Linear Power Supply: Model 9771-15 Assembly and Using Manual
Linear Power Supply: Model 9771-15 Assembly and Using Manual
Linear Power Supply: Model 9771-15 Assembly and Using Manual
Model 9771-15
Assembly and Using Manual
In some cases, notes packed with the parts will be used to call your attention
to special situations. If parts are missing, please notify PAiA at
[email protected] or by phone at (405) 340-6300, fax (405) 340-6378.
Checking off each step as you do it may seem silly and ritualistic, but it
greatly decreases the chance of omitting a step and also provides some
gratification and reward as each step is completed.
The 9771-15 Power Supply is built on a double-sided circuit board. Note the
“top” side of the board has the parts placement designators. Install parts to
the top of the board and solder them on the bottom.
This board is used in other versions of power supply kits too. The schematic
notes the variations and related assembly steps will provide explanation as
You'll need a minimum of tools to assemble the kit – a small pair of diagonal
wire cutters, pliers, screwdriver, soldering iron, and solder.
Modern electronic components are small (in case you hadn't noticed) and
values marked on the part are often difficult to see. Another handy tool for
your bench will be a good magnifying glass. Also use the magnifier to
examine each solder joint as it is made to make sure that is doesn't have
any of the problems in the SOLDERING section which follows.
Select a soldering iron with a small tip and a power rating of not more than
35 watts. Soldering guns are completely unacceptable for assembling
solid-state equipment because the large magnetic field they generate can
damage components.
Use only a high quality electronic solder. Your kit is compatible with lead-
free and/or tin-lead flux-core solders made especially for electronic
assembly. Plumbing solder will destroy your kit with its acid core. Jewelry
solder (silver solder) will destroy your kit with its high working heat.
Neither is for electronics work.
A proper solder joint has just enough solder to cover the soldering pad and
about 1/16-inch of the lead passing through it.
There are two improper connections to be aware of: Using too little solder
will sometimes result in a connection which appears to be soldered when
actually there is a thin layer of flux insulating the component lead from the
solder bead. This situation can be cured by reheating the joint and
applying more solder.
Use care when mounting all components. Never force a component into
Refer to the following diagram of the top side of the printed-
circuit-board and its parts placement markings in the following
parts installation steps.
RESISTORS Ending gold band (5%)
Install resistors by bending the legs as shown to the right and
inserting them through holes on the top side of the board. Solder
each leg on the bottom side of the board and clip the excess at the
top of the joint.
( ) R1 3.3K, 5% orange-orange-red-gold
( ) R6 3.3K, 5% orange-orange-red-gold Ending brown band (1%)
( ) R11 3.3K, 5% orange-orange-red-gold
( ) R4 240ohms, 1% red-yellow-black-black-brown
( ) R8 240ohms, 1% red-yellow-black-black-brown
( ) R5 2.67K, 1% red-blue-violet-brown-brown
( ) R7 2.67K, 1% red-blue-violet-brown-brown
Install diodes by bending the legs as shown to the right and inserting them through holes on
the top side of the board. Solder each leg on the bottom side of the board and clip the excess
at the top of the joint.
Install the small, coated, ceramic capacitors at the following designations in the
connector/wiring area at the edge of the board. Insert them through holes on the top side of
the board. Solder the legs on the bottom side of the board and clip the excess at the top of
each joint. Note that if adding headers for the power supply connections, it will be important
these capacitors don't tilt into this area. Save some clippings for use as jumper wires.
( ) C1 100nF 104
( ) C2 100nF 104
( ) C3 100nF 104
( ) C4 100nF 104
( ) C9 100nF 104
( ) C10 100nF 104
( ) C19 100nF 104
( ) C12 100nF 104
( ) C13 100nF 104
( ) C21 100nF 104
( ) C20 100nF 104
( ) C22 100nF 104
Using clippings from the previous step, form wire jumpers by making right
angle bends at distances equal to those between the holes/printed-circuit-
pads as shown to the right. Insert the jumper through the holes from the
top side of the board. Solder the leads/legs and clip the excess at the top
of each joint.
There are four jumper wires on the 9771-15: Two are at the R2 and R10
designations and two are at the F1 and F2 designations.
