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Report Format CSC397 2018

Report Format CSC397


To provide a working guide on writing a project report for diploma students of Computer

2.1 Overview

This chapter is divided into two main sections:

i) Report format
ii) Layout and Arrangement of Contents

The formatting of the report is highlighted in the first section, followed by the contents in
the subsequent section.

2.2 Report Format

2.2.1 Language and Report Length

The report must be written in English with a minimum of thirty (30) pages. (excluding

2.2.2 Typing and Printing

Microsoft Word should be used for typing. All final copies of the report should be printed
on a laser printer for quality printing.

2.2.3 Typeface, Typing Quality and Font Size

The entire text of the report, including headings and page numbers, should be of the same
font or typeface. “Times New Roman” should consistently be used throughout the report.
Computer printouts should be clear and of high quality.

a) Font Size
The body text size is 12 points. Text should not be scripted or italicized except for:
 scientific names,
 terms in a different language, and quotations
Footnotes and text tables should not be less than 8 points.

1 Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences (FSKM)

UiTM Cawangan Melaka
Jasin Campus
Report Format CSC397 2018

b) Headings and Subheadings

These should be in bold print in font size 14 point.

c) Margins
Margin specifications are meant to facilitate binding and trimming. The stipulated
margins for the general text are as follows:
 Top edge: 3.0 cm
 Right side: 2.5 cm
 Left side: 3.0 cm
 Bottom edge: 3.0 cm

All information including text headings, footnotes and illustrations should be within
these margins.

d) Paragraphs
A new paragraph at the bottom of a page must have at least two full lines of text: if not, it
should begin on the next page.

e) Spacing
Use 1.5 spaces between lines and 2 spaces between paragraphs. The following,
however, should be single-spaced:
 reference or bibliography (except between entries)
 multi-line captions (tables, figures)
 appendices, such as questionnaires, letters

f) Page Numbering
All pages including the references, bibliography, appendices, tables and figures should
be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3).

The position of the page number must be consistent throughout the report.

The preliminaries such as the Acknowledgement are numbered in consecutive lower case
Roman Numerals (i, ii, iii, iv, etc.)

Each appendix should be identified separately using a capital letter (Appendix A,

Appendix B, etc.) on the top right-hand margin of the text. The pages of the appendices
should also be numbered consecutively.

No page numbers are required for the following:

 title page

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Jasin Campus
Report Format CSC397 2018

 separator sheets (e.g. separator preceding each Appendix)

2.2.4 Subdivisions
No specific requirement as far as a systematic scheme of arrangement must be used
consistently throughout the report. Subdivisions should be consistent throughout the

2.2.5 Notes and Footnotes

Footnotes, if at all necessary, should be kept to a minimum. The font size used for notes
and footnotes should not be less than 8 points.

2.2.6 Tables
Tables must be properly centered on the page within the prescribed margins. Each table
must have a reference number (in Arabic numeral) and a caption. It may be useful to
group tables in each chapter together and to number them in sequence.

For example, tables found in Chapter 4 should be numbered Table 4.1, Table 4.2, Table
4.3, and so on.

The word Table, its number and its caption appear above the table. If any table continues
to the following or subsequent pages, the top line of the page reads (for example): Table
16 continued. The caption is not repeated. If a table is taken from another source, the
reference must be cited properly at the bottom of the table.

2.2.7 Figures
Figures may be illustrations, graphs, maps, charts and diagrams - in fact, anything that is
neither script nor table. The word Figure, its number (in Arabic numeral), and its caption
are placed below the figure. A figure should not normally extend beyond one page.
However, if it does, the same guidelines for tables should be followed. Figures should be
grouped and numbered in sequence. For example, Figure 3.1 should be located in
Chapter 3.

2.2.8 Equations and Formulas

Every equation should be numbered according to the chapter where it appears. Use
Microsoft Equation Editor.
For example:
F = ma ... (2.1)
It is the first equation in Chapter 2.

