Unit Weight (KG) /M Weight (KG) Bar Bending Schedule of Pier Cap Shape

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Bar Bending Schedule of Pier Cap

Label Shape Dia Spacing Nos Length Weight Weight(Kg)

PC 1 600 7888 600 32 130 33 9.09 6.313 1893.40

PC 2 600 600
25 150 30 9.24 3.853 1067.84
2395 2821

PC 3 500 4395 500 25 120 68 5.40 3.853 1413.64

PC 4 500 4404 500 16 200 41 5.40 1 578

1.578 349.70

PC 5 500 5142 500 25 220 18 6.14 3.853 425.98

10 -legged

PC 6 (Varies) 12 250 165 4.316 0.888 632.25


10 -legged
6 -layers
PC 7 250 16 210 60 8.404 1.578 795.86

7904 (Varies)
(V i s)

12 -legged
6 -layers
PC 8 250 16 210 72 4.904 1.578 557.29


Pitch 100mm
PC 9 bothways 10 - 24 20 0.617 295.94

Total 7431.90
No of Cap 5 Total Weight 37159.52

of 2 Pier bar bending schedule open found. Rui Bridge_Final_ Print

Bar Bending Schedule of Pier Stem
Label Shape Dia Spacing Nos Length Weight Weight(Kg)

PS 1 9102 32 119 62 10.06 6.313 3938.54


PS 2 D = 2404 16 100 72 7.55 1.578 858.25

PS 3 150

PS4 16 500 38 3.00 1.578 180.17

Total 4796 80
No of Stem 5 Total Weight 23983.99

Bar Bending Schedule of Pier Foundation

Label Shape Dia Spacing Nos Length Weight Weight(Kg)

PF1 950 7830 950 20 130 62 9.73 2.466 1487.73

PF2 950 7830 950 20 140 58 9.73 2.466 1391.75

PF3 950 7830 950 20 200 41 9.73 2.466 983.82

PF4 950 7830 950 20 200 41 9.73 2.466 983.82

PF5 12 300 104 5.64 0.888 520.91

8 Legged

PF6 360 7830 360 12 283 10 8.55 0.888 75.91

PF7 360 7830 360 12 283 10 8.55 0.888 75.91

Total 5368.03
No of Foundation 5 Total Weight 26840.17

of 2 Pier bar bending schedule open found. Rui Bridge_Final_ Print

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