Management of School System: and Growth Professional Development Teachers'
Management of School System: and Growth Professional Development Teachers'
Management of School System: and Growth Professional Development Teachers'
Dr. Marites U. Sy
Professional Growth
Consultation Development
Working Methodologies
Community Trainings/
Involvement Seminars
Curriculum Development is the backbone of the school system for without this, the school will
be paralyzed, thus it will not function well. That’s why curriculum planners and implementers,
and policy makers are doing their best to carry out the vision, mission and objectives of the
Department of Education in delivering quality education.
School system has its own development plan serves as blueprint towards planning
and crafting its curriculum to best serves its learners and stakeholders. The teachers are
responsible in lighting the torch and shaping the future of the learners. To better to these, the
teachers should be well equipped with proper trainings and skills towards the curriculum
improvement of the school.
Based on the study of Herbert A. Thelen on Group Dynamics in Curriculum
Improvement, there are number of approaches to the improvement of curriculum. It is stated
there that each has a limited usefulness, and each is correct as far as it goes.
The research study or article focuses on the Teachers’ Professional Growth and
Development as a tool for Curriculum Improvement. Bridging the gap of TPGD and CI, the
different approaches presented in the study will be used. To achieve this, curriculum planners
and implementers should consider the different approaches to the improvement of the
curriculum. First, teachers should undergo supervision and consultation. This means that teachers
should ask for technical assistance and support from the experienced teachers such as master
teachers, school heads and supervisors. The teacher should undergo instructional supervision to
improve his teaching. Second, school should create a working committee on the faculty to
address instructional issues and problems. The committees are assigned on different tasks to
make work easier and productive. Third, community involvement is significant in the
development of teachers. Working with people within the community is another learning
experience for the teachers that is needed for the improvement of the curriculum. Building a
connection from the school to the community contributes to education rather than to training
only. Fourth, teachers need recalibration through proper trainings and seminars to meet the
qualification for quality education so as to contribute to the improvement of curriculum. Fifth,
the application of a well-formulated method prepared by prepared by curriculum experts to be
used by the teachers in upgrading and improving teaching. The methodologies are of great help
to the teachers so as to meet the instructional needs of the learners.
Putting these approaches into account and into practice, school system could bridge
the gap of Teachers’ Professional Growth and Development and Curriculum Improvement. Thus,
TPGD is a tool for Curriculum Improvement a core and backbone of the School System.