3rd Sem Syllabus
3rd Sem Syllabus
3rd Sem Syllabus
Web Programming
3 0 2 4 15 15 40 15 15
CECSC04 CC and
Data Structure
1. To understand the development and transition of the web.
2. To Learn creating the web pages and apply the styles
3. To learn the web programming for simple day to day work.
4. To learn fetching the object using latest technologies and using them to process
5. To write a full-fledged web based application and deploy it.
IIS and Apache: introduction, architecture, client – server side scripting, requesting documents.
Database: Introduction, RDBMS, SQL – simple queries, ADO.NET object model, Java DB/
Apache Derby
PHP: introduction, basics, form processing and business logic, connecting to a database, using
Ruby on Rails: Intro, Ruby, Rails Framework, scripting
ASP.NET and ASP.NET Ajax: introduction, creating and running a simple web form example,
relationship, generating XHTML code, web controls, sessions tracking.
At the end of the course students will be able to
CO1: understand fundamentals of database management systems.
CO 2: design database models and learn database languages to write queries to extract
information from databases.
CO 3: Identify database anomalies and improve the design of database management
CO 4: understand transaction management and concurrency control.
CO 5: understand storage organization and database recovery.
Introduction: Database management system Characteristics of the Database, Database
Systems and Architecture, Data Models, Schemes & Instances, DBMS Architecture & Data
Independence, Database administrator & Database Users, Database Languages &
Interfaces, DDL, DML, DCL, Overview Relational Data Base Management Systems
Data Modeling: Data modeling using The Entity-Relationship Model – Entities, Attributes
and Relationships, Cardinality of Relationships, Strong and Weak Entity Sets,
Generalization, Specialization, and Aggregation, Translating your ER Model into Relational
Model, Relationships of higher degree.
Relational Model, Languages & Systems: Relational Data Model concepts, Relational
Model Constraints, integrity constraints ,Keys domain constraints, referential integrity,
assertions triggers, foreign key
Relational Algebra and calculus, SQL. Database security.
Relational Data Base Design: Functional Dependencies & Normalization for Relational
Databases, Functional Dependencies, Normal Forms Based on Primary Keys, (1NF, 2NF,
3NF & BCNF), Lossless Join and Dependency Preserving Decomposition, Functional
dependencies and its closure, covers and equivalence.
Transaction Management: Transaction Concept and State, Implementation of Atomicity
and Durability, Concurrent Executions, Serializability: Testing of serializability,
Serializability of schedules, conflict & view serializable schedule.
Concurrency Control Techniques: Lock-Based Protocols, Timestamp-based Protocols,
validation based protocol. Deadlock Handling
Recovery System
Recoverability: Failure Classification, Storage Structure, Recovery and Atomicity, Log-based
Recovery, Shadow Paging, Recovery with Concurrent Transactions
List of Experiments:
Following is only a suggestive list of experiments. For better coverage faculty may increase the list
of experiments.
Write SQL queries and relational algebraic expression for the following
a) Find the names of the customer who have purchased no item. Set default value of Cust_balance as 0
for such customers.
b) Write the trigger to update the CUST_BALANCE in the CUSTOMER table when a new invoice
record is entered for the customer.
c) Find the customers who have purchased more than three units of a product on a day.
d) Write a query to illustrate Left Outer, Right Outer and Full Outer Join.
e) Count number of products sold on each date.
f) As soon as customer balance becomes greater than Rs. 100,000, copy the customer_num in new table
g) Add a new attribute CUST_DOB in customer table
Students are required to develop a DBMS for the applications assigned to them. Following items are
required to be submitted for the project
a) Problem Statement
b) ER model/ Relational Model
c) Integrity Constraints implemented
d) Suitable Queries to create and manage database
Note: Students have to make sure that they have defined proper integrity constraints to ensure
consistency of database used in assignments as well as project.
Text book:
1. Korth ,Silbertz, Sudarshan, ”Data base concepts”, McGraw-Hill, 2013
Reference books
1.Elmasri, Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database systems”, Addison Wesley, 2010
2.Date C.J., ”An Introduction to Database systems”, Addison-Wesley Longman,
Theory Practical
Design Programming
CECSC06 CC and 3 0 2 4 15 15 40 15 15 Data
Analysi Structures
s of
1. To be able to analyze the asymptotic performance of algorithms.
2. To be able to write rigorous correctness proofs for algorithms.
3. Ably demonstrate a familiarity with major algorithms and data
4. To be able to apply important algorithmic design paradigms and
methods of analysis.
5. To be able to synthesize efficient algorithms in common engineering
design situations.
Design and Analysis of Algorithms Asymptotic notations and their significance,
introduction to RAM model of computation, complexity analysis of algorithms, worst case
and average case. Basic introduction to algorithmic paradigms like divide and conquer,
recursion, greedy, etc.
