Qualifications Pack - Occupational Standards For Beauty & Wellness

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1. Introduction and Contacts..…Page 1
2. Qualifications Pack……….……...Page 2
3. Glossary of Key Terms …………Page 3
4. OS Units……………………..…….….Page 4
5. Assessment criteria………………Page 30
 OS describe what
individuals need
to do, know and
understand in
order to carry out
a particular job Introduction
role or function
Qualifications Pack-intern
 OS are
standards that
individuals must
carrying out
functions in the REFERENCE ID: BWS/Q0601
together with ALIGNED TO: NCO-2015/NIL
specifications of
the underpinning
knowledge and Brief Job Description: A intern is a student or trainee who works, in order to
understanding gain work experience or satisfy requirements for a qualification in the Beauty
and Wellness Sector

Beauty & Wellness Sector

Skill Council Personal Attributes: The individual needs to be physically fit to withstand
Office no- 405-406, working in a training environment whilst being client responsive. He/she would
DLF City Court
need good interpersonal and listening skills
M.G. Road, Sikanderpur,
Gurgaon- 122002
+91 124 4269030- 31

E-mail:[email protected]
Qualifications Pack For Intern

Qualifications Pack Code BWS/Q0601

Job Role Intern
Credits(NSQF) TBD Version number 1.0
Job Details

Sector Beauty & Wellness Drafted on 01/08/2015

Sub-sector Beauty & Salons Last reviewed on 15/10/2015
Training Academy
Occupation Next review date 15/10/2016

Job Role

An intern is a student or a trainee who works in order to get

Role Description
some qualification or experience
NSQF level
Preferably Class VIII OR ability to read/write and communicate
Minimum Educational Qualifications
effectively on the job role
Maximum Educational Qualifications
Not Applicable
Occupationally competent in the area of beauty and wellness
Training relevant to the training
(Suggested but not mandatory) Training on beauty and wellness services and products, retail
selling technique (additional areas)
Minimum Job Entry Age 18 years
0-12 months

1. BWS/N0601(Improve practical skills and techniques)
2. BWS/N0602 (Learning experience on job)
3. BWS/N0603(Use tools ,equipment and material for
Applicable National Occupational practical task)
Standards (NOS) 4. BWS/N9002(Maintain health and safety at the workplace)
5. BWS/N9003(Create a positive impression at the
Performance Criteria As described in the relevant OS units

Qualifications Pack For Intern

Keywords /Terms

Sector is a conglomeration of different business operations having


Sector similar businesses and interests. It may also be defined as a distinct

subset of the economy whose components share similar characteristics
and interests.
Sub-sector is derived from a further breakdown based on the
characteristics and interests of its components.
Occupation is a set of job roles, which perform similar/related set of
functions in an industry.
Function is an activity necessary for achieving the key purpose of the
sector, occupation, or area of work, which can be carried out by a person
or a group of persons. Functions are identified through analysis and form
the basis of OS.
Job role defines a unique set of functions that together form a unique
Job Role
employment opportunity in an organization.
OS specify the standards of performance an individual must achieve
when carrying out a function in the workplace, together with the
knowledge and understanding they need to meet that standard
consistently. Occupational Standards are applicable both in the Indian and
global contexts.
Performance Performance Criteria are statements that together specify the standard
Criteria of performance required when carrying out a task.
NOS NOS are Occupational Standards which apply uniquely in the Indian
Qualifications Pack Qualifications Pack Code is a unique reference code that identifies
Code a qualifications pack.
Qualifications Pack comprises the set of OS, together with the
Qualifications Pack educational, training and other criteria required to perform a job role.
A Qualifications Pack is assigned a unique qualification pack code.
Unit Code is a unique identifier for an Occupational Standard , which
Unit Code
is denoted by an ‘N’
Unit Title gives a clear overall statement about what the incumbent should
Unit Title
be able to do.
Description gives a short summary of the unit content. This would be
Description helpful to anyone searching on a database to verify that this is the
appropriate OS they are looking for.
Knowledge and Understanding are statements which together specify
Knowledge and
the technical, generic, professional and organizational specific knowledge
that an individual needs in order to perform to the required standard.
Organizational Context includes the way the organization is structured
and how it operates, including the extent of operative knowledge
managers have of their relevant areas of responsibility.
Technical Technical Knowledge is the specific knowledge needed to accomplish
Knowledge specific designated responsibilities.
Core Skills or Generic Skills are a group of skills that are key to learning
Core Skills or and working in today's world. These skills are typically needed in any work 3
Generic Skills environment. In the context of the OS, these include communication
related skills that are applicable to most job roles.
Qualifications Pack For Intern

