Research Article: Energy-Efficient Bandwidth Allocation For Multiuser Scalable Video Streaming Over WLAN
Research Article: Energy-Efficient Bandwidth Allocation For Multiuser Scalable Video Streaming Over WLAN
Research Article: Energy-Efficient Bandwidth Allocation For Multiuser Scalable Video Streaming Over WLAN
Research Article
Energy-Efficient Bandwidth Allocation for Multiuser Scalable
Video Streaming over WLAN
We consider the problem of packet scheduling for the transmission of multiple video streams over a wireless local area network
(WLAN). A cross-layer optimization framework is proposed to minimize the wireless transceiver energy consumption while meet-
ing the user required visual quality constraints. The framework relies on the IEEE 802.11 standard and on the embedded bitstream
structure of the scalable video coding scheme. It integrates an application-level video quality metric as QoS constraint (instead of a
communication layer quality metric) with energy consumption optimization through link layer scaling and sleeping. Both energy
minimization and min-max energy optimization strategies are discussed. Simulation results demonstrate significant energy gains
compared to the state-of-the-art approaches.
Copyright © 2008 Xin Ji et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Mode Data rate (Mbps) Min (dBm) Modulation Code rate (R) NDBPS
1 6 −82 BPSK 1/2 24
2 9 −81 BPSK 3/4 36
3 12 −79 QPSK 1/2 48
4 18 −77 QPSK 3/4 72
5 24 −74 16-QAM 1/2 96
6 36 −70 16-QAM 3/4 144
7 48 −66 64-QAM 1/2 192
8 54 −65 64-QAM 3/4 216
amplifier transmit power (PTX ), and its linearity specified by needed to send an MSDU can be, respectively, expressed as
the backoff (b). For a given data rate, communication per- EMSDU (K) and TXOPMSDU (K) [24, 25]. The energy cost and
formance is determined by the bit error rate (BER) at the re- time of transmitting an application layer packet p are then,
ceiver. Adding nonlinearity distortion to the received signal respectively, defined as E p (K) and TXOP p (K), and these val-
power, the BER can be expressed as a function of the received ues depend on the number of fragmented data units that
signal-to-noise and distortion ratio (SINAD) which can be need to be transmitted or retransmitted for successful packet
expressed as transmission. The retransmission scheme details of 802.11
MAC can be found in [32]. As the total energy and time
PTX × A needed to transmit a packet p are the sum of the energy and
SINAD = , (1)
A × D(b) + kT × W × N f time needed to transmit its fragments, E p (K) and TXOP p (K)
can be, respectively, expressed as
where A denotes the channel attenuation, the constants k, T,
W, and N f are the Boltzman constant, working temperature, E p (K) = (m + y)EMSDU (K),
channel bandwidth, and noise figure of the receiver, respec- (3)
TXOP p (K) = (m + y)TXOPMSDU (K),
tively, and the relation between the power amplifier back-
off b and the distortion D(b) has been characterized empir- where m denotes the number of MSDU fragments for the
ically for the Microsemi LX 5506 [29] 802.11a PA. The con- considered packet p, and y denotes the allowed number of
sidered BER-SINAD relation follows the model provided in MSDUs that can be retransmitted for the given packet p.
[30]. The BER-SINAD curves for different channel states for Similarly, the loss probability of a single MSDU is de-
all the considered PHY modes have been shown in Figure 3. noted as PMSDU (K), and it is computed based on the PHY
performance model introduced before. Since the probabil-
ity that a given packet p is received correctly depends on the
3.1.2. PHY layer energy model
probabilities that each of its fragments is received correctly,
Our energy model assumes the implementation detailed in We compute the packet error rate PERm y (K) at application
[31]. The corresponding parameters are provided in Table 2. layer according to
The time needed to wake up the system is assumed to be 100 y
microseconds. Denoting PPA as the power consumption of PERm
y (K) = 1 − Pemj (K),
the power amplifier, PFE as the power consumption of the j =0
front end (FE), PBB as the power consumption of the base- m
Pey (K) = Cim (PMSDU )i (1 − P MSDU )(m−i) P iy−i (K),
band, and EDSP as the digital signal processor energy con-
sumption for decoding a single bit of a turbo-coded packet,
Pe0 (K) = (1 − P MSDU )m .
