A Guide To Equality For Gay Men, Lesbians and Bisexuals Under Wa Law
A Guide To Equality For Gay Men, Lesbians and Bisexuals Under Wa Law
A Guide To Equality For Gay Men, Lesbians and Bisexuals Under Wa Law
1. The information contained in this publication is correct at the date of
publication. However, the law may change at any time.
4. This booklet is intended to provide users with a guide to the law and
procedure as it affects people dealing with Family Law issues. It
reflects the law current at the date of publication or amendment.
Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and
correctness of the information, no responsibility for any loss or
damage arising from errors or omissions or from changes to the law
which have not been updated by the authors is accepted.
Please provide any comments about this pubication to Gay & Lesbian
Equality WA Inc, or to order more more copies.
September 2003
© 2003 Gay and Lesbian Community Services of Western Australia Inc and
Gay & Lesbian Equality (WA) Inc
03 04
- What Is - What Is Assault?
- Wills
There is much debate in Australia about rights In 2002 and 2003 the Western Australian
and their legal recognition. Although the Parliament passed laws giving same-sex
Constitution does not contain any explicit attracted individuals and all long-term couples
statement of the rights of citizens as in a Bill of legal recognition in a number of areas.
Rights, many rights have gradually become part
The main ones are:
of our law.
• anti-discrimination protection
Laws change over time, as society’s values • inheritance rights,
change and as a result of social and political • stamp duty exemption,
movements claiming rights. • a system for property division if you split up,
• accident and workers compensation if your
This book does not focus on the debates about partner dies,
rights. Rather, it aims to explain the existing law, • partner’s state superannuation,
how it affects you and what you can do to • recognition as ‘next of kin’,
strengthen your legal position. • protection from discrimination on the basis of
marital status,
• access to adoption
There are two main sources of law in Australia: • access to reproductive technology
• recognition as a parent of a non-biological
• Legislation or Acts of Parliament.
child in some cases.
This is made by both the State Parliament and
These laws do not create new rights specific to
the Commonwealth (Federal) Parliament. There
4 are also regulations made in conjunction with
gay men, lesbians and bisexuals – rather, they
remove previous discrimination. The law now
Acts of Parliament.
recognises de facto partnerships regardless of
• Common law. the gender or sexuality of the people involved.
This includes transgender and intersex people.
This is made by judges in court when deciding
cases. It evolves by judges adapting and applying Concept of ‘de facto partner’
the decisions of previous similar cases and relies
These laws create a common definition for de
on principles of ‘fairness’ and ‘reasonableness’.
facto relationships, called ’de facto partner’. This
State and federal law covers most long-term couples of any sex or
gender that aren’t married. This includes
Some areas of law are federal and some
transgender and intersex people. Many laws
are state. Federal laws apply throughout
were changed by the law reform Act to provide
Australia. State law applies only in the
this common definition in WA state laws only.
state where it is made. This publication
More information on who is considered de facto
concentrates on the state and federal law
can be found in the Relationships section. In this
that applies in Western Australia.
booklet de facto partner usually means a de
facto couple of any sex or gender when talking
about WA state law.
Gender Identity
The first and most important step is to find • They must act on your instructions.
out how you are affected by legal issues in
• You do not have to take their advice.
your own life. This book is a good starting
point, but you may need to use other • Make sure you ask questions if there’s
resources as well. anything you don’t understand.
There are many useful Internet sites, publications • If you encounter discrimination from a
and organisations that can give you information. lawyer, you can complain to the Equal
6 Some are listed in this book. You might also want to Opportunity Commission (see the
get in touch with groups such as Gay and Lesbian Discrimination section) or the Legal
Equality to find out what you can do to help reform Practitioner’s Complaints Committee.
our laws. We will only achieve change by speaking
• Always check costs with a lawyer before
out and working towards a fairer system.
signing a contract with them. You can ring
G ET L EGAL A DVICE around to compare costs and services.
Not all adverse treatment is discrimination, Under the Equal Opportunity Act, the person
and not all discrimination is against the law. being harassed must have reasonable grounds
Discrimination is unlawful when for believing that they would be disadvantaged if
they rejected the conduct, or they must actually
• it happens because of an attribute or reject the conduct and be disadvantaged as a
"ground" covered by the law; and result. Under the Sex Discrimination Act the
conduct must happen in circumstances where a
• it happens in an area of public life covered
reasonable person would have anticipated the
by the legislation; and
person being harassed would be offended,
• it is not covered by an exception humiliated or intimidated.
or exemption.
When is sexual harassment unlawful?
Grounds Of Discrimination
Sexual harassment can be unlawful in
There are various grounds of discrimination in connection with a variety of areas of public life.
anti-discrimination legislation. Sometimes Some of the areas in which it is unlawful are
people are discriminated against because of employment (including contract or commission
agent work and harassment by employment • provision of goods, services, or facilities
agents), education, accommodation, and the
• in the area of accommodation
provision of goods, services or facilities.
• disposal of land
D ISCRIMINATION • membership of a club
and conciliate a complaint of sexual preference Human Rights Committee found that the
under the Workplace Relations Act 1996 (Cth) to International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
dismiss someone because of their sexual in refusing a pension to a man who had been in a
preference, or for reasons which include their same sex couple. The man had applied for the
sexual preference. There are some exceptions pension as the dependent of his partner - a war
to this relating to the inherent requirements of a veteran - but it was denied because he was not
job, and staff of religious organisations. considered a "member of a couple" under the law.
The United Nations has asked the federal
The good news… government to address this discrimination.
(Case No. 941/2000: Young v. Australia)
The Equal Opportunity Act (WA) makes it
unlawful to discriminate against someone on the Article 26 of the Covenant…
10 basis of their sexual orientation in some areas of All persons are equal before the law and are
public life. Sexual orientation means entitled without any discrimination to the equal
homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality or protection of the law. In this respect, the law
heterosexuality. The Act covers discrimination shall prohibit any discrimination and guarantee
on the basis of a person’s actual sexual to all persons equal and effective protection
orientation or discriminating against someone against discrimination on any ground such as
because their sexuality was presumed. race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or
other opinion, national or social origin, property,
Sexuality discrimination is unlawful in the
birth or other status.
following areas:
Marital status
• employment, including contract for service,
casual, commission agents, contract Under the federal Sex Discrimination Act 1984
workers, partnerships of 6 or more persons, (Cth) discrimination on the basis of ‘marital
membership of employee or employer status’ doesn’t include being in a same sex
organisations, qualifying bodies, and couple. However, you can complain about
employment agencies discrimination on the basis of your ‘single’ (i.e.
unmarried) status.
