HACCP Plan For Tea Cake Production Process: Assignment 01
HACCP Plan For Tea Cake Production Process: Assignment 01
HACCP Plan For Tea Cake Production Process: Assignment 01
M.R.C.S Wimalasena
Uva Wellassa University,Sri Lanka
Page No.
1. Introduction 3
2. Process flow diagram 4
3. Suitable Sanitizers 5
4. Personnel Hygiene 6
5. HACCP Plan 7
6. HACCP Determination 10
Tea is a major cultivation crop in Sri Lanka, although there many value added tea food
products, Tea cake is not given much of consideration. This is mostly because tea cake is not
a blooming industry in Sri Lanka`s import and export market. So there is lack of attention
given in regard food safety related to tea cake industry, and also in order to protect and
maintain current brand name Ceylon Tea, we produced this HACCP report with
consideration of tea cake industry. In this report we discuss all main issues related to this
particular industry, food safety measures, sanitizers and personnel hygiene. In the current
market trend food safety is considered with high regards. In order to survive the market and
deliver safe food products, the HACCP plans and ISO standards should be followed. HACCP
is a management system in which food safety is addressed through the analysis and control of
biological, chemical, and physical hazards from raw material production, procurement and
handling, to manufacturing, distribution and consumption of the finished product. For
successful implementation of a HACCP plan, management must be strongly committed to the
HACCP concept. A firm commitment to HACCP by top management provides company
employees with a sense of the importance of producing safe food. HACCP is designed for
use in all segments of the food industry from growing, harvesting, processing, manufacturing,
distributing, and merchandising to preparing food for consumption. In order to design a
perfect HACCP we should familiarized with the process flow of the specific food we
Procurement and Quality
Inspection of Raw Materials
Batter making
Suitable Sanitizers
There are numerous commercial products available for disinfecting and sanitizing surfaces in
food premises, such as restaurants or processing plants. As the intended use and toxicological
risks are different, disinfectants used on non-food contact surfaces (e.g., environmental
surfaces, medical devices) are regulated differently than those used on food contact surfaces.
Labelling should always be read before using disinfectants, as they specify the intended uses
that are appropriate for the product. Water is involved in food process in various stages from
washing to soaking then involved in either directly food production as an ingredient or in
some in direct manner to mix or bake or steam. It is also important for washing and sanitation
operations. Water in food industry must conform to ISO 3025 and ISO 10500 standards.
Suitable for cleaning gutters and drainage of the facility and floor cleaning of toilettes and
other areas where cake processing is not done (labourer rooms, common areas).
Concentration is 50 to 500 ppm typical although 200 ppm is effective for numerous surfaces,
800 ppm is suggested for porous areas. Avoid contact with corrosive surfaces.
Effective against Salmonella and E. coli. Concentration is 200 to 1.000 ppm typical generally
used at 200 ppm.Exellent for cleaning storage room floors where bacterial growth is high.
Suitable for cleaning corrosive surfaces like metal racks where goods are stored
3. Iodophors
Effective against Salmonella and E. coli. Concentration 6.5 to 75 ppm is typical. Good for
cleaning kitchen ware, mixtures, ovens all the food contacting metal surfaces.
The selection of a specific detergent and of a specific disinfectant will depend on the
material/products being conveyed. The recommendation of the manufacturer of the detergent
and of the disinfectant should be strictly followed especially regarding concentration levels.
After the cleaning of the hose with detergent followed by the rinse of it with potable water,
the hose must be sterilized either with steam or with chemical solution.
Personal Hygiene
Personal Hygiene is an important and key aspect to bakery in relation to food safety. Being
labour oriented process it is of utmost importance to maintain personal hygiene. Even a
healthy person harbours and is a carrier of host of micro-organisms. To eliminate and reduce
the possibility of contamination the following steps need to be taken
Food hazards are the factors, which are the biggest threat to food safety. A hazard is defined
as: a biological, chemical, or physical agent in a food, or condition of a food, with the
potential to cause an adverse health effect.
1. Physical Contaminants
Any foreign object (inanimate) found in the food or a naturally occurring object (bone in
fillet), that poses a hazard is called a 'Physical Contamination or Hazard'.
Wood Plastic
Parts of pests
Insulation material
Fruit pits
Glass and Hair
2. Chemical Contaminants
Chemical hazards are in two categories: naturally occurring poisons and chemicals or
deleterious substances. The first group covers natural constituents of foods that are not the
result of environmental, agricultural, industrial or other contamination. Examples are
aflatoxins and shellfish poisons. The second group covers poisonous chemicals or
deleterious substances which are intentionally or unintentionally added to foods at some
point in the food chain. This group of chemicals can include pesticides and fungicides and
well as lubricants and cleaners
Biological contaminants are the living organisms, or substances produced by organisms, that
pose a threat to human health. They are a major concern in food processing because they
cause most food borne illness outbreaks.
We assume that the food processing have certain aspects regarding food safety before
designing the HACCP plan. We discuss those aspects below in order to implement the best
possible plan for the Tea Cake Processing plant.
