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ENGLISH a. is he b. isn’t he c. has he d.

hasn’t he
1. It surely takes a lifetime for Edgar Allan Poe to forget 16. This pertains to the pauses or rests in speech.
his lost love, but he _______hard to move on amidst a. pitch b. juncture c. stress d. intonation
tremendous loneliness and despair. 17. I would not leave you come hell or high water. Base
a. has been trying c. has tried on the given sentence, we can surmise that:
b. had tried d. had been trying a. the speaker won’t leave the person no matter what
2. What can be the most appropriate follow-up b.the speaker warns the person of a forthcoming
sentence to the given statement below? “I have been disaster
teaching for 34 years” c. the speaks wants the person to give up
a. so it is now time to quit d. the speaker want the person to continue fighting
b. and I can’t imagine doing anything else 18. Her nervousness keeps her on her toes. The
c. and I want this to end right now underlined phrase means:
d. and my children are now teachers, too a. she is always alert and cautious
3. Emily Bronte _______ her last novel when she died. b. she is always ready to fight
a. has written c. had been writing c. she is always confident
c. had written d. has been writing d. she is always on the go
4. Which among the sentences bellow followed the 19. Emily Dickinson was ostracized by her peers
correct order of adjectives? primarily because of her eccentric principles. The
a. she drives an expensive black Japanese sports car. underlined word means:
b. she drives a black Japanese expensive sports car. a. criticized b. condemned
c. she drives a black expensive Japanese sports car. c. excluded d. praised
d. she drives an expensive Japanese black sports car. 20. The death of Ninoy Aquino prompted the
5. Only 85% of the total number of applicants ________ conglomeration of people from different walks of life.
able to pass the entrance test last year. The words below are synonyms of the underlined word
a. are b. was c. is d. were except:
6. Neither Emily Bronte nor her sisters ________ their a. gathering b. assembly
real names in their writing career. c. accumulation d. diffusion
a. use b. uses c. using d. has used 21. For a non-believer, the noise heard during the street
7. The man looks _________. procession would seem cacophonous. The underlined
a. strange b. strangely c. stranger d. has strange word means:
8. A number of whale species ________ now extinct a. loud and unpleasant b. loud and yet pleasant
because of illegal hunting and alarming change in sea c. soft and yet unpleasant d. soft and pleasant
water temperature. 22. Which among the sounds below is a voiceless
a. are b. is c. were d. was sound?
9. The problems that I encountered were ______ for me a. /dz/ b. /g/ c. /z/ d. /sh/
to handle. 23. Which among the words does not belong?
a. so much b. too much a. conceal b. screen
c. very much d. too more c. reveal d. obscure
10. In Benjamin Franklin’s “poor Richards Almanac” it 24. A paragraph is believed to have coherence if:
was said that: “early to bed, ______ makes a man a. the sentences are all about the topic sentences
healthy.” b. the sentences are smoothly connected with each
a. early rising b. rising early other through transitional devices
c. early to rise d. walking up early c. the sentences are correctly written in terms of
11. Which among this words has the voiceless/th/ grammar rules
sound? d. the sentence are independent
a. these b. mother c. think d. there 25. Aside from being renowned writer writer, Carl
12. Which word must have the primary stress in the Sanburg is also believed to have the gift of gab. The
sentence below if we want to emphasize possession? underlined word means:
“That is my bag.” a. the ability to speak clearly
a. that b. is c. my d. bag b. the ability to speak persuasively
13. What pitch level must be used in starting a c. the ability to speak honesty
sentence? d. the ability to speak accurately
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 26. Which among the sound does not belong?
14. Which among the words below has the /sh/ sound? a. /p/ b. /f/ c. /s/ d. /v/
a. vision b. leisure c. sure d. salient
15. Your father isn’t working anymore, ________?
27. As a historian, Herodotus never missed any salient 38. Which does not describe the illustrados?
point in his creation “The Histories”. The words below a. Filipinos who were able to study abroad
are synonyms of the underlined word except: b. Filipinos painters in Spain
a. leading b. relevant c. Filipinos who ask for change in the society
c. significant d. minor d. Filipinos who left the country for good
28. Which among the sounds does not belong? 39. The period is considered as the golden age of the
a. /m/ b. /w/ c. /b/ d. /n/ Filipino language
SONNET 18 a. Japanese Regime b. American Regime
Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day c. Spanish Regime d. Marcos Regime
Thou art more lovely and more temperature 40. This nick Joaquin’s masterpiece that talks about the
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May pegan “tadtarin”/tatarin” ritual.