• discrimination by an educational authority in
the area of education Under the Western Australian legislation, it is
unlawful to discriminate against someone
• access to places and vehicles
It is unlawful under the Equal Opportunity An employer who employs no more than
Act (WA) to discriminate against a "gender the equivalent of five full-time employees
reassigned person" (i.e. a person who has (not including family members) can
undergone a gender reassignment procedure discriminate when hiring staff, but not
and has been issued with a recognition once you are employed.
certificate) on the ground of that person’s
What You Can Do About Discrimination
gender history. The areas of public life
covered are similar to those covered in Contact the Equal Opportunity Commission. The
relation to sexuality discrimination. A person Enquiry Unit can be contacted by telephone on
has a "gender history" if they identify as, or (08) 9216 3934 or toll free on 1800 198 149 or
seek to live as a member of a sex which was TTY (08) 9216 3936 on each week day, or by
not their sex at birth. email [email protected].
The Commission can advise you of your legal D ISCRIMINATION AT W ORK
options under both state and federal law. Your
One of the most common forms of
complaint will be dealt with confidentially. The
discrimination experienced by gay men,
commission is not a court or tribunal, it operates
lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people is
through conciliation. You need to think about
harassment in the workplace. This can take the
what outcome you want. This can include things
form of jokes, snide remarks, put-downs,
like an apology, payment of compensation, an
isolation or failing to use a gender re-assigned
undertaking to employ or promote you or to
person’s preferred name and pronouns. This can
provide accommodation (depending on the
affect work performance, chances of promotion
case), or a policy change.
and access to other benefits such as training
Discrimination can be difficult to prove. and professional development.
Nevertheless, changes often occur because
You can complain about discrimination in your
someone has made a complaint, and you may
workplace. If you are worried about the
help someone else, even if it doesn’t improve
confidentiality of your complaint in the
your situation.
workplace, discuss the problem first with the
If you are victimised because you have Equal Opportunity Commission. They can advise
complained, you can make another complaint to you of your options. If you think you may be
the commission about that. experiencing discrimination or harassment, make
sure you consult a doctor, counsellor or similar
professional. Apart from helping you to cope,
any notes taken may become important
evidence in a legal case. Also, it is a good idea
to take notes about what is happening. Notes
12 taken around the time of the incidents can be
valuable evidence.
What to do
Anti-discrimination legislation
Professional association
An assault is when a person strikes, touches, (SARC)
moves, or applies force to you (directly or
If you have been sexually assaulted, you can get
indirectly) without your consent. This includes help from the Sexual Assault Resource Centre.
14 hitting and spitting. SARC services include counselling and support;
information and referral; and the collection of
Assault can also include threats to harm you medical and other evidence of the assault.
made in circumstances that make you fear SARC counsellors can help you decide whether
for your safety. You can report an assault to to report the assault to police.
the police. SARC generally has women working as
counsellors. If you wish to see a male
There is no time limit for making a report to the counsellor, you can ask to be referred to a male
police about an assault. However, the sooner counsellor familiar with sexual assault issues.
you report it, the easier it is for the police to
Contact SARC (crisis line 24 hours) on
charge the person. (08) 9340 1828 or 1800 199 888
(Freecall - state wide)
Other rural sexual assault assistance services
Sexual assault is when a person ‘indecently can be found in:
assaults’ another person. This covers sexual
Geraldton - (08) 9964 1833 (crisis 24 hour) or
acts that don’t involve penetration, such as
1800 016 789 (Freecall)
touching breasts or buttocks without consent.
(For meaning of consent, see the Sex and Port Hedland – (08) 9172 5044 (crisis 24 hour)
Sexual Offences section). Kalgoorlie - 1800 688 922 (crisis 24 hour)
V IOLENCE W ITHIN R ELATIONSHIPS ("pleads not guilty") then the matter will go
to trial. It is likely that the police will need
The term ‘family violence’ or ‘domestic violence’
you to give detailed evidence in court about
describes physical and sexual violence, threats,
the assault. You may have to answer
abuse, or emotional and psychological
questions about your personal life – if this is
intimidation directed towards any person by
their partner or any member of their family. relevant to the assault.
When reporting an assault to the police you • In emergencies, police can apply for a
need to give as much detail as possible about Restraining Order on your behalf 24 hours
when and where the assault took place, and a day.
naming or describing the offender. This can be
difficult to do. You may wish to take someone
with you for support.
If you have been injured or suffered loss as a
The Department of Justice’s Victim Support result of a criminal offence, you may be able to:
Service offers a number of services for victims
• claim a compensation payment from
of crime including:
the Government;
• providing information and support on the
• bring a civil claim against the offender;
status of police investigations and in
court proceedings • ask a court to give you a compensation or
restitution order against the offender.
• helping write a victim impact statement
Time limits apply to making these claims so you
• providing counselling and support and
should get legal advice as soon as possible.
referral to other appropriate services
Legal Aid WA has a pamphlet "Compensation
• helping you understand your rights within
for Victims of Crime". It has more information
the criminal justice system
about compensation. You can get a copy at
• helping with inquiries about criminal injuries www.legalaid.wa.gov.au or by calling 1300 650
compensation claims. 579. The Department of Justice also has
information at www.justice.wa.gov.au
The Department of Justice also offers mediation
between victims and offenders through the
Victim Offender Mediation Unit, coronial
counselling through the Coroner's Court and
comprehensive information on restraining orders
and compensation. Contact the Victim Support
Service on (08) 9425 2850 or 1800 818 988
(outside metro only)
YOUR RIGHTS AND POLICE POWERS • Under the Misuse of Drugs Act the police
may ask you to give information about the
Being stopped by police
manufacture, sale or supply of prohibited
The police have the right to ask for your name and drugs and plants. Failure to cooperate may
address if they believe ‘on reasonable grounds’ be an offence.
you are about to break or have broken the law.
Police can use anything you say to them at any
Therefore you should provide your name and
time in deciding whether to arrest you or charge
address if asked. Refusing or giving an incorrect
you with something. There is no such thing as ‘off
name and address is an offence.
the record’.
If police want you to go with them for questioning,
If police arrest you
you can refuse unless they are arresting you.