( ) R2 Jumper
( ) R10 Jumper
( ) F1 Jumper
( ) F2 Jumper
The installation of the three Housed LEDs requires extra attention with
respect to getting them flat and aligned with the edge of the board. This is
a spot where some glue or adhesive might make things easier, but to just
solder one leg first works too. With one leg soldered the alignment can be
confirmed, and if needed, the joint reheated to allow for adjustment of the
mounting. Finish each by soldering the second of the two leads/legs.
Insert the part and solder one of the two legs, check the mounting is flat
against the board and if not remelt the joint as it is repositioned, then
solder the other.
( ) J1 Terminal Block
Insert the power switch, check alignment, and solder one of the two
mounting pins located at the front of the part. When satisfied with the
alignment, solder the other mounting pin and the two terminal leads/legs.
Insert the capacitor through the holes on the top side of the board. On the
bottom of the board, solder one leg, check the installation, and solder the
other leg. Clip the excess at the top of each joint.
We will continue with the taller, remaining electrolytic capacitors, but in keeping with assembly
order according to part height, the voltage regulators will be installed next.
The two, three-terminal voltage regulator ICs should be identified according to the number
marked on the face of the part. The 337 is for negative DC and it goes at the U2 designation.
The 317 is for positive DC and it goes at the U1 designation.
Install the part with the plastic face towards the back edge of the board with the twelve power
connection areas. Leave about a 3 to 4 mm gap between the bottom of the part and the top of
the board as they are inserted and solder in place. On the bottom side of the board, solder one
leg and check the mounting. Solder the other two, and clip the excess from the top of each
The final stage of the circuit board assembly is the installation of the remaining, largest
electrolytic capacitors. Identify the band with the minus symbol down one side. Insert the
other side in the hole on the board marked with a plus symbol
All the capacitors on the board have the minus end pointing “up” with respect to the lettering on
the board (and a square pad).
Resist the temptation to put them all in at once before soldering – you'll get the best angle for
getting in at the joint with the tip of the iron and the solder when making the joint without the
obstruction of many leads. Insert the parts one at a time, double-check the polarity and solder
one leg. If fully seated without any tilt, solder the other.
Now that all parts are in place, it would be a good idea to take another quick look to be sure the
diodes D1 and D4 have their bands to the right. D7 too. D9's should be towards the lower edge.
The minus of the capacitors should all be towards the top. The 317 is the part for U1, near the
top edge – the 337 is U2 near the lower edge.
Inspect the soldering looking to see the solder has flown to both the printed-circuit pad and the
wire leg/lead extending through. If the solder looks like a ring dropped-down over the wire,
reheat the joint and feed in a bit more solder if needed to get the joint to flow. Many joints are at
0.1” spacing. If you see one big joint, it might be a bridge. The schematic will show if two circuit
nodes are common to each other or not.
Next we'll prepare the transformer wiring, connect it with the board, and test operation, but not
necessarily in that order. To be on the safe side, having the panel in place and the module in an
FR-7 Chassis or similar would prevent the bottom of the board from accidentally touching
something it shouldn't, and, in the event of a malfunction/catastrophic-failure (i.e., a capacitor
exploding), the trouble would be contained.
If building the kit for a custom application, just be mindful of the above situations and clear a non-
conductive (wood, cardboard, etc.) test site and perhaps cover the board and/or wear eye
protection when applying power and testing. There is not a concern with being shocked as there
are only relatively low voltages.
A wall-mount AC transformer provided with this kit. If it has wire extending from it, clip any
connector so the mate to the previously installed shrouded header can be used for the
termination. If the transformer is a screw-terminal type, a length of 'zip' cord (SPT-2, 2x18ga.) is
supplied as well.
( ) Use a knife to start a cut separating the two wires. They should pull apart easily the
remainder of the appx. 2” or 50mm back. Use a tool to strip about 1/4” (5mm) of insulation from
the end of each wire and twist the strands so they all clinch together. If more than one or two
strands of the wire were cut when stripping, start again so this vital link is not a weak one.
The ends of your wire should resemble the example shown to the right.
Tip: If one wire is slightly shorter than the other by about 1/8” or 2.5mm, then an angle to the
“rear” can exist and this helps because the wire exits “down” but will immediately need to run
“back”. Or, bend up, away from the board, then with
a gentle lateral bend/twist to the back with the wire.
