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Supporting Lecture : Arfiyan Ridwan, M.pd

Arranged by :


NPM 1735511019

TAHUN AJARAN 2019-2020


A. Background of the Research

The objective of English subject for junior high school level in Indonesia
according to Department of National Education (Departemen Pendidikan Nasional 2016)
is to develop students’ potential in order to have communication competence in
interpersonal, transactional, and functional texts by using a variety of oral and written
English texts. One of the functional text that should be mastered by the students is
procedure texts. As stated in the curriculum of 2013 revision that in writing students are
expected to develop their skills in expressing meaning and rhetorical structures through
simple texts using written language varieties accurately, fluently, and appropriately in
daily life context to interact with others in the form of descriptive, recount, narrative,
procedure, and report.
Even though the Department of National Education has standardized the
curriculum there are some students who still cannot reach the functional level especially
procedure texts. They face some problems as follows: first, some students have
difficulties in vocabulary and grammar. It stated by Febriyanti who conducted the
research about procedure texts, some students have not reached the functional level well
because they still have problems and difficulties in speaking, for instance, difficulties in
using correct grammar and having low vocabulary mastery.
Some students feel less confident with their speaking and have difficulties in
expressing their idea. Speaking is a complex task involving many components skills
when students lack skills in area of speaking, it can make them feel less confident and
their speaking be unsatisfying. According to Harmer, there are several reasons for that,
perhaps they never speak much in their first language or perhaps they think they cannot
come up with ideas.
Due to those problems, the writer believes one of the ways to solve the problem
and help the students is the teaching aid or media. The appropriate of choosing and using
media is quite important because it can make students interested in the teaching and
learning process. It can be interpreted that using media to teach speaking of procedure
texts is really important and truly recommended since it can help students improving
their procedure texts speaking idea in which it is demonstrated the way how something is
One of media that can help students in speaking procedure texts is youtube
tutorial video. There are a lot of types of video which can be used as teaching aids in
ESL/EFL classrooms. Most of which are provided commercially by many publishing
companies. The commercialization of instructional media is certainly hindering the
teachers to freely utilize it for improving their teaching, especially due to financial
problems. Fortunately, along with the development of technology, these videos to assist
ESL teachers have been provided and uploaded on the internet and can be downloaded
freely. One of them is YouTube.
Nowadays, YouTube has been ‘a daily consumption’ for people around the globe,
especially teenagers. They enjoy watching YouTube because they feel connected with
what is happening around the world. Everyone in the world can share their videos, and
enjoy them at the same time through YouTube. Since YouTube is used around the world,
therefore it is nothing to lose that students can learn how English is used in its authentic
context, and they enjoy it (Xiaoning, 2007; Wang, 2014; Basal et al., 2015). Authentic
materials, such as YouTube, are useful for the students as long as teachers are able to
select the suitable material which is relevant to students’ proficiency level (Polio, 2014).
YouTube tutorial video is not only potentially advantageous for enriching
students’ vocabulary and reduces their anxiety in speaking, but also it is a good speaking
model for the students. Students can observe the correct pronunciation, intonation, and
stress while they are watching the video in a fun way. Sometimes students get bored
when teachers or their peers become their speaking model, in this case, video can replace
this role.
According to Sumarni, “tutorial video is a video to transfer an information of how
to accomplish something by means of a set of instruction”. It is one of the audio-visual
aid for students that can help them to make developing creative paragraphs easier. It is
supported by Novita’s opinion that video also helps the teacher to deliver the teaching
materials in an attractive and interesting way so the students will not feel bored easily
during the lesson. Moreover, by watching video students can get more inspiration for
Therefore in this research, the writer is interested to examine the effect of yotube
tutorial video on students’ speaking of procedure texts. The writer chose youtube tutorial
videos as the media because the writer believed that youtube tutorial video can help
students not only in developing the paragraph but also remembering the detail
information about procedure texts. For instance, students can see how imperative verbs
being demonstrated in the video. Then, youtube tutorial videos are typically short, so that
students and teachers can find specific pieces of information very easily. For example, if
the students want to find a youtube tutorial video about how to make fried fries, they do
not have to watch an hour-long video about alls the recipe about cooking. Instead, the
students found a youtube tutorial video that focused on how to make fried fries.
Finally, based on the reasons above the writer would like to conduct a research about
“The Effectiveness of Using Youtube Tutorial Video in English Language Teaching of
Procedure Text Toward Students Speaking Skil”l.