Police can only arrest you if they have reasonable
Answering police questions
grounds to believe you have broken the law. They
In most circumstances you are legally obliged to must tell you at the time what you are being
give the police your name and address, but other arrested for. You must be ‘cautioned’ by the police
18 than that you have the right to remain silent. You before they question you formally. This means
can refuse to answer questions asked by police telling you your rights in relation to questioning
whether you have been stopped in the street, and evidence.
been taken to the station for questioning or been
After arresting you, the police can only hold you
arrested. You can refuse to answer any
in custody for a ‘reasonable time’ without
questions or sign any statements until you
charging you. What is ‘reasonable’ depends on
have spoken to a lawyer.
the seriousness of the crime and the
There are some circumstances where you must circumstances. While in custody you can ask to
answer questions asked by police: telephone a friend or relative or a lawyer in
private. This is not a legal right.
• If you are driving, you must:
Formal interviews with police
- give your name and address and the
name and address of the owner of Generally, you have a right to remain silent (see
the vehicle above). If you make a written statement explaining
your version of events or if the police prepare a
- show your driver’s licence or, if you don’t written record of the interview then this will
have it on you, take it to a police station probably be used against you in court. The police
within 48 hours will ask you to sign the record of interview and the
statement. You do not have to sign.
If you do sign you should read the statement R AILWAY P OLICE A ND T RANSIT G UARDS
carefully and correct any mistakes. Even if you do
not sign the record of interview it can be used as Railway police have powers similar to police
evidence in court. You should ask for a copy of officers. They can arrest you or give you
the written record of interview and your statement infringement notices for being drunk, trespassing,
and show them to your lawyer. Anything you say acting violently, offensively or in a way that puts
to the police can also be used in court. others in danger.
If you are under 18, an independent adult person Railway police can remove you from the train for
must be present during the interview. This can be getting in the way of other passengers, destroying
your parent, family member, friend or other person property, causing a disturbance, not paying
independent from the police. correct fares, having an invalid ticket or failing to
give your name and address.
Physical evidence
Fingerprints and other ID Transit guards are not police. They do not have
police powers but will call railway police when
The police can take your fingerprints or needed. Transit guards have the power to check
photograph if you have been arrested. you have a valid ticket, have paid the correct fare
and can issue fines and infringement notices.
Body searches
A police officer of your gender can do a pat-down
search or a strip search for safety reasons or to The WA Police Service are attempting to improve
get evidence while you are in custody. In regard to attitudes towards the gay, lesbian, bisexual and
transgender or intersex people your ‘legal’ gender transgender community.
would determine the gender of the police officer
legally allowed to body search you. This should be This includes improving police performance and
done with respect for your privacy and dignity. A encouraging members of the community to seek
help from the police. If you are the victim of a
physical examination or an internal search of your
body can only be done by a doctor. crime, it is important to report it to the police. You
can also complain about actions the police have
Body samples taken (see below).
Police can only take body samples from you if you The WA Police Service has trained Diversity
have been charged with an offence and it is related Officers in each district to improve
to the crime. (However, if you are the driver of a car communication between minority groups and
police can demand a breath or blood test.) the police. This police officer can also liaise
between victims of crime and investigating
Other searches
officers. If you want to report a crime but are
Police can search your house if they have a worried about dealing with your local police, or if
warrant, but also without a warrant in certain you have reported a crime but are not happy
circumstances. They can usually also search with the response, you can contact the Diversity
your car. Officer in your district.
Where possible you should first try and resolve a If you believe that the police have discriminated
problem by contacting the police. This may be against you, you may be able to lodge a
through contacting the relevant officer, the complaint with the Equal Opportunity
officer in charge of the police station or even the Commission (see the Discrimination section).
Commissioner of Police in writing.
I NFORMATION P RIVACY • find out what information an organisation
holds on you and how they manage it.
In general, your sexuality and your relationships
are your own business. In most situations - job If you think your privacy rights have been
applications for example - you are not required to infringed you should attempt to resolve the
disclose your sexual orientation or details about matter with the organisation in question if
your sexual relationships. Forcing you to provide possible. Write a letter or email to the
this information could be unlawful discrimination. organisation, explain the situation and what you
would like to see happen. Give the organisation
There are some exceptions. For example,
an opportunity to rectify the situation, 30 days is
insurance companies may be able to
a reasonable time frame in which they should
discriminate in the terms of insurance on
respond to your initial enquiry.
grounds of age, sex and disability where the
discrimination is based on reliable research If you are not satisfied with the outcome you
about increased risk for some groups of people. can complain to the Office of the Federal
If you are applying for life insurance, you may Privacy Commissioner. For more information on
have to answer questions about your health, your rights and complaints go to
history and activities (including your sexual www.privacy.gov.au
relationships), so that the insurer can assess the
risk involved. They may also ask similar
I N F O R M AT I O N ’
questions of your partner.
There are specific guidelines that relate to
The Commonwealth Privacy Act gives you rights ‘sensitive information’ – this includes information
in relation to how your personal information is or opinions about a person’s sexuality or sexual
handled by government and many private practices. Organisations must not collect 21
sensitive information unless:
sector organisations.
• the individual has consented
You can:
• the collection is required under law or
• know why your personal information is
• the individual is legally incapable of giving
being collected and how it will be used;
consent and the collection is ‘necessary to
prevent or lessen a serious and imminent
• ask for access to your records, including
threat to the life or health of any individual’.
your health information;
In addition, the Health Privacy Principles relate
• take up opportunities to stop receiving specifically to your health information. This is
direct marketing material; discussed in the Health section.
Review (see the Health section). complicated in relation to HIV. Generally, your
HIV status is your own business in regard to
You can also take private legal action but you personal relationships. Sometimes you may
should get legal advice first as this will be costly have to disclose your HIV status to some
and time consuming. organisations in some circumstances.
There are many federal laws that refer to • the nature and extent of common residence;
different types of relationships. Acts often
• whether there is, or has been, a sexual
have their own definitions of ‘spouse’, ‘de
relationship between them;
facto spouse’, ‘next of kin’, or ‘dependant’.
