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Chapter 10 Digital Transmission Tomasi Review PDF

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Chapter 10: Digital Transmission – Tomasi Review


October 11, 2014

(Last Updated On: March 17, 2020)

This is the summary notes of the important terms and concepts in Chapter 10 of the
book "Electronic Communications System" by Wayne Tomasi. The notes are properly
synchronized and concise for much better understanding of the book. Make sure to
familiarize this review notes to increase the chance of passing the ECE Board Exam.


Items Definitions Terms

1 Is the transmittal of digital signals between two Digital Transmission

or more
points in a communications system.

2 _________ developed the first digital AT&T

transmission system for
the purpose of carrying digitally encoded
analog signals, such as human
voice, over metallic wire cables between
telephone offices.

3 The primary advantage of digital transmission Noise Immunity

over analog
4 Digital signals are also better suited than Multiplexing
analog signals for
processing and combining using a technique
called _____.

5 Is the processing of analog signals using digital Digital Signal

methods and Processing ( DSP )
includes bandlimiting the signal with filters,
amplitude equalization, and
phase shifting.

6 Digital transmission systems are more resistant Signal Regeneration

to analog
systems to additive noise because they use
________ rather than signal

7 Consist essentially of sampling analog Pulse Modulation

information signals and
then converting those samples into discrete
pulses and transporting the
pulses from a source to a destination over a
physical transmission medium.

8 The four predominant methods of pulse PWM, PPM, PAM and

modulation. PCM

9 Sometimes called pulse duration modulation Pulse Width Modulation

(PDM) or pulse ( PWM )
length modulation (PLM), as the width (active
portion of the duty cycle) of a
constant amplitude pulse is varied proportional
to the amplitude of the
analog signal at the time the signal is sampled.

10 The position of a constant-width pulse within a Pulse Position

prescribed Modulation ( PPM )
time slot is varied according to the amplitude of
the sample of the analog

11 The amplitude of a constant-width, constant- Pulse Amplitude

position pulse is Modulation
varied according to the amplitude of the
sample of the analog signal.

12 The analog signal is sampled and then Pulse Code Modulation (
converted to a serial PCM )
n-bit binary code for transmission.

13 __________ is credited with inventing PCM in Alex H. Reeves

1937 while
working for AT&T at its Paris laboratories.

14 A circuit that periodically samples the analog Sample-and-Hold Circuit

input signal
and converts those samples to a multilevel
PAM signal.

15 The transmission line ________ are placed at Repeaters

distances to regenerate the digital pulses.

16 An integrated circuit that performs the PCM Codec ( Coder / Decoder

encoding and )
decoding functions.

17 The function of a _________ in a PCM Sampling Circuit

transmitter is to
periodically sample the continually changing
analog input voltage and convert
those samples to a series of constant-
amplitude pulses that can more easily
be converted to binary PCM code.

18 The sampling process alters the frequency Aperture Error

spectrum and
introduces an error called _________.

19 The ________ of the capacitor is called the Storage Time

A/D conversion
time because it is during this time that the ADC
converts the sample voltage
to a PCM code.

20 If the input to the ADC is changing while it is Aperture Distortion

performing the
conversion, _______ results.

21 _________ theorem establishes the minimum Nyquist Sampling
sampling rate (fs)
that can be used for a given PCM system.

22 The binary codes used for PCM are N-Bit Codes

_________, where n may be
any positive integer greater than 1.

23 The sign bit in a sign-magnitude code. Most Significant Bit (


24 Is the process of converting an infinite number Quantization

possibilities to a finite number of conditions. Is
the process of rounding
off the amplitudes of flat-top samples to a
manageable number of levels.

25 A type of code where the codes on the bottom Folded Binary Code
half of the table
are a mirror image of the codes on the top half,
except for the sign bit.

26 The magnitude difference between adjacent Quantization Interval or

steps. Quantum

27 If the magnitude of the sample exceeds the Overload Distortion

quantization interval, ________ (also called
peak limiting) occurs.

28 Any round-off errors in the transmitted signal Quantization Error (Qe )

are reproduced Quantization
when the code is converted back to analog in Noise (Qn)
the receiver.

29 Is the ratio of the largest possible magnitude to Dynamic Ratio

the smallest
possible magnitude (other than 0V) that can be
decoded by the
digital-to-analog converter in the receiver.

30 During times when there is no analog input Idle Channel Noise
signal, the only
input to the PAM sampler is random, thermal
noise also called as __________,
that is converted to a PAM sample just as if it
were a signal.

31 A way to reduce idle channel noise wherein the Midtread Quantization

quantization interval is made larger in
amplitude than the rest of the steps.

32 Is the process of compressing and then Companding


33 Two methods of companding: μ-Law and A-law


34 Involves compression in the transmitter after Digital Companding

the input sample
has been converted to a linear PCM code and
then expansion in the receiver
prior to PCM decoding.

35 When digitizing speech signals only, special Vacoders

encoders/decoders called _______ are often

36 A _________ coder extracts the most Linear Predictive

significant portions of
speech information directly from the time
waveform rather than from the
frequency spectrum as with the channel and
formant vocoders.

37 _________ modulation uses a single-bit PCM Delta

code to achieve
digital transmission of analog signals.

38 Two problems associated with delta modulation Slope Overload and

that do not Granular Subdivision
occur with conventional PCM.

39 With ________, the difference in the amplitude Differential PCM ( DPCM
of two )
successive samples is transmitted rather than
the actual sample.

40 The secondary lobes are called __________. Ringing test

41 _________ causes crosstalk between channels Inter symbol

that occupy interference ( ISI )
adjacent time slots in a time-division-
multiplexed carrier system.

42 Special filters called _________ are inserted in Equalizers

transmission path to “equalize” the distortion
for all frequencies, creating
uniform transmission medium reducing
transmission impairments.

43 A ________ is simply the superposition of a Pulse Modulation

series of
harmonically related sine waves with specific
amplitude and phase

44 The decision levels for the regenerator are Crosshairs

represented by

45 The _______ has an effect on the symbol Jitter

timing (clock)
recovery circuit and, if excessive, may
significantly degrade the performance
of cascaded regenerative sections.

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Reviewer in Electronic Communications System by Wayne Tomasi

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