B. Research Question
1. How is the grade of students in speaking before and after using Youtube Tutorial
Video as the media in teaching procedure text?

C. Objectives of the Research

1. To determine students grade on teaching and learning speaking comprehension skill,
especially about the implementation related to the usage of youtube tutorial videos in
teaching procedure text speaking comprehension.

D. Significance of the Research

In this study, the researcher expected that this research has the benefits, as
1. This study will be a useful reference about the use of Youtube tutorial video for others
who want to write about this issue.
2. For English teachers, the findings of the research provide such information to improve
the quality of the teaching and learning process of speaking and improve students’
learning achievements.
3. For the students, it will motivate them to learn speaking by using Youtube tutorial
video as media.
4. The students will learn to develop their ideas, and arrange their own words into a
good sentences in developing procedure text.
E. Definitions of the Key Terms
1. Speaking
Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves
producing and receiving and processing information (Brown, 1994; Burns & Joyce,
1997). Its form and meaning are dependent on the context in which it occurs,
including the participants themselves, their collective experiences, the physical
environment, and the purposes for speaking. It is often spontaneous, open-ended, and
2. Procedure Text
Procedure Text. Procedure, according to Anderson and Anderson (1997: 50)
means —a piece of text that gives us instructions for doing something“. The purpose
of a procedure text type is to explain how something can be done such as directions,
recipes, instruction manual, and itineraries.
3. Tutorial Video
A video tutorial is a student handout is written to accompany a specific video.
An exemplary video tutorial - informs the student of the purpose of viewing the video.
instructs the student to make observations and record information. challenges student
with questions related to information presented in the video.
4. Youtube
Constituting one of the world's most popular search engines, YouTube enables
inexpensive distribution of educational content, including course material from
educational institutions and "how to" videos from individuals. Worldwide video
access has spurred innovation by enabling geographically distributed individuals to
build upon each other's work, to collaborate, or to crowdsource.

1. Speaking
a. Definition of Writing
According to Homby (19950), speakg is to t k or say something about something.
Healo says speaking ca be defined as to now and be able to use a language and make
speech an audiencen Webster's Third New International Dictionary 1981:285),
speaking is the et or an instance of uttering words.
Speaking definition by Byrne (1997. 8) is stated as oral communication in a two
way process between the speaker and listener tonlisteners), It involves the productive
skill of speaking and the receptive skill of understanding (or listening with
Thomas (1987: 12) also states that communication implies more than one person.
There must be someone to transmit a message, and someone to receive it.
Communication is undertaken for a purpose. There is always a reason for transmitting
a message to someone else (1987:14). Harmer (1991:53) states that speaking can be
used for command in a great range in every possibility. That means that speaking can
be used for make communication in time and places between people. The definitions
above mean that speaking is a process of making communication from one person to
another. It can be done between two people or more. Speaking is stated by O'Malley
(1990 66-67) as an example of a complex cognitive skill that can be differentiated into
various hierarchal sub skills, some of which might trequire controlled processing
while others could be processed automatically. In other words, it involves many skills
in human's brain and it is consisting and automatic process. Anderson in O'Malley
(1990 38) identifies three stages of language production. The first is construction, in
which the speaker selects communication goals and identifies appropriate meanings.
Second is transformation, in which language rule are applied to transform intended
meanings into the form of the message. Third is execution, in which the message is
expressed in its audible or observable form. It means that speaking is skill that the
person need some processing that can be controlled or automatically produce by
Meanwhile, Jordan (1997 193) says that speaking as for academic purposes is an
overal term used to describe pókan language in various academic settings. In addition,
it soggests that the language used is normally formal or neutral, and obeys the
conventions associated with the genre or activity. Typically of situations or activities
are asking questions in lectures participation in seminars/discussions, making oral
presentation answering ensuing questions/points, verbalising data and giving Qral
instructions That means speaking is a technique to express every activities by people
Bygate states that speaking is a skill which deserves attention every bit as much
as literary skills both firsaand second languages (1987: vii). Meanwhile Harmer
(1991- 16) says that speaking involve language production and are often referred to as
productive skill. In other word, speaking is an important skill that has to learn by the
learners w hen they learn about language because speaking is a productive skill.
Therefore, it can be concluded that speaking is productive skill that somcone as
speaker and another as listener or listeners in makıng communication between them
transmitted a message. Speaking for the students also has some elements that are
fhueney, vocabulary grammmar, pronunciation, and content. The elements will make
them transmitted the message.