State law generally has a single ‘de facto • the degree of financial dependence or
partner’ or ‘de facto relationship’ definition. interdependence, and any arrangements for
financial support, between them;
These definitions are used to determine rights and
responsibilities in areas like Centrelink benefits, • the ownership, use and acquisition of
superannuation, inheritances, and so on. their property (including property they
own individually);
"D E FACTO PARTNERS " • the degree of mutual commitment by them
to a shared life;
For the purposes of Western Australian laws –
such as the Family Court Act (WA), the • whether they care for and support children;
Inheritance Act and the Equal Opportunity Act
- the legal terms used to recognise couples in • the reputation, and public aspects, of the
relationships are "de facto partner" and "de relationship between them.
facto relationship". These terms are defined Whether or not a particular relationship is a
by the Interpretation Act (WA) 1984. Wherever "de facto relationship" will be judged on the
a written law of the State Government refers to particular circumstances of that relationship.
a de facto relationship, it means a relationship In 2003, a review of Western Australian laws
(other than a legal marriage) between 2 people gave people in de facto relationships an equal
who live together in a marriage-like standing with married people in most cases. 25
relationship. Where a written law refers to a
"de facto partner" it means a person who lives The rights and responsibilities you may have as
or has lived in a de facto relationship with the a de facto partner are defined under the various
other person. pieces of State legislation – for example, a de
facto partner may be able to challenge a will, or
The definition applies to all couples. It makes no object to a post mortem as senior next of kin.
difference what sex or gender the people are.
This includes gay, lesbian,bisexual, transgender Family law and Relationship Break Ups
and intersex people. The definition still applies if
A mix of WA state law and federal law covers
one or both of the people is married to someone
what happens when a relationship ends and if
else, or in another de facto relationship.
you cannot agree. This covers the care of
What is a de facto relationship? children (see Children and Relationships section)
and the split of property and assets (see the
In deciding whether a de facto relationship Property and Relationships section). You should
exists, the law sets out a number of factors – always get legal advice if you have separated -
• the length of the relationship; or are thinking about separating - from your de
facto partner. You may have certain rights and
• whether the people have resided together; obligations around the future care of children or
property and assets.
Next of kin Immigration
Although next of kin is sometimes defined in Immigration is covered by federal law. It is one
legislation, it is a common law term that has of the few areas of federal law to recognise all
traditionally meant the closest relative by relationships of any sex.
blood or marriage.
Since 1991 an Australian citizen, permanent
The recent law reforms included changes to resident or eligible New Zealand citizen has
‘senior next of kin’ and ‘senior available next been able to use an interdependency visa to
of kin under: bring their same-sex partner into Australia.
However, there is a limited quota for
• the Coroners Act 1996 (WA) – which
interdependency visas each year.
governs objections to post mortems,
Interdependency visas
• the Cremation Act – which covers
objections to cremation; and Your partner can apply for an interdependency
visa from outside or within Australia. Generally
• the Human Tissue and Transplant Act 1982
they will first be granted a temporary visa for up
(WA) – which governs consent to organ
to two years before their application for a
donation after death.
permanent visa will be considered. If you have
De facto partners of any sex are included in the been in the relationship with your partner for five
definitions of next of kin in each Act. If a person years or more at the time of application, there
has a spouse and a de facto partner, priority is are provisions in some cases, to waive the two-
usually given to the person with whom the year wait period before a permanent visa is
deceased was living. A de facto partner will granted. If the application is refused, get advice
generally have priority over other family members. about your appeal rights. If you leave a
26 relationship because of domestic violence, or if
For a discussion of next of kin status and medical your partner dies after you enter Australia, you
treatment see the Health section of this booklet may be able to continue with your permanent
C OMMONWEALTH / F EDERAL L AWS visa application.
• they must live together, or not be living • envelopes with both names at the same
apart on a permanent basis; address and dated postmarks;
• the relationship must have existed for at • at least four statutory declarations from
least 12 months (unless there are other people who can confirm the nature of
compelling and compassionate reasons your relationship.
why the visa should be granted).
Health test waiver
All visa applicants must also meet standard
Of particular relevance to people who are HIV
health criteria and public interest criteria, such
positive is the health test. This test is to prevent
as being ‘of good character’ and not being a risk
people coming into Australia with what the
to national security.
government considers a costly medical
How to prove your relationship condition that will over-use public resources. A
positive HIV result will not necessarily result in
You don’t have to have lived together
the rejection of a visa application, but the result
continuously for 12 months. The permanency
may be reported to a relevant commonwealth or
and genuine nature of the relationship are more
state health agency.
important than permanency of living
arrangements. Refugees
The sorts of things that could be used as Sexuality is an accepted ground of refugee
evidence are: status if the person has a genuine and
reasonable fear that they would be harmed in
• photographs of you and your partner
their country because of their sexuality.
together – in different locations, and
However, the fact that homosexuality is a crime
different seasons;
punishable by imprisonment or other penalty in 27
• letters or emails – to and from each other their country is not a sufficient ground for
and from other people referring to your refugee status unless there is evidence that the
partner or your relationship; law has been or will be enforced.
a donor - get legal advice before the child is baby in not getting adequate health advice, e.g.
conceived. The way a child is conceived can risk of infection. A doctor can advise you about
make an important difference to the parents’ appropriate timing, pre-pregnancy testing and
technology (such as IVF and artificial 1984 (WA)). Singles and couples of any
insemination) by any woman - whether single, sexuality or gender are permitted to adopt in
married or in a de facto relationship with Western Australia. They are assessed under
somebody of any sex. the same terms as other singles and couples.
For couples you normally have to have been in
28 Artificial insemination services are available to all the relationship for at least three years, and not
women, whether or not they are medically infertile. married to or in a de facto relationship with any
other person during that time. Step-parent
Assisted reproductive technology (such as IVF)
adoptions are available to de facto couples
is only available to women who demonstrate
where one member of the couple is the child’s
that they are medically infertile, either by an
birth parent.
infertility evaluation, or where attempts by
artificial insemination or other methods have When an adoption order is made, the child
failed. It is also available to a woman whose becomes a child of the adoptive parents, and is
child would otherwise be likely to be affected by no longer a child of his or her birth parents. A
a genetic abnormality or disease. non-biological parent usually can’t adopt their
partner’s child without the birth parent’s
consent. If the non birth mother of a child is
Under the Human Reproductive Technology Act recognised as a parent under the Artificial
1991 (WA) it is an offence for a person to cause Conception Act, she cannot adopt the child (as
or permit an "artificial fertilisation procedure" to she is already a parent). The Adoption Act also
be carried out except under a license. The recognises her status as the child’s parent and
penalties specified in the Act include a fine or so her consent to adopting the baby out will
imprisonment. Many people are using self- ordinarily be required.
