Public Transportation Improvement Validation Model For Metropolitan City Karachi
Public Transportation Improvement Validation Model For Metropolitan City Karachi
Public Transportation Improvement Validation Model For Metropolitan City Karachi
For the rapid increase in traffic congestion, integrated multimodal transport system is required. The savings
to the community in facilitating a shift to public transport can be significant, particularly in urban peak
congested conditions. This might be possible through enhancements in service alternatives. Improvements
to public transport may be considered through a number of avenues including improving vehicle efficiency,
integration of transport modes, reduction of the cost of service, reductions in travel times and in comfort
for passengers [1]. Congestion is the measure to find out the optimum characteristics of traffic ciaos while
the adaptive measures are also encountered with this scale. Keeping in view the demand orientation,
standards are set out with the base line of area requirements. Benchmarks should be identified where
measures are to be planned and then short term and long term proposals are highlighted.
There is the immense need for the system transformation by proper means. The study is designed in a way
that number of factors is interlinked and correlated which ultimately segregate the different public
transportation problems with their effective measures. The entire scope of work for this study resembles
with production of theoretical model related to improved public transportation system. The model might
be replicated with the similar city traffic conditions. Almost the metropolitan city of Karachi deals with all
type of road users and traffic characteristics environment which in turn useful for majority of the traffic
conditions. The model is represented in a manner by taking the related factorable examples of different
countries. Not only that similar city of Pakistan, Lahore is also quoted in the model development of urban
transportation system. The scope of the study entails with the main public transportation problems of the
city with analytical background. With this based on questionnaire survey, recommendations are formulated.
3. Objectives
This validation model is presented in a way that it’s comparing the realistic features of Karachi city with the
identified developed and developing countries. Some factors are directly related with the traffic conditions
of Karachi city others are indirectly concerned with the improved infrastructure facilities. The improved
facilities might be adopted with the help of detailed interviews from public. In this way, the model
ultimately represents both the theoretical perception and practical analysis of the city keeping in mind the
system problems.
Road travel time for major collectors is influenced by the road geometrical conditions, traffic control
devices like traffic signals, roundabouts. According to Davidson (1978), Akcelik (1991) and Tisato (1991),
travel time function has been considered in Australia [2, 3, 4]. Turnbull (1992) indicated over 500 km of bus
lanes throughout Europe accommodating 200 km in Paris [5]. As per the data of London Transport (1997),
proposal is designed to extend the bus lane length up to 500 km more [6]. Not only that, there are number
of examples in United States generated the culture of active priority or signal preemption. On the basis of
the study of Batz (1986), it was found to have sixteen instances of signal preemption systems in the United
States [7]. However bus ways is another important alternative in lower speed environment adjacent to main
arterials and collector roads. In this connection two notable examples are in North America, Ottawa and
Pittsburg [8]. Some of the recent studies such as Eco North west and Centre for Urban Transportation
Research (CUTR) study in the Puget Sound area plugged the empirical data in order to estimate the mode
shifts improvements [9].
Due to the higher use of private motorization safety of road users is affected [10], also important the
threat featuring quality of human environment [11, 12].
4.2. Contextual Situation Featuring Public Transportation Thailand & Brazil (Chieng Mai &
Chieng Mai is the second city of Thailand, and is located 700 km north-west of Bangkok. The public
transport system in the city comprise of minibuses and conventional bus system like the existing system of
Karachi (although the parallel issues in the system are not similar). It presents a situation in which the
provision of public transport is almost completely in the hands of mini bus operations. This situation again
stands on specifically for the Karachi system because the local transport owners are strong enough and
impart with avoidance of enforcement actions taken. The strategies defined in the respective countries
should be practiced keeping in view the area considerations. The mini bus service should be such that there
prevails no fixed routes, the travelers make use of the service as though it were a taxi, the difference being
that sharing the mini bus with other users is common and the fare is at a flat rate for all journeys within the
city. The two exceptions to this general principle are the two fixed routes between the city centre and the
route specifically designed for universities, schools and colleges (peak hour timings ) [13]. The planning of
the system is enhancing with the passage of time but unfortunately Karachi is lacking behind it governing
much higher share of population with this city.