b. The Elements of Teaching Speaking

One problem in teaching language is to make the students able to use language.
The use of language usually can be proven by look at the students speaking skill. By
looking the students speaking skill, the teacher will be able to know how far the
students use the language.
However, teaching speaking is not easy. Some of students usually fear to speak
especially in formal speaking such as speech Wallace, Stariha, and Walberg in
teaching speaking, listening and writing (1998:.12) say that people as learners fear the
challenges of speech by themselves. To face the problem like that Harmer (1991: 131-
132) gives some solutions such as: (a) Use pair work or group work; (b) Allow them
to speak in a controlled way at first (e) Use 'acting out' and reading aloud; (d)y Use
role-nlay te) Use the media such as tape recorder.
The media should be related to the theme of accommodation for students in their
society (Lynch and Anderson 1992 18). The use of media has to be related with the
materal. Therefore the students will not confuse with the material The media also has
to be known by the students The students also will not find to find the media that are
they use Therefore the media must casy and cheap for the students The media is as the
technique for the students to improve their speaking skill. To know how they increase
their speaking skill it can use a presentation According to Tarone and Yule (1989) im
Lynch and Anderson (1992 3). a learner's use of interaction strategies should be
judged by the eflectiveness in getting the message conveyed, rather than by the
accurucy of their form.
However, in teaching speaking usually students will feel bored. Arnold states that
the students feel bored they will not pay attention or not learn and they also can be
easily distracted, get up to mischief, and prevent others from learning (1985: 2). To
make students interested in the teaching learning process, the teacher has to make
interesting technique.
Spratt in Arnold (1985: 5) states that an oral lesson which aims to teach new
structures or functions is often divided into three stages, commonly known as the
presentation stage the practice or accuraty practice stage, and the production. In
presentation stnge Spratt in Arnold (1985 56) say that it may focus on one or several
exponents of functions, exponents of ditfercnt functions grouped together in a natural
sequenee, a structure and one of use of a strueture. The aims of the presentation (1985,
6) 10 give students the opuportunity to (1) realike the usefulness and relevance of the
ew language and heir need to fearnt it, (2) concentrate on the meaning of the new
language and, Where appropriate its degree formality, (3) pay attention to the
pronunciationstress, intonationand spelling of the new language Spratt in Amold 985
6-7) divided the context ot the presentation into two contexts. First is situational
contgxt It isumply the situation language occurs in or, with reference to the
presentation se the situation the teacher chooses to allow the new language to occur in
Second is linguistic context It is the language surrounding a particular piece of
language The second stage is practice Spratt in Arnold (1985 8) states that the
tationale behind the practice or accuracy practices stage is that of giving students the
opportunity to use the newly presented language in controlled framework so as to
allow them to memotize its form and assinmilate its meaning more fully In teaching
speaking, students not only just can be practicing then languape, hut also they have to
pioduce their own language. There ate some activites or techques that can he ued in
production stages.
2. Procedure Text
a. Definition of Descriptive Text
There are some texts that should be learned by junior high school students
especially procedure text. According to Anderson procedure text is a piece of text that
tells reader or listener instructions for doing something. Its purpose is to provide
instructions for making something, doing something or getting somewhere. It is
supported by Walter that procedure text is a rule, an instruction that given or
performed in order to achieve a successful outcome-usually a series of sequenced
steps.1bought, a flavor of ice cream you tasted, or a concert you recently

In can be concluded that procedure text is a text that explains or instructs
something in order to know how it can be done through a series of sequenced steps.
b. Generic Structure of Descriptive Text

Anderson stated that a procedure text usually has three sections. There is an
introductory statement or title that gives the aim or goal of the procedure, followed by
a list of materials that will be needed to complete the procedure. The final section is a
sequence of steps, in the order they need to be completed, to achieve this goal.

Moreover, according to Walter the generic structure of procedure text as


a. Goal – a statement of what is to be achieved.