THE GOOD NEWS… You will also have to decide whether to name
the donor as a parent on the Birth Certificate
Adoptive parents automatically have parental
(see below).
responsibility for a child. Where an adoption
order is made under the Adoption Act in favour
It may be a good idea to make a written
of a same sex couple for example, the child will
have two mothers…or two fathers. agreement between the people involved. It isn’t
legally enforceable, but it is evidence of your
The Birth Mother’s Partner intentions. This may be useful if there are
problems later on. The agreement should be
Where the partner of the child’s birth mother is reviewed as the child grows up.
defined as a parent of the child, then in Western
Australia they have all of the rights and Known Donor can apply for a parenting order
responsibilities of parents that arise under WA
A known sperm donor of the child can apply for
laws (see below for information on some
a parenting order as a ‘person concerned with
relevant federal laws). Where the co-parent is
the care, welfare and development of the child’
not considered legally to be the child’s parent
OR where it is relevant, as the child’s parent.
(under the Artificial Conception Act (WA) - see
(See below for an explanation of parenting
above), they may have limited rights. See
orders.) This might happen because:
discussion below on co-parenting
• the lesbian parents want the donor to have
recognised decision-making responsibility,
Anonymous Sperm Donor e.g. in relation to medical decisions, or
A sperm donor who donates sperm • the donor is in dispute with the lesbian
anonymously through a fertility treatment clinic parents about involvement and contact with
is not recognised legally as a parent of the child. the child. 29
At present, if the sperm donation has been done
Should we name the known donor on the
through a clinic, the child will not be able to find
Birth Certificate?
out who the donor is. They will have access
only to non-identifying information. It has been Both “parents” are expected to sign a birth
suggested that a change to the law in this area registration form. In some cases, the "parents"
should be considered. Keep informed will be the child’s birth mother and her de facto
partner. In other cases, the "parents" may be
Known Sperm Donor
the birth mother and the known donor. If the
The legal position of a known sperm donor is donor is to be named on the child’s Birth
not clear-cut. However, he has the right to Certificate, he must sign the registration form.
apply for a parenting order (see below). Consider this carefully as there are some legal
consequences (see below). Get legal advice
Before you start trying to conceive, it is very about whether the donor or de facto partner is a
important for everyone involved to think through parent or not.
and discuss issues such as: the level of contact
with the child, financial arrangements, decision- If you decide not to name the donor, you may
making about the child’s upbringing, what will have to give the Registrar of Births, Deaths and
happen in the event of a breakdown in the Marriages a statutory declaration either saying
relationship between the relevant adults and so on. that the father is unknown or explaining the
circumstances. (As self-insemination may be Appeals Tribunal. Alternatively, if you are the
illegal under the Human Reproductive donor and an application for child support is
Technology Act, you may need legal advice on accepted by the Agency, you may lodge an
this.) Note that it is an offence under the Births, appeal in the Family Court.
Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1998 to
Note that it is an offence under the
make a false or misleading statement in a birth
Social Security Act to make a false or
registration form.
misleading statement.
The Registrar may refuse to issue a Birth
• Passport
Certificate if you say that you have used a
known donor, but not through a clinic, and you A father registered on the Birth Certificate is
do not wish to give the donor’s name. If you required to give his consent (by signing the
have conceived through a donor program run by application) before the child can get a passport.
a clinic, you can give the Registrar a letter from
the clinic to prove that there is no legal father. L IVING W ITH O R PARENTING C HILDREN
For more information, contact the Registry of Gay men, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender
Births, Deaths and Marriages on (08) 9264 1555. people live with and parent children in many
situations. Legal rights and responsibilities in
Consequences of naming the known donor relation to those children can be complex,
as the father on Birth Certificate particularly if they are conceived using
reproductive technology or self-insemination.
As a parent on the birth certificate a known
donor will probably be liable for child support. This is a new area of law that is still developing
This will only be needed if you cannot agree and many of the issues haven’t been fully tested
on financial support. in court. The law in Western Australia is a
30 complex mix of state and federal laws.
• Paternity for inheritance purposes
The following information should not be relied
Naming a known donor on the Birth Certificate on as legal advice about your particular case.
automatically establishes kinship. The same
Parental responsibility
outcome can be achieved if the donor names
the child as beneficiary in his Will. The Family Court Act 1997 (WA) applies in WA
where the parents of a child were never married.
See the Death and Inheritance section for
The Act says that both parents of a child have
information about inheritance rights.
responsibility for their care, welfare and
• Social security development – regardless of whether they are
married, separated or have never lived together.
Centrelink policy is that the biological mother The term ‘parent’ is used throughout the Act,
is not eligible for social security benefits and includes a person who is a parent under the
unless she first tries to get child support from Artificial Conception Act. The Act stresses
the father named on the Birth Certificate. If children’s rights and best interests, NOT
they insist on this, even after you tell them that parents’ rights. The interests of the child are
the child was conceived through artificial "paramount" in the Family Court’s decisions
conception, you can appeal to an authorised about parenting and contact arrangements.
review officer and then the Social Security Unless it is not in their best interests, children
have a right to know and be cared for by their steps you and your partner can take to clarify and
parents and a right to have regular contact with strengthen the legal position of the co-parent.
their parents and other ‘significant’ people.
1. Parenting agreement
Who is considered a ‘parent’?
You can make an agreement that sets out such
If a woman has a child using reproductive things as:
technology then under Western Australian law,
• intention to share parenting,
the parents of a child are defined in part in the
Artificial Conception Act 1985 (WA). Under • how you will care for the child financially,
federal laws (such as the Child Support Act, and
the Family Law Act) a non birth mother may not • the role of the sperm donor.
be recognised as a parent.
This agreement is not legally binding, but it is
Mothers: Where a woman who is in a de facto evidence of intention. The agreement should be
relationship with another woman undergoes, reviewed as the child grows up.
with her partner’s consent, an artificial
2. Parenting order
fertilisation procedure, both women are defined
as a child’s parents. For the purposes of federal You can formalise your agreement and give the
laws (such as the Child Support Act, and the non-biological parent ‘parental responsibilities’
Family Law Act which applies to children outside through a parenting order made by the Family
of Western Australia), the non birth mother may Court (see Court Orders below). This allows a
not be recognised as a parent. non-biological parent to have legally recognised
decision-making rights in relation to the child.