And summer’s least hath all too short a date a. May De Eve b. woman with two novels
29. The sonnet above is an example of a: c. summer Solstice d. Ermita
a. Shakespearean sonnet b. Petrarchan sonnet 41. They are considered as the first teachers in the
c. Jacobean sonnet d. Italian sonnet Philippines who taught English in a formal classroom
30. What is the rhyme scheme of the first quatrain of setting.
the given sonnet? a. American Soldiers b. the Thomasites
a. ABAB b. ABBA C. AABA d. AABB c. the Thomasians d. the Sophists
31. This is a collection of stories by the pilgrims while on 42. Who wrote the short story “The wedding Dance”
their way to the chapel of Canterbury. which is about the ill-fated love of Awiyao and Lumnay?
a. the Canterbury Tales b. the Canterbury Collection a. Amador Daquio b. Manuel Arguilla
c. the Canterbury Files d. the Canterbury Saga c. Estrella Alfon d. Paz Latorena
32. “One thousand hands made the Pyramids of Egypt.” 43. If a student has familiarity with the sounds of the
What figure of speech was use in the given statement? language, he/she is said to have:
a. synecdoche b. metonymy a. graphophonemic skills b. phonemic awareness
c. onomatopoeia d. metaphor c. vocabulary d. fluency
And I shall be telling this with a sigh 44. If the student can relate the words in a sentence
Somewhere ages and ages hence with each other to create a significant idea, he/she is
Two roads in the woods and I said to have:
I took the one less traveled by a. phonemic awareness b. vocabulary
And that has made all the difference c. fluency d. comprehension
33. The lines above are taken from what particular 45. “The winds kisses my cheeks”. What figure of
poem? speech is use in the given statement?
a. the road not taken a. personification b. metaphor
b. stopping by the woods on snowy evening c. simile d. onomatopoeia
c. fire and ice For poetry never says; it unsays. To say is to confine,
d. the Raven contain. To unsay is to explore the vaguely all-hovering
34. Who is the author behind the lines given above? presence of the unseen, deliberate left out.
a. Oscar Wilde b. Rudyard Kipling 46. What can be inferred from the lines of the given
c. Robert Frost d. Walt Whitman poem?
35. This is the first accepted masterpiece in the a. that a poem must not reveal itself to its readers easily
Philippine literature in English. b. that a poem must have n words
a. dead stars b. small key c. that a poem must be detailed
c. my father goes to Court d. desire d. that a poem has deep words
36. If Salvador Lopez advocates proletariat literature, 47. Which statement is NOT a correct inference from
who adheres to adheres to the concept of “art for art’s the lines of the given poem?
sake” a. that the beauty of the poem relies on the
a. Jose Garcia Villa b. F. Sionil Jose transformation of the familiar to the unfamiliar
c. Nock Joaquin d. Amador Daguio b. that a poem must not give everything to the readers
37. Which does not characterize our country’s primitive c. that a poem must be transparent- the meaning of it
literature? must be clearly drone out
a. mainly in oral tradition d. that a poem must be read intelligently-one must look
b. somewhere were written in not so sturdy materials into metaphors and symbolisms used
such as leaves and wood 48. The editor found the story not so entertaining. He
c. recognizes the existence of a supreme being found it full of:
d. has continued to flourish in the colonial times a. adjectives b. verbs
c. pronouns d. adverbs 63. What is NOT true about the present perfect tense?
49. “on the street of this position of God’s world I feel a. the action started somewhere in the past and
neighbor to a rat, so brother of a worm; forever chasing continued up until present
rainbows at muddy margins.” This line on Quemada’s b. it must bear with it the auxiliary verb has/have, plus
poem is saying that: the past participle form of the verb.
a. life is fruitful c. the action is still happening at present or just recently
b. life is not worth living ended
c. life is empty and meaning less d. the action is happening at present and may still
d. life is full of challenges happen in the future.
50. The whale has no famous author and whaling no “That the wind seraphs of heaven coveted her and me
famous chronicles.” Base on this line from the novel, that is the reason, not so long in a kingdom by the sea A
Moby Dick is treaded as: wind blew out of a cloud Chillin and killin my Annabel
a. whaling is truly structure Lee”
b. whales are ordinary creators 64. What can be the cause of death of Annabel Lee?
c. whale is wild mammal that haunts mariners a. consumption b. dengue
d. whaling is an old hobby c. HIV d. hepatitis
51. Venus is an exemplification of feminine pulchritude. 65. What is TRUE about the Past Perfect tense?
Pulchritude means: a. there must be two past actions
a. plain b. beauty b. the auxiliary verb must be “has”
c. ugliness d. homeliness c. the main verb must be in the present participial form
52. after 7 depressing years, Mitch finally quit the job. d. the auxiliary verb “had” must be used
________ Along with her superior for a long time before 66. This tense connotes actions that are happening at
she finally decided to look for a new position. present time, meaning right now.
a. didn’t get b. isn’t getting a. present tense b. past tense
c. hasn’t been getting d. hadn’t been getting c. progressive tense d. present perfect
53. five years of intensive language study are required 67. Filipino as a language blossomed during the time of
for second language learners. Chun-Li ______ English the
for three years, but she will need more training to be a. Japanese b. American
more proficient. c. Spanish d. Commonwealth
a. has studied b. will have been studying 68. Who is considered the goddess of Philippine poetry?