Example: How to make a sponge cake
b. Materials/equipment needed, listed in order.
Example: 2 eggs, flour
c. Sequenced steps to achieve the goal.
Example: Cream the sugar and butter.

d. Often diagrams or illustrations.

c. Example of Procedure Text

Some examples of procedure texts as follows:
a. Directions
b. Recipes
c. Instruction manuals
d. Itineraries
Example 1
Snap trap!
Here is a magic trick to trap your friends!
You’ll need:
A crisp, new banknote or piece of paper about the same size.
Let’s do it:
a. First, hold the end of the note or paper in one hand.
b. Then let it hang straight down.
c. Now bring your other hand up the middle of note.
d. Position your thumb and index finger on each side of the note but don’t
touch it yet.
e. Let the note fall then catch it between your thumb and index finger.
f. Now ask your friends to try to catch the note as you let it fall. They
won’t able to!
g. After they have tried a few times, offer to help by telling them when
you are going to let go. Say something like, “On, two, three, drop!”
They still won’t be able to catch the magic note!

d. Language Features
Procedure texts usually include the following language features:
a. The use of technical language
b. Sentences that begin with verbs and are stated as commands
c. The use of time words or numbers that tell the order for doing the procedure
d. The use of adverbs to tell how the action should be done.

Barwick also explained some language features of procedure in his book as


a. Noun or noun groups are used in the listed material or equipment. E.g.
screws, nuts, bolts, screwdriver, wood.
b. Often the name of an item is omitted instead of being constantly repeated
and an ellipsis used. The person following the instructions may not be
referred to or may be referred to in a general way as one or you. There is
little use of personal pronouns.
c. Conjunctions are used to show chronological order. E.g. before, while, then,
after, when.
d. Action verbs start most sentences. E.g. take, put, link.
e. Short statements or commands are used. E.g. pick them up.
f. Adjectives add details relating to size, shape, color, and amount. E.g. place
the red cub there.
g. Words related to direction and specific location are found. E.g. left, north,
Jamison Street.
h. Present tense is generally used.
i. Vocabulary ranges from technical to everyday language according to the
target audience.
j. Emphasis is often given to important information by underlining it or writing
in bold.
k. Adverbs, prepositions and adverbial phrases add detailed information about
how, where, and when.
l. Clear, simple. Precise but detailed language is used.

3. Tutorial Video
a. Definition of Tutorial Video
In this modern era video is not a new thing and strange thing for people especially
students. Video can be found in many platforms in internet beside in Television, such
as YouTube and video.com.
Video is media that convey messages in an audio-visual environment. Whereas
tutorial is a method of transferring knowledge through a sequence of instructions to
complete a task. According to Sumarni, “tutorial video is a video to transfer an
information of how to accomplish something by means of a set of instruction”.
Based on the definition of tutorial video above, it can be concluded that tutorial
video is an information in the form of audio and visual that the message contains how
to accomplish something or how something can be done.
b. Advantages of Tutorial Video

Providing good and creative media is one of teachers’ task to make the process
of learning and teaching more interesting. One of interesting media that teachers can
easily get is video. Video is also richer than picture even audio. Bal-Gezegin stated in
his research that “the use of video can enhance learning specific fixed expression and
when students are presented with visual aids such as video clips, they enjoy it and find
it motivating”.

Harmer in the book of Practice of English Language teaching explains five

advantages of using video in teaching English.

a. Seeing language-in-use
Students do not just hear language, they see it too. All such paralinguistic
features give valuable meaning clues and help viewers to see beyond what
they are listening to, and thus interpret the text more deeply.
b. Cross-cultural awareness
Video uniquely allows students a look at situations far beyond their classroom.
Video is also of great value in giving students a chance to see such things as
what kinds of food people eat in other countries, and what they wear.
c. The power of creation
When students use video cameras themselves they are given the potential to
create something memorable and enjoyable. The camera operators and
directors suddenly have considerable power. The task of video-making can
provoke genially creative and communicative uses of the language, with
students finding themselves ‘doing new things in English’.
d. Motivation
For all of the reasons so far mentioned, most students show an increased level
of interest when they have a chance to see language in use as well as hear it,
and when this is coupled with interesting tasks.
c. The Disadvantages of Using Video

