Acknowledgement: - The Business Owners
Acknowledgement: - The Business Owners
Acknowledgement: - The Business Owners
“Shakers Snackers”
Resist no more…
In partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Humanities and Social Sciences
Submitted by:
Cristell C. Aguila
Christine M. Nitro
Christine S. Lucero
Khen Justine A. Catapang
Jhon Philip C. Matulac
With sincerest thanks, the business owners would like to express their
gratitude to those who extended their full support and cooperation, expertise,
encouragement and time for the accomplishment of this project study. Without them, this
would not be possible. To Mr. Alfredo Z. Sevilla, the entrepreneurship’s adviser, for
sharing his time, support, advice and guidance in order to accomplish this business
plan. To our beloved family, for their immeasurable support, financially and emotionally.
Without them, this business `plan would not be materialized. To Almighty God who
constantly gave us good health, strength and blessings to make this business plan
There are many varieties of shake aside from the regular sweet shake. In the
Philippine, shake is the commonly cold beverage that is usually made from fruit, milk,
ice cream, or ice milk and add some flavourings or sweeteners such as caramel sauce,
chocolate syrup, or fruit syrup. For our shake, we will use the milk shake with ice
combined with fruit or vegetables or any others frozen fruit.
The Shaker Snacker’s will produce a fresh and affordable product. Our product
aims to sell Milk Smoothies shake in affordable price that are healthy and will help you
boost up your energy at whatever time of the day. Our product will be selling to high
school campuses near at Malaking Pook, San Pascual Batangas. Our goal is to offer a
alternative to soda, energy drinks, etc. on high school campuses.
In our shake we have drinks that contain vitamins and proteins. Our shake is
open to anybody and everybody. The shaker snacker’s has many flavours to offer. We
have different size servings and we will use fresh milk, and frozen fruits as well. Shaker
snackers will market through flyers and social media. We will post flyers around high
school campuses. Facebook will also be useful in short term promotions. The unique
characteristics of shaker snackers is its ability to produce costumers the healthy
benefits that each product inherent. Consumer are offer the benefits they receive not
the product itself.
Name of our business is the snack on spot company will produce a unique and
affordable product. Snack on spot company will be leading distributor of shake with
snack in the San Pascual Batangas. The unique characteristics of our product is the
ability to produce a healthy product that such consumer will benefit.
1.2 Goal of the business
The location of Shaker Snackers business will be at Malaking Pook San Pascual
Batangas near in the school. Our product aims to satisfy every costumers tummy
especially the students who are studying here in Malaking Pook.
The product we have are the shake with snacks and our target market or
customer are the student who are studying here in Malaking Pook, shaker snackers is a
production of shake and snacks manage by a partnership. The shaker snackers
business will provide funding from the investment of our business partners, which will
cover the capital.
A. Marketing Aspects
B. Management Aspect
C. Technical Aspect
D. Financial Aspect
To find out the total contribution to be invested in establishing the proposed business.
E. Socio- Economic
To determine the benefits that the proposed business will contribute to the business
The scope of the study is within the malaking pook that is located at San Pascual
Batangas. Potential customers are the students who are studying here in Malaking
Pook. Our partnership encourage everyone to patronice our products which our
delicious at the same time it is affordable.
Chapter II
Shakers Snackers will produce it product that is high quality, healthy and
delicious product in affordable price, especially to our target market the students. Since
our goal is to offer a healthy product that is alternative to soda, energy drink etc. that are
unhealthy especially to the students, we want to offer a nutritious and delicious product
become popular to the students. It also makes our product unique because of its
characteristics that is healthy rich in vitamins and it offer a different sizes that are
delicious and in affordable price.
1. To maintain the harmonic relationship with our consumer for the quality
2. To know the employees are our asset who provide us their service in the
honest way.
Snack on spot company is the business name for the delicious affordable
known shake and snacks for the students who are studying in Malaking Pook San
Pascual Batangas. This business caters all customers most especially the health
concious one by providing healthy shake that would surely suit their desire.
Snack on Spot Company is proposed and will be materialized by a group of
people that choose to engage in partnership who wishes to offer delicious and good
quality of product, the proposed business ensures to be a competitive shakes producers
and distributors in the field of the business.
The business would make sure to bring out good quality of product to the
dear consumers at all time. The availability of the business is from Monday to Saturday
at 8 am to 8pm to assure that it will provide food that are healthy and good quality.
2.3 Value
Shakers snackers business believes that perservance and honesty will lead
to business success. We propose this business to offer everyone a different experience
and taste of our product.