we obtain the following expressions for the energy needed to We refer to [24, 25] for more details on the wireless chan-
send or receive a MAC service data unit (MSDU) of length nel model and the link layer scaling (adapting the modu-
LMSDU under bit rate Bbit : lation order and code rate to spread the transmission over
T T T time) and sleeping (introducing as much as possible trans-
ETX = × LMSDU , mission idle period) optimization schemes.
R R (2)
PFE + PBB R 3.3. Distortion, energy, and delay of
Bbit scalable video bitstream
3.2. Error probability, energy consumption, Embedded scalable video coding has been an active research
and transmission delay of the IEEE 802.11 MAC topic in recent years. It has the attractive capability of re-
constructing lower resolution or lower quality videos from
Considering a possible transmission configuration vector a single bitstream, hence providing simple and flexible so-
K (each specific control dimension listed in Table 2 cor- lutions for transmission over heterogeneous network condi-
responds to an entry in this vector), the energy and time tions and easier adaptation to a variety of storage devices and
Xin Ji et al. 5
100 100
10−2 10−2
10−4 10−4
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
(a) (b)
100 100
10−2 10−2
10−4 10−4
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
(c) (d)
terminals. Accordingly, many recent video codecs, such as the ficient manner [33]. After the removal of the temporal re-
Scalable Video Coding (SVC) extensions of H.264/AVC [3], dundancies, the produced low-pass and high-pass frames are
MPEG-4 FGS [4], and so forth, enable embedded scalable decomposed spatially by discrete wavelet transform (DWT).
coding. In a typical MCTF-based video compression, the rate allo-
cation of the scalable bitstream is possible for a maximum
3.3.1. Architecture of the considered scalable video encoder granularity of one group of pictures (GOP). Encoder and de-
coder thus process the video sequence on a GOP-by-GOP ba-
We consider a scalable video codec based on motion- sis, which creates naturally independent data units group.
compensated temporal filtering (MCTF) and a wavelet trans- An important feature of wavelet transforms is the inher-
form [2]. MCTF aims at removing the temporal redundan- ent support of scalability in the compressed domain. Cou-
cies of video sequences. Unlike predictive coding schemes, it pled with the embedded coding techniques, wavelet video
does not employ a closed-loop prediction scheme. Instead, it coding achieves continuous rate scalability. After applying
uses an open-loop pyramidal decomposition to remove both the wavelet transform, the resulting subband coefficients are
long-term and short-term temporal dependencies in an ef- coded using bitplane coding and a global rate-distortion
6 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking
optimization. As a result, the final bitstream is constructed where TXOP pi (Ki ) denotes the transmission time under con-
to satisfy the bitrate constraint and minimize the overall dis- figuration Kl .
tortion [2].
To achieve quality scalability, a multilayer bitstream is 4. ENERGY-EFFICIENT MULTIUSER CROSS-LAYER
formed where each layer represents a quality-level improve- OPTIMIZATION
ment. The fractional bitplane coding ensures that the bit-
stream is embedded with fine granularity. In this work, we 4.1. Problem formulation
distribute the rate of the layers inside a GOP in a way that
In this paper, we focus on techniques that efficiently
every enhancement quality layer contributes to a similar dis-
adapt the transmission strategy in order to minimize the
tortion decrease. The resulting embedded bitstream has a se-
transceiver energy cost while meeting the required end-to-
quential dependency; each layer can only be decoded under
end distortion and delay. Most of the existing solutions do
the condition that all the previous layers have been received.
not take into account the rate-distortion properties of video
Note that in our simulations, no error concealment is used.
bitstreams, and therefore they often lead to inferior network
In the next section, we will explain in detail how to estimate
efficiency and suboptimal qualities for the video users.
