Maturity Assessment: A Case Study Toward Sustainable Smart Manufacturing Implementation
Maturity Assessment: A Case Study Toward Sustainable Smart Manufacturing Implementation
Maturity Assessment: A Case Study Toward Sustainable Smart Manufacturing Implementation
Abstract—Due to the rapid evolution of Internet of Things and improve every individual situation is the principle of the
(IoT), the advantage of having smart manufacturing has been implementation toward smart manufacturing.
quickly recognized by the industry. Manufacturing companies
This paper leads with a case study on how to enable smart
are facing challenges of organizing an unprecedented technical
integration of systems and factories across hierarchy, domain manufacturing in the actual system implementation environ-
boundaries and life cycle phases. ment, from which maturity assessment is validated. Section
Many reference models and use-case are available in national II introduces a brief background on smart manufacturing
and international smart manufacturing related studies. However, practical issue for system implementation and abstract the
gaps between study and actual factory environment exist due
barrier points in the process. Section III examines the process
to the less care of interconnecting of process steps toward smart
manufacturing implementation. To make over the transformation of enabling system implementation and highlight the maturity
of implementation effectively, methodology to identify the gaps assessment to make over the barriers. Section IV describes an
and address appropriate solutions in practice is needed. explanation of use case regard manufacturing operation site
This paper provides insights that help the manufacturing sustainable improvement on the factory automation system
companies toward developing a practical process to achieve
implementation Section V concludes with guiding principles
the ultimate goal of interconnecting every step of their smart
manufacturing. Case-study that lower the entry barrier, and for addressing the contribution of maturity assessment on the
reduce the investment risk of the transformation process for the system implementation that integrate multiple perspectives for
factory automation system is highlighted and validated. every individual situation in factory automation. Future work
Index Terms—Smart Manufacturing, Maturity, Kaizen Level, of systematically defining maturity assessment model in terms
Process Improvement, Assessment of management processes, operations, functions of system
implementation is specified in the end.
For some time now, drivers such as Internet of Things (IoT), II. P RACTICE ISSUE TOWARD SMART MANUFACTURING
optimization and the need to meet customer personalized
demands have once again powered the transformation of the Depending on functions, organizational management objec-
manufacturing systems, to become adaptive, entire connected tives and industry sectors, the complexity and pace of smart
and cognizant of its capability. This transformation is char- manufacturing leads to different points of implementation
acterized by the smart manufacturing that is rapidly gaining efforts across manufacturing companies. This situation creates
ground in attractive in industry. lacks of standard terminology and improvement opportunities.
Various regional concepts of initiatives are widely discussed Very few leading-edge manufacturing companies did further
the reference architecture of smart manufacturing, such as [1] changes, such as a fundamental structural and process reform
[2] [3] [4], underlying enabling technologies and preconditions to utilize technologies to raise the full potential of smart
and impact on different facets. Many manufacturing compa- manufacturing. For most of the manufacturing companies,
nies are capitalizing their essential functions toward smart especially for such middle-small size companies who do not
manufacturing within their interconnected manufacturing, as have enough resource, it is still difficult to draw a clear
well as with their partners along the value chain in smart vision, strategy and systematic roadmap matches their own
manufacturing. manufacturing situation.
It is very important to have a clear and applicable roadmap In order to cope with such situation, reference models are
for every individual manufacturing company not only to main- developed from various regional initiatives. Overall insights
tain but also to increase their competitive edge in smart man- on system implementation with technical requirements can be
ufacturing, that can covering multiple views and abstraction obtained through the use of reference models. Nevertheless,
levels of their manufacturing systems’ implementation to aid the reference models have different start points demonstrating
the firm in making improvements. There is a need to measure the developer’s favourable industrial sectors, where the con-
how well the current system has employed or its capability, sensus of usage is still relatively low. Especially, process of
and predict the capability and the process that can be deployed adopting the concept to actual implementation environment
from a different perspective of views. Satisfying the need is not explained in any of the reference models. This lack
with a holistic methodology that useful to analyse, integrate of reference models’ definition also creates ambiguity when a
Fig. 1. Practice issue toward smart manufacturing. Fig. 2. SMKL to address sustainable implementation.