2.4 Methodology
Historical demand
Swot Analysis
O1 Affordable price that S2O1 Must maintain the W1O3 Upgrade level of
is suited for students or good condition of work to properly
everyone budget machineries and accommodate customer
equipment to maintain
O2 Bringing a healthy
affordable price of
drinks that are alternative
to soda, energy drink etc.
especially to the students
O3 Growing numbers of
students and working
adult who seek for place
to stay after stressful
This type of business will offer the consumer a beverages that are
alternative to soda, energy drinks, etc., it has a fruit flavoured beverages with nutritious
ingredients, it also sell a variety of ice creams and chocolate. The promotion that the
proposed business includes was through social media like facebook and also through
flyers it will be a great help to promote our business product.
Business Logo
Resist no more...
Calling card
Online Advertisement
Sample Product
Proposed office
Operational Plan
process or step
Flow of work
quality Control
Prepare 2 tbsp of chocolate chips, 2 tsp of sugar, 1.5 of cocoa powder, ice,
200ml of milk and chocolate syrup.
Prepare all the tools and equipment like ice crusher, blender, refrigerator,
measuring cups/spoon, knife and inspect all the tools and equipment if there is any
After all the ingredients, Combine all the ingredients and place them in the
blender and blent it.
Process D: Packaging
After the product are done put it in a cup with chocolate syrup with black pearl
and serve it.
Process E: Cleaning all the tools and equipment that our employers used and place it in
a proper place.
The quality control team must carefully check the packaging based on the approved
Small 55
Medium 65
Large 75
The unique characteristics of our product is the ability to produce a healthy product
that each consumer will benefit.
2.11 Pricing
Our company give reasonable price that are lower to our competitors to get
loyalty of our buyers to ensure our vision and mission are come true.
Competition in the local area is somewhat sparse and does not provide nearly
the level of product quality and customer service as shakers snackers. Local customer
are looking for a high quality for the cheapest price but delicious and nutricious products
that shakers snackers has to offer.
Larger chains vary their product mix depending upon the size of each store
each location, most of them are many varieties of shake aside from the regular sweet
shake that are very common. For our shake we will use the milk shake with ice
combined with fruit or vegetables or any frozen fruit.
The products are offered comes from fresh fruits that are nutritious for
everyone most especially to students. It makes our product unique because of its
benefit which is good quality of food, delicious and healthy that our competitors dont
3.1 Objective of the Study
Cristell Aguila brings experience in the area of decision- making and handling an
employee, creating a marketing strategies towards the said business. Christine Nitro
has expensive experience in sales, marketing, and management. She also has the right
to secure the money of the business. Christine Lucero is the processor she is the one
who know the recipe of the business. Jhon Philip is the one who checks if the product is
good or not. Khen Justine Catapang as employee he is the one who has relation
between the manager who is responsible for managing a range of activities related to
2. Application and securing for a Mayor’s permit as well as for the sanitation permit.
4. Registration to SSS.
5. Registration to Philhealth.
6. Registration to Pag-ibig.
In general, Nutritionist
Processorbusiness owners are responsible for the growth,stability,direction and
daily operation
CHRISTINEof the business. OwnerJHON
PHILIP one who can handling legal
managing the office and also supervising a team.
3.6 Duties and Responsibilities of the Personnel
A. Owner
B. Manager
C. Processor
Follow recipes and formulate to produce food products that have a very specific
texture, color, flavor and clarity
Record test and production data for every product batch, including information
regarding test results, temperature, time cycle and ingredients utilized
Monitor and listen to equipment to detect audible or visual signs of malfunctions,
including plugs, leaks, and other failures. Report any malfunctions or quality
issues immediately
Clean and sterilize factory processing areas and food production daily
D. Nutritionist
Researching how the body functions are affected by nutrient supply.
Investigating the relationship between genes and nutrients
Studying how diets affect metabolism
Examining the process of nourishment and the association between diet, disease
and health
Providing health advice and promoting healthy eating
Advising about special diet
Educating health professional and the public about nutrition.
Looking as apart of a multidisciplinary team/ supporting the works of other care
E. Cashier
F. Employee
Must have National Certificate II (Bread and Pastry Production)
Ability to pass a standard drug screening
Strong work ethic and multitasking abilities
Previous food production experience
Graduate from AFN- accredited nutrition degrees are eligible to apply for
registered associate nutritionist (ANutr) registration via a simple direct entry path.
Earned a bachelor’s degree wait course work approved by the Academy of
Nutrition and Dietetics Ac (Reditation Council for Education in Nutrition and
Dietetics (ACEND). Coursework typically includes food and nutrition sciences
food service system management business, economics, computers science,
sociology, biochemistry, physiology, microbiology and chemistry.
Position No.
