Chapter 1: Individual, Culture and Society Individual As A Social Product
Chapter 1: Individual, Culture and Society Individual As A Social Product
Chapter 1: Individual, Culture and Society Individual As A Social Product
Define culture. Use this definition as a framework and discuss the salient features of
Pakistani culture. (1992)
Prove that “individual is a social produce”. Highlight the contribution of culture and
society in this process. (1993)
It has been said that a person raised in one culture may learn to act like people in
an adopted culture, but will never be able to think and feel like a person of adopted
culture. Do you agree?
Who was Ibne Khaldun? What is his contribution to sociology with which publication
and what theory? Is he a father of Sociology? (1997)
Ibne Khaldun is quoted to have said, “Solidarity with community lies in the
adoption of moral standards inculcated by family to each member collectively
responding to social responsibility.” Please offer comments. (1998)
Max Weber has written the book “Sociology of Religion”. What are its main
contents? (1998)
Keeping in view the contributions of Max Weber and Karl Marx, elaborate the
salient features of the school of sociological thought they present. (2000)
Discuss the concept of social solidarity and are the ideas of Ibne Khaldun and
Emile Durkheim on this regard.
What is the role of C. W. Mills in the development of Frankfurt School of Conflict
Theory? Where and how he differs from his contemporaries? Discuss with
evidence. (2006)
What major contributions were made by Emile Durkhiem and Max Weber to the
understanding of society theoretically? How far the two theories can be taken
relevant today? (2007)
Karl Marx has discussed labour theory of value in detail. What do you understand
by that theory; write your answer in detail. (2008)
What do you understand by research design? Take any research which you think is
suitable to study human behaviour and discuss it in detail. (1994)
When is survey research appropriate? What type survey research would you use
to study heroin users? Define the logic of your choice. (2003)
Why is research essential to the scientific enterprise and what are the principal
theoretical methods available to sociologists in the study of social life? What are the
advantages and disadvantages of each? (2004)
Discuss the importance of social research for the study of sociology. Explain the
steps to be taken in Social Research Process. (2005)
What is a research design? What type of a research design can be used for
studying the problems of drug addiction/HIV/AIDS in Pakistani society? Discuss with
examples. (2006)
Discuss the salient features of experimental design of research. What are the
limitations in its application to the study of human behaviour?
What type of survey would you use to study young criminals? Defend the logic of
choice in detail. (2008)
What is internal validity that influences social science research design? What are
different threats to internal validity? Discuss with examples. (2010)
What advantages and disadvantages does a closed class system hold for a society?
For the individual? Mention some deliberate attempts to decrease competition for
status in Pakistan. (1990)
What is social class? Does it perform some functions in society? Give arguments in
support of your view point. (1991)
Discuss the class structure of Pakistani society with special reference to(a) the
influence of the class structure at the time of independence.(b) the determinants of
social mobility (c) the feudal system (2007)
What is the difference of caste and class? Discuss the impact of Feudal System in
Among the social problems “Feudalism” still plays negative role to build up Pakistan
as an egalitarian Islamic Republic. Please offer your own views with
justification. (1998)
What are the different forms of Social Classes? Discuss the impact of Feudal
System in Pakistan. (2001)
Discuss the concept of social mobility and compare the ideas of Ibne Khuldun on
the subject with those of Emile Durkehim.
What do you understand by social mobility? Discuss “do transfer of payments aid
or discourage social mobility”. (2008)
Discuss the means and processes whereby Pakistani society secures its
member’s conformity to its expectations. (1994)
Discuss briefly the internal and external means of social control with reference to
Pakistani society. (2001)