Naskah Publikasi
Naskah Publikasi
Naskah Publikasi
Trisiah Setiyowati
[email protected]
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) can help Indonesia in the framework of
development activities. Foreign capital can be used to increase development capital
in Indonesia so as to increase economic growth in order to prosper the community.
This study is used to find out that interest rates, exchange rate of the rupiah against
the US dollar, inflation and gross domestic product affect on Foreign Direct
Investment. The data used by researchers in the form of secondary data from
foreign investment variables, interest rates, the exchange rate of the rupiah against
the US dollar, inflation and gross domestic product which are time series data for
a period of 30 years (1988-2018). This research uses the Error Correction Model
(ECM) method. The results showed that the variable interest rates had a positive
and not significant effect on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Inflation has a
negative and significant impact on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the long run.
Whereas in the short term inflation has a negative and not significant effect on
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), and the exchange rate of the rupiah against the
US dollar and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) had a positive and significant effect
on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) ) in the long term and short term
development that occurs within the country (Wahyudin and Yuliadi, 2013).
Economic growth is a process of increasing total income and income per capita by
condition during a certain period and can also be linked as a state of increased
national income.
must reserve or save a portion of its national income to add or replace capital goods.
To spur the process of economic growth, new investment is needed which is a net
Tambunan (2015) explained that of the many factors of general economic growth
it can be said that one of the main sources of economic growth is investment that
can improve the quality of capital or human and physical resources, which can
regions. This source of FDI financing is the most potential source of foreign
sources of financing, this is because the entry of FDI into a country is followed by
Based on information from the data taken from World Bank 2019, the
development of Indonesia FDI has increased and Decreased during the period 1988-
dollars, this happened not only in Indonesia but also in global international FDI in
2018 also decreased by 20 percent. Apart from the causes of rising and falling FDI
Rate, Exchnage Rate, Inflation, and GDP to advance a country's performance and
and GDP to Foreign Direct Investement has been carried out, including by Rizky et
economic growth in Indonesia. This means that if the value of foreign investment
increase, economic growth will also increase. The result of the study that conduct
by Septifany et al (2015) shows that Interest Rate has a positive and significant
effect of FDI in Indonesia, while inflation and exchange rate had a negative effect
and significant effect on FDI in indonesia. In the same year research that conduct
by Gharaibeh (2015) the results shows that inflation variable does not significantly
a. Foreign Investment
which is carried out by foreign investors, both using complete foreign capital or in
Investment Capital).
Foreign direct investment (FDI) consists of tangible assets, namely the purchase of
in interpreting investment policies that can be selected as the basis for investment
law or policy considerations from the interests of the recipient country (home
country), namely Neo Classical Economic theory, this theory explains that the
influx of investment has a positive and accepting impact on foreign investment,
because foreign investment is considered to be very beneficial for the home country.
Dependency Theory, This theory does not accept the inflow of foreign investment,
and views the entry of foreign investors to overwhelm domestic investment and
take over the position and role of domestic investment in the national economy. The
Middle Path Theory, this theory considers that the inclusion of foreign investment
Anna (2012) said that the interest rate is the level paid or the burden of the use of
funds or in other words the cost of loans. According to Ernita (2013) interest rates
that increase due to a decrease in investment and vice versa, when interest rates
have decreased the investment will increase due to a decrease in investment costs.
Wiagustini (2014: 360) states that the exchange rate represents the number of units
exchange rate can affect investment, the effects that occur depend on the objectives
Inflation can affect the stability of the economy in a country because it can
demand for goods due to high inflation in a Sukirno country (2005: 381) in Pratiwi
et al., (2015). Inflation has a negative impact on investment activities in the form
rate is low and will increase FDI in Indonesia. Economic growth is reflected in the
increased ability of a country to dprovide for the needs (economic goods) of its
are needed to be able to improve these capabilities (Todaro and Smith, 2012). Good
Type of data in this research is Quantitative data that is secondary data. This
research aims to examine the influence of Interest Rate, Exchange Rate, Inflation
The data needed in this study was collected by conducting non participant
1. Research Method
In analyzing the influence of interest rates, inflation, exchange rates and GDP
variables on FDI in Indonesia is tested using the Error Correction Model (ECM)
research model. This ECM research model is used to test whether or not the
also an econometrics tool used with the aim of identifying long-term and short-
term relationships that occur because of the cointegration between research
variables (Basuki, 2017). In this study, the ECM model used is:
+b4D(log(𝐺𝐷𝑃𝑡 )) +ECT(-1) + 𝑒𝑡
Where is :
𝐼𝑁𝐹𝑡 = Inflation
b0 = Constanta
𝑒𝑡 = residual
2. Hypothesis test
This stationary data problem is very important because if the regression is not
be seen from the high R-sqared and t-statistics that seem significant.
