Law College Prospectus - 2020
Law College Prospectus - 2020
Law College Prospectus - 2020
A Unit of S. S. Jain Subodh Shiksha Samiti
Established in 1918
Striving for Excellence
Law College
vision mission
· To establish as an excellent centre of · To promote excellence in the field of
legal educa on to strive for excellence Law
and achieve the best. · Educa ng students to be competent
· To make sure that each student flourish legal professionals in various streams of
and excel in his academic and personal the profession.
growth. · To Contribute towards the achievement
· To provide them an atmosphere of of cons tu onal mandate.
stress free living where they can extract · To empower students with knowledge
the best out of themselves. and confidence & transform them
· To nurture the quali es of each student into intellectually, socially & morally
and develop the spirit of leadership, responsible ci zens of the na on.
social responsibility, deep sense of legal · To make them courageous enough to
knowledge and the idea of fair jus ce. meet the challenges of life.
· To encourage and mo vate students to
par cipate in all curricular & extra
curriucular ac vi es so that they turn
into confident people.
S.S. Jain Subodh Law College has a
strong focus on academic excellence.
The law College would facilitate its
students to explore their intellectual
poten al and also encourage their
professional development through
its various programs and compulsory S.S. Jain Subodh Shiksha Sami is a
internship in Law Firms, under name to reckon with in the field of
Advocates, NGOs etc. educa on. It started way back
Contemporary teaching methods, in the year 1918 with handful of
pedagogy & mul media instruc ons students. Today it runs 19 educa onal
in classroom would be complemented ins tu ons in the city. More than 36
Legal educa on in India has undergone by fieldwork enabling students to thousand students and above 1000
a paradigm shi in the last two decades. gain insights to the prac cal side of staff members are engaged altogether.
The op on to study law is by choice Law. The college inculcates amongst We are working for quality educa on
rather than by chance is the essence of Its students a spirit to strive and in Rajasthan and running various
this shi . it is not because of one but achieve the desired goals. They have colleges with experience, co-
many factors. The Professional Law been provided a pla orm wherein opera on, planning, direc on and
Courses provide a new choice of career they can flourish their caliber and proper leadership. Our endeavor has
which not only empowers young minds poten al to the maximum. This resulted in the con nuous progress
to take up social causes but also the encouragement is provided to them and development of the society.
opportuni es present in a globalized by highly skilled and experienced It gives me immense happiness and
world. Subodh Law College is a faculty who play the role of a mentor pride to say that S.S. Jain Subodh Law
budding ins tute with vibrant people to guide them to their way to success. College is con nuously striving for
having dedica on, commitment and excellence. Our endeavor is not only
zeal to work. It is commi ed to the N. R. Kothari class room teaching but also providing
advancement of knowledge and President students with an environment that can
learning and is striving to become a S.S. Jain Subodh groom and develop their skills for a
center for excellence in legal studies. Shiksha Sami , Jaipur professional career. The college
glances itself to be one of the best Law
Hon'ble Mr. Jus ce colleges in the years to come and to be
M.N. Bhandari a n e p i t o m e o f exc e l l e n c e a n d
Chief Patron perfec on.
S. S. Jain Subodh Law College, Jaipur
Sumer Singh Bothra
Hony. Secretary
S.S. Jain Subodh Shiksha Sami ,
Un l 1918, formal college educa on in the State of Rajasthan was mostly run by the Government
en es, Rajasthan University came into being only a er 1947. A huge gap was felt by the ci zens here
in Rajasthan on the educa onal front as students earlier had to go to Delhi or Bombay and even abroad
for professional degrees which, needless to men on, was very expensive and difficult for people
belonging to linguis c minori es as well as the ones who had no proper means. That's what warranted
the need of private en es to step in and promote professional college educa on which was
economically viable to all within the State. S.S. Jain Subodh Shiksha Sami comprises of people who
want to make genuine social contribu on in the field of educa on. Established in 1918, Subodh
Shiksha Sami is a Non-Profit Society working with a missionary zeal, providing selfless service to the
people and comple ng 100 years in the year 2018 in the field of educa on. Now Its members firmly
believe that quality educa on is an undeniable right and that youth possess the strength to transform
every dream into reality.
Many of our freedom fighters like Mahatma Gandhi & Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel also belonged to the
legal profession, who strived incessantly to develop educa onal opportuni es for all and to set up
proper educa onal programs to promote the development of the youth. Their efforts paid-off and
today the Sami is ranked among the largest group of ins tu ons in Rajasthan. It has 19 ins tu ons
under its umbrella ranging from Play School to Post Graduate Colleges, Teachers' training College as
well as Professional Ins tu ons like an MBA Ins tute, an MCA Ins tute and a Law College. The Sami
members are commi ed to provide incessantly the quality educa on with accessible fee structure for all.
