General Biology 1 NOTES PDF
General Biology 1 NOTES PDF
General Biology 1 NOTES PDF
Genome Sequencing
1990 – the Human Genome Project
– aimed to sequence three billion DNA bases in the
human cell.
– was finished in 2003
– provided new insights in understanding the Biology
of Homo sapiens, its evolution, and the proper and
accurate diagnosis of human diseases.
– was hailed as one of the most significant scientific
endeavors ever accomplished
Lesson 1.1: The Study of Life
Life Sciences – play a key role in tackling global challenges
Biology – study of life
Bios – life; Logos – study The first living cells came as a result of ancient events wherein
– it deals with structures, functions, and relationships of lifeless matter became organized, capable of supporting life.
organisms with their environment
– tells that ours is an environment that began 3.8 billion
years ago, aquatic and devoid of life
– studied at various level
Various levels:
• Molecular
• Cellular
• Organismal
• Population The diversity of life started with simple organisms that were able to
• Community evolved from one generation to the next.
• Ecosystem
Levels of Structural Organization Traditional Branches of Biological Sciences
Types of Variables
• Independent Variable
Inductive Reasoning – specific to general • Dependent Variable
– involves using many individual • Controlled Variable
observations to make a
Independent Variable – changeable
– limit to only one in an experiment
– based on tentative hypothesis that
– cause change in an experimental
can later be tested before
set up
producing a general conclusion.
– cause
Inductive Leap – a common pitfall condition to this
Dependent Variable – change that happens because of the – explains the natural world
independent variable – well-accepted by the scientific community.
– effect
Early Beliefs About the Origin of Life Lazzaro Spallanzani (1767) – challenged Needham’s experiment
– he boiled broth in two bottles, left one bottle open and
Abiogenesis / The Theory of Spontaneous Generation one closed, and found that new microorganisms
– proposed by Aristotle in 4th century that lasted until appeared only in the open bottle.
17th century
– small organisms are spontaneously generated from Conclusion: life occurred from something that entered the
nonliving matter unsealed flask and that it was the one responsible for
life to grow.
Ex. Flies can grow from cattle manure, the microorganisms entered the bottle through the air;
mice from wheat stored in the dark they were not generated spontaneously in the broth
Biogenesis – belief that life originates from preexisting life 19th Century Advancement
Experiments to prove Biogenesis
LOUIS PASTEUR (1861) – designed flasks with long, specially
Francesco Redi (1688) – Italian physician who experimented on curved, swanlike necks and boiled the
fresh meat in jars sugar solution with yeasts in it.
– disprove the theory of spontaneous • The flasks were open to allow air to enter but there’s no
generation organism developed in the mixture.
Conclusion: that life arose from living matter, such as • Microorganism settled on the bottom of the curved neck of
maggots from eggs of flies, and not from the the flask and could not reach the mixture
spontaneous generation in the meat
Conclusion: This suggests that new bacteria appear only when Lesson 1.5: Unifying Themes about Life
they are produced by existing bacteria.
Living Things demonstrate common characteristics clustered
CURRENT Beliefs About the Origin of Life into themes:
Lesson 2.1: The cell and Its Beginnings • First invention was a simple microscope with only one lens
Earliest Microscopic Observations Leeuwenhoek realized that he can observe even microscopic things
that were moving in pond water, which he call “ANIMALCULES”
1595 – Hans and Zacharias Janssen credited with the first
meaning little animals.
compound microscope
Animalcules – known today as single-celled organism called
1661 – King Charles II of England commissioned a microscopic
examination of the natural world, as the focus of the royal
interest that time was on insect anatomy. • He studied many specimens such as blood, semen, feces,
pepper, and tartar.
Robert Hooke – an English scientist
• He was the first to observe living cells. He was also the first
– curator of Instruments for the Royal Society of England
to record microscopic observations of muscle fibers,
– He was very fascinated with the microscopic world.
bacteria, spermatozoa and blood flow in capillaries (small
– devised one of the earliest microscopes that can magnify
blood vessels).
every sort of material such as glass, crystal, point of a pin,
body of a flea, and even frozen urine.
– most commemorative work came from a thin slice of cork After more than 200 years,
from a bark of an oak tree
Formulation of the Cell Theory
– observed lining matter (cork cells) through a compound
microscope, which reveals empty cells. 1838 – German Botanist, Matthias Jakob Schleiden, concluded that
– He is the first to call the spaces in the cork “cellulae” which all plant parts are made of cells
means little rooms.
1839 – German physiologist, Theodor Schwann, who was a close
– However, these hollow chambers drawn by Hooke were
friend of Schleiden, stated that all animal tissues are
actually dead.
composed of cells.
Robert Hooke refined the design of the compound microscope
1855 – Robert Remak a prominent neurologist and embryologist,
around 1665 and published a book “Micrographia” which illustrated
published convincing evidence that cells are derived from
his findings using the instrument. Hooke was first credited in seeing
other cells as a result of cell division. However, this idea was
a cell in 1666, but he cannot fully define what he saw.
questioned by many in the scientific community.
The Cell Theory Timeline • Miller heated, circulated the mixture and applied an electric
• After a week, amino acids and other organic compounds
were recovered from the setup.
• The experiment used water (H2O), methane (CH4), ammonia
(NH3), and hydrogen (H2). The chemicals were all sealed
inside a sterile 5-liter glass flask connected to a 500 ml flask
half-full of water.
• Modern day analysis indicate that an even more complete
list of amino acids was successfully synthesized in the
Miller-Urey Experiment.
• Miller and Urey concluded that the basis of spontaneous
organic compound synthesis or early earth was due to the
• Every living thing on the planet is related, connected by primarily reducing atmosphere that existed then.
series of cell divisions from earliest ancestors • The ORGANIC CHEMICAL EVOLUTION hypothesis states
• The first cells inhabit inconceivable places in the planet. that the first life forms have evolved from PROTOCELLS.
• Existing forms of living organisms today are the products of • Protocells are hypothesized to have been formed by the
long and still continuing evolution from much simpler polymerization of organic molecules in heated rocks or in
organisms. clay.
• These might have been enclosed by a lipid-protein
membrane and might have possessed an enzymatic
• It evolved over billions of years into a self-replicating Two important parameters in microscopy:
system that gave rise to the first true living cell.
• Magnification
• Resolution
Modern Cell Theory Magnification – a measure of how much larger a microscope (or
set of lenses within a microscope) causes an object to
1. All living organisms are made of cells
2. Cells are the basic unit of life
– the measure of optical instruments for an object to appear
3. Cells arise from pre-existing cells
larger than its actual size.
4. Hereditary information is passed from cell
5. All cells have the basic chemical composition Resolution – the smallest distance by which two points can be
6. Energy Flow occurs within cells separated and still be distinguished as separate
Current Interpretation of Modern Cell Theory
– It indicates clarity of an image
Scientists, biologists, researchers and scholars, though still using the
Magnification = magnification of ocular lens x magnification of
fundamental tenets of cell theory, conclude the following on the
objective lens
modern interpretation of cell theory:
Energy flow – metabolism and biochemistry – happens within cells.
Resolving Power of Microscopes – level of detail that we can see
Cells contain passed on from cell to genetic information in the
– the smaller this value, the higher the resolving power of the
form of DNA cell during division.
microscope and the better the clarity and detail of the image.
In the organisms of similar species, all cells are fundamentally the
Both magnification and resolution are important if you want a
clear picture of something very tiny. For example, if a microscope
All living organisms consist of one or more cells. has high magnification but low resolution, all you’ll get is a bigger
version of a blurry image
Lesson 2.2: The invisible World through the Lens of a Microscope
High magnification and resolution are important in revealing the
Microscopes are important biological tools in revealing the intricacies of extremely small specimens with enough clarity.
intricate parts of the cells
Microscopes in a biology laboratory differ in terms of their
Micrographs – are images produced by a microscope magnification and resolution capabilities.
– specifies the type of microscope used to produce
Light Microscope/Compound Microscope
the image as well as the magnification value of the
image • commonly used in schools
• can enlarge objects up to hundred times, most powerful
type has a 2000x magnification
• used to examine cells and sections of tissues with the use of • It is the best to use as it clearly illuminates bacteria and
sunlight or artificial light microscopic organisms
• a benefit of light microscopy is that it can often be
Light Microscope Electron Microscope
performed on living cells, so it’s possible to watch cells
Uses visible light Uses beam of electrons
carrying out their normal behaviors (e.g., migrating or
Lower resolution and Higher resolution and
dividing) under the microscope.
magnification magnification
More complex compound microscopes may not produce an inverted Cells can be alive or dead Cells must be dead
image because they include an additional lens that “re-inverts” the Inexpensive, relatively small Expensive, very large
image back to its normal state.
• Surface area is the area of the outside of the cell, called the
plasma membrane.
• The volume is how much space is inside the cell.
• The ratio is the surface area divided by the volume.
• This indicates how much surface area is available compared
to how big the cell is.
GENETIC MATERIAL (DNA) - located at a central region that
provides instructions to make proteins, regulates
activities, and enables cells to reproduce
Two Main Type of Cells: the presence of the specific type of cell
allows biologist to classify organisms based on their
• Prokaryotes
• Eukaryotes
Prokaryotes – simple
– pro meaning “before” and karyon meaning “nut,”
which all means “before the nut”