authoritative model of each variable. According to Basuki (2018), This unit root
test is used to test the stationary time series data. if a time series data has been
tested and has results that are not stationary then it can be said that the data has a
Where the ∆𝐹𝐷𝐼𝑡−1 = (∆𝐹𝐷𝐼𝑡−1 − ∆𝐹𝐷𝐼𝑡−2 ) and so on, m is the long oftime-lag
if the time series data at the unit root test stage is not stationary, then the next
step is to perform a degree of integration test to find out in order of the degree to
which the data will be stationary. Models in the integration test are as follows:
∆𝑭𝑫𝑰𝒕 = 𝜷𝟏 + 𝜹∆𝑭𝑫𝑰𝒕−𝟏 + 𝜶𝒕 ∑ ∆𝑭𝑫𝑰𝒕−𝟏 + 𝒆𝒕
∆𝑭𝑫𝑰𝒕 = 𝜷𝟏 + 𝜷𝟐 𝑻 + 𝜹∆𝑭𝑫𝑰𝒕−𝟏 + 𝜶𝒕 ∑ ∆𝑭𝑫𝑰𝒕−𝟏 + 𝒆𝒕
The t-statistic value of the test results is then compared with the t-statistic value
the q value in both equations looks the same or can be symbolized ∆𝐹𝐷𝐼𝑡 ~𝐼.
3) Cointegration Test
tests that are often used. OLS testing is carried out with the following formula:
𝑭𝑫𝑰𝒕 = 𝒂𝟎 + 𝒂𝟏 ∆𝑰𝑹𝒕 + 𝒂𝟐 𝑰𝑵𝑭𝒕 + 𝒂𝟑 𝑲𝑼𝑹𝑺𝒕 + 𝒂𝟑 𝑮𝑫𝑷𝒕 + 𝐞𝒕
a. Multicollinearity Test
b. Heterokedesticity Test
have the same variant. So that this can lead to various problems, namely biased
OLS estimators, variants of OLS coefficients will be wrong. (Basuki and Yuliadi,
c. Autocorrelation Test
error of the intruder in the period t with the error of the intruder in the period t-1
find out the existence of autocorrelation or not done by the Lagrange Multiplier
(LM) test. Where if the value of Obs * R Squared is smaller than the value of the
d. Normality test
This normality test aims to test whether the residuals are normally distributed
or not. In this test can be done using the Jarque-Berra test (J-B test). In this test it
can be seen if -value> = 10%, it is concluded that the data used in the ECM model
e. Linearity Test
Linearity test is used to see whether the model built has a linear relationship
or not. The linearity test can be performed using the Durbin-Watson test, Ramsey
f. Test of Significance
g. F test
This F-statistic test is performed to see how much influence the independent
variable as a whole or together has on the dependent variable. The hypothesis used
h. T test
T-test was conducted to determine the significance of the influence of the
From this study it can be seen that testing at the level only variable inflation and
interest rates are stationary because the probability value of the variable magnitude
is below 0,05 while the variables FDI, KURS and GDP are declared not stationary
because the probability value of each variable is magnitude above 0,05. Thus,
because all variables are known to be not stationary, data testing is done at the First
Difference level.
Table 4.1.
Unit Root Test Results (First Difference)
Variable Level Prob
FDI 0.8592 0.0001
IR 0.0398 0.0000
KURS 0.8759 0.0007
INF 0.0001 0.0000
GDP 0.9656 0.0034
Source: Processed Results of Eviews 10 Student Version
b. Long-term Estimated Test
Table 4.2.