S. S. Jain
Sh. Navratan Kothari Sh. Ramesh Chand Jain Sh. Sumer Singh Bothra Sh. Vinod Lodha Sh. Jitendra Patwa
President Vice-President Hon. Secretary Jt. Secretary Convener
Sh. J. K. Ranka Sh. Anil Kumar Gokhru Sh. Alok Kumar Bumb Sh. (Dr.) Rakesh Heerawat
Member Member Member Member
Sh. Sanjeev Kothari Sh. Vinay Chand Daga Sh. Rajendra Kumar Jain Smt. Madhu Modi Smt. Veena Jamad Sh. Pramod Darda
Member Member Member Member Member Member
Sh. Vinod Lodha Jt. Secretary Adv. Biri Singh Sinsinwar Member
Sh. Naresh Kr. Jain Member Smt. Kanchan Ojha Parents Representa ve
S.S. Jain Subodh Law College has been impar ng legal educa on since years to thousands of
students. We at Subodh provide holis c educa on where students evolve as individuals, who
are self-mo vated and crea ve, ho can think logically and nurture them as confident lawyers.
he strength of our ins tu on lies in the wisdom of our faculty members and the knowlege they
imbibe in our tudents as they step in the world. milieu is needed wherein law is not just
taught in the classroom, but analyzed, researched and reformed. I extend a warm welcome to the students and carry a
dream to see them as successful lawyers in the true sense of the word.
Best wishes!
Jitendra Patwa
Law governs the world and its people and is the ul mate instrument of change – needless to
say, it has the poten al to reform the society. It is with this very sen ment, that we at S.S. Jain
Subodh Law College employ the techniques of legal educa on to build and nurture the next
genera on of legal advocates.
The promise we hold dear to our heart as educators, is not just to impart consummate
educa on but ensure every student is ou i ed with the skills and knowledge necessary to
begin one’s career, as a lawyer.
The dynamic society we live in compels us to go beyond the prerequisite and prepare law
students be er for the prac ce of law. Our ins tu on’s value proposi on is framed on the
founda on of societal expecta ons of lawyers with one end goal - to equip the young-bloods with the intellectual vigorous
roster of skills necessary to be successful.
With your help and support, we begin the next chapter in the life of an educa on school that has been, and will con nue to
be, like no other. Together, we will learn to change the world.
Thank you for your support, and I look forward to witnessing another profound batch take over the world with their might.
Dr. Alpana Sharma
NEWS PAPERS JOURNALS 10. Cheque Dishonored Reports
1. The Hindu 1. All India Reporter (A.I.R.) 11. Accident Claim &
2. The Times of India 2. Supreme Court Cases (S.C.C) Compensa on Cases
3. D.N.A 3. Consumer Protec on 12. Prac cal Lawyer
4. Economics Times Reporter (C.P.R.) 13. NLSIU Law Review
5. Daily News 4. Rajasthan Law weekly
6. Dainik Bhaskar (R.L.W.) MAGAZINES
7. Rajasthan Patrika 5. Indian Bar Review (I.B.R.) 1. India Today
6. Harvard Law Review (H.L.R.) 2. Compe on Sucess Review
ONLINE JOURNALS 7. Crimes 3. Pra yogita Darpan (Hindi)
1. Supreme Court Cases (SCC) 8. Labour & Industrial Cases 4. Prac cal Lawyer
2. Supreme Court Today 9. A Criminal Law Journal 5. Legal Samadhan
Student Core Commi ees
To nurture the young minds of the future lawyers the S S Jain Subodh Law College has cons tuted various student core
commi ees in order to inculcate the prac cality of the subjects the students are dealing with. These commi ees encourage the
students to take part in various curricular & extra curricular ac vi es organized at every corner of the country. These commi ees
also guide & train the students to perform beyond the quality mark and set new heights.
Under the aegis of SCC the following commi ees have been formed :
1. Placement and Internship Commi ee
This commi ee is responsible to carry out the internship 4. An -Sexual harassment Inquiry Commi ee
programme twice in a year which extend from 4 to 6 weeks. It The An -Sexual Harassment Inquiry Commi ee of S.S. Jain
ensures for the placement of the students with various Social Subodh Law College has been recons tuted as Internal
Ac on Groups i.e. both the Governmental and Non Complaints Commi ee.
Governmental Organisa ons, the Trial Court advocated, the
Appellate Court Advocate, the Leading Law Firms, various 5. Disciplinary Commi ee
Na onal and State Commissions etc. This commi ee ensures the maintenance of discipline through
a panel of their peers and mentors.