Location of Bakery Establishment shall be located away from environmentally polluted areas
and industrial activities which produce disagreeable or obnoxious odour, fumes, excessive
soot, dust, smoke, chemical or biological emissions and pollutants, and which pose a serious
threat of contaminating food; areas subject to flooding; areas prone to infestations by pests;
and areas where wastes, either solid or liquid, cannot be removed effectively.
The equipment’s shall be such located, designed and fabricated so that they permits necessary
maintenance and cleaning functions as per its intended use and facilitates good hygiene
practices inside the premise including monitoring and audit. Equipment and containers that
come in contact with food and used for food handling, storage, preparation, processing,
packaging and serving shall be made of corrosion free materials, which do not impart any
toxicity to the food material. Equipment and utensils used in the preparation of food shall be
appropriately labelled, kept at all times in good order and repair and in a clean and sanitary
condition, and shall not be used for any other purpose. Proper Procedures should be available
for handling each equipment like Ovens, Mixers, and Proofers etc. Equipment shall be such
located, designed and fabricated so that it permits necessary maintenance and cleaning
functions as per its intended use and facilitates good hygiene practices inside the premise
including monitoring and audit. Appropriate facilities for the cleaning and disinfecting of
equipment’s and instruments especially cleaning in place system to be adopted.
Water Supply
Only potable water in processing and cooking, food handling, washing shall be used and it
shall be tested according to ISO 10500 requirements. The storage tanks shall be cleaned
periodically & records shall be maintained. The non-potable water can be used for cleaning
of equipment not coming in contact with food, food steam production, and firefighting &
refrigeration equipment. The non-potable water pipes shall prevent the use of this water for
contamination of food material and shall be clearly distinguished from those in use for
potable water by using colour coding systems.
All raw materials and food ingredients should be procured from approved suppliers and must
conform to FAO Regulations. As per Condition of license, every manufacturer, distributor or
dealer selling an article of food to a vendor shall give either separately or in the bill, cash
memo or label a warranty in Form.
After receiving and accepting the raw material, there comes the need of storage. The storage
facilities shall be designed and constructed to avoid cross - contamination during storage,
permit adequate maintenance and cleaning and shall avoid pest access and accumulation.
Cold Storage facility shall be provided for food that requires being stored below 5°C.
Use of cleaning and sanitation program will be helpful to maintain the cleanliness and
hygiene in the bakery. This program can indicate the areas, and equipment to be cleaned at
set frequencies and the method of cleaning and sanitizing. This is helpful from the point of
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). Formulation of Standard Sanitary Operating
Procedures for the areas and equipment will provide standardisation to the bakery unit.
Dusting and mixing operations in a bakery tend to create a thin mist or dust of flour all over
the manufacturing premises, this leads to build up and microbial proliferation. Also proper
sanitation of fermentation chamber or premise will help to eliminate bad microbes and
undesirable growth in the product. Cleaning of burnt product, soot from the over
HACCP Determination
Stage Potential Hazard CCP Decision CCP Critical Preventive Correcti
Hazard Descriptio Tree (Y/N) limits Measures ve
type n Actions
1 2 3 4
1.Procureme Biologica Microbial Y N N N Dry Check control
nt and l contaminat storage cleanliness carried
Quality ion through at room of transport out at
Inspection of damaged tempera vehicles the rece
Raw packaging. ture and personnel. ption for
Materials Incorrect (25-30 Control transpor
hygiene C) of integrity t
(Room practices Rh = of the packaging vehicles
Temp.) 90-92% , labelling and pac
Time and shelf life. k- age
less HACCP integrity
than 1 certificate from
month the supplier.
and equipment
for the operation
10 | P a g e
Physical Contamina Y N N N Antibiot HACCP control
tion ic certificate from carried
by foreign residue the sup- plier. out at
objects should Control the rece
(hair, ne nil of package ption for
insects) integrity transpor
through t
Damaged vehicles
packaging and pac
k- age
11 | P a g e
2. Storage of Biologica Microbial Y N N N Dry Pest control Compan
Raw l contaminat storage plan. Keep y Pest
Materials ion at room containers Control
(Room (Salmonell tempera closed Plan
Temp.) a, ture and secured and the
Staphyloco (25-30 in proper place. fulfilme
ccus C) Compliance with nt
aurous Rh = good personal of good
and Escher 90-92% hygiene hygiene
ichia coli; Time practices. Keep practice
Pests – less facilities, s
Leptospira than 1 equipment
month and utensils for
Antibiot the operation
ic properly
residue sanitized.