According to Harmer, when teachers want to use video in the classroom they
have to aware with some disadvantages or problems that may occur. There are some
disadvantages of video as follows:

a. The ‘nothing’ syndrome

Just switching on the monitor in a class is not special exciting for viewing
population, the teacher have to provide video activities that are unique
learning experiences and do not just replicate home television viewing.
b. The length of extracts
Some people think that more than two or three minutes of video sends students
to sleep or become sleepy. However, others like to show students whole
programs. Such short extracts are usually the best option where teachers want
to use the longer ones because of the topic or because it is impossible to
extract a good shot extract. Teacher need to design activities to keep the
students involved.
4. Youtube
1. Internet Media
Bovee in Sanaky (2009: 3) defines that media is a tool that has function to
send messages. However teaching and learning media is a tool that has function
and can be used to messages in teaching and learning process.
There are some purposes of teaching learning media: a) to make easyteaching
learning process; b) to increase teaching learning process more effecient; c) to
keep relevant between the material and the teaching learning purposes; d) to help
learners concentrates in teaching learning process (Sanaky, 2009:4).
Nowadays, there is some of teaching learning media that is usually used in
teaching learning process. One of them is computer or internet. Internet or
interconnected network igiobal communicationstem that has relation that has
relation to computers and network around the world (1kandar: 2009: 1), However,
Dodeney says thit internet thit abbreviatedat the biegest communication revolution
(2000: 1). la other word, tamet is a sysêm that can use by the user to make a
communicatiun to givenformation to other people atound the world.
Teeler and Giay define the intemet s the information kuperhighway that serves
electronie libiry and the digital revolution. Therefore, the internet is serving the
people ome of information around the world using electronic library so the people
will get faster information.
2. Youtube Video
One of the intemet services that contain of information around the world is
using video. One of the websites that contain of video is YouTube Pardosi says
that YouTube is a website that has free videos. By using YouTube, the people can
search and watch the video using computer (2009). Meanwhile, Prakoso ( 2009: v)
states that YouTube is a web sharing videos that people can share video to other
people around the world.
According to Leona (2010: 4) YouTube.com is one of the many Web 20 sites
popping up on the web. It is a video shating website. By some definition above, it
can be concluded that YouTube is web that contain some videos that the people
can share the Nideo with other people.
Pardosi (2009: 3) adds that using YouTube can be done by the people without
registering. That means that using YouTube is very easy. People can search and
watch the video directly without registering.
Prakoso (2009: v) says that YouTube is available for everyone in community.
He (2009: 12-13) also says YouTube has some profession account. The profession
accounts that available in YouTube are:
a. Comedians: for comedians around the world.
b. Directors: for videographer, autor, director, or people who want to be a
c. Teacher: For teacher or people who want to share their knowledge.
d. Musicians: for muncian, singer, the owner of recording company, or
people who has job in music world.
e. Non-profil: for organization and non-profit activities.
f. Politicis: for politician campaigning.
g. Reporters: for reporter and journalist.
Therefore, YouTube is availuble for evervone who search and watch videos in
many differences profession.
3. Video Types
Accordng to Hamer (2001: 284) there are basic types of video which can be
used in class:
a. Off-air programmes: programmes recordered a television channel should
be engagiogor thoatudentsagnd sekible length. The teacher can use it to
show some activine redietion, cross-cultural awareness, teaching language,
and students' own creativity.
b. Real-world video: the use of video shows the students of the real life in the
outside of the class such as feature film, exercise 'manual, and wildlife
documentaries. Therefore, video make the students understand the lifestyle
in the real life. Teacher has to choose the video related the material that the
students learnt.
c. Language learning videos: many publishers now produce free language
learning videos to accompany course book. The main advantage is that
they have been designed with students at a particular level in mind. They
are thus likely to be comprehensible, designed to appeal to students' topic
interest, and multi-use that they not only use for language study but also
for other activities. Besides of that, it also has risk for the students by using
language learning videos when the videos production is poor, the
situations and the language are inauthentic, or the content to unshopiscated
Therefore, teacher has to be limited the sequences which the students will
accept and enjoy.
5. Previous Study
There are some relevant studies related to the use of youtube tutorial video as
media in teaching speaking. Actually, youtube tutorial video is effective to improve
students’ speaking ability. The studies conducted in different settings in which English is
regarded as a foreign language. The studies are described as the following.
Muhammad Sirrul Muna (2011) conducted a study entitled “UTILIZING
Action Research at the XI Grade Students of SMK Negeri 3 Surakarta, Academic Year
2010/2011)”. The research findings show that YouTube video could inprove: (1)
students" speaking skill (2) class situation Related, to the improvement of students"
speaking skill, there are five indicators of students speaking skill. This research finds that
the use of YouTube videos by some techniques such as pause and play combined by
some method such as dulling could improve students speaking skill and situation of the
class. The researcher expects that the use of Youtuhe videos could be used by the teacher
as one of the media in the teaching learning process especially in teaching speaking.
In addition, a study conducted by Meylia Azurah (2018) entitled “The Effect of
Tutorial Video on Students’ Writing of Procedure Texts (A Quasi-experimental Study at
the Eighth Grade Students of MTs Negeri 13 Jakarta in the Academic Year 2017/2018)”.
The aim of this research was to obtain the empirical evidence about the effect of tutorial
video on students’ writing of procedure texts. Then, the result of statistical hypothesis
testing by using independent sample t-test found that on degree of significance 5% (α =
0.05), to observe was 3.108 while t table was 2.001 or to observe > t table. Therefore, H0
was rejected and Ha was accepted. Furthermore, the Cohen’s formulation was used in
order to know the effect size of tutorial video and the result was 0.80. It proved that
tutorial video gave moderate effect and it can be concluded that there was a significant
effect of tutorial video on students’ writing of procedure texts at the eighth grade of
students MTs Negeri 13 Jakarta in the academic year of 2017/2018.
The studies above prove the effectiveness of the youtube tutorial video as media
to improve students’ speaking skill in educational technique and professional areas.
Youtube tutorial video helps the students to build their critical thinking. Therefore, the
teachers will gain many advantages if they can apply the youtube tutorial video as media
in their speaking class.

