indicator LED will blink.
For UL certified installations the power supply must comply with the following specifications:
• Limited Power Source (LPS) or NEC Class 2 or CEC Class 2
• Voltage: 12 - 24 VDC
• Current: min 275 mA
• Wire diameter: < 2.5 mm2
If the power is switched on it can be diagnosed by the following indicators:
• LEDs should be blinking in a circular animation for a short time.
• The POWER LED of the respective power connector (1, 2 or both) is ON.
• The READY LED is ON or Blinking, depending on baud rate lock.
If only one power supply is used, the alarm contact is closed after 60 seconds after start-up. If two power
sources are connected, the contact is open. When one of the power supplies fails for 3 seconds or more, the
contact will close and the Power Indicator LED will blink. If you are using only one power source and wish to
use the Relay contact, simply connect Power 1 to Power 2.
In the case of an interrupted power supply you can reset the contact by pressing the ‘Reset’ button. The
contact will open and the LEDs will stop blinking.
The Alarm contact is also switched when the ProfiHub is in Redundant mode and one of the redundant paths
The maximum power to be connected to the alarm contact is 24 VDC. The maximum current consumption is
500 mA.
It is advised to use a Limited Power Source (LPS) of NEC Class 2 or CEC Class 2 for powering the alarm contact.
2.7 Backbone
Connect the DP backbone cable to the bottom-left connector of the Main-Channel (Fig. 13). If the ProfiHub is
not the last device on the bus segment, connect the Bus-Out cable to the right connector of the Main-Channel
(Fig. 13). The second method is to place a PROFIBUS standardized plug with an in/out cable on the DB9
Communication Status
DB9 Bus-In/Out
Bus-In Bus-Out
Connector Connector
• If a Channel recognizes valid PROFIBUS messages from one or more connected devices, the RX-OK LED of the
Channel should be blinking.
According to UL60950-1, if a copper PROFIBUS cable is used outside, it is required to install surge protection
that is suitable for PROFIBUS.
The termination of the Channels have been set to ON by default, because it is assumed that the new segment is
started at the ProfiHub (Fig. 15).
Termination LEDs
Termination of the
Channels (Default set
Termination of the Main Connectors
to ON)
Channel (Default set to
The termination LED of the corresponding Channel is activated when the termination switch is set to ON.
When the DB9 connector is used and the cable starts at the ProfiHub, it is recommended to use the
termination on the DB9 plug and NOT the ProfiHub. This way, the connector can be removed while
maintaining termination on the bus.
Baudrate switch
Switch values:
0 = Normal repeating, Auto baudrate detect (default)
1 = fixed 9.6 kbps, diagnostics device ON (B5+RD only)
2 = fixed 19.2 kbps, diagnostics device ON (B5+RD only)
3 = fixed 45.45 kbps, diagnostics device ON (B5+RD only)
4 = fixed 93.75 kbps, diagnostics device ON (B5+RD only)
5 = fixed 187.5 kbps, diagnostics device ON (B5+RD only)
6 = fixed 500 kbps, diagnostics device ON (B5+RD only)
7 = fixed 1500 kbps, diagnostics device ON (B5+RD only)
8 = fixed 3000 kbps, diagnostics device ON (B5+RD only)
9 = fixed 6000 kbps, diagnostics device ON (B5+RD only)
A = fixed 12000 kbps, diagnostics device ON (B5+RD only)
B = Robust repeating, Auto baudrate detect, diagnostics device ON (B5+RD only)
C = Robust repeating, Auto baudrate detect, redundancy on channel 4 and 5, diagnostics device ON (B5+RD
D = Normal repeating, Auto baudrate detect, diagnostics device ON (B5+RD only)
E .. F = Reserved for future use
Please note that the position of the rotary switch is only sampled during start-up. Changing the position of the
switch will not have effect during operation.
The auto baudrate detect feature will search for the correct baud rate within 10 seconds of receiving the first
telegram. This baud rate lock will be lost after 50 seconds of incorrect or no message reception.