2. Moot Court Commi ee
The Moot Court Commi ee (MCC) of S.S. Jain Subodh Law 6. The NSS Unit
College strives to expose the students to a plethora of moot Na onal Service Scheme (NSS) launched in Gandhiji's Birth
court compe ons at intra and inter college along with Centenary Year 1969 with primary focus on the development
Na onal and Interna onal level. The MCC controls and of personality of students through community service. The
coordinates the organisa on and allotment of moot court NSS Unit of the college comprising around 100 student
compe on to students, which include compe ons within volunteers is responsible to carry out various NSS ac vi es.
the College and outside as well.
7. Sports Commi ee
3. Legal Aid service Commi ee Sports Commi ee is entrusted with the task of enhancing and
The Legal Aid commi ee is commi ed to the spirit of jus ce strengthening the sports culture in the campus. It plays an
and the Rule of Law. The avowed purpose of the commi ee is ac ve role for par cipa on in compe ons and sports fests
to promote access to the legal system. throughout the country.
Boys Hostel Placement
A Home Away from Home
Hostels in academic ins tu ons are the epicenter of the Students placed with leading Banking & NBFCs
dynamics of campus life. Spread over a vast area and
surrounded by renowned Educa onal ins tu ons of
Rajasthan, Subodh Law College Hostel has been providing fuel
and force to the life and mo on of College's liberal democra c
academic culture. The Hostel is a spacious structure with 24
rooms and provides residen al facili es to about 50-70 male
Administra on
The hostel is managed by the S.S.Jain Subhodh Shiksha Sami
and run by the Warden in consulta on with the Principal,
S.S.Jain Subodh Law College. The Hostel provides daily
breakfast (with milk/coffee), lunch, snacks (with milk/tea) and
dinner. The hostel commi ee ensures well balanced and
healthy meals which are prepared in hygienic condi ons and
are both nutri ous and delicious.
Rules & Regula ons
• Students have to maintain proper discipline in the hostel.
• No outsider can stay with an student without proper
permission of the competent authority.
• At the weekend if students want to go home, they are
required to inform and take permission from the hostel
warden, and must enter name in the register maintained
for this purpose.
• All residents shall get their a endance recorded in the
evening during the Roll call by the caretaker at a endance
me. In case they fail to do so disciplinary ac on will be
taken against them.
• No resident shall shi from the allo ed room to another
room without permission.
• Cooking inside the hostel rooms is strictly forbidden.
Anuj Rawal
The Hostel fee is Rs. 72,000/- + 5,000/- Security
amount (refundable) per year which shall be paid
at the me of admission in 2 installments Rs. 50,000/-
at the me of admission and Rs. 27,000/- before
7th January. The hostel fee should be paid in the form of DD
only in the name of S.S. Jain Subodh Boys Hostel, Jaipur.
Eligibility : The candidate should have minimum 50 % • Internship with leading Law Firms and NGO's.
(45% for SC\ST) marks in any subject stream of 10+2 Exams.
• Special sessions on Moot Court, Seminars and Mock
ADMISSION PROCESS : Admissions are given on the
basis of merit. Parliament.
Eligibility : Candidate should have 45% marks in • Weekly ac vi es-Symposium, Moot Courts, Extensive
gradua on (40% for SC/ST) in any subject stream. Lectures, Debates, Quiz etc.
ADMISSION PROCESS : Admissions are given on the
basis of merit. • Projects and Research Works.
Civil Litigation
Court of Law
Income Tax
Arbitration & Cyber Lawyer
Judicial Corporate
Services Sector Legal Advisor
District Judge
PSUs Document
Junior Law Ofcer Drafting Lawyer
Public Services
Examination Assistant Public Banking
Prosecutor & Insurance
Competitive Law Ofcer
Multi National
LL. M. (PG) UGC NET/SET Asstt.
LL.B (3 Year Professional Degree Course)
Post Graduate Labour Ofcer
Labour Laws Govt. Ofcers
Taxation Laws Income Tax By
and Practice Consultant/Lawyer
Legal To
Shipra Path
Intellectual Legal Advisor
(Journalist) at
Newspapers Property Rights MNC
and Television
Environment VT
Cyber Lawyer
al ss
Cyber Law
and Expert
op pa
Triv od
G By
Work with NGO
dh d
Ri i Mo
(Non Govt.
Intelligence Manager
Shipra Path
Organization) Analyst
Criminology &
Penology Metro Station
Policy Analyst
for Justice and Peace SUBODH LAW COLLEGE
(A unit of S. S. Jain Subodh Shiksha Samiti)
Sector-5, Shipra Path, Behind Metro Mas Hospital, Mansarovar, JAIPUR 302 020 (RAJ.)
Tel. : +91-141-2786988, 2786990 • M.: 8560003636 • Email : [email protected]
Website :