Week Class 46 2 Alpha Topic Content Standard: DAY: Wednesday Time Subject DATE: 15 July 2020 7.45-8.45am B.Inggeris
Week Class 46 2 Alpha Topic Content Standard: DAY: Wednesday Time Subject DATE: 15 July 2020 7.45-8.45am B.Inggeris
Week Class 46 2 Alpha Topic Content Standard: DAY: Wednesday Time Subject DATE: 15 July 2020 7.45-8.45am B.Inggeris
Berpusat Kerja
46 2 ALPHA DATE : 15 July 2020 7.45-8.45am B.INGGERIS Murid Kumpulan
TOPIC 1.0 Listening and speaking Kolaboratif
Proses Taksiran
Penilaian Formatif
CONTENT STANDARD 3.1 Able to form letters and words in neat legible print
KBAT Pembejajaran
Mencipta Mengaplikasi
OBJECTIVE Pupils will be able to read and write phrases correctly
Menilai memahami
Menganalisa Mengingati
CRITERIA SUCCESS Pupils will be able to listen and write in neat legible print
aktiviti PAK21
SET Teacher will play a song in the laptop and pupils will respond
Round Table Gallery Walk
CLASS pupils will identify the simple phrases Think
3 Stray 1 Stay
BASED Pair/Share
Role Play
HOTS Pupils will know the meaning of the phrases KAEDAH PENTAKSIRAN
Mencipta Mengaplikasi
OBJECTIVE Pupils will be able to read the fill in the blanks correctly
Menilai memahami
Menganalisa Mengingati
CRITERIA SUCCESS Pupils will be able to say the rooms in the house
aktiviti PAK21
Role Play
HOTS Pupils will know when to tell hello to each other KAEDAH PENTAKSIRAN