A. Research Design
In this research, the researcher used a quantitative method. In addition, the
research design used in this research is a quasi-experimental study. As Goddard and
Melville’s view, experimental research is primarily concerned with cause and effect.
Researchers identify the variables of interest and try to determine if changes in one
variable (called the independent variable, or cause) result changes in another (called the
dependent variable, or effect). The writer applied an experimental study which used two
groups of sample; control and experimental group to investigate the effect of tutorial
video on students’ speaking of procedure texts. The experimental group is the group that
received the treatment using media tutorial video, meanwhile the control group is the
group that received the treatment using teacher’s presentation. The writer also used pre-
test before the treatment and post-test after the treatment for two groups of sample.

Table 1.1
Design of the Study
Sample Pre-Test Treatment Post-Test
Experimental Pre-Test Treatment with Post-Test
Class youtube tutorial
Control Class Pre-Test Treatment without Post-Test
youtube tutorial
video (teacher’s

B. Variables
This research consists of two variables; they are independent and dependent
variables. The independent variable in this research is YouTube Tutorial Video as
media that will be helpful students to improve their speaking skill.
The dependent variable of this research is speaking as one of the four of language
skills that has to be mastered by the students in order to be able to spoke up their ideas
C. Research Instruments
Research instrument use to collect data and all the instruments used in this
research has been validated by validator Mrs. Kudriyah Ahmad Satroli as a English
teacher in SMPN 1 Tanjung Bumi to show that all the instrument are valid and can be
used in the research. In this study, there are three kinds of research instrument.
i. Test
Test uses to know the student‘s ability of speaking before and after
implementing guided question method. The forms of the test were presentations
test. The pre-test and the post-test had different topics of procedure texts that have
been prepared by the writer. In the pre-test, the writer asked the students to make
a procedure text about “How to Make a Special Omelet” or “How to Make Fried
Rice” whereas, in the post-test, the students were free to choose the topic of their
procedure texts. The instrument of the research was attached in table 1.2.

Table 1.2
Instrument of Pre-test


1. Write a procedure text with the topic that has been

given using your own words and based on your knowledge.

 How to make a special omelet

 How to make fried rice

2. The score will be based on the generic structure,

content, vocabulary, language use and mechanic.