Long-term Estimated Results
Variabel Coefficient T count
IR 0.020430 0.568601
LOG(KURS) 1.011043 5.567833
INF -0.043556 -2.93219
LOG(GDP) 0.816598 3.142647
Prob (F-Statistic) 0.000000
Source: Processed Results of Eviews 10 Student Version
The table shows the Prob (F-statistic) of 0.000000, which is smaller than 0.05,
indicating that the existing long-term equation is valid. The value t count of Interest
Rate 0.568601 KURS is 5.567833 , inflation -2.932198 and GDP 3.142647, those
3 variables (kurs, Inflation and GDP) also have significant probability which is
below 0.05 shows that the variable KURS, inflation, and GDP have a long-term
c. Cointegration Test
Cointegration test is a continuation of the unit root test which aims to find out the
Table 4.3.
Data Unit Root Test Results
Variable Probability Information
ECT 0.0039 There is cointegration
Source: Processed Results of Eviews 10 Student Version
In table 4.8, it is known that the probability value of the ECT variable is below
0.05. This shows that the ECT variable is stationary at the level and implies that the
interest, exchange rate, inflation and GDP variables are cointegrated so that the test
d. ECM Models
below 0.05 and the value of ECT (-1) which has a significant negative value,
indicates that the ECM model used is valid and significantly influences both in the
short term and long-term. Adjusted R² value of 79% shows that 21% of the diversity
Table 4.9.
Short-term Estimated Results (ECM)
Variabel Coefficient T count Prob.
D(IR) 0.007831 0.320536 0.7513
D(LOG(KURS)) 1.620686 2.343179 0.0277
D(INF) -0.018997 -1.869767 0.0738
D(LOG(GDP)) 2.762203 3.524852 0.0017
ECT(-1) -0.648887 -4.094900 0.0004
𝑅2 0.807144
𝐴𝑑𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑅 2 0.766965
Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000
Source:Processed Results of Eviews 10 Student Version
Short-term estimation results show that in the short term changes in exchange
rates and gross domestic product have a positive and significant effect on FDI.
Based on the processed data by Eviews 10, the prob value is obtained. Chi-
Square 0.1948 is greater than 0.05. Then it can be concluded that the model does
which is hifgher than 0.05. It can be concluded that there is not an autocorrelation
Based on the linearity test results the value of prob. The F-statistic of 0.4078, which
is greater than 0.05, shows that the ECM model used is appropriate.
Table 4.14.
ECM Equation Regression Results
Variabel Coefficient t- Statistic Prob.
C -0.144660 -1.260698 0.2195
D(IR) 0.007831 0.320536 0.7513
D(LOG(KURS)) 1.620686 2.343179 0.0277
D(INF) -0.018997 -1.869767 0.0738
D(LOG(GDP)) 2.762203 3.524852 0.0017
ECT(-1) -0.648887 -4.094900 0.0004
F-statistic 20.08898
Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000
Adjusted R2 0.766965
Durbin-Wats on Stat 1.264587
Source: Processed Results of Eviews 10 Student Version
a. Test F
0.000000. because the result of a significant probability that is smaller than 0.005
means that it can be concluded that Interest Rates, Exchange Rates, inflation and
b. Test F
0.7513. because the significant level is greater than 0.05, the interest rate partially
0.0277. because the significant level is less than 0.05, the exchange rate is partially
0.0738. because the significant level is greater than 0.05, the inflation rate does not
0.0017. because the significant level is less than 0.05, partially the GDP has a
evaluating the best regression model. Because in this study using more than one
independent variable. Based on the regression results in table 4.14 it can be seen
that the Adjusted R-squared value of 0.766965 shows that the variation of the
Interest rates have a positive but not significant effect on FDI in Indonesia. For
maintain economic growth in Indonesia with all fiscal and monetary policies and
capital in Indonesia.
Indonesia. investors will invest in countries that have a stronger currency. With that,
Inflation has a negative and not significant effect on foreign direct investment
(FDI). Although inflation does not really affect FDI in Indonesia, the government
The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has a positive and significant effect on
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Indonesia. GDP and FDI are interrelated, If a
country's GDP increases, FDI will also increase and vice versa if GDP decreases,
FDI will also decrease. From this, the government is expected to continue
increasing the value of Indonesia's GDP in order to attract foreign investors to invest