Searching: binary search trees, balanced binary search trees, AVL trees and red-black
trees, B-trees, skip lists, hashing Priority queues, heaps, Interval trees, tries. Order
statistics. Sorting: comparison based sorting - quick sort, heap sort, merge sort: worst and
average case analysis. Decision tree model and (worst case) lower bound on sorting. Sorting
in linear time - radix sort, bucket sort, counting sort, etc. String matching.
Graph Algorithms: BFS, DFS, connected components, topological sort, minimum spanning
trees, shortest paths - single source and all pairs.Models of computation: RAM model and
its logarithmic cost. Formal introduction to algorithmic paradigms: divide and conquer,
recursion, dynamic programming, greedy, branch and bound, etc. Advanced data
structures: Fibonacci heap, union-find, splay trees. Amortized complexity analysis
Randomized algorithms: Randomized algorithms to be introduced a bit early, i.e., before NP-
completeness to highlight randomization as an algorithmic technique. Application areas:
Geometric algorithms: convex hulls, nearest neighbor, Voronoi diagram, etc. Algebraic and
number-theoretic algorithms: FFT, primality testing, etc.
Graph algorithms: network flows, matching, etc. Optimization techniques: linear
programming Reducibility between problems and NP-completeness: discussion of different
NP-complete problems like satisfiability, clique, vertex cover, independent set, Hamiltonian
cycle, TSP, knapsack, set cover, bin packing, etc. Backtracking, branch and bound,
Approximation algorithms: Constant ratio approximation algorithms.
1. To understand the architecture of modern processors and organization of its
components, and relationship between hardware and software in digital machines.
2. To design instructions and corresponding logic circuits for a simple CPU with its
essential components such as ALU, a register file, memory and input-output.
3. To understand the organization of computer systems
4. To understand the computation standards and using them in writing algorithms
5. To appreciate the evolving technology that governs the evolution of modern computers
and continue to keep abreast of state-of-art in computing technology
Overview of computer organization: Characteristics of a general purpose computer,
The stored program concept, von Neumann architecture, Harvard architecture,
Programmer’s model - the Instruction set architecture (ISA), ISA design and performance
criteria, Basic computer organization with CPU, memory and IO subsystems,
Interconnect busses, Evolution of CISC and RISC based processors and their merging.
Central Processing Unit: Specification of a simple CPU using RTL, Design of the data path
for the simple CPU, Designing the hardwired control path for the simple CPU, Performance
analysis of the simple CPU, Enhancement of the ISA for the simple CPU and design
extensions, Characteristics of RISC CPU design: ISA characteristics, pipelining, data and
instruction caches, Practical case studies in CISC type and RISC type CPU designs.
Unit 1 - Intel 8085 microprocessor: Basic concepts of microprocessor, microcomputer,
microcontroller. Architecture (pins, signals, buses, register set), addressing modes,
instruction set (instruction format, opcode, mnemonic), subroutines, timing diagrams
and t-states of different instructions, programming, recursive programs, vectored and
non-vectored interrupts and interrupt handling of 8085.
Unit 2 - Intel 8086 microprocessor: Architecture (pins, bus interface unit, execution
unit, register set, pipelining), memory addressing, segmentation, instruction set (data
transfer, arithmetic, logic, string, long and short control transfer and processor control),
timing diagrams, operating modes, programming, assemblers, address-objects,
parameter passing to subroutines, hardware and software interrupts and interrupt
handling of 8086.
Unit 3 - Interfacing of microprocessors: Interfacing a microprocessor with RAM and
ROM chips, address allocation and decoding techniques. Interfacing with LED, LCD,
ADC, DAC, toggle switch and keypad. Memory-mapped i/o. Interfacing with 8255
programmable peripheral interface (architecture, ports, i/o modes and BSR mode). Basic
architecture and features of 8254 programmable timer, 8257 programmable DMA
controller, 8259 programmable interrupt controller, 8279 programmable keyboard and
display controller and 8087 math coprocessor.
Unit 4 - Microcontrollers: 8051 microcontroller: architecture, i/o ports, memory
organization, addressing modes, instruction set, simple programs. Introduction to IoT:
basic architecture, sensing and actuating, application domains.
Unit 5 - High-end microprocessors and microcontrollers: Important features of 32-bit
processors, RISC and Pentium. Implementation of memory management schemes like
segmentation, paging and virtual memory at the hardware level. Introduction to
Arduino: basic architecture, hardware and software, simple programs.
1. Ramesh S. Gaonkar, “Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications
with the 8085” Prentice Hall.
2. D. V. Hall, “Microprocessor and Interfacing Programming & Hardware” TMH – 2nd
3. S. P. Morse, “8086 Primer: An Introduction to Its Architecture, System Design and
Programming” Hayden Book Co.
4. S. Monk, “Programming Arduino: Getting Started with Sketches”, 2nd Edition,
5. M.A. Mazidi et. al. “The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems: Using
Assembly and C” Pearson Publishers.