The express bus system in Curitiba, Brazil is operated on the reserved bus lane provided along the
central part of the structural routes. Present situation is that the express buses should not leave the bus
lanes and should just provide a shuttle service up and own the lanes with feeder buses meeting the express
buses at interchanges along the length of bus lanes. Bus stops are being provided at intervals of about 800
meters along the length of bus ways and three central terminals are being provided [14]. The discussed
practices might be utilized for the city of Karachi as the diversified nature.
5. Research Methodology
The research was started with the tentative survey of the public transportation system of Karachi. These
include the condition of existing route network, public transport condition, bus stops condition,
infrastructure provided etc. Based on the existing condition, a questionnaire survey was done for direct
opinions. 100 public interviews are taken for better evaluation. The sample size normally depends on the
qualitative data of any plan. It is the common fact that low sample size with improved quality (all entities
filled) is better than the high sample size with low quality (with missing elements).
The research was specifically molded on the detailed questionnaire designed. The data is collected with
different set of people (approximately 100 sample size). The questionnaire is broadly divided in two
categories namely personal information and passenger related information. The passenger related
information is subdivided into following categories.
1) Mode used
2) Usage of buses
3) Satisfaction from route and fare
4) Satisfaction from seating capacity and management
5) Situations faced in transport service
6) Existence of bus stops and condition
7) Dwell time and shortage of buses
New innovations are discussed with public by giving them the detailed idea of Intelligent Transportation
system. Intelligent Transportation system is justified to the persons with its significance, use of technology
and engineering measures, application of effective infrastructure, training of ITS and user friendly
approaches etc.
As defined earlier, the public transport condition for the city of Karachi is worsening day by day. Number
of factors is depended for this situation. In order to have the clear perspective, some pictorial views are
taken for justifications.
Miserable condition of Mini buses is presented above. For the safe accommodation of journey, comfort
of passengers is mandatory. Road users are forced to sit in this environment because of no other option
availability. The bus furniture is not satisfactory, even the glass, doors and windows are not quietly
maintained by the owner group. This leads to the lack of safety measures implementation not on the road
but also off the road environment.
Two important issues are discussed in the above pictorial views. In the left picture, it is quite evident
that buses are not frequently using the designated bus stops whilst the bus stops are totally encroached with
the fixed, moveable encroachments and Para transit mode as well. In the right picture, overloading is clearly
defined which is hazardous for Pedestrians and Passengers. No ultimate action is taken for these road users
while standards should be formulated on the roof top sitting. The present situation also transforming the
idea of narrow width walkways because Pedestrians are in trouble in this critical situation. With the passage
of time, there is the big increase in the number of buses but the system stand on with the same pattern. It
needs to be refurbished and redesigned.
Regardless of all, several issues including safety and security for buses, management operations, travel
network, fare improvement, route redesigning and lack of engineering measures should be incorporated
and retackled.
The findings are detailed analyzed as discussed below. The mode of transport is categorized as Bus, Mini
bus, Coach and Wagons. As the collected data shows, almost same percentage of road users are using buses
and mini buses while the interview question related to trip generation for the whole day shares the
percentage of 50% (almost half of the collected data) ensuring the use of major two vehicles.
Fig. 3. Graphical representation for mode of transport and usage of public transport.