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UiTM Cawangan Melaka
Jasin Campus
Report Format CSC397 2018

2.3 Layouts and Arrangement of Contents

Every report is composed of three parts:

 The preliminary section

 The text or main body, usually divided into chapters and sections
 The reference materials, usually consisting of references and/or bibliography and
The contents of each part should be arranged in a logical order using sections and sub-
sections, all correctly numbered.

The following is an example of how various sections in a report are arranged. It is

recommended that this sequencing be used as a guide; not every report includes all the
items listed below.
No. Item Remarks
1. Title page Not paginated but counted as ‘i’
2. Dedication Not paginated; not listed in Table of Contents but
(optional) counted as ‘ii’
3. Acknowledgements Paginated as ‘ii’ or ‘iii’ if there is a dedication; listed
in Table of Contents

4. Table of Contents Paginated (continuing lower case Roman numeral on

preceding page pagination), but not listed in Table of
5. List of Tables Paginated (continuing lower case Roman numeral on
preceding page pagination) listed in Table of
6. List of Figures Paginated (continuing lower case Roman numeral on
preceding page pagination): listed in Table of
7. List of Paginated (continuing lower case Roman numeral on
Abbreviations or preceding page pagination); listed in Table of
Glossary Contents
8. Main body (Content) Paginated beginning with page 1 (Arabic numerals)
9. References and/or Paginated with the running number continuing from
Bibliography the last page of the text
10. Appendices Insert a leaf with only the word ‘APPENDICES’ in the
center of the page; this separator sheet is counted
but not paginated. The actual appendices are

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UiTM Cawangan Melaka
Jasin Campus
Report Format CSC397 2018

paginated using subsequent numbers of


2.3.1 Preliminary Section

The Preliminaries are made up of a few sections. The heading of every section must be
in capital letters (except the title page) and is centered without punctuation about 3 cm
from the top of the page; the text or listing begins four spaces below. All pages in the
‘Preliminaries’ are numbered in lower case Roman numerals.

All pages in the ‘Preliminaries’ are numbered in lower case Roman numerals.

a) Window Page
This page (the window) uses the standard industrial/practical training cover
provided by the faculty. This page must contain the following information:
 Title of the report
 Industry attached (company’s name)
 Full name of student and ID
It should be Centered, Capitalize, Times New Roman, Font size 14 for the first line,
size 12 for the remaining lines and Bold.

b) Title Page
This page must contain the following information:

 University name
Alignment: Center
 Title of the report Case: Capitalize
 The company’s name Font type: Times New Roman
Font Size: 18 points, Bold
Spacing: Single space

 The company’s name and address

 Full name of author and ID
 The Faculty concerned Alignment: Center
 The diploma for which the report is Case: Capitalize
submitted (e.g. Diploma in Computer Font type: Times New Roman
Science) Font Size: 14 points, Bold
Spacing: Single space
Name of Program.
 The Faculty name
 The month and year in which the
5 Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences (FSKM)
UiTM Cawangan Melaka
Jasin Campus
Report Format CSC397 2018

report is submitted.

c) Approval Page
This page must contain the following information:
 Approved by:
 Supervisor’s Name Alignment: Center
 Department Case: Capitalize
 Signature Font type: Times New Roman
 Date Font Size: 14 and 12 points, Bold
Spacing: Double space

d) Acknowledgements
Include a brief statement of appreciation in recognition of any special assistance
rendered to the candidate during the period of research.

e) Table of Contents
The titles of parts, sections or chapters and their principal subdivisions should be
listed in the Table of Contents and must be worded exactly as they appear in the
body of the report. It is advisable to use numbers for heading (e.g. 5), sub-headings
(e.g. 5.1), and subheadings (e.g. 5.1.8). For further divisions of headings, small
letters within parent report (e.g. 5.1.8 [e]) may be used.

Such a numbering system, combined with careful indentation and a judicious use
of the upper and lower case and italics, could give at a glance the main and
subordinate headings and their relationship with one another. There should not be
more than three (3) digits in the numbering system. Major headings within chapters
are centered. Sub-headings appear at the left margin.

