Audittrail in Oracle Applications: Steps To Setup Audittrail
Audittrail in Oracle Applications: Steps To Setup Audittrail
Audittrail in Oracle Applications: Steps To Setup Audittrail
Step 1. Logon to the Applications as the sysadmin user and select the System
Administrator responsibility.
Step 2. Make sure APPLSYS has select privileges on SYS.DBA_TABLES.
For example, if you are auditing the PA_PROJECTS_ALL table, use the
following SQL statement to verify this:
Step 3. Now we need to define auditgroups: It is required to group the tables that
we need to audit since auditing is enabled on an audit groups basis.
Step 4. Now define audit installations: In order to be able to audit across application
installations, you must specify the Oracle ID's whose tables you wish to audit.
At this point, you will need to specify the list of columns from the table you
want audited.
Step 5. Run the "AuditTrail Update Tables" report from the submit request form to
enable auditing.
Author – A.Kishore/Sachin
Creates shadow tables with a name of the first 26 characters of the audit
table and a "_A" suffix. The columns will have the same data types as
those of the audited table. The program also creates views _AC# and
_AV# on the shadow table to facilitate the access of data. The "#" in the
view name represents a number, and can be any number depending on
how many views are needed to access the data. The _AC# view contains
the current state of the data at the time of query from the join of the
shadow table and the table audited. The _AV# view contains the same
data as the shadow table plus the current value of the rows. Basically, the
_AC# view contains the current status of the audited table with the
unchanged columns filled-in with the unchanged values. The shadow
table has special columns in addition to the columns we specified to be
AUDIT_TIMESTAMP(DATE): Keeps track of date(HH:MI:SS) and time when
auditing was done.
PRIMARY KEY: The combined columns primary key value for the table
audited. This is not a special column but the actual value of the primary
key for the table.
Author – A.Kishore/Sachin