Brand Guidelines PDF
Brand Guidelines PDF
Brand Guidelines PDF
Resources page 54
4 Skills for Life 5
Scout brand guidelines Our brand
Problem solvers
Team players
Our values
As Scouts we live by the values of Scouting.
They underpin everything we do, how we
act and the way we treat each other.
10 Skills for Life 11
Our brand Our brand
Our logo is very important to us. It’s the
symbol that represents and unites us as
a movement. Please use it consistently,
to build awareness, recognition and
adoption of our brand.
Stack lock-up
Please use this version when there
is enough room.
Horizontal lock-up
Please use this when there is isn’t
Note: All rules apply to both
enough room to use the stack version. horizontal and stack versions
of our logotype.
Logo colours
The logotype should always be visible and Scotland - Scout Blue
not lost in busy backgrounds and textures. Wales - Scout Red
The logo should only ever be used as an Northern Ireland - Scout
image file and not recreated in text form. Green or Scout Purple
Local personalisation
The logo must be used locally. It can be
personalised at a local level with the
addition of the name of the Group,
District, County, Area or Region below it.
No additional words should be added to
Group logo lock-up
the personalisation, for example, ‘Sudbury’
should be used, not ‘Sudbury District’ or
1st Boxford
‘Sudbury District Scouts’.
County, Area or
Region logo lock-up
County, Area or
Region logo lock-up
25mm 40mm
Primary colours
We use eight colours, plus black and white.
The familiar purple will continue to be our
primary colour.
RGB r255 g255 b255
CMYK c0 m0 y0 k0
Pantone n/a
HEX #ffffff
Thread White
Extra Bold
The font can be downloaded from and Extra Bold for local
used at no cost. personalisation within
our logotypes
Do more.
Share more.
Typography usage
There are a number of different weights
in the Nunito Sans font family. For main
Be more.
headers we recommend Nunito Sans
Black. For body copy, we recommend Nunito Sans Black
Nunito Sans Regular. Use Nunito 34pt 36pt
Sans Bold for your call to action and
contact details.
we need to allow key elements space to need to succeed in life and discover
how being a part of the Scouting
need to succeed in life and discover
how being a part of the Scouting
family can be as rewarding for you family can be as rewarding for you
breathe. This means not trying to cram too as it is for them. as it is for them.
much on a page.
With smaller print communications, we
#SkillsForLife #SkillsForLife
recommend a four column grid. For larger
banners and billboards, this may increase
to allow for more elements.
Copyright 2018 The Scout Association Registered Charity numbers 306101/SC038437 Copyright 2018 The Scout Association Registered Charity numbers 306101/SC038437
#SkillsForLife #SkillsForLife
Inspiring photography is at the heart of
our brand. Our photography should show
fun, friendship and adventure but above
all, convey belonging. The emphasis
should be on capturing moments of
connection, learning, sharing, achievement
and friendship. They should focus on the
emotional response to activities rather than
simply showing the activities themselves.
34 Skills for Life 35
Photography Photography
people with skills for life.
from the crowd.
Our new voice is confident, active,
Volunteer and help
challenging, inclusive and optimistic.
young people gain skills
We call this optimism with attitude. to succeed.
When talking to the public, a more Challenging
challenging tone, provoking an emotional We stand against
response will help our voice be heard intolerance, always.
and ensure our benefits are understood.
When speaking to members of the ‘If you have any questions,
movement, we can be less challenging please phone us’ instead of
(and more supportive) but still active, ‘If there are any points that
inclusive and confident. require explanation we shall
be glad to furnish additional
Visit the style guide for guidance on
details by telephone.’
how to translate our tone of voice
into print and digital experiences at Optimistic We create stronger
communities and inspire
positive futures.
38 Skills for Life 39
Scout brand guidelines Application
Our visual identity is bold, clean and
contemporary. It has greatest impact
when we use it confidently and with
simplicity. Here are some examples
of bold and effective usage.