Keywords /Terms Description

B&WSSC Beauty & Wellness Sector Skill Council

NOS National Occupational Standards

NSQF National Skills Qualification Framework
NVEQF National Vocational Educational Qualification Framework
NVQF National Vocational Qualification Framework
OS Occupational Standards
PC Performance Criteria
QP Qualification Pack
SSC Sector Skills Council

BWS/N0601 Improve practical skills and techniques
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National Occupational

This unit provides to Improve practical skills and techniques at workplace.

5|P a g e
Unit Code BWS/N0601
Unit Title (Task) Improve
Improve practicalpractical
skills andskills and techniques
National Occupational Standard

Description This unit provides to Improve practical skills and techniques at workplace.
Scope This unit/task covers the following:
 Improve practical skills and techniques

Performance Criteria(PC) w.r.t. the Scope

Element Performance Criteria
Improve practical To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
skills and techniques PC1. Assess risks and hazards
. PC2. Follow safe working practices
PC3. Use skills and techniques to perform a selected activity
PC4. Identify safe working practices
PC5. Plan the activity specifications step by step to practice/development the task
PC6. Select materials and equipment needed for each step
PC7. Analyse any problems encountered at each stage
PC8. Comment on the practical skills and techniques learnt
PC9. Assess areas for improvement
Knowledge and Understanding (K)
A. Organizational The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Context KA1. The policies of the retail outlet or the company for visual display for its
(Knowledge of the products
organization and KA2. Following store procedures for display, requirements for stock, space,
its processes) position of the display & dates
KA3. Meeting Legal or statutory requirements
B. Technical The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Knowledge KB1. Knowledge of Risks and hazards
KB2. Knowledge of Follow safe working practices:
KB3. Knowledge of Safe working practices
KB4. Knowledge to Use skills and techniques
KB5. Knowledge of Skills and techniques involved
KB6. Knowledge to Plan activity
KB7. Knowledge of Materials and equipment needed
KB8. Knowledge of Problems encountered at each stage
KB9. Knowledge of Practical skills and techniques learnt
KB10. Knowledge of Areas for improvement:
Skills (S) [Optional]
A. Core Skills/ Writing Skills
Generic Skills The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA1. document call logs, reports, task lists, and schedules with co-workers
SA2. prepare status and progress reports
SA3. record customers’ discussions in the call logs
SA4. write memos and e-mail to customers, co-workers, and vendors to provide
them with work updates and to request appropriate information without
English language errors regarding grammar or sentence construct

6|P a g e
BWS/N0601 Improve practical skills and techniques
Reading Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA5. read about new products and services with reference to the organization and
also from external forums such as websites and blogs
SA6. keep abreast with the latest knowledge by reading brochures, pamphlets, and
product information sheets
SA7. read comments, suggestions, and responses to Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQs) posted on the helpdesk portal
Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA8. discuss task lists, schedules, and work-loads with co-workers
SA9. question customers appropriately in order to understand the nature of the
problem and make a diagnosis
SA10. give clear instructions to customers
SA11. keep customers informed about progress
SA12. avoid using jargon, slang or acronyms when communicating with a customer,
unless it is required
B. Professional Skills Decision Making
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB1. make decisions pertaining to the concerned area of work
Plan and Organize
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB2. plan and organize service feedback files/documents
Customer Centricity
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB3. manage relationships with customers who may be stressed, frustrated,
confused, or angry
SB4. build customer relationships and use customer centric approach
Problem Solving
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB5. think through the problem, evaluate the possible solution(s) and suggest an
optimum /best possible solution(s)
SB6. deal with clients lacking the technical background to solve the problem on
their own
SB7. identify immediate or temporary solutions to resolve delays
Analytical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB8. use the existing data to arrive at specific data points
SB9. use the existing data points for improving the call resolution time
SB10. use the existing data points to generate required reports for business
Critical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:

7|P a g e
BWS/N0601 Improve practical skills and techniques
SB11. apply, analyze, and evaluate the information gathered from observation,
experience, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to thought and action

8|P a g e
BWS/N0601 Improve practical skills and techniques

NOS Version Control

NOS Code BWS/N0601

Credits (NSQF) TBD Version number 1.0

Industry Beauty & Wellness Drafted on 01/08/2015
Industry Sub-sector Beauty and Salons Last reviewed on 15/10/2015
Training Academy
Occupation services Next review date 15/10/2016

Back to Top

9|P a g e
BWS/N0602 Learning on job experience
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National Occupational

This unit provides Learning on job experience to develop your knowledge,understanding
and skills.

10 | P a g e
BWS/N0602 Learning on job experience
Unit Code BWS/N0602
Unit Title (Task) Learning on job experience
National Occupational Standard

Description Learning on job experience to develop your knowledge,understanding and skills

Scope This unit/task covers the following:
 Learning on job experience

Performance Criteria(PC) w.r.t. the Scope

Element Performance Criteria
Learning on job To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
experience PC1. Understand the workplace induction including health and safety requirements
PC2. Understand the roles and responsibilities of self and other workers
PC3. Understand how your own responsibilities contribute to the work of the
PC4. Identify a range of possible settings for your workplace learning
PC5. Understand when and the location of your on job training will occur.
PC6. Plan to get to workplace on time
PC7. Understand the type of tasks/activities you will perform in the workplace
PC8. Understand the learning and experience you will acquire from on job training
PC9. knowledge of operations of the organisations
PC10. Understand employers’ expectations of staff
PC11. Understand work environment.
PC12. Understand Motivations/incentive of other staff
PC13. Analyse the workplace experience with an suitable person
PC14. Analyse learning and work experience

Knowledge and Understanding (K)

A. Organizational The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Context KA1. The company policies for visual display
(Knowledge of the KA2. Store procedures for display requirements for stock, space, position of the
organization and display & dates
its processes) KA3. Legal or Statutory requirements

B. Technical The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:

Knowledge KB1. Knowledge of tasks and activities to the required standard
KB2. Knowledge of help and advice
KB3. Knowledge of workplace induction:
KB4. Knowledge of Range of settings for workplace learning:
KB5. Knowledge of when and the location of your on job training will occur.
KB6. Knowledge of to get to work on time
KB7. Knowledge of Types of tasks/activities in the workplace:
KB8. Knowledge of learning that will acquired

11 | P a g e
BWS/N0602 Learning on job experience

Skills (S) [Optional]

A. Core Skills/ Writing Skills
Generic Skills The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA1. document call logs, reports, task lists, and schedules with co-workers
SA2. prepare status and progress reports
SA3. record customers’ discussions in the call logs
SA4. write memos and e-mail to customers, co-workers, and vendors to provide
them with work updates and to request appropriate information without
English language errors regarding grammar or sentence construct
Reading Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA5. read about new products and services with reference to the organization and
also from external forums such as websites and blogs
SA6. keep abreast with the latest knowledge by reading brochures, pamphlets, and
product information sheets
SA7. read comments, suggestions, and responses to Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQs) posted on the helpdesk portal
Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA8. discuss task lists, schedules, and work-loads with co-workers
SA9. question customers appropriately in order to understand the nature of the
problem and make a diagnosis
SA10. give clear instructions to customers
SA11. keep customers informed about progress
SA12. avoid using jargon, slang or acronyms when communicating with a customer,
unless it is required
B. Professional Skills Decision Making
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB1. make decisions pertaining to the concerned area of work
Plan and Organize
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB2. plan and organize service feedback files/documents
Customer Centricity
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB3. manage relationships with customers who may be stressed, frustrated,
confused, or angry
SB4. build customer relationships and use customer centric approach
Problem Solving
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB5. think through the problem, evaluate the possible solution(s) and suggest an
optimum /best possible solution(s)

12 | P a g e
BWS/N0602 Learning on job experience
SB6. deal with clients lacking the technical background to solve the problem on
their own
SB7. identify immediate or temporary solutions to resolve delays
Analytical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB8. use the existing data to arrive at specific data points
SB9. use the existing data points for improving the call resolution time
SB10. use the existing data points to generate required reports for business
Critical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB11. apply, analyze, and evaluate the information gathered from observation,
experience, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to thought and action

