Top 9 Characteristics and Qualities of A Good Teacher
Top 9 Characteristics and Qualities of A Good Teacher
Top 9 Characteristics and Qualities of A Good Teacher
Teaching can be quite satisfying for people who do it well. I know this because I am a
teacher, too. Although I do not think I'm always the best teacher, do I know that the
majority of my students love me, and I guess this is partly why good things happen in
my classroom.
I have spent a lot of time thinking about—and done a lot of research into—the question
of what characteristics make a teacher effective and how I can succeed in the
classroom. Although every great teacher has their own special, unique style, I have
found that there are nine specific universal qualities that are necessary for anyone who
wants to teach effectively, whether they want to teach in an elementary school or a
university. If any teacher possesses the following characteristics and qualities, he/she
can become a very good teacher with large fan base.
So in an ideal learning environment, teachers ask important questions and then actively,
carefully, empathetically listen to what learners have to say. When good teachers
develop this patient quality in themselves, they start to become great. Great teachers
listen hard and then use what they hear to improve the communication.
— Aristotle
3. Deep Knowledge of and Passion for
the Subject Matter
There is a saying that a teacher is only as good as what they know. If a teacher lacks
knowledge in a subject, that dearth of understanding is passed along to the students.
And keep in mind that although formal education is one way a teacher might gain the
knowledge they need in order to teach well, there are other ways.
Passion is infectious. Love of a subject matter inspires a person to learn more, dig
deeper, and think harder about it, so passion inspires deeper knowledge. The best
teachers are those that clearly love their subjects and pass that passion and desire to
learn more on to their students. When the teacher not only has the right answer to a
student's question but can expand the discussion with vivid examples, amusing
illustrative anecdotes, and relevant facts, and when the teacher has a deep well of
understanding and expertise to draw on, then every lesson is enriched, and every
student might be inspired.
The best teachers are often the ones that care the most deeply, not only about their
jobs, but about every student they serve. It's not enough just to love the subject matter:
Great teachers also share a love of students. Caring about the students is what inspires
teachers to reach out, do better, communicate more, ask, learn, refine, and improve.
This is something that can't be taught, not even in the best school.
The best teachers have excellent lesson plans, lectures, and assignments that they
continually improve. They have studied extensively and read widely about how to teach
and methods to facilitate learning. They structure their days, lessons, and units in a way
that fosters maximal understanding and interest. They collaborate with other teachers
and attend classes to learn more about their subject matter and how to best convey it.
They are available outside of class, and they grade papers quickly, writing personal
notes to help their students understand.
— Henry Adams
7. A Strong Work Ethic
Anyone who's done it knows that teaching is one of the hardest jobs there is. The secret
that keeps them going is that great teachers really, really want to be great teachers, and
they'll stop at nothing do succeed. A great teacher will do almost anything to help their
students. They always make time and they're always willing to help. If something
doesn't work, they'll work tirelessly until they find a solution. A teacher's work is never
done but the best ones never stop trying, they never quit.