Tip: If opting to use a input connector for the transformer, select a part
which isolates the two wires from the chassis to prevent a possible
short-circuit or the introduction of ground hum.
Tip: When installing in an FR-7, leave some slack so the module can
be removed from the front with any connector or strain-relief anchoring
the wire at the rear.
Tip: If using a wired transformer, pass the wire through any opening, grommet, or strain-relief
before the next step.
( ) Loosen the set-screws by turning them counter-clockwise and note the board will need to
be tilted so gravity pulls the floating clamps to the screws leaving an
opening for the wire.
( ) Insert both wires and while holding them steady against the back of the receptacles.
When satisfied there are no stray wire strands not sticking out to the side, or worse, going into
the other receptacle, use a small screwdriver to tighten each screw. Either wire can go in
either hole. Go in until resistance is felt and then about another quarter-turn.
Tip: If using a screw-terminal transformer, pass the wire through any opening, grommet, or
strain-relief before the next step, connecting the wires to the transformer.
Prepare the ends of the transformer wire for connection to the transformer by separating the two
as was done at the other end, but this time split the two a bit more since we'll be stripping more
insulation so hooks can be formed in the wire end. About another half to three-quarters of an
inch should be enough (12-18mm).
Strip about 5/8” (15mm) of insulation from each wire end and twist the stands of each. Form
each in a clockwise hook by bending them around a small screwdriver shaft or similar.
Loosen the screw-terminals on the transformer and place the hooked wire ends around the
screw in a clockwise direction, below any clamping washer, and securely tighten the screw
(another half-turn or so, after feeling resistance).
Tip: The transformer might have a screw through an upper tab which is provided to secure the
unit to the wall outlet with this screw replacing the one for the outlet cover.
( ) Attach each of the two transformer wires to each of the two transformer screw-terminals.
The FracRak format panel attaches to the power supply printed-circuit-board using L-Brackets
and #4-40 machine screws and hex nuts. Notice one of the two holes in the bracket is threaded
and one is not. A screw and nut mounts the bracket to the panel through the non-threaded hole
and a screw-only goes up through the bottom of the board to meet the threaded hole of the
bracket. Refer to the following diagram for this operation.
( ) Attach L-Brackets to the panel using screws through the panel, through the non-threaded
hole, and secure with a hex nut. Position the lower section of the “L” towards the lower edge
of the panel and loosely tighten the hardware.
( ) Fit the board to the panel and hold it in place as screws are started up through the bottom
and into the threaded holes. Securely tighten these screws and return to securely tighten the
screws through the panel while steadying the nut.
With the module or board situated so there is no contact between the parts and their solder
joints and anything else metal such as tools, wire, hardware, etc., the unit can be powered for
testing. The voltages on the board are not enough to cause a shock, but they would spark if
shorted to metal and possibly damage a part. The use of safety goggles or some barrier
between you and the board as it is powered the first time is recommended as large electrolytic
capacitors can explode like fireworks if a rectifier diode or the capacitor is backwards or not
properly polarized.
It is normal for the two voltage regulators to be very warm to hot, especially when devices are
connected and being powered.
The three LEDs will light when the circuit is operational so this is a quick first indication of AC
input voltage and DC output voltage status. If these don't light, switch-off or disconnect power
to the unit and confirm the outlet is live by plugging in a lamp or some other powered device.
Use a multitester set to measure 16V AC and confirm that touching the two transformer wires
results in a reading of about 19, the unloaded peak amount. Either probe can touch either
wire for this test, but both probes must each touch a wire or terminal.
One of the DC voltage indicator LEDs (V+ or V-) not glowing could be one or more of several
other possibilities. Go ahead and read through the following information about testing DC
voltages before jumping ahead to the troubleshooting section.
All LEDs glowing yellow and no smoke or burning smells are signs of successful completion
and operation. Congratulations -- a minute or two of operation in this condition tells us
everything is likely in order and we can be a bit less worried about any explosions.