The telegrams are transferred onto both redundant channels. The logic inside the ProfiHub determines which
telegram is used to be transferred onto the other channels. A message received by a redundant channel is
repeated on all other channels, except the other redundant channel. A message received by a normal channel
is repeated on all other channels.
When one redundant cable breaks, the other cable ensures safe delivery of the telegram. In this event the
built-in alarm contact will close. The red ‘ERROR’ LED will blink with an interval of 100ms. When the redundant
path is fixed, press the ‘ALARM RESET’ pushbutton to reset the alarm.
Using the ProfiHub B5+R in Redundancy mode causes a delay in processing the telegrams. It is required to
increase the default MinTSDR in the PLC busparameters slightly. Recommended is to increase the MinTSDR
with a value according to the Delay Time table, column ‘Robust Mode’, described in the Technical Data chapter.
Generally a MinTSDR of 25 is sufficient.
The Diagnostics Device is a very versatile statistics/diagnostics logger. It can be used to keep track of the overall
PROFIBUS network health and inform the PLC or DCS of any network failure such as repeats or illegals, missing
ProfiHub termination, live list changes, or power supply problems. Audible or visible feedback is also possible
by automatically switching the integrated alarm relay.
This information can also be read easily with ProfiTrace because the Diagnostic Device sends this data over
PROFIBUS. This enables maintenance engineers to immediately identify the affected segment in case of cable
problems or instrument failure. Having a Diagnostics Device in your network dramatically decreases downtime
because problems can be solved much quicker; it tells you where to look. SCADA applications can make this
even easier.
▪ Live List
PLC/DCS 1 PLC/DCS 2 ▪ Lost, Syncs,
▪ Retries,
▪ Channel No.,
▪ Redundancy,
DP Device DP Device ▪ Power supply,
▪ Termination
▪ Etc…….
Fig. 18 – Cable problems or node loss can be identified by the ProfiHub channel, and send this information over PROFIBUS to the PLC.
ProfiTrace can also read this.
Events: Statistics:
Alarm Relay opened/closed Losts
Cable Redundancy change Syncs
Baudrate change Repeats (total)
Power input changed Repeats (max. changed in 1 cycle)
Termination of Channel changed Illegals
Communication on Channel stopped/started Internal Diagnostics
Livelist changed (station removed or added) External Diagnostics
Diagnostics while in Data Exchange
All of these events and statistics can be transferred in four different ways, so that the PLC/DCS or user can be
warned that something is happening in the PROFIBUS network: a PROFIBUS input message, a diagnostic
message, an external diagnostics message, or it can trigger the built-in alarm relay.
The Alarm Confirmation module has one Output, which can be used to reset the alarm. If the Alarm Relay has
been triggered by any event (see paragraph 0), it can be reset by the PLC by sending 0x01 or higher to the
output of this module.
The next input byte is to indicate the status of the redundant path. It is divided in nibble 0..3 and 4..7.
Examples: 0x12 means Redundancy error on Left Channel, Pending alarm on Left Channel
0x05 means Redundancy OK
The next input byte is to indicate the status of the power inputs.
Nibble 1 (bit 0..3) Meaning
0 Power 1 is active
1 Power 2 is active
The next input byte is to indicate the status of the termination switches on the ProfiHub channels.
Bit Meaning
0 Main Channel termination ON
1 Channel 1 termination ON
2 Channel 2 termination ON
3 Channel 3 termination ON
4 Channel 4 termination ON
5 Channel 5 termination ON
The next input byte is to indicate the communication status of the individual channels.
Bit Meaning
0 Communication on Main Channel
1 Communication on Channel 1
2 Communication on Channel 2
3 Communication on Channel 3
4 Communication on Channel 4
5 Communication on Channel 5
The next input byte is to indicate which Channel is selected to display the Livelist status.
