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Distorted Sound Issue 9 UK

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Editors Note.
Happy New Year and welcome to the first Distorted
Sound of 2016! And what a January we have had!

With so many great records released this month,

I’m already dreading my end of year list and we
still have 11 more months of heavy metal goodness
to enjoy! This has been a big month for Distorted
Sound and this issue is packed with cracking
features and reviews from the team. Join us as we
look at the return of Exumer, find out why no false
poseurs are allowed with Gehenna and we take
a look at the rise of Finland’s hottest export, Lost

The Black Dahlia Murder have been the

contemporary force in death metal for years now
and we tak an in-depth look at the new stewards
of death metal! That, and a ton of other great stuff, James Weaver
from Fleshgod Apocalypse to Therion! Sit down,
grab a beer and enjoy!


Laura McCarthy Jim Forsyth Todd Webb

Henry Jones Katie Louise Needham Ryan Brucrass

Eddie Sims Jessica Howkins Lyanne Peters

Perran Helyes Jack Fermor-Worrell Becky Callaghan

Dean Martin David Creamer Alex Piercy

Jakk Smith Robert Bieganski Sophie Lynch

Josuhua Bromley Tim Redman

Kei Pullar Tim Chisnall

Tom Wakenell Emily Coulter


Distorted Sound
Issue 9
6-7 Choice Cuts
8 - INTRODUCING: Guardian
9 - INTRODUCING: Ghost Robots
12-13 Conan
14-15 Gehennah
18-19 Therion
20-21 Exumer
24-25 Talking Music: Lemmy
26-29 Chthonic
32-36 The Black Dahlia Murder
38-41 Lost Society
42-45 Fleshgod Apocalypse
46-47 - Lead Album Reviews
50-53 - Filler ALbum Reviews
54 - Comic
56-59 Live Reviews


What’s the Distorted Sound crew been listening to this month?

James Weaver Jess Howkins Jack Fermor-Worrell Katie Needham

(Editor) (Review Editor) (Head of News) (Photographer)

Megadeth - Dystopia Motorhead - Aiden - Aiden Megadeth -

Bastards Dystopia

Alex Piercy Eddie Sims Tim Redman Laura McCarthy

(Writer) (Album Review (Writer) (Introducing Editor)
Katatonia - The Macabre Omen: Speaking The
Great Cold Fightstar - Behind Gods of War - At King’s - Carousel
Distance The Devils Back War

Perran Helyes Henry Jones Robert Bieganski Jim Forsyth

(Writer) (Writer) (Comic Artist) (Magazine Designer)

Revenge - Behold. Job For A Cowboy - Mastodon - Once The Haarp Machine
Total.Rejection Sun Eater More ‘round The - Disclosure



GUARIDAN come to the scene with a heavy sound stealth and tone from Cory Young on bass. To
and a great approach to music for 2016. While on compliment this, Zac Yates has composed some
the cusp of their latest album, the Northumberland stupendous riffs and chord progressions, whilst
four piece create huge sounds, whistle actually brings some exceptional vocals. The band by and
creating a musical representation of their song large might be considered something similar to
titles that are so amazingly realised that it’s quite PARKWAY DRIVE, or HEART OF A COWARD,
breath taking. It’s quite difficult to explain the way but the fact is that GUARDIAN is something
in which GUARDIANS embodies their music, utterly new that has been missing from the scene
conjuring feelings in those that listen that perfectly for a while. No, it’s not often that a band on the
represent the symbolic notions of their songs. This cusp of their debut release have such a refined
is not to say that the band’s sound is contemplative- sound, and yet here GUARDIAN is, with focus and
if you want something with aggression and passion, huge ambition. Their previous release, a 5 track EP
this is your band. The boys are committed to their titled Tyrants, can be streamed fully on YouTube,
music, and fully ready for touring, which means while their first full length album is due on the
that those of you looking for their new favourite 22nd of January. For a young band, having such a
band should keep your eyes peeled for live antics refined sound bodes well for the great career that is
that will leave you speechless. ahead of this band.

The blast beats are completely flawless, thanks to WORDS: Laura McCarthy
Josh Stephen on drums, accompanied by genuine



For those looking for a great new material in the make the band distinctive. It’s true to say that this
alternative rock scene, GHOST ROBOTS are band obviously enjoying every minute of their
upbeat and quirky, with a the vocal style brings music making, this is the kind of band you want to
something fun and energetic to the table. Formally support. While still unsigned, the band have put
known as WE THE PEOPLE, this five piece from together their debut EP Sell It To Me, which has
Waterford, Ireland have a lot to offer. Crazy catchy already gained the attention of many, with positive
lyrics and equally energetic in their delivery. responses. This is available to listen to on the
Simple ideas in the lyrics make for GHOST bands SoundCloud, and shows the huge amount
ROBOTS oh so easy to listen to. This is a sound of promise that GHOST ROBOTS has.
that has mixed together many bands, with the
easiest comparison being somewhat akin in sound There is undoubtedly influences from many
to KAISER CHIEFS and KASABIAN, however of Rock ‘n’ Rolls greats, but with the distinct
this is a fresh take on the alternative rock scene, difference that shows how GHOST ROBOTS are
one that is sorely needed in new bands. The band definitely something to consider as you navigate
consists of Dael O’Biran on drums, Evan Hayles the onslaught of alternative rock on offer.
on Bass, with David Hearne bringing in the
rhythm guitar, David Rudden leading the section WORDS: Laura McCarthy
and Michael Doyle, bellowing strong vocals that


