Kudriyah Ahmad S. QR Uas
Kudriyah Ahmad S. QR Uas
Kudriyah Ahmad S. QR Uas
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TAHUN AJARAN 2019-2020
B. Research Question
1. How is the grade of students in speaking before and after using Youtube Tutorial
Video as the media in teaching procedure text?
1. Speaking
a. Definition of Writing
According to Homby (19950), speakg is to t k or say something about something.
Healo says speaking ca be defined as to now and be able to use a language and make
speech an audiencen Webster's Third New International Dictionary 1981:285),
speaking is the et or an instance of uttering words.
Speaking definition by Byrne (1997. 8) is stated as oral communication in a two
way process between the speaker and listener tonlisteners), It involves the productive
skill of speaking and the receptive skill of understanding (or listening with
Thomas (1987: 12) also states that communication implies more than one person.
There must be someone to transmit a message, and someone to receive it.
Communication is undertaken for a purpose. There is always a reason for transmitting
a message to someone else (1987:14). Harmer (1991:53) states that speaking can be
used for command in a great range in every possibility. That means that speaking can
be used for make communication in time and places between people. The definitions
above mean that speaking is a process of making communication from one person to
another. It can be done between two people or more. Speaking is stated by O'Malley
(1990 66-67) as an example of a complex cognitive skill that can be differentiated into
various hierarchal sub skills, some of which might trequire controlled processing
while others could be processed automatically. In other words, it involves many skills
in human's brain and it is consisting and automatic process. Anderson in O'Malley
(1990 38) identifies three stages of language production. The first is construction, in
which the speaker selects communication goals and identifies appropriate meanings.
Second is transformation, in which language rule are applied to transform intended
meanings into the form of the message. Third is execution, in which the message is
expressed in its audible or observable form. It means that speaking is skill that the
person need some processing that can be controlled or automatically produce by
Meanwhile, Jordan (1997 193) says that speaking as for academic purposes is an
overal term used to describe pókan language in various academic settings. In addition,
it soggests that the language used is normally formal or neutral, and obeys the
conventions associated with the genre or activity. Typically of situations or activities
are asking questions in lectures participation in seminars/discussions, making oral
presentation answering ensuing questions/points, verbalising data and giving Qral
instructions That means speaking is a technique to express every activities by people
Bygate states that speaking is a skill which deserves attention every bit as much
as literary skills both firsaand second languages (1987: vii). Meanwhile Harmer
(1991- 16) says that speaking involve language production and are often referred to as
productive skill. In other word, speaking is an important skill that has to learn by the
learners w hen they learn about language because speaking is a productive skill.
Therefore, it can be concluded that speaking is productive skill that somcone as
speaker and another as listener or listeners in makıng communication between them
transmitted a message. Speaking for the students also has some elements that are
fhueney, vocabulary grammmar, pronunciation, and content. The elements will make
them transmitted the message.
In can be concluded that procedure text is a text that explains or instructs
something in order to know how it can be done through a series of sequenced steps.
b. Generic Structure of Descriptive Text
Anderson stated that a procedure text usually has three sections. There is an
introductory statement or title that gives the aim or goal of the procedure, followed by
a list of materials that will be needed to complete the procedure. The final section is a
sequence of steps, in the order they need to be completed, to achieve this goal.
d. Language Features
Procedure texts usually include the following language features:
a. The use of technical language
b. Sentences that begin with verbs and are stated as commands
c. The use of time words or numbers that tell the order for doing the procedure
d. The use of adverbs to tell how the action should be done.
a. Noun or noun groups are used in the listed material or equipment. E.g.
screws, nuts, bolts, screwdriver, wood.
b. Often the name of an item is omitted instead of being constantly repeated
and an ellipsis used. The person following the instructions may not be
referred to or may be referred to in a general way as one or you. There is
little use of personal pronouns.
c. Conjunctions are used to show chronological order. E.g. before, while, then,
after, when.
d. Action verbs start most sentences. E.g. take, put, link.
e. Short statements or commands are used. E.g. pick them up.
f. Adjectives add details relating to size, shape, color, and amount. E.g. place
the red cub there.
g. Words related to direction and specific location are found. E.g. left, north,
Jamison Street.
h. Present tense is generally used.
i. Vocabulary ranges from technical to everyday language according to the
target audience.
j. Emphasis is often given to important information by underlining it or writing
in bold.
k. Adverbs, prepositions and adverbial phrases add detailed information about
how, where, and when.
l. Clear, simple. Precise but detailed language is used.
3. Tutorial Video
a. Definition of Tutorial Video
In this modern era video is not a new thing and strange thing for people especially
students. Video can be found in many platforms in internet beside in Television, such
as YouTube and video.com.
Video is media that convey messages in an audio-visual environment. Whereas
tutorial is a method of transferring knowledge through a sequence of instructions to
complete a task. According to Sumarni, “tutorial video is a video to transfer an
information of how to accomplish something by means of a set of instruction”.
