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38 To test the aerodynamics of a new prototype

automobile, a scale model will be tested in a wind
Reference Book: Fluid Mechanics by Muson, 6th tunnel. For dynamic similarity, it will be required to
Ed. match Reynolds number between model and
prototype. Assuming that you will be testing a
Example 7.6. Model tests are to be performed to one-tenth-scale model and both model and
study the flow through a large check valve having prototype will be exposed to standard air
a 2-ft-diameter inlet and carrying water at a pressure, will it be better for the wind tunnel air to
flowrate of 30 cfs as shown in Fig. E7.6a. The be colder or hotter than standard sea-level air
working fluid in the model is water at the same temperature of ? Why?
temperature as that in the prototype. Complete
geometric similarity exists between model and 7.39 You are to conduct wind tunnel testing of a
prototype, and the model inlet diameter is 3 in. new football design that has a smaller lace height
than previous designs (see Videos V6.1 and V6.2).
Example 7.7. The drag on the airplane shown in It is known that you will need to maintain Re and
Fig. E7.7 cruising at 240 mph in standard air is to St similarity for the testing. Based on standard
be determined from tests on a 1:10 scale model college quarterbacks, the prototype parameters
placed in a pressurized wind tunnel. To minimize are set at and The prototype football has a 7-in.
compressibility effects, the air speed in the wind diameter. Due to instrumentation required to
tunnel is also to be 240 mph. measure pressure and shear stress on the surface
of the football, the model will require a length
Example 7.8. The spillway for the dam shown in
scale of 2:1 (the model will be larger than the
Fig. E7.8a is 20 m wide and is designed to carry
prototype). Determine the required model
125 m3/s at flood stage. A 1:15 model is
freestream velocity and model angular velocity.
constructed to study the flow characteristics
through the spillway. The effects of surface 7.40 A model of a submarine, 1 : 15 scale, is to be
tension and viscosity are to be neglected. tested at 180 ft s in a wind tunnel with standard
sea-level air, while the prototype will be operated
in seawater. Determine the speed of the
(a) Determine the required model width and prototype to ensure Reynolds number similarity.
7.41 SAE 30 oil at is pumped through a 3-ft-
(b) What operating time for the model diameter pipeline at a rate of A model of this
corresponds to a 24-hr period in the prototype? pipeline is to be designed using a 3-in.-diameter
pipe and water at as the working fluid. To
PROBLEM SET maintain Reynolds number similarity between
these two systems, what fluid velocity will be
7.36 Obtain a photograph/image of a prototype
required in the model?
and the corresponding model that was used for
testing. Print these photos and write a brief 7.42 The water velocity at a certain point along a
paragraph that describes the situation involved. 1 : 10 scale model of a dam spillway is 3 m s.
What is the corresponding prototype velocity if
7.37 Air at is to flow through a 2-ft pipe at an
the model and prototype operate in accordance
average velocity of 6 ft s. What size pipe should
with Froude number similarity?
be used to move water at and average velocity of
3 ft s if Reynolds number similarity is enforced? 7.43 The drag characteristics of a torpedo are to
be studied in a water tunnel using a 1 : 5 scale
model. The tunnel operates with freshwater at 20 corresponding to a hydrofoil velocity in seawater
°C, whereas the prototype torpedo is to be used at 15 mph? Assume Reynolds number similarity is
in seawater at To correctly simulate the behavior required.
of the prototype moving with a velocity of 30 ms,
7.49 A scale model is to be used in a towing tank
what velocity is required in the water tunnel?
to study the water motion near the bottom of a
7.44 For a certain fluid-flow problem it is known shallow channel as a large barge passes over. (See
that both the Froude number and the Weber Video V7.16.) Assume that the model is operated
number are important dimensionless parameters. in accordance with the Froude number criteria for
If the problem is to be studied by using a 1 : 15 dynamic similitude. The prototype barge moves at
scale model, determine the required surface a typical speed of 15 knots. (a) At what speed (in )
tension scale if the density scale is equal to 1. The should the model be towed? (b) Near the bottom
model and prototype operate in the same of the model channel a small particle is found to
gravitational field. move 0.15 ft in one second so that the fluid
velocity at that point is approximately Determine
7.45 The fluid dynamic characteristics of an
the velocity at the corresponding point in the
airplane flying 240 mph at 10,000 ft are to be prototype channel.
investigated with the aid of a 1 : 20 scale model. If
the model tests are to be performed in a wind 7.50 A solid sphere having a diameter d and
tunnel using standard air, what is the required air specific weight is immersed in a liquid having a
velocity in the wind tunnel? Is this a realistic specific weight and then released. It is desired to
velocity? use a model system to determine the maximum
height, h, above the liquid surface that the sphere
7.46 If an airplane travels at a speed of 1120 kmhr will rise upon release from a depth H. It can be
at an altitude of 15 km, what is the required speed assumed that the important liquid properties are
at an altitude of 8 km to satisfy Mach number the density, , specific weight, , and viscosity, .
similarity? Assume the air properties correspond Establish the model design conditions and the
to those for the U.S. standard atmosphere. prediction equation, and determine whether the
7.47 (See Fluids in the News article “Modeling same liquid can be used in both the model and
parachutes in a water tunnel,” Section 7.8.1.) Flow prototype systems.
characteristics for a 30-ft-diameter prototype
parachute are to be determined by tests of a 1-ft-
diameter model parachute in a water tunnel.
Some data collected with the model parachute
indicate a drag of 17 lb when the water velocity
is . Use the model data to predict the drag on the
prototype parachute

falling through air at . Assume the drag to be a

function of the velocity, V, the fluid density, , and
the parachute diameter, D.

7.48 The lift and drag developed on a hydrofoil

are to be determined through wind tunnel tests
using standard air. If full-scale tests are to be run,
what is the required wind tunnel velocity

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