WORDS: Perran Helyes

CONAN’s ascent within the UK doom ranks feel. You can tell the difference in how it sounds
has been like a hammer falling on a particularly to Blood Eagle and Monnos too, it’s a little bit
susceptible skull, and approaching the release of wider and a bigger recording in a way, and to be
their third album Revengeance it’s clear that this honest I haven’t got a clue what Chris [Fielding,
new powerhouse are only continuing to up their bassist and producer] did but he made it sound
game. Frontman and mastermind Jon Davis is awesome.”
quietly confident about his band’s position.
Without being in your face about it CONAN have
“We don’t want a wholesale change in our style furthermore managed to craft something of an
but this definitely is an evolution from Blood identifiable aesthetic and art style, furthered by
Eagle. On older albums you can see that the songs another Tony Roberts cover on Revengeance.
are quite repetitive, although I really love that It also transpires that the reason for their
and it’s important for our style, but we wanted to recognisable on-stage hoodies is as doom as they
get a little more aggressive in parts which we’ve come.
managed quite well I think.”
“I’d get really bad ringing in my ears, so rather
He’s quite correct; the title track flies at you with than getting earplugs like any sensible person I
blast beats, clearly a conscious decision to turn just put my hood up. Slightly less tinnitus! I do use
some heads and keep listeners used to a far slower earplugs now but initially that’s where the hoodies
assault on their toes. came from. Looking back at the photos I thought
that it actually looked pretty cool so it stuck. Chris
“The songs have more of a lived in, all round wears the hoodie too though Rich being quite an


animated drummer would get a bit tied up. As for you feel sorry for because it’s gonna be difficult
the album covers, we don’t tell Tony what to do for them to make progress. If I’ve noticed it
but we like his aesthetic. You can spot our albums promoters definitely will.”
now a mile off and it almost makes albums and
merch sort of collectible. We’ve met him once Clearly CONAN aren’t the type of band who
when we played in Oklahoma last year and he’s will end up headlining Download, but as they
awesome. We’ll never be interested in working prepare for the coming year of touring, do they
with another artist as long as Tony can put up see themselves having a particular role within the
with my stupid messages.” scene?

“I don’t look at it from the angle of it being a “You never know, we might do! No, I don’t think
renaissance but doom’s definitely more popular we have a role. I guess if you’ve been around for
now. We’ll play festivals full of bands like us, a long time people might look up to you, and I’m
like Desertfest or Roadburn. Hellfest have a always open to speak to other bands who are just
whole stage dedicated to it. I think people need starting out as long as the questions aren’t too
to be careful though. It won’t take you too long silly and pass them on names of promoters or
to find a handful of bands on established labels whatever. It’s part of just being part of the scene,
that sound just like Iron Monkey or just like we’d rather be that than having the responsibility
Electric Wizard. It’s for a good reason because of being frontrunners or leaders. That makes you
they’re such awesome and influential bands, I’m feel old. Part of the fun of the band is the journey.
not ashamed to say I’m influenced by High On I don’t wanna be in a band who have made it. You
Fire or Slomatics. But some bands you see and always want to make it.”


WORDS: James Weaver

For Sweden’s GEHENNAH, they keep their metal band that actually have something to
sound to the traditional image of heavy say, there is 100 bands that just think they
metal; booze-driven, no poseurs allowed, have something important to say. Well, we
carnage. It’s been a long time since fans we’re are not smart, and we don’t pretend to be.
treated another fun filled thrash record but We write about what we know; drinking,
19 years later since Decibel Rebel, we’re fighting, raising hell and getting into trouble.
ready to unleash hell once again. And for We don’t give lectures, we are about chaos
frontman and aptly titled Mr Violence, and metal, that’s it.”
GEHENNAH’s sound is all about keeping
metal true to it’s roots. “There are a lot of With such a long gap in-between records,
people out there nowadays who feel they the concern fans can have is that will the
are really smart, writing ‘dark poetry’ about new record contain the same enthusiastic
the big questions in life’s existence” explains energy that have made GEHENNAH so
Mr Violence. “The feeling is that the scene revered in the underground? Mr Violence
is flooded with self-claimed misunderstood reveals that is was no plan to have such a big
geniuses, who can only channel their deep gap, it was all just the right timing. “When
inner thoughts in metal lyrics. For every it comes to this band we never really have


“We don’t give lectures,

we are about CHAOS
and METAL, that’s it.”

had any ‘plans’ or ‘strategies’, thinks just tend Mr Violence, he admits that he misses the
to happen” reveals Mr Violence. “We never old ways of the music press. “We try to use
really have been career-focused, the band social media but it does not come naturally
was just a natural part of our lives. We are for us. There is of course a lot of things that
basically pretty damn lazy! But when our are good with Facebook and stuff like that,
friends at Lightning Records asked us to do it’s easy to communicate with people” says
an EP back in 2012 we said alright and all of a Mr Violence. “But it’s not like social media is
sudden we started to write songs again. It was a part of our DNA, we tend to use it kind of
a lot of fun so we decided it was time to puck sporadically. We are trying to get better at it.
up the steam and try and get our fucking act Myself, I’m a big fan of old fashion, printed
together!” magazines. That’s how I learned about a lot
of my favourite bands when I was a kid, so I
As GEHENNAH enter the modern age of guess being featured in mags always felt a bit
metal with Too Loud To Live, Too Drunk special.”
To Die, the tools at band’s disposal has
changed somewhat. The age of social media Too Loud To Live, Too Drunk To Die is set for
has changed the ball game completely and for release on February 12th via Metal Blade.



Swedish Symphonic metal band THERION have estate everything has been incorporated in the
been on the scene since 1987, and fifteen albums band and to do death metal just feels very odd.
later they’re still going. They’ve always been For me, death metal is a little bit like punk, you
known for approaching music differently from know, it’s for the young and the wild.”
other bands of the scene and creating something
new and innovative. Of course, the big question is, after so long, how
is it possible to keep coming up with new music?
THERION originally started off as a death metal The short answer, according to Christofer, is a
band, but changed gradually over a few albums very diverse music taste and being spontaneous.
to become a symphonic metal band. It not He believes “The best thing is just to write, try
unusual to develop and change over the years but to make the record you’d like to buy, and, very
to completely abandon a genre is another thing important, not to be afraid of losing your career.
entirely. Christofer explained that “to me death If you try to play safe, you become boring.”
metal was always very youthful really. Teenage
music, and having a lot of frustrations and Christofer has a refreshing approach to
aggressions in the music and when you’re forty- competition in that he believes “There’s space
three, a family father who owns a big villa and an for everybody. But it was a great benefit for us


WORDS: Dean Martin

that NIGHTWISH came about, ... But they on tour is to promote themselves so if they do
quite fast found their own sound which was well it makes me happy. I mean, what’s the point
a bit more accessible than the THERION in bringing a useless support act, it’d just waste
sound.” Christofer continued, “they became money, of course it should be a band that have a
way bigger than we were and that’s been a really fair chance at winning the heart of our audience.
big benefit for us because they sold platinum in I always try to encourage support acts, give them
Germany, and they created a second wave of this advice, so they can get the most out of it. I never
symphonic metal and thanks to that there were a saw music itself as a competition.”
lot of young people, who never would have heard
about us in the first place, that found us through THERION are touring until the end of January
NIGHTWISH so I’m very grateful to them. then plan to finish their Rock opera in time
Also, they’re a very good band.” for summer to hopefully have a studio version
finished by the end of the year. It’s a busy year
“When we have support acts I try to bring the ahead for THERION, but one they are excited
best possible support acts so that our audience about.
get the best possible value for the ticket price
and, of course, the whole reason for the to be

