Torque Chart - Recommended Values - Indicative Only
Torque Chart - Recommended Values - Indicative Only
Torque Chart - Recommended Values - Indicative Only
Grade 3.6 4.6 4.8 5.6 5.8 6.8 8.8 10.9 12.9
across Torque Torque Torque Torque Torque Torque Torque Torque Torque
flats Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm Nm
Several factors affect how much tension occurs when a given amount of tightening
torque is applied.
The basic formula T = K x D x P takes these factors into account and provided users
with a starting point for establishing an initial target tightening torque:
T = target tighten torque (result in this formula is inch pounds, dividing by 12 yields foot
K = coefficient of friction (nut factor) always an estimation in this formula *
D = Bolts nominal diameter in inches
P = Bolts desired tensible load in pounds (generally 75% of yield strength)
The reason all applications should be evaluated to determine the optimum tightening
torque is that the K factor in this formula is always an estimate. The most commonly
used bolting factors K are 0.20 for plain finished bolts, 0.22 for zinc plated bolts, and
0.10 for waxed or highly lubricated bolts.
T = 0.22 * 0.75 * 23046 Pounds / 12 = 317 (317 * 1.3558 = 430Nm)
In order to work out your specific required torque use the above formula using the
values P = tensile load in pound which usually is 75% of yield strength and the tensile
stress area for the specific bolt used).
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Recommended bolt tension for shaft and stretch bolts at 90% of bolt yield strength -
METRIC coarse threads
Quality 8.8 Quality 10.9 Quality 12.9
tensile load 640 tensile load 900 tensile load 900
Bolt size N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2
tensile stress 660 tensile stress 940 tensile stress 940
N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2
Width Bolt tension for Bolt tension for Bolt tension for Bolt tension for Bolt tension for Bolt tension for
M across bolts with shaft stretch bolts bolts with shaft stretch bolts bolts with shaft stretch bolts
mm flats
1 in = 0.0254 m
1 in = 25.4 mm
Lenght 1m = 39.3701 "
1m = 3.2808 ft
1 mm = 0.0393701 "
1 lb = 0.4536 kg
1 kg = 2.2046 lb
1 kpm = 9.8067 Nm
1 ft lb = 1.3558 Nm
In lb = 0.1130 Nm
1 Nm = 0.7376 ft lb
1 bar = 100 kPa
1 kp/cm2 at = 98.0665 kPa
1 psi = 6.8948 kPa or 0.01 bar
1 kPa = 0.0101972 kp/cm2 at
1 kpm/s = 9.8067 W
Power 1 hp = 0.7457 kW
1 kW = 1.3410 hp
1 m3/min = 16.667 l/s
1 cfm = 0.4720 l/s
1 m3/h = 0.2778 l/s
1 l/s = 2.1189 cfm