40% road users are willing to use the services of Mini buses with more than 50% related to working
and education purpose of travel. Mini buses routes should be redesigned in order to facilitate the major
group. The three percent lap in between the buses and mini buses is due to the inadequate facilities
provided in buses although long buses should be prefered for capacity and safety purpose instead of mini
From the above analyzed data, 68% respondents agreed on the poor bus conditions including seating
arrangement, improper bus operations, bus fleet and bus furniture. While the bus stop which is the ultimate
need before entering the buses is also affected, as 54% and 41% respondents agreed on the satisfactory and
poor bus stop conditions respectively. For the improvement in bus stops private sector should join hands
with the public sector and detailed survey strategy should be imposed for having the better capacity of bus
A list of problems in transport service were presented in front of the respondent including Behavior of
transporters, Traffic accidents, miserable condition of buses, illegal activities in buses, social issues faced,
improper design of the buses, overloading and other factors. The results are quite interesting, almost same
percentage is observed featuring the miserable condition of the existing buses and illegal activities including
snatching and socio economic issues (16%). The issues should be tackled by strict Enforcement actions and
manipulation of standard practices with policy formulation. Apart from that highest 24% road users are
affected with overloading action leading towards the unfortunate traffic crashes. They might be associated
with the human, vehicle or road contributory factors. In response to the improved and innovative
modifications, 74% users are willing to use the Intelligent Transportation System with proper training in
order to adjust the discussed problems. Here it is clear that complete and sound knowledge of ITS is
provided to the person before asking relevant question. The idea is graphically represented as follows:
Some other realistic facts drawn from the analyzed results are as follows:
Only 1% road users lie in the category of Excellent route condition while 52% are in the favor of
satisfactory condition
32% respondents are not satisfied with the existing fare imposition while 63% are in the stage of
The analyzed data shows that more than 60% users are normally take buses for their destinations
from any of the place where they want but not form the designated bus stops. This is due to the
illegal stops assigned by the owners or absence of bus stops in many of the locations
It’s a good sign that 88% passengers adopt the practice to walk less than 1 km for bus stops
ensuring the minimum distance between the destination and bus stops
Interconnected pedestrian bridges with bus stops is promoted in the local public and its also
showing from the collected data with the percentage of 84%
Time saving of the passengers is also another important factor but the percentage of people,
waiting for their buses less than 5 minutes is only 7%. While 68% respondents lie in the category of
5 to 15 minutes waiting time experienced. More than 15 minutes percentage is 26%
Highest 48% shortage of buses is noticed during dark timings (after 8:00 PM)
Within the variety of public transport services, a list of problems is discussed above like behavior,
condition of buses and social issues etc. The specific type of transport and problems are shared and merged
with respect to the number of respondents as follows:
Each problem is identified in relation to the mode of transport. It is dominant form the above table
that overloading of public transport is more susceptible to the system. The problem must be solved by the
increase in fleet size, enforcement measures or some other technological alternative.
For the enhancement of the proposal, model urban transport system Lahore Volvo project is elaborated.
The information system for all modes of transport is being collected. The main theme was based on the
urban travel pattern falling into three categories [15].
General information related to house hold research
Technical operational activities and route network design as in input
Wider aims of development in relation to role of transport and urban development
The information was adjusted with travelling information, alternatives, motivation and problems of the
daily commuters. In this connection, modal split can be easily seen in the picture. It is also emphasized with
the average trip frequency. This practice was beneficial for efficient land-use pattern and road requirements
for each class of vehicle. Trip demand generated from the analysis is also useful for spatial distribution and
alternatives applied. Karachi is also equipped with dense traffic environment. Same type of model study
should be done in major corridors for the improvement in Public transportation system. The data which is
presented in this research paper might be reorganized and used for future work of modal split assessment.
Based on the analyzed data and survey done following recommendations and major way forwards steps are
1) A task force related to engineers, transporters, practitioners and traffic engineers is capable enough
to work on community basis for the improvement in Public transportation.
2) The modes of transport that are in practice should be clearly identified in relation to the safety
standard policies.
3) Public private partnership programs should be promoted for the improvement actions.