DC voltage tests can be made to confirm the V+ and V- power supply connection points are
indeed, the intended positive and negative fifteen volt amounts. If using a tester with a meter-
movement or a needle that swings across a scale, certain precautions must be observed and
these are described later. A tester with a digital readout likely features auto-polarity detection
and will indicate negative DC with a minus symbol preceding the digits (positive dc has the
digits only, or maybe a plus symbol). If the tester has a selection for the measurement, select
DC Volts (may be labeled with a dashed line above a solid line) and if there is a selection for
range, choose one for eighteen or more. With the black probe touching G or SG, use the red
probe for a measurement of the voltage on the V+, then the V- outputs in the power connection
areas at the back edge of the board. Each should be very near, if not exactly fifteen.
When using a tester with a meter-movement, attention must be given to the expected DC
polarity so the needle doesn't try to swing in the opposite direction of its at-rest, all the way to
the left, position. Maybe the tester has a switch for polarity marked -DC or +DC. If so, select
-DC when you anticipate measuring a negative DC and +DC for positive measurements. The
black (Common) probe can always be the one on the ground/circuit-common/0Vdc (G, SG)
points. Otherwise, you must consider the expected polarity and reverse the probes contact
with the circuit nodes for negative readings. If not sure of the polarity, start with the range
much higher than expected and watch for a slight deflection of the needle. If it slightly moves
to the right, the DC is positive. If it doesn't move or moves slightly left, it is negative: Reverse
the probes and check again.
When satisfied about the polarity of the DC voltage for the circuit nodes in contact with the
probes, the range can be set to show eighteen volts or more. To summarize, if your tester is an
inexpensive analog type, you probably need to put the red probe to ground and use the black
probe when looking for negative DC voltage (black to ground and red to voltage for positive DC).
Tip: An alligator-clip test-lead can be used to jumper the common probe to a ground point
freeing up one hand and making it easier to make multiple tests.
Tip: Measuring a battery will serve as a reference to confirm your tester is operating as expected
and the range is correct and the leads don't have a broken wire.
When there is trouble in one or more areas, first, check the soldering. Look for joints where the
solder did not flow to the solder pad and the component lead or wire extending through. Reheat
to melt the joint and flow in a bit more solder, or remove the solder and make the joint anew.
Look for joints with a smooth, shallow dome of solder without signs of the excess having been
clipped: The part or wire might have dropped out of the joint as it was being made. Maybe your
lighting wasn't good and you just missed soldering a joint. Good lighting and a magnifying glass
can reveal trouble that would otherwise involve numerous possible tests. If two joints touch but
you aren't sure if they should or not, identify the parts or wires on the top side of the board and
look to see if they are shown connecting on the schematic. Note however, the schematic doesn't
show connections between grounds, supply voltages, and other circuits joining many nodes, so if
you aren't sure, phone or email before cutting or scraping the board. Or, remove the solder and
if there is a gap between the solder pads, a bridge had occurred and the two joints can be
soldered again.
Check the top side of the board too. Maybe a stray piece of wire or hardware has lodged
between things and is resulting in a short-circuit.
Identify parts shown on the schematic that are parts of the malfunctioning circuit section.
Double-check these parts on the board to be sure they are indeed the part specified and that
they look intact. Give the part a gentle nudge. This could reveal it has been stressed and is
Testing for AC and DC voltages throughout the board can reveal if a connection is not being
made even though nothing looks wrong. Parts shown joined on the schematic should have the
same voltage measurements. On the printed-circuit-board (pcb) the traces or copper lines can
be seen joining solder pads. Some travel to the top side of the board through plated holes. If by
chance a part is installed and then removed without regard for the plating of the hole walls, the
circuit could have opened due to the removal of the part taking the plating with it. Excessive heat
during soldering can compromise the adhesive which holds the plating to the board and when it
detaches, any force against the part above can cause the circuit to break.
Some testers can make a continuity test which is usually a tone that sounds when the two
probes are touched together or two two ends of a wire or two parts that are supposed to be
connecting. Before doing touching any circuit points for this sort of test, be sure the power is off
but also that capacitors have discharged. When some device is connected to the outputs of the
power supply and is working to load the outputs, they will quickly discharge, but without anything
connected it can take as long as a minute or so. You'll see this as the V+ and V- DC indicator
LEDs will remain glowing after power is removed until they discharge through the load of their
respective LED circuit. If you're inclined to make any continuity or resistance tests on the board,
use a low valued resistor (about 1Kohm) to link the two ends of any capacitor in the circuit
section in question so as to dump and zero any charge.
Use the four-circuit power connecting cables (when provided in the PAiA product being
powered) to make soldered connections to the areas at the end of the board.
( ) Strip about ¼” (5mm) of insulation from the ends of each of the four wires. Be especially
careful to not cut any of the strands: The remaining stubs can become exposed and after the
wire is moved around a time or two, and reach over and touch a neighboring circuit. And, the
wire strength and current carrying capability is compromised.
( ) Twist the exposed strands to form a smooth, straight group and “tin” them by flowing just
enough solder into the strands to hold them together.
( ) Match the recessed side of the housed-terminal end of the connecting cable with the
polarizing tab marking on the board to identify the color of the wire for each circuit and note this
so each wire is soldered to the proper hole.
( ) Insert and the wires in their respective holes (i.e. red in V+, black in G, yellow in SG, and
blue in V-, or whichever colors as previously noted) and when soldering, take measures
necessary to position the wire so it is extending straight through the hole and not bent over or
tilted towards another pad/circuit. This will lessen the tendency for the solder to bridge as each
joint is made.
Search the PAiA website for details on the components of these cables for building custom sets.
The ones in PAiA kits are comprised of 16 inches of #22 gauge, insulated, stranded hook-up
wire, terminals, terminal housing, a board-mounted header, and some wire ties to group the four
When using an alternative method, avoid the use of solid wire which has less surface area than
the stranded type and is not as flexible. The #22 gauge is recommended for the hole size and
the improved conductivity compared to a thinner (higher gauge number) wire. It will be best
keeping runs to less than three feet or a meter.
G and SG are joined at the power supply but run out to the devices over separate wires. On PAiA
devices, G goes to parts which have hum or switching currents and this helps keep them from
being imposed on the audio or particularly sensitive or critical circuits at the end of the SG wiring.
Add the current ratings for the devices connected. The total should be below the 650mA
available from each supply with a 16VAC, 1.2A transformer as the power source.
The AC voltage from the transformer connected as the power source is input to a half-wave
rectified, voltage-doubling circuit comprised of rectifier diodes D1 and D4 and capacitors Cs 5-7
and Cs 15, 16, & 18. As the transformer voltage transitions between negative and positive
peaks, D1 is forward biased and C5 charge to attain the transformer peak voltage. This results
in about +23V DC on this capacitor. As the transformer peaks positively and begins to transition
negatively, D1 is reverse biased, D4 forward biases and C18 charges with the opposite polarity.
The charge on these capacitors adds, resulting in a doubling of the voltage from the transformer.
This action repeats 60 times a second, the line voltage frequency, and the capacitors work to
store the voltage between 'recharges'.
This is seen with the LEDs continuing to glow when power is removed (and with no devices
connected, serving to load the supply). There is a balance between capacitance, their ability to
store and keep the input fluctuations constant, and the load connected on the output.
The resulting stored, positive and negative DC voltages go adjustable voltage regulator ICs U1
and U2, a 317 and 337 respectively. They only allow a certain amount of the input voltage to
appear at their output and because it is less than what is input (15v for this supply), they can let
voltage through that is free of any fluctuations. It is regulated or stabilized.
Resistors connected as a voltage tap from their output to ground set their voltage (Rs 4 & 5 for
the positive and Rs 8 & 7 for the negative). Diodes D7 and D9 work to provide a discharge path
and prevent voltage at the output pins of the regulators from exceeding the voltage input to the
part. More capacitors connect from the positive and negative supplies to ground at the output of
the voltage regulators for further filtering/smoothing. Cs 11 and 14 take care of any lower
frequency fluctuations and the smaller capacitors at the connection areas as shown on the
schematic suppress any higher frequency fluctuations which could to develop with the connected
LEDs D2 and D3 are forward biased with their connections to the positive and negative supplies
and glow with an intensity as set by their associated current limiting resistors Rs 1 and 6. LED
D5 receives negative half cycles of the AC input voltage through diode D6 and the current flow is
set by resistor R11 causing the LED to glow with the presence of the input voltage.
9771-15 Specifications
(w/16.5VAC, 1.212A transformer)
Voltage Current
+15VDC +650mA
-15VDC -650mA
9771-15 PARTS LIST
Please check the parts against this list. As you locate a part type and verify the quantity (and
mounting hardware -- if required) check it off in the space provided.
9771-15 Linear Power Supply