Interview Preparation
Interview Preparation
Interview Preparation
2. Have you ever been to an interview? If yes, did you feel comfortable? If no, do you have any
fears going through it?
3. Can you think of any tips to make a good first impression? Read about DO’s and DON’Ts of
job interviews and compare them with your ideas. Do you agree with all these points?
4. One of the tips is to do research about the company in advance. Have you already done it? Tell
your teacher about the company you want to work for. Use some questions below to help you.
Note: employer = the person who hires people; employee = a worker who is hired to perform a job.
5. HANDLING INTERVIEW STRESS. Being interviewed can be quite stressful. Do you know
any techniques to calm your nerves before and during an interview?
6. Read about 5 ways to reduce job interview stress. Have you ever used any of them?
7. TYPICAL MISTAKES. Write True (T) or False (F) to the statements about interviews below.
Explain your choice.
Talk as much as possible. The interviewers are always interested in long and extended answers.
One minute response for a specific question is enough.
When you are asked about your accomplishments, talk about them in general terms. Don’t give
any examples.
Improvisation is much better than having some answers prepared.
Be enthusiastic and energetic. The interviewer wants to see how much you want this job.
If you are offered a lower salary than you expected, agree anyway. Say “I’ll take it” at once and
the interviewer will appreciate your readiness to work.
8. (Video 1). Watch the video with Jason Nazar (CEO & Co-
founder of Docstoc). Check your answers. Do you agree
with him?
1) You’d be surprised at how many times the people you’re interviewing with ______________ and
stop ______________________ to what you’re talking about.
3) By a _____________ you should never take more than a minute to answer any _________ question.
4) If you talk ________________ about what you’ve done and where you’ve worked, it’s very hard
__________________ if you’re the right candidate for the role.
5) If you haven’t ______________ read over the job description and done all your homework about the
company and read about it in the press and ____________ everything about it then you’re not
giving yourself the best chance to ______________.
6) Too many of us don’t realize how low energy and how _______________ we _____________when
interviewing with other people.
8) On the _________________, when someone asks you what you’re looking for _______________
compensation, don’t say “I’ll take anything”.
11. Make sure you know the words and phrases below.
1. an accomplishment /əˈkʌm.plɪʃ.mənt/ достижение
2. compensation /ˌkɒm.penˈseɪ.ʃ(ə)n/ заработная плата
3. an employee /ɪmˈplɔɪ.iː/ служащий
4. an employer работодатель
5. a (firm) handshake крепкое рукопожатие
6. job description должностные обязанности
7. readiness (to work) готовность работать
8. a response ответ
9. a sip of water глоток воды
10. wage /weɪdʒ/ заработная плата (обычно в неделю); оклад
11. concise /kənˈsaɪs/ краткий; сжатый
12. enthusiastic /ɪnˌθjuː.ziˈæs.tɪk/ полный энтузиазма
13. extended длительный
14. inappropriate /ˌɪn.əˈprəʊ.pri.ət/ неприемлемый; неуместный
15. well-balanced рассудительный; уравновешенный
16. well-nourished /wel ˈnʌr.ɪʃt/ имеющий полноценное питание
17. to appreciate /əˈpriː.ʃi.eɪt/ ценить
18. to clear one’s throat откашливаться
19. to come across столкнуться
20. to enquire /ɪnˈkwaɪə(r)/ узнавать; выяснять
21. to figure out узнавать
22. to free one’s mind освободить мысли
23. to get ahead преуспеть; достичь своей цели
24. to reflect отражать
25. to meet sth head-on встретиться лицом к лицу
26. to offer предлагать
27. thoroughly /ˈθʌr.ə.li/ тщательно; как следует
28. at once сразу же
29. at some point в какой-то момент
30. by a rule of thumb /θʌm/ как показывает опыт; в виде общего правила
31. in advance заранее
32. in general terms в целом
33. in terms of относительно
34. on the opposite side с другой стороны
35. overnight /ˌəʊ.vəˈnaɪt/ вдруг; неожиданно
36. straight away сразу же