should Perform FIFO
ne nil (first in, first out)
stock rotation
12 | P a g e
Cracked properly
/broken sanitized
be nil
ne nil
3. Weighing Biologica Microbial Y N N N Holding Perform the task Verifyin
and Pre- l contaminat Time quickly, g
Preparation ion less hygienically complia
of Raw (Salmonell than and without nce with
Materials as a, 25min, interruptions. good
per Standard Staphyloco Temper Compliance with hygiene
Recipe ccus aureus ature good personal practice
and Escher 20- 25 hygiene s
4.Batter ichia coli) C practices. Keep
making(mixi facilities,
ng Beating equipment
ingredients) (mediu and utensils for
m the operation
speed, properly
20 sanitized
Physical Contamina Y Y Y minutes Good personal Standar
tion ) hygiene d
by foreign practices. Visual sieving
objects inspection of salt of
(hair, material
decorations s
, pieces through
of packagi 32u
ng, stones mesh
– salt)
Chemical Detergent Y N Y N Y Keep the sites, Verifyin
residue equipment g
and mixtures for complia
the operation nce with
properly good
sanitized, hygiene
checking practice
kitchenware and s
13 | P a g e
before batter
5. Batter Biologica Microbial Y N N N Temper Perform the task Verifyin
Scaling l contaminat ature quickly, g
Deposition ion 20- 25 hygienically complia
and Levelling (Salmonell C and without nce with
into Moulds a, Rh = interruptions. good
Staphyloco 90-92% Compliance with hygiene
ccus aureus good personal practice
and Escher hygiene s
ichia coli) practices. Keep
and utensils for
the operation
Physical Contamina Y N N N Compliance with Verifyin
tion good personal g
by foreign hygiene complia
objects practices nce with
(hair, good
decorations hygiene
) practice
14 | P a g e
6.Baking Biologica Microbial Y N Y N Y 10–12 Compliance with Constan
l contaminat minutes good personal t
ion at 200 – hygiene monitori
(Salmonell 220ºC practices. Meet ng of
a, binomial time / internal
Staphyloco temperature set temperat
ccus aureus ure of
and Escher ovens ,
ichia coli on daily
basis to
ure , if
ure is
the oven
7.Cooling at Biologica Microbial Y N Y N Y 25-30C Compliance with Verifyin
ambient l contaminat good personal g
temperature ion hygiene complia
(Staphyloc practices. Keep nce with
occus facilities, good
aureus) equipment hygiene
and utensils for practice
the operation s
15 | P a g e
a, 20min, Perform the task good
Staphyloco quickly, hygiene
ccus aureus Temper hygienically practice
and Escher ature20- and without s
ichia coli) 25C interruptions.
Keep facilities,
equipment and
mixtures for
the operation
Physical Physical: Y N Y N Y Compliance with Verifyin
Contamina good personal g
tion hygiene complia
by foreign practices. nce with
objects Perform the task good
(hair, quickly, hygiene
decoration) hygienically practice
and without
Chemical Detergent Y N Y N Y Keep facilities, Verifyin
residue, equipment g good
migration and utensils for hygiene
of undesira the operation practice
ble properly s
substances sanitized. and the
into Confirm adequac
the food suitability y
of the packaging of the pa
material for food ckaging
use material
to food
16 | P a g e
a, maximu Perform the task good
Staphyloco m 5-7 quickly, hygiene
ccus aureus days hygienically practice
and Escher and without s
ichia coli) interruptions.
Pests rats Keep facilities,
and equipment and
cockroache mixtures for
s the operation
Physical Contamina Y N Y N Y Compliance with Verifyin
tion good personal g
through hygiene complia
human hair practices. nce with
, nails etc. Perform the task good
quickly, hygiene
hygienically practice
and without
10.Distributi Biologica Microbial Y N N N Temper Compliance with Verify
on l contaminat ature 25 good personal all
ion – 30 C hygiene product
(Salmonell practices. Protect packagi
a, the product from ng’s are
Staphyloco direct contact intact
ccus aureus with customers and
and Escher and environment well-
ichia coli) al sealed
Physical Contamina Y N N N Compliance with Verifyin
tion good personal g
by foreign hygiene complia
matter as practices. Protect nce with
like sand , the product from good
dust and direct contact hygiene
soot with customers practice
and environment s
al contamination
In conclusion, HACCP system is very useful tool in food organizations. HACCP is a system
focus on thing involved with food products details of the food process and also identifies the
awareness of safety problem. Not only that, it requires commitment of the management, the
employees in the organisation, and further monitoring for all kind of food process. Besides
17 | P a g e
that, HACCP is a priority to control the hazards in food process. By controlling the food
production to cause hazards, HACCP system has to be followed in order to provide safe food
for the consumer. Every food industry should have this system to analyse the hazards and to
overcome the hazards and provide safe food for consumer so that consumer have confident to
consumer, also it will give many benefits to food producers as well as labourers.
Implementation of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) in a SME: Case
Study of a Bakery (Marques et al., 2012)
Marques, N., Matias, J., Teixeira, R. and Brojo, F. (2012). Implementation of Hazard
Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) in a SME: Case Study of a Bakery. Polish
Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences, 62(4), pp.215-227.Anon, (2019). Online
Available at:
[Accessed 1 Jul. 2019].
2. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2019). HACCP Principles & Application
Guidelines. [online] Available at:
application-guidelines [Accessed 1 Jul. 2019].
3. Ncceh.ca. (2019). [online] Available at:
f [Accessed 1 Jul. 2019].
Group Members
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3. H.P.H.D Premsasiri UWU/TEA/15/024
4. M.R.C.S Wimalasena UWU/TEA/15/039
5. K.M.T Madushanka UWU/TEA/15/046
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