Introduction To Linguistic

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Introduction to linguistics

Name: Fernando José Recalde Estupiñan


Teacher: Andres Orlando Blanco

Group: 518017_46

Programe: Licenciatura en lenguas extranjeras con énfasis en





 Based on the first document, do Exercise 1.4 in page 13.

You have six phrases and you have to identify them to

whom the phrases might belong, “Attribute each of the…

phrases to Ferdinand de Saussure, Noam Chomsky, or

Michael Halliday. What motivates, in each case, your

response according to the text? What does the quote tell

you about their perspective on the study and analysis of


Autor Phrases Meaning

M.A.K. HALLIDAY All text, that is, - Halliday
everything that mentions that
is said or there is a strong
written, is relationship
developed in between
some context of meaning and
use; moreover, context. That is
it is the uses of why he does not
language that, conceive of
over tens of language
thousands of independently of
generations, its use, of the
have shaped the culture in which
system. it is involved
Language has and of which it
been is a product, nor
transformed to does it conceive
meet human of language
needs; and the functions only in
way it is set relation to the
according to participants, if
need. not in relation to
with the uses
with the social
Written and spoken behaviors of
language tend to show those
different types of participants. The
complexity; each of language is
them is more influenced by
complicated in its own the culture and
way. It also tends to the participants
be lexically dense but who use it
grammatically simple; according to
spoken language their needs,
tends to be depending on
grammatically those needs the
complex but lexically speakers have
sparse '...' The value given the
of having some interpretation
explicit knowledge of that is deemed
the grammar of necessary, thus
written language is leading to the
that you can use this language in a
knowledge, not only constant
to analyze texts, but evolution.
as a critical resource
for questioning Halliday states
questions About them. that written
language is
dense and with
a lot of
vocabulary and
language is
much more
complex, so it
handles a lean
but somewhat
more complex
lexicon due to
the speaker's
intention to
make himself
understood at
the necessary
time, That is
why the
management of
structures and
allows us to
analyze and
them, starting
from giving and
an order, an
denial, reaching
The speaker
through written
language can
what he reads
and, from that
point, can ask
questions about
it, which would
lead him to have
a thorough
about an
existing context.

FERDINAND DE - Language is a - According to

SAUSSURE system of Saussure,
interdependent language is not
terms in which a system that
the value of names already
each term existing
results solely concepts, since
from the there are
simultaneous differences over
presence of the time than in the
others ... [for relationships
example]. To between
determine what meanings and
a five-franc signifiers.
piece is worth According to
one most know: this, these
(1) that it can meanings could
be exchanged be limited under
for a fixed one word, but
quantity of a their signifier
different thing, can be related in
e.g. bread; and two ways or
(2) that it can more. For
be compared example, the
with a similar word "meat"
value of the (meaning) can
same system, be related to
e.g. a one-franc two signifiers,
piece, or with either in terms
coins of another of food or only
system (a to the flesh of
dollar, etc.). In an animal or a
the same way a human being.
word can be Which leads
exchanged for Saussure to
something identify two key
dissimilar, an principles of
idea; besides, it linguistics:
can be language is a
compared with set of signs that
something of are: members of
the same a system and
nature, another defined by their
word. Its value relationships
is therefore not with each other.
fixed so long as
one simply
states that it
can be - According to
‘exchanged’ for Sanssure,
a given concept. language is a
system of signs.
- If we could These signs are
embrace the composed of a
sum of word- meaning, that
images stored in is, the
the minds of all representation
individuals, we of something,
could identify such as a word
the social bond that gives the
that constitutes name to a thing,
language. It is a for example, the
storehouse filled word "lion", on
by the members the other hand,
of a given it is also
community composed of a
through their signifier, it is
active use of the concept, the
speaking, a mental
grammatical representation
system that has or the idea we
a potential have about
existence in something,
each brain, or, based on the
specifically, in previous
the brains of a example, would
group of be the idea of a
individuals. For lion, a wild
language is not animal with 4
complete in any legs. These
speaker; it signs create the
exists perfectly language as a
only within a system. Many
collectivity. people have
stored amounts
of associated
images due to
the link that
each of these
have had in a
society through
creating a
according to the
contact that
each speaker
has with each
other as a
- It seems clear mentions that
that we must generative
regard linguistic grammar is
competence – composed of
knowledge of a two very
language – as important
an abstract aspects: 1.
system Linguistic
underlying competence,
behavior, a which is the
system ability of the
constituted by ideal speaker-
rules that listener to
interact to associate
determine the sounds and
form and meanings
intrinsic according to
meaning of a unconscious and
potentially automatic rules.
infinite number 2. Linguistic
of sentences. performance,
which is related
- Linguistic theory to the
is concerned interpretation
primarily with and
an ideal compression of
speaker-hearer, sentences. Both
in a completely competences
homogeneous performed
speech together from
community, who the syntactic
knows its behavior, set of
language rules that allow
perfectly and is the formation of
unaffected by sentences and
such can make
grammatically derivations from
irrelevant them. The
conditions as semantic
memory component,
limitations, which makes it
distractions, possible to
shifts of convert a
attention and structure into a
interest, errors representation
(random or of meaning and
characteristic) in the phonological
applying his component,
knowledge of which regulates
the language in the
actual pronunciation of
performance. words and
together can
understand and
produce any
statement in
any natural
language we