the distortion in the case of packet losses for these coding as-
As we operate in a very dynamic environment, the sys-
tem behavior will vary over time. Both the energy cost func-
tion and the resources required for transmission will depend
3.3.2. Distortion, energy, and delay calibrations of on this run-time behavior. In the considered wireless video
video bitstream streaming environment, the system state is determined by the
Commonly used quality measurements of reconstructed im- current channel state and the rate-distortion property of the
ages and videos are mean squared error (MSE) and peak video bitstream. Each GOP can then be associated with a set
signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR). Typical PSNR values should of possible system states S, which determines the mapping of
range from 30 to 40 dB. Taking only quality scalability into the transmission strategies K to the energy cost (K →EGOP,S )
account and assuming a stable channel during one GOP time and the required bandwidth resource (K →TXOPGOP,S ). Each
period, it is possible to calculate the expected distortion con- user experiences different channel and rate-distortion dy-
tribution of each quality layer on a GOP-per-GOP basis. We namics, resulting in different system states over time, which
focused on a GOP-based approach instead of the more fine may or may not be correlated with other users. It is this im-
granular ones to limit overhead and complexity. portant characteristic which makes it possible to exploit mul-
Let us assume that each GOP is encoded into L quality tiuser diversity for energy efficiency.
layers and that a quality layer is the smallest application layer From the former analysis, and under the assumption that
data unit. Let Dl denote the distortion corresponding to the all video users can require their own end-to-end quality, the
reception of layers 1 to l (1 < l < L), and let D0 denote the optimization problem is formulated with video quality as
distortion associated with losing the first layer. Denoting the one of the constraints. We consider two different objectives:
error probability of layer l under transmission configuration minimizing the total energy cost of all users, and the max-
Kl as PERKl , the probability of correctly receiving the qual- imum energy cost among all users (fairness rule). For both
objectives, we provide a low-complexity run-time optimiza-
ity layers until layer l is lj =1 (1 − PERK j ). Relying on the
tion algorithm. The advantage of the proposed solutions will
sequential dependency of the embedded bitstream structure,
be analyzed and discussed in Section 5.
the expected average distortion De over one GOP can then be
calculated as
4.1.1. Optimization towards total energy minimization
De = PERKl × D0 + 1 − PERK j The optimization consists in finding for each user u, u ∈
i=1 j =1
(5) (1, . . . , N), the configuration Ku∗ that minimizes the overall
energy cost, subject to radio resource and video distortion
× PERKi+1 × Di + 1 − PERKi × DL . constraints. Such configuration is applied at the beginning
of every GOP transmission interval, considering the current
The energy EGOP of the whole GOP can be expressed as channel conditions and video rate-distortion properties:
the sum of its layers:
Ku∗ = min EGOPu Ku , (8)
EGOP = E p i Ki , (6) u=1
subject to
where E pl (Kl ) denotes the associated energy cost under con-
figuration Kl . Deu ≤ Dur , u ∈ (1, . . . , N),
Similarly, the transmission time TXOPGOP of the whole
N (9)
GOP is TXOPGOPu ≤ Tr ,
TXOPGOP = TXOP pi Ki , (7) where Dur
and Tr denote the distortion and time constraints,
i=1 respectively.
Xin Ji et al. 7
Energy (J)
problem is formulated as a min-max problem to find for each
of the users u the configuration Ku∗ such that 0.02
Ku∗ = argmin maxEGOPu Ku , u = 1, . . . , N, (10)
subject to
Deu ≤ Dur , u ∈ (1, . . . , N), 0.01
N (11)
TXOPGOPu ≤ Tr , 0.005
u=1 0.014 0.016 0.018 0.02 0.022 0.024 0.026 0.028 0.03 0.032
TXOP (s)
where Dur and Tr denote the distortion and time constraint,
respectively. Figure 4: Energy versus TXOP Pareto curve example.
(1) Initialization:
(a) allocate to each of the u users the lowest cost possible for the given state EGOP .
(2) If Nu=1 TXOP0u > Tr ,
initialize λmax , λmin , and λtrying .
restore previous λtrying :
λtrying = (λmax + λmin )/2.