Hex Meaning
80 Livelist of Main Channel
81 Livelist of Channel 1
82 Livelist of Channel 2
83 Livelist of Channel 3
84 Livelist of Channel 4
85 Livelist of Channel 5
86 Livelist of this ProfiHub
FF Livelist of all channels (entire network)
The next 32 input bytes are used for the actual Livelist data. Each address uses two bits. So the first two bits of
the first byte are for address 0, the next two bits of the first byte are for address 1 and so on. The bits are used
to indicate if the station is a slave device, master device or both.
Example: If there is a master device on address 2, and a slave device on address 3, then the first byte
will be 0x60, because it will look like this:
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Value 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
Address 3 Address 2 Address 1 Address 0
This module also has 2 Output bytes. The first Output byte is used to select the Livelist of a specific Channel.
This selection can be read-back in the Input byte described above.
Hex Meaning
80 Livelist of Main Channel
81 Livelist of Channel 1
82 Livelist of Channel 2
83 Livelist of Channel 3
84 Livelist of Channel 4
85 Livelist of Channel 5
86 Livelist of this ProfiHub
FF Livelist of all channels (entire network)
The next Output byte can be used to reset the Livelist. Write 0x01 to this Output byte to reset the Livelist.
The next byte is used to display the current selection of statistics that it sends.
Hex Meaning
00..7E Statistics for device 0..126
7F Statistics for undefined devices
80 Statistics of Main Channel
81 Statistics of Channel 1
82 Statistics of Channel 2
83 Statistics of Channel 3
84 Statistics of Channel 4
85 Statistics of Channel 5
86 Statistics of this ProfiHub
FF Statistics of all channels (entire network)
1. Lost count
2. Sync count
3. Repeats total count
4. Repeats max per cycle count
5. Illegals count
6. Int. diagnostics count
7. Ext. diagnostics count
8. Diagnostics while in Data Exchange count
This module also has 2 output bytes. The first byte is used to configure the ProfiHub Statistics; you can choose
which stations or Channels will display statistics. Configure it by sending the following output value:
Hex Meaning
00..7E Statistics for device 0..126
7F Statistics for undefined devices
80 Statistics of Main Channel
81 Statistics of Channel 1
82 Statistics of Channel 2
83 Statistics of Channel 3
84 Statistics of Channel 4
85 Statistics of Channel 5
86 Statistics of this ProfiHub
FF Statistics of all channels (entire network)
The next output byte can be used for clearing the statistics. Please note that the selected statistics of ALL node
addresses and/or ProfiHub channels are cleared, not only for the displayed address or channel.
Bit Meaning
0 Clear LOST statistics
1 Clear SYNC statistics
2 Clear REPEATS TOTAL statistics
3 Clear REPEATS MAX statistics
4 Clear ILLEGALS statistics
5 Clear INT. DIAG statistics
6 Clear EXT. DIAG statistics
7 Clear DIAG WHILE IN DX statistics
3.3.1 Diagnostics
The Diagnostics Device sends a diagnostic message on PROFIBUS whenever certain conditions are changed.
These changes can be any of the following:
In your configuration tool you can toggle the diagnostics for each item.
The 8th byte of a diagnostic message from the Diagnostic Device indicates which options have been enabled or
The following Statistics can trigger a diagnostic message of the Diagnostic Device:
All Events described in paragraph 0 can trigger the Extended Diagnostic bit of the Diagnostic Device. By default,
the Extended Diagnostic option is disabled. Each item can be enabled individually.
A good example is the Statistics. These statistics are available per individual channel or station address (see
paragraph 3.3.2), so it is easy to see the source of the problem.
Ambient conditions
Operating temperature -25 to +70o Celsius
-13 to +158o Fahrenheit
Isolation class IP 20 (DIN 40 050)
Protocol specifications
Supported Protocols DP-V0, DP- V1, DP-V2, FDL, MPI, FMS, PROFIsafe, PROFIdrive
and any other FDL based protocol.
MTBF 398723 hours according to IEC-62380 (RDF2000/UTE C 80-180)
Address Unique number of a device connected to the network. With PROFIBUS this can
be 0 to 126. 127 is a broadcast address.