Nutritionist 1 663.00 327.00 990.00 10.0 673.00 327.00 1,000.00
Total 4055
Process November December January February March
Time allocated
for site
Time allocated
of preparation
of feasibility
Time allocated
for sourcing of
Time allocated
for securing
licenses and
Time allocated
of leasehold
Time allocated
for acquisition
of equipment
and machinery
Time allocated
for hiring of
Start of normal
3.12 Giant Chart
4.1 Objectives of the Study
• To determine the product proposed by this business.
• To know the equipment and supply to be used in the proposed business.
• To specify the office location of the business
• To chart the operating schedule for payment loans and contribution
4.2 Technical Description
This aspect of the study states and identifies whether the product being offered
is at the highest quality with minimum cost. It also covers the assets being used by the
business for it to be operated successful such as machine and equipment’s, furniture
and fixtures, office supplies and utilities supplies.
The proponents consider a small cost to furnish the building with a good ambiance to
accommodate the employer, employees and customers.
The Owner, Manager, Processor, Nutritionist and Cashier will have their personal space
within the office. There is also one comfort room in the office. The business logo and
name are presented in a signage at front of the building for the business’s recognition.
4.3 Main Services
The services that the business will be offering are Strategic and Operational Planning,
Financial Management/ Profit Planning, Office Administration Services and Marketing
Service. The delicious product will be served to the customers with outmost
professionalism and due care.
The following are service specifications:
1. Strategic and Operational Planning Services:
• Review Firm's Goals and Objectives
• Evaluate Organizational Structure
• Analyze Internal Operations
• Assess Strengths and Weaknesses
2. Financial Management Services:
• Review/Develop Annual Budget
• Review Format of Financial Statements
• Review Cash Flow Management Reports
• Review/Develop Annual Profit Plan
• Prepare "Break-Even" Cost Analysis
3. Marketing Services:
• Market Analysis
• Marketing Research
• Strategic Planning
4.4 Pictures of Machinery and Equipment
A printer is a peripheral which produces a text or graphics of
documents stored in electronic form, usually on physical print
media such as paper or transparencies.
A laptop,
a notebo
computer or simply a notebook, is a small,
portable personal computer with a "clamshell" form factor,
having, typically, a thin LCD or LED computer
screen mounted on the inside of the upper lid of the
"clamshell" and an alphanumeric keyboard on the inside of
the lower lid. The "clamshell" is opened up to use the
computer. Laptops are folded shut for transportation, and
thus are suitable for mobile use.
Clip A clip for holdig streets of paper together esp one made of
Staples A staples are small pieces of bent wire that are used
mainly for holding sheets of paper together firmly.
Hole Punch A hole punch most commonly refers to an
office tool that is used to create holes in sheets of paper, often for
the purpose of collecting the sheets in a binder or folder.
Light Bulb The light bulb makes light by heating a metal filament
wire to a high temperature until it glows.
Knife Is a tool with a cutting edge or blade attached to a handle.
Shake Powder
Total ₱3,211.84
4.10 Quantity and Prices of Machinery and Equipment
Total ₱55,917.7
Total ₱37,144
Total ₱4,142
4.13 Quantity and Prices of Sanitary Supplies
Total ₱292.00
Materials Prices
Use in Production
Materials Quantity Prices Total
Total ₱42,039
This financial study will cover the capital need for proposed business, types of
partner, profit and loss ratio, the procedures and method used in different aspect, and it
shows the profitability of the proposed business. This study includes the financial
statement such as income statement, statement of cash flows, statement of financial
position, and statement of change in equity.
C. The company will generate its revenue through offering services such as Strategic
and Operational Planning, Financial Management/ Profit Planning, Office Administration
Services, Communication Services, Marketing Services, and Tax Consultancy.
Financial Statement
Financial Statement
Financial statement provides the information about the financial position,
financial performance and the cash flows of an entity that is useful to a wide range of
users in making economic decision. Management has the responsibility of preparation
and the financial statements.
• To determine the benefit that the proposed business will contribute to the
business industry.
"Snack on Spot Company" shall offer a product that is affordable and delicious. They
will establish a business that provides expectation of the customer and satisfy their
wants and needs.
This project will not only benefit the owner of the business but also the
society. The proposed business will benefit the community through providing
employment. This will give the hired employees and their families their source of income
for their living needs. It will also offered job for the unemployment in our community.
The proposal business will benefit not only the owner but also the
government and the public. The business owners and business will pay their tax
obligation as provided by law. Tax will help the government generate funds for the
improvement of public service and government protects.
It will provide them proper earnings and incentives. These will enable to
improve their economic as well as their society and physical conditions. With the right
management the employers can make use of the employee capabilities for the
improvement of the business while the employees can develop and their skills to the
extreme to be an asset of the firm. In these way self-esteem and morale of both parties
will be strengthen. And it also increases their productivity.