For each user,
if λtrying is higher than the highest or lower than the lowest,
jump out of the loop
or else find λ > λtrying > λnext .
If the total delay is lower than the constraint
λmax = λtrying ,
restore the difference between the total delay and the constraint
or else λmin = λtrying .
While (the difference between total delay and constraint converges to the same point),
(3) for each of the users,
the Pareto energy TXOP set will be searched
till finding the configurations which have a λ just lower or equal to the resulting λ,
and these configurations are the optimal output settings.
Algorithm 1: Run-time bisection search algorithm to find the Lagrange multiplier and the optimal configuration.
to the open-loop temporal decomposition of the MCTF the slope (λ sets) of the convex hull. In contrast, we define
scheme. the λ sets to be the slope EGOPu /TXOPGOPu of each opera-
tional point, and we find the lowest λ∗ which satisfies the
4.2.2. Run-time phase constraint. From the definition of λ, we know that it repre-
sents the energy cost compared to the resource. And from the
Once the system states of all users have been known at run Pareto property, for each specific user, the λ(Ku ) is increas-
time, lightweight schemes are proposed to assign the best sys- ing with EGOPu (Ku ). The lower the λ is, the lower the EGOPi
tem configuration to each user. will be. Thus, if all the users choose configurations with a λ
The 3D Pareto frontier is firstly converted to a 2D Pareto lower than λ∗ , the constraint will not be satisfied. And if all
curve according to the QoS constraint. This step can also the users choose configurations with a λ larger than λ∗ , the
be incorporated in the design-time phase by providing sev- energy cost will be more than the resulting one.
eral QoS constraint levels (2D Pareto curve) for the run-time A bisection search is proposed to find the appropriate λ∗ .
choice. The Pareto frontier is first pruned by deleting those The first step of the initial solution is to include the lowest
settings that cannot satisfy the QoS constraint. The remain- cost point from each user (the highest resource requirement
ing cost-resource tradeoffs are further explored to extract a according to Pareto property). The amount of the resources
Pareto curve. used by this initial solution is TXOP0 = Nu=1 TXOP0u . In the
After the Pareto pruning, n Pareto cost-resource sets are next step, if TXOP0 is higher than the resource constraint
available for each user. The run-time algorithms for both Tr , we use the bisection search until finding the appropri-
problem formulations are discussed in the next sections. ate λ satisfying the resource constraint. Without loss of gen-
erality, we assume that each of these u users maintains a U
4.2.3. Proposed algorithm for minimizing total energy cost-resource Pareto setting. In this case, the complexity of
this step is O(NU log (NU)). From the Pareto property, λ is
The optimization problem expressed in (9)–(10) is reformu- strictly increasing with the energy. After finding the appro-
lated so as to introduce a Lagrangian multiplier λ [35]: priate λ for each user, the Pareto set will be searched. The
N configurations which have a λ just lower or equal to the re-
minimize Jtot = EGOPu Ku + λ TXOPGOPu , (14) sulting λ are the optimal output settings. The complexity
u=1 u=1 of this step is O(NU). The pseudocode of the algorithm is
subject to shown in Algorithm 1.
4.2.4. Proposed algorithm for minimizing
TXOPGOPu ≤ Tr . (15)
the maximum energy
The conventional solution consists in constructing a con- A greedy water-filling algorithm is proposed to solve the
vex hull of the operational points first, and then searching run-time searching for this problem. The first step of the
Xin Ji et al. 9
(1) Initialization:
allocate to each of the N users the lowest cost possible for the given state EGOP u
Construct an N-value energy level vector,
with each of these values corresponding to the energy cost of one of the users.
(2) If Nu=1 TXOP0u > Tr ,
for the user who requires the lowest energy cost in this step,
sort out its energy TXOP tradeoff curve,
until a setting whose energy cost exceeds the second lowest energy cost level
is found or the resource constraint is satisfied.