13 | P a g e
BWS/N0602 Learning on job experience

NOS Version Control

NOS Code BWS/N0602

Credits (NSQF) TBD Version number 1.0

Industry Beauty & Wellness Drafted on 01/08/2015
Industry Sub-sector Beauty and Salons Last reviewed on 15/10/2015
Training Academy
Occupation Services Next review date 15/10/2016

Back to Top

14 | P a g e
BWS/N0603 Use Tools, equipments and material for a practical tasks
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National Occupational


This unit provides to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills required to use
tools ,material and equipment for a practical task.

15 | P a g e
BWS/N0603 Use Tools, equipments and material for a practical tasks
Unit Code BWS/N0603
Unit Title (Task) Use tools ,equipment and material for a practical task
National Occupational Standard

Description to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills required to use tools ,material
and equipment for a practical task
Scope This unit/task covers the following:
 Use tools ,equipment and material for a practical task

Performance Criteria(PC) w.r.t. the Scope

Element Performance Criteria
Use tools ,equipment To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
and material for a PC1. Select and use suitable tools , equipment and material to complete an task
practical task PC1. Perform appropriate care and maintenance of the tools and equipment used
in completing the agreed task
PC2. safely store tools and equipment
PC3. Clean and tidy the work area
PC4. Understand the purpose of tools and equipment suitable for the agreed
PC5. follow the safety precautions associated with the tools and equipment used
for the agreed activity
PC6. understand the care and maintenance needed for the tools used in
completing the agreed task
PC7. understand the safety precautions relevant to the care and maintenance of
the tools in completing the agreed task
PC8. select suitable materials and products for a related activity; Be able to
evaluate the result of the activity
PC9. Select materials and products to complete the selected activity
PC10. Understand materials and products are suitable for the task
PC11. Understand safety hazards associated with the materials or products and
their use and the precautions that should be taken
PC12. Assess result of the activity,

Knowledge and Understanding (K)

A. Organizational The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Context KA1. The company policies for visual display
(Knowledge of the KA2. Store procedures for display requirements for stock, space, position of the
organization and display & dates
its processes) KA3. Legal or Statutory requirements

B. Technical The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:

Knowledge KB1. knowledge to Select and use tools and equipment
KB2. knowledge of Purpose of tools and equipment:
KB3. knowledge to Safety precautions associated with tools and equipment
KB4. knowledge to Carry out care and maintenance of tools and equipment:
KB5. knowledge to safely store tools and equipment:
KB6. knowledge to Clean and tidy work area
KB7. knowledge of Care and maintenance needed

16 | P a g e
BWS/N0603 Use Tools, equipments and material for a practical tasks
KB8. knowledge of Safety precautions for care and maintenance of tools
KB9. Knowledge of Materials and products
KB10. Knowledge of Suitability of materials and products:
KB11. Knowledge of Use of alternative materials and product

Skills (S) [Optional]

A. Core Skills/ Writing Skills
Generic Skills The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA13. document call logs, reports, task lists, and schedules with co-workers
SA14. prepare status and progress reports
SA15. record customers’ discussions in the call logs
SA16. write memos and e-mail to customers, co-workers, and vendors to provide
them with work updates and to request appropriate information without
English language errors regarding grammar or sentence construct
Reading Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA17. read about new products and services with reference to the organization and
also from external forums such as websites and blogs
SA18. keep abreast with the latest knowledge by reading brochures, pamphlets, and
product information sheets
SA19. read comments, suggestions, and responses to Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQs) posted on the helpdesk portal
Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA20. discuss task lists, schedules, and work-loads with co-workers
SA21. question customers appropriately in order to understand the nature of the
problem and make a diagnosis
SA22. give clear instructions to customers
SA23. keep customers informed about progress
SA24. avoid using jargon, slang or acronyms when communicating with a customer,
unless it is required
B. Professional Skills Decision Making
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB1. make decisions pertaining to the concerned area of work
Plan and Organize
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB2. plan and organize service feedback files/documents
Customer Centricity
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB3. manage relationships with customers who may be stressed, frustrated,
confused, or angry
SB4. build customer relationships and use customer centric approach
Problem Solving