c. has been studying d. will be studying a. Ophelia Alcantara Dimalanta
54. The laborers are so happy that ________ now b. Teresa Subido
reaping a fruit of _______ efforts. c. Aida Rivera Ford
a. they’re re-their b. They’re re-there d. Angela Manalang Gloria
c. there-their d. their-their 69. The underlined word in the sentence below is an
55. This seatwork is difficult for Paul and ______. ______? “She took the early train.”
a. myself bI c. me d. himself a. ajective b. adverb
56. The candy cane smells ______ c. apostrophe d. appositive
a. sweet b. Sweetly c. sweeter d. more sweet 70. jose Rizal’s novel Noli Me Tangere in inspired by the
57. A comma indicates: novel written by Hariest Beecher Stowe titled__?
a. pause b. slight pause a. uncle Tom’s Cabin b. Les Miserables
c. longer pause d. no pause c. Tom Sawyer d. war and Peace
58. Which word has C pronounce has /k/ 71. The family that _____ together, ____together.
a. century b. cold a. prays-stays b. pray-stay
c. city d. censure c. prayed-stayed d. praying-staying
59. Which word is accented on the first syllable? 72. One thirds of the population ____poor.
a. fifteen b. out speak a. is b. are c. was d. were
c. understand d. heaven 73. Nether Jordan nor his brothers ______ leaving the
60. Which words has C pronounce as /s/? company.
a. censure b. connote a. is b. are c. was d. were
c. comma d. collaborate 74. Which sound is voiced bilabial stop?
61. She is riding _______ a plane? a. /b/ b. /p/ c. /k/ d. /t/
a. in b. on c. at d. into 75. The teacher was asked to speak for her students
62. What makes the sentence erroneous? “I have when they won the speech choir competition, and so
written a letter yesterday.” she says “_______of my students, I want to thanks
a. yesterday b. have c. a d. letter you.”
a. on behalf b. in behalf c. because d. for 88. What figure of speech in the sentence below? “I can
76. Which of the following inspired Rizal’s El eat a whole cow.”
Filibusterismo. a. simile b. metaphor
a. the execution of GOMBURZA b. personification d. hyperbole
b. the death of Andres Bonifacio 89. Mark Twain’s Novel Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry
c. the death of his father Finn are sit in the _______river.
d. the imprisonment of his mother a. Nile b. Mississippi
77. What is the first American school in the Philippines c. Amazon d. Rio Grande
that aims in teaching the Filipinos how to use the 90. The words “Inadequate, disembark, uneducated,
English language. and illegitimate” have prefixes that are:
a. Philippine normal University a. positive b. common
b. Far Eastern University C. negative d. neutral
c. University of Santo Tomas 91. Which does not belong?
d. University of the Philippines a. assumption b. summary
78. In developmental reading, this pertains to the c. synthesis d. generalization
familiarity of the students toward the sounds of the 92. Which sounds like “shine”
language? a. cry b. brine c. fry d. why
a. phonemic awareness b. phonology 93. The speaker approached the stage with his spiel. his
c. syntax d. semantics hands were shaking and he was sweating tremendously.
79. In developmental reading, this pertains the ability of He experienced:
the learner to relate the written symbol to its a. heart Attack b. nausea
corresponding sound. c. stage fright d. epilepsy
a. phonemic awareness b. phonics 94. “He was like a snake in the night”, what figure of
c. syntax d. semantics speech is present?
80. English sonnet: Shakespeare, Italian sonnet: a. personification b. simile
a. Alighieri b. Petrarch c. metaphor d. apostrophe
c. Boccaccio d. Dante 95. “To be or not to be, that is the question” this line is
81. In reading, IRI means taken from what particular Shakespearean play?
a. Informal Reading Intervention a. hamlet b. Romeo and Juliet
b. Informal Reading Inventory c. Macbeth d. the ghost
c. Informal Reading Innovation 96. “The train arrived early.” The underline word is an
d. Informal Reading Integration __.
82. In the cueing system, this pertains to the structure a. adjective b. verb. C. adverb d. noun
of grammar. 97. What figure of speech is used in the sentence
a. phonology b. semantics below? “Oh Zeus look down on your people.”
c. morphology d. syntax a. simile b. metaphor
83. In the cueing system, this is about Vocabulary and c. personification d. apostrophe
coming up with meaning in a context. 98. “The voice sounds across the universe.” What figure
a. phonology b. semantics of speech is used?
c. morphology d. syntax a. hyperbole b. simile
84. In the cueing system, this pertains to the formation c. personification d. metaphor
of the sounds of the language. 99. To make a fantastic group work, each member must
a. phonology b. semantics put his/her finger in the pie. The underlined phrase
c. morphology d. syntax means:
85. The poem “The Road Not Taken” which road did the a. bake a pie b. taste a pie
traveler take? c. join a group d. participate in a group
a. clear road b. road less travelled 100. The suspect was spared because all he said were all
c. high way c. streets white lies. The underlined phrase means:
86. Who wrote the Novel “A Christmas Carol” which is a. lies that bare harmless b. Lies recited are illogical
about a man who hates Christmas? c. lies are type written d. the lies are made in public
a. Charles Dickens b. Oscar Wilde
c. H.G. Wells d. D.H Lawrence
87. “She is the star in the Heavens above.” What figure
of speech is used?
a. simile b. metaphor
b. personification d. hyperbole

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