Donors / Fathers: With sperm donors, it depends
Family Court orders can be changed if
on the situation as discussed above. Where a
circumstances change. You will be required to
man (who is not the woman’s partner) donates
sperm used in an artificial fertilisation procedure in
serve a copy of the application on the donor if
he is a parent of the child (and in some cases,
a clinic, he is not the father of the child. If a
even if he is not). It may help your case if you
known donor is named on the birth certificate then
include an affidavit from him saying that he
he is considered a a parent.
supports the application. The court will consider
The law in this area is quite technical – the whether you are in a stable and committed
definition applies only if the women are in a "de relationship and whether it is in the child’s ‘best
facto relationship" (see the Relationships interests’ (see Court Orders below). The court
section) and if the method of conception meets may ask a counsellor to prepare a family report
the definition of "artificial conception to help them make a decision.
procedures" in the Human Reproductive
3. Make a Will
Technology Act. However, there are practical
steps that birth mothers, non-biological parents If the birth mother’s partner wants their child to
and known sperm donors can take to clarify inherit their property after they die, the partner
their roles and strengthen their legal position. must make a Will naming the child as a
These issues are discussed above and below. beneficiary if they are not the child’s parent. This
is because the law doesn’t consider the co-
Co-Parenting – caring for your
parent to have a kinship relationship with the
partner’s children
child. They should get advice and have the Will
The following discussion applies where the co- drafted properly, to avoid it being challenged in
parent is not a legal parent of the child. There are Court. (see Death and Inheritance section)
4. Testamentary guardianship down. The Family Court has counselling and
mediation services that can help you reach
The biological parent can name the other parent
agreement. Legal Aid also runs a mediation
as guardian of the child in their Will. This means
program, and private mediation services are
that if the biological parent dies, there are clear
available. An agreement can be made
instructions about who should have
informally, with no court involvement. If you want
responsibility for the child. Although this is
your agreement to be legally binding, you can
important, it will only have effect if no other
ask the Family Court to make consent orders.
person has parental responsibility for the child at
the time of the biological mother’s death. You’ll need help from a lawyer to do this.
If there is a dispute about guardianship, the If you can’t agree – residence and
Family Court can be asked to make a parenting contact disputes
order. The court would consider the child’s best
You can apply to the Family Court for a
interests and look at:
parenting order (see below).
• the previous relationships between the child
If you can’t agree – financial support
and the relevant adults, including what kind
for children
of role they’ve had in the child’s life,
Watch This Space...
• what the biological parent wanted,
There are several possible places where financial
• what the child wants, if they are old enough.
support for a child may be dealt with. The law is
Dispute with the biological parent complex and largely untested. You should
always seek legal advice.
If a couple separates, a co-parent can apply to
32 the Family Court for a parenting order as a • Child Support
‘person concerned with the care, welfare and
In cases heard in the Eastern States, the Family
development of the child’ or as a parent, where
Court decided that:
this is the case. There have been very few
cases, so it is hard to predict the outcome. - in a case of artificial insemination
Get legal advice. conducted at home, a non biological
mother and sperm donor (who was not
married to, or a de facto partner of the birth
The Family Court Act (a WA law) covers mother) were not recognised as parents of
disputes in relation to children under the age the child – irrespective of their private
of 18 whose parents were never married. The agreement. The donor was not liable for
Family Court Act in some cases also covers child support; and
property disputes between couples in same
- in a 2003 case where a child was
sex de facto relationships.
conceived by sexual intercourse between
Try to reach agreement first the sperm donor and the child’s lesbian
birth mother, the donor was liable for child
Under the Family Court Act people are
support even though the lesbian couple had
encouraged to reach agreement about what
agreed that he would have no contact with,
happens to children if the relationship breaks
The law categorises property into: site: http://www.dtf.wa.gov.au (follow the link to
the Office of State Revenue).
• real estate - which means land or buildings and
Bank accounts
• personal property - which covers everything else.
You can open a joint bank account. This means
that the money in it will be jointly owned by you
Real estate both. If one dies, the other automatically owns
all the money in the account. This is helpful if
If you buy real estate with your partner, you can the person dies without a Will.
both have your names on the property title. You
need to decide whether you will own the property: Personal Property
• as joint tenants– this means that you both Personal property is often a more difficult area.
own the whole property. It can only be sold This is partly because ownership of personal
as a whole and if you separate you’ll need property is more difficult to prove. One way is
to reach agreement about how it is divided to look at whose name is on the purchase
up (see below). If one of you dies, the document or receipt. Nevertheless, this isn’t
survivor owns both shares of the land conclusive as it may have been a joint purchase.
automatically, whether or not the person
who died had a Will.
Property agreements
• as tenants in common – this means that
You can make an agreement that details the
you own separate shares in the property,
financial and property arrangements between 35
which could be 50/50 or an unequal
you. This can be done at the time the property is
percentage. You can each deal separately
purchased. Get legal help to write the
with your share by selling it to someone
agreement as whether or not it will stand up in
else. If one of you dies, their share is
court will depend on the way it is written, the
passed on according to their Will or the
processes you go through before signing it, and
rules of intestacy (see Death and
the circumstances of your relationship. You may
Inheritance section).
have to pay stamp duty on the agreement.
If one partner already owns property and the
Although making an agreement will cost you
other buys in later
money, it may save you money in legal fees in the
Sometimes one partner moves into a house the long run if there is a dispute later. The agreement
other person already owns and they decide they should be reviewed every few years or so and
want to own the house jointly. De facto partners updated to reflect any changed circumstances.
of two years or more no longer have to pay
In any case, keep detailed records of the
normal stamp duty on the transfer of the title
financial contributions you make, not only to the
from one name into both names in some
purchase, but also to maintenance and repairs.
circumstances. Further information is available
If you want a court to enforce the agreement, it’s
on the Department of Treasury and Finance web
important to show good faith by doing what you
agree to, e.g. if you say you will make certain • where the partner applying to the court
payments in return for a share of property, then has made substantial contributions to the
you should make those payments. property, or the family (that is, the family
made up of the de facto partners and
Personal Property
any child of theirs) and would suffer
If you’re having trouble sorting out who gets serious injustice.
what, make a list of your personal property, then
You should seek legal advice before making an
talk about what each person gets. You may
application to the court and before settling your
choose to go through any disputed items,
financial issues. There is no standard legal
alternating between each of you picking one
formula for who gets what share, but the Family
item at a time. This allows you to focus on
Court takes into account more than just financial
personal as well as monetary value.
contributions to the property. Some of the other
Disputes things taken into account include:
If you can’t agree on what should happen with 1. non financial contributions to the property;
your shared property (either because you don’t
2. contributions made to the family unit;
have a property agreement or because one
person doesn’t want to stick to the agreement), 3. the income, property and financial
you will need to negotiate a settlement. You may resources of each of the parties, and their
need legal help or choose to go to mediation. capacity for employment;
• De facto relationships ending after 4. whether either partner has the care and
1 December 2002 control of a child of the relationship under
the age of 18 years;
If you are in a de facto relationship (see
36 Relationships section for a definition), and you 5. if either party is later living with someone
separated after 1 December 2002, you may be else, the financial circumstances relating to
able to apply to the Family Court (WA) to have why they are living together;
your property divided.