WORDS: Tim Redman
PHOTOS: Kimberly Galdamez


“I was kind of fascinated how

people can be so cruel to each
other and inflict so much pain”

Teutonic Thrasher EXUMER’s return in 2012 even since the reformation.

with Fire & Damnation after over twenty
years without a recording was heralded “Fire and Damnation, the bulk of the
with great enthusiasm by fans worldwide. lyrics were between ourselves, the things
The quality of material on offer there when that we went through getting the band back
compared with the sub-par material many of together whereas on the new album, I was
their peers were putting out was spectacular. very influenced by a lot of hotspots around
With the first single for The Raging Tides out the world where there was a lot of conflict.”
we spoke to Mem Von Stein about what we A fascination with the human condition
can expect from the new record. seems to be a running theme throughout The
Raging Tides. “I was kind of fascinated how
“The response’s been fantastic really, people people can be so cruel to each other and inflict
who have heard the entire record, they’ve been so much pain”
really happy with the direction and how we’ve
kept it true to our signature sound” He says. EXUMER’s length of absence means that
From the off its clear that none of the old fire they’ve skipped over a lot of the changes that
has left this band with powerful Thrashy riffs have happened since Thrash’s 80s heyday.
coupled with aggressive vocal delivery evident Social media is a hugely important part of
across the record. The album is packed full of publicity for a band now with mixed blessings.
songs that sound like the 80s classics of the Mem has mixed opinion on this remembering
genre. that “back when I was growing up, everyone
was kind of influenced from each other but
Mem says that the time just felt right to everyone had their own trademark sound
reform the band. “In 2008 when I called him which made it easier for bands to make their
and said “hey let’s start the band back up” the mark”.
timing was right, he was done with his rock
project, I was done with my metal band in So what can be expected from EXUMER
New York and we thought you know if we get and The Raging Tides. The band refusing to
the band back together we do what we love” fall into the trap of slowing down or resting
While the bands inactivity during this period on their laurels and instead put together ten
may have been the death of lesser bands he songs that could easily have been a classic of
laughs it off “Yeah in our case there was a the genre. The band will be out supporting the
25 year gap between Rising From The Sea album for the next couple of years Mem says,
and Fire And Damnation, so that’s quite a adding that “the latter part of 2017 we’ll start
long time to be away. On the flip side of that writing material for the next record, so maybe
we have a total of four records and all four the gap won’t be four years but maybe three
records we’re pretty proud of so yeah, I think years in between records”. That can only be
from now on things are getting better” good news for Thrash Fans.

When asked about the band staying true to its The Raging Tides is set for release on January
roots Mem says that he was heavily influenced 29th via Metal Blade records.
by what was going on in the world. “Lyrically
I stay away from generic stuff, I actually write
about stuff that’s close to my heart.” He goes
on to explain that these themes have changed

Talking Music: A Tribute to Lemmy
Words: Jessica Howkins
He was a man who turned it up to 11 and vibrated HAWKWIND, it was then that the devil inside
the walls of concert halls, he was a hero to many of Lemmy crawled out and oozed out into the
and a legend to all, and our hearts are now heavy incredible and outstanding bassist he was. It was
as we remember a pioneer in the world of rock and in HAWKWIND when he developed his unique
metal, Lemmy, who died December 28, 2015. style, learning bass from his experience as a
rhythm guitarist. 1972 came around and Lemmy
It’s all a little revolutionary and biblical but it’s true performed bass and performed lead vocals for
to say that on 24 December 1945, Stoke-On-Trent, their biggest hit, Silver Machine, one of the
a true icon was born. Ian ‘Lemmy’ Kilmister may biggest moves he ever did musically.
not have been born in the Stables in Bethlehem,
but he was sure as hell to become just as important 1975, Lemmy had been arrested on possession
as baby Jesus. of drugs but was released two days later, leaving
him to be fired from HAWKWIND. That’s when
At the age of 16, Lemmy went along to go and MOTÖRHEAD was born, a trio of men who were
see THE BEATLES, it was them and his love for born to play some of the finest rock and roll in the
rock and roll that inspired him to pick up a guitar. world.
Four years later, Lemmy joined a band called
THE ROCKIN’ VICARS, his first major exposure Whilst there were many line-up changes, it was
to being in a band, despite being in local acts common knowledge that MOTÖRHEAD were a
beforehand. band that would not exist without the legendary
frontman, his sad passing proved that theory to
Fast forward six years and Lemmy was imminently be true, with a statement released that the band
recruited for the much loved space rock band, would not go on and could not go on without him.


Lemmy Kilmister was far too special to be left Lemmy Kilmister and it is guaranteed that so
behind and have someone else replace what he many people will continue to be impacted by him,
had built up from the ground. even in death.

The truth is, we all joked about Lemmy being Lemmy was a man who lived the stereotypical
immortal, that he would never die, especially on rock and roll lifestyle, the drugs, the drink and the
his diet of Jack Daniels and cigarettes, but after thousands of women. His goal wasn’t to inspire
two days of being told he had cancer, the man we people to lead that lifestyle because of him, in
deemed immortal died, ripping out the hearts of fact he was dead set against that, all he wanted to
fans, friends and family all over the world, a void do was inspire people to be themselves and as he
that will never be filled by another. would say ‘not give a flying fuck.’

You see, MOTÖRHEAD wasn’t just a band and Lemmy Kilmister was one of, if not the most
Lemmy wasn’t just a bassist or vocalist, he was a honest man you could ever come across, he didn’t
friend to each and every single person in a concert lie about the way he lived and he didn’t care for
room, or at a festival. He was a man that stood up the people who passed judgement. He admitted
tall and spread a message with his music and his his mistakes but never regretted them, something
honesty, he made people not want to give up. that made him stand out all over the world.