17 | P a g e
BWS/N0603 Use Tools, equipments and material for a practical tasks
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB5. think through the problem, evaluate the possible solution(s) and suggest an
optimum /best possible solution(s)
SB6. deal with clients lacking the technical background to solve the problem on
their own
SB7. identify immediate or temporary solutions to resolve delays
Analytical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB8. use the existing data to arrive at specific data points
SB9. use the existing data points for improving the call resolution time
SB10. use the existing data points to generate required reports for business
Critical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB11. apply, analyze, and evaluate the information gathered from observation,
experience, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to thought and action

18 | P a g e
BWS/N0603 Use Tools, equipments and material for a practical tasks

NOS Version Control

NOS Code BWS/N0603

Credits (NSQF) TBD Version number 1.0

Industry Beauty & Wellness Drafted on 01/08/2015
Industry Sub-sector Beauty and Salons Last reviewed on 15/10/2015
Training Academy
Occupation Services Next review date 15/10/2016

Back to Top

19 | P a g e
BWS/N9002 Maintain health and safety at the workplace
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National Occupational

This OS unit is about maintaining a safe and hygienic environment at the work area to
reduce potential risks to self and others.

20 | P a g e
BWS/N9002 Maintain health and safety at the workplace
Unit Code BWS/N9002
Unit Title (Task) Maintain health and safety at the workplace
National Occupational Standard

Description Maintain a safe and hygienic environment at the work area

Scope This unit/task covers the following:
 Maintain health and safety at the workplace

Performance Criteria(PC) w.r.t. the Scope

Element Performance Criteria

Maintain health and To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
safety at the PC1. Set up and position the equipment, chemicals, products and tools in the work
workplace area to meet legal, hygiene and safety requirements
PC2. Clean and sterilize all tools and equipment before use
PC3. Maintain one's posture and position to minimize fatigue and the risk of injury
PC4. Dispose waste materials in accordance to the industry accepted standards
PC5. Maintain first aid kit and keep oneself updated on the first aid procedures
PC6. Identify and document potential risks and hazards in the workplace
PC7. Accurately maintain accident reports
PC8. Report health and safety risks/ hazards to concerned personnel
PC9. Use tools, equipment, chemicals and products in accordance with the
organization's guidelines and manufacturers’ instructions
Knowledge and Understanding (K)
A. Organizational The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KA1. Organization’s policies and procedures to address risks and hazards
KA2. Health and safety requirements in the organization
(Knowledge of the
organization and
its processes)

B. Technical The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KB1. Contra-indications related to various treatments
KB2. Process and products to sterilize and disinfect equipment/ tools
KB3. Manufacturer’s instructions related to equipment and product use and
KB4. Knowledge of applicable legislation relating to the workplace (for example
health and safety, workplace regulations, use of work equipment, control of
substances hazardous to health, handling/storage/ disposal/ cautions in the
use of products, fire precautions, occurrences, hygiene practice, disposal of
waste, environmental protection
Skills (S) [Optional]
A. Core Skills/ Writing Skills

21 | P a g e
BWS/N9002 Maintain health and safety at the workplace
Generic Skills The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA1. document call logs, reports, task lists, and schedules with co-workers
SA2. prepare status and progress reports
SA3. record customers’ discussions in the call logs
SA4. write memos and e-mail to customers, co-workers, and vendors to provide
them with work updates and to request appropriate information without
English language errors regarding grammar or sentence construct
Reading Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA5. read about new products and services with reference to the organization and
also from external forums such as websites and blogs
SA6. keep abreast with the latest knowledge by reading brochures, pamphlets, and
product information sheets
SA7. read comments, suggestions, and responses to Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQs) posted on the helpdesk portal
Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA8. discuss task lists, schedules, and work-loads with co-workers
SA9. question customers appropriately in order to understand the nature of the
problem and make a diagnosis
SA10. give clear instructions to customers
SA11. keep customers informed about progress
SA12. avoid using jargon, slang or acronyms when communicating with a customer,
unless it is required
B. Professional Skills Decision Making
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB1. make decisions pertaining to the concerned area of work
Plan and Organize
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB2. plan and organize service feedback files/documents
Customer Centricity
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB3. manage relationships with customers who may be stressed, frustrated,
confused, or angry
SB4. build customer relationships and use customer centric approach
Problem Solving
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB5. think through the problem, evaluate the possible solution(s) and suggest an
optimum /best possible solution(s)
SB6. deal with clients lacking the technical background to solve the problem on
their own
SB7. identify immediate or temporary solutions to resolve delays
Analytical Thinking

