A Technical Proposal: Application of 3D Printers in The Medical Industry

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A Technical Proposal


Application of 3D Printers in the Medical Industry


Saurav Kumar (20)

Nitin Ranganath (35)
Irfan Shaikh (38)
Prateek Sharma (41)

(Students of Third Year Computer Engineering)

Shree LR Tiwari College of Engineering


(August 2020)
Executive Summary:

Project title Application of 3D printers in the medical


Designation of the proposer Student of TE-CMPN (2020-21 batch)

Postal address of the proposer Department of CMPN, Shree L.R Tiwari

College of Engineering, Thane 401107.

Duration of the project 7 days

Amount of money needed Non-recurring cost:

1. Hardware: Rs. 25000
2. Software: Rs. 96000

Recurring cost:
Rs. 30000

Total cost:
Rs. 1.51 lakh

Brief Description:

With the increasing popularity of 3D printers, it has managed to find its uses in the medical
industry as well. The applications of 3D printers and related technologies can play a crucial in
saving cost, time, and most importantly, lives, in the medical industry. It could serve as a long
term investment that could be used even every day depending on the medical institute or the
hospital. With this one time investment, we could cut down various costs such as the import and
shipping of medical equipment during emergencies. This could also help us save some crucial
time as the equipment can be designed and printed right inside the hospital. With its wide range
of use cases ranging from orthopedics to cardiology, 3D printers could prove us to be a good
long term investment. Even during this current COVID-19 pandemic, 3D printers are being used
for printing the plastic visor that holds the shield and rests on the forehead with a piece of
foam-like material in between and other equipment. To summarize, 3D printers can help us with
bioprinting tissues and organoids, surgery preparation assisted by the use of 3D printed models,
3D printing of surgical instruments, and custom-made prosthetics using 3D printing.
Statement of Problem:

Medical equipment can be expensive and very hard to procure during the time of emergencies as
we have seen during the current pandemic. This can be fatal for patients who do not have access
to required medical equipment.
With the use of 3D printers, we can reduce the time and cost needed to acquire/import the
medical equipment, thereby saving lives.


The main objective of this technical proposal is to show how the usage of 3D printers can have a
positive impact on the medical industry. 3D Printers can make perfect scale models that can be
used for research purposes. It does not only decrease the cost of the manufacturing of medical
supplies but also the time required to acquire them which can be a very significant factor during
emergency cases when there is a shortage of medical supplies. The supplies made from 3D
printers can be much cheaper as compared to the counterparts manufactured in factories. Thus
this paper mentions and emphasizes the usage of medical equipment.

Technical Plan:

The concept of 3D printing involves a combination of hardware and software sophistication. The
hardware consists of a print display, extruder, filament, hot end, cooling fan and print bed. For
the software, any 3D modeling application (AutoCAD, Maya, Blender, etc.) along with a slicing
program is used. First, a 3D model of the medical equipment is created or downloaded. This file
(.STL extension) is sent to the slicing software of the printer where the 3D model is divided into
multiple horizontal layers and an instruction code is generated telling the machine how to print
the model step by step. This instruction file (.GCODE extension) is received by the printer and
the model is created physically.

Hardware Functionality:

The material of the equipment required is present on the filament. The print display shows the
status of the processing. The extruder works upon the instruction code and positions itself
accordingly within the printing space. The material is melted through the hot end of the extruder
and the fan cools the material after it takes the desired shape. The final product is articulated on
the print bed.


Filament (1.75mm) Rs. 2000

LCD Display Rs. 800

Dual Power Print Bed Rs. 500

12V Extruder (1.75mm) Rs. 6000

High-Speed Cooling Fan Rs. 300

3D Printer Structure Rs. 10000

Printer Microcontroller Rs. 5400


Slicing And G-Code Tool Rs. 21000 (Lifetime Access)
(Recommended: G-Wizard)

3D Modeling Software Rs. 75000 (One Year Access)

(Recommended: AutoCAD)

SUM TOTAL: Rs. 1.21 lakh

Management Plan:

The installation of the machine along with the setup of the slicing software would be done by the
technical personnel of the 3D printer company.
The technical staff of the medical industry will take over the responsibility of operating and
maintaining its functioning.
Cost Estimate:

A total sum of ​Rs. 1.21 lakh​ is required for recurring expenditure. Out of this Rs. 25000 is
required for the hardware and Rs. 96000 is required for the software. The details of the same
have been provided in the technical plan section.

An estimated sum of ​Rs. 30000​ per annum is required for recurring expenditure. The breakup is
given below:

1) Filament Recharge: Rs. 24000

2) Maintenance: Rs. 6000

Final Total: ​Rs. 1.51 lakh


Application of 3D printers in the medical industry is hereby proposed. The main advantages of
this technology are the ability to treat more people where it previously was not feasible, to
reduce the cost as well as the time of manufacturing and importing the supplies required to
enhance research works in the field of medical science. It will enable doctors to treat more
patients, without sacrificing results. Hence, 3D printing technology will create many new
possibilities and advantages in the field of medical science.

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