Branded merchandise
is available from
40 Skills for Life 41
Application Application
Mr. A N Other
The Company
Regent Street
Layout of letters
Dear Sir/Madam
This text is representative of a particular style. It uses the same type sizes,
leading, settings and typographic detailing as actual copy. Simulation text
may be provided in any typeface, at whatever size and format is required.
Paragraphs may be long or short. Texts can be produced to complete any
area, as the copy is simply repeated using different starting points.
Yours sincerely,
Signatory’s Name
Signatory’s Title
The Scout Association
Gilwell Park
Name badge
London E4 7QW
Patron: HM The Queen. President: HRH The Duke of Kent. Founder: Robert Baden-Powell OM. Chief Scout: Lt Cdr (Hon) Bear Grylls RN /scoutsassociation
Registered Charity Numbers 306101 (England and Wales) and SC038437 (Scotland) Incorporated by Royal Charter. @UKScouting
Elizabeth Jones
Volunteering Officer
Business cards
The Scout Association
Gilwell Park
London E4 7QW
Patron: HM The Queen. President: HRH The Duke of Kent. Founder: Robert Baden-Powell OM. Chief Scout: Lt Cdr (Hon) Bear Grylls RN /scoutsassociation
Registered Charity Numbers 306101 (England and Wales) and SC038437 (Scotland) Incorporated by Royal Charter. @UKScouting
Compliment slip
Double-sided adult
Each week, we help over 450,000 young people
develop the skills to succeed in life. But this can Do more. recruitment flyer
only happen thanks to our brilliant volunteers.
Share more.
Be more.
Volunteering is easier than you think. Whether
you can spare an hour a month or a day a year,
we have hundreds of opportunities both
behind the scenes and directly supporting
young people. With full support and training,
you can volunteer on a flexible basis.
Single-sided flyer
#SkillsForLife #SkillsForLife with border and
low ink coverage
Copyright 2018 The Scout Association Registered Charity numbers 306101/SC038437
Give young people the skills they Give young people the skills they
need to succeed in life and discover need to succeed in life and discover
how being a part of the Scouting how being a part of the Scouting
family can be as rewarding for you family can be as rewarding for you
as it is for them. as it is for them.
#SkillsForLife #SkillsForLife
Copyright 2018 The Scout Association Registered Charity numbers 306101/SC038437 Copyright 2018 The Scout Association Registered Charity numbers 306101/SC038437 Copyright 2018 The Scout Association Registered Charity numbers 306101/SC038437
Single-sided adult
recruitment flyer Do more. Put your skills to use, learn new
ones, and contribute to an amazing Do more.
Learn more. Learn more.
life-experience for you and your
with border local community.
Single-sided adult Cymru #SkillsForLife N.I.
recruitment flyer
Copyright 2018 The Scout Association Registered Charity numbers 306101/SC038437 Copyright 2018 The Scout Association Registered Charity numbers 306101/SC038437
44 Skills for Life 45
Application Application
Word document
Do more.
Presentation title
Page heading
Share more.
Be more.
Be part of something amazing.
Put your skills to use and learn new
ones. Give young people the skills
they need to succeed in life and
A presentation by discover how being a part of the
Name Surname Scouting family can be as rewarding
for you as it is for them.
Date 2018 15
22 17
Brand centre
We want to make creating on-brand
Scout materials as easy as possible.
Our brand centre
contains a wide range of templates, tools
and resources to support communications
and recruitment, including:
– brand guidelines
– logo artwork
– local logo generator
–w eb to print templates
(including banners, posters,
flyers, certificates, stationery)
– social media templates Get in touch
– MS Office templates We’re always happy to help.
– photo library Contact us at
– videos [email protected]
Style guides
To ensure we’re consistent across the
Movement in the way we write and
present our communications, visit our The Scout Association’s trademarks
editorial and digital style guides at (including the fleur-de-lis and section logos) may be used by local
Scouting in the operation and
promotion of Scouting. However,
our trademarks may only be used
commercially under licence from
The Scout Association.