One of the most important things Lemmy The world will never be the same without him and
Kilmister ever said, was that MOTÖRHEAD to find a person who could be just as bold, brave
made it because they didn’t give up, it wasn’t down and honest as Lemmy would be the most difficult
to record sales, and it was just down to not giving task you could put upon yourself. As stated before,
up, plain and simple. He was a brutally honest we all joked that Lemmy would never die and
man and said fuck you a thousand and one times whilst the reality is that our beloved icon passed,
to get to where he was and always will be, there looking at his life and the impact he made, he will
aren’t many people like that in the world, it’s why remain alive in our hearts forever.
Lemmy was so unique.
Nobody captures the essence of rock and roll
He cared about his fans, treated them as though the way that Lemmy did and nobody ever will
they were family, he was humbled whenever a again, he vowed to carry on until the day he died
person had told him he inspired them, or saved and that is exactly what he did. He never gave up
their life. If you ask any person in the world of and he never gave in, Lemmy Kilmister was and
rock and metal, fans or musicians every person always will remain the strongest man in rock and
can tell you a way that Lemmy changed their life. roll history.

For me, if Lemmy hadn’t picked up that bass “This is what I am, this is what I do, this is
guitar and opened his mouth, I wouldn’t be what I’m supposed to do right here.” – Lemmy
writing this article right now. MOTÖRHEAD’s Kilmister, 1945 – 2015.
1993 album, Bastards, was blaring out and Don’t
Let Daddy Kiss Me played out and for the first
time, the lowest point in my life, I felt a chill down
my spine and I just wanted to write, so I did. Since
that day, I carried on and my only wish was that I
could have thanked that man.

My story isn’t the only one, in fact it’s a small fish

caught up in the biggest ocean. Over the years, I
have met so many people who owe their lives to



WORDS: James Weaver

Taiwan’s Chthonic have been crafting an usual the more natural it is for us to respond to these
style of heavy metal for over 20 years now. inspirations deep down in our hearts. We often
Fusing together traditional Taiwanese sounds see ourselves being categorised as different
with a blackened death metal assault gives the genres, spanning from symphonic black metal,
band a unique edge in a scene that is constantly melodic death metal, to folk metal. Some call us
swamped with stale bands that sound the same. oriental metal, or outright Taiwanese metal. There
Yet beyond the band’s respectable presence on are quite some classifications, so I guess we are
the heavy metal world, frontman Freddy Lim has unique in a sense.”
been an voice in the political environment of his
homeland. Having recently achieved success in Often, people see music as a catalyst for political
Taiwan’s parliamentary elections, Freddy reveals change. From Rage Against The Machine’s active
that the fusion of traditional Taiwanese elements protests to Frank Tuner’s politically charged
and heavy metal was never a deliberate aim. lyrics, music often can spark a political movement
and change. Chthonic are no different and for
“It can hardly be seen as an aim that is set Freddy, using his position of influence in Taiwan’s
deliberately. Rather, it is a natural outcome of leading metal band is a focal point for his political
our life experiences. Immersed in traditional campaign, most notably a massive celebratory
Taiwanese music and heavy metal, we take these show of the band’s 20 year career. “The event
two elements as the nutrients of our creativity” ended with great success, nearly 30 thousand
explains Freddy. “The longer we produce music, participated!” Exclaims Freddy. “Taiwan is


indeed a country that needs to be changed, where pressing problems Taiwan has to deal with today.
social equality, social justice and the state of CHTHONIC address these issues in its music,
independence and dignity are eroded by China- while scholars and attorneys in NPP also act in
leaning capitalists. Most of the public are longing similar veins in their fields of expertise. Under
for changes. Since we are standing at a very such common themes of idea, these values
special position in Taiwanese history, we feel the became the consensus when we formed political
need to take on the responsibility to lead everyone proposals.”
towards a better place.”
With Freddy now seated in parliament, the aim
With the country ravaged by a plethora of social for the future is to continue CHTHONIC’s
issues, Freddy fronts the New Power Party musical adventure alongside actively working to
(NPP). Now elected into parliament, Freddy improve Taiwan’s society. Freddy admits there is a
hopes to improve democracy and equality for huge challenge that awaits him in parliament, but
Taiwan. “There are a lot of things to be done, he will never stop trying to improve Taiwan. “The
but further deepening democratic policy in biggest challenge is that, no matter how hard we
Taiwan is the primary goal. In the past, Taiwanese tried, how many people to express our opinion on
democracy is only demonstrated on the voting internet or on the street, our government doesn’t
day. Once the congressmen are elected, there are seem to be responsive at all” explains Freddy.
barely any means for the electorate to oversee “To achieve out goals, we have to first obtain
their representatives. I aim to push forward substantial success in the legislative election, and
reforms that actually allow Taiwanese people to then call for more of the young generation to
participate in democratic politics, including the join NPP, participate in politics and consolidate
amendments to the referendum law, lowering the reforms. I’ve been participating in cultural
thresholds for recalling elected politicians in Civil policies and environmental issues to make Taiwan
Servants Election And Recall Act, lowering legal and the world a better place. I will never stop
voting age to 18, and enhancing the transparency this.”
of the congress for the people to oversee.”

The band have always embraced the lyrical

exploration of Taiwan’s history. From the nation’s
humble origins, to atrocities experienced in the
Second World War, to issues facing the country
today, Chthonic actively explore Taiwan’s rich
history to help shape and mould the ideology
of the NPP. “Our music addresses many of the
real, historical stories that are covered up by
KMT government. For example, the tragedies of
Taiwanese people being ruled by foreign races
in the past hundreds of years, the stories of
Taiwanese aborigines fighting against Japanese
before WWII, of Taiwanese people fighting for
the Japanese during WWII, of the oppressions,
massacre, and human rights violations under
the rule of Chinese KMT (literally Chinese
Nationalist Party) government after WWII, and of
Taiwanese people fighting against all these. There
are a lot of values in these stories: transformative
justice, autonomy of aborigines, freedom and
human rights. These values all echoes to the


“Taiwan is indeed a country that needs to

be changed”

Since exploding onto the scene with 2003’s Unhallowed,

Michigan’s THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER have been a
driving force in contemporary death metal. 15 years since
their debut, the band are now touring for album number
seven, Abysmal, and for guitarist Brian Eschbach, he has
seen death metal evolve and he likes what he is seeing.