Analyzer Software tool to observe the protocol traffic. Combi-Analyzers can also inspect
the signal quality.
Other term: Bus Monitor.
Example: ProfiTrace.
Backbone The primary bus cable. Most of the time only the control systems, ProfiHubs and
fiber optic couplers are connected to this cable. The field devices are connected
behind the ProfiHubs and fiber optic couplers.
Bit Time (Tbit) The bit time Tbit is the time, which elapses during the transmission of one bit. It
depends on the baudrate and is calculated as follows Tbit = 1 (bit) / baudrate
12 Mbps --> Tbit = 83 ns
1.5 Mbps --> Tbit = 667 ns
Busparameters Settings that define the timing behaviour on the bus. They are defined in the
master. Examples: Tslot, MaxTSDR.
C Capacitance.
DP-V0 DP-V0 is the basic stage of the PROFIBUS DP communication protocol. DP-V0
devices (master and slaves) perform the following basic functionalities:
- Cyclic exchange of I/O data between controlling and slave devices
- Device, Identifier (module) and Channel related Diagnosis
- Parameterization of DP-slaves
- Configuration of DP-slaves
DP-V1 DP-V1 is the first stage of extension of PROFIBUS DP after DP-V0. DP-V1 devices
shall comply with the following features:
- Device related diagnosis is replaced by status and alarms.
- The first three octets of the user parameterization data are now standardized
- Optionally these devices may support:
- Acyclic communication (MS1, MS2)
- If alarms are used, MS1 shall be supported
EMC The extent to which an electric or electronic device will tolerate electrical
interference from other equipment (immunity), and will interfere with other
equipment. Within the European Community as well as in other countries it is
regulated by law that electric and electronic components and equipment comply
with basic standards such as IEC 61000-6-2 or IEC 61326 or corresponding
individual product standards.
Hub A Hub refreshes a signal and passes the information on to all nodes which are
connected to the Hub. Data frames which were received on one port are
transferred to all the other ports (chicken foot topology).
MPI Multiple Protocol Interface. Protocol defined by Siemens which uses the layer 1
and 2 of PROFIBUS (FDL).
Repeater Active physical layer device that receives and retransmits all signals over a
different port to increase the distance and number of devices for which signals
can be correctly transferred for a given medium.
Spur line A cable attached to a bus segment with a T-connection . Spurs are not
recommended with PROFIBUS DP. They are prohibited with 12 Mbps and
PROFIsafe operations. German term is "Stichleitung".
PI PROFIBUS International.
The International PROFIBUS Organization based in Karlsruhe.
Reflection Part of the original signal that is transmitted back along the cable. It corrupts the
original signal.
Version 1.5
- Added the UL and DNV certificates
- Updated the Distributors chapter
Version 2.0
- Added chapter ‘Diagnostics Device’
- Textual changes in all chapters to adapt to B5+RD
Version 2.1.0
- Textual changes
Version 3.0
- Updated the manual to the new corporate style
Version 3.1.0
- Added PI certificate for diagnostics slave
Version 3.1.1
- Added note for Robust Repeating
- Minor changes
eFALCOM T: +54 237 46 31 151
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04360 Tuusula I:
AGILiCOM T: +33 247 76 10 20
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1, rue de la Briaudière E: [email protected]
Z.A. La Châtaigneraie I:
PROCENTEC GmbH T: +49-(0)721 831 663-0
Benzstrasse 15 F: +49-(0)721 831 663-29
D-76185 Karlsruhe E: [email protected]
Germany I:
UL Engineering Services & Software Pvt Ltd T: +91-202 696 0050