22 | P a g e
BWS/N9002 Maintain health and safety at the workplace
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB8. use the existing data to arrive at specific data points
SB9. use the existing data points for improving the call resolution time
SB10. use the existing data points to generate required reports for business
Critical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB11. apply, analyze, and evaluate the information gathered from observation,
experience, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to thought and action

23 | P a g e
BWS/N9002 Maintain health and safety at the workplace

NOS Version Control

NOS Code BWS/N9002

Credits (NSQF) TBD Version number 1.0

Industry Beauty & Wellness Drafted on 01/08/2015
Industry Sub-sector Beauty and salons Last reviewed on 15/10/2015
Training Academy
Occupation Services Next review date 15/10/2016

Back to Top

24 | P a g e
BWS/N9003 Create a positive impression at the workplace

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National Occupational

This OS unit is about personal grooming and behaviour to execute tasks as per the
organization’s standards and create a positive impression at the workplace.

25 | P a g e
BWS/N9003 Create a positive impression at the workplace

Unit Code BWS/N9003

Unit Title (Task)
National Occupational Standard

Create a positive impression at the workplace

Description Personal grooming and behaviour to execute tasks as per the organization’s standards
and create a positive impression at the workplace
Scope This unit/task covers the following:
 Appearance and Behavior
 Task execution as per organization’s standards
 Communication and Information record
Performance Criteria(PC) w.r.t. the Scope

Element Performance Criteria

Appearance and To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC1. Maintain good health and personal hygiene
PC2. Comply with organisation's standards of grooming and personal behavior
PC3. Meet the organisation's standards of courtesy, behavior and efficiency
PC4. Stay free from intoxicants while on duty
PC5. Wear and carry organisation’s uniform and accessories correctly and smartly
Task execution as per To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC6. Take appropriate and approved actions in line with instructions and guidelines
PC7. Record details related to tasks, as per procedure
standards PC8. Participate in workplace activities as a part of the larger team
PC9. Report to supervisor immediately in case there are any work issues
PC10. Use appropriate language, tone and gestures while interacting with clients
from different cultural and religious backgrounds, age, disabilities and gender
Communication and To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC11. Communicate procedure related information to clients based on the sector’s
Information record
code of practices and organisation’s procedures/ guidelines
PC12. Communicate role related information to stakeholders in a polite manner and
resolve queries, if any
PC13. Assist and guide clients to services or products based on their needs
PC14. Report and record instances of aggressive/ unruly behavior and seek
PC15. Use communication equipment (phone, email etc) as mandated by your
PC16. Carry out routine documentation legibly and accurately in the desired format
PC17. File routine reports and feedback
PC18. Maintain confidentiality of information, as required, in the role
Knowledge and Understanding (K)
A. Organizational The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
KA1. Importance of personal health and hygiene
KA2. Organization's standards of grooming and personal behavior
(Knowledge of the KA3. Organization's standards related to courtesy, behavior and efficiency
KA4. Ill-effects of intoxicants and potential actions at workplace
organization and
KA5. Items of uniform & accessories and correct method of wearing/ carrying them
its processes) KA6. Reporting/ recording formats and protocol for documentation
KA7. Kinds of work issues that may arise and reporting structure
KA8. Code of practices and guidelines relating to communication with people
26 | P a g e
BWS/N9003 Create a positive impression at the workplace
KA9. Organization's requirements for recording and retaining information

B. Technical The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:

KB1. Ability to speak, read and write in the local vernacular language and English
KB2. Appropriate verbal and non-verbal cues while dealing with clients from
different cultural, religious backgrounds, age, disabilities and gender
KB3. Different formats on which information is to be recorded
KB4. Importance to maintain security and confidentiality of information
KB5. Kinds of communication equipment (email, phone etc) available and their
effective use
KB6. Selling/ influencing techniques to provide additional services/ products to
Skills (S) [Optional]
A. Core Skills/ Writing Skills
Generic Skills The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA1. document call logs, reports, task lists, and schedules with co-workers
SA2. prepare status and progress reports
SA3. record customers’ discussions in the call logs
SA4. write memos and e-mail to customers, co-workers, and vendors to provide
them with work updates and to request appropriate information without
English language errors regarding grammar or sentence construct
Reading Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA5. read about new products and services with reference to the organization and
also from external forums such as websites and blogs
SA6. keep abreast with the latest knowledge by reading brochures, pamphlets, and
product information sheets
SA7. read comments, suggestions, and responses to Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQs) posted on the helpdesk portal
Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)

