Chapter 10 Digital Transmission Tomasi Review PDF
Chapter 10 Digital Transmission Tomasi Review PDF
Chapter 10 Digital Transmission Tomasi Review PDF
This is the summary notes of the important terms and concepts in Chapter 10 of the
book "Electronic Communications System" by Wayne Tomasi. The notes are properly
synchronized and concise for much better understanding of the book. Make sure to
familiarize this review notes to increase the chance of passing the ECE Board Exam.
12 The analog signal is sampled and then Pulse Code Modulation (
converted to a serial PCM )
n-bit binary code for transmission.
21 _________ theorem establishes the minimum Nyquist Sampling
sampling rate (fs)
that can be used for a given PCM system.
25 A type of code where the codes on the bottom Folded Binary Code
half of the table
are a mirror image of the codes on the top half,
except for the sign bit.
30 During times when there is no analog input Idle Channel Noise
signal, the only
input to the PAM sampler is random, thermal
noise also called as __________,
that is converted to a PAM sample just as if it
were a signal.
39 With ________, the difference in the amplitude Differential PCM ( DPCM
of two )
successive samples is transmitted rather than
the actual sample.