If a report comprises more than one volume, the content of the whole report is
shown in the first volume and the content of the subsequent volume(s) in the
respective volume(s).
The words VOLUME ONE (1 or I), VOLUME TWO… and so on must be printed
(centered) beneath the respective TABLE OF CONTENTS of each volume.

f) List of Tables and Figures

These lists must use exactly the same numbers and captions that appear above
the tables or below the figures in the text or in the appendices.

g) List of Symbols, Abbreviations or Nomenclature

If necessary, these lists appear after the lists of tables and figures.
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Jasin Campus
Report Format CSC397 2018

2.3.2 The Text

The text is made up of a number of sections depending on the types of project. The
project might be system development, multimedia or networking and PC maintenance.
The major sections of the report normally include, among other things, the following:

System development/multimedia has the following sections;

a) Chapter One : Introduction

This section sets forth the rationale, significance and objectives of the study and industrial
training. It includes details of the industrial training background, the benefits to the of
development organization, student & institution.

b) Chapter Two : Company background

This section includes a general introduction of organization, organization chart, aim and
objective of organization.

c) Chapter Three : Research on the Current System and Proposed System

This section includes a fully-referenced review and discussion of previous studies which
are relevant to the system. Previous studies include flow chart and problem statement.

This section provides the proposed system, objectives and scope. System analysis
includes hardware and software need, planning / schedule and gantt chart.

d) Chapter Four : Design

This section includes business rules, Entity Relationship Diagram, Context Diagram,
Diagram 0 and process flow. However, this section might be different for multimedia

For multimedia, this section includes navigational chart & storyboard.

e) Chapter Five : Implementation

This section includes the end product/system such as interface and details about each

f) Chapter Six : Conclusion and Recommendations

This section highlights the contribution of the findings to new knowledge/applications. It
should also discuss the scope for further research based on the results and findings, and
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Jasin Campus
Report Format CSC397 2018

the limitations faced in carrying out the research. Candidates may make change to the
above structure of the report based on the nature of the research.

Networking and PC maintenance has the following sections;

a) Chapter One : Introduction

b) Chapter Two : Company Background

c) Chapter Three : Research on the Current System and Proposed System

d) Chapter Four : Network Design & Implementation

e) Chapter Five : Current System Testing and Maintenance (include at least 5

computer maintenance activities)

f) Chapter Six : Conclusion and Recommendations

2.3.3 Reference Materials

a) References and Bibliography

Any report which makes use of other researchers’ work, either in direct quotation or by
reference, must contain a ‘References’ section listing these sources, If pertinent works
have been consulted but are not specifically cited in the text, they should be separately
listed as “Bibliography.”

This section begins on a fresh page bearing the heading REFERENCES in capital letters,
centered without punctuation, about 3.5 cm from the top. The list of references begins
four spaces below the heading and is double-spaced between entries but single-spaced
within each entry. A three-space indentation should be used for entries exceeding a single

It is recommended that theses in the humanities and social sciences use the MLA or APA
citation styles, while those in science and technology use the ISO or APA styles.
Candidates are advised to look up the latest conventions of referencing from their
websites. Samples of the APA style are given in the appendix section of this handbook.
(Appendix E)

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A report should use only one citation style that suits its norm of academic writing and be
consistent in its usage.

b) Appendices
This section may contain supplementary illustrative materials such as original data,
questionnaires, formulas and quotations too long for inclusion in the text or not
immediately essential to the understanding of the subject. A description of lengthy
experimental methods or the list of names of participants may be included.

This section is separated from the preceding material by a separator sheet bearing the
heading APPENDICES in capital letters (or, if there is only one, APPENDIX), centered
without punctuation. This sheet is numbered but not paginated.

This section may be divided into Appendix A, Appendix B, etc. Each appendix with its title
(if it has one) should he listed separately in the Table of Contents as a first order
subdivision under the heading APPENDICES.

Tables and figures in the Appendices must be numbered and captioned and also listed in
the List of Tables and List of Figures (if these are used) in the Preliminaries.

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UiTM Cawangan Melaka
Jasin Campus

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