(3) If the resource constraint is not satisfied,
update the energy level vector and repeat step 2 until the resource constraint is satisfied.
initial solution is also to include the lowest cost point from Knapsack problem where the goal is to pack different dis-
each user (the highest resource requirement according to the crete items with different resource constraints and values to
Pareto property). Suppose that there are N users and the re- the user. If an infinite set of items would be present, with in-
source requirement of each of these N users composes U finitesimally small differences in terms of resource cost and
water-filling level vectors. The amount of the resources used value, the problem would be easy to solve. The discrete na-
by this initial solution is TXOP0 = Nu=1 TXOP0u . ture however makes it NP-hard. Many approximations how-
In the next step, if TXOP0 is higher than the resource ever exist that allow to find a close-to optimal solution that
constraint Tr , for the user which achieves the lowest energy works well enough in practice.
cost among others, we reallocate the setting until its energy The difference between the maximum energy cost
cost exceeds the second energy cost level or the resource con- achieved by the algorithm and the optimum one lies how-
straint is satisfied. If the resource constraint is not satisfied ever for sure between the maximum and minimum energy
by this step, we update the water-filling level vector and re- cost achieved by the last adaptation. In theory, this differ-
peat the last step until the resource constraint is satisfied. ence is hence bounded by the largest step size found in the
The resulting outputs are the optimal settings for all users. Pareto curves that are the possible optimal configurations for
The complexity of the water-filling algorithm is O(NU2 ). The the system. Practically, the convergence of the algorithm pro-
pseudocode of the algorithm is shown in Algorithm 2. vides a solution close to the optimal solutions with reason-
If the step sizes of the Pareto curve axes are infinitesimally able complexity. The reason is that in practice, the step sizes
small, the attentative reader might indeed observe that the between the different points on the curve are small enough.
Ku∗ we find is the optimum configuration to achieve the min-
max energy cost among users. 5. NUMERICAL RESULTS
∗ ∗ ∗
Proof. For configuration set Ku , for all u, Eu ≤ max Eu .
Based on the proposed two-phase approaches and the con-
If there exists a configuration set K u , which results for all
sidered transceiver system models, we now verify the energy
u in max Eu < max Eu∗ , then for all u, K u < max Eu∗ .
savings over a range of practical scenarios.
From the descending searching style of step 2, we have
for all u, Eu ≤ Eu∗ , and there exists at least one u such that
Eu < Eu∗ . 5.1. Simulation setup
From the definition of Pareto property, we have
TXOPu ≥ TXOP∗u , and there In the experiments, a GOP size of 16 is assumed. Four se-
one u such that
exists at least quences (bus, city, foreman, mother and daughter) are con-
TXOPu > TXOP∗u . Hence, TXOPu > TXOP∗u .
From the water-filling searching of step 2,
we know that sidered here as examples of video with different levels of mo-
tion activities, thus resulting in different bitrate versus dis-
for all the resulting TXOP higher than the TXOP∗u , the
constraint cannot be satisfied. Thus, there is no configura- tortion. All the sequences have CIF (352 × 288, 4 : 2 : 0)
tion set that can satisfy the constraint while achieving a max resolution and 30 frames per second. The number of qual-
energy cost lower than that of Ku∗ . ity layers is set to 5. Empirically, for an image/video of CIF
size, PSNR value of 25–35 dB corresponds to an acceptable
Due to the discrete step size of the possible configura- visual quality for most of the users. We therefore encoded ev-
tions that form the Pareto curve, there might exist other con- ery sequence with a visual quality of approximately 35 dB for
figurations that achieve less max energy cost. This is espe- the full-length bitstream and 25 dB for the base layer portion
cially likely to happen if the step sizes are very irregular. This of the bitstream. The intermediate bitstream rates of every
is a problem inherent to the discrete nature of the system, quality layer of each video sequence are shown in Table 3.
and it is well known that for such problems finding the op- Since network congestion influence on the performance-
timal solution can be very hard. This is similar to the known energy tradeoff is not the focus of the current paper, we limit
10 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking
PER BUS encoded at 32.4 dB Mobile encoded at 32.7 dB Foreman encoded at 34.3 dB
0.05 31.0406 31.8462 32.8051
0.01 32.1733 32.3564 34.1034
0.005 32.1845 32.695 34.1606
0.001 32.3422 32.7484 34.2982
In Figure 7, we consider a time-varying channel and eval-
uate the energy cost of several video sequences (with differ-
ent rate-distortion properties) transmitted simultaneously.
