The Practice OF Civil Engineering: Roselle Lyn M. Evangelista
The Practice OF Civil Engineering: Roselle Lyn M. Evangelista
The Practice OF Civil Engineering: Roselle Lyn M. Evangelista
Design competition is a process through which a civil engineer is selected above other
competitors based on proposal or an innovative approach to solving a client’s needs.
Competing firms are normally shortlisted from a number or engineers responding to a client,
solicitation either directly, by a letter request or indirectly through a newspaper or other form or
publication. The civil engineer should be awarded a stipend to participate in competition.
Canon 5c or the PICE Code or Ethics provides that “Engineers may request, propose or
accept professional commissions on a contingency basis only under circumstances in which
their professional judgements would not be compromised.” Although contingent commissions
are permissible, it is the general view of PICE that is not in the best interest of the client or the
public for the Civil Engineer to provide professional services on a contingency basis.
1. The laws of the foreigner’s state or country allow the citizens of the Philippines to practice Civil
Engineering on the same basis and grant the same privileges as those enjoyed by the subjects or
citizens of such foreign state or country
5. Civil Engineers who were former citizens of the Philippines, who had been registered
and issued a certificate of registration and a professional identification card prior to their
naturalization as foreign citizens, and who, while in the country on a visit, sojourn or
permanent residence, desire to practice their profession.
The application of the law is however not automatic. Foreign civil engineers must still secure a
certificate of registration/license or special permit from the Professional Regulation
Commission Agencies, organizations or individuals, whether public or private who secure the
services of a Foreign Civil Engineer, are made responsible by law (RA 8981) for securing a
special permit from the PRC and Department of Labor and Employment pursuant to their
respective rules.