WORDS: James Weaver
PHOTOS: Jonathan Push



“I think for a small handful of years we have been

a gateway band for a lot of super young kids”

“It’s crazy! There are so many different bands and stick out, but I think it’s hard. It’s hard to find new
sub-genres. Even when we first started there was music that I really love but that makes it all the
a bunch of different styles” explains Brian. “it is more worthwhile when it does happen.”
crazy to look back over 15 years and think about
all the bands that have popped up along the way. With the band’s style not sticking to the
It’s just fucking awesome, it is kind of surreal to guidelines of traditional death metal and opting
be part of it. But it’s fun, and definitely has played for a melodic foray of brutality, THE BLACK
out as long as we have has definitely enabled us to DAHLIA MURDER are that much more
keep in touch with the new stuff.” accessible and has as a result, served as a gateway
into the realm of death metal for many younger
Yet whilst the scene may have expanded in fans. Brian admits that THE BLACK DAHLIA
the sense of the quantity of active bands in the MURDER do act as a gateway band, “I think for
movement, often this can lead to saturation of the a small handful of years we have been a gateway
style. This is largely responsible due to the internet band for a lot of super young kids. We are always
and for Brian, he reveals that it makes finding getting messages on our Facebook, like saying
talent that much harder. “There is so much! There “hey I got your albums when I was 15 and now
is so much music out there, how can you possibly I’m super into death metal”. And Trevor is always
be on top of it all? Even if something is total posting links to bands he likes so that’s a pretty
worship shit, like there was that one Behemoth active way we are a gateway band. We try to use
album that was total Morbid Angel revamp. I love the spotlight we have to educate people. There’s a
that! There’s always bands that are coming out, I ton of sick bands out there” explains Brian before
listen to that band Fallujah because they like take divulging into the band’s diverse mix of fans,
you out to space, it’s pretty fun to see something “we’ve always had a pretty diverse following which
like that pop up. With Fallujah they just really has been cool because it allows us to play with

Photo Credit: Laura McCarthy

bands that people don’t necessarily think of. Like admits it is becoming increasingly difficult to
we went out with Iron Reagan a couple of months build setlists prior to embarking on tour. “That is
ago and it’s like the first time we went out with a something that just gets tougher and tougher every
crossover band. But it worked great! People like time we bring a new album out. We try to make
variety. We toured with Terror a bunch of times in sure that there is something from every album to
the last few years and it’s great, always makes for a keep it a good mix for everyone. But, yeah, we just
fun turnout!” set up knowing how many songs or how much
time we have and then we go from there. We try to
With the band currently touring for album keep it a pretty even mix, unless we say “hey we’re
number seven, Abysmal, there is an enormous going to play all these songs” but yeah usually it’s
back catalogue of material available for the band to just slipping in a few new ones or pulling some old
perform live. With new record touring cycles, often ones we have been playing a lot for a handful of
the focus is expected to be directed towards the years.”
latest record but bands, including THE BLACK
DAHLIA MURDER, prefer to create a nice Abysmal is out now via Metal Blade Records.
serving of material across their discography. Brian

Photo Credit: Laura McCarthy

“There is so much music out there, how

can you possibly be on top of it all?”

WORDS: Jessica Howkins

PHOTOS: Ville Juurikkala

The Braindead Generation

With young Finnish thrash metal band, LOST “It’s been a pretty surreal experience these last
SOCIETY, ready to release their 3rd studio album, three years basically, because I mean it’s been really
Braindead, Distorted Sound managed to have a fast all the time but we have just been enjoying the
peek into how the band have crafted the sound that ride basically because have been lucky enough to
they love and how they have matured musically be able to do exactly what we want to do, and we
and personally. really love to just play music and we’ve been really
lucky to be able to tour the world and everything.
The first two albums from LOST SOCIETY, Fast Everything has been really fucking awesome.”
Loud Death and Terror Hungry, were deemed as
the typical beer drinking thrash albums. Over the The band over the past few years have constantly
three years since the band first released Fast Loud gained a reputation as one of the best new thrash
Death in 2013, it is clear to see that the Finnish bands that have come onto the metal scene, gaining
quartet have matured and crafted their skills to a fans worldwide. With their latest single, I am the
level where even they are astounded. Antidote, it is clear to see that LOST SOCIETY
are hoping to gain some new audiences since
Speaking with vocalist and guitarist Samy Braindead is set to be one of their best albums yet
Elbanna, he describes that the past three years musically. Samy speaks about how the album has
of LOST SOCIETY’s career have been a surreal a lot of different themes and influences going on,
experience and that the ride has been fast but they but still keeping to that thrash filled sound that the
feel as though they are beyond lucky to be getting older fans love so much about them.
the experiences that they have happily endured.


It is something that is very important to LOST he speaks about how far LOST SOCIETY have
SOCIETY to evolve all of the time musically and come as a band since Fast Loud Death, that he
Braindead definitely sets that factor in stone. It has is beyond proud of not only himself but for the
things that the band have never done before, to the bandmates that he has been playing with since day
point in which it surprised each member at how one, something that is very important to Samy.
far they have come. It is clear to see the pride in
the band as Samy speaks about how their music is Playing and evolving together is one of the things
developing in a way that they thought they would that is just as important to LOST SOCIETY but
never do a few years ago. whilst they are continuing to evolve musically
and trying out new styles, one of the biggest and
“It’s just years and years of practicing all of the time most important factors in their career as a band
and stuff and developing the mind to write stuff is that they carry on their roots with thrash metal
like that and it’s always a group effort of course for but believe that they can and they will keep trying
us when we write the tracks so I don’t think one of new things. They are a band who want to be
us alone could have wrote a song like Only (My) remembered for sticking to what they love but also
Death is Certain because that is like a perfect for releasing music that keeps the fans interested
example of that every dude in the band has their in, appealing to a wider audience than many
own influences in the song and that’s how we put others.
the whole thing together.”
“Every album that we release basically could be
It is obvious to hear in the tone of Samy’s voice as totally different and totally new because of course,