- Noam Chomsky
says people who
know the
perfectly do not
make mistakes
because they
are not affected
by distractions
or limitations of
context. Since
there is in them
an innate
mental structure
that allows us to
understand and
produce any
statement in
any natural
language we

 Based on the second text ‘Linguistics’ in “Bauer, Laurie;

The Linguistic Student's Handbook” Answer the following

question: why is Linguistics definitely considered a

science? In your answer, involve the other language areas

such as semiotics, philology and literature.

Because is concerned with observing and classifying naturally occurring

phenomena. The phenomena to be classified are speech sound, words

languages and ways of using language to interact rather the organs,

mating behavior and plan species, but the general principles of

classification don’t change due to what phonetics deals with the sounds

of spoken language. According, the label linguistic phonetics is

sometimes used to specify that parts of phonetics which is directly

relevant for the study of human language. Furthermore, the morphology

deals with internal structure of words – not with their structure in terms
of the sounds that make them up, but their structure where form and

meaning seem inextricably entwined or to show things as diverse as

different styles and personality traits of the latter. The types are dealt

with as part of sociolinguistics, including matters such as dialectology in

communication, saying that linguistics is a science can be interpreted as

implying careful observation of the relevant real – word phenomena,

classification of those phenomena, and the search for useful patters in

the phenomena observed and classified. Finally, although linguistics and

literature may both deal with language production as their basic material

and philology was usually based on the close reading of older text.

4.1 The concept of ‘double articulation’ is a classic one at identifying

language, please, explain it, and give examples.

The double articulation is a linguistic feature that consists in the

decomposition of the linguistic sign into minimal units with meaning

(monemas) and without signifier (phonemes).

Monemas: it is formed by signs with meaning and signifier that are

articulated with other signs of the language to form a message.

Example: El + gat/o+ jug/aba + con + el + osi/ito

Phonemes: these are meaningless units that are articulated to form

signs or words.

E/l + g/a/t/o + j/u/g/a/b/a + c/o/n + e/l + o/s/i/t/o

 Human language is different from other semiotic systems,

explain at least three characteristics, that according to

Linguistics, are unique to human language.

According to linguistics, human language is considered creative

because it is based on the ability to interpret and create an

infinite number of sentences, since our language is complex and

we have the ability to create sensational things

The next characteristic is the duality or double joint, this highlights

elements in which the human being has the quality of joining

components that give it meaning.

The next characteristic is the displacement, this means that the human

being has the ability to speak of the past, present and future, since this

is fundamental for the development of the human being.

5. Collaborative activity the magazine.


McCabe, A. (2011). An Introduction to Linguistics and Language Studies.

London: Equinox Publishing Ltd. Retrieved



Bauer, L. (2007). The Linguistic Student’s Handbook. Edinburgh:

Edinburgh University Press. Retrieved from



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