Based on the definition of tutorial video above, it can be concluded that tutorial
video is an information in the form of audio and visual that the message contains how
to accomplish something or how something can be done.
b. Advantages of Tutorial Video
Providing good and creative media is one of teachers’ task to make the process
of learning and teaching more interesting. One of interesting media that teachers can
easily get is video. Video is also richer than picture even audio. Bal-Gezegin stated in
his research that “the use of video can enhance learning specific fixed expression and
when students are presented with visual aids such as video clips, they enjoy it and find
it motivating”.
a. Seeing language-in-use
Students do not just hear language, they see it too. All such paralinguistic
features give valuable meaning clues and help viewers to see beyond what
they are listening to, and thus interpret the text more deeply.
b. Cross-cultural awareness
Video uniquely allows students a look at situations far beyond their classroom.
Video is also of great value in giving students a chance to see such things as
what kinds of food people eat in other countries, and what they wear.
c. The power of creation
When students use video cameras themselves they are given the potential to
create something memorable and enjoyable. The camera operators and
directors suddenly have considerable power. The task of video-making can
provoke genially creative and communicative uses of the language, with
students finding themselves ‘doing new things in English’.
d. Motivation
For all of the reasons so far mentioned, most students show an increased level
of interest when they have a chance to see language in use as well as hear it,
and when this is coupled with interesting tasks.
c. The Disadvantages of Using Video
According to Harmer, when teachers want to use video in the classroom they
have to aware with some disadvantages or problems that may occur. There are some
disadvantages of video as follows:
A. Research Design
In this research, the researcher used a quantitative method. In addition, the
research design used in this research is a quasi-experimental study. As Goddard and
Melville’s view, experimental research is primarily concerned with cause and effect.
Researchers identify the variables of interest and try to determine if changes in one
variable (called the independent variable, or cause) result changes in another (called the
dependent variable, or effect). The writer applied an experimental study which used two
groups of sample; control and experimental group to investigate the effect of tutorial
video on students’ speaking of procedure texts. The experimental group is the group that
received the treatment using media tutorial video, meanwhile the control group is the
group that received the treatment using teacher’s presentation. The writer also used pre-
test before the treatment and post-test after the treatment for two groups of sample.
Table 1.1
Design of the Study
Sample Pre-Test Treatment Post-Test
Experimental Pre-Test Treatment with Post-Test
Class youtube tutorial
Control Class Pre-Test Treatment without Post-Test
youtube tutorial
video (teacher’s
B. Variables
This research consists of two variables; they are independent and dependent
variables. The independent variable in this research is YouTube Tutorial Video as
media that will be helpful students to improve their speaking skill.
The dependent variable of this research is speaking as one of the four of language
skills that has to be mastered by the students in order to be able to spoke up their ideas
C. Research Instruments
Research instrument use to collect data and all the instruments used in this
research has been validated by validator Mrs. Kudriyah Ahmad Satroli as a English
teacher in SMPN 1 Tanjung Bumi to show that all the instrument are valid and can be
used in the research. In this study, there are three kinds of research instrument.
i. Test
Test uses to know the student‘s ability of speaking before and after
implementing guided question method. The forms of the test were presentations
test. The pre-test and the post-test had different topics of procedure texts that have
been prepared by the writer. In the pre-test, the writer asked the students to make
a procedure text about “How to Make a Special Omelet” or “How to Make Fried
Rice” whereas, in the post-test, the students were free to choose the topic of their
procedure texts. The instrument of the research was attached in table 1.2.
Table 1.2
Instrument of Pre-test
Table 1.3
Scoring Rubric
Criteria Score
Substantive, relevant to assigned 30-27 (excellent to very good)
topic, etc.
Mostly relevant to topic, but lacks 26-22 (good to average)
detail, etc.
Little substance, inadequate 21-17 (fair to good)
development of topic, etc.
Non-substantive, not enough to 16-13 (very poor)
evaluate, etc.
Well-organized, logical 20-18 (excellent to very good)
sequencing, etc.
Loosely organized but main ideas 17-14 (good to average)
The Score Data of Students (Post-Test : Using YouTube Tutorial Vidoe Media)
The table above will revealed the result of mean score of pre-test and post-test
score of the experimental class. From the data above, it can be seen that the mean score
of all indicators will be increased or not
Table 2. The Result of Mean Score of Pre-test and Post-test Score of Control Class.
It can be noticed from the table above what will the result of mean score of all
indicators from control class will increase or not in the post-test.
Standard Differenc
Test Score Mean T-Test T-Table
Deviation e (D)
Post-test of the
Post-test of the
control class
To test the hypothesis, the t-score calculated had to be compared with t- table
by referring to the level of significance 0.05. According to Sugiyono (2005), the
testing criteria used for the hypothesis testing is that if t-test is higher than t-table, the
null hypothesis (H0) is rejected, and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted It
means it will shows the use of YouTube Tutorial Video media through procedure text
is improve or not the students’ speaking skill. We used a certain degree of freedom in
particular significance (α) of 0.05.
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