6. the need to protect one party’s role as
Ordinarily, you will need to have been in a de a parent;
facto relationship for at least two years, AND
7. the duration of the relationship and the
one or both of you must be a resident in
extent to which it may have affected the
Western Australia on the day the application is
earning capacity of one of the partners;
made AND both of you must normally have
resided in Western Australia for at least one third 8. the terms of any "financial agreement" (that
of the duration of your relationship. is, a financial agreement made under the
Family Court Act).
In some cases the court can waive the two-year
requirement – such as Stamp duty - If you have a maintenance
agreement or Family Court order that says you
• where a child of the de facto relationship
need to transfer the ownership of real estate or
who is under the age of 18 years, or the
a registered vehicle then you do not have to pay
partner looking after the child would
normal rates of stamp duty.
otherwise suffer serious injustice, or
• De facto relationships ending before 1 The factors that the court looks at in
December 2002 determining financial support include those
listed at points 3 to 8 above.
If your relationship ended before 1 December
2002 (or it has ended since then but you had been D ON ’ T DELAY - T IME LIMITS
living together for less than two years and none of
The time limit for making an application to the
the exceptions listed above apply) you can still
Family Court for property settlement or partner
take court action – but you would have to rely on
maintenance is 12 months from when the
normal rules of property ownership, contract law
relationship ended. This can be extended by the
and common law principles of equity. This can be
court on the ground of hardship, but extensions
quite slow and expensive and the outcome can be
of time are not easy to get.
unpredictable. It is best to get legal advice about
your particular situation. The time limit for couples separating before 1
December 2002 to make an application to other
Partner maintenance
courts varies depending on the nature of your
Some de facto partners may be entitled claim. You should seek advice as early as
to financial support from their partner possible, as in most cases the court is not able
after separation. to extend the time limit.
A claim for unlawful termination is lodged in the In some circumstances the time limits can be
Australian Industrial Relations Commission. extended and if you are outside these time limits
you should seek legal advice immediately.
Unfair Dismissal
Lodge your claim if you are unable to get
A claim for unfair dismissal can be made in
advice before the time limit expires. It can be
either the Western Australian Industrial Relations
withdrawn later.
Commission or the Australian Industrial
Relations Commission depending on your
Discrimination member’s death to surviving dependents.
Recent changes to the law have now made it Who can benefit from your superannuation?
unlawful to discriminate against a person on
The following list includes people who may benefit
the ground of their sexual orientation or gender
from your superannuation after you die:
history in the workplace. Discrimination in
employment is unlawful and includes contract • Your spouse (or de facto spouse of the
for service, casual employment, commission opposite sex only – see exception below if
agents, contract workers, partnerships of 6 or you are a State Public Sector employee);
more persons, membership of employee or
employer organisations, qualifying bodies, and • Your children;
employment agencies. • Your dependents;
If you believe that you were sacked because of • Your nominated beneficiary (including your
your sexual preference you may have a claim partner of any sex);
for discrimination. A claim for discrimination is
lodged in the West Australian Equal • Your estate.
Opportunity Commission.
You need to check the terms of your
Your complaint must be lodged within 12 superannuation policy and seek specialised advice
months of the last act of discrimination. In about the benefits and the persons who can
some circumstances you may be permitted to benefit upon your death. Different types of funds
lodge your complaint outside of the time limit. have different rules about payments of death
(see Discrimination section) benefits.
You should seek legal advice about your claim. Tax on Super
relieve or avoid hardship. Certain requirements specialised advice about the benefits and the
are required to be met before a payment can be persons who can benefit upon your death.
made. You should contact your superannuation
fund, check your policy and seek specialised
advice about the benefits and the persons who Income taxation is covered by Federal law and
can benefit upon your death. only recognises opposite sex couples.
Your health information should not be disclosed to • make a complaint to the health
any other party, including your de facto partner, care provider;
without your consent. Heath information can be
conveyed between doctors treating you, where • make a complaint to the Equal Opportunity
the health information is expressly related to a Commission (See Discrimination section).
treatment process that you are engaged in.
Your partner, as a patient, may also choose to
Sometimes a health care provider may be required make a complaint to the Office of Health Review.
to release your information. Examples of where
this may occur are:
Restrictions on hospital visiting vary with the
• reporting a notifiable disease (eg HIV) under
seriousness of the illness. Decisions about who
the Health Act 1911;
can visit are a matter of hospital policy.
• where it is in the public interest to do so.
The approach varies from hospital to hospital
If a breach of confidentiality has occurred you may and ward to ward. In practice, few hospital staff
choose to do one of the following: will deny access to a partner. If you are being
denied access to your partner in a public
• contact the Patient Representative hospital you can contact
(employed as an advocate for patients);
• Nurse Manager or
• make a complaint to the health
care provider; • the Patient Representative
42 • make a complaint to the Office of Your partner may wish to complain to the
Health Review; Office of Health Review. Denying access
may amount to unlawful discrimination
• if a private or commonwealth health service (See Discrimination section).
provider is involved complain to the Federal
Privacy Commissioner. However, the Access To Your Health Information
Commissioner will require you to complain
State Government health care providers
to the health service provider first.
Complaints to the Commissioner must be The health care provider may provide you with
made within 12 months of the breach; the information you want following a verbal or
written request.
• consult a lawyer as breach of confidence
may provide a basis for legal action. The Freedom of Information Act 1992 (WA)
provides an avenue for obtaining your records
Involvement in health decision making when
from State Government agencies.
your de facto partner is hospitalised
If you are unable to access the information you
Every patient has a right to confidentiality. It is
require by request you can complete a Freedom
usual, however, with the patient's consent, for
of Information application. This should be
partners to be informed about health care
available from the service provider.
decisions for their de facto spouse in hospital.