we have our roots in thrash metal and that’s really chance to break or anything. We don’t take any of
important for us but I think one of the most this for granted, we’re just happy that we can do
important things for a band is, is that they can try what we want to do and we’re definitely not going
new things and that they don’t just release the first to fuck it up. We really have a good work ethic
album, over and over again.” and stuff, we do everything as well as we can and I
think you can see that also from our live shows but
Whilst on the discussion about how LOST we’re just enjoying what we do and we really hope
SOCIETY find it important to stick to their roots, that we can just do this for as long as we can.”
Samy does mention in regards to comments made
about how they will be the next LOST SOCIETY may not have been playing for
or TRIVIUM from fans, is that for them they as long as some bands, but they certainly hold the
want to be the band that can’t be categorized into mentality that gets them to the same places. From
anything. day one, with the release of Fast Loud Death, they
was a band to be watched but as they have matured
The main thing that the Finnish quartet have been and progressed together, they have become one
focusing on is maturing their sound, writing and hell of a dangerous band to watch out for.
being a band, which certainly shows with the
single off of Braindead. It also proves the above Braindead will be something spectacular and
statement to be true, they are band that stick to something for new listeners and those who have
their roots but they are being a band that are been there since their start. If there was one
creating a name for themselves by trying the things thing that Samy emphasised the most, it was that
that they want to instead of sticking to one style they are the strongest that they have ever been,
that never changes. musically, personally and together. They have the
determination and they are crafting their skills
“We’ve been playing together as a band now for to the best of their abilities, constantly pushing
what, 4 years? I think we’ve matured as song themselves and each other to bring out their
writers and as musicians also. I think it’s really cool best sides. There is simply nothing that can stop
that we have the same line-up as in the beginning a young Finnish band of strong-willed men to
that we have basically all matured together all of achieve their goals, they are a band that love what
the time. We saw that when we was writing the they do and love why they do it, LOST SOCIETY
songs for Braindead, it was something that came are one of the best newcomers to the metal scene
really natural to all of us, we didn’t need to fight and will appear to keep going and be the best the
about different parts and stuff, our music taste metal scene has seen.
went pretty well together. I think it’s the maturity
and the standards that are growing in some way at LOST SOCIETY’s new album ‘Braindead’ is out
least.” on 12th Feb 2016 via Nuclear Blast.

The opportunities that LOST SOCIETY have They will be touring the UK in February and
received over their past few years have not been March supporting EXODUS.
dismissed. The fact that they are being themselves
and maturing together, they have been getting
opportunities that some bands have not. Whilst
speaking about how the band have been growing
together, Samy fails to hide just how happy and
grateful he and the rest of the band are.

“For all of us, we are just really grateful! There are

a lot of awesome bands out there who have played
for tens of years and they still haven’t got their


Italy’s FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE are an usual breed of death metal.
Fusing together classical orchestration and death metal shouldn’t work, yet
somehow the Italians have managed to craft a unique assault of sound. Since
their inception in 2007, the band have rose up the ranks in the death metal
underground to be one of the industry’s leading names in the modern and on
the brink of the band’s fourth record, King, vocalist Tomasso Riccardi admits
it’s all down to a natural evolution.


WORDS: James Weaver



“We can be the drop in the ocean

so everybody should be hailing
the king that is inside”


“Labyrinth has been extremely important philosophical level. It’s very hard to deny
for our experience, because of Agony, it we are living in a pretty dark time and
had been the first album with Nuclear history has always been a cycle. There has
Blast so that was obviously the first big always been periods of growth into culture
step” explains Tomasso. “After Labyrinth and art and society itself and periods of
we got the chance really to your so many crisis. We believe this is a period of crisis
places we’ve never been before. So from so this king represents someone who is
the live point of view we had so many still connected to the past in a positive
chances to get skilled on many aspects and way, he is someone who knows what is
details of the show. When we finally got justice, believes in integrity and wants to
to start the composition of King we had do his best and take responsibility to make
many elements to learn from. I believe things go in the right way. I believe that
that all this work during these last years everyone one of us has this king inside,
have been extremely important to give every one of us has a part of himself or
us the chance to work properly with this herself who is able to recognise which are
album.” the important things and which are the
superficial things. We can be the drop in
Similar to every record that came before, the ocean so everybody should be hailing
King is a concept record. That has been the king that is inside.”
the trademark of Fleshgod Apocalypse
since their inception. Tomasso reveals With the record due out at the start of
to Distorted Sound that the concept next month, Fleshgod Apocalypse are
behind King deals with both the old and already gearing up to hitting the road with
new, exploring both the romantic period a supporting run with Ensiferum across
of history and the inner beliefs in man. mainland Europe and a mini headline
“Fleshgod Apocalypse is a concept band tour of the UK. Tomasso admits the live
regarding the image, the video and the environment proves a challenge but it is
shows, but of course the albums. We’ve something he relishes in, “of course it is
always been telling stories and sometimes difficult to manage to bring this into a live
narrative stories. In regards to King, show because there are so many different
this is a story that could be seen on two things going on” explains Tomasso. “But,
different levels” explains Tomasso. “On in life whatever you do, it’s just a matter
the narrative level, the story is actually set of being constant, always trying to be
into a court during the romantic period. connected with your own vision. If you
So basically between the end of the 18th can dream it, you can do it and that is our
century and the first half of the 19th philosophy.”
King is set for release on February 5th
“So every other character is jealous or 2016 via Nuclear Blast Records.
maybe trying to control and manipulate
him. But the second level, the metaphoric
level, is actually inspired by today’s society.
Not in a political way, it’s more on a

Prior to the record’s release, the band on all fronts. There are a few surprises
released three singles, Fatal Illusion, with Dystopia and credit must be given
The Threat Is Real and the very recent to the band for executing them with such
title track, giving a slight indication precision it doesn’t disrupt the flow of the
to the direction the record was going. record. Poisonous Shadows, the closest
Momentum was absolutely at an all time track to a ballad, opens with isolated
high with the band hinting at a classic acoustic guitar play before unfolding
approach to the MEGADETH formula. into a massive intro that rapidly builds
In fact, the three singles do a fantastic anticipation. And then, with the subtle
job at establishing the pace one should use of keys and female vocal elements,
expect with Dystopia. Fast and heavy. The the track unfolds into enormous riffs that
speed of the record is breakneck, with riffs chug like a freight train, demonstrating
ferociously fast, yet balancing intricacy the classic style Dave Mustaine and
in fine fashion. From Fatal Illusion‘s David Ellefson have spent decades
slick and mesmerising riffs to Lying forging. Yet after a huge closure, the soft
In State‘s absolute thunderous charge, spoken vocals of Dave Mustaine backed
MEGADETH take no prisoners with with the isolated use of a piano really
Dystopia. There are so many moments raises the hair on the back of the neck.
of utter metal goodness within Dystopia,
it showcases Dave Mustaine and co’ at Dystopia is a record of stupendous heavy
perhaps their very best. metal quality. With enough innovation to
keep it fresh, enough utterly monstrous
Whilst Dystopia certainly aligns itself riffs to keep the head banging and enough
to the style of Rust In Peace and Peace solos to send your jaw straight to the
Sells, the record is remarkably fresh. The flaw, MEGADETH have produced one
production is simply outstanding, with of the best records in their career. It
the balance of all the elements resembling demonstrates the sheer quality of a band
a well-oiled machine, it really allows that has played such a vital role in the
you to truly appreciate the quality that development of heavy metal.
lies within. And after all this time, it is
perhaps surprising just how well Dave Rating: 9/10
Mustaine‘s vocals hold up. His iconic WORDS: James Weaver
vocal style reigns supreme and delivers