3. You have 60 minutes to write the text.

In this test the teacher will give some grade based on some aspect. Those
aspects are grammar, content, organization or form and vocabulary. The table
belows show the example of scoring sheet as follow:
From the score above, the writer conclude a score criterias as a table below:

Table 1.3
Scoring Rubric

Criteria Score
Substantive, relevant to assigned 30-27 (excellent to very good)
topic, etc.
Mostly relevant to topic, but lacks 26-22 (good to average)

detail, etc.
Little substance, inadequate 21-17 (fair to good)
development of topic, etc.
Non-substantive, not enough to 16-13 (very poor)
evaluate, etc.
Well-organized, logical 20-18 (excellent to very good)
sequencing, etc.
Loosely organized but main ideas 17-14 (good to average)

stand out, logical but incomplete

sequencing, etc.
Lacks logical sequencing and 13-10 (fair to good)
No organization or not enough to 9-7 (very poor)
evaluate, etc.
Effective word, word from 20-18 (excellent to very good)
mastery, etc.
Occasional errors of word, etc. 17-14 (good to average)

Frequent errors of word, meaning 13-10 (fair to good)

confused, etc.
Little knowledge of English 9-7 (very poor)
vocabulary, word form, or not
enough to evaluate, etc.

Few errors of agreement, tense, 25-22 (excellent to very good)

number, etc.
Several errors of agreement, 21-18 (good to average)
tense, number, but meaning
seldom obscured, etc.
Frequent errors of negation 17-11 (fair to good)
agreement, tense, number,
meaning confused or obscured,
Dominated errors, does not 10-5 (very poor)
communicate, or not enough to
evaluate, etc.

ii. Observation Sheet

Observation sheet will be used to know the students and teachers activity
during English teacher and learning process by using Youtube Tutorial Video as
media. The instrument gives monitor and records the student’s improvement
during the lesson.
iii. Documentation
In this research, the researcher used document as one of the instrument. The
researcher collect all the data from the school and teacher document which are
needed in this research like students‘ speaking result in pre-test and post-test and
also the students‘ Speaking scores in pre-test and post-test. Photo in this research
will be used to documented all situation in this class. Conclude the process of
teaching learning using YouTube Tutorial Video. Another instrument is the data
from the school and from the teacher about the situation of the SMPN 1 Tanjung
Bumi. Beside that the researchers also prepare some video as documentation.
D. Method of Data Collection
In this research, the writer used tests to collect the data and to measure students’
speaking on procedure texts. The tests given to the students were pretest and post-test.
The pre-test was given to the experimental group and the control group before the
research was conducted in order to measure students’ writing of procedure texts. After
received the pre-test, the experimental group had treatment on writing of procedure texts
by using tutorial video, whereas the control group had treatment on writing of procedure
texts with teacher presentation or without youtube tutorial video. After the treatment,
both of groups received the post-test to know the achievement in experimental group and
control group.
The Score Data of Students (Pre-Test)

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std.

VAR00001 24 25,00 70,00 45,9583 13,01330
Valid N 24

The Score Data of Students (Post-Test : Using YouTube Tutorial Vidoe Media)

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std.

VAR00002 24 50,00 75,00 61,1250 7,53723
Valid N 24

E. Method of Data Analysis

In this research, several procedures were used to analyze the data to get the
results such as mean, standard deviation, t-test and degree of freedom formula. The
results of this descriptive statistics were tabulated in table and then analyzed

The quantitative data is presented with the mean score. It is analyzed by

calculating the mean of pre-test nnd post-test is done to compare the students" speaking
skill before and atter each cycle The pre-tes and post-test will show whether the students
speaking skill improve or not. The pre-test and post-test can be formulated by using mean
as follow:
The following table described the mean score of pre-test and post-test of
experimental and control class.

Table 2.1. The Result of Mean Score of Pre-test and

Post-test Score of Experimental Class

Indicators Mean Pre-Test Mean Post-Test




The table above will revealed the result of mean score of pre-test and post-test
score of the experimental class. From the data above, it can be seen that the mean score
of all indicators will be increased or not

Table 2. The Result of Mean Score of Pre-test and Post-test Score of Control Class.

Indicators Mean Pre-Test Mean Post-Test




It can be noticed from the table above what will the result of mean score of all
indicators from control class will increase or not in the post-test.

Table 3. The Calculation of Mean, Standard Deviation, T-Test, and T-Table

Standard Differenc
Test Score Mean T-Test T-Table
Deviation e (D)
Post-test of the
Post-test of the
control class

To test the hypothesis, the t-score calculated had to be compared with t- table
by referring to the level of significance 0.05. According to Sugiyono (2005), the
testing criteria used for the hypothesis testing is that if t-test is higher than t-table, the
null hypothesis (H0) is rejected, and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted It
means it will shows the use of YouTube Tutorial Video media through procedure text
is improve or not the students’ speaking skill. We used a certain degree of freedom in
particular significance (α) of 0.05.

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