In some situations the Act permits information to
If you believe that you are being excluded
be withheld. If you are refused information there is
without good reason or your confidentiality has
an appeal process. Contact the Freedom of Consent may not be given or withheld on another
Information Commissioner. person's behalf, including a de facto partner's
behalf, unless a guardian has been appointed.
Private health service providers and
commonwealth agencies Next Of Kin
The health care provider should provide you with A person is free to decide who they wish to be
access to your own health records. their next of kin for the purposes of health care
services. The next of kin must be respected as
The Federal Privacy Act 1988 provides that
such by health care providers and involved in
• you should be able to have access to decision making as agreed by the patient.
information held by private health providers
A partner of any sex can be appointed as a next
about you on request. There may be
of kin. (see the Relationships section)
exceptions to this. For example if it is
believed that having the information would DISCRIMINATION
create a serious risk to your health.
Sexual Orientation
• if you are refused access to your
It is unlawful to discriminate against someone on
information you can complain to the service
the basis of their sexual orientation when
provider. If the issue is not resolved the
providing goods and services. This includes
Federal Privacy Commissioner can
medical treatment and other health services.(See
investigate the complaint if you notify them
the Discrimination section)
within 12 months of the refusal.
The Commonwealth Freedom of Information Act
provides an avenue for accessing information from It is unlawful to discriminate against someone on
Commonwealth Government Agencies. Requests the basis of their HIV status, in employment,
should be made in writing to the relevant Minister
or Agency.
education, accommodation, the provision of 43
goods and services, clubs and their membership
and sport. (See the Discrimination section)
Consent To Medical Treatment
Health Complaints Process
Any individual may consent or withhold consent
to medical treatment. To be valid, consent must If you are unhappy with how you have been
be given freely, and should be 'informed'. This treated by a medical practitioner, a hospital or
means you must have a full understanding of other health service provider, you can make a
what is being proposed. 'Informed consent' can complaint to the Office of Health Review.
only be given by someone who is capable of
forming that understanding.
There are legal requirements for making a Will. If If there has not been a grant of probate or the
these requirements are not met your Will may person who has the Will is refusing to let you
not be valid. Where possible it is best to obtain see it, you should seek legal advice.
the services of a solicitor rather than drafting
If there isn’t a Will.
your own Will.
When a person dies without leaving a Will they
Some of the issues you will need to consider are
are said to have died intestate.
44 • Who will be the executor? The executor’s
If a person dies intestate the Administration Act
role is to make sure your wishes are carried
1903 (WA) sets out how their assets will be
out. They will list and value your assets, pay
divided. Following changes to Western Australian
debts and make sure your estate is
law de facto partners of any sex now have
distributed to the beneficiaries according to
inheritance rights under the Administration Act.
the terms of your Will.
De facto partners wishing to claim under the
• Property. Your Will should deal with all your
Administration Act 1903 and the Inheritance
property. This may include real estate,
(Family and Dependants Provision) Act 1972 will
money, shares, superannuation and
need to establish that their relationship was a de
personal property. Anything you do not
facto relationship. (see the Relationships section).
cover in your Will is divided among your
relatives according to law. A person who has lived as a de facto partner
with the deceased for at least two years
• If you have children under 18 you may wish
immediately before the death is now entitled to
to appoint someone to be their guardian
a share in the estate in certain circumstances.
after your death. Not all such appointments
This may be the case even if there is a husband
are effective. Get legal advice.
or wife or possibly another de facto who is also
entitled to a share.
If your partner dies intestate, you should seek administration. (Extensions may be granted in
legal advice about your rights. some circumstances).
A person who has lived as a de facto partner De facto partners in this situation should get
with the deceased for less than two years may legal advice.
have a claim under the Inheritance (Family and
Dependants Provision ) Act 1972. See below. C HILDREN
The legal position of any children may be
complicated if their parents were not married and
The executor of a Will has the right to make one of the parents dies. In some cases children
funeral arrangements. If you have the right to may be required to prove their relationship to the
arrange a funeral then you can also decide Probate Office. Get legal advice.
where the person is buried.
You can specify in your Will what sort of funeral
you want, but this is not legally binding. More The Supreme Court can change the way a Will
importantly, it will have no practical effect if the or the Administration Act distributes property if it
funeral is held before the Will is read. Make sure decides that your needs are not properly looked
your executor knows what funeral details you after. This power comes from the Inheritance
have included in your Will. (Family and Dependants Provision ) Act 1972.
Property In Joint Names The Act lists who can make a claim. As a de
facto partner you can make an application if:
If you own property together as ‘joint tenants’
(see Property section for a definition) the • you were living as the de facto partner of
surviving person automatically inherits whether the deceased person immediately before
or not there is a Will. the death; or
Shared home owned wholly by the deceased. The court will look at whether the Will or
Administration Act provides adequately for:
Following the death of your partner you may
wish to remain in the home that you shared. • proper maintenance
Gay & Lesbian Equality (WA) Inc. (GALE) is Western Australia’s peak gay and lesbian human rights lobby group.
GALE is currently involved in forming a coalition with other state lobby groups to tackle federal laws that deny
gay and lesbian people equal rights. Please join GALE or make a donation to the fighting fund for this and other
gay and lesbian reform issues.
Gay and Lesbian Community Service of WA (Inc) is a charitable organisation dedicated to serving the gay and
lesbian community in Western Australia.
The Law
There are new laws that affect people of all
sexualities and genders.
Whether you are single or in a relationship you
w w w. l e g a l a i d . w a . g o v. a u
The information in this booklet should be used as a ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
GLCS and GALE would like to thank the following individuals and
organisations for their assistance in producing this booklet:
guide only. As with any new laws the way courts,
- Brendon Entrekin
- Christine Kain
police and government departments interpret the law - Clare Littler
- Health Consumers Council of WA
- Jackie Beesley
will change and develop over tine. It should also be - Jodie Cartwright
- Legal Aid WA
- LotteryWest
remembered that Parliament regularly changes the law - Maxine Drake
- Myles Kunzli
- Rebecca Johnston
and readers should check our web site - Slater and Gordon Lawyers
- WA Police Service
- Department of Health and Aged Care
www.equalityrules.info or other sites for updates. - ‘Over the Rainbow’ Project (VIC)