The channel varies independently over all the users on a
GOP-by-GOP basis. For the “constant PER” approach, the
PER constraint is 1e-2. For the “expected PSNR” approach,
0 the QoS requirement used is 35 dB. Total energy consump-
Bus City Mother Foreman
tion after transmission is shown in Figure 7. Compared to
Sequence name
the static channels (see Figure 6), the time-varying channels
Expected PSNR cause a further increase in energy cost. In addition, the en-
Constant PER ergy cost further increases because of the multiuser scenario.
SoA Each packet has to be transmitted with lower TXOP to share
the bandwidth with other users, thus increasing the energy
Figure 7: Impact of a time variant channel and multiple user to the
transceiver energy of different schedulers. consumption to maintain the QoS requirement. Neverthe-
less, even under these conditions, the energy cost for each
user has been reduced approximately by a factor 2, compared
to the SoA approach. The “Expected PSNR” outperforms the
5.2. Results analysis “Constant PER” approach by another factor of 2.
The simulation results show that a significant energy de- 5.2.3. Impact of the different user requirements.
crease can already be achieved with the “constant PER” ap-
proach compared to the state-of-the-art approach. When the In this section, we present the impact of the different user
“expected PSNR” approach is used, simulation proves that QoS requirements on the energy cost. The four different se-
energy savings up to a factor of 2 can be achieved while main- quences with QoS requirements of 35 dB, 33 dB, and 31 dB
taining a uniform visual quality, thus significantly improving are tested simultaneously on the time-varying channel. The
QoS. In Sections 5.2.1–5.2.4, we show the detail results from energy cost of all these sequences after transmission is pre-
the aspects of different video content, channel status, user re- sented in Figure 8. It is clear that the lower the QoS require-
quirements together with the fairness discussion. ment is, the lower the energy consumption will be. The rea-
son is straightforward; the lower the quality is, the smaller
5.2.1. Impact of the video content the bitrate will be, and hence the lower the energy cost.
This shows once again that by taking into account the rate-
Figure 5 shows the influence of the video content on the en- distortion properties into the optimization system, we can
ergy cost for the different approaches listed above. The PER obtain more energy gains.
constraint is fixed to 1e-2 for the “constant PER” approach.
The QoS constraint is fixed to 35 dB for the “expected PSNR” 5.2.4. Fairness discussion
approach. As expected, the higher the bitrate of a sequence
is, the higher the transceiver energy cost will be. Those re- So far we have considered only one of the two proposed so-
sults are provided by delivering video on a fixed channel state lutions, that is, the total energy minimization. In this final
(channel state 2, with 40% occurrence probability). section we present the performance of the second proposed
12 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking
Foreman 31
Mother 31
City 31
Bus 31
Foreman 33
City 33
Mother 33
Bus 35
Bus 33
Mother 35
City 35
Foreman 35
0.07 scalable video coding (SVC) extension of H.264/AVC, the
0.06 upcoming state-of-the-art scalable video coding, which uses
0.05 different temporal and spatial decomposition schemes com-
0.04 pared to the one used in this paper. Also, in this paper, the
0.03 distortion calculation was GOP-based. Though calculating
the distortion based on packets will increase overhead and
0 complexity, it would be interesting to see how the proposed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 approaches perform under these conditions, despite the fact
User numbers that we expect that the general trends presented here will be
maintained. Additionally, we plan to investigate the perfor-
Minimize total energy
mance of the proposed approaches in uplink streaming, P2P
Minimize maximum energy
video transmission, and so forth. These scenarios have very
Figure 10: Energy comparison for 16 users requiring video bit- different timing constraints, hence requiring more interest-
streams simultaneously. ing optimization schemes and solutions. Finally, it would be
Xin Ji et al. 13
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