The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA8. discuss task lists, schedules, and work-loads with co-workers
SA9. question customers appropriately in order to understand the nature of the
problem and make a diagnosis
SA10. give clear instructions to customers
SA11. keep customers informed about progress
SA12. avoid using jargon, slang or acronyms when communicating with a customer,
unless it is required
B. Professional Skills Decision Making
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB1. make decisions pertaining to the concerned area of work
Plan and Organize
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB2. plan and organize service feedback files/documents

27 | P a g e
BWS/N9003 Create a positive impression at the workplace
Customer Centricity
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB3. manage relationships with customers who may be stressed, frustrated,
confused, or angry
SB4. build customer relationships and use customer centric approach
Problem Solving
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB5. think through the problem, evaluate the possible solution(s) and suggest an
optimum /best possible solution(s)
SB6. deal with clients lacking the technical background to solve the problem on
their own
SB7. identify immediate or temporary solutions to resolve delays
Analytical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB8. use the existing data to arrive at specific data points
SB9. use the existing data points for improving the call resolution time
SB10. use the existing data points to generate required reports for business
Critical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB11. apply, analyze, and evaluate the information gathered from observation,
experience, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to thought and action

28 | P a g e
BWS/N9003 Create a positive impression at the workplace

NOS Version Control

NOS Code BWS/N9003

Credits (NSQF) TBD Version number 1.0

Industry Beauty & Wellness Drafted on 01/08/2015
Industry Sub-sector Beauty and Salons Last reviewed on 15/10/2015
Training Academy
Occupation Services Next review date 15/10/2016

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29 | P a g e
Assessment Criteria
Assessment Criteria


Job Role Intern
Qualification Pack BWS/Q0601
Sector Skill Council Beauty and Wellness

Guidelines for Assessment

1. Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council. Each Performance Criteria
(PC) will be assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will also lay down proportion of marks for Theory and
Skills Practical for each PC
2. The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by the SSC
3. Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for each candidate at each
examination/training center (as per assessment criteria below)
4. Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaulations for skill practical for every student at each
examination/training center based on this criteria
5. To pass the Qualification Pack , every trainee should score a minimum of 40% in generic NOS and 60% in core/ functional
6. In case of successfully passing only certain number of NOS's, the trainee is eligible to take subsequent assessment on the
balance NOS's to pass the Qualification Pack

Marks Allocation
Assessment Criteria for Theory
Assessment outcomes Total Marks Out Of Practical

PC1. Assess risks and

1. BWS/N0601 (Improve hazards
Practical Skills and 12 2 10

PC2. Follow safe working

12 2 10

PC3. Use skills and 100

techniques to
perform a selected 12 2 10

PC4. Identify safe working

12 2 10

30 | P a g e
Assessment Criteria
PC5. Plan the activity
specifications step by
step to
12 2 10

PC6. Select materials and

equipment needed
for each step 10 2 8

PC7. Analyse any

encountered at each 10 2 8

PC8. Comment on the

practical skills and 10 2 8
techniques learnt

PC9. Assess areas for

improvement 10 2 8

100 18 82

PC1. Understand the

workplace induction
2.BWS/N0602 (Learning
including health and 6 1 5
on Job Experience)
safety requirements

PC2. Understand the roles

and responsibilities
of self and other 8 1 7

PC3. Understand how

your own
8 1 7
contribute to the
work of the 100
PC4. Identify a range of
possible settings for
your workplace 10 1 9
PC5. Understand when
and the location of
your on job training 6 1 5
will occur.
PC6. Plan to get to
workplace on time
6 1 5

31 | P a g e
Assessment Criteria
PC7. Understand the type
of tasks/activities
you will perform in 8 1 7
the workplace
PC8. Understand the
learning and
experience you will
8 1 7
acquire from on job