4) While considering any of the matter related to public transport system, balanced should be
maintained within the three E’s of transportation including Education, Engineering and
5) Computerized fare collection system should be introduced while the average fare should be
decided based on the analyzed data.
6) The existing buses condition should be refurnished while the design of buses should be checked by
some concerned approved authority.
7) Enforcement is important but when dealt with technological advancement. All the data and actions
should be monitored and controlled through surveillance cameras.
8) Minimum bus dwell times should be designed; this could be possible by increasing and introducing
the long articulated buses. This not only ensures the safety and capacity but also the removal of
traffic congestion.
9) The legislations and government should be proactive while focusing on the solutions. This persists
with the strong interaction of all types of stakeholders.
10) Route redesigning is one of the important steps that should be controlled through the calculated
strategic applications that are in practiced for developed countries.
11) Para transit modes should be as minimum but to be present in specific amount with quality
enhancement. This service is required for the enriched and effective public transport system.
12) Vehicle ownership is another important clause of adverse public transport system. This should be
controlled by stringent actions.
1) Improvement actions should meant for the buses and mini buses due to more and common
percentage in collected data.
2) 2 to 3 buses of nominal range are utilizing by a respondent so safe and reliable journey is
mandatory for the user.
3) Bus ways and Transit lane applications should be provided with respect to the purpose of travel.
Major travelling accommodates with the working and educational perspectives. Signaling system
for entire bus network based on the peak timings might be introduced.
4) Not only the inner condition of the existing buses, but infrastructure should be improved. This
solution is justified with the response of persons relying on the satisfactory condition of routes.
5) Roof top sitting on the buses should be strictly prohibited. The data is showing major problem of
overloading in almost all modes of public transport.
6) Interconnected pedestrian bridges with bus stops should be promoted as per the justification from
7) Alternatively, for the safe accommodation, underpasses for pedestrians and passengers should be
8) Imposition of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) with adequate transit network is required. A
sufficient percentage of data is willing to initiate the advancements in Public Transportation system.
9) For different group of timings (dawn, daylight, dusk and dark), required number of vehicles should
be accommodated.
10) Fleet size of the buses with proper maintenance should be signified.
11) Maintenance department for all type of buses should be designed and they will be responsible for
all types of routine and periodic maintenance works.
12) The measures should be focused mainly on major arterials and collectors. Locals should be on
second prior basis.
10. Conclusion
Karachi is the densely populated metropolitan city of Pakistan. It consists of all modes of transportation
and all type of road users with two prong needs and requirements. According to the registered data of City
District Government Karachi, 2005, public transport pertain the share of about 169201 vehicles (registered
only) and needs strong considerations. The intercity traffic of this city is becoming unpredictable, different
solutions suggested by various concerned authorities are obsolescing one after another. The system needs
little alterations based on the requirements of common users. The model presented in the paper must
follow with certain limitations of specified area. Management actions formulated are on priority and
assembled on the basis of equal treatment actions. The traffic pattern of Karachi city should be correlated
with the similar cities of developing countries. In addition to that traffic and transport regulatory authorities
in Karachi are responsible for relevant technical approaches of road safety complying this study as a
reference or bench mark step. It is quite evident from the research that respondents rely on cheaper,
cleaner and mobilized public transport while the task is difficult in Karachi due to rapid growth and change
considerations. This study presents public transportation modes operated by the examined metropolitan
areas. The results indicate that after availability of public transport in each identified area, the daily
commuters still face great hardships due to poor quality of service, substandard and limited vehicles,
overcrowding, high fares and clumsy routes. Government has very limited control over these bus operators
and in the absence of adequate mega city governance and management system the task is getting complex
when it comes to the reduction of negative impacts. An intelligent and smart public transportation
framework system (based on the viewpoints of major population) might be helpful in order to decrease the
private vehicles. The solutions catered must produce the balance in between the all aspects including
technical, user friendly, financial and political issues as well because it is the plight in all around the world to
produce best urban transport systems with high levels of political support.
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