Nirman Classic, F: +91-202 696 2079
Katraj-Kondhwa Road, E: [email protected]
Katraj, Pune-411046 I:
PROFIBUS Ireland T: +353-61-202107 or +35361240240
Automation Research Centre F: +353-61-202582
University of Limerick E: [email protected]
National Technology Park, Plassey I:
Instrumetrics Industrial Control T: +972-9-8357090
8 Hamlacha St. F: +972-9-8350619
New Industrial Zone E: [email protected]
Netanya, 42170 I:
PROCENTEC Italy T: +39 030 200 8610
Via Branze n. 43/45 F: +39 030 238 0059
25123 Brescia E:
Italy W:
TJ Group T: +81-3-6450-3739
C/O Japanese PROFIBUS Organisation F: +81-3-6450-3739
West World Building 4F E: [email protected]
3-1-6 Higashi-Gotanda,
Tokyo, 141-0022
Industrial Technologies S.A.L. (ITEC) T: +961 1 491161
Point Center, Boulevard Fouad Chehab F: +961 1 491162
Sin El Fil E: [email protected]
Beirut I:
Grid Connect Inc. T: +1 530-219-2565 (Spanish)
E: [email protected]
PROCENTEC B.V. T: +31 (0)174 671800
Klopperman 16 F: +31 (0)174 671 801
2292 JD Wateringen E: [email protected]
Netherlands I:
AD Elektronikk AS T: +47 64 97 60 60
Boks 641 F: +47 64 97 60 70
N-1401 SKI E: [email protected]
Norway I:
ControlWare T: +51 1637 3735
Jr. Los Silicios 5409 F: +51 1528 0454
Los Olivos - L39 E: [email protected]
Peru I:
INTEX Sp. z o.o. T: +48 32 230 75 16
ul. Portowa 4 F: +48 32 230 75 17
44-102 Gliwice E: [email protected]
Poland I:
S.C. SVT Electronics S.R.L. T: +40 365 809 305
Brǎila 7 F: +40 365 809 305
540331 Tg-Mure E: [email protected]
Romania I:
ASM Process Automation T: +966 2 691 2741
Al-Zahra Dist. – Attas st. F: +966 2 682 8943
cross section with helmy Kutby St. E: [email protected]
Villa no.25 I:
Saudi Arabia
ControlSystem s.r.o. T: +421 486115900
Stúrova 4 F: +421 486111891
977 01 BREZNO E: [email protected]
Slovakia E: [email protected]
LOGITEK, S.A T: +34 93 588 6767
Ctra. de Sant Cugat, 63 Esc. B Planta 1ª E: [email protected]
Rubí (BARCELONA), 08191 I:
P&L Nordic AB T: +46 451 74 44 00
Box 252 F: +46 451 89 833
S-281 23 Hässleholm E: [email protected]
Sweden I:
Berner Fachhochschule T: +41 (0) 34 426 68 32
PROFIBUS Kompetenzzentrum F: +41 (0) 34 426 68 13
Jlcoweg 1 E: [email protected]
CH-3400 Burgdorf I:
Full Data Technology T: +886-2-87519941/9097
6F., No.200, Gangqian Rd. F: +886-2-87519533
Neihu District, Taipei City E: [email protected]
114, Taiwan I:
Emikon Otomasyon T: +90 216 420 8347
DES Sanayi sitesi 103 sokak F: +90 216 420 8348
B-7 blok No:16 Yukari Dudullu / Umraniye E: [email protected]
Istanbul 34776 I:
Bavitech Corporation T: +84-8-3547 0976
42 Truong Son Street F: +84-8-3547 0977
Ward 2, Tan Binh District E: [email protected]
Ho Chi Minh City I:
For the up to date list of the Sales Offices and Distributors see If
your country or region is not listed, please contact us. We are still searching for distributors who can cover
complete areas or countries.
PROCENTEC globally supplies all the components required to install a measurable and steerable network. We
develop and produce all products in the Netherlands and they are exported through our worldwide distribution
network. At PROCENTEC, we have a professional team of qualified support engineers who provide technical
support on-site and online. Our professionals have more than 20 years of experience with PROFIBUS and
PROFINET technology. They provide the necessary support to end users during implementation procedures,
certification processes, audits and malfunctions. PROCENTEC also is the international accredited Competence
and Training center for PROFIBUS and PROFINET. We provide training courses that help employees using those
techniques optimally for their business objectives.