PC9. knowledge of
operations of the
organisations 6 1 5

PC10. Understand
expectations of staff
6 1 5

PC11. Understand work

6 1 5

PC12. Understand
e of other staff
8 1 7

PC13. Analyse the

experience with an 6 1 5
suitable person

PC14. Analyse learning and

work experience
8 1 7

100 14 86
PC1. Select and use
3.BWS/N0603 (Use tools, suitable tools ,
equipments and equipment and
8 2 6
,material for practical material to
tasks) complete an task

PC2. Perform appropriate

8 2 6
care and

32 | P a g e
Assessment Criteria
maintenance of the
tools and equipment
used in completing
the agreed task

PC3. safely store tools and

equipment 8 2 6

PC4. Clean and tidy the

work area 8 2 6

PC5. Understand the

purpose of tools and
equipment suitable
8 2 6
for the agreed

PC6. follow the safety

associated with the
tools and equipment 8 2 6
used for the agreed

PC7. understand the care

and maintenance
needed for the tools 8 2 6
used in completing
the agreed task

PC8. understand the

safety precautions
relevant to the care
and maintenance of
8 2 6
the tools in
completing the
agreed task

PC9. select suitable

materials and
products for a
related activity; Be 10 2 8
able to evaluate the
result of the activity

PC10. Select materials and

products to complete
8 2 6
the selected activity

PC11. Understand
materials and
products are suitable 10 2 8
for the task

PC12. Understand safety

8 2 6
hazards associated

33 | P a g e
Assessment Criteria
with the materials or
products and their
use and the
precautions that
should be taken

100 24 76
PC1. Set up and position the
equipment, chemicals,
4. BWS/N9002 (Maintain
products and tools in
health and safety at the 10 3 7
the work area to meet
legal, hygiene and
safety requirements
PC2. Clean and sterilize all
tools and equipment 10 3 7
before use
PC3. Maintain one's posture
and position to
10 3 7
minimize fatigue and
the risk of injury
PC4. Dispose waste
materials in accordance
12 2 10
to the industry
accepted standards
PC5. Keep oneself updated 100
on the first aid 15 3 12
PC6. Identify and document
potential risks and
10 3 7
hazards in the
PC7. Accurately maintain
10 3 7
accident reports
PC8. Report health and
safety risks/ hazards to 10 3 7
concerned personnel
PC9. Use tools, equipment,
chemicals and products
in accordance with the
13 3 10
salon's guidelines and
100 26 74
5. BWS/N9003 (Create a
PC1. Maintain good health
positive impression at 8 2 6
and personal hygiene
the work place)
PC2. Comply with
9 3 6
standards of grooming 100
and personal behavior
PC3. Meet the
5 1 4
standards of courtesy,
behavior and efficiency

34 | P a g e
Assessment Criteria
PC4. Stay free from
intoxicants while on 6 1 5
PC5. Wear and carry
organisation’s uniform
6 1 5
and accessories
correctly and smartly
PC6. Take appropriate and
approved actions in
6 2 4
line with instructions
and guidelines
PC7. Record details related
to tasks, as per 5 2 3
PC8. Participate in
workplace activities as
5 1 4
a part of the larger
PC9. Report to supervisor
immediately in case
3 1 2
there are any work
PC10. Use appropriate
language, tone and
gestures while
interacting with clients
7 2 5
from different cultural
and religious
backgrounds, age,
disabilities and gender
PC11. Communicate
procedure related
information to clients
based on the sector’s 7 2 5
code of practices and
procedures/ guidelines
PC12. Communicate role
related information to
stakeholders in a polite 7 2 5
manner and resolve
queries, if any
PC13. Assist and guide clients
to services or products 4 1 3
based on their needs
PC14. Report and record
instances of
aggressive/ unruly 4 1 3
behavior and seek
PC15. Use communication
equipment (phone,
4 1 3
email etc) as mandated
by your organization

35 | P a g e
Assessment Criteria
PC16. Carry out routine
documentation legibly
4 1 3
and accurately in the
desired format
PC17. File routine reports and
4 1 3
PC18. Maintain
confidentiality of
6 2 4
information, as
required, in the role
100 27 73

36 | P a g e

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