Go back a couple of years and you previous works, something that was
would’ve seen everyone simultaneously probably at the forefront of the writing
panic over what the future of process. When the blast beats kick in, the
IMMORTAL would be. Having made album really begins to snarl.
their claim as the biggest and best modern
black metal band, when the implosion ABBATH has done well with this debut.
of the band happened the world was left It’s a pretty safe bet to assume it was never
wondering what was going to happen to going to be a bad album, but without the
that fiercely creative, badger face painted banner of Immortal hanging above him,
individual that fronted them. Well, there were some doubts as to whether
ABBATH simply decided to continue on, he could stand on his own frost-bitten
and without being linked to the immortal feet. Coming out the gates swinging with
name any more he’s been given the reign a brutally aggressive debut that firmly
to channel a lot of aggression into this, his asserts his dominance over the black
debut and self titled release. metal genre. ABBATH certainly falters
from time to time, with the relentless
It’s immediately clear just how much barrage sometimes becoming to hard to
more aggressive ABBATH is when handle and finding itself wanting for the
compared to his previous works. With diversity of the sounds of old, It ultimately
later IMMORTAL the aggression was remains as solid, ballsy, riff lead black
placed on the back burner and instead saw metal record that is fit for anyone who
massive audio vistas being created with wants to stand in the snow and head bang
discords and frosty vocals. Well the frosty till their head falls of their shoulders.
vocals are still present but behind them
are some truly thrashing riffs and utterly Rating: 8/10
relentless blast beats that comes thanks to WORDS: Eddie Sims
the now ex-drummer Creature. To War!
opens the album with a swaying riff that
swings as hard as the axe Abbath carries
around with him. It sets the tone of the
album superbly, making it blatantly clear
that this is a different entity to ABBATH’s



WORDS: Laura McCarthy

WORDS: James Weaver

Boundless - Promegranate Tiger

Nucleus - Witchcraft
One thing is certain about Boundless (6);
Nucleus (4) seems a very wishy-washy effort.
the record is jam -packed with musical
Nucleus falls for the trap of repeating phrasing
excellence, mesmerising solo play backed
on the guitar over and over far too long for
with subtle use of symphonic sounds. The
a comfortable listen, The Outcast sounds
biggest problem with instrumental projects
like an indie rock track and the final track
however is the lack of vocals which often
Breakdown is unbearably just like the others.
divide the metal community and whilst the
What aims to be profound, stripped back and
lead licks are slick, the intricacy can and does
basic comes off as tiresome. The album shifts
overstay it’s welcome.
from being tired, to being annoying, to just
WORDS: Tim Redman

disheartening. There is obviously still talent

in WITCHCRAFT, but true writing skills
have been left out to in favour of creating
something loose and directionless

WORDS: James Weaver

The Raging Tides - Exumer

EXUMER are in some ways what Thrash

fans wish all of the smaller name thrash
bands were, the album opens with the title
track The Raging Tides (9) and from the Love Don’t Live Here - Lionheart
off you’re aware of what kind of album this
is going to be. Powerful thrashy riffs at a Love Don’t Live Here’s (9) groove,
rapid pace, coupled with vocalist Mem Von pummelling drumming, expertly delivered
Stein’s aggressive delivery. Shadow Walker vocals and breakdowns that will shatter the
starts off slower than the remainder of the eardrums is truly a wonderful display of
tracks on the album taking its time to build, modern hardcore. Fusing varying musical
rather than the kick-the-door-in approach characteristics give a band a sound that is
taken elsewhere. This is the mark on which both aggressive and melodic at the same
reunited bands should be judged because it time, which is a very hard trait to accomplish
doesn’t get much better than this! given the style of the genre. As hardcore
explodes in popularity, LIONHEART are
certainly a band that injects fresh life into
the movement and Love Don’t Live Here is
surely a must-have in any fan’s library.



WORDS: Tim Redman

WORDS: David Creamer

Revengeance - Conan Starless - Ketzer

Blending fierce thrash sections with a The title track and opener Starless (3) begins
blisteringly low, fuzz sound doom fans know with a riff that wouldn’t be out of place on a
and love, and on this release (9), that concept pop punk album. Overlaid with a toned down
is taken to a whole new level. Horseback version of the blackened vocal performance of
Battle Hammer and Monnos, combining previous albums it’s immediately apparent that
drone and mid paced sections that make you this is a completely different KETZER. When
feel like you a dredging through a swamp, The Milk Runs Dry is not exactly an inspiring
yet you are stood completely still! The sound title for a track and begins with a quiet guitar
of the album is extremely well produced; to riff that goes on for far too long. So do the
be able to capture the full range without any band still have the essence that made them held
compromise is very impressive. in such high esteem by so many? Nope. Avoid
this like the plague.
WORDS: Tim Redman

WORDS: Tim Chisnall

Too Loud To Live, Too Drunk To Die -

Gehennah Winter Thrice - Borknagar

If you’ve heard GEHENNAH before you know The first track from BORKNAGAR‘s Winter
what to expect here. Opener Still the Elite Thrice (7) came across vastly different than
begins with a simple guitar riff before being expected, The Rhymes of the Mountain, it
joined by the rapid rhythm that perpetuates starts with harmonised backing vocals and
this album, Scumbag rocks along with the subtle synths purely to add to the layered
trademark catchy simply riff and enjoyably sound that the band were striving for. Cold
Runs the River blasts full speed ahead into
relatable lyrics that GEHENNAH are masters
a new depth of brutality for the album.
of creating. Lets Fall Off The Wagon wins the
Erodulent and Noctilucent have some solid
award for most inventive song name and is
riffs but the band seem to lose their way,
one of the only tracks without gang vocals on
diving off into musical tangents, The song’s
the album, replacing them with a great solo. progression shows the same experimentation
Too Loud To Live, Too Drunk To Die (8) that is abundant throughout the album,
proves that GEHENNAH are still the best at though restrains itself from becoming too
what they do. random and disconnected to appreciate.



WORDS: Tim Redman

WORDS: James Weaver

Earthbound - Bury Tomorrow

Termination Redux - Aborted
Earthbound (9) is a record of utter quality.
ABORTED have been spewing their own
It is the best record in the band’s career so
particular brand of putrid death metal since
far. It’s BURY TOMORROW’s signature
the late-90s almost unchanged. Released at
sound all over, which will please the band’s
the very start of 2016 the new Termination
legion of fans, yet it is the innovation and
Redux (7) is a teaser of what can be expected
expansion into this which makes the record
from a new album in the near future.
so enjoyable. This is the record that will send
ABORTED’s Termination Redux is a
BURY TOMORROW into the stratosphere,
nice little EP that helps to remind listeners
driving them to compete with the best in
precisely why the band is on its way up. You
British metal.
get four songs of proper death metal, no frills
or experimentation, and it leaves you wanting
more. Which is no doubt exactly what the
WORDS: Laura McCarthy

band are hoping for.

Phenotype - Textures

TEXTURES are back, and after nearly two

years since their last release with no word
until recently on what to expect, the latest
release Phenotype (7) comes with little
disappointments.For fans of the band, and
for those looking to expand into something
new, something usual, then Phenotype is
the album to pick up. TEXTURES have
taken their time crafting this album and it
shows, nothing is rushed, the melodies are
stunning and there is a brightness and a
feeling of confidence that come with creating
something that is one again, identifiable and
yet completely original.


ARTS CLUB Words: Sophie Lynch

Photos: Todd Webb
LIVERPOOL Check out the full article
at distortedsoundmag.com

Kick starting the performance with Courage after the room when they re-entered for a final three
a huge applause walking on stage, ALIEN ANT songs. As the band blasted into Smooth Criminal
FARM galvanised the show by performing their (the song which is responsible for ALIEN ANT
2001 album ANThology in its entirety to mark its FARM’s success and fame) it was clear the
fifteenth anniversary. AAF casually moved into audience gotten what they came for and ALIEN
their second single off the album Movies which ANT FARM had successfully managed to take
immediately had the crowd jumping around as everybody back to 2001 and left the Arts Club
the familiar guitar riffs echoed through the venue. with an outstanding reception.
By the time the band had gotten to Attitude the
audience had completely lost themselves in the Rating: 9/10
nostalgic set and a few members had managed
to crowd surf their way towards the front. Lead
singer Dryden Mitchell joked with the eager
crowd between belting out lyrics to Calico and
Death Day, never allowing the atmosphere to
calm down as the set came to its final two songs
off the album. An explosive encore followed after
Universe when the band left the stage, followed
by another applause which erupted through

WORDS: Emily Coulter
PHOTOS: Emily Coulter


Love metaller’s HIM finally enter the stage to a the fans seem to have embraced him too.
screaming audience to the music of Buried Alive
By Love which had hardcore fans singing every Overalll tonight has been a show to remember,
single word which makes charismatic vocalist EMPIRE pullled one hell of a show off despite
Ville Valo smile whilst singing. The one thing the crowd not knowing what to expect and HIM
about HIM shows is that there is not 1 song sound even better than they have done in a few
where fans aren’t singing to every word, the years with their best setlist to date.
band have one of the most dedicated fan bases in
music. Rating: 10/10

Guitarist Mikko Lindstrom is still performing

epic solo’s with all his heart, making the band’s
cover of Wicked Game even more special with a
one and a half minute solo. He maybe the quietest
member of the band but once on the guitar he
knows how to be loud. HIM‘s setlist comprises
of fan loved hits such as Killing Loneliness, In
Joy & Sorrow and Bleed Well which haven’t been
heard live for a while but playing classic tracks
like The Sacrament and Funeral Of Hearts got
fans hearts racing. New drummer Jukka Kroger
seems to have settled in well with the band and

Words: Dean Martin
Photos: Dean Martin


Sweden’s THERION have been active on the This show was part of their Best Of Tour and on
metal scene for nearly three decades now. The the subject they said “we don’t have an album
band have come a long way since their death out, we’re just touring because it is fun and we
metal roots, opting for a more symphonic style want to meet you guys!” Their passion for their
with more recent records. Kick starting 2016, music shone through, especially when Thomas
the band embarked on a headline run across the announced they were playing Dark Fairy, a
UK, but did the band’s long career still hold up song he had been asking Christofer to play
well live? for years, and was finally allowed to play. The
audience’s enthusiastic singing confirmed this
THERION finished up the night with their was a popular decision. They treated fans by
symphonic metal, theatrical songs (one playing five songs never played live before, and
including Mina from LUCIFERIAN LIGHT two from their rock opera. A good performance
ORCHESTRA), and a touching father/daughter and an excellent night.
duet from Linnea Vikstrom and Thomas
Vikstrom (vocals, lead vocals). Rating: 9/10

Words: James Weaver
Photos: Laura McCarthy


THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER have forged a consistently and brilliantly duelled their guitars
worthy reputation in the live death metal circuit through solid riff work and devastatingly heavy
for years now and there headling performance breakdowns and Alan Cassidly and Max Lavelle
for latest record, Abysmal is no different. kept the rhythm pummelling. Frontman Trevor
Opening with Receipt, the band set the tone Strnad has become somewhat of a popular figure
for the evening in grand fashion; relentless, in extreme metal and his display on stage proved
unforgiving and musically precise. testament to that. Full of energy, Trevor galloped
across the stage, hitting highs and low vocal
With the setlist covering the best of the band’s 15 screams in perfection copy to the band’s studio
year career so far, there was more than enough sound.
variety to keep the audience hooked. From
What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse’s By the time closuring track I Will Return blasted
crushing riffs to the intertwining solos on Rapid the audience, THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER
In Hatred by Vines of Thorn, THE BLACK had came, saw and conquered. Through a solid
DAHLIA MURDER enjoyed thunderous death metal performance from start to finish
appreciation throughout. with plenty of crowd interaction throughout,
the band have more than proved they are one of
In terms of the band’s musical display live, each modern death metal’s leading names.
member of the Michigan metallers were on
fine form. Brian Eschbach and Ryan Knight Rating: 9/10


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