Dabur India LTD: CMP: Rs 492 Rating: HOLD Target Price: Rs 515
Dabur India LTD: CMP: Rs 492 Rating: HOLD Target Price: Rs 515
Dabur India LTD: CMP: Rs 492 Rating: HOLD Target Price: Rs 515
CMP: Rs 492 Dabur India earnings were below our estimates on all fronts as Covid-19
pandemic disrupted the business performance of the company. Profit for
Rating: HOLD the quarter de-grew by 6.1%YoY/+21.0% QoQ to Rs 341 Cr during
Q1FY21. Consolidated revenue stood at Rs 1,980 cr ,below our estimates
Target Price: Rs 515 Rs 2,209 registering a degrowth 12.9%YoY/+6.1%QoQ. Reported EBITDA
de-grew by 9.0%YoY/+18.2%QoQ to Rs 416 Cr, below our estimate of Rs
Stock Info 446 Cr, while EBITDA margin expanded by 90bps YoY/215bps QoQ.
BSE 500096
NSE DABUR Q1FY21 Segment Highlights
Bloomberg DABUR IN
• Dabur Chyawanprash reported a growth of over 694% during the
Reuters DABUR.NS quarter, while Dabur Honitus grew by over 80% while Dabur Honey
Sector Personal care ended Q12020-21 with a growth of over 60%.
Face Value (Rs) 1 • The quarter saw Dabur introduce a record number of new products
and variants anchored on the consumer need for Health, Immunity
Equity Capital (Rs Cr) 177
and Hygiene. The quarter saw new products record Sales of over Rs
Mkt Cap (Rs cr) 86,939 100 Crore.
52w H/L (Rs) 525/ 386 • The OTC Healthcare Business ended the quarter with a 34% growth
Avg Yearly Vol (in 000’) 2597 while the Ayurvedic Ethicals business was up 11%.
• The Toothpaste Business, on the back of continued demand for Dabur
Shareholding Pattern % Red Paste, ended the quarter with a nearly 3% growth.
(As on June, 2020) • International Business reported a decline of 21.6%. Egypt recorded a
decline of 26.1%.
Promoters 67.87
• Namaste’s US business reported strong 12.3% growth.
Public & Others 32.13 • MENA was impacted by Covid and macroeconomic headwinds.
• While Nepal business saw a decline of 53% on account of curfews in
the country, Bangladesh saw a growth of 14%.
Stock Performance (%) 3m 6m 12m
Dabur 4.9 -1.0 16.3 Valuations
Nifty 19.4 -5.17 0.15 At CMP of Rs 492, Dabur India currently trades at a FY20 P/E of 60x. We
have lowered our revenue estimates owing to lower than expected sales
and profitability in Q1FY21. Dabur has adopted an aggressive approach
Dabur Vs Nifty with launch of a slew of immunity boosters, Juices and Milkshake and
Covid care products (Hand, Surface sanitizer, COVID kit and Veggies wash
130 etc.) which will help to gain market share in certain extent.
70 We value Dabur at PE of 54x to its FY22E EPS of Rs 9.5, which yields a
50 Target Price of Rs 515. We maintain our recommendation to Hold on the
Net Sales EBITDA PAT EPS (Rs) RoE (%) P/E (x)
(Rs Cr) Margin %
FY19 8,533 1,740 1,446 8.2 20.4% 25.7% 60.1
FY20 8,704 1,792 1,448 8.2 20.6% 21.9% 60.0
FY21E 8,803 1,777 1,494 8.5 20.2% 18.9% 58.2
FY22E 9,270 2,016 1,679 9.5 21.7% 18.3% 51.8
Arihant Capital Markets Ltd Arihant Capital Markets Limited|Research Analyst SEBI Registration No: INH000002764
1011, Solitaire Corporate Park, Bldg No.10, 1st Floor, Andheri Ghatkopar Link Rd, Chakala, Andheri (E), Mumbai 400093
Q1FY21 - Result Update| Dabur India Ltd.
Outlook: The Company is looking at cost optimization initiatives across the business which will help Dabur to manage
profitability. Going forward, Management intends to drive business by staying focused on health and hygiene, driving innovation
broadening playing market, focusing on e-commerce and modern besides spending and enhancing efficiency in the distribution
network. These initiatives will be further, coupled with cost and cash flow management to ensure healthy margins.
Research Analyst
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