Gender Inequality: Gender Inequality Refers To Unequal Treatment or Perceptions of Individuals Based
Gender Inequality: Gender Inequality Refers To Unequal Treatment or Perceptions of Individuals Based
Gender Inequality: Gender Inequality Refers To Unequal Treatment or Perceptions of Individuals Based
Q.1 Discuss briefly the concept of gender, gender inequality and gender oppression.
Gender Inequality
Q.4 What are the core assumptions of Bandura's social learning theory? Explain briefly.
Core assumptions of Bandura's social learning theory
People can learn by observing other's behaviors and the consequences that result.
Learning can occur without a change in behavior.
Cognition plays important roles in learning.
People can have considerable control over their actions and environments.
Self-regulation plays a major role in learning, e.g., goals, self-observation, self-judgment, self-reaction.
We move from the individual (behaviors and internal process) paradigm to learning as a shared function am
(internal person), behavior (external person), and environment.
The nature of humans is social, therefore we learn through social interactions e.g. interactional conversation
observation, apprentice activities, collaboration/cooperation, reciprocal teaching.
Humans are intrinsically active and exploratory in